Minecraft but with Too Much TNT

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Minecraft but there are custom TNTs the magnet TNT to suck up your enemies Fortune TNT to get you the most diamonds ever and even an upside down TNT we work our way towards the black hole Destructor the biggest of them all to get our revenge on our Nemesis the evil Woodland Mansion ah another Fresh Start in a beautiful day next to Boom a mansion baby let's go check it out hello gentlemen have either of you seen any crazy TNT for me to try out how dare you I was your neighbor I will get revenge and I will make the craziest TNT to do so now what exactly can yes yes Anvil TNT the black hole TNT look at this mess a split this one actually looks much more inexpensive all right what the heck is a split Crystal I can get the gunpowder at least can I make a split cat no I can't how do I get that I thought split Catalyst slime split into two and they're green just like the uh it didn't give me anything well this was useless take number two on my quest to get the catalyst is the explosion going to work I just figured this might come on oh there's more slimes I got it I got it yes the split Catalyst let's make this TNT dude if I'm supposed to take on a mansion I sure as heck should be able to take on a village oh times four uh-oh oh I have an idea what this does let's make a button let's try this bad I should run I should run I should run okay 3 2 1 oh it breaks into pieces yeah oh gosh it keeps going it keeps going how long how many times does it do that oh my word all right that's dangerous I like this let's go mining hello gentlemen would you like some explosions oh my word here we go look at all of them holy cow get back hey get back in the TNT area okay go oh my gosh here we go here we go oh none of them died all right this is not good this is it demolished the entire thing I love this TNT dude oh uh bats you might want to run away from this I'm trying to do some mining with the TNT dog yeah you got the right idea run boys no you dumb no fly oh he's he's done for I might be done for oh my gosh oh wow yeah that that was quite quite an explosion what what is this dude I'm going to die straight up what is this uh a seismic Crystal did that come from the bat uh I got to get out of here I'm going to die hey hey guys check this out what better place to check out a new TNT than inside a little amethyst cave ouch it's so beautiful don't get mad at me my judgment is clogged by my need for Revenge ooh to make the seismic TNT I need Stone while we wait for it to smelt listen to the Beautiful music I shall sing along yeah oh finally and boom wa this looks sick look at this guy seismic TNT all right let's give it a shot oh my what what is going on what whoa oh what is what is that ow ow ow ow did it spawn things demons no not demons special inversion crystals okay we got an inversion Catalyst and to make an inversion TNT we need four ender pearls so I got to get hunted for some tall endies and I see one right over there oh shoot oh gosh where is he where oh there he is hi buddy give me pearls man where'd you get a piece of dirt from in the middle of a battle got him no pearl well this place looks good as any place to test out some brand new crazy TNT oh uh never mind inversion TNT Acquired and let's see how much damage this guy does oh the TNT is upside down that's cool I should run what does this do oh dude that's amazing holy cow it just flipped the entire world upside down I mean it's called the inversion TNT that makes sense that looks awesome I like even the ground swapped let's try a tree shall we that actually worked no way I'm getting a little hungry M delicious look it's little fox hey little buddy what are you doing do you want to get inverted you're very cute I'd like to rub you on your belly and to do that I have to invert you come here come eat some food stay right there we're getting inverted together dog we're doing it together oh oh it worked oh my goodness dude look at the trees look at this little guy hi wait you have something for me hey come back here you got a crystal I need that Crystal man I got to get myself all the way up to the dark crazy black hole TNT to destroy the mansion and can't do that if my fox run off with my pearls whatever they're called Enchanted crystals I think I found them sh hey buddy you want some food go no please don't run please I'll kill you for it I won't do it I'm I'm weak please trade me for a piece of bread so I can destroy my greatest Nemesis please where did you go okay I I have one trapped please eat the food eat the bread look at it look at sniff it you look so cute dude you look so Derpy please eat the food I'll back away I'll back away there we go it's not gluten-free you're welcome for the belly ache oh I dropped him I he dropped it he dropped it yes I scared him to death wa check this out Fortune Catalyst ah this seems like a great new TNT thanks for nothing buddy you're welcome for the food Fortune Catalyst what thing do you make my friend of course the fortune TNT hey lapis easy let's get it aha I was fortunate to find it so quickly 12 let's make this bad boy if this does what I think it does I might just need to find a vein of TNT I mean I mean a vein of diamonds no no way I didn't even see these earlier they're literally right there I'm an evil person I'm blocking over lava with amethyst dude we got a lot of diamonds okay let's try out our Fortune TNT I hope this works like I think it does I'm going to be real mad if this doesn't multiply my ores and it just destroys all my diamonds oh come on yes okay okay something happened I got 18 diamonds yes oh that worked exactly like I wanted it to work Kaboom no oh no I got one I can't one Diamond no oh the sound of so my heart is melted let's try this again shall we oh I put the wrong TNT down I put the wrong TNT down no I got my stuff back and we're trying this one more time Kaboom yes wooo that's a lot of diamonds how many 29 diamonds yes please aha oh what is that what what did it say amethyst no Anvil Anvil Catalyst ooh what the heck is this recipe four anvils all right be right back at long last the Anvil TNT yes let's see what this monstrosity does oh look at listen to the sound that's so sick hello um okay I might have needed to be on the surface let's try this one more time shall we uh-oh oh get out of the way buddy uh oh oh my my gosh okay okay Dodge him Dodge him look at this mess oh no I think we made it out alive yes uh polar bear did you make it uh-oh I don't think he made it but check this out he did drop a icy Catalyst I feel really bad a little bit kind of not really M excit to try out the icy TNT okay the IC TNT needs diamonds I have a six yes and snow blocks all right I can do that hello ugly man goodbye shovel and snow all I do all day is shovel snow and four snow blocks that should do it boom icy crystals I mean Icy TNT it matches my outfit look at me oh I am stylish it's an icy TNT so let's launch this right down the desert floor and let's see what happens I see um activate oh oh that's pretty cool oh even the water turns kind of icy I don't know how useful it is but uh it's very pretty see makes Christmas but only a little bit of it ooh I see an Enderman in the wild let's see if he likes getting Frozen there buddy uh let's see what happens yoink hey oh it froze him hey buddy how you feeling in there feeling pretty chilly don't worry little guy I'll uh get you out of there there you go I'll put you out of your misery perfect yes oh my luck is amazing today void Crystal yes what do I need for the void Crystal I need ah obsidian I got none of that hold on 9 hours later let's try this again shall we we've got avoid TNT yes I got to run away fast to avoid death oh those sounds so cool dude Listen Listen Listen whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the I'm getting damaged it keeps going oh buddy are you all right what is happening oh it just keeps going look at it a that that's amazing that's a deep hole boys be careful don't want to fall inside come on you definitely don't want to fall inside of that how far can you can you survive oh gosh here it goes he died uh buddy you okay down there I wonder if you drop something please give me another Crystal I don't see anything down there ouch oh I see the iron I see something else I see something else oh I got to be careful what is that yes yes yes yes oh look at that thing it is awesome it is so shiny what are what are you a magnetic Catalyst yes please ah how do I get out of here magnetic this is going to be oh magnetic TNT oh easy magnetic TNT and iron ingots well I can do that dude that's a such a cheap recipe oh I get it iron like iron's magnetic I see you okay magnetic TNT it is let's rock careful gentlemen it's magnetic wa wao they all just exploded on each other that was awesome let's do it with that actual scary mobs all right I got a little bit of hoard of zombies and skeletons let's see what happens here oh oh oh don't pull me towards it and yes that looks awesome hey how how come you didn't get magnetized hey what are your B bones not made of metal or what here we go all right we got a we got a couple of mobs in go boys yeah oh oh that's looking good is this the what's an antimatter Catalyst come on we're so so close give me that black hole Catalyst although the antimatter TNT sounds so sick I'm sorry gentlemen I've got a permit to blow this place up you guys got to go and here we are the antimatter TNT what are you looking at me what are you looking at me for what it doesn't even matter get it I have a sneaking suspicion that whenever I like this it's going to be quite an explosion H how far do I need to go I don't even know antimatter I don't even oh no oh I should have run I should have run further oh should have seen that coming oh wow okay yeah this uh this made quite a hole in the ground um there was a village here you could even see the food drop from there once was a beautiful Farm here now it is just Rubble what have I done I've become the enemy dude even the fish died at least I got my stuff back oh my word ah just a totally normal V okay hm well I was really hoping I'd find the Black black hole Catalyst in here but I got a whole lot of nothing to make a black hole TNT I got to have an Omega crystal and a bunch of diamonds goodness gracious I got to go get those and Omega Crystal what am I supposed to do with that how do I get that I'll think on it but in the meantime let's get some diamonds with our Fortune TNT and this should just about do it I don't know if it's one diamond or many but we'll find out yeah how many do I get ah seven come on dog I need like 70 I'm hoping this does it for us yeah get him before the diamonds die in lava and 20 diamonds woo that's a lot of diamonds how many is that that is 49 diamonds all right we got it let's get this black hole TNT I've got a little bit of a nuts idea I need the Omega Crystal and so I'm just going to sacrifice all my TNT because I don't know I have no other ideas on what to do with this so I'm tossing every TNT to make the OM GA TNT that's my idea don't judge me if it doesn't work all right here we go this is the antimatter TNT so I got to run really far is that going to be far enough I don't know I died last time oh my goodness I went back and I just got my diamonds and ender pearls cuz that is all I need please tell me it's down here somewhere Omega Crystal I see it I see it that's got to be it right right yes Omega Crystal we've done it boys I think please let me craft the black hole I think I have enough oh I need to make these yes oh I have plenty this should do it you saw nothing yes the black hole TNT oh success all right all right Mansion you're going down I just got to make a button real quick I will finally be getting my revenge you're going down for what you did to me black hole TNT get out of here go go go go go go go go go it's going to be huge run uh I can't go any further blow up wa oh oh my oh my I'm going to die I'm going to die get in the water that doesn't help me oh it's it's it's still going it's still going dude oh my word it's a black hole throwing out TNT holy cow the Mansion is just going to be gone look that Witch is floating in the air what is happening is it done Noe nope it's still going look at it go oh oh I I have levitation okay I'm just floating in the air I can just watch the bombardment ha take that you dumb libraries take that you witches and you uh uh it looks like everybody's dead um I'll take that dude this is insane oh my gosh dude well I'd say my job here is done uh uh-oh Minecraft but there's op TNT the arrow TNT chicken TNT diamond and even Lucky Block TNT all leading up to the elusive most destructive TNT of them all but all this new TNT has attracted some dangerous new creepers too and supposedly they have a surprise waiting for me in the end can I use these TNTs to beat the game killing a dragon with an explosion now that's my kind of video now what kind of te are we talking about cuz last time we had some pretty oh my goodness I was not expecting that the dragon apocalypse Arrow TNTs Diamond TNTs which one can I actually do oh this one I can do wood catalus gotten from mining trees who calls it mining trees clearly we're boxing them round one fight Ko No Catalyst yet don't make me get your father I got him I got the wood Catalyst oh I'm getting ton of these little wood C cataly things I guess I can make a lot of these and I'll take a couple saplings yes thank you wow all right we got everything we need let's make our tree and tea look at him oh he's cool looking I got a little Bonsai Boop let's do this shall we light him and run what will happen Oh my he shoots out he shoots out trees oh that's wonderful I love it there we got some basic tools from that and uh what other TNT can we make a ye TNT oh throws all nearby enemies high in the air yes please I need a Golem Catalyst though it says gotten from killing iron golems with the tree TNT oh don't mind if I do but first snack time and if you're not subscribed it's a poison apple how dare you I am off to find oh my word is that an apple creeper here you go little buddy you want to be friends okay not an apple creeper not an apple creeper are you a flame creeper oh my gosh Back Sir excuse me what what do you drop if I kill you oh okay you just dropped fire that's the worst drop I've ever had jackpot aha hello buddy good morning it's like Mr Beast team trees except I'm Mr Beast in the bad way go break him trees destroy him I'm environmental did he drop anything uh I don't think he did the trees may have exploded the Catalyst let's try this again go go go get him get him oh that did it that did it that did it we got it yeah what is this thing the Golem Catalyst well that does make sense I feel very guilty uh-oh uh buddy I got I got some bad news for you your friend has become my dinner now to make this TNT I got to get some iron okay why a field trip where are your parents guys what is this the80s you don't get the joke ask your parents ha I found a cave there we go 19 iron that should do it I still need one more piece of iron so we're do it the oldfashioned way you know how it goes careful ow uh yep we got iron yeah ooh a free bow I'll take that that should be enough iron and we have everything we need to make our Yeet TNT when that finishes but I noticed the chicken TNT which is next up we need a chicken Catalyst and to do that you got to yeat a chicken and then shoot it with an arrow now doesn't that sound just delightful yep we can make it the ye TNT oh look at it it's got a little Yeet on it ye feathers acquired gravel obtained arrows unlocked W what is this all right boys I found some chickens let's get to eating oh man is this going to work wao there it goes yeah yeah I only have a couple arrows yeah did I get him oh I got him oh you dropped the Catalyst yeah H you can stay alive I only need one yeah you thought I'd spare you not today all right we got ourselves our chicken Catalyst I like the little chickens on it I'm a marksman man you see that 360 no scope oh brilliant I have a question I I probably shouldn't ask can I also be yeed ready for this yeah I don't know if I can make it ah I'm going to try nope nope we're just going to pretend like I clutched that all right everybody comment wow clutched was awesome crafty good job okay now how do you make this chicken TNT oh we can already make it we got plenty of raw chicken ew where am I get a TNT at A raw chicken dude shoots homing exploding chickens at mobs oh yeah I cannot wait can we just appreciate this TNT oh that's so cool now how do I use this to get our next TNT cuz it looks like we have to keep getting upgrades we've got the arot TNT the skeleton Catalyst we get that from using chicken TNT on skeletons okay no problem looks like we got to get ourselves some skeletons my boy and with the power of editing it's it's night time I went ahead and grabbed my iron from the village so now I'm decked out with some iron armor oh here we go here we go I got to do this fast oh shoot yes yes yes do that no ah light it run did you did you blow up my TNT you jerk you blow up my TNT no no no no chicken attack chicken attack oh my oh my goodness it just launches the chickens this is the crazy I love this TN they're straight up homing missiles man a bummer dude we didn't get the Catalyst well let's try this again shall we yeah light it light it GES there it goes oh beautiful watch where you Catalyst skeleton Catalyst nice I need these ender pearls for my next TNT so figure might as well while I'm here thank you sir who I've got another one's still mad at me let's make our Arrow TNT yeah oh cool man oh are you made of Bedrock my good man what is this thing oh my goodness might as well use this guy on him go boys oh ow ow ow hey hey it's like jump rope hey what the what what did he just do did did he turn himself into dirt uh okay I still haven't figured out exactly uh what I need to do with these guys W maybe that's where all the TNT came from well it looks like the next one up is the wide TNT and I do that from killing 10 Mobs with the arrow TNT so uh I think I can do that okay this is where I'm setting my trap oh scary monsters come get me if you dare all right the Trap has been set and let's see if I can get these guys exploding oh man oh another one of those creepers okay careful of him what in all I have something to share or something amazing okay ready set go get him boys don't don't kill me come here come on come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes is that going to do it a I might not have killed enough mobs dude this is so challenging all right I'm going to try it again I'm going to try it again I'm hoping it doesn't have to be all in one sitting does this count does this count I see it I see it I see something wide over there looking like a big wide boy yes oh we're getting very close to our big boy the dragon TNT we still have our chicken here from earlier go chickens that'll that'll never get old this is called the wide TNT big wide tunnel boy all right well let's make it this is so ridiculous you guys what is this what what is this oh oh my oh my gosh I feel like I'm just going to knock into things walking around here o sorry o sorry excuse me all right well let's try let's get into a cave this feels like a nice little spot so let's put our TNT down oh my goodness I am not sure how to use this thing let's light him and then I I don't know where I'm supposed to run I guess over here oh oh oh my oh my goodness oh I think I broke the game oh where did all the Cobblestone go wow all right yeah this makes a serious tunnel we have 15 more of these let's get some diamonds with this oh my gosh can we get lucky here uh no we're at Diamond level let's see what happens and boom Oh my goodness dude okay I got to get over here before everything gets burned to death oh my gosh keep your eyes peeled for diamonds gentlemen oh there's diamonds we got it we got some I love this TNT this is so cool dude I was looking at the next TNT which is the diamond TNT and we need a diamond Catalyst we get one of those from using a wi TNT on diamond ore so we got diamonds but we might have to use it actually next to diamonds so that's our next next goal is to get ourselves the diamond TNT and then we're so close to this Dragon apocalypse oh I'm stoked okay found some diamonds not a lot but we'll take it so the diamonds are touching the TNT and I'm hoping this is what we need to get ourselves the next TNT and boom yep that worked that worked we got the Catalyst yes oh my gosh fun challenge how many times did I say TNT in this video we got the diamond Catalyst the only thing is we need a ton of resources to make this so let's keep on wide TNT it up kblo woo that's more diamonds I like thata more yes yes yes four this is so cool I need a bunch of gold and a bunch of diamonds so this is going to be useful and more oh my word and we got some gold over here too why are we finding way more diamonds than gold wo how many diamonds do I have I have 53 diamonds yeah I'm rich but boys oh oh no no I'm not that rich we need two diamond blocks two gold and that should be all we need yes I've got it the diamond TNT it explodes turning nearby blocks and mobs into diamonds but we can't not use this thing and there's some mobs right over there you guys want to be made a diamond real quick that'd be awesome go go go go go go go go go come on wa yeah I didn't think you would actually oh my God is this real diamond can I actually mine this no I can't are you serious I can ow ow ow wow you did a lot of damage Diamond zombie that's amazing look and he drops diamonds I like this a lot this is my new favorite TNT and I'm turning you into diamonds no no no no boom oh oh he just died baby zombies baby zombies golden baby zombies this is so cool needless to say we're making ourselves some armor upgrades ow how do I look oh I still got a sword ew iron gross I don't have any sticks so now I don't have a sword oh well the next one is the time TNT temporarily freezes all nearby mobs but to get our temporal Catalyst I've got to kill a diamond Enderman yep a diamond Enderman all right okay I I I've got one here got to light him up yes yes don't move don't no don't go too far please please please no are you serious oh he escaped just narrowly now stay right here dude I got a secret present for you it's uh it's that you're a diamond now oh he looks so cool look at him I mean don't actually look at him he's an Enderman but look at how cool this is get mad get mad get mad that's it that's it oh he's beautiful and intimidating I forgot I don't have I don't have a sword yeah this will take a while come on I just want you to Diamonds boom yeah we got we got diamonds and we've got our temporal Catalyst it's time to freeze time these TNTs just keep getting cooler and cooler I think we're only one more CRA oh my goodness what is that oh my I don't oh man they're everywhere okay okay okay I think we're only one more uh uh TNT away from the big dragon one but oh my gosh guys I don't have a I don't have a sword to kill you with do I light you ha wao oh my gosh it turned into a phantom yep yep you can you can die there I'm going to go away I hope we don't have to deal with him again all right let's make this time bomb shall we oh uh clocks this may Mark the first time I have ever made a clock in my entire life most of the time when I want to see what time it is I just stare up straight at the sun yeah it's like 145 that should give us what we need and I think we need a couple of diamonds if I'm not in correct and now our time TNT is ours boom it's time we light this bad boy off shall we temporarily freezes all nearby mobs oh yes please oh a creeper a creeper okay okay oh oh oh did it work did it work uh hey buddy I think it did oh this feels so weird to stand this close to a creeper you doing okay there man what's the most insulting thing to kill somebody with a feather yeah I think so does that tick a little buddy we're friends yes oh okay okay I guess the time bomb has a time limit now to find out what we got to use our time TNT on we got to check this guy it says gotten from using the time TNT on piglin brutes oh man it might be time for the nether make a portal fail miserably H make a diamond pickaxe Instead try to mine an obsidian keeps falling in lava die give up and go back to using water and now you're in the nether okay my friends we are at the Bastion and I need that gold I don't know yet if I want to go inside to gather all those extra resources but I know for sure I can get that gold pretty easily oh and they see me all right if you stay right there buddy and then I launched my time TNT freeze our friends don't explode me please yes yes are they frozen are they frozen yes they're frozen okay grab two of these and I got to I got to kill this guy yes to get her lucky Crystal might as well kill him before they unfreeze okay okay we can do this we can do this okay careful careful careful and uh I have have an idea for this next part we're going to drop down our chicken TNT and we're running that should take out most of the bad guys hopefully we're making our way down to the bottom yes it's working it's working it's working I'm doing another one of those keep making our way down I've got to grab two more of those we got this guys now most of the bad guys are over on that side you can mine down like this oh I hear bad guys around here somewhere keep your eyes peeled oh there's guys right there time TNT do your thing dude yes yes okay he's Frozen I'm stuck in a hole Okay Okay jump on this oh no no no no no time TNT freeze him please ah get back get back come on hey hey back back back they're frozen they're frozen oh yes their offspring are Frozen let me grab this ohoh they're about to be unfrozen go go go go go go block up with diamond got block up with gold I don't care no thank you you can keep your girl scout cookies thank you very much before we go and get our blaze rods to get to the end we can actually make our lucky TNT now cuz we got our lucky Catalyst earlier so it causes different random effects apparently and I have to try it I love myself some lucky blocks I mean who doesn't lucky TNT let's do it oh listen to it okay stand back I don't actually know what this does styling wa what did they just what did they just give me a lucky chest plate good or bad I don't know h i mean it it looks cool oh I got luck 10 what is luck 10 I don't know what that is but I'm going to wear it anyways I hope the luck is worth it cuz it's worse than a diamond chest plate is oh oh a a dragon Catalyst and I got blaze rods oh that's perfect yes Dragon Catalyst that's it that's that's what we needed and we got 10 blaze rods okay well well I guess we're not going to a fortress that's excellent but I want to see if we can test our luck a little more before we make our Dragon one hey buddy you might want to step back on this one 1 2 3 4 oh gosh boom what the wa what happened what happened uh oh look at me I got so much so many Buffs we got a TNT setion uh-oh boom oh ohoh oh no no no no no come on man no why there's two of them too why I should I should have known I I've got my lucky chest plate on please don't kill me H well um that was something why why is there a cow here that should be everything I need to make the dragon TNT but first let's get some ender pearls also my gold chest plate gives luck 10 so I'm hoping that it has to do with the ender pearls let's see if this works or not there you go here have all the gold oh there there we are there we are we got a we got a couple of Andy pearls thanks buddy now in the meantime I think we should be able to craft our Dragon yes we can yes the dragon apocalypse is mine oh my goodness look at it look at it it's got a dragon face on it can one shot the Ender Dragon but dot dot dot well that that's not ominous ah no no no no no no hey hey hey back off man oh my goodness the time TNT freeze right where you are D stop freeze yes oh my gosh I am grateful for the time TNT man all right you guys done trading up there all right 10 pearls that should do it I'm getting out of here let's kill this Dragon dude now that I think about it I probably could use a couple more ender pearls but uh we're just going to get to the end first and and then we'll figure it out I found it with only one I of vender gone I know that these chests do have ender pearls in them so wish me luck okay ooh chest please please please yes Ah that's one ender pearl it's not much but I'll take it hello are you here yes yes please please oh no wait wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do we do it yes oh my I was so afraid we weren't going to make it all right we did it let's go kill this thing okay anything we need to prep yeah all right we got a bow we got some arrows hello Mr Dragon I am here to destroy you this should be an easy fight I think it's just like a on hit kill huh now I only have one of these so I hope it works place the dragon T oh my goodness place the dragon TNT down let's just go ahead and light it what the heck the Creeper army Captain oh oh all right and we're getting attacked by Enderman yeah worst day ever back off dude stop I'll shoot chickens at you I'm not afraid to do it kill him go chickens go okay well the the TNT is not going off I think it's cuz this guy oh my gosh he's spawning those creepers in look at this ah why well it looks like before the TNT is going to go off ouch I've got to kill this Creeper Boss ow ow ow ow ow okay I might be able to use some of these chickens go go go all right that's done a little bit of damage to him yeah there we go yeah yeah okay don't explode don't explode don't explode or maybe I want him to explode this is what I get for messing with some special TNT man I get some special creepers that's what it meant when it said one kill the dragon butt apparently the butt was it summons a creeper demon that would have been a nice warning yeah oh my goodness there's so many Phantoms come on we got this chicken attack yes yes okay the chickens are taking out the Phantom that should do it that should do it he's W did I do it I killed him I killed him yes yes yes yes yes yes oh man that was supposed to be an easy battle oh well yeah go and kill me oh well that was certainly interesting Minecraft but there's even more custom TNT I'll be creating 10 new custom TNT tiny TNT to shrink down mobs even myself meteor TNTs to rain down explosion of meteors or even the extra tall TNT that has some crazy mining capabilities all 10 TNTs together create the hyper laser TNT which will help us take out the laser dragon can I use these TNTs to beat the game d what a beautiful day for explosions dude whenever we start off with a with a flint and steel you know this video is going to get nuts all right let's see what TNT we have to craft today what is this it's me dude anti-gravity TNT the hyper laser blast the in dragon with lasers goodness gracious the B TNT it explodes into angry bees I got to get a bee Catalyst oh no I get it from killing bees I feel really bad about this oh look at them they're all just sniffing a flower I can't I can't do this all right I'm just going to close my eyes and swing oh gosh I'm so sorry ow oh go oh they're all very angry I mean I get it I get it you guys are basically the comments right now I'm I'm sorry please give me the Catalyst oh please I'm going to oh I got it I got it I got it okay never again you can kill me buddy I don't mind the Revenge I'm so sorry I killed all your friends please oh what why why did you die I deserve this all right let's make this B TNT and there we go we can make it the B TNT hey yo piggy I got some bad news for you buddy this is so cool oh oh oh my word not the be the goodness are you friends with me okay good okay oh that's going to be very useful kblo get him boys what what is this I barely saw that a tiny Catalyst gotone from using the btnt on chickens well that was nice I got to get like a microscope to even see this thing can I make a tiny TNT I can it explodes and shrinks entities look how small that thing is I need feathers and puppies grab a couple of these bad boys and now we make the tiny TNT look how small it is it's so cute I was looking through the TNTs apparently I get the squished Catalyst from killing tiny Golems so I got to find a village oh that that was easy oh looks like this guy already got tiny oh wait no he's just a child oh I didn't mean to do that okay are we cool don't worry Golem this will only hurt you a a lot more than me oh here it goes here it goes oh step away I don't want to get shrunken shrink him who he I didn't know he was going to be that tiny look at how small he is do you still do a lot of damage step on him oh my gosh look at him walk okay he might still do a lot of damage to me okay be careful be careful he's tiny but he still got some big muscles he's like why got him yes we've got our squished Catalyst can I shrink villagers hello villager friends would you like to be small oh my oh my goodness hey guys do you still give trades oh I didn't mean to do that c can you guys get even smaller oh they all died from Fall damage oh uh that's that's on me dude that's my bad I can use a little more iron turn into a little guy please yoink uh-oh oh no now I'm tiny oh no can I oh my jumps are so small Iron Golem This Means War I'll die from Fall damage if I fall down there and it's night time what am I supposed to do now ah one of us will be the king of small town and it will be me ow ow can I shoot bees come on come on place it down yes attack bee yes oh gosh run away run away run away run away it's going to explode it's going to explode a oh am I normal size again oh thank goodness who's small now little guy give me your iron W that's a big zombie I got eight iron in total from that the next TNT is the squish TNT which we can actually make now yeah squish TNT acquired it's so flat before I leave the village I will need emeralds later and I know just the way to get it hello little buddy I got a lot of very big wheat for you yoink thanks man I wonder if I could shrink the Dragon that's a that's a conversation for later oh my goodness according to the Clone TNT I have to flatten a bunch of mobs including myself I guess we're about to go on a flattening spree I need a cow creeper villager and zombie I feel bad flattening the little guys they've been through enough already today are there any that I didn't make tiny oh no aha aive villager I got you buddy all right stand right here I'm your new friend okay I got I got to run I got to run it's going to flatten him apparently flatten oh there it is oh did he just pop out yep yep I've got a flat villager I've picked them up one down two two to go four to go I heard a cow oh there you are hi cow what happens if I flatten a a shrunken cow yeah booom yep thank you very much oh goodness this is so silly two down hi buddy boys flatten them flatten them no no no get back get back over there flatten them no you exploded ah well at least I got the zombie the creeper might be a little more difficult I've got to get four diamonds for the next TNT so might as well make some upgrades while we get this creeper flattened you know doubt I'm wondering what could be flattened the Subscribe button try for yourself let me know in the comments if it flattens itself ah a cpor would you like to be flattened my boy oh yeah come on flatten them oh careful I don't would to be flattened flatten them come on yes we've done it no no no don't fall in the lava I've got it he's beautiful and now we just need diamonds and uh I got to I got to flatten myself but I I don't want to talk about it w ouch 22 iron is that enough for full iron uh almost but I've got some left over to make myself an iron pick and now it's Diamond time aha hello Diamond boy oh perfect is that is that four 1 2 three give me one more give me one more ah you tease aha diamonds I've got you all right let's get to the surface it's time my friends to squish myself don't quote me on that yep making a bed all right I wanted to make a bed just in case being squished kills me that way I just respond real close all right here we go look look I'm squished um ah ouch what just happened there it is my Catalyst yes look I got the Clone Catalyst and it's a pretty handsome Catalyst if you ask me that should be everything we need to make our clone TNT yeah it looks so cool it looks like I just won a prize for having the best TNT I'd like to thank my ow stop Pok him me in the eye wo it's a statue for 1 million subscribers did you know that every subscriber gets one of these at their door that's a lie clone TNT go clone all the Sheep yeah oh oh my gosh they're crafty clones oh and a bunch of and a bunch of sheep too are we friends are we best ow a golden crafty too that's a rare one evil crafty clones take this you big jerk yeah what what is this oh I've got a bunch of Diamonds oh sick and I've got a meteor Catalyst well I mean I might as well clone myself more right more of me yes hello Piggies oh sorry buddy sorry sorry clone my boys yes oh gosh yep yep there's some more crafties is that how I look all the time give me yes diamonds and gold ah yeah heck yeah man we got 12 diamonds I knew my diamond skin would come in handy at some point ah snap check me out looking good okay what was this meteor TNT wo it rains meteors I need ender pearls and some Redstone and I've got an interesting way to get the pearls I love how I stab myself in the eye when I run with this thing I need some friends of yours if you don't mind get them wa did they clone I think so oh oh and I got a golden crafty back off I'm trying to clone some Enderman ooh okay then clone you guys again yes ow hey hello if I get a mad at me and then I no they're breaking apart my structure guys guys back off yes uh-oh uh-oh oh this is bad oh I did not think this through I did not think this through oh no no no no no no no no come on I made it underneath okay okay okay now I got to watch out for the crafties hey not cool crafty we talked about this last night all right okay stop breaking my structure guys ouch okay my structure is not the strongest let's try try this again shall we come here there we go there we go there we go clone clone him yes if I can just keep cloning and killing them I should get infinite ender pearls yeah I am a genius yeah and let's grab some of this red stone ouch the meteor TNT is m I am nervous about this thing let's use this on some dangerous mobs excuse me I'm trying to do a transition dangerous mobs oh oh and we got a battle meteorite go I assume I've got to get out of here oh that wasn't a little explosion oh that was just a creeper oh my goodness the meteorite destruction it destroys everything there's fire no that's a blaze rod oh yes that blaze rods came from the sky is the nether in space but that's just a theory well this will make get to the end very nice and convenient who needs the nether my next mission is a bit of a strange one to make the tall TNT oh my gosh look at this thing I've got to use a meteor TNT on an Enderman let's do it that's a little bit of a side quest but I kind of want to see just what a shrunken creeper looks like a oh well that was a mistake what am I supposed to do ah we're friends be careful dude I got a lot of TNT around me get him Greg Greg is a weird dog name hey careful buddy careful your dog your tail is real low Enderman come here go go go go get him get him get him Greg please yes I see it I see it I see it tall boy at least we know where where my stuff is wa I definitely see our tall boy yeah tall Catalyst we got him looks like a lightsaber who killed Greg moment of silence for a boy Greg moment of silences don't last very long in these videos oh my gosh quit we will never forget you Greg his sacrifice did mean that we should be able to make our tall TNT oh I've just got grass not Tall Grass uh picky picky it was Tall Grass to me okay tall TNT has been acquired I like it we're not going to waste no time we're going to light this bad boy I have no idea what it does oh well that was kind of boring oh oh my wow it just made a whole Ravine and it mined all of the items inside of it holy cow let's do it again what happens if I use it on some mobs boom Oh it's a tall sheep oh this is cursed what it it doesn't do any damage right can I can I use this on myself make me 6' one yeah oh my gosh okay yep I'm a tall boy holy cow I'm so skinny I'm tall blue and handsome as ever well this is uh certainly something as much as I love being a tall boy it's time to get back to normal ah feels good to be short again the next one I can get is the anti-gravity TNT I've got to get the Catalyst from killing a tall Phantom and I need some Phantom membranes this is going to get real weird I might also have to wait a couple of days ah yes very cozy what the heck H H how how did you hurt me back off all right well this cozy house is going to have a basement now 3 days later I legit waited 3 days is it night time yet I've got to get a phantom to spawn and then also hit him with a tall TNT this will not be an easy task the next up after that we've got the totem TNT it makes people Invincible for 10 seconds night time is approaching we must get ourselves ready nice looking good I'm grateful for my clones man some tool upgrades as well all right Phantoms I'm ready for you oh there they are yeah come after me I dare you I dare you can I get them just like this light it light it come on get him get him please one shot no they're too far away ah shoot Li it I'm going to get real close to him okay okay he's coming he's coming get him yes I think I got him oh my gosh the toall spider oh no oh ah the creeper killed the tall spider look at this Phantom he's horrifying where is your hit box bro okay I hit him once come on come on you think you can stop me come on yes we got him we got him did we get it yes the anti-gravity Catalyst well now I still got to get a couple these Phantoms cuz I got to get some of them membranes yeah yeah yeah oh goodness gracious all right that's it I'm bringing the bees out woo go bees did I forget to light it gosh dang it wo there they go get them Beast yeah they didn't do much damage at all there's so many people after me right now I got some membranes I need a few more of those why is there an entire Army of spiders a there's a skeleton jockey I'm going to die that's it that's it that's it outer space attack yeah okay okay that's doing some damage oh my goodness can you guys back off a little bit oh come on this is it I can't even run anymore ouch half a heart well okay uh-huh give me that Arrow now you can't mess with me I got arrows well uh the arrows are gone come on give me some brains yeah oh my goodness that was so hard you know people have sore muscles after they were in a battle I legit have a cramp in my left finger finger I've got feathers and I've got dinner there it is we've got the anti-gravity TNT wow wo that's so rad deletes gravity for nearby entity that doesn't sound temporary that sounds forever I got to be careful with this and to get our totem TNT we've got to use this anti-gravity on pillagers and with a magic jump I find myself The Outpost ow yeah yeah back off I've got to use the anti-gravity TNT on pillagers so I'm going to put this right here light them up and then I'm running how far do I need to go I don't know whoa there they go little ballerinas do they not oh oh this guy's actually a ballerina I meant to say astronaut why did I say ballerina oh oh look at it look at it he's flying W I got it I got it yes I've got the totem wait how do I how do I get them down guys are they having a space battle right now yeah ow wait if I've already got the Catalyst let me quickly make yes I can make it the totem Catalyst oh sick man this should make me Invincible for about 10 seconds I believe don't kill me please boom Oh am I Invincible yes I'm Invincible yeah you can't touch me now boys I'm not Invincible for long oh gosh oh oh gosh oh now oh man this is getting crazy make me Invincible hurry yes yes I've got 10 seconds I could get away but I kind of want to steal all the other their stuff first totem launch it again oh there he is get out of here dude oh there's a bunch of them go yeah I've got another few seconds can I steal their stuff before I die ah your stuff is useless that's what your guarding carrots y I broke their prize possession oh that was a bad idea okay okay are we good are we good oh no we're not back off boys I'll make you tiny that's what you get now they're little tiny boys I'm out I'm out look at me I'm a cactus I've still got plenty of gold so I'm going to turn their prize carrots into golden carrots yum we're making a lot of progress by the way we've only got one more TNT our Bedrock boy I need diamonds which I have and also I have to survive a 100 block fall to bedrock and I think I know how to do this but first let's get ourselves to bedrock Bedrock ah shoot how do I get back up all right I guess I'll do one of these woo maybe not all right that should be 100 blocks so I'm going to put my totem TNT down light it and then I should be Invincible here we go 10 seconds am am I going going to make it am I going to make it did I make it I I think I I picked something up yeah we got it the Bedrock Catalyst oh man that was close I straight up I was ready to die there now we can make the Bedrock TNT yes we've got it boom wao and to make our final TNT oh my gosh we've got to get the laser Catalyst and I've got to do that from killing Bedrock mobs so I do might know what this Bedrock TNT does our first victim are Bedrock cows hello buddy would you like to have hard rock skin boom Oh I killed him oh it drops Bedrock are you crazy okay yeah Bedrock cow can I hit him I can all right I'm getting Bedrock no Catalyst yet uh Bedrock sheep I might need Mobs with a little higher ah I keep killing them I might need to find some scary mobs Bedrock creeper sounds horrifying get him wa it turns him into stone well technically turns him into Bedrock who oh oh shoot oh shoot I didn't mean to do that I'm so sorry guys guys guys I didn't mean to do that I got a whole pack of mobs after me Give me the give me the Catalyst dude I'm sorry bedrocks zombie ha oh and a creeper too come on no I do have a lot of Bedrock though pretty cool I made an unpenetrable base ha all right they can just go around okay boom yeah a we've got it I think we've got it the laser Catalyst yeah the laser catalyst is mine we can make our laser TNT look at this thing Man it blasts the Ender Dragon with lasers and now it's end time there we go we'll clone you guys a couple of times 12 pearls let's do this thing Adventure awaits we made it on a stormy and dark night we're here okay come on you're getting my boots all wet dude I hate getting wet socks I don't we're here and I've got a laser I'm not afraid to use it I will be honest so normally I trade piglins ah dead end to get ender pearls and from that I get the spectral arrows but this time I don't I don't even know if I have sing I don't have a single arrow man this is useless so I'm really hoping this hyper laser does all the damage for me cuz otherwise I'm a little bit screwed oh my word oh shoot nope I'm I'm out yes we've got it well shoot I need all 12 man now I got to go look for an Enderman or find a chest somewhere bear with me my friends come on come on no come on wo oh okay wow that was close oh yes please please dude please yes yes yes I've got all 12 oh now I got to find where this portal was again oh my gosh no no no no no no there's a witch no please I don't have enough food for this man no no no no no no okay okay are you serious my brother no don't do it don't do it back off I've got half a heart right now I'm not messing with you right now okay that should keep us safe at least 12 IE avender thank goodness and that will open up the portal the bad news is I only have one carrot and that's it I don't even think this is going to heal me up at all nope I've got half a heart and I've got no more food I've got to literally use rotten flesh to heal me up this is ridiculous oh that's a skeleton okay fine I'll make a quick trip to the surface fine but I'm not going to be happy about it food emergency please thank you my friends that'll do it okay that should give us what we need we've got the laser TNT and the totem so might as well I guess explode this before I go in I could have used this earlier but uh it's a little too dangerous let's get this all right wao laser dragon what no no wa he's amazing he shoots lasers okay well I mean his name is the laser dragon I should have expected that I feel like ouch come on man uh this totem is going to come in handy for me okay now what do I ow uh uh do I just go ahead and use this thing um laser attack ow oh oh we're fighting back yep yep yep we're shooting lasers right back but he might actually kill me I got to be careful okay we're doing damage to him ow stop stop stop please here's the problem though is it doing enough damage to kill him do I have to take out any of these crystals as long as I can stay alive for long enough I should be ble to kill him just go that's it go go go laser TNT another one ow ow okay okay okay we're fine invincibility oh yeah take that Dragon woo we've done it once again thanks for helping our Channel explode by the way the growth has been awesome Minecraft but there's crazy TNT I will craft the most ridiculous TNT like the chunk eater TNT and the Villager TNT and use it to destroy the ender dragon did somebody say explosions yes please let's see what we've got to craft today remote TNTs I what the chunk eater so this must be all the TNTs we can craft today they even have little animations that's so sick well you know what let's start here at the grass TNT this plants crops and produces food which would be great I need to get a grass Catalyst yeah oh well that was was easy well we got the grass Catalyst I'll need a couple of seeds and a couple of dirt there we go the grass TNT is ours if we're going to make some progress to kill the dragon First Step first get myself some grub w wow that's cool I like that who needs planting boring crops when you can explode them instead a farmer's job would be much less boring if this is how they planted crops yeah go what the heck just happened I I turn I turned myself into grass my mom could say it could be anything I wanted to in life so I became a bush it's so itchy dude the interesting so to make the cow TNT I've got to get a cow Catalyst dropped by a grassy cow so it looks like one TNT leads to another and I can't get over this face anybody want to be grassy oh maybe that Village has some cows I see one hello cow buddies oh no there we go are they grassy yay grassy cows how cute now you die y oh we've got it now that should give us what we need for the cow TNT apparently it turns mobs into cows I like our little flat cow on top whoa right oh man call me a drama Channel cuz we got beef for days I just noticed I'm a cow now I'm just like you uh don't milk me though we've been that we've been down this road sorry my uh neighbors think I'm crazy okay to get the Villager TNT next I've got to kill a cow villager which I'm not sure how the villagers are going to look but let's try it shall we and my goodness guys oh that's actually so horrifying that's legit creepy I'm not one to talk I'm also a cow and I'm naked so sorry dude I kind of got to kill you right now oh there we go we got the Villager Catalyst right that's normal stuff um what have you done to Gerald I'm sorry guys I'm not that sorry I need some emeralds and some iron so we're going to do some uh quick pillaging here aha oh no it's Gerald oh God the the love of humanity also who keeps just raw beef in a in a chest you got to refrigerate that bad boy man yeah hey man do you mind if I trade you real quick I beg your pardon expensive trades uh I mean I did turn you into a cow all right uh out here planting like normal what you don't have the TNT Gardener 5,000 Megatron of death okay I get the emeralds please thank you buddy and then I need to make some friends with a Golem real quick hey there we go and that should give us what we need to make the Villager TNT it rains emeralds and iron golems oh my okay when they said make it rain this is not exactly what I had in mind but sure why not look at that oh oh my hey guys thanks for the emerald well I mean we've got free Iron I guess yeah I thought they would be one hit kills I thought they'd be one hit kills oh no don't mess with me I created you out of the sky you deserve to give me iron please hey I got whatever Catalyst this is what is this one the drill Catalyst ooh this will be a helpful mining bonus I bet hey buddy catch ouch did he he squashed me he squished me another mile hike okay no more of that what do I need for my drill TNT here we got the catalyst so I just need iron pickaxes and coal no problem this will help me mine like crazy do you mind if I steal from your body oh yeah yeah I'm just going to go mining I'm just going to go mining I'm going to get some IR in the oldfashioned way because uh they never hit me back yeah what are you going to do about it huh Revenge will be all mine mine that's ironic grab some coal and grab grab some iron there we go I'll make some of you that should do it we've got our drill TNT W open up I am your dentist okay well let's try this bad boy out put our little guy here oh there it is and now let's light up there he goes look at him go if this is just a drill TNT ow what happens with the chunk eater this is going to get wild and then put all of the resources in a nice little Clump thank you that was so sick that was a go little guy watch this go boys yeah oh my gosh they're like strip mining for me right now I assume I can take these guys all the way down to bedrock and basically just get infinite diamonds just like this yeah how awesome is that I've got all the iron I could possibly need I assume I like this TNT D what the heck there's a slime in this chunk wo he's fast gab bro go away I'll turn you into a cow man I'm Not Afraid take this boom oh gosh I bet their meat is real slimy yo let's take these puppies down to Diamond level all right little buddy let's find some diamonds shall we go hey that was that easy I can't even mine it uh-oh I don't even have a normal iron pick are there any diamonds in this in this pile y we got some free diamonds give me give me give me H oh more diamonds okay lesson learn burned exploding drilling TNT is dangerous who would who would have thought did I just drill into a dungeon what the heck I'll turn you into cows back off a no cow zombies oh cow zombies okay I was not I'm not ready for this um no thank you I thought oh they even mooing everything no no thank you okay my life is hard uh are you guys still here ah okay it's just normal cows we're good we're going to make ourselves a diamond pickaxe here skip iron complete completely yes please and we'll make some armor we'll go ahead and get a weapon upgrade as well now let's take on this dungeon ooh what up dungeon here we go hello boys get out get out of here uh break break break this there we go oh man there's a lot of them stop no bad little ones got them let's see what we got wow that's dog trash I guess I can make a bow out of this we'll take that oo Diamond horse armor the next TNT we can make is called an amethyst TNT seems dangerous I've got to get this amethyst Catalyst dropped from an amethyst mind with the drill TNT it's time to get drilling ah you might not want to stand on that buddy boy yoink go I'm looking for a big purple thing it's got a bunch of cool sounds oh gosh come on and they JS around here you're not the wa all right this is a lot of diamonds I don't mind that was just very generous of you what are you looking at you big fat monster no goodness okay that took care of most of them we got some free diamonds ah I love it thanks dude Do Your Dirty Work no I got it yes we found it oh yeah does this give me what I'm looking for there it is the Catalyst we got it NOP NOP there it is the amethyst catalyst is mine grab a couple of you how do you spell amethyst there it is the amethyst TNT it shoots a ring of amethyst Shard projectiles let's try this on some innocent mobs oh hi guys would you like to check out my oh man I'm [Music] scared how many times have I died in this episode wow good to know that was more powerful than I thought it was going to be wait hold on I've got an idea wait I need one here we go oh this is is going to get real weird oh don't get squished oh shoot oh my goodness this is so horrifying I'm ready to farm some iron I got to I got to book it okay is this going to work can I get up here wao look at it go oh my goodness that was crazy we got 54 iron that's awesome we'll make a helmet and a pair of boots out of that there we go and in case I need it might as well pick up an anvil the remote TNT I've got to kill a creeper with an amethyst TNT if these bad boys can take on the Iron Golem should be no problem for a creeper the bad guys are starting to spawn ah I found him come at me okay well I've got to stack up a little bit because the amethyst ow the amethyst shards are going to no don't explode wait wait wait wait don't you kill that creeper I don't need the music disc man yeah no stay alive where will I ever find another creeper oh hey we can do this we can do this I got to put down my amethyst don't explode Light It come on get up here yes do we get him please tell me we got him oh I killed the horse over there I'm I'm so sorry dude I think we got it the remote Catalyst can I make this now the remote TNT ooh I need the gun powder hey nice yeah there we go we got him you guys can to go die yeah go amethyst yeah no ah okay I'm going inside sorry quick side quest uh what happens if I do this we got cow iron colums we've got the remote TNT wao I get a Detonator there it is that I can light up all the remote TNT at the same time TNT has been planted you're clear for detonation boom what what is that wa we've got the oh we got the super wide Catalyst I oh I guess this drops by using two TNTs at once oh I wonder what this button does oh I am I am so sorry our super wide TNT I've got to get ooh some normal TNT and sugar well we got some sugarcane and a desert over here so that seems like the way to go it's time to cross the vast oceans I've seen a tall TNT and that was cursed as ever so the wide one will be pretty interesting too well that takes care of our sugar problem aha a desert temple inside of water that just seems a little cursed to me for some reason jono oh I got a diamond nice I got some Gunpowder if I need it silk touch and fire aspect that's pretty lucky man blast protection actually right now blast protection sounds awesome two golden apples a few more gold ah we hit the jackpot let's get some of this TNT and scadaddle out of here turn these into sugar and now I should have the super wide t this is going to be a total meme hello spider we got our first volunteer hey it's daytime it's daytime it's time to make you wide ow there we go there we go make him wide do it yeah oh I'm wide I'm also wide okay hello oh hi hey it's a wide battle ah am I going to be wide forever oh shoot okay well ow ow I'm not touching you my I'm too wide to go through this gosh dang it being a wide boy is great but I want that chunk eater man to get the ice Spike TNT I've got to kill a a wide polar bear from the desert to the snow while I'm on the hunt for a polar bear we got to collect some of this snow that should do it yay hey it's a polar bear hi oh gosh here we go hey we got we got a wide polar bear all right well it's battle time I guess yeah come here I've got to i' I'm sorry dude I got to fight you this is so weird looking I got it I got the Catalyst and that gives us the ice Spike TNT I assume this is going to get a little dangerous let's see what this bad boy can do ice Spike attack that's cool it turns the whole place into ice it's it's a one hit kill too so that'll be nice I forgot I'm a big wide boy we only have one more TNT until the chunk eater I got to make a dup TNT I need a couple more diamonds I also need to kill a piglin with ice spikes this will be a challenge but we can do this excuse me can I a I can't get in the door I'm so sorry buddy I got to borrow your bed real quick there we go ah what the first step is lose a couple of pounds here ah that feels better next step we're going to give ourselves a little bit of blast protection here we're going to call him blasty we need a little bit more food here for our journey that'll do it we're going to make some more drill TNTs here because your boys on the hunt for some diamonds all right let's check out our haul here and waa we got 20 diamonds that should do it yeah I've got like a stack of gold heck yeah I got a ton of diamonds so I need two diamond blocks and four golden blocks and now it's nether time I need one ender pearl please thank you I need one one Blaze Rod there we go and I'm sorry buddy but I got to uh I got to kill you with an ice Spike go ice Spike yeah that got me the Catalyst and that should give us yep what we need to create the dupe TNT so apparently I can use this to get infinite items um do I just like to if I toss out one potato will this then create two potatoes so I can place this guy down I can throw my Blaze Rock my ender pearls and all of my diamonds watch it just breaks the items duplicate yeah dude that is so much better than flight fighting blazes ah yes again again duplicate again again more okay I think that should be enough how oh oh my goodness how many oh my gosh I got stacks of diamonds okay so we'll go ahead and make a diamond helmet Diamond legs make some diamond binos and of course Our Eyes of Ender let's take on this Dragon my friend but more importantly we can make our chunk eater TNT I'm nervous look at this thing oh my gosh I felt bad to break the Chunk in the Overworld so uh we're going to try this bad boy on a Bastion here might as well give it a shot oh oh my oh my goodness it's like scanning the ground oh my goodness this guy's just right in the elevator all the way down to bedrock whoa the whole Bastion is just gone I swear it was less drafty in here before all right don't fall in that that is crazy might as well get some extra golden apples huh that's more like it my friends I've got an insane plan it has to do with remote detonators and chunk eaters but before we do that I could use a couple more of them there we go yeah that's more like it oh man this is going to be awesome it's raining in the end oh there we go hello Dragon so if I place a chunk eater and a remote TNT next to each other on all of the pillars what I can do is light off the remote TNT which will set off the chunk eater which will then take out all the pillars at the same time I know I'm awesome I might also take out my computer at the same time from the lag but we will try okay that should be all of them boom yep okay now that should light off the chunk eaters there they go chunk eater W oh my gosh yeah all the pillars are gone oh my my goodness oh come land come land see what happens yeah here we go boom all right Dragon oh I got to be careful there's going to be a bunch of these giant ah holes inside of the inside of the end I'm going to hit the dragon with everything I got boom yeah come on what just happened oh my gosh he turned into a cow and then died the amethyst crystals they were they were the real ogs there wa I guess there's only one thing left to do destroy all of Minecraft yeah wait uh oh guys how do I leave I might not be able to leave but you can leave a like And subscribe yeah uh-oh guys we are so close to making the infinity TNT we need a bunch of diamond blocks but that's no problem we can dup our diamonds with our time TNT and light you up here there we wait wait what what happening I'm not supposed to Smashing oh well back to square one I guess the first item we'll go for here is the superhero TNT it turns nearby entities into superheroes everything's easy to get but I need a hero Catalyst found in Village loot wow that's convenient and here we are the superhero Catalyst you're very close to me dude and there we go now we can craft our superhero tnty nice hey you guys want to become super pigs yoink go yeah spider pig oh dude I'm crafty America am I super strong oh I am oh wait oh I can jump high too now heck yeah yeah I just killed superheroes I think that makes me the bad guy um sorry buddy oh well I guess it wore off I want to try this on an Iron Golem let's see which one you'll become today he's the Hulk I'm the Hulk do you want to have a Hulk battle just for fun all right yeah Hulk smash there can only be one Hulk around here got him I've been approved by the village oh well uh I'm sorry I was an impostor I can't wait to see what other superheroes all become maybe a firefighter or a stay-at-home mom now the next TNT is very crucial it's called the infinity stone finder but to get the Catalyst I've got to kill a super Turtle teen mut ninj CF all right Turtle are you ready yeah super Turtle activate boom wa where's he going hey come back here man oh look at that I'm Iron Man come back here he's a turtle flash yeah oh we got him we got him the infinity stone finder we use the iron from the [Music] worked it just turned the coal into Power Stones find me more power Stones please boom yep that did it we've got so many power Stones man and that gives us what we need come here crafty table to craft a power Stone TNT yes this one's so cool it explodes any organic material nearby and causes nearby mobs to Glow purple the Power Stone wo let's see what it does boom wao Oh what just happened oh I'm purple I got too close to it I got too close to it okay good to know oh what the heck they don't look good uh-oh they might be trying to attack the village I've got to be the superhero today cuz uh something happened to their iron golem I don't know what happened it's my time to shine yes hey you weird looking dogs yeah take this yeah I'll Power Stone attack you get him I missed I am Iron Man I'm not afraid of you oh gosh no I'm crafty it wore off I am a afraid of you oh half a heart half a heart okay okay okay careful get him yes launch him up yes see you buddy I've saved the day hey guys I just saved the village and stuff pretty cool huh what happened to your pet turtle Gregory uh I should go oh man being an awesome superhero really makes you hungry the next TNT I want the reality Stone TNT this one should be interesting I got to get get the Catalyst from a purple Power chicken you guys want to fly go wo there he goes oh right he should just float right down okay you mind uh hurting up a little bit 10 years later come back yeah give me the Catalyst yes we've got it the reality Catalyst nice we've made our superhero stick and by that I mean a wooden sword but we got to go take out some Creepers real fast there's a cave here I am super super crafty I got to come up with a cool superhero name if you guys have any ideas leave it in the comments down below okay okay okay I might need some superhero powers for this I'm not powerful enough it's just crafty yes wo I'm Thor oh sweet yeah yeah take that dude I like having a beard it's a little itchy though I am Thor God of Thunder yeah gunpowder acquired ooh Redstone come at me oh diamonds dude oh yes don't break my Redstone oh diamonds you beautiful thing I don't have iron yet I can't even mine it oh hello if we put our infinity stone finder TNT right on top of red stone that should give us what we're looking for the reality Stone what the heck you turned my diamonds but I've got space Stones Give me the reality Stone yes we got it two reality Stones I need a couple more though give me the stones yeah the reality Stone TNT is ours now before we use the reality Stone TNT because it kind of turns the whole world into like a redstone Wasteland I'm going to grab some of this iron for armor let's do this reality Stone TNT oh I'm scared um wait a minute was there diamonds under that oh what it turns some of the blocks into different blocks we've got emeralds and Redstone diamonds back away from my emeralds man those are mine there we go now I've got some Bree diamonds yeah there we go oh careful lava there little buddy I want to use this again come on reality Stones Give Me Diamonds if I get more reality to Give Me Diamonds there it is yes oh my gosh I'm I'm red wao okay okay I'm fine oh you know what I'm going to make myself a diamond sword I deserve it I'm a superhero after all and I hear that superheroes are great at smashing the like button go go go now the next thing I want and I got to be careful for is the time Stone TNT it creates a Time Loop when exploding so that way I should be able to get infinite diamonds we also need the time Catalyst dropped from killing a wizard a witch that's been manipulated by reality ooh spooky I also need one more diamond for our recipe yes all right we got our diamonds just grabbing some copper and we're going to find some time Stones yeah that did it one two ooh diamonds yeah that'll do it hey hey hey don't break my time Stones okay we're fine and now I've got my time stones that should be everything I need but first a witch hello I'm got to turn you into a wizard hold on stay right there did that do it are you a wizard it's a wizard don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me I got to yeah take this wizard yeah got him yes we got the time Catalyst please don't die woo okay so if we use our crafty table we can make ourselves uh got to smel up some coppers right now we can make ourselves our TNT creates a Time Loop when exploding careful not to get stuck outside the time Loop okay well that's good to know if we make a diamond block and then we set off a Time Loop this hopefully gives us unlimited diamonds time Loop go boom okay we're inside a Time Loop and now I should be able to just break yeah now yes dude unlimited diamonds let's go we can dup any block we want to now which is uh Pretty stinking cool if you ask me nice so I ended up with 12 diamond blocks from that pretty cool huh thanks he nodded and with that I've got myself full diamond armor the next TNT I want to make is the mindstone TNT I just need some gold the Mind stones and the mine Catalyst and I get that from killing a skeleton outside of a time Loop so I guess we'll need a bow for that one wait a minute I have an idea next to the Village I saw there it is a ruined portal you're not ruined you're very beautiful to me a sick man all right I needed some food anyway alls I've got to do is create a Time Loop and then I got infinite gold yeah dude infinite gold holy cow we got a ton of it 20 blocks of go uh 21 blocks of gold and now I'm hunting for some string for a bow that should do it I really hope this works oh he's outside the time Loop come on get him get him get him yes we got it we got it yes the Mind catalyst is ours now I just need mind Stone I wonder how I get that probably from gold ore right I'm running pretty low on our infinity stone finder TNT come on there we go perfect oh gosh before the lava comes in here yes four mind Stone that's what we needed and now we can make yes our mindstone TNT fires energy blast in all directions and reverses the role of nearby mobs huh well should we try it out uh-oh oh my gosh there's a lot of them hey get back out Riders mind Stone uh attack get him get them oh my gosh there's so many of them yes it froze some of them okay that's nice that's nice oh man that does a lot of damage another one mind Stone go yes okay that's so nice dude it does damage and it freezes the mobs in the meantime as well look at that dude I think we've got a friendly zombie I love him he's very cute you're a little stinky but you know next up the space Stone DNT now I already have our space stones but I need a space Catalyst dropped when a sheep kills you okay and I need ender pearls so if I use our mind stone that should reverse the role of the mobs okay okay are you guys going to fight me now look at it Go ow he thinks I'm grass I mean I am delicious and I'm dead slain by sheep well then is that it yeah the space Catalyst all right now I on to hunt for some Ender yeah I'm the Hulk wait a minute who are you yeah yeah got him Hulk love ender pearls yeah a yeah all right we got it I mean hul got it and now the space TNT is ours yes causes teleporting explosions initial explosion will teleport nearby mobs across Dimension can you not that's neat hey you pig you want to meet your friend piglins go oh oh oh there he goes He teleported wait can I use this on my myself I'm probably going to regret this don't die please don't die oh my gosh oh piggy hey dude do you know where we are um can I go back please let me go back okay we're going back buddy careful careful don't die okay we're back we're back that was crazy man now at least we know we can go to the nether anytime we want to wow actually will be useful here to make our soul Stone TNT we need some Soul Sand and St Soul Stone say that five times fast and a soul Catalyst dropped when killing a piglin with a teleported TNT okay well I'm hoping this takes us to the actual nether this time H wish me luck here we go okay here we are again um hey pig is the pig still up here Brave own craftting careful don't die if I use my reality Stone TNT that should change the Bedrock that's it that's it yes dude and now I can just mine through it right oh perfect dude okay well we're in the nether here we go get him is that going to work we got one of them oh we got it yes dude we've got our soul Catalyst that's what we needed we got two of them too nice we've got it our soul TNT sucks the life out of nearby mobs and then revives them okay we got some zombie piglins we could try this on get him oh my okay okay oh wait what what just happened and now you're back what did I just get I just got a soul uh sorry buddy I didn't mean to steal your soul I mean I mean I did but you know well that just leaves one more TNT the infinity TNT it turns half of all nearby mobs into dust but I can only use it when all the end crystals are gone so I need two Soul blocks and an Infinity Catalyst dropped when eating a soul I think I'm the super villain here wait do I have a soul oh gosh hello oh I died wait what I got postmortal oh I'm a ghost oh no oh I've got a crafty Soul oh my gosh I do have a soul nice let me get to eight more souls and see if I can make a soul block like that actually I'm going to go to the Overworld to do this oh gosh Land Ho hello pigs can I have a soul please uh-oh I got caught up in it nice one two Souls hey welcome back you guys can I get another Soul oh can I get a Wandering Trader soul I can uh-oh I'm about to get some llama Souls too all right nice that guy did not like me stealing his soul ooh grass we didn't get a second crafty Soul so it looks like each mob only has one Soul which I guess makes sense don't worry guys it's for good not for evil thank you oh no I've got missing Soul a can I put this back I want to put this back oh I can eat my soul is this going to work am I back hello oh I got it yes the infinity Catalyst uh I'm not giving yours back though sorry buddy well should have seen that coming yep there's my crafty Soul okay so now if I put our souls together uh nothing do I need to use I have to use my own soul all right we got the soul block now uh-oh how do I get my soul back I just need eight more souls and then we've got our Infinity TNT and with that we've got our second soul block which means we can make our Infinity TNT turns half B nearby mobs into dust shall we try it hello come at me you big monsters come on come on yeah oh my gosh look at it oh it's huge get him don't turn me into dust get him yes oh my goodness gracious look at it it dropped blaze powder oh that's perfect this is great dude I think we can head to the dragon now but I might use this just one more time get him yeah all right that gives us plenty of blaze powder now just need myself some ender pearls we'll kill some Enderman here as a superhero 16 pearls that should do it stronghold here I come oh it's this way okay what what guys this is new all right well I should have enough eyes oh there we are this might not be a normal Dragon Battle okay without further Ado let's take out this Dragon oh what the Infinity Gauntlet oh my goodness is that for me wao hello it's bigger than me I don't think I could wear that thing oh my gosh that is the dragon a oh my gosh no no no oh no oh wow all right I can't do any damage to it all right right ah I got to take out the crystals first look at this thing man that's insane hey back it's superhero time boys you can't defeat me ow hey let me be a superhero man uh-oh this is not good this is not good this is not good I got to defeat this as crafty not as a superhero I can do this I need my Infinity TNT this hopefully will take out all the crystals here at least half of them [Music] go did that work yes okay some of them are gone about half yes that worked it's just you and me now yeah oh no oh it's a bunch of the out rers back up I think it's Infinity TNT time now yeah we can at least take out half of the uh the Riders here that that damaged them oh my gosh he's got a laser he's got a laser yes yes ah he healed come on yes all right oh man what is happening take this take this oh dude that attack is powerful Infinity TNT he's almost dead one more hit and he's dead get him yes did we get it oh oh my goodness we've got The Infinity Gauntlet yes yes Infinity Gauntlet is mine I'm the most powerful and I will use this for good and not for evil no no no no excuse me Minecraft but there's Omega TNT each TNT contains a powerful force of nature like a volcano a meteor shower or even an earthquake and to make our first TNT we need four dirt and four p poppies pretty flowers and we've got ourselves our earthquake Catalyst and now we can craft our earthquake TNT I am actually so nervous about this should we try it I think so you better watch out buddy this is going to get weird dude there's a little crafty in there oh gosh okay I lit it I lit it I'm so scared I don't know what this is going to do oh my goodness oh wow okay okay okay okay it's fine it's fine oh my gosh look at that Ravine dude that is intense well shall we jump down what could go wrong take that ouch okay goodbye all right let's get ourselves some gear oh that's quite the Ravine okay let's be a little more careful and iron Acquired and upgraded I believe the Catalyst to make our next TNT is at the end of this ravine here it's getting a little spooky over here hello I come in peace I just want to make world ending TNT don't mind me Catalyst yes this should be our volcano Catalyst nice oops sorry you're underwater there buddy my bad oh gosh what is that it's a little TNT friend oh my goodness are you friends with me dude hi buddy are you scared come with me little TNT okay hey buddy do you help me ah all right well that was convenient let's make it up to safety and to craft a world ending volcano TNT we got to get ourselves a bunch of redstone blocks and copper blocks so want to go mining yeah come on buddy yeah nice jump and thankfully our Ravine uncovered an actual Ravine oh goodness get him buddy do you explode them oh good boy looks like we got some copper and we got some Redstone let's get to work boys you're going to help me mine or are you just going to stare in the wall you're going to stare at the wall okay oh good job job TNT buddy and boom and that should give us what we need volcano TNT is ours hey it's me there all right this might get a little dangerous careful little crafty don't die oh man the world ending volcano oh gosh oh my goodness look at go wa it's coming up out of the ground oh gosh oh gosh it's shooting fireball boys careful W oh man watch out watch out oh that's lava it's lava okay wow I can't believe I haven't died yet wow this guy has some massive destruction we just created a volcano I will conquer you volcano I wonder if there's something special at the top ouch well I'm here there's a little tiny lava right here if we destroy the lava boom that was easy ooh there's an area in here there's a chest in here I want that loot yeah there we are all right well what's in our volcano chest this is wild ooh we got some diamonds very nice my favorite coob Stone and we got ourselves a acid rain Catalyst I guess this is our next Omega TNT we can craft how do I get out of here well and it looks like our volcano dropped a block that I'm pretty sure is a coal block is it yeah block of coal okay sweet well this will make things nice and easy thanks volcano love you buddy I love you too well that was weird just got to grab a couple of iron let's make some buckets and get some of that good high quality H2O and now we can craft our acid rain TNT yeah all right be careful buddy I'm lighting this bad boy off oh we've got green rain yeah I wonder what happens hey hey I was not prepared for acid rain careful dude oh my goodness how long does this last you doing okay out there buddy our tree is breaking this is getting dangerous man oh the mobs are dying over there I'm sorry guys I'm sorry is our TNT guy still alive oh he's still alive hey buddy we might have to run oh no it's clearing up oh goodness even some of these mobs oh it's a catalyst I got the meteor Catalyst it says dropped by a cow killed by acid rain well I'm sorry for your sacrifice cow but I appreciate it now we can make a meteor TNT oh I get it meteor oh man to craft our new TNT all we need is coal and some lava buckets which actually is no problem I have all the lava I would ever want ow ouch okay okay okay okay ow chill dude this is the only episode where I've made it this far in the video and haven't even died once and this is the most dangerous video ever and because of that you must comment down below crafty you're amazing and the best Minecraft player ever all right lava acquired let's craft our meteor TNT I hope it rains down cows I'm getting a little hungry over here I'll be honest we can craft our TNT oh man this guy looks quite dangerous whoo oh poor little crafty but before we explode that I could use myself a little bit of food cows oh nice job man ah so much better all right meteor TNT shall we launch you yeah oh careful oh snap oh snap oh my God oh no stay alive stay alive stay alive oh there's so many meteors it's fine what the heck dude hey back off that's my treasure that's mine the Catalyst yes ow ow ow ow did you see the giant gold meteor flying from the sky I guess it dropped some nice fancy loot we even got some anant daas okay well that's not going to work I guess as long as I survive I can use a bunch of these meteors and I can get filthy rich maybe just filthy but uh that one is already done haven't showered in days let's get ourselves a diamond pickaxe and mine up our new ancient debris yeah but before we make our tornado TNT I want to get a bunch of loot this will be interesting don't be scared buddy here goes nothing three meteor TNTs oh my oh oh no oh I made a mistake oh I made a mistake oh my God yeah stay alive we can do this oh my gosh oh yes boom oh my goodness guys look at all this loot I can't believe I lived look at all these diamonds and everything oh gosh this loot is amazing eight ancient debris 12 blocks of gold and 13 diamonds buddy do you know what this means it means we can make a diamond chest plate and Diamond Sword we can then smelt up our gold make netherite and upgrade to netherite gear now I'm looking good all right buddy what do you think time for the tornado TNT I think so because now I'm armored and dangerous and now we got ourselves our tornado TNT and I didn't have any trouble with the diorite at all previously un crafty hey oh oh oh well I got a little bit of diorite I figure a tornado is going to be much more fun to see mobs fly around in it so without further Ado oh look at that oh my gosh I love it there's a little crafty in the tornado okay okay okay okay okay light it and then run run run run oh my goodness look at the cow's getting sucked in oh man I might die from this I got to aim for the water down there oh stay alive oh I hear zombies they're up here no I'm alive I'm alive okay what the heck was that man go away go away and oh dude check it out I've got the sinkhole Catalyst in my inventory to make our sinkhole TNT we just need some blocks of emerald and some Gunpowder thankfully we already have our gunpowder and we have a few spare emeralds from our meteor TNT but we need a lot more hey guys do you happen to have a weird stash of pumpkins oh there they are all right you got a new job buddy hey we got a Fletcher since we need a metric heck ton of sticks I figured a diamond axe is worth it sorry for but I got a lot of spruce logs and now I've got a lot of sticks hi buddy I'll take a bunch of emeralds please he doesn't want to trade with me anymore well fine you lost your job buddy all right Damian how'd you like a job I said how would you like a job become a Fletcher there you go now Damian's the Fletcher well you yeah there we go we got some emeralds we've got all the emeralds we need now we can craft ourselves the sinkhole te TNT look at it man I probably shouldn't use it here at the Village huh what's that you want me to you've always wanted to have a village at Bedrock level well if you say so yeah it wasn't me he asked oh my goodness look at it go wao you guys doing okay oh my gosh this is crazy man wo all right yeah this is totally normal everyone oh no guys okay well what that dude you you found something you found something what is this we got ourselves a firestorm Catalyst all right nice find dude now our Firestorm TNT needs some magma blocks hey I need some magma blocks and Fire charges so looks like we're heading to the nether my friends and check it out we already got a bunch of obsidian right here and everything this should make things nice and easy 10,000 years later can you help me mine or something dude you just going to watch me you just going to watch me do this okay nether speedrun go hey that's nice we got some magma blocks right here ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch no way dude that's a fortress too hi buddy yeah yeah yes we got it all right I'm out well that was easy now we can craft our Firestorm TNT just need a couple more things Fire charges Acquired and now we can craft our Firestorm TNT dude and look at this monster oh no there's a little crafty in there you doing okay buddy here you go wh there's fire underwater to avoid Burning Down The Village I found a nice little mountain to try this bad boy out at our Firestorm TNT is activated oh man I am not ready for this well oh oh wow wow wow wow wow hey oh my gosh it's raining Raining blaze rods okay okay I'll take that oh my goodness dude we survived holy cow that certainly was something man there is fire everywhere but even better than that there's also blaze rods everywhere oh I am happy to say those words no more nether nobody can touch me oh for the next Catalyst to make our blizzard TNT we actually have to use our Firestorm TNT to burn a snow golem I might feel bad about it but I got to do what I got to do I found some snow dude oh and there's pumpkins back at the Village you can call me snowman mgee please no one call me snowman McGee hey I see you in the comments don't do it hey don't call me snowman McGee hello Pumpkin yeah so to get our blizzard TNT I think we just got to make ourselves a Golem here welcome to life buddy explore enjoy the world well you still can yeah I feel so bad doing this I'm sorry Golem oh okay okay I got to watch out not to die here okay all right we're fine we're fine give me the Catalyst ow ow ouch ow oh did he die he died died he died yes dude we got the Catalyst I feel bad for sure but also we had no choice the blizzard catalyst is ours now we can make our blizzard TNT very chilly now to craft our blizzard TNT just need a little bit more snow and diamonds no problem uh snow I actually already have boom easy and diamonds aren't that hard either it's blizzard time boys oh here we go it's going to get cold out here uhoh no dude it's snow everywhere look at my hearts dude I'm freezing um fire warm up please let me warm keep me warm next to the fire little buddy wa all right oh and that gave me uh the lightning storm Catalyst oh also I didn't get a good look do we have a little crafty in here oh we do there's little icicle crafty looks like he's about to make a pun I see what you did there do you get it oh yeah well I guess he does get it all right and the lightning storm TNT is the last TNT let's not waste any time let's get into it I can make it already oh dude boom apparently it makes an insane lightning storm oh look at it it looks awesome wa looking good man looking like Zeus out here uh well I guess might as well what's the worst that could happen oh my goodness well I guess uh that's the worst that could happen oh the lightning storm C Catalyst it says hold in the off hand to be immune to lightning well then regardless I think it's time to take on our new custom mystery boss and you know what the lightning might be a really cool way to take out the crystals if there are any but first I need a couple of things I could use a little bit of grub a couple more diamonds for armor and I've got to trade piglins for pearls thanks boys and now it's time for the stronghold oh my goodness this is different I like the land vills down here oh oh their creeper texture we might have to defeat like a creeper boss of some kind all right well here goes nothing yeah oh dude look it's like a creeper eye Ender that's awesome and a little creepy yeah yeah I think I should have plenty of Creeper eyeballs wa I've got my lightning storm TNT and I've got my Catalyst to keep me safe from the explosions wish me luck in the comments let's do this oh snap wao oh oh there's one right there where i' I've got a bow I guess I could snipe this guy ha oh my gosh look at it the Creeper Queen spewing out minions ah this is going to get weird man oh I should hurry I should hurry she's just spewing out armies of creepers over there o that might be what I turn into pretty soon let's uh be a little careful hello queen I'm not here to bow down to you I'm here to destroy you oh gosh you fly of course you do oh oh my goodness okay she shoots some TNT all right all right this is going to be a boss battle Yeah first I got to take out the crystals lightning Catalyst go yeah oh my goodness that works that works that works okay that's going to take out all of the creeper minions yes all the crystals are taken out from the lightning now it's just me and you Queen yeah yeah all right all right all right yeah go lightning attack yes shoot her with an arrows oh what is that she's got laser eyes here goes nothing go go go yeah that worked yes dude hey hey hey hey hey quit it quit it with looking at me stop looking at me I got to be careful here yes did I get it I think I got her The Queen Is Dead do I get any cool Powers well I always do like myself an explosive ending I've discovered the legendary t Temple and if we want to reach the mystery TNT at the end of this Temple then we'll have to experiment with brand new types of supreme TNT holy cow guys look at this place the TNT temple hello there's a gold Block in the center here there's a chest I hope it's not booby trap ooh Cactus TNT that sounds prickly it shoots spikes in all directions I guess I place it on this gold yeah oh there it goes oh it launch n what are you I got a puffer fish TNT that's kind of neat I'm assuming this is what I need to open up our next door here I don't know what it's going to do we got to be careful oh it shoots out little puffer fish oh how hilarious get him puffer fish poison them poison the creepers dude yeah a they're so cute until they poison me and die get back creepers so it looks like every time we open up one of these doors it gives us good items sometimes or bad things like creepers well how do we get our next TNT the puffer fish TNT used on squids oh apparently the puffer fish and the squids are Rivals and I found just the target hi buddies it's fine I'm just going to summon a bunch of your friends okay their fellow Fish Friends nothing wrong with this at all go get them oh my word what is that it dropped a whole new set of TNTs we got ourselves dripstone TNT well here goes nothing I guess go dripstone TNT attack yeah oh that was awesome the next room's just full of spiders this must be Spider-Man's vacation home it looks like each room either gives us good items or bad items and we got to use the different TNTs to get through all the rooms to get to the end it looks like uh we need a new TNT to get past this what does our dripstone TNT do used on polar bears oh man I got to go kill a polar bear guys I was on the way to find the polar bears for our next TNT and I stumbled upon the craziest Ravine I have ever seen in my whole Minecraft life I don't think I'm going to go down there right yet but we're definitely going to save this for later looks like somebody's been here with some TNT I must be in the right direction I found the ice Bikes let's see if we can find any polar bears there's one I'm sorry buddy I've got to kill you to get a TNT it's complicated hello buddy a man he's got the most innocent eyes ever I hate this you got my new supreme TNT and I need that to get to the end of the temple all right I'm so sorry dude I can't look I can't look I can't look but it is really cool dude I this TNT is awesome holy cow what the heck is that I got a a pickaxe TNT you can't pick your TNT but you can certainly pick your axe hold on I just want to use it just to see what it does go buddy go buddy oh dude that's awesome all right let's go open the next door yeah but first I wanted to try out our mining pickaxe there's so many mobs dripstone TNT attack I'm in the caves because apparently I can use the pickaxe TNT on diamonds to get our next TNT and we could use some armor so I figured might as well go wao dude that's awesome get the iron it got Diamond bro I got it don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me I need some healing TNT dude I'm back with not only my pickaxe TNT but also I've got something called the frost TNT I'm hoping I got myself some good loot but I got to also be prepared for danger go TNT oh that was rad what do you have for me mystery chest oh some enchanted golden apples now that's what I'm talking about you want to take some of this I can't take it I was going to take it and use it for a bow I guess that means we can't cheat even if we wanted to try well the nice thing is we've got our Frost TNT to open up the next door oh no listen to that oh that sounds like skeletons dude here goes nothing the frost TNT don't freeze me dude I don't know how far I need to step back W dude that was awesome it froze the wall then broke it okay yep there's a lot of skeletons in there back up dude oh yeah you guys fight each other I like that W there's a lot go go go go well maybe next time we uh get a little geared up before we go to the Next Room huh come here you big stinky jerk T TNT go yeah now to get through this next door I've got to use our Frost TNT on cows got to get some of that Frozen beef hello cows I need to freeze you hope you don't mind buddy wao wo oh I freezed myself oh gosh don't kill me please oh it's so cold I didn't even kill a cow I'm sorry cow I froze you buddy I thought this was going to be a swift death well the cow didn't die is he supposed to die Frosty into the attack well the cow's Frozen I I might have to kill the cow myself yeah oh we got it the pumpkin TNT sorry Pig didn't mean to freezy in the crossfires here oo and there's a village behind me hello oh don't tell me got to kill a villager with a pumpkin TNT used on iron golems ah shoot dude you happen to have a bodyguard that I could you know kill with pumpkins it's complicated right over here all right thank you sir yeah go pumpkin TNT get him wo dude it it shoots out like a exploding pumpkin get him and it gave me a whole new TNT this is awesome man I'm getting TNT up the quazo hopefully not literally that sounds painful does it attract to any mob oh gosh I got to be careful oh they bounce wa and we got ourselves a mosquito TNT it summons mosquito clouds and is also used on cows I am sorry I had to kill your iron golem but don't worry I will be your protector actually you just want to take a diamond and call it even there's some cows what are you guys doing all the way up there dude I'm sorry buddies I got to use the mosquito TNT oh what's going to happen ew there's like swarms of them oh that's horrible oh my goodness well we got a new set of TNT here all right we got ourselves sword TNT what's a sword oh right a sword well here goes nothing I guess guys stand back okay I'm going to make a little bit of a barrier here for this one this is my little viewing hole okay this is my oh my dude the swords fly everywhere one more time one more time W that's awesome dude sorry Pig I feel bad there's a lot of things dying in this episode since we got a bunch more TNT let's see what's behind these mystery doors oh gosh I hear something dangerous okay the first one I think was the pumpkin TNT oh yeah open it up anything in here no it's empty jerks next is the mosquito TNT come on give us something good the mosquitoes they just ate through the wall that was dope oh interesting nice well I guess we can play the music in our jukebox over here oh yeah but beautiful relaxing music now we shall use our sword TNT ah yeah oh gosh okay no this might be death for me the music is way too chill for this action music let's go oh you're going down boys Popkin TNT oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh yeah dude ouch uncool Jacko l more like Jero Lantern am I right guys am I right get him puffer fish yeah dude you just got killed by a fish gosh dang it we have one last jerk hello jerk boom oh yeah what's this did it drop sword TNT no it's a whole new thing it's called a llama TNT what oh I see the sword TNT is used on wither skeletons well that was nice and convenient well I guess we might as well the Llama TNT does it spit at you or what boom oh yeah literally spits e but I got a chest dude oh I hear a witch that might be the next room give us some great loot dude come on a temple I don't think you're taking this whole loot thing seriously a single potato is all I get dude well I will keep him handy and he'll be my best friend well I do hear witches and apparently we got to use the Llama TNT to spit on witches to get our next TNT so me and Mr Potato Head are going to go find a witch and we'll see if I can get my loot that I deserve I think I see what I'm looking for that looks like a witch's Hut dude let's introduce that witch to some llama spit shall we any witch home hello witch wait wait hold hold on hold on hold on get him llama spit oh dude that worked that worked is that just normal TNT it's it's TNT TNT I don't know how that works but hopefully this gets us through the wall so I can get revenge on those witches although I have grown quite fond of Mr Potato Head wow what a rude thing to say dude what is the TNT TNT dude oh used on a woodland Mansion apparently it shoots out TNT go dude yep oh gosh all right boom that's cool keep your eyes peeled I'm going to see if I can find a woodland mansion on the way back to the temple 2 hours later no way dude I found one I've been walking for thousands of blocks dude hello cows don't worry I won't kill you with mosquitoes like I did your brother hello oh gosh they don't like guests very much their porches all the way off the ground doesn't look like anybody's home might as well blow it up explosion take that Woodland Mansion oh snap oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh how did he survive that oh gosh bad guys oh my oh my oh my oh my oh that's good run run run run run run dude what pick it up pick it up pick it up no not a birch plank no thank you the potion TNT dude how rat is that oh dude it's everywhere I'm going to go thanks for letting me blow up your house I don't know how but I've made it out of there alive with a bunch of potion TNTs man man shoots flying potions used on gold ore ooh I wonder if it like enchants the gold or something can I use this on myself yeah oh wow ouch I've been given every potion ability oh my gosh that was ridiculous it like broke the whole tree too I just have one more thing I want to try before I go go oh my gosh oh my gosh dude take that Woodland mansion that's what you get for killing me all those years you know it'll be useful to help us find our gold we need uh this Ravine from earlier yep it's time my friend man look at how cool this is they even have like floating islands oh gosh no I missed I tried to land in the water I'm on the hunt for some gold I found some ouch are you sure you want to fight because I will destroy you with puffer fish yeah ow ow oh bad idea okay so I got to use my potion TNT on the gold I'll use my magical po hey we got a new TN and we got some diamonds dude let's just mine those really quick oh snap looks like we got ourselves something called laser TNT which is different than lazy TNT I'd get some of that but eh too lazy well shall we try it wa gosh oh my gosh dude look at it Go almost killed me oops my bad wao it's like scanning scanning I love the little hole it makes you put some water on top you got yourself a water fountain wow it's beautiful now the the laser TNT we got to use on Enderman which makes me a little nervous but I'm sure we can find one around here somewhere found one would you like some laser hair removal go wao dude that worked great sorry buddy but I did get myself what is that acid TNT oh no let's test this bad boy out shall we what's the worst that could happen it's only acid TNT careful chicken oh no oh my gosh okay oh my that might just keep going to the Center of the Earth that's my we've struck water the pig is like what have you done oh no apparently we got to use this on a bat dude Gotham needs dude the acid holes just keep going what the heck dude wa all right well I'm in a cave oh I heard a bat ooh can I use the potion TNT give me night vision yeah now I'm an invisible Batman I found one I just got to use our acid TNT that should get the bat dude yeah I mean I'm sorry bat but you know all right dude we got him and we've got ourselves a factorial TNT I don't know what a factorial is but apparently I use it against slime so we'll find out right now go oh turned into four of them oh and that's going to turn into eight oh my goodness okay okay that is a that's a lot of TNT dude oh my God hey hey hey I'm the king of explosions around here creeper and I got a whole new TNT dude and this is star TNT let's try this bad boy shall we shooting stars oh my word oh dude dude exploding shooting stars oh my goodness that was the craziest TNT we've had by far for sure look at the crater it made man and funny enough I didn't damage oh I broke one of your blocks that's my bad there you go sorry buddy please give me good loot now okay I think it's time my friends to get ourselves our final treasure first up the TNT TNT hey what's up witches I'll smack you with the Potato Mr Potato Head attack easy come here pot right the witches gave me the potion TNT ah it's a room full of nothing ah shoot back up okay well that was easy laser yeah oh that's so satisfying no treasure come on acid TNT yeah melt away the blocks ooh oh sick dude I got some armor check me out dude I'm shiny I can hear in there what I need to fight yep it's time for a battle factorial TN there's one oh gosh time to stand back I guess oh my gosh look at it go it's revealed the army they don't stand a chance against me yeah a snap piece of cake man this is awesome now it's time for the store TNT we better stand back is the star going to come up oh the star came from the behind that was awesome what is this the treasure dude this is definitely a normal button and nothing sus about this whatsoever what do you think Mr Potato Head do we press it [Music] [Music] excuse me cows are you munching this well hold on I got to cut the grass real quick where was the TNT weed killer whenever I had to mow the grass growing up why mow the grass when you can just explode it best way to do chores is with explosions I'm sorry buddy just like my mom said when I got terrible haircuts it'll grow back all righty let's head back to the TNT shop now we can purchase ourselves some slow TNT here thank you very much thank you and I still have a little bit of money left over let's go ahead and buy some of these Cube TNTs as well all right let's do some explosions let's see what the slow explosions are dangerous lessons learn try this again place it and run run run run run run and kmo oh my gosh that's a big boy dude I guess the explosion just happens over time walk away Co guys walk away from explosions and it only hurt my butt a lot oh this is a bad idea go go go okay run run run run a wao dude I like the slow TNT okay now we also have the cube TNT what does this guy do are you going to hurt me and kill me oh so cute after the slow TNT the cube TNT is so quaint I guess it explodes in a little square huh I am breaking a lot of blocks so I should be able to for the next TNT no problem and excavate oh goodness it falls all right it's got some gravity that's so cute go little square TNT yes very modern what an Art Exhibit we're exhibiting a real reflection on life itself Square everything's Square sorry excuse me I don't know what happened there square square square square square yeah boom boom boom boom a I like it dude that's a fun way to mine does drop the blocks as well so if I need diamonds later this might be exactly what I use okay well that gave me 3,000 blocks broken so let's go on a little spending spree here looks like I can purchase some of these repeating TNTs and can I afford it yeah I can I can buy a Cannon TNT as well goodness they're starting to get pretty expensive here TNT resistance suit oh my gosh that looks so awesome I want one of those dude what the world leader TNT oh I want this man half a million blocks I'm coming back trap Chester a dude what are you doing in ear I've got to unlock Chester man all right 100,000 blocks don't worry buddy I'll come back now it's personal they've trapped Chester oh I get it like a trapped chest trapped Chester all righty Mountain let's see what you got dude pardon me sheep excuse me I want to blow up this mountain real quick do you mind thank you buddy this is an excavation Zone your boy's about to blow some stuff up can you move dude can you move I don't want to punch you okay there you go thank you watch out for the blast zone pardon me Little Flower there you go I found a new home for you now I shall blow up this mountain go I don't know what's going to happen I don't know what's going to happen oh that's it oh oh my goodness wo wo wo oh well can't say I didn't warn the Sheep so it looks like it just keeps blowing up that sheep you just saw Gerald die why that that was so easy to avoid wait a minute okay I have a little bit of a crazy idea here I was trying to think of a way to cheat the system with this repeating TNT okay so here's my idea I'm going to go into the middle of the ocean basically and if the TNT can light underwater and keep exploding I wonder if it breaking the water blocks will count as blocks broken did that make any sense I don't know okay so here goes nothing hey yeah oh that does light that does light does that work yeah it counts the water as blocks exploding I'm cheated the system dude ow oh gosh oh gosh I I deserve this death okay heck yeah I'm a genius except I'm about to die let me find a village real quick or something wao look at the little hole in the mountain it's a perfect little circle let's blow it up I'm a little nervous to do this with one heart go Canon TNT what's going to happen oh gosh okay well it exploded oh I see what happened it looks like the Canon TNT oh gosh don't don't kill me well wait a minute wait a minute if I put down the Canon TNT watch it explodes but also it shoots out a bunch of little tiny TNTs that explode all the way down go again I want to see it happen explosion wa look at it go that might just go on forever I'm not sure where those TNT are going to land but I hope it's somewhere safe well my bad greetings Village folk how you doing buddy good morning why is this house so far away from all the others this guy's a loner over here here I respect it I respect it I'm just here for some food boys you guys got any food I can borrow I will trade you with a basement thank you very much and as promised here's your basement okay well I made the basement a little too big I thought that was going to work a lot better than it did no I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll rebuild it and there all rebuilt it's perfect already back to the shop we go feel kind of bad about that Village so I have a little bit of an idea of how to make it up to him I'll grab a couple of these Canon TNT and cluster TNTs don't mind if I do that's all the money I have for now but I'm coming back for the blast suit dude that's going to be sick then I can stand inside the explosions every boy's dream all right here's the game plan I found myself a Pillager Outpost pretty close by to the Village I figure as an apology for blowing up that dude's house I'm going to take out their arch nemesis with the TNT cannons go attack TNT cannons explode kmo yeah oh that works out pretty well dude feel like an army General with my cannons yeah yeah yeah attack yeah that's so sick dude and for the grand finale the cluster TNT go cluster TNT oh my gosh all right well that'll do it yeah yeah this is what you get picking on the villagers dude boom kmo Oh that was awesome okay the cluster TNT oh my goodness it seems to send out like five or six more TNTs and I don't think the pillagers are going to mine so I'm going to grab some of this hay bales here too I'm looking for some dummy bread all righty dude I've got 15,000 blocks to purchase so I'm going to grab a couple more of these cluster TNTs and I think it's time to buy the TN suit oh heck yeah dude oh I look awesome best purchase of my life aren't I handsome call me handsome although I do think this suit is used it smells a little bit like sweat and act deodorant but I'm not compling too bad we also have just enough to purchase our firework TNTs as well oh I'm excited I'm honestly nervous but I'm very excited this make it dangerous so I made myself way to a blast zone nothing alive around here to explode all right I want to see this cluster TNT in action I can actually stand real close to it oh my goodness all right I still get fall damage I should still be careful here let's do this again and comeo so it launches up w oh that's so sick dude it gives me a ton of blocks man I'm already at 7,000 blocks wao this is a cool little area all right this is my official new Blast Zone and a perfect place to test out my firework TNTs should I do all four of them at once this is such a bad idea I'm going to do it anyway 1 2 3 4 oh I don't have to run anymore I can whoa who oh dude that was awesome oh my gosh I almost just died I'm on one heart that gave me 27,000 blocks I almost died but it was worth it I don't know how I'm eating this bread right now I don't think this has mouth holes I'm just pushing the bread through my little mouth holes I want to do that again I want to do that again that was so cool come here beautiful beautiful firework TNT I'll take a couple more of those and for 10,000 blocks I can purchase the thermite TNT don't worry Chester I'll be back soon Buddy Boy wait a minute there's like a fuse on top of Chester Chester are you secretly a TNT dude or did you not get a hair cut recently regardless it's a good look all righty let's try this shall we Firework and here comes the fireworks Kabam oh that's awesome man holy cow I like that one a lot just from one TNT look at the absolutely massive explosion but firework TNT you missed the spot dude don't worry I'll use the thermite TNT to take care of this problem oh my oh my oh my oh my goodness oh I did not think that was going to happen look at the block numbers just go up and up it goes all the way down to bedrock holy cow well we've certainly made some upgrades here we went from fireworks to just destroying everything down to bedrock I cannot believe I actually survived that dude we still have one more of them we can do all right this time I'm going to run a little far oh my goodness oh my goodness oh man that is such an insane TNT dude oh holy cow now while that's going I can also toss out a couple of these cluster TNTs toss out a couple cannons repeating TNTs go go go boys yeah boom the repeating TNTs feel so much Lamer after seeing the insanity of that one weed killer TNT go oh that's right it only breaks grass well we're almost at 50,000 blocks I'm hoping with a couple more of these we can get all the way up to 50K come Lam yeah 50,000 I can't wait to see what it looks like to explode a million blocks at once this is going to get bad and I'm excited well then let's see what else we can buy shall we with 50,000 blocks I'm actually really nervous to find out what a quar million blocks looks like and 400,000 blocks but uh one explosion at a time for now I got myself the rocket TNT next up the laser TNT oh snap I'm actually a little nervous well it's a rocket TNT I uh I have an idea ah we're on the tippy top of the mountain and Now Rocket TNT what's going to happen oh goodness there's a bunch of rockets that oh fire oh goodness gracious I thought I was going to go to space in a TNT rocket regardless very cool and very fiery I do really like the look of this one but it doesn't make a ton of profit I think I actually lost money from that you've let me down NASA okay let's buy another one of these thermite TNTs these guys are beasts cplo KAS lammo oh watch out bunny I'm so sorry run dude run dude oh yeah oh no oh no no no no okay okay we made it out alive bunny I am so glad oh my goodness that was too close dude I almost died this bunny almost died you got to be careful little budy you got to hop right out of here cutie so now we can afford the lady are TNT I'm hoping this guy gives me a bunch of exploded blocks cuz if so I can afford to unlock Chester ouch my toes it is kind of funny that I've taken more damage from Fall damage than I have from literally massive explosions ooh I don't need your treasure I've got my own oh goodness don't oh wow oh my go it shoots out lasers that break blocks forever wow that's not what I expected from this but we'll take it and since I'm blast proof I guess I can just do this now this will actually count on my block counter go yeah what I might be able to do with my laser TNTs is do some of this underground and this might help a little bit there we go look at this dude now we're talking oh that's so much better oh look at the block counter go up man yeah oh my word look at it it made a massive hallway dude and I have enough now I'm at 187,000 blocks okay so I can finally finally unlock my Bo boy Chester dude Chester dude there we go Chester multiplier yes dude not only is our friend Chester with us now we get two x markipliers I mean multipliers now the grass TNT might be worth something kmo okay well not really wait wait wait Chester come here dude wait wait hold on Chester do you have teeth oh I just noticed do you see that why did you swallow he has TNT in his mouth that's fine right that's fine I feel like a dog p that's like hey what did you swallow hey spit it out no spit all right we're at 88,000 I'm going to try to get us oh my gosh we're already at 160,000 okay Chester seems to be working look at what I did look I made art wow now it's time for a shopping spree the question is what can I buy with 100,000 okay we've done that done that wait a second am I Finally Rich enough to buy the inner circles TNTs 75,000 got no problem dude I'll have a bunch left over meteor TNT well that works out cuz I'm quite hungry get it cuz food pulls several meteors from orbit and sends them to Earth to explode yeah that sounds fine what's the worst that could happen all right well here seems a safe enough place to all right fine cow I won't blow up your home watch out Chester this might get crazy there's the meteor TNT I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm nervous hello that's it oh my goodness oh my goodness C W that's a big crater dude wao I think The Inferno TNT that goes down to bedrock does more damage but this is cool 1 2 three and now we run who's afraid of this it's a me watch out Chester yes a normal day a normal wa Cloudy With A Chance Of Death dude oh my word and now we're at 120,000 blocks wait 120,000 I I think I lost money there that was cool and all but I'm here to make profit my friends can I get another Chester oh heck yeah dude 3x multiplier okay well that'll help I got some nice markipliers now that I got two Chesters let's try this out I don't like that you have teeth now have you always had teeth Chester regardless I feel a little weird about it but I'll tell you your breath is Bomb did it cuz he swallowed TNT all right throw a couple of those around okay that's fine I guess couple of weed eaters how does that do all right couple thousand blocks increase not not bad not bad let's toss down some fireworks 1 2 3 4 go go go go and run run run into the water run into the water yeah that's what I'm talking about dude I did miss all of the cool footage there but it sounded awesome L that's very ominous oh my word that's what I'm talking about 165,000 all right hold on I got to AFF some of the big boys I have a really dumb idea oh I love my dumb ideas ready for this one of you and you and it's shopping spree time I'm going to buy one of every TNT until I can't afford anymore and all right I have everything if my computer doesn't make it out of here alive you've served me well buddy oh no I'm just tossing them all we're going to see what happens run run run run oh my word oh gosh no I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die no I'm fine I'm fine oh oh my goodness 200,000 keep going I haven't died yet yes oh gosh I'm going to die oh no no no no stay alive stay alive almost to 400,000 dude I survived on this tiny block dude oh my word I can't tell if that's a normal cave or if that's from my explosions that's how crazy my explosions are you didn't need a caves and cliffs update just give crafty some TNT I think I broke my computer that's half a million dude let's go all righty now we can do some spending we have Supernova TNT here let's see duplicating TNT I think I should be able to afford both of those oh no wait wait wait wait I'm only a couple thousand blocks light so I should be able to get it just like this and come on one more there we go yeah our weed eers doing some work yeah there we oh my goodness Chester you all right there buddy he just flew dude all right that's 250,000 we've got the Supernova TNT and now we've got the duplicating TNT it's all glitchy I'm actually kind of afraid to use this thing oh my gosh look how poor I am let's get that number up all right duplicating TNT let's see what you got okay he duplicates does he keep duplicating oh my oh he keeps going oh my all right not bad 300,000 blocks yes please dude let's try a supernova TNT shall we oh you just shot up a giant thing into the sky oh my gosh it's raining Stars what the heck what is this Mario ah yes beautiful stars oh bad exploding Stars oh my goodness oh my goodness what they barely gave me any blocks at all what the heck block counter it messed up on Meo guys I think my computer's given up on me it has stopped rendering particles look even my shop portal no longer has particles yeah please subscribe and buy our merchandise so crafty can afford a new computer there we go dude look at it man it's creepy without all the particles come them oh wow oh wow oh wow 800,000 blocks oh now we're talking dude hey there we go particles are back I missed you beautiful shop particles okay I have 800,000 to spend I can finally purchase the Glorious World eater there's only one of them too look we PCH just the only world leader I guess that makes sense why you wouldn't need uh two world leaders cuz one is going to do the trick I think this should do it and get us up to a million blocks okay well here goes nothing there it goes oh it's awesome oh my goodness well we did it that's a million blocks oh my word look at it go it's just going forever there's no biome here anymore new biome in Minecraft it's called the destruction update 2.5 million blocks exploded I'll call that a win like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video and we'll see you in the next one oh when crafty got TNT you know it's going to be an explody episode so here my friends is what a normal TNT explosion looks like very nice but as you can see I got 20 blocks broken from that and now I can go into my TNT shop here and now I can buy my next TNTs with my exploded blocks let's see what you got Decay TNT looks kind of like a velvet chocolate cake or something oh there it goes oh I see it sends out little particles it broke like no blocks dude come on go go oh gosh this might have been a bad idea oh goodness the ghosts are after me all right all right 157 uh I I can't read numbers oh that gives us enough we can buy ourself our linear TNT here and while we got it we can buy our Shockwave TNT too watch out piggy this is a blast zone and go oh he's so flat dude go oh oh I see yeah that makes sense it uh busts out like a linear explosion I don't know how that works wait wait wait so I can literally just stand like right next to it and it won't hurt me right science or something I like it when my grass has stripes in it ah yes looking nice all right Shockwave TNT come on impress me man what do you got oh wa that one cool piggy he's chilling he's like it's fine I'll just bury my head in dirt what was the Shockwave TNT not shocking enough for you I'm sorry Shockwave go go go I love the purple particles dude and it's silent oh it's kind of eerie and creepy oh all right oh gosh that's not a great number to end off on hold on let me spend some money real quick what do we have next a dragon egg TNT dude this looks awesome well let's test this bad boy out shall we what the heck hello where am I oh goodness I'm on like a floating island dude well let's hatch this bad boy shall we what crafty Dragon what do you need dude gold all right children these days spoiled ratten hey guys can I is this my house is it stealing if I take from my own place yeah gold and emeralds figured it be in here here you go little buddy here's your allowance for today oh my gosh you just eating gold like it's nothing what you got tooth fillings of gold emeralds you haven't even done anything what is this your monthly allowance all right uh you need to wheat now all right I got you buddy easy enough there you go buddy oh he's hatching yeah let's see our illustrious dragon head he looks quite angry I just woke him up from his Good Egg nap all right crafty Dragon let's see what you got dude I'm excited and also nervous oh there he is oh he's breaking a bunch of blocks go little dragon ow ow it's fine Oh I thought it was the dragon was attacking me nope it was just a bush yep oh he's died can you mind some coal for me dude it's going to get dark at night can you mind some of that okay well you missed it take a left here take a left no okay well H children they never listen oh I spent all this time feeding my dragon I didn't feed myself hold on let me find a village real quick greetings boys how are you wow you guys talk really close to each other what don't judge me I shall trade you some emeralds for wheat my boy is that all right you guys cool with that don't ask where I got these I did feed some of your currency to a dragon don't ask it's time for our next TNT what do we have here a spinning TNT don't mind the F do H yes I like to spin too anybody else vomiting nice hold on I have kind of a bad idea yo Iron Golem have you seen any Desert pyramids around here transition okay so if this works like I'm hoping it does it'll trigger the TNT below giving myself even extra exploded blocks go spinning TNT oh my goodness go go that gave me so many exploded blocks all right it didn't trigger the TNT down there one more time oh gosh oh gosh no no no I got to run I got to run ah yeah oh it's beautiful dude free blocks thanks for the money desert pyramid I can explode into the Sand Mountain and then maybe if the sand falls I'll get even more exploded TNT I mean exploded block it's time for the dangerous ballerina yes spin my beautiful ballerina oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I didn't think this one through wao all right 3,000 blocks exploded that'll just about do it we can buy our catapult TNT that's cool man what the heck is this carpet TNT I'll be back Magic Carpet it's like the movie Aladdin except everybody explodes I'm not entirely sure how this is going to work but I'm going to try to place it down here and shoot a TNT at that cat cus over there all right aim and oh no I said aim for the cactus not aim for the crafty oh no I didn't even hit the cactus dude okay we're going to try this again I'm going to place three catapults and I'm going to run really far away don't kill me don't kill me yes a what look at this catapult catastrophe and then the most resilient cactus of all time all right Cactus you deserve to live for today I'm just mad cuz he doesn't like when I step on him he hurts my toies well 5,000 blocks broken that'll give us plenty for the carpet TNT here yes I need that obsidian crafty armor dude oh I look awesome all right hold on I'll be back it looks very heavy actually is my chest like a nether portal I assume that's going to help me you know not die from explosions which will be very nice let's see what this Carpet Ride does shall we and I'm hoping I can get enough to buy that suit of armor in there uh go explode oh what the heck oh gosh oh gosh bro oh my gosh look at this chaos okay before I even use the the other carpets I still have three more of them let me just buy my suit of armor real quick all right that feels a lot better nobody light me with the flint and steel though I might turn into a nether portal okay let's try this again it looks so nice and innocent Let Me Ride The Magic Carpet yes oh okay fine what you call me fat oh that is an incredible TNT dude oop sorry buddy I took out a little bit of his farm there oh this is a bad idea I'm going to do have both carpets and then run I really want to see with the explosion go carpets go oh man oh my goodness that is an insane TNT dude I like that one a lot it's chaotic as ever but it's very cool but it's only going to get cooler I can't even afford our Boulder TNT do I have a Chester around here hey Chester dude I'm coming for you oh you look awesome our last TNT Chester blew up dude isn't that exciting that outfit is Bomb Chester I got to say okay I should be able to afford all the TNTs yeah we went on a little bit of a shopping spree there you go there's all of them and now I got to run all right all right oh gosh it's I thought it was done am I going to die from Fall damage please okay I survived I should be able to use this to get to 10,000 no problem oh my goodness there you go Shockwave little Decay TNT some linear TNTs run run run run run run run run run run yeah boom yes 177,000 oh my goodness look at that cave dude these videos get crazy if you're enjoying make sure and leave a like I want to do more of these videos oh my gosh we have so many more upgrades to make and that's already the chaos that we can ensue ah you know crafty videos we love our chaos all right Boulder TNT let's see what you got dude it's not an asteroid TNT so I assume oh there it goes what the heck oh it like buried into the mountain oh it's a giant boulder well that makes sense so it like creates a boulder to then break all the blocks around it oh gosh the sound is weirdly slimy yes go my Boulders go it's made of Bedrock man yeah that's not stopping for anybody all right well 40,000 yeah I think that'll cover us we don't quite have enough for the Chester TNT but I'm hoping our gamma TNT is going to give us enough how many times have I said TNT in this video just two right and place oh it looks awesome it looks like a tie dye TNT or something oh my what is that wao it's shooting out Fireballs man look at it Go all right that's giving me some decent amount of blocks broken so far oh gosh it just keeps going man it like creates a sun or something and then just starts shooting out lasers I placed three of them down now it's the competition of the gamma oh man this this is already so powerful yes and 50,000 Chester here I come buddy hold on I got to watch this First Watch wow that's so beautiful looking sunsets you're beautiful but I mean you don't do this so Chester welcome to the club buddy where are you Chester will be waiting outside of the shop now before we reunite with chester again I need a little bit more TNT here Chester multiplies my blocks broken which will be really nice but I still need a lot more blocks broken to get these expensive ones all the way up to this bad boy I am so nervous and so excited watch it just breaks like five blocks you over compensating for something over there what the heck is a moat I don't know hey there he is what's up buddy you ready to watch some explosions happen a he's a cutie dud he's so excited today Chester loves TNT videos almost as much as you guys do and if you subscribe I might just make a couple more Boulder Boulder I'm going to make an entire Army of Boulders and just take out the entire Mountain yes now we're talking oh there they go that probably wasn't the most efficient way to break blocks nope never mind oh 100,000 170,000 that'll do it thanks Chester thanks for multiplying or whatever oh a stick is this for me he's like a puppy dude he just grabbed a stick and brought it to me good boy good boy he likes when I scratch his nose wait is that your nose the little like chest thing right there there you go now I can't unsee Chester as a villager where this little thing is his nose it's really cute man oh gosh I've created monsters hey guys you want to see something cool it's called a catapult yeah it's like a dog except not at all like I don't know catapult Well that took care care of those bad boys cats have nine lives but catapults take them all come on Chester it's shopping spree time wait oh I have the perfect amount I can buy our marker TNT which sounds not so dangerous dude it looks like a I don't know like a a radio or something is the top of marker like literally I draw on stuff but not only that I can also buy our anti-gravity TNT oh I'm excited dude Enchanted TNT you're next and then the vaporizing t T my favorite TNT the Hava Hava Hava Hava hav oh can you tell how much I love filming these videos please subscribe so I can just make these videos all day every day I'm hoping these TNTs are worth it they made me very poor come in come in I'm looking for an air strike is that what it is yes calls down a fighter jet yeah I figured as much calling in the Jets no I'm not talking about the football team I'm talking the sky demons this piece of dead ass looked at me wrong call in to fighter jets boys run Chester Chester run oh there it goes yeah man yep that that dead bush is pretty dead now I think wo wo oh oh oh gosh oh gosh okay wow yeah that makes quite a big explosion there come in boys I think you got him wait there's more the dead grass is after us coming for Revenge boys you know what to do run Chester run run run run come in fighter jets whoa watch out don't crash boys oh oh my gosh what is happening wow yep okay okay guys I I'm in here if you could not drop explosions on my forehead that'd be great I know it's a big Target don't judge me wow what a beautiful sight it is look at this man I feel like that Batman movie where he has to climb out of the hole all right Chester let's get ourselves out of here I guess I could just climb this water huh well that exploded 250,000 blocks but I'm not done yet dude the anti-gravity wo oh my gosh what is this the Avengers dude are you going to launch it down oh wa that was so cool I have kind of a weird idea will it launch up water as well just makes a giant Splash yes it does it lifts up water too and go boom wait hold on Luke use your powers of the force I lift it up with the force and force slam boom I have never felt more powerful in my life M do or do not there is no try I have kind of a dumb idea what happens if I stand on top of it will I Rise up as well ouch nope I will not oh gosh well this won't be good uh bye okay half a million blocks I can buy our Enchanted TNT now and I can buy our vaporizing TNT the strongest TNT of them all the Haba ooh power five multi-shot 10 in Infinity is the Enchanted TNT going to shoot out a bunch of arrows or something oh man Chester watch out dude don't try to eat the arrows okay there it goes oh my goodness oh that's lag all right all right oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they just keep going oh I see it's Infinity cuz they keep exploding oh man go little buddy go he's so cute look at him just keep exploding just keep exploding it's like Dora from Finding Nemo except a little more dangerous oh my goodness how long does it go dude literally forever these might go all the way down to bedrock dude poor guy can't break the blocks cuz he's in water dude my bad I'm sorry he's working so hard over there I think the water still counts as broken blocks though so I mean you know free money we take those if you watch this video 5 years later some say he's still exploding to this day hey lava meet my friend Enchanted TNT I think you guys will make great buddies oh run run run run run boom oh my oh my game's going to crash my game's going to crash oh my gosh the lava survived oh dude nice job man just goes on forever look at those trios The Three Amigos that's what friendship is really those who explode together stay together all right let's try our vaporizing TNT here while our Enchanted TNT is going there oh I was not ready oh my goodness dude okay it looks like the oh hi buddy thanks for the free exploded blocks oh my gosh the vaporized TNT he just keeps going man look at it wao let's try this again shall we a there's a baby bunny okay well this site is ruined I like chaos as much as the next guy but I have standards okay I'm not killing no baby bunnies but dead Bush you're going down dead Bush the havab [Music] attacks oh man that is so awesome it just makes like a straight line of chaos and explosions wow honestly the H might be my favorite TNT so far comment down below your favorite TNT although we still have one more to go wao weird it's a spider spawner at the surface well spider spawner I have a present for you it's a jaap pu and vaporize well it didn't break the spawner let's try this again take this the easiest way to break spawners in Minecraft just vaporize them there we go and that is just enough dude we passed 600,000 blocks broken and now for the grand finale the moat the mother of all TNT oh that's what it stands for legit I thought it would like explode a moat around me you know like in medieval times that's way cooler all right come on mother like mother like son it's huge dude it's time let's see what you got mother oh my gosh look at it man it's huge oh my oh my goodness oh it might just explode forever oh man holy cow it just vaporizes everything around it dude it might straight up go go on forever the mother of all TNT yep yep that seems about right it exploded over a million blocks just then well might as well place all three right next to each other my computer might actually break from this make sure and subscribe so I can buy myself a new computer after this oh my gosh oh no oh hey guys how you doing computer thanks for watching subcribe this Minecraft world is made of Legos and watch this Lego explosion kabo and now I've obtained some studs don't worry Pig you're the biggest stud of them all so now that I have 47 studs I can head into my shop here and buy some pretty sweet new Lego TNTs my goal is 1 million studs but first we'll try out our agent TNT shall we ooh that was pretty sounding this is Agent crafty reporting for explosions it doesn't give me a ton of studs but I do like the sound effect it makes all right 100 studs let's buy ourself ooh a pirate TNT nice I like it all right wao check it out you guys looks like this world has Lego builds too Pirates don't worry boys I have a present for you go TNT R and boom this is cool I like this TNT it sends out little barrels it looks like Kaboom take that foul Pirates yeah oh x marks the spot hold on I need to get myself some more TNT I'll take some more of you and then looks like I can also buy a Star Wars TNT very cool your boys hiding treasure here it's kind of the most obvious spot of all time but you know uh ooh there is treasure under here check it out very nice a bunch of gold some gold Legos shall we test out our Star Wars TNT hello boys oh go Star Wars TNT I don't know what this does oh snap it like creates a blaster oh my goodness yo Star Wars TNT help me out here brother yeah oh that's awesome ouch okay well less awesome when I die set up the blasters yeah get them dude I like the sound it makes oh gosh no no stop yeah go cannons take out those nasty Pirates I got to be careful man I keep dying from my own explosions oh all right well that'll do it 600 studs let's see what else we can buy oh snap Indiana Jones TNT Don't Mind If I Do show me what you got Indiana Jones TNT whoa giant boulder all right well that certainly does a lot of damage I don't know why it's a TNT is it going to explode that's giving me so many blocks broken man keep getting me studs my dude that's a nice boulder it just keeps going I guess it explodes at the very end ooh this works oh I did not know hey hey hey chill dude chill I really felt like Indiana Jones there slap a hat on me and call me Indie oh gosh sorry boys I uh did not realize it's was going to break the town I guess this is a pirate town right that's that's kind of fine to do take that nasty Pirates these Pirates have been stealing loot from the villagers go yeah I'll take that okay we'll went the wrong way that's fine take that stop dude you're they keep going the wrong way all right well well we got a lot of blocks from that oh no no thank you no thank you stop trying to steal my booty dude oh no oh do like your hat all right I'm out I'm out well looks like we can buy ourself a Mars mission suit very cool I don't know what that is but I hope it explodes and we can afford a Power Miners TNT sorry bionical TNT you look awesome but I'll have to be back for you speaking of is Chester around here somewhere Lego Chester dude what's up buddy don't worry I'll get you out of there oh that's awesome I always love Chester in these videos all right power minor TNT let's see what you got oh snap oh it like drops TNT too so it mines the blocks and I get Studs from that and then it drops exploding TNT oh that's awesome man I'll be able to afford Chester in no time I have three of them as well go go go yeah look at him go man holy cow I'm almost at 10,000 don't stop there boys keep going I do have this Mars mission suit oh I can wear it explosions do no d damage to me that's nice and I can fly with a jetpack uh yes please hey oh snap I look awesome I can fly now yeah oh man I've got my own built-in jetpack yeah take that pirates try to steal my Jetpack ow they have arrows right they have arrows arrows are still dangerous well let's fly over to a village and get myself some food shall we greetings Village I am Spaceman don't worry don't worry I won't blow up your village you got any food for me I can borrow oh yes Lego red my favorite nutritious and microplastics really seals in the flavor this really looks like a Lego village Dude Looks like something that I would build pretty terribly and it would take me 7 hours when I was five and I would have only swallowed one of the pieces all right TNT what's next oh we can buy ourself our bionical TNT and also our Ninjago TNT looks kind of like a Beyblade our beblade still a thing or am I old probably both oh I'm excited man this bionical TNT looks so stinking cool really brings me back to my childhood days all right bionical TNT let's see what you got dude oh snap it like sends out these Flames that explode wa that's pretty cool man you doing all right down there oh my gosh it just keeps going all right we got to do a couple more of these go Bionicles go I'm already almost at 10,000 blocks broken yes explode go oh my word this is chaos man sorry guys I'm just testing some nuclear reactions over here don't mind me probably should have gone a little further away from the village but you know what they're fine I'm very safe and should be trusted with explosions all right let's try Ninjago TNT shall we let's see what you got oh dude this is awesome looks like it sends out all the little Ninjago elements this is smoke that's explosions that's uh fire that was awesome let's give another one yeah look at it there's wind there's ice there's Earth there's zappy boy lightning time that's my favorite element boom and then they explode at the end that is awesome man already 30,000 blocks broken don't worry Chester I'm coming let me drop a few more of these guys and let them rip I don't know about you but straight up these do look like Beyblades who's going to win fire versus lightning I don't know man I got my bets on Lightning yeah lightning wins oh uh noted lightning and bunnies do not get along it's time my boy Lego Chester I Choose You Yeah Lego Chester will be waiting outside the shop for us all right well we have a little bit more money to spend oh that's a hard choice for 10,000 studs I can buy a wild west TNT but I can barely afford a Knights of the Kingdom TNT oh I think I'm going to do it nights of the Kingdom TNT please be good dude I spent almost all of my studs not to mention Chester me boy look at him what's up Chester my man I like how we bounces Chester multiplies all the blocks that I break by two so that'll help me get more and more all right Knights of the Kingdom let's see what you got oh snap it sends out diamond swords W 42,000 oh my word well that answers that question let's try this again Knights of the Kingdom send out your swords yeah go look at them all it shoots out a bunch of swords in like every direction and I get 40,000 studs from it my goodness I'm full of studs are you ready for more colorful little Lego Chester let's see what else we can buy aha Wild West thanks for being patient my dude let's buy ourselves some wild west TNT oh snap it's an afro TNT oh uh dinosaur right dinosaur TNT we go it does look like an afro dude Am I Wrong Harry Potter TNT uh you're a little too expensive for me buddy but I'll come back you'll be worth it little pter W hey check it out looks like I found a little ghost town over here perfect timing with my Wild West TNT this place isn't big enough for the two of us oh man well apparently this place was too big even for him anybody here this place could use some cowboys come on boys oh well it's got horses now so the horses just go to line and destroy all the blocks oh my word that looks awesome dude it's so satisfying with the Mesa blocks oh gosh oh gosh horse you're fine you're fine my goodness man they go on forever all right horses go all right well uh that direction works too watch out boys we're breaking up this land to put a spaceship here or something these guys are awesome all right well we went back in time for horses let's go back in time even further to Jurassic Park let's try out our dinosaur TNT shall we oh snap go little dinos it works kind of like the horse TNT except they just go in random directions get them triceratops or a broncosaurus or a bronchitis or something wa this is a cool cave all right dinosaurs let's see what you can do in this cave let's do a couple of them here yeah go dinosaurs enjoying a nice meal of stone yes delicious n n n n n all right we're at 160,000 studs already my goodness it's been 100 million years since dinosaurs have roamed across the Earth but here they are in their natural habitat munching on their favorite food of stone and iron I guess ah yes the magnificence of Nature and life that they just explode totally normal thing that happens they're born they eat and then they explode that's a scientific fact did you know that dinosaurs would eat Stone and explode yeah new fun dinosaur fact isn't that true Chester no what do you mean it's not true what everything that happens in crafty videos is true what what do you mean there's been some scientific in consistencies what do you mean I can time travel and E the world 300,000 studs all right well your boys can upgrade to the big leagues Harry Potter thank you for your patience Levy oh snap it's time for Harry Potter that was bad I'm hairy excited for this no well this TNT really spells out disaster all right that's good enough all right Chester are you ready I hope you're a Harry Potter fan let's see what it does all right let's see let's see oh snap it's casting some spells that's pretty cool man like sends out a spell in all directions hold on it might work best underground it's a nice little spot for it all right Harry let's see what you got my boy and Le USA yeah now that's what I'm talking about dude all right all right oh we got some diamonds yo Harry you mind mining this for me real quick bombard maximal or something yeah I don't know if this TNT does damage to mobs but I kind kind of want to find out let's find ourself an outpost ah yes hello Lego outpost you know me in every one of these TNT videos I got to take out an outpost howdy boys and go oh snap oh snap is it going to work bombard ball yeah take that dude it didn't do a ton of damage but I still have some of these Knights TNTs we'll toss a couple of those cam whoo don't slice my head off please some agent TNTs boom all right all right those are cool but I think it's now time to upgrade to the big boys let's see what we got here for 100,000 studs we got a Mask of Shadows I think that's from Bionicle but correct me if I'm wrong we can also buy a Duplo TNT uh isn't that a rapper no that's Diplo what's up guys it's me Lil Lego it's my rap name thanks for having me here on MTV it's me L Lego Mask of Shadows let's see what you got oh snap what does it do oh oh my goodness it just decimates everything in its path oh gosh Iron Golem hey you're safe and you're free there you go buddy all right I like it man We rescued the little alleys that's really satisfying dude it doesn't even make an explosion it just eats the blocks man hello Mountain would you like to become food oh snap I dropped a Duplo block Duplo asteroids y kabo oh snap dude that was awesome Mask of Shadows consume the mountain wao all right now we drop oursel a Duplo TNT as well and we totally wreck my computer and explosions wao hey I found a spawner what's up spawner hello everyone welcome to my tutorial on how to break spawners first you get yourself a couple of spruce wood and then you drop a bunch of Legos on it Kaboom and thus concludes my tutorial instructions unclear my house is on fire wait a minute am I already in a million Legos ah heck yeah dude but I'm not done yet I've still got one more TNT to buy and that my friends is the Marvel TNT oh it's like the tesser ax from Marvel oh snap I can buy two of them cuz uh that's wait wait that's not how tessera work you can't have two tessera right something about Infinity Stones or Dimensions or I don't know let's try this bad boy out shall we we place the Tesseract right there and oh oh my word oh wow yep yep yep I think Doctor Strange is going to be kind of mad at me goodness gracious W go tessar wow yeah that thing's a little powerful who knew when you lit the Tess on fire it would uh destroy the whole world I had no idea look at this man this is crazy go is this ever going to stop does it is it going on forever oh it finally stopped my goodness man the bees are like what happened I'm chilling ah yes what a beautiful day oh my gosh sorry guys glad you're still alive and okay but I have one more Tesseract and I know just where to use it howdy there Pirates I'm back what is that is that a parrot is that a square parrot hold on I got distracted look at him oh hold on I'm taking you with me little buddy you deserve to live cute little parrot there we go here you go nasty Pirates I got a present for you it's a magical Square boom yeah yeah look at it go dude no more pirate attacks that's what you get for pirating all those movies oh my word it just keeps going and there we go Pirate Bay is destroyed and so is my computer look at I can wear the parrot on my head explode that like button and subscribe for more TNT videos bye earthquakes tornadoes meteor strikes and more I can buy natural dis disaster TNT and my goal is to explode a million blocks in Minecraft we shall start our adventure with a normal TNT ah yes n not nearly disastrous enough but I did have enough exploded blocks from that to buy our first natural disaster TNT let's see what you got Mr landslides oh okay shoots up little dirt balls or something blo all right that gave me 112 blocks broken not too bad let's launch a few more of these shall we oh yes a nice little chair for me to sit on it doesn't look extremely comfortable but it looks like a little bench when it's sitting like that go run run run run explode oh boom baby wait wait 300 blocks almost broken let's buy ourself our new TNT ooh the thunderstorm TNT watch out Buddies the lightning TNT cblo oh snap lightning never strikes twice well in this case uh not so much wo it's gorgeous dude that was cool let's do a couple more of these shall we a nice old lightning ballet dance yes what a nice show wa dude that's what happens when Thor sneezes or wait no Thor Thor is thunder I'm in Zeus my bad the chicken's just totally unfazed like yeah it's just any other Tuesday for us really I mean Dave got struck by lightning 3 days ago all right 500 blocks broken let's see what else we can buy oh I missed one let's buy ourself a wildfire TNT my goodness and let's buy ourself a tsunami TNT wo the fire the water might as well buy the landslide we got fire water and Earth the elemental explosions first let's try our wild fire go buddy oh I'm nervous dude oh my goodness wait wait hold on hold on don't deep fry me wo dude all right well they're getting more intense already I've never seen Wildfire bury a hole in the ground don't don't worry I'll put out the fires with my totally natural tsunami go tsunami TNT I'm a good guy remember it actually puts out the fires that's awesome oh my goodness go tsunami ow ow that's pretty cool and go tsunamis go run run run run run wo look at the waves yes destroy those blocks come on man I thought you'd oh okay okay well let's try out our Trifecta shall we fire water and Earth we got to go dude we're about to make a natural disaster yeah PLO let's go that looks insane ow I'm going to die oh goodness wow that was dangerous all right sorry tree my bad dude I i' put you out with a tsunami but I ran out of water all right well I certainly would call that devastating but not devastating enough okay okay what else can we buy I'm going to buy myself some acid rain dude oh this might be a horrible idea I'm just going to put down all four of our acid rain TNTs and just hope I don't die here we go and run run run let's see what you got dude and go what is that is that it what what's happening a it's raining it's breaking all the blocks dude what happens if I jump in it ah yes delicious acid rain my favorite look at it go dude it just keeps going oh my goodness now that's a dangerous rainy day ow I'm stuck hello thank you oh my gosh it just keeps going dude does it go all the way down to bedrock oh my goodness holy cow oh my word it just keeps going man it's a perfect little square ah yes what a beautiful day oh well uh while that does that for potentially eternity let's head over and buy ourself our armor suit dude our natural disaster suit hey oh yeah looking good I look a little chunky I'm ready for anything you throw at me dude the earthquake TNT no problem oh I'm too poor hold on let me blow some stuff up real quick there we go oh snap I can fly now oh yes please oh that's going to make things so much easier now I can see from above who go oh now that was awesome dude that's how you use that TNT just got to get up a mountain or something hold on I still need some more blocks broken go boys no I'm hoping this gets me up to 4,000 thank you thank you let's try this bad boy underground shall we that is a lot of thunderstorms my man all right well here goes nothing I guess go go go there's too many of them I can't light them all go go oh a yes yes beautiful destruction ouch all right well that worked pretty well honestly it didn't break as much as I thought but it did give us enough to buy ourself our earthquake TNT let's see what you got go oh I'm excited hello what uh maybe it has to be on the surface let's try this again come on earthquake TNT oh dude that's so cool oh my word yeah that worked sorry flowers my bad I'll will relocate you I did not mean to destroy your home there you go flowers live long and prosper uh hello Pillager Outpost would you like to be rumbled you know the rules every TNT video we have to destroy a Pillager Outpost do the cha CH real smooth uh it does like a little dance that's so cool hold on let's try that again I'm doing two of them come on jump Pillager Outpost there you go well that seem to work pretty well ah no don't worry buddy I'll help you get him boy it's time oh Ravine earthquake let's see what happens oh that looks so cool oh my computer hates it oh my word that was awesome good job guys you survived an earthquake they're just chilling man they're like what happened did the ground move sorry oh it's volcano time dude the volcano eruption TNT here's a cool spot for it all right volcano let's see what you got my dude oh it shoots up little rocks W they explode into flaming craziness ah go volcano that's pretty sweet man I got to admit let's keep this party going my man that was cool and all but I need more now here's a volcanic eruption there we go yeah go volcano make a giant Island so Mr Beast can buy it or whatever yes oh my word all right now that's the kind of natural disaster I was looking for very cool very cool oop sorry tree that's my bad all right Avalanche TNT let's see what you got Yo the chicken you want some ice cream my dude we've got some blizzards coming right up turn this Plains into a beautiful snowy mountain oh sorry Pig oh my goodness it shoots out these giant ice cream balls and then they explode wow it does look quite beautiful wandering trailer you got a little lucky there buddy it's gorgeous you wouldn't even know it's fully destructive fun fact this is actually how they make Dairy Queen Blizzards let's do a couple more of these go blizzard boys go that looks awesome go blizzards I've got 75,000 blocks broken dude and I'm leaving a beautiful white snowy Trail I can't tell if that's Ash or if that's actually snow yeah it's snow no destruction here just beautiful snowballs you guys want to play a snowball fight cuz I brought some TNT to play with it's like that one guy at school that takes the game just way too seriously oh we're doing a snowball fight cuz my mom brought me some Avalanche TNT let's do them a little further apart this time and see how much of the world I can coat in snow I'm the modern day Santa yeah oh my word look at it dude oh it's incredible uh yeah take that I like it dude this might be my favorite TNT so far but it's not only cool I got so many blocks broken from that dude what else can I buy shopping spree time I can buy a tornado TNT and I can afford our solar flare TNTs oh snap and Chesters over here I didn't even see you buddy nuclear Chester what's up dude oh he looks awesome looks like you haven't brushed your teeth in a couple years but uh don't worry Mr Chester I'll be back dude I didn't know he was here otherwise I would have bought him already oh this is going to be epic dude tornado TNT let's do this I'm nervous I'm excited let's see what you got tornado what it's tiny dude it's not even breaking any blocks hello oh goodness it exploded oh oh it's bigger it's bigger now oh goodness oh gosh it's growing go tornado it's sucking blocks it oh my goodness keep getting bigger buddy oh my word I did not expect that it's cool it's cool oh it keeps going it's huge I'm getting sucked into it no wow that was incredible I was so underwhelmed it was all small that was so awesome oh this might be a bad idea I'm going to set off a couple of these it's tornado season baby something about The Wizard of Oz oh man grow my boys grow yeah oh my goodness the absolute destruction of the tornadoes oh that's incredible it just took out an entire Mountain dude oh sorry cows oh my goodness where are you coming from oh my goodness I think it sucks up mobs too it just sucked up a bunch of creepers into it should we test this out over at a nice old Pillager Outpost hello snowy boys ow what a horrible way to greet your guests I shall gift you a nice gift of three there you go buddies do you like my gift no way come back stop ice skating over there dude come back what are you doing oh man look at the pillagers they're just getting launched up oh my goodness yeah that'll do it that'll oh God sorry polar bear that's my bad look at it go that did a lot of damage it didn't take out that much of the Outpost so let's toss a solar flare and see what happens there you go buddy solar flare oh man oh snap oh dude it like creates a giant firey Circle underneath the Circle of Death look at it Go wow that's awesome dude it goes all the way down this little lucky Pillager made it out hi buddy you're all right you just live in the ground now okay well H that wasn't my fault let's try one of these solar flares on the ice oh man look at it it's creating obsidian and then breaking it the mighty solar flare I like how the Sun just shot a deadly laser and the fish are just chilling this is like that's fine my insides are now cooked but it's cool salmon now come precooked very nice oh I've got an idea hold on let me find a cave real quick oh my goodness you guys I I found the coolest cave ever yes a perfect place for a tornado underground oh I have no idea what's going to happen here go little buddy come on dude do some damage yes yes go tornado yeah there we go oh my word he's just eating all the blocks and that Witch Is Dead all right I'm a little underwhelmed so I'm just going to use the sun's p hour to melt this place a little bit there we go now we're talking ah yes my favorite activity lag now we're talking now that's a natural disaster dude oh my goodness look at it oh baby it's Chester time give me give me givee give me yeah we got a nuclear Chester dude yeah he looks nuclear those eyeballs look like he's ready to explode but not only can we afford Chester we can buy our meteor strike TNT as well oh these are looking awesome all right T I'll be back dude now the block counter has times two next to it so all the blocks broken Chester will multiply first up let's test out our meteor strike run Chester run okay it's shooting up a giant Fireball okay there's a decent Siz meteor it's kind of smaller than I thought hello that was under oh my goodness I was about to say that was underwhelming it just launched a giant hole in the ground my word another one we shall sit back and watch the beautiful explosions Chester I like your fuse can I light your fuse no I can't oh watch out buddy oh Chester yall right here dude I'm glad he doesn't take fall damage that was crazy oh my w it makes a giant Circle can I take this all the way down to bedrock come on Chester we have places to be don't worry boys I'll catch it I missed my bad my bad oh my word another one hello zombie you might not want to pick a fight with me dude oh boom Oh my gosh yeah it breaks every block look I'm in the void right now asteroids are op man they even break bedrock and come blam oh that is so sick dude well see you later gravel down to the void you go all right Chester before you fall in the void let's head back to the surface this is crazy looking man this actually looks so cool with the waterfall down to the void the exposed abandoned M shaft I like it I can afford it the gravity wave TNT oh let's see if you're cooler than the meteor watch out buddy uh okay well that was kind of boring hello oh goodness no that that's not all oh my goodness it sends out oh my word they're not meteors they're giant pieces of earth I can see like cobblestone in there and dirt they just get bigger and bigger oh my gosh dude that's ridiculous man I bet if we oh gosh if we place the blocks just right we can make little Mickey Mouse ears the most dangerous Mickey Mouse known to mankind if I put one here and then one like all the way over here and what over here can I make a giant Mickey Mouse I mean it kind of worked almost looks like my profile picture this might have been a bad idea oh this this might have been a bad idea I did light four at the same time oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I might have broken my computer all right well that certainly broke a a heck ton of blocks am I at 2 million already wow okay that actually looks kind of incredible I'm not going to lie we've got a bunch of blocks chest let's go spend them we shall buy our last two TNT the time Rift and the Wormhole it's time for the time Rift let's see what you got dude split oh it turned everything to night oh my gosh it like flicks between night and day it just erodes the ground oh my word and this is how you make Ravine babies it looks kind of like the bad lands you know what I'm talking about it looks like it goes all the way down to bedrock too will I break the time continuum if I do like four at once it's fine fine who needs the time continuum when you have TNT to explode oh here we go oh I might have broken the sun oh man look at it oh that's so cool looking though oh I I don't even know what I'm looking at that looks so awesome look at this single strand of grass Chester sitting up on it like I am the king of the nerd pole that's your own private island you can't go anywhere but it's pretty cool look at this absolute destruction well let's end it off with the Wormhole shall we let's see what happens we mess with time and now we mess with space o that's that's a GI it just sucks up all the blocks around it Chester run dude don't get sucked into the armhole look at it go man oh it's just getting bigger and bigger oh my gosh look at all the blocks floating into it that's so cool yes consume consume it's not stopping I I don't know is it going to keep getting bigger forever look at it man oh no you can't fly away I'm getting sucked into it dude please subscribe before it's too late O It's actually kind of Pretty in here well this is my life now water earth air fire you name them we explode them 15 crazy Elemental TNT that are guaranteed to blow your mind not blow up your mind that's that's totally different and here we are at the TNT shop now I can't afford them all yet but I can buy our fire TNT this will be lit sorry my boss is going to fire me for that one okay all right fire TNT let's see what you got buddy dude and go oh my goodness yeah yeah yeah that's pretty cool man look at that probably shouldn't have set this off in a forest uh Smoky the Bear is going to fire me for that one all right made it to this nice desert uh totally far away from any trees the smallest desert of all time surrounded by water and Lush trees and the last fire TNT can you even melt through Stone wa that's cool man oh gosh all right let's put out the these fires with some water shall we we'll head back into our TNT shop and buy ourselves some water TNT put out the fire yeah oh that's actually kind of cool like melts through the blocks and leaves a nice little water path there you go desert I know you are quite thirsty oh that's cool man I like how that looks made myself a nice little river drink up little sugar cane oop sorry I broke your friends there you are I like your hairstyle Mr TNT ow okay okay lesser TNT is dangerous we're progressing pretty quick let's buy our s the air TNT as well go air TNT I'll place a couple of them oh it's oh my goodness that's a powerful air nice it mines blocks for me and everything oh my goodness just keeps going go TNT break wind wait no not that dude that's so cool it just goes on forever well well there's some iron if I need it thank you very much wow that's pretty awesome some powerful toots we got going on challenge become the Avatar uh okay okay I don't really know what that means but let's head into our shop here oh I see I can buy myself an elemental cloak ah looking good Mr crafty it's a little expensive but that's all right the challenge made me do it yoink oh looking fancy I like it I look like an angsty teen eh well to be the Avatar we got to master all the elements so let's buy some of these TNTs here oh what the heck challenge destroy the Fire Nation ship okay Don't Mind If I Do I Can Fly oh heck yeah I can fly I like being the Avatar already oh snap there's bad guys too hello bad boys I shall Master the elements I shall destroy you go water attack all right well that did something oh I don't really have damaging weapons right now uh does the air work attack it air yes breathe on them or something okay that works pretty well I've got to destroy the ship though I shall destroy the Fire Nation with fire I fight fire with fire yeah oh that works well dude we're making some progress the Fire Nation are the bad guys all right yeah take that I shall douse you fire nation and go yeah oh that is so nice oh snap we've done some good damage but not enough yet hold on what else can we buy oh a rock TNT all right let's rock come on Rock TNT destroy them oh it creates little rocks oh wo all right that did it challenge completed take that Fire Nation that's what they get they're on here setting trees on fire I've never done that before in my life I'm not done being a hero just yet go rock destroy the Outpost I don't know man destroying Pillager Outpost is like my favorite thing to do it's so satisfying yeah all right well that gave me a bunch of blocks broken let's see what else we can buy next on the list is our Frost TNT this one looks cool man it's got like spikes on it and everything Chester it's little Avatar Chester dude I like it what is your arrow pointing to I don't want to know it's poined to his little tiny legs all right I can't unlock you just yet but uh we'll get there let's try out our Frost TNT shall we let's see what you got come on be cool please be cool ooh oh I was like it just coats the ground in ice but no that was awesome it like covers the ground in exploding icicles it really puts the pop in popsicle and go oh run run run oh I forgot I can fly yeah explode dude that is so sweet that's my favorite TNT so far that is awesome looking freeze the water he oh well I like how it freezes the ground but not water it's pretty cool freeze pyramid oh this going to be cool looking and oh that looks awesome yes we shall get to the treasure it exploded everything except for the one area I needed to get the treasure yeah oh wait it's actually good for me to explode the TNT ha who needs treasure when you have explosions nice I got some free blocks for that now we can buy ourselves some poison TNT and I can afford to get a frost TNT as well might as well get some of these also for backup let's try this bad boy out shall we oh what the heck where are we now challenge destroy the Fire Nation stronghold okay this place looks awesome hello my boys a great place to try out our poison TNT huh oh gosh there's some bad guys here man the pillagers really made some up upgrades ow take this pillagers ha oh dude that's incredible oh I like the poison TNT already ooh up here looks like a perfect place flying the poison flag go kmo oh that's awesome it did miss everything but still very cool go poison TNT ah there we go now we're talking freeze Fire Nation there we go yeah that's incredible yeah take that bad guys I like how they have all these walls and I'm just flying right over it there's a lot of useless work you got there boys yeah take that go just need a little more progress oh that poison TNT is so sweet dude hey there we go challenge completed I know I know I'm awesome what can I say and we have more than enough to buy ourselves the Avatar Chester yeah come on buddy there he is hey little Avatar Chester I like him dude and he's learning too check this out yo Avatar Chester where's the ground right there yeah you're right good job buddy Chester multiplies all the blocks that we get by two so this should make progress nice and simple now ha we'll take some more of the poison TNT thank you oh we got a mob fight who's going to win is it going to be the skeleton is it going to be the spider a spider got taken out I was Voting team spider all day long come on poison TNT go oh that is so cool looking dude watch out Chester watch out buddy oh my goodness that you giv me so many blocks chest is pretty amazing we'll put a bunch of these poisons down and destroy the caves there we go hello zombie boys would you like to would you like to meet the Bedrock yes destroy the caves uh technically I'm not destroying the cave I guess I'm just kind of making it bigger but you know wa hey Chester found some diamonds don't worry Chester I'll mine the diamonds oops goodbye oh that is so cool all right well that gave us6 60,000 blocks so let's buy ourselves some more TNT shall we we can buy ourself the steel TNT at a low price what a steel and oh this one looks pretty man it's got little flowers on top we've got the Earth TNT I like your hair he's got little dreads going on and the lightning TNT is next I'll be back buddy oh here comes the steel TNT and kmo wa dude that's awesome it sends out giant spikes and they go all the way down to bedrock not quite but very cool I got to save some of these if we H have to take out another Fire Nation Temple or something and boom sorry cow that's my bad dude that's incredible man we still have also our Earth TNT should we try this bad boy out does it plant nice and pretty flowers it explodes in nice glor oh no it does not oh my oh my goodness it makes a giant Ravine yo Chester you okay buddy wow I thought that was going to be really pretty and wholesome but no just destroyed half of the land sorry guys that's my bad I should have known better it is TNT after all and go Earth TNT let's hollow out the middle of this Mesa here yeah oh my word I like it dude that's a cool TNT it's very destructive it's my favorite kind of ruive yeah go ouch oh my word that certainly broke a lot of blocks I made a little tunnel in case you didn't want to go around the mountain now you can go right through it secret tunnel secret tunnel it's not so secret because it's very obvious it's here well that should give us more than enough to buy ourself our lightning TNT let's see what you got and go okay little uh little fairy dust floating in the sky oh it made a little rain cloud oh that was pretty cool oh my goodness it's still going dude and lightning go it's hitting the water sorry fish I didn't realize it would go in this direction boom it might just go on forever man those squids are having a rough day let's do a couple of these shall we we'll have a lightning race and little rain cloud boom oh my goodness that was too much oh oh man I messed up oh my word wow that's destructive oh it's so laggy I made a mistake I made a mistake oh goodness they might destroy the whole world well we got a lot of blocks from that we can buy a meteor TNT looks kind of like meatballs very mey ooh challenge destroy the Fire Nation Railway okay don't mind if I do oh go meteor TNT yeah oh man destroy destroy the Fire Nation wow that is powerful dude yeah take this bad guys drop down some fire drop down some steel yeah kmo dude that works great it even freezes the netherite as well just need a little more destruction here it's a good job for meteors Kaboom boom yeah take that all right that did it the Fire Nation is destroyed oh my word looks like uh looks like swiss cheese over here yep I think we uh accomplished our mission it's time for a boulder TNT come on Boulder you better be cool dude oh yeah now we're talking Bedrock Boulder destruction yeah I like that that's awesome we can take out some of these Fire Nation Huts over here yeah H Boom Baby Oh I like that it's very destructive and now we can buy our light TNT which ironically is very very heavy my little blue muscles can't handle this show me what you got light TNT come on be cool be cool be cool okay so far oh all right all right that's pretty cool yeah oh man it creates these arches they just keep on going oh man I don't know when it's going to stop it's using the power of the Sun man well that's pretty destructive boom yes the power of the sun oh my gosh that's an OP TNT dude I've heard of a sunburn but this is a whole new level I'm not sure who's the bad guy anymore at this point I'm kind of just destroying the Earth for no reason let's do it more we just need a little more progress oh oh my goodness well I don't think the fire nation's ever coming back and with a million blocks exploded we have one more TNT to buy that my friends is the dark TNT let's see what you got causes massive World eating destruction okay what's the worst that could happen oh the dark TNT oh my goodness that's kind of creepy dude they're like little demons or something oh it's just going to start eating the world wow wow it even ate my own block counter come on world eaters uh hello well I think I may have broken the world oh my goodness well yeah it certainly did eat the world and uh also ate my computer that was pretty Elemental ehh okay sorry see you next time everybody I've been known to break a couple of blocks in Minecraft all right maybe a lot of blocks but these are special they're the coolest TNTs ever seen in Minecraft and you don't want to miss it first things first I need a little something let's grab myself aha the shop portal and now explosions and now that we've exploded 136 blocks let's head into our TNT shop wow look at all these TNTs hello shopkeep and now I can buy a confetti TNT to celebrate and let's go and buy our buz saw TNT as well oh these are going to be cool I'm excited all right confetti TNT let's celebrate with explosions let's see what you got sends out little butterflies all right it might be the most dangerous way to celebrate a birthday but yeah congratulations you're dead I like it this thing looks deadly dude all right let's see how efficient I can get trees oh it chops down a little bit okay well uh I mean it was faster than punching it I guess thanks for the wood come on buzar chop down the trees that is awesome all right so we got we got quite a bit of wood in case I need it it may strangely work better underground yeah now we're talking buzas go it reminds me of that guy from balloons tower defense you know what I'm talking about let's head back into the shop and speaking of logs let's buy a tree and tea shall we a lucky TN te that's cool I'll be back you glorious explosive lucky boy okay let's be green and watch some explosion shall we what happens now it grows a little TNT tree and then ah sends out little explosions I like it dude oh ouch the tree hugger's worst nightmare yeah Mr Beast planted 20 million trees but do they explode chicken watch out buddy money doesn't grow on trees but I guess death can so be careful buddy well we did get a ton of exploded blocks from that so let's buy our first lucky TNT I'm excited just like Mario I shall hit it with my head wow only minor major concussions all right lucky TNT let's see what you got I'm a little scared uh boom times oh goodness it randomizes it's an okay explosion oh I see come on Lucky TNT give us a cool explosion what's it going to be what's it going to be okay hey wow come on man give me something awesome I am not here for mediocre if I would I would watch a different Minecraft Youtuber come on wow wow indeed if by wow you mean go into the Afterlife all right I'm running away from this guy oh come on don't destroy me how big was okay okay that's fine it's fine 2,000 blocks exploded let's go next up the water cannon TNT this one looks cool I mean they all look cool but uh you know fires a blast of water where you are looking very effective on Sand but where will I ever find sand oh I found sand I place TNT here and oh snap dude it just washes away the sand that's rad I am the water bender yeah ouch okay take that sand Kaboom yeah that's awesome dude the sand monster TNT oh now we're t Talking Dude H let me buy some water cannons as well oh insufficient funds hold on grow little trees grow beautiful what a nice little farm ah all right chill there we go got some water cannons as well all right sand monster TNT let's see what you got what the heck a sand monster boss all right let's take this bad boy out all right sand monster you're going down go water cannon TNT yeah okay that's working his health is going down I'm going to shoot him right in the booty ah this was a bad idea water cannon attack boom this is awesome keep attacking ow man come on one more hit right in the snoot yeah yeah sand monster defeated I'm incredible that was so cool and we got a ton of blocks exploded from that hold on all right spreadshot TNT let's see what you got I doubt you'll be cooler than a sand monster but we'll see oh snap oh I probably shouldn't get in its way right it shoots out these little cannon balls oh that gives me a ton of blocks exploded hold on let me get higher ground for this all right let's see what you got Kaboom oh that is so sweet dude I probably shouldn't stand in front of it oh careful Sandy dude that is awesome let's launch a couple of them yink yoink give me all of the blocks ow oh gosh okay oh all the way down into the Ravine Kabam very nice I like it Sandy I guess you're joining me on the adventures what's up little Chester are you a little bomb dude oh you look so sad in there uh I can't afford you yet there buddy don't worry Chester bomb I'm coming back for you ooh my next upgrade is an invincible crafty that's cool let me just get as many blocks as I can real quick I want to unlock Chester it's time to declare war on the sand boom that is awesome take this sand boom boom boom boom yeah oh this might be a mistake but it's for Chester run Sandy I can't quite afford Chester but I'm trying my best boom boom boom yes and one more TNT should do it yeah 25,000 I'm coming Chester buddy woohoo all right 25,000 oh wait a second oh no if I purchase Chester I only have a 100 blocks left oh and it'll take me forever to get this amount of blocks back um hold on Chester I'll be right back I promise I'm going to buy the race car TNT and hopefully that gives me a lot in return Please be a good investment Mr race car oh hey check it out we got a little racetrack I guess go race car and they're off driving around and pooping down TNTs where they go look at him go oh no he's going into the stands hey you're supposed to take a right there no he's exploding the fans yo race car not the smartest of race cars but you know what ow okay let me get that in vulnerability suit come on Chester it's time buddy welcome to the world now Chester's going to help cuz he multiplies all of our blocks broken by two and plus he's handsome as ever little guy a he's cute I like his little fuse on top we'll also buy our invincibility suit which will be nice and now yeah looking good now dude yeah I can fly now as well okay that'll make things nice and easy and the rough race car race car look at him go he's going down the track going uh probably like 25 M an hour not very fast take a left and he's going into the stands again I like the race car TNT it's real silly dude let's race him and now it's time for a race who will be the fastest of all the TNT left goes in first for right's falling down behind and left wins incredible actually I think I win there dude I got 990,000 blocks broken all right Chester bomb you ready for the next one it's the rainbow TNT Let's Do It Go rainbow go Kabam oh that's so cool what's at the end of a rainbow you thought it was gold no it's death let's add some color to the ice shall we it's so beautiful man this is one of my favorites it just looks gorgeous boom boom boom it's pretty cool I don't have much else to say very pretty oh Chester's excited about the transform TNT huh um I do have enough for it Chester should we do it I can come back to the UFOs or whatever all right just for you buddy I've got the world in my hands this one's Chester's suggestion where should I put it Mr bomb Chester over here all right you got it buddy all right there it is watch out boys uh oh my what is happening oh my goodness dude oh that is incredible dude oh my gosh so it lifts up a part of the earth and then just shoots it down to explode what is this Avengers Age of Ultron don't worry little tree this should not hurt one bit that's so awesome oh my gosh boom usually where you place TNT is where all the damage happens but this is the opposite that's hilarious little tree safe and sound but his neighbors are having a bad day well Chester I think that was a good idea we've got so many exploded blocks now we can afford our Soundwave yes oh Chester are you excited about the millionaire TNT I don't quite have enough yet though buddy that's all right we'll be back oh snap we're we're in an ancient city I guess it makes sense all right it's a soundwave TNT after all all right Mr Warden this is what you get for spooking me [Music] dude wao that's a cool TNT take this warden for all the times you made me pee my pants the warden is unnecessarily scary dude for those of you brave enough to actually go to an ancient city and fight a warden I don't know how you do it man but uh that's that's not me the portal is so strong even the sound waves can't break it go boom that's awesome these are indestructible but can the portal frame move yes it can ha I've broken Minecraft boom that is awesome what's next for us it's UFO time is that a hat on top of his head I don't understand oh it's a UFO I was like why does he have a sombrero dude oh is that just me that's just me all right waa where am I now oh an alien dig site what are you doing here aliens aliens don't steal our diamonds well first let's see what this alien TNT does huh come on watch out boys there goes the UFO and oh it shoots down Green Lasers the Mountain Dew explosion oh wow all right all the way down to bedrock look at all this gold the most efficient way to mine just use aliens I mean we can mine with it right that's fine yo Mr Miner looks like our mind laser isn't working super well don't worry boys I'll help you yeah bam boom there you go what happened to all the particles hello yeah that's cool looking that's looking better there you go glad I could help Mr UFO wait a minute this might be a little weird looking but I could actually use the laser to mine oh gosh that's weird looking okay okay and boom man dude looks like a giant Mecca suit or something oh there were skeletons in there it's a bad laser get them Chester attack yeah get them boy nice job Chester time to get our next TNT who's it for it's for you and me all right we got a pulsar TNT nicely done let's do it oh this place looks a little spooky yeah it's full of bad guys this definitely is a bad laboratory oh snap what are they doing in here dude check this place out they're like uh I don't know doing experiments on TNT I guess would you like to do an experiment on a pulsar TNT watch out Chester I have no idea what this thing does oh my goodness holy cow it's taking out the entire lab hope your experimented worked my boys oh my it's still going it's still going oh my goodness this is the longest oh man yeah the whole Lab is gone well uh Chester it's been 7 minutes it's still exploding wow that was a a real bang for my buck I like to stretch my TNT dollar look at this dude the only remnant of the lab is the little stripe over there Chester I'm I'm so sorry to say we've only got two left but these just might be the coolest so far we've got a millionaire TNT which actually turns out I'm A Millionaire right now or I've exploded a million blocks or whatever and ironically buying it makes me no longer a millionaire that's fine let's test out the old money bags wo look at this place man a beautiful mansion oh no am I supposed to blow it up looks like there's signs over here scheduled for demolition okay well that's good house was too too small oh I see and I'm rich oh so you just bought a new house cuz this Mansion was too small plus it's haunted oh all right I feel less bad about blowing it up now look at this he's got like seven stacks of iron just to make the roof dude look at all these anvils oh well millionaire TNT let's see what you got what does it do oh my gosh it sends a plane to drop exploding gold oh my word yep well I guess no need to schedule that demolition after all dude that was awesome come on money plane drop down the gold yeah oh that's super cool man and it drops down this condensed gold here as well so it's a bargain and hey a nice perk of this it comes with a free parkour course so I call that a steal and last but not least the Dark Matter TNT it's incredible dude I like it how much you want to bet this thing's going to break my computer well my friends here goes nothing yeah Chester's already running for the hills Dark Matter TNT here we go oh my oh dude look at these particles oh my gosh it sends out like black concrete oh goodness it might just keep going oh my goodness I'm getting like two frames a second dude oh wow ah yes it's creating Dark Matter from nothing oh gosh it might just go on for ever well I may have disrupted the fabric of reality butth you can always fix it by hitting that like button convenient I know thanks for having fun with me Chester I'll see you guys in the next episode
Channel: Craftee
Views: 2,633,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, new minecraft, craftee, craft, crafter, crafty, crafting, crafting recipe, crafting in minecraft, minecraft update, survival, how to survive, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, new minecraft channel, diamonds, ender dragon, fastest diamonds, custom, diamond, minecraft mod, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft marketplace, minecraft 1.20, minecraft challenges, minecraft custom, minecraft mods, minecraft tnt, minecraft tnt mod, custom tnt
Id: iwxuh5aCL9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 28sec (13348 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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