Which Agents Hate Their Omega Double The Most? | Valorant

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hey everybody Jeff here and today I'm sharing with you all which Valerian agents hate their Omega double the most if you have no idea what I'm talking about here's a quick little summary of velor the attackers in Omega Earth while besides Pearl are from an alternate universe with an earth named Omega Earth they also have a valid protocol but they actually go by the Valerian Legion on Omega they invade our Earth which is labeled Alpha Earth and steal our radionite and take it back to their Earth to use by doing so with the spike some of the agents hate their Omega doubles while other agents are actually like semi-friends and work together I'm going to list all the agents into four categories category one actually friends next is tolerates after that it's going to be ages that dislike each other and then at the very end are ages that have pure hatred for their Omega doubles so let's start us off at the agents that seem to don't mind the Omega doubles at all or actually get along with them and work together alright everyone so the first agent on the actually friends tier is going to be well surprisingly raised out of all the agents on the VP it seems like Reyes would get along and become great friends with Omega double the most she seems ecstatic that there's another race and says that she'd bet she'd be fun well before stabbing back into reality to say she'd still kill her because she kind of has to with the war between the worlds going on but I think she's just saying that because she has to another raise I bet she's fun I mean I'll still kill her obviously she also compliments the other Razor's inventions and then even when she does kill her as they finally kill in gameplay she tells her to sleep well my little love sleep well so all in all I think that without a doubt Reyes would be good friends with her Omega double next in this category is of course chamber now I put him here because of the long history they have of working together on completing missions whether it was saving Alpha Earth's Brimstone and Viper which earned him a spot on the Ballon protocol or working together to destroy the large radiant collider on fracture they have at least been on a handful of missions together although they don't really seem to trust each other very much you knew not to trust me oh our deal it's over sorry for the late notice they do share a respect for one another and compliment each other as well who is that well-dressed man on the other side of course do not let my double shoot you you will die I guarantee that if they weren't supposed to be enemies they would definitely be a dynamic duo partner crimes team instead another agent in the actual friends category is Sova now it's mostly because Sova does not want any conflict at all with his Omega double like pretty much at all he respects him and on one occasion even let his double live Sova I spared you when we first met I can't let you go again he's more so saying that to warn him that the next time they meet our Sova must kill him but another thing that makes me wonder if they would actually be friends is at the start of every round when the barrier drops sovo warns his Omega double to run away as if he is yet again doing what he can to at least give the other server a chance to leave this conflict it definitely gives me the vibe that he wants his double to stay alive so I think those reasons and how whenever he kills his double in gameplay he says things like a fine death and it was you or me shows he respects him as well good enough for me to put him in this category the last agent in the actor friends category is going to be breached now this one with breeches done the very cusp of being friends or or the tolerance category I decided to put him here for a few reasons one none of the voice signs for bridge teams to show any dislike or ill will towards his double and two it actually seems like breach respects his double as a threat and even gives him a compliment a second breach this might be a fair fight after all also this statement is just speculation but I feel like breach isn't the most involved in the threat of Omega Earth and is mostly just here because his criminal record would get wiped if he joined I'm sure if it really came down to it and he was given the chance he'd probably like to just sit down with his double have a couple drinks and listen to the struggles or cool Heist the other one has done in his life now that's it for the friends category let's move on to the tolerates one and there are actually quite a few agents in this tier so I'll try to go through them a little quicker surprisingly the first agent here is going to be Brimstone I also cheated on the idea of grouping him up in the friends tier because to be honest guys it doesn't really look like he has any ill will specifically to his double if anything he respects him and jokes round that he's the same as himself brimstone's a stubborn ass reminds me of someone he also respects his double and if he does kill him as the final kill he says he's going to pour a drink out for him as a sign of respect pour one out so yeah guys as you can see he definitely could be in the friends category if given the chance but I ended up putting him here in the tolerates one because after all he is the leader of the enemies Nexus Astra now Astra only has two voice lines to go off here if you know what I know it now what are you doing yeah what come on playoff I broke your mirror yep that's it and the vibe I'm getting guys is that Astra is basically just calling her double a fool saying what are you doing here get back to what really matters guarding the cosmos I don't think she really like dislikes or hates her double really at all just more so trying to get her remember that that she's an astral guardian and has to get back to work basically saying don't wrap yourself up in this conflict go back to doing what matters killjoy and the main thing with her is that KJ seems to just enjoy having her double on the other team to test her own intelligence and Gadget manufacturing she does compliment her saying finally it's a challenge when going against her but I think it's more so just like a compliment to herself and her own intelligence I know that killjoy's tricks wait she knows mine finally a challenge and when she kills her KJ just like rubs it in saying that she was the smarter one huh looks like I was the smarter one so yeah I think she doesn't really hold any real anger to her like at all she just likes to be the better killjoy and by the way guys if you didn't know I'm ranking these agents where the next agent is slightly less friends or holds a little more anger or dislike than the next basically he's just like scaling up so with sages mostly that she doesn't wants to kill her double or have a conflict with her it's that she has to she tries to not think about the fact that her double is an enemy I know I am over there but my mind rejects the thought does she feel the same so it's like she doesn't even want to think of her as the enemy and would rather just do what has to be done without putting an emotional thought to it also Her Voice sign when getting the last kill on her confirms that she doesn't really want to kill her I had to kill you next is Skye and I think we can definitely put Skye smack dab in the middle of the tolerate category she jokes around saying that it's gonna be a zoo with all the animals running around if another sky is in battle but also says that there can only be one of them and doesn't mind taking her out to be well the only Sky standing two of us this place is gonna be a zoo there can only be one Aussie around here yep guys not more much to say about Skye doesn't dislike her just tolerates next is fate now initially before I looked up stuff for this video I thought that fade would have like definitely hated her double but in fact I was wrong she more so just like tells her double to like the dream seeing and Nightmare Shenanigans to herself and doesn't really want to share it she also shares a moment of respect and grief when killing her double by putting her to rest and saying she's seen too much leave the dreams here to me sleep my sister you've seen too much so yeah like no dislike or hatred here but I don't think they'd exactly be friends if there wasn't a conflict happening up next is the windgirl jet now we're starting to get a little closer to the dislike category but like still well within tolerates just getting a little closer so you'll start to see a few hints of like anger or distaste uh for their doubles for the next few agents from here on out with jet it starts with her being ultra competitive and just extra double as nowhere near as good as herself I know your tricks win girl you're not faster than me their jet has nothing on me I got her definitely sounds like she'd have no problem killing her right so initially I was going to put her in the dislike category for this but then I found this voice line no way we're the same now what am I supposed to do with this like she says this when getting the last kill on her and sounds really I don't know like happy and surprised here so once I heard this I was like well maybe she doesn't like dislike her as much as I originally thought so I left her here at the tall rights category next up is neon and now with like most of neon's personality and voice signs she doesn't really care about her double too basically she just like shrugs her off and says she doesn't stand a chance against herself and has no problem taking her out I don't think she cares enough currently to quote on quote dislike or hate her it's more so that she's just an object standing in her way my double thinks she can take me bad call just my double no problem the last best agent in this long category of the tolerating tier is going to be Cipher now with Cipher half of it is like him being confused and curious on on where they come from or who the other Cipher is while the other half is him being aggressive and having no problem taking him out I honestly don't know who the cipher on their side is real mystery who are you copy of me where did you come from I will crush your eyes Amir so yeah I was on the fence of putting him in the dislike category next but I left him here because I think the mystery of wanting to know who he is and where he came from outweighs his wants to harm him what do you guys think alright so we finally made it to the dislikes category only one more after this one is the pure hatred but first let's talk about your room so you'll notice with that yora's voice signs there's not as hateful or aggressive as ciphers so you may be wondering why I put him here in this category and not Cipher well it's all in yora's personality as I'm sure most of you guys know yorua doesn't really care about very many people at all and I'm sure most of the people your roommates he starts off disliking them before warring up to them so when yoru says this sets me over there great now I can kick my own ass it really does sound like he wouldn't have no problem kicking his own ass and enjoying it as he does so his other boy signs give off the same vibe that he just wants to fight his double last yodu standing wins so I think it's pretty safe to say yoro doesn't really like his double much at all as with most people another agent that surprisingly doesn't like their double is KO now I was a little taken back when I saw these voice lines because I would have assumed that they would want to work together and be on the same side guarding Humanity from Radiance but in fact Kao just wants his double dead so he can rip the body apart and use it for spare parts what like that doesn't exactly scream best friend's material to you either right break him down I need the spare parts so yeah it sounds like KO just wants to ride solo on this hunting down bad Radiance party and doesn't even want to think about the idea of teaming up with another KO last up for the dislikes category and tier is going to be Viper with Viper it's kind of like Cipher from earlier where she is very curious what's going through her Omega doubles mind and why her air filters don't work on her poison but another aspect is something that's pretty normal with Viper she just doesn't care about her enemies at all and frequently enjoys watching them suffer let's listen to The Curiosity voice signs first Sabine Sabine what have you been working on over there curious but you don't need to be alive my air filters don't work on her poison and figure it out all right so yes she wants to learn what's going on with her but then of course we get the normal Viper here I'll be killed you choked on your own poison tragic but then Viper has one other voice line that actually makes me wonder if she might might care for her slightly it may just be more of a nod to herself as she is constantly tired and not in a great mental state but just listen to this for yourself rest you tired woman I don't know what do you guys think about that one all right that was the last agent that dislikes tear now let's move on to Pure hatred this is a category where the agents just pretty much hate each other first off for the pure hatred category is Phoenix Now Phoenix and his double are really the only ones that actually met each other in valorous lore well except for Silva Phoenix got the shock of his life in The Duality cinematic where he realized the enemy he was just chasing down was himself just like Phoenix I definitely would have been shocked and terrified as well if I were him so I think that that interaction has a lasting impression on Phoenix's emotions when thinking about his double every one of his voice signs shows disrespect and a drive to kill him who's this of a phoenix guy nah mate you're mine there can only be one Phoenix I'm coming for you gonna burn you up Phoenix now there is a funny one I'm about to share with you guys that is 100 a strike back when Phoenix gets the last kill on his double you should see your face this is a direct reference to the first time Phoenix met his double when his double said the exact same thing in a cocky attitude you should see your face yup I think it's safe to say Phoenix hates his Omega counterpart I'm sure some of you have been wondering where just reyno lie on this list and sure enough it's of course the pure hatreds here no surprise here to be honest guys she wants her dead and has no problem either doing it herself or having someone else do it my reflection is here do my favor galinho kill her she refers to her double as a parasite as well I thought that maybe Raina would want to keep her double around if she ever did want to rise to power and started raiding Wars you know in this timeline as well but then I thought that she may just see her double as a threat to her throne so I understand why she won her Dead Oh yeah and when Reina does kill her double as the last kill she does so in such a disrespectful way forgive me if I don't grave alright guys so the last age on the tier list of pure hatred for their Omega double it was a long journey all the way from potentially best friends like Rey's to here so who could it be well it's none other than Omen I think out of all the agents on The Valor protocol Omen wants to kill his double the most like he genuinely wants him dead I'll kill that woman I'll take his memories I will find you Omen I will kill you Omen so right off the bat it's not looking good for the friends Department here but I think more than anything else guys is Omen just wants to get his Memories Back and end his own suffering even if that means killing his doubles someone else going through the exact same pain as him to do so I think he recognizes this as well because whenever he does kill him he seems to have a bit of remorse while doing so let's go you can finally let go so yeah there seems to be a little sentiments there but overall Omen wants him dead like yesterday well did you guys think Omen would be the worst and did you have any idea that Reyes would love to party with her double let me know in the comments below or you can chat with me one of my twitch streams if you enjoyed the video then make sure to leave a like And subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said Japan
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 377,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant agents, sir jeppy, valorant lore, valorant agent lore, all valorant characters, valorant story, valorant highlights, all valorant agents, valorant agent tier list, valorant agents tier list, valorant new agent, valorant characters, valorant agents lore, valorant agents backstory, valorant lore explained, valorant agents explained, valorant agents ranked, valorant tier list, Which Agents Hate Their Omega Double The Most, valorant omega earth, omega valorant, valorant
Id: KzH5XpC1x3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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