These Agent Voicelines Will Make You Laugh | Valorant

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hey everybody jeff here and today i'm sharing the funniest asian voice lines in all of valerian we all have that one voice sign that makes us laugh every single time we hear it so i'm going to share the top three funniest ones i can find for each agent starting with phoenix who else is having a great time just me oh i'm guided remember fam winning takes sacrifice right cipher sacrifice like chess our chess game come on i know you got it oh i should have picked this game winning requires sacrifice that's really your style hey fam let's go again i love this last one with rayna it's it's so funny how he's like not wanting to say his question hey rayna how old are you no shade you look great but like sometimes you say the strangest things hey guys i'm running a giveaway of ten dollars worth of riot points the five lucky winners thanks to today's sponsor buff before i tell you on how to enter the giveaway let me tell you a little bit about buff so if you're an avid gamer and play a ton of albert or one of the many other games buff supports you might as well make a little chat of cheese while playing right well with buff it'll keep track of each game you play in valor and rewards you with buff points but if you work towards completing the challenges you earn even more once you collect enough buff points head into the marketplace redeem them for cool gift cards headsets mouse and keyboards and even entire games throw some points into the weekly and monthly raffles too if you're feeling lucky so for the giveaway of ten dollars with the riot points to five lucky winners all you have to do is download buff using my link in the description or the pin comment and comment down below installed but that's literally all you have to do i'll pick the winners in 48 hours after the videos upload completely random good luck and thank you buff for sponsoring today's video don't forget to download it up next is killjoy and i just love killjoy's voice signs and voice actress like it was really hard to find just three voice signs that i liked the most if i'm not stressed then you should not be stressed i mean look at me cool as a cucumber yeah that's the thing americans say right let's see battles are won by geniuses and i am a genius so this is what she says when she's defusing the spike and time is running out it's honestly funny how she's like just like so okay with dying and even jokes about it imagine if i died right now so funny up next is omen now i only found like two voice lines that jumped out at me that were like funny so here they are yep boo is one of them you know he says this when he kills someone he blinded i just thought that was pretty funny hey oh man i respect a guy who knits it's pretty cute it helps me focus oh what do you care up next is jets i would make fun of their dumb faces but they're us he looks stupid oh my back hurts everyone's so heavy i still can't get over that al silva it's too cute why is it so cute now that one is absolutely hilarious because everyone always makes jokes that like when you're carrying the team your back hurts so it's like yeah jet's carrying the team she recognizes that and her back's just killing her jet was another one i had a hard time narrowing down to just three that i liked so i hope you guys like the ones i picked up next is brimstone open up the sky well the only reason why i like that one so much i know it's this ultimate is because of this one joke where it's like open up the sky and then it's like skye's face like oh so i just thought that was hilarious because it's just you know funny damn right we crushed it even as i was saying it when jet says it you know what forget it damn right we're crushing it jett remember to stretch i don't want you to sprain an ankle at 90 miles an hour up next is yoru big something nice to kill them with it's the least we can do how did every piece of trash end up on the same team bro you're like i totally feel you man like i'm always trash so i can only imagine this is like what my teammates think about me phoenix for once in your life try waiting for the team i know you can do it up next is cipher let's see what i have to use pictures of their children wow way too dark i love that one because like how he was like oh wait that was actually like kinda evil one of my cameras is broken oh wait okay it's fine cipher can you show me around the dark web one of these days oh oh dear no sweetheart we must protect you ah yes the classic dark web killjoy in cipher interaction of course i had to add that one up next though is gonna be breach they're not intimidating they're stupid big difference so i'm intimidating and stupid nice boomin that scared the out of me breach i'm thinking i'll hit the gym later you in so long as it's leg day now that one is funny because like breech doesn't have any arms so like he can only do leg day and that's why that's hilarious up next though is gonna be chamber okay last looks you all look wonderful me i always look good we are ready who is that well dressed man on the other side ah the other me of course ah yes two dripped out jokes from chamber in a row bet chamber i'm ready for some custom guns you hook me up yeah i'm sorry phoenix you cannot afford me dude that's that's cold up next is gonna be viper if any of you die i lose a bet with brimstone so don't embarrass me like that please neon what was that meal you made earlier it was good oh my nana's adobo you're uh welcome now this next one is gonna be when viper spawns it in a map on his scent well the town is gone but our world stays afloat i'll take that trade i liked the last one because it was kind of funny how viper is like ashamed to admit that something that was made for her was tasty but yeah as you guys can see viper didn't have like a lot of hilarious ones there's a lot of like dark and evil stuff so maybe if i make like a dark and evil voice line agent ranked video or whatever uh viper would probably be at the top but for funnies you don't have any funny ones up next is gonna be sofa the best of the best and we still forget the spike goodbye cipher you will not be missed freaking love that one it's like so cold yet absolutely hilarious to me hey silva we're gonna hit the chessboard after this yeah you like the patience friend learn that first then we'll approach strategy up next is ko i'll take the lead it costs enough to build me get your money's worth i mean yeah like if i'm gonna be spending probably millions like i'd like for ko to do something right i know what they're thinking aimbot breach after this billiards i like taking your money up next is sky well i reckon morale's going to be pretty low over there look i know i didn't grab the spike but none of you did either so it's not just my fault hey flower girl i've found some leaves do you want them i've got enough thanks but call me flower girl again i'll break your nose up next is going to be one of my absolute favorites and that's going to be astra why would anyone agree to work in this cold place i love like that little shiver she has at the end like it's freaking hilarious and then asher's voice signs are kind of like killjoys where i just love like almost all of them the voice actress does an amazing job so this is what astra has to say when starting a match on split i like flowers and stuff but this place no get flavor no gold where's the sauce the bling blings come on why cypher like you think i don't see you i know who you are man bro cypher like stop creeping on astra men up next is gonna be sage remember the plan everyone and please please stick to it i'm talking to you reyes this next voice sign is what our sage says to the enemy sage now i know how annoying my healing can be and i mean yeah she's kinda right it can be very annoying sometimes up next is gonna be raina i'm the last thing they'll see before they die lucky them now i know a lot of reina sims that would just love if their last dying seconds on earth were spent staring at rayna reina there are better ways to survive than your path i'm so ashamed probably than me how will i live with myself this is a super long voice line coming up that reina says when killing an enemy that she blinded like it's incredibly long just get ready for it up next is raise you can take the girl out of salvador but you'll never take the girl out of salvador wait cypher i'm so sorry about breaking all your stuff i mean i won't stop but i am sorry i mean at least she's honest right i was about to skip over that voice line but i thought the i won't stop was so funny i just had to add it in silva you listen to the weirdest music lots of dudes how do you dance to it up next is neon look i'm glad you're all here there i said it neon how much power do you generate exactly if i could just attach this meter killjoy my suits got like a billion volts don't touch it i know this last one isn't necessarily the funniest but like i like it so that means you're supposed to like it right skye i like morning runs but morning implies sunlight no more 4am wake ups you maniac now if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said jimmy
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 199,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant highlights, valorant agents, all valorant agents, best of valorant, ace voicelines, all valorant agents ultimate, valorant characters, valorant best moments, all agent ace voicelines, all valorant agent ace voicelines, agent voice lines valorant, ace voice lines valorant, valorant voice actors, valorant ultimate voice lines, valorant voicelines, funny valorant voice lines, funny valorant moments, These Agent Voicelines Will Make You Laugh, valorant, sir jeppy
Id: KmziJ6hI680
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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