How PROS Play Lotus | Cloud9 vs PRX Pro Breakdown

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in this video we're going to break down one of the most exciting matchups from VCT lock-in we're gonna see what happens when Cloud9 and na super team face off against paper Rex the top Asian Pacific team known for the creative and chaotic playstyle whoever wins this final map will proceed forward in the tournament the loser gets sent home welcome to clown 9 vs paper Rex but first a little bird told me that you haven't heard of Valor tracker the sponsor of this portion of the video so let me tell you valent tracker is a free to use app that tracks all your stats in valoran like seriously all your stats from something as basic as your match history to the trends in your Performance Based on each day of the week to your agent stats to your performance space on each map to your stats for each weapon that's a lot you won't believe it but there's more there's an in-game overlay that shows you and your teammate stats too when you're an agent select and when you get into game it'll track your performance live so that you can adjust and adapt or play style in real time so download valid tracker for free today using my link in the description below paper wrecks open with three player C two players a and a chamber trip holding B the spike is with their C players though so paper Rex's game plan is to make noise a with their sky and chamber maybe find a quick pick draw some Cloud 9 rotates but then actually execute C now look at cloud9's opening they're starting with 3A Main and Omen a link that's four players towards a clown want to fight a main together seize control of Robo and root they have Cipher utility holding B and chamber holding C look at yay's chamber TP though it's placed in waterfall remember that chamber can use this teleport as long as he's within its radius even if the TP is behind a wall so this TP will allow yay to hold C long alone from a variety of off angles and then TP do safety if needed so cloud91 a control paper x are pretending they want a but are actually ending C this means paper x might just get Seaside for free as long as they can get past yay the berries drop calling Sky flash neon stun forsaken his force of TP away cloud9's one-way smoke blooms securing a control for Cloud9 at the start divide also threw his Sky flash a and with forsaken tping away after firing a shot paperworks have successfully shown presence a despite getting pushed back Vandy also throws a late open blind to seal the deal it doesn't hit anything but forsaken sees the blind so paperworks now know that Cloud9 have at least three towards a this is perfect Piper extra thinking paperbacks are already regrouping towards c one step ahead of Cloud9 it's now yay versus the world a lot of space without Flash but they look to make up the Triple swing pushes yay back paper x explode forward Jing sends in his Boom by Bankai Sage walls up and it lifts the Boombah onto sights the reason it follows to delay the CT rotate Bankai is on his wall Sky flash comes in everyone is scaling up this is a paper Rex execute no one dies though because clown ends game plan the whole time was to fight a and retake C the spike is planted we're about to see a 5 vs 5 post plant scenario Cloud9 retaking from CTN waterfall paper Rex three players holding sight and two holding from C long in fact anything a smoke on vanity and other than that no utility to be had but they managed to find mime freak great opening goal for leave they've got the pressure to keep it going as well paper x need to slow this down they need some kills only the one to be found no hero just yet and that defuse is underway Cloud9 swarms in and wipes out paper racks a very solid retake from Cloud9 but boy did I absolutely love the creativity from paper Rex I can't wait to see what else both these teams have in store for us Cloud9 take the pistol round paper wrecks are under saved round so they want to make a play together use numbers advantage to make up for their worst weapons they're thinking you know guys see site was so free last time plus since we just got destroyed see last round clown Knight probably won't expect us to hit C again so paper wrecks open with 4C Lobby and forsaken lurking towards a alone as for Cloud9 they're doing the exact same opening as pistol round they have four players towards a their game plan don't let paper eggs get past this a Lobby choke but paper wrecks are going C is this going to be a repeat of piss around the beer is dropped caught on Sky flash neon stun debate forsaken takes a shot misses and tp's Away Collins when we smoke blooms locking forsaken out of a a control is cloud nines meanwhile towards C paper x slowly walk up they know yay is Cloud9 sea anchor they're pinging where they think he is coming in with the Rays a very different duelist approach but it's the sage decipher that's a crazy different approach these guys have very different ideas misses and tp's Away paper x Emily begins scaling up Colin wanted to figure out what PRX are up to so they Skydog a Lobby for info forsaken wants to keep Colin's attention on a as his team is executing so he swings in breaks the dog but with a c execute going on at this exact moment Cloud9 figures forsaken might be alone allows you to maybe maybe often you can already see how much this Joseph doesn't want to over aggress and backs off at this moment paperworks are already on site and planning the spike he's gonna be able to push up in almost every single around the bull Banks doing a hell of a lot of damage but the first kill does go the way of paper ax that's one thing he gets one and gets traded back in mid Zeus and zeppel were double posted a Lobby until they heard paper Rex planning then they begin to double flank beforesaken catches them on the timing and one tap zelsus he Retreats after his pick but vanity was ready for it and takes down forsaken it's a 3v3 now see the Headhunter used for the wall Banks just another benefit that can be found and that damage is still sitting it makes it an easy kill on the Divide far away with a specter but only one shot needed up close here comes a classic with no chance and it looks like Jing's gonna have to do any remaining damage wow that round was basically just yay and forsaken trying to 1v2 or 1v3 the other team and both of them somehow manages to find a pick before getting traded even though paperworks got themselves into a 3v3 in the end climbing were able to close out the round with their Superior guns Cloud9 win their anti-equal round but paper Rex sure made it expensive this is going to force Cloud9 to have a weaker bonus by next round while paper wrecks full buys Okay I lied clowning actually decides to force by instead of bonusing they have two rifles two specters and a bulldog this isn't exactly a great weapon Loadout compared to paper Rex's full buy but maybe this is all part of their game plan look at cloud9's opening they have chamber and Cipher both playing on C they're playing four retake on B with Skye and neon about to brawl it out at the a Lobby choke so technically every single flight Cloud9 is gonna take this round is going to be close or medium range and if that's the case even though they don't have a full bite their game plan works perfectly with their weapon Loadout if Cloud9 wins his Force it'll completely shatter paper Rex's economy as for paper wrecks all five players are starting a Lobby they know they have the gun Advantage they know Cloud9 like to heavily fight for a main control so this round they're going to accept the challenge and fire back wait what the heck is this wait Ben guy what are you looking at there's nothing just Sage wall guys certainly looking to take a fight early it's gonna be oh my God what was that paper x finds the opening pick in Slaughter's clown a players paper Rex never fails to disappoint numbers advantage in favor of paper wrecks yay wants to make a play to equalize the numbers so he begins flanking from C paper x start working out Bay but forsaken's game sense is tingling he looks back at the flame the best hope I guess right now unless they're able to pick some off on the way through and that just doesn't look possible with their current position oh that's a leg shot oh oh it's not the prettiest of fights the first one was beautiful and yay one Taps forsaken but on site mine freak entries on to a and finds a kill on leaf 3v2 paper wrecks still have the numbers Advantage hey under the control of the attackers vanity is gonna get the information but yay is incredibly far away yay and the 1v3 decide to save his rifle oh wait mindfreak's hunting he knows he is on low Health he's not gonna let yay save that rifle running it down and mine freak he stopped walking just the right time unfortunately eh but yay heard the footsteps and punishes mine freaks aggression yay saves his rifle but paper Rex take the round remember when I said if Cloud9 wins his Force it'll completely shatter paper X's economy well I should have mentioned that the flip side is true too Cloud9 invested everything into that Force by and they lost so they're going into the next round completely broke paper wrecks are like okay guys cloud9c long hood is usually pretty weak plus they burned a lot of utility towards a at the start let's just open with the sea default and figure it out from there so paper x start with a 3-1-1 opening Cloud9 open with their usual 113 setup except the players are a bit swapped around vanity who usually starts a link to Omen blind a is starting C Leaf is starting on b instead of fighting a and yay instead of playing C is fighting a with the team Cloud9 wanna keep taking a control that's why they put yay on a so he can fight with his rifle that he just saved plus if yay dies one of his teammates will be able to pick up the rifle the round starts a ton of utilities thrown a paper x Star by Sage slowing deep to prevent cloud9's push then they only smoke between root and Robo to give them space to get out of the choke and threaten the cross to Rubble of course this is just a fake since most of paper x are defaulting towards C Cloud9 Sky flash neon wall and Omen one way the choke to take control of a since benkai is alone he shows no resistance in Cloud9 successfully Take debate control meanwhile towards see paper x Sky flashes long engine double satchels forward they see nothing Ceylon control is paper rexes benkai is coming come on you're fighting so paperwork's call to begin scaling up C but vanity hears this guy flash rage double satchel and footsteps he's going Piper extra Russian don't see long rotate rotate so all of clouding immediately start running C their onwards weapons so they're more willing to over rotate and gamble stack to gain an edge look at all of them running like a bunch of little ants at this moment Jing entries on the sea divide pops this guy out forsaken follows the cabbages he's thinking Eco frags Eco frags Eco frags they're going for half investment they've got yay just coming in with that and yeah he shuts down forsaken paper x are like oh crap we have no space we need space let's push CT printer into his hands he could throws a perfect neon stun pushing paper wrecks back onto site clowning's fast retake begins oh they're all ready what common completely obliterated paper Rex Stingers are still so strong Mind Freak left in the 1v3 he needs to retrieve the spike numbers come out way in cloud9's favor and the last man standing mime freak he smoked himself off but they've heard him wait mindfreaker one abominol you can grab the oh obey TP on the spike and play a oh yeah yeah you're right so Mindfreak begins shifting towards days decipher trip Cloud9 are like wait what's he doing on B then it clicks wait he wants to grab his omino and TP to a his Elsa's Chuckles and says boys don't worry about it a little bit of information and look they're all around the spike right now they could potentially the orb is gone at this of the round Celsius took the all orb before he rotated to sea but the bo orb is still up so Klein opens the rotating doors to Camp the orb it and Cloud9 wins their save round completely crushing paper Rex's momentum before it even began cloudline on the full by yea has his chamber up paper X on the save but Jing has enough to buy a bulldog and forsaken buys a Vando since he's going to have his chain Rob next round but will these two rifles be enough for paper Rex to upset this round paperbacks are still talking when the round starts but their game plan is to work the seaside of the map figure out where yay is opping while forsaken solo default say Cloud9 open with their standard 113 setup except Leaf is getting set up on C and yay is going to be opping B let's see what happens the berries drop calling Sky flash Omen blind date with pistols forsaken draws first blood that was insane forsaken knows Cloud9 likes to Omen blind a Lobby off the start he also knows the exact trajectory of the blind so he positions himself right outside of the blind range catching his Elsa's off guard for an easy kill great adaptation from forsaken he runs away to regroup with his team after that pick but Zappa hears that he knows forsaken is usually the solo Aid defaulter so he slowly walks up at the start of the round Jing jumping C long and saw nothing so paperbacks know that yay could be often be instead of C to help forsaken crossbid device Sky flashes DB for info The Flash detects yay even though the sky Flash doesn't tell paper x who it detects they have a gut feeling that yay is the one holding the B line so paperwork's call to execute C but Zappa smells an opening I could just opt to save it I imagine most of it's going to come down to Zaba finds a pick equalizing the numbers for Cloud9 he then backs off the reposition paper x now know Cloud9 have full control of the a side of the map paper X have no map control right now the pressure is on yeah I take issue we may be calling uh players healers sometimes but I'm going to say it here anyways mankind Divine you've got two healers on paper Rex right it's not really a category of its own but they have the ability to get those guys right back up to full HP and that's what they were doing they grabbed the orbc lung the game plan's still the same paper x want to execute C but Cloud9 have two players plus two pieces of Seno util on sea also yay is right next to the door and he can open it anytime to create a three-man crossfire paper x are about to execute onto Cloud9 stacked site the Rifles made its way into another player's hands it's fine mine freak's the last man they come in oh he's actually managed to get positive entries on the site and guest two yay opens a door to make a play but gets one tap by mine freak zeppa in a 1v3 it's the weak buy instead of playing a part in this map so far 1v3 he has a possibility Mitch but he has an awful lot to do oh this is absolutely crazy we'll talk about that if zapper I'll give him a moment to maybe try and close this out but there's so many players all grouped up on the site looking to trade he's walled off on one side and well smoked off on the other they know exactly where to look and paper Rex wins their save round so many thrifties this match it's absolutely crazy it's also insane that the two rifles that paper Rex bought ended up getting massive value forsaken with that first blood and Jane with that double kill on the C execute speaking of paper X's execute that was so incredibly drilled Jing first raised nades deep end to prevent a defender's Peak they Sky flash up high then sagewater Jin's right so he doesn't need to look there Jing then double satchels close to the ground but just right above Leaf's Cypher trip to get two huge entry kills a very solid round from paper Rex after so many thrifties six rounds in both teams are finally on equal weapon footing both teams have full buys let's see what they do pip Rex Open with 4A Lobby they want to fight for a control Cloud9 are back to their 113 setup or is it technically a 104. either way Cloud9 won a control again they've fought for root and Rubble control at the start of every single round so far that's how much they prioritize this control but paperworks are looking to fight back how will this battle turn out the barriers drop Cloud9 neon Sun Omen blind skyfly should choke paper x raised nades and Omen smoke deep but they can't capitalize on their own utility because of all the Cloud 9 flashes zeppo throws one more flash to keep paper x back as Vanity's one-way smoke blooms a control is secured for Cloud9 wait look forsaken was boosted on top of their Sage wall it's the same play they did in round two but this time Cloud9 completely adapted to the play instead of running forward at the very start Zeus threw his neon sun and then duck to the left and he did not Peak the choke until vanities when we smoke bloomed completely blocking forsaken's line of sight great adaptation and a control from Cloud9 pip Rex are like okay clown in literally through the entire kitchen sink a they can have it mine freak us up B he's like hey B seems very quiet let's regroup and hit B planting zalces in either an early flank or a really solid place to play the info but that's the thing they've now started placing that elevated one-way smoke which will take away the value of the wall instead you can see forsaken sort of playing up above it and they're trying to bait him in they want to get him into that fight but the rest of the team in the meantime have made their move in towards this B-side show stopper it's going to force them out wait as people Rex we're executing yay who's up in C long opens the revolving doors picks off the fight and TPS away numbers advantage in favor of Cloud9 but Jing wants to change that it's gonna force them out completely now divide is gone but the site is theirs yeah and they've also lost a player as you said to buy on the way through to that operator right you know that this player's lurking okay hello he's just running it in taking all the space in their spawn and zel says okay good attempt even though he's blinded he grabs one kill but that is simply not enough here gay has to do everything the trades are so fast and paper wrecks come out on top paper Rex take the first gun round of the game because Cloud ain't lost the last round they're back on a save paper X have a full buy they're like hey we have better guns let's just kill all of Cloud9 when they try to fight a so all five paper x players start the round a lobby but wait Cloud9 aren't a for the first time in seven rounds they're not fighting for a main control instead yay is soloing a with his hero rifle and the rest of Cloud9 are stacked B this round will be decided by how paper x can deal with yay and how the rest of Cloud9 responds to paper X's a hit let's see what happens the Bears drop paper x Sky flash sage slow Ray snake guard he's avoided The Flash mine freak TP to fall yay gets forced back he calms all the utility saw Sky flash sage slow raised nade Omen blind all of paper x are basically a so cloud9's B players begin pushing up forsaken is aware of this possibility he looks back to hold the flank yeah he's got that info right he sees multiple players coming hey blank is called no the timing he's turned it just [Music] don't give it away but how is he gonna deal with so many players four players right in front of him Cloud9 runs down forsaken the recipe breaks are on site it's yay versus four cool thing that's an operator into the hands of the opponents in the meantime they've got Jing takes down yay this time again and another entry into the side from Jing steel this brawl looks fairly awkward and the thing one but even still 2v2 now divide begins planning the spike zepper decides to approach this situation from a different angle actually a wrap around coming in very good attempt though from C9 considering what they invested into it look they've made this incredibly close and they still have a chance to close it the Weaponry though is such a heavy disadvantage that Stinger on vanity but oh what he's locked up and zipper on the flank gets two with his classic clown nine wins their save round the thrifties never stop paper x open with a two two one default they want to work the entire map get some info and then figure out what to do from there Cloud 9 open with a 212 setup this is a bit different than usual they have their Cipher cam a even though Leaf himself is playing C the berries drop for second Peak state with the zop oh forsaken he gets stunned in tp's away he did not get detected by Cloud9 Sky flash though so Zeppelin's else is both immediately rotate away this was Cloud 9's game plan the entire time they wanted to show their default a control util the neon stunned the sky flash Omen smoke but then it actually leaves to stack the other sights that's also why they have a Cypher cam a so they can get info since no one's playing a main clown 9 are beginning to capitalize on their conditioning meanwhile towards the rest of the map paper x begin working up CNB towardsi Mind Freak Omen TVs across to get into an unexpected angle but yay here's the TP has the TP and on the other side what we've come to expect from this yay tucked in the corner now mind freaks gonna have to be very careful yay takes down Mind Freak a bit before that kill walk of B the skyfly should clearly close angle it sees nothing vanity hears that and responds by almost smoking the choke Jin responds by sending his boombot into that smoke it's at this moment that Mindfreak dice to yay paper eggs are shaken for a bit but then quickly regain their composure they're saying hey I don't think Yale will repeat c-long after tping away let's retake c-long control and get Jing as a result so paper X all begin regrouping c as well instantly he's over to the other side of the map they're gonna get healed up they've still got Cipher there as that second part of the defense and he can pretty much go anywhere from this point onwards the thing is though paper X have decided to group up secured Jing's razel is online clown 9 hears that and they want to know what paper breaks are up to so Zappa sky alts from b Paper wrecks hear that they know their positions are about to be exposed they call to execute on the sea wait this guy out stuck behind the door my bad back to the execute instead well I think Jing is going to lead the way again yeah you can't blame him the way he's been playing right into his nade again very little damage taken but the space is the trade-off the rocket launcher out the showstopper and it might just have ended cloud9's chances at two versus three Jing low but that spike it should be planted vanity how did he get that angle what a crazy round Jing got two massive kills with his result Leaf was stuck deep water fought while three pip Rex players were on site it was looking bad for Cloud9 then vanity came in with that huge double kill he eventually gets traded belief was lightning fast with his trade securing the round for Cloud9 you guys read the title I'm just gonna let the gameplay speak for itself it seems to be distracting yeah counting for where that player is this time it's on paper Rex and okay that's done is decent Celsius I thought he was gonna go back and get out of there but he of course has Zeba so he's gonna stick around and they get the kill for their trouble the pistols here on paper wrecks you know they want to use their numbers to their advantage but everything being thrown at them early there just left that player isolated I want to see if they can get anything done from here on out but I mean he'd be lucky to walk out with a couple of kills this is quickly turned from a very close game just in that one round we're already expecting C9 to walk out with six pistols they have pistols okay it's it's sort of stabilizing device so desperately low on HP definitely makes things a bit more Awkward what a crazy battle at a Cloud9 kept paper Rex trapped in the a Lobby choke and slaughtered anyone who tried to come out round nine goes to clown nine and paperworks know it's bad luck when round nine goes to Cloud Nine so they call a timeout during the timeout paperbacks are like guys we're getting completely owned at a yeah clown out are just util dumping and running up with that we can't even get past the choke okay okay what if we did this what if we Sky Flash razenade and sage slow to delay cloud9's push then use our Omen TP to get across to Rubble sure but I think neon can beat the timing of our YouTube and catch our Omen while he's mid TP okay then how about we resonate Rubble it'll stop the neon Peak and force her out in the open oh I like that let's do it so paperbacks open with all five players a they realize now that a control is truly the name of the game and if they want to win this war this is a battle they must win Cloud9 open with Cypher C chamber upping B Omni Link in two towards a it's their usual spread clown and are like what we're doing is working there's no need to change anything let's see how this round goes your solution you want to go there early no problem also send an aid to meet you now they've got that control for free they're punishing with a quick Flash and look at all that space that they've just denied aiming control is paper rexes Zuppa and zoses are forced back onto site leaving vanity immediately begin shifting over paper x slowly begin working up they want to contact up a zeppa's playing on site zelsa is holding tree if I can go in another Direction that's more so just the information that they've denied to C9 vanity jumpies and spots all the paper racks the jiggers of paper x call to speed up their executes managed to jump spot so they won't know he's gonna get one now they just have to try and deal with zelsus paper wrecks take down cloud9's a players a site is theirs but cloud9's rotators have already arrived up tries to return one of his own but it's not happening do they expect this many players to be on the side even spotting Leaf they might now think that there's no way vanity would be there but forsaken he was wise to their tricks ready for the rotations to have come in okay little TP up that got a little risky but they know Leaf is stuck in this corner and he's on his way up he's gonna take him down from up top and the up and can't even get the shot off on time yay narrowly misses the timing for the kill he hasn't not been to win before he decides to save and paper Rex will close the gap he has a knob into 1v3 he decides to save round 10 goes to paper Rex paper x are like okay we've just showed that we can win towards a and because of that I think Conor are going to stack a this round so it's time to bring out the b Strat you mean the Strat with the same yes the one with the sage wall oh my God it's finally time paper Rex Open with 4B Main and 1A Lobby Cloud 9 open with four towards a clown and really want to redeem themselves for losing a last round huh they also have all of their Cipher details set up a this feels like a little bit Overkill the barriers drop paper x quietly walk a b towards a calling Sky flash neon stun and smoke the a Lobby choke it's their usual a control default yay walks up but everyone else leaves Cloud9 wants to show their usual ad for util but then instantly rotate away to stack another site leaving yay and leaf set for util to hold on to a and their call is Right paper wrecks are inching up B we might see all nine of these ultimates it's a good chance before this half ends two more rounds this is gonna be centered around getting your plans getting your orbs getting your kills and right now it looks like paper x they're going for the I love this whoa they can't be spammed from essentially any angle a fast plan followed by everyone backing off to be main paper X's stage while creates a narrow Hall allowing all of them to easily span the spike from being main it's like shooting fish in a barrel how will Cloud9 deal with this after that forsaken sinking ah I don't need to stick around too much stay inside his TP and just bail out afterwards now they've got to deny that defuse but that's the thing it puts you in a very good position to get the plant I don't know if it's the greatest with the postman they've got to try and spam already it's just been stopped Leaf's just going all the way he's gonna get it all the way through what no way Leaf just stuck it and it worked what is his plot armor Cloud9 steal the roundwin from right under paper Rex's noses clowning or giggling to themselves after the heist they just pulled off they're like we're chilling let's keep doing what's been working our a-controlled default Cloud9 are back to their 113 opening they want a control and this time yay is joining Zappa and zelsus in this fight as for paper Rex oh boy paperbacks are not happy they're fuming they're lucky that the loss last round didn't break their economy in this final round of the half as a matter of fact because mindfit popped off with a 3K last round clown 9 are actually the ones that can't afford a full buy despite winning the round so paper wrecks make a brilliant call they're saying rank it Rush a and there he's obviously gonna get taken down but no this is Neo from The Matrix whoa forsaken sprinted out gotta kill while tanking the neon sun and Sky Flash and tp's Away paperwork scale up to take the space they open the doors then send their Skydog in April has happened for paper x their Seaside pushes successful initially try again there we go second time's the charm paper X have three players in three one late a main one holding the flank Cloud9 have shifted it over to a they have three players ready to fight for Sight full rotation and of course C9 haven't really had to deal with too many fakes too many double backs too many splits in the other direction so they can't gamble on this a site just take a look at the hood zelsus found himself a spot inside of it they're hearing the steps but no one's there to punish and he's out okay he gets taken down in the end but it gives them some hope that hope is quickly taken out of their hands unless leap well uh he's alive okay give him a shot then and paper wrecks take round 12. first half ends with Cloud9 up 7-5 hold it do you want to see a breakdown on the second half of this match if so consider becoming a subscriber in my Discord Community I will be breaking down part two of this game live this weekend in my Discord link to my discords in the description below I'll see you guys there [Music]
Channel: Sovereign Guides
Views: 465,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jOTnabcYpqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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