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head over to patreon if you want to see the full length uncut Early Access versions of these videos way before YouTube sees them let's get it so today we're going to be checking out the valerant cinematics all of them in one video uh we don't know anything about this game or this series at all do we no don't know anything about it but like visuals look absolutely sick so we're drawn into it and we're really excited to check it out guys let us know what are your thoughts on these cinematics uh do you have a favorite one and what's your experience with the game is it is it good we really know anything about else about it other than it's a shooter but let us know down in the comments your thoughts on valerant hello that is quite a cool uh art style already isn't it yeah I like this this is awesome please tell me you have the package I would if somebody was a little less agressive yeah I like the fact that he's uh sounds like a proper Landon like an actual land you sound like you're from Landon oh Hy oh love a bit of slowmo yeah that's awesome though oh that's how you want to play oh this how we've just started uh reacting to episode one of Arcane the other day we can already see you can kind of see the art style there can't you yeah 100% I was thinking that oh they're saying that that's League of Legends isn't it this is valerin oh my god I've completely forgotten excuse me but it's kind of similar oh hey oh that was sick he managed to like make it swerve the FL let her plant all right that was awesome what about the Hostile I wouldn't worry about her wow oh wow are you certain 100 I got this oh all right boy means business it's like he's just powered up or something that was sick damn right well that was tasty oh he just like burn away ah respawn hey control so about the package oh my God D okay that's insane that is nuts whoa okay that was solid was it so that was pretty damn good actually like I the the action there was really Top Notch wasn't it yeah it was cool like you mentioned the uh the slow motion and stuff going off in there as well was pretty pretty solid two really kind of cool interesting character designs there as well that I really like in the use of their powers and stuff looks very very intriguing and obviously the World building around this was solid retake retake oh snowy you in position yet working on it what's taking so long I thought you knew place I like how it's the same guy it's like kind of continuing on yeah yeah that's the same cheick though right you're dude invisible there please let me show you how a boss does it Phoenix damn oh it's that same girl yeah yeah yeah oh Hy oh let's go it reminds me of like CAD Bane from Star Wars oh dude that looks sick ni so I'm assuming these are all characters from the game that you can play going to say yeah it looks like it they're very protagonist looking aren't they oh that was kind like softened her land there music's second this as well it really is oh bad oh nice more that slowmo again nice dude he's got some crazy abilities man oh love a bit of slow what oh that's awesome like a warp gate yeah SI point a captured diffused I told you bro Leave It To The Bu who whoa whoa who oh oh oh she was was she a shame shifter oh what the hell was that for oh no that's that was a Twist not by you well she shot first first damn so you did shoot me away dude the world Building looks sick there [Music] though so we're seeing a lot of new characters there and that one that one was cool because I felt like that one really kind of flexed all the different abilities that they had and showed you them in action as well yeah totally it looks like they've all got their own kind of like specific class or something like that that looks um really intriguing like I love the the blue guys like warp gate thing there that was really cool and obviously we saw that the the girl that was in the first one seems to be quite like a trickster almost she's good at like deceiving and like surprising her opponents and stuff like that obviously he s through it and this one there um but yeah again solid and the action in that was so so so good this just in reports of a disaster in Italy oh poor Italy man so this is kind of continuing from that first one yeah it seems so radite may involved R power accounts for more than 34s of the world's energy production have denied any connection to This Disaster anyone with information on the two unidentified radi that would be the craziest news worldwide though wouldn't it like M no she's got like a little Droid I like that I like her look actually about time you showed up we're picking up gun did you loc the SP like the robot's like a little support unit that's SI so I'm assuming those things the spike they have to diffuse those before the time or something looks like it don't know oh let's go stay close weapons ready I was born ready gu got bit of a cocky attitude I kind of like it though cocky confidence let's go back up take a look it's stealing radi KN from the environment how do we stop it I'm on it you'll need a rad to power the heat signal uhoh oh not the support guy we got trouble it's this music man yeah solid oh hands up come on oh what what some genu it's a hologram you should see your face damn yeah she had to snap him out of that to be fair come on right is it like a running thing that he gets shot in every one of these yeah take a shot every time he gets shot it needs to be superheated oh there we go sounds sounds like a job for this guy oh it's working it is working damn that's not good right I honestly didn't expect that to work oh he did okay so uh maybe give us a heads up next time there we go pack it up we're coming home secured need answers this time what is your problem we crushed it Phoenix got a look in the mirror how come they look like us and what do they want our radian out for I'll talk to Brimstone it's time we filled you in oh oh Lord dump coming may be let go let go let go yo we got problems we you're the one that screwed up you serious you had it easy jet you know they're bringing whole teams now right then so will we oh oh snapy full unit Earth wait what times two what was that about at the end like they showed Two Earths is that like an alternative like I don't know like reality or Dimension Earth or something like that but that was another cool one got another cool character as well with a little Droid bot too yeah the little Droid was awesome I really like that kind of reminded me of like the Droid from like Jedi Fallen order I think it is um but yeah got this really intriguing thing going on with like the copies as well cuz obviously had the copy of the the the main fire guy didn't we and then obviously the copy of earth right at the end there that's really really intriguing and it makes me like definitely Wonder more about what's next warm up there you go yeah you line them up I burn him down I do quite like this guy yeah he's infe undefeated a target practice oh let's go a robot guy practice KO are you shading the king you're not the king you have the same score as the rest of us damn the shoots back I'll bring the fire please be my guest okay any other game all right that let's dance say hello to Max bot perfect BL Maxx power now you can train against uh well you my money's on the machine you got this I reckon it's going to be way more overpowered than he thinks oh my God oh my God the movement already you just see it move to the side yeah that was awesome damn okay let's Go Lego Lego oh nice out of my way he's going to rip it he's going to absolutely destroy it there go [Music] dud oh that was that was sick swing oh oh my God this B is crazy well this is embarrassing um he's making a killing are they all going to get beat you think yeah probably oh oh dude okay now we're going in in teams this guy's making a killer yeah he he is he is doing quite well here wow he makes me so proud he makes me so rich yes true I should have picked this game winning requires sacrifice not really your style hey fam let's go again that ow a okay is this the time where he does it then you think all let's go oh oh okay he's out my turn oh I like how he can kind of chill in his own Flames oh man that was a sick little swap though oh tagged damn nice okay that's sick that dude had some beautiful hair oh yeah done team Forge baby who is the ice time's over ready up she that was like an ice wall or something yeah what fire Ste come on hey wait wait wait [Music] Qui yeah that was cool in the end know to dude that Island though that's awesome [Laughter] a I feel like that was the first one where we got to see like loads of people working together in the end but that bot was crazy yeah the bot was like op confirmed but like we we got to see like a load of like different kind of people in there with some really intriguing powers like the ice and got the guy with the bow and arrow as well there seems to be like some Commander guy that's like in charge of stuff and very very intriguing it's it's a really kind of cool like balance of different like powers and abilities that the these people have got that match kind of the personalities they have that have been on show throughout this as well so really cool shattered something sort of like Stargate yeah I know why literally oh my go all right pathway algorithm successful the good guys have arrived all right kid confirm the location of our radite and get out you don't want to fight oh she got kind of cool look and entering yeah what could go wrong trust me if they're weaponizing radite we've got bigger problems it's time to stop playing that was cool how it scaned through her yeah it's awesome yeah those eyes oh bro M I thought okay that's sailing off their exit then yeah they can't get out now AGI dis Suess damn let's go I need to get to that terminal we got this yo nice oh dude that would freak you out if you just saw that float in there all right let's go system Wick coming I like how the Yellow Jacket man yeah it's cool in it very unique kind of look to one let's see fortified GD plasma senses oh they coming careful this system doesn't play nice see damn see definitely not nice oh nice yo her reactions are crazy was trying to kill us hey that was Savage you're still alive what did did she just like pull his soul out there or something damn pretty much sucks dude her movement yeah savagej these jerks are everywhere why hurry oh nice oh oh bro oh that's hello yeah I was going to say I've seen that smoke before find the other one damn okay now I'm serious time to go I'm close don't die just another minute downloading coordinates now what are you just like reality stabilizer Hydroponics desalination desalination this isn't a weapon it's a life support system bro life sport system for what wow something insane I'm thinking oh yeah uhoh oh good to no let's try something oh me on get back here I found us a ride home Savage so she's all out now you busted my suit oh not good oh oh you knew something was coming there to be fair yeah ooh hello Jesus dude she's almost like more dangerous now that she's injured yeah it's definitely some sort of like suppressor isn't it yeah oh pil that was sick these little guys where's Raina Raina do copy she she got she got her own business going on here a take the shot oh oh she got yanked up she was mine oh we go now or we don't go all right let's go what is that thing was that acting like a force field to stop them coming through maybe yeah it looks like it what is this us no I think this is us joy you can hear that's actually kind of sick yeah that's cool so are we still the good guys uhoh that's crazy oh they're [Music] underw damn that one was really interesting one because it kind of seems now that where they are they realize it's complete almost opposite of what they always known now right yeah yeah it seems like everything's kind of flipped wherever they are and it's definitely it's it's interesting isn't it like it's cool like something something's definitely going on here but it'll be interesting to find out what that is oh I go oh we got a rave yeah I wasn't expecting that wa whoa oh damn dude that transition was so clean don't know let's go training simulation dude this is a I I like this one because it's just showing you so much oh there go that's so sick all right spec is clocked you'll be gone yeah oh dude that [Music] go nice that simulator reminds me of like the Clone Wars thing oh I know what you mean all like VR Missions in Metal Gear Solid is yeah that's the one I want to be at if I was there you know yeah where the good food and hangs are yeah I like this um swapping and changing between the different locations give me kind of Lara CR Vibes not going to lie I was thinking that earlier oh that was a mistake oh oh br oh now this person looks sick valon really needs to kind of do what league did with Arc Canan make a series like this I think I guess the cinematics kind of are but like an actual series series Jesus okay that's awesome oh my God he's kind of scary looking yeah I was wondering are are you friend or looks like he's friend yeah the hooded guy is Savage he kind of looks like a character out of like um Destiny or something yeah yeah yeah yeah I get that oh hey in the middle of a club too dude the World building is crazy yeah SI up especially this one we' got to see so many different locations oh uhoh [Laughter] yeah I like that one probably one of the most so far that we've had just because of the sheer amount that it showed off and it was just the way that it went back and forth but they were all connected was really really well done I think yeah the pace definitely helped um just make it like what it was there it was just so fast and you just getting these continuations but it wasn't hanging on one moment for too long and we got to see these like really kind of cool action scenes but kind of like almost kind of like a little laidback side as well in some of those so shots but like the Geer with the the hood and like the blue screen that was he looks sick ominous music I was just about to say ominous reminds me of Fire Nation from uh yeah a little bit Avatar all right so now they know where each other are right to get this thing Stay s maybe I I ain't going in there yeah I I'm not first just in oh man especially if the door closes I know let the light in oh nothing to do with that fallard that's where the uh the seed vault is as well it's like in Norway I think oh at you okay yeah yeah I just don't like rats how do you feel about bear no don't don't say that don't say that why would you say BS uncool focus and you stay close I don't think he's going anywhere to be fair yeah yeah I I ain't wandering enough on my own at all oh who interesting where's theor tense very tense uh if that's a bear I swear we might wish it was a bear that sounds like a bear I actually think that is a bear you know damn that's a weapon just shooting everywhere oh my god oh it's a weird Crystal bear yeah screw that oh I don't think that's going to cut it Chief I'll be honest no it's from on himself yeah it's the kind of situation they're in oh it's here [Music] go Oh in the dark as well that's nightmare fuel yep come on come on come on who no I feel bad I didn't want that guy to to get it oh my [Music] God that's insane oh dude I all the piss would be coming out yeah my God that is the move nice I Choose You ah is he going to make it oh oh bro what is she infected she's yeah or something oh my God oh her arm too man get wrecked so did that did she lose her arm there I feel oh oh yeah dude that had like horror Vibes that one yeah it really did didn't it jeez [Music] man bro that was insane prosthetic arm though did you capacity yes it is exactly to your specification of course perfect what The Who you two really dude what kind of digy Pokémon is that I don't know what they're capable of when do we leave yo she's Keen again that one was just a very different tone from all the others felt like that one kind of had like horror esque elements to it but kind of cool that it showed you that characters obviously got that arm but it's obviously giving you the backstory a LW of how she ended up getting that arm yeah totally and I think that's really kind of cool to it cuz obviously like the the design in itself having the robotic arm is always a really cool thing but knowing how that came to like to be gave you more of an insight into like you know who the person is wielding that arm so to speak she looks like an absolute badass so killer absolutely love that and my like haunting haunting vibes from the bear I love the Tex style in all of these it's so cool cinematic yeah oh the SPs uhoh that's a red flag I was going to say that's a trap no Get Wrecked oh oh jeez is that the chest that's the guy's hat no yeah yeah yeah let's go he was like a sniper W he so did he get the information that those two were the door because of what he scanned on that guy's body ah potentially my friend has questions for the boss and you're going to tell us where to find y hi all what we G this is going to be fun dude that looks sick yeah let's go I have them I have themer where is the Target he scurried up to the penous it's more fun when they run isn't it this guy is all about the fun man he loves it absolutely loves it oh that's dope yeah [Laughter] ah oh this guy oh let's go HUD dude so I think you will like this my great voice such a good voice what the hell do you want answers a that was tasty oh dude the way he transports himself around that's that's awesome this gu's onean Army I love his look as well like the cape thing a mob boss the two dudes looking like they're at a squid game no oh yeah sound that's sick nice to see you again sit down shrouded step straight to the point always was your style oh sorry it's like he was expecting him you Vanishing again ghost ghost flash something's I'm getting interference heading to a new position shrouded step was a simple directive kill damn it's kind trippy who better to safeguard our secrets to keep the discovery of radianite from a world that wasn't great you know you're a badass when you have to wear a single eye patch oh yeah imagine our surprise when we realized who you were who you were who you are and that you became one of them oh hey oh damn what hurts more being ribed apart by this machine or knowing your greatest failure the way it keeps like flashing like present to past and stuff is awesome down get a bit of history of this is his is his name ghost or what that was what he referred to him as that mistake oh oh we're out of time one hell of a shot oh man let's go oh he's free oh you're screwed now dude Mystic that's insane uhoh oh he disappeared too oh dude that looks so sick that was awesome friends is time to go dude this one was one of the best yeah this one was Savage on it Omen did you get what you came for Omen Omen Viper wants full report I will deliver it personally oh this was fun damn so there we are that was all the valerant cinematics there that last one though was really impressive the visuals in that last one were crazy but kind of seeing a little bit of this the kind of backstory of this guy Omen was really crazy wasn't it yeah really like really was I think he was probably one of the standout like characters throughout like you know what we saw as soon as he was introduced I think we both kind of like clocked he looks like amazing and stuff like that so it was cool to have one kind of focused on him and a bit of the backstory and I like the way it kept flashing between the the present and the past there and it it's still like it did include characters with' sin already so that was really really really really something I like that guys let us know should we check out any other like trailers or is there any any other kind of like valerant stuff that we should check out which one of these was your favorite and did you have a favorite character as well let us know down in the comments below but guys if you did enjoy the video hit the thumbs up and uh yeah we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Project Senpai
Views: 166,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant new agent, valorant reaction, valorant trailer reaction, valorant trailer, new agent valorant, valorant cinematic trailer reaction, valorant cinematic reaction, valorant agent, valorant gameplay, valorant cinematic trailer, valorant reaction cinematic, valorant episode reaction, reaction, reacting to valorant, valorant new trailer, valorant trailer reactions, valorant new agent leak, harbor valorant trailer, valorant cinematic episode 8 reaction, cinematic
Id: CAvN035uQEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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