The True Meaning of Every Resurrection Voice Line in Valorant

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is there an afterlife in valorence lore well today when we take a look at every Resurrection Voice sign in valorum it may suggest that there is one some incredibly specific ones like ciphers shows us that he thinks he saw his family in that short time between his death in battle and the resurrection that Sage does to bring him back to life While others like fate and Phoenix are just funny to listen to and either finds the whole coming back to life thing fascinating or just plain weird one thing I do want to say is that each agent likely has a different idea or belief of what an afterlife is after all the Valor protocol has a wide range of cultures all around the world that likely believe in different religions if they do choose to believe in one let's first start off with the newest agent valoran added Harvard back in business yeah Harbors is about as generic as these Resurrection voice lines come no crazy hype or questioning what in the world just happened he's just ready to get back to battle and accomplish whatever Mission he was trying to complete before he rudely died from an enemy next up is fade in her Resurrection Voice sign is just hilarious to me baby seems like she's annoyed yet amazed about what just happened and kind of reminds me of what my parents used to wake me up out of bed I'm up I'm up so so far we have two agents that have kind of like simple or yet funny reactions to while coming back to life nothing crazy too far yet let's see if neon is any different that sucked of course in neon's kind of sassy attitude she shows us sometimes she says that coming back to life sucked it makes me kind of wonder that maybe when Sage resists someone that it is a very uncomfortable feeling while she does it or do you think neon said it sucks that she died and maybe the pain that went along with that either way though neon does not look like a fan about coming back to life oh I can't wait to see what Chambers is all about I wonder if he's going to say something along the lines of at least I still look good or time to make a fortune again we know chamber is all about his looks and financial status that was unpleasant oh so maybe this does tie into neon's voice line where she says that sucked so maybe the act of your quote-unquote soul coming back into your deceased body is a really uncomfortable feeling again this could just be that it was just unpleasant dying but so far this two agents saying that they didn't like the feeling of coming back to life KO pulls a fortnight reboot card on us whenever Sage Rises him like most things chaos says it's either got a little sass or appreciation for something thanks for the reboot like a computer restarting he just says thanks for sage doing what she does best nothing crazy here let's move on now we have Astra and this is the first time we see someone talking about the afterlife or at least something resembling that in Balance lore in this video I should say that it could be that Astra is just like joking with us here especially with the laugh you'll hear at the end of The Voice line my ass has to say what's up but it does make me wonder if Astro really did see her lost ancestors of her past I'm sure that would be an extremely weird conversation just chatting it up with your great grandma just to be ripped out of there and thrown back into a 1v2 clutch scenario with a spike down because Sage was too scared to defuse the spike herself yoru is up next and this is honestly just a funny one to me in typical your fashion he's pissed that he died he wants to get revenge for the enemy that killed him and looks like it's like his top priority now who killed me that's dead it's so funny to me because this is exactly how I'd picture your reacting when coming back to life straight up just trying to make sure the person who got him gets what he has coming I was almost expecting to see yoru say something about his ancestors like Asher too maybe when your story gets a little more fleshed out Ryan May update the voice line to resemble something about his ancestors who knows Skies is an interesting one if you ask me I'm really not so sure what she means when she says her Resurrection voice line does she mean that her new life she has gotten feels different from her past wait this fear is fear front sensing that something just doesn't feel right when she is rest could that famous Voice sign Omen says to Sage questioning where Sage gets her Rising powers from have anything to do with this Sage the life you give do you ever wonder where it's taken from we know that sky has a deep connection with nature and can sense when things are wrong she even says this to Omen when he teleports which shows us she may be able to attract life forces around her Omen when you teleport I don't know sometimes I lose you does that make sense could all of this mean that Sage's new life she gives to people aren't exactly the same that they used to have this is just a theory so take this with a grain of salt but what if Sage unknowingly uses her powers in a way where she steals a soul or energy from people in an alternate universe and gives it to whoever she's trying to rest it's an interesting thing to think about for sure breeches is pretty on par for his character although sometimes it feels like he is wanting others to recognize him more like in his clutch voice lines while other times he's got a kiss of arrogance of course you still need me yeah for being real there isn't too too much with breeches guys so yeah let's just go ahead and move on raise is up next and I was just totally expecting her to go crazy with excitement to be able to blow stuff again we know race is incredibly Reckless and loves to Just Vibe around she likes to be a part of things and apparently when she dies she wants to catch up on what she missed ah so what I miss I think raises could have been elevated a little bit more like more hype and excitement when it comes to the resurrection voice lines and it would fit her explosive character a little bit more in my opinion but I still like this voice line though next is Reina it's a pretty basic one on the surface but may have a little more meaning if you think about it a bit more Back Where I Belong so this can very well just be a simple voice line with Reina being glad on coming back to the land of living but perhaps for the short time she was dead she was somewhere that she didn't like and didn't belong she seems relieved to be alive again I mean I sure would too if I'm being honest I'm probably looking too far into this but let me know what you guys think next we have jet and to be honest guys I can't really tell what jet is feeling when she gets rest like is she happy relieved annoyed amazed or interested on what just happened I just can't so cool like what what does she mean cool like if I just came back to life I'd be having a lot more emotions than a simple sigh and saying cool I I just love Jet's personality sometimes it's just too funny Phoenix is another hilarious one for me with the same Vibes I was like kind of expecting and hoping for with raises yo you can do that too like that's what I'm talking about look how hyped up Phoenix is to get resurrected by Sage I will say though it is a little odd that he is acting so surprised that sage just revived him like I'm pretty sure that should be like common knowledge throughout the Valor protocol when it comes to everyone knowing sage has the powers to save people right well anyways I think it's great that Phoenix is still thrilled to see that he didn't even have to use his ultimate and still came back to life oddly enough Sage is up next so at first I was stunned and like kind of take it back like wait why does sage have Resurrection voice signs of her own because like I don't know if she's like the one doing the Reviving right I had to sit there for a minute and think about in What scenario Sage possibly could be revived and then I was like oh oh wait duh replication or whatever that game it is where you have like a ton of the same agents on the same team I told I only really played comp so I totally forgot about that so that's why sage has a rest voice line here it is so that's what it feels like I also remember now that I did use this voice line for one of Sage's sassy voice signs in my every sus voice line in Valor video I made it shows all the voice lines every agent has that can be taken in a sus context or all the voice lines that have swear words in them if you want a good laugh related Valor and I suggest you check out the video it's pretty funny next is soba and I was not expecting him to have two voice lines whenever he gets rest one is a little joke he makes while the other is a very nice and humble thank you two stage for being oh so kind for saving him they should have dug a deeper grave thank you I like the first one a lot because we never really see Sova joking around all that time very much he does have some voice signs where he's just being a little goofball but most of the time he's just like very serious and of course since he is a good person he thanks Sage too nice to see next is our boy Cipher with his voice sign that Drew the inspiration for this video for a moment I saw them this is of course in reference to his family that presumably died it's a pretty sad story for Valance lore but yeah cypher's family is dead we don't know what happened to them but a particular person named Nora was someone Cipher loved very much this could be his daughter if he had one or his wife we're not so sure one could argue that Cipher's brain was playing tricks on him in the final seconds of his death or the beginning stages of Sage's resurrection and that's why he thought he saw his family or the lore of valerian has an afterlife maybe and he was almost about to see his family again what are your thoughts our next agent is killjoy Her Voice sign is her being amazed and saying as crazy how all this is happening killjoy is all about taking apart and learning everything there is to offer about any given subject also killjoy has a very outgoing personality and easily expresses herself with letting her German slip through a little bit here and there in her voice lines perfectly shown in her res voice line this is crazy agent number three on the protocol is Omen I'm actually a little confused on what exactly Omen means when he says this because as far as we know guys um Can can Omen like even die remember that he rips his shadowy body apart and can perform it again into another location whenever he wants so does a bullet hitting him actually end his life or does it kind of like stun Omen for a bit before he regains himself again let's go for a second see what I mean it sounds like Omen is saying that he died because he let go of his Focus to keep himself together for only a short amount of time what do you guys think about this any better interpretations you could come up with next is Viper and her Voice sign kind of takes us back to what we were saying earlier in the video with the awkward or uncomfortable feeling an agent gets when getting Rez by Sage Viper being the scientist that she is of course would like to record any data she can about the experience fascinating I must record this feeling that's a good handful of Ages now that have said something along the lines of like a weird feeling or very awkward or uncomfortable feeling happening when getting rest the last agent on the protocol for today's video is the stubborn Brimstone he's a man that knows what he wants and will get it done when he wants to do it and what doesn't he want to do right now die ain't my time so sounds like brim believes that when his time is up it's up but as long as Sage is around and there's a mission or team to look after he ain't going anywhere anytime soon I hope you guys enjoyed the video and let me know what your thoughts are about some of these agent voice lines in the comments below I had a fun time making this so make sure to leave a like subscribe notifications if you're new now with all that being said yippee out
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 89,661
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Keywords: sir jeppy, valorant lore, valorant update, valorant new agent, valorant lore cinematic, valorant lore videos, valorant lore cinematic in order, valorant lore explained 2022, valorant lore update, sir jeppy valorant lore, sir jeppy voice lines, valorant lore reyna, IS THERE AN AFTERLIFE IN VALORANT'S LORE?, All Resurrection Voice lines valorant, valorant voice lines, valorant voice lines that hit different, afterlife valorant
Id: hjhwjZcTVfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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