20 Disturbing Facts About Valorant

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hey everybody Jeff here and today I'm sharing with you 20 disturbing and horrifying details in valard some of these are really unique that not many people know about like the experiment X11 and the dark history behind the range that I didn't even know about until researching for this video so everyone make sure to leave a like if you're excited and definitely subscribe to the channel if you haven't already it goes a long way for the algorithm and definitely helps out the channel starting off our top 20 list is where does Sage's life come from so there has been a few hints already in Valor and that questions Sage if she even really knows where her powers and the life she gives where that comes from and so far it looks like she doesn't have an answer fade brought it up briefly in one of her blackmailing dossiers ending her question with yes ignorance is safer while Omen says this famous Voice sign to Sage went on the same team Sage the life you give do you ever wonder where it's taken from so this leaves us the question with where does Sage's life actually originate and come from the theory tossed around lately is that whenever Sage revives someone in our world a soul is taken from an alternate universe and used to fuel the resurrection that Sage does it's really dark and with the fact that there are multiple realities in valorous lore it could be true our next fact is the darkness of the practice range so as I'm sure most of you know of the practice range is floating in the air it was also affected by the spike detonation at Venice Italy that lifted up the map Ascent as well but what many people don't know is that their range isn't even attached to Venice off the coast of Venice is on a small island not far named Poveglia now this island has a dark history back when the plague resurfaced in Italy in 1776 the island was deemed a quarantine Zone and infected patients were sent there to well pretty much die all the way up until 1814. then in 1922 the buildings that were used to house the sick and dying over 100 years in the past were now converted to house mentally handicapped patients in a newly founded insane asylum just like pretty much every insane asylum at that time pretty much every patient was subjected to barbaric torture in the name of Science and mistreatment now this lasted until 1968 in Earth's real timeline but the weird thing is that you can still see hospital beds scattered around the range in various locations it gives us an eerie reminder of the Terrible Things the island was home to you want to know what else is Eerie people that skip through YouTube ads all right at this point either you skip through every sponsor on a video or you're just stubborn because I'm talking about balance tracker again and if you haven't downloaded it yet you are just being plain silly balloon tracker is a 100 free software that links to your Valor account unlocking so much information you never had access to in the past every win rate KD ratio and more for all the agents you play your headshot percentage KD and more for every weapon you use your win rate showing you what your best map is and you'd be surprised which map you play the best on for me it's fracture but one of the best things about valorum tracker is the in-match tool that lets you gain the information of pretty much how good the enemy team is and how good your teammates are too if you got a sneaking suspicion of the enemy chamber is an OP Crush well you just simply click on their name and it brings up their kills with weapons head on over to the op and see how much damage per round they have with it yeah this pretty much confirms I'm a dirty chamber of crunch so stop being stubborn already and download Valor tracker for free using my link in the description and finally gain all the information you've been missing out on thank you Valor tracker for sponsoring today's video alright so the next spot on our list is Humanity almost wiped out so reference to the radiant Wars in alternate reality where for some reason it's still unclear why Radiance Rose to power and it attempts to wipe out humans from the earth they call home this was led by Reina which crowned herself Empress of the army and led the way to Destroy All Humans of the radius that we're familiar with in our Alpha timeline joined the army like Astra sky and Sage for example while humans task was defending themselves and their world like Brimstone and Sova were fighting as well only when KO was created by the few humans left in the radiant Wars timeline did they even stand a chance this was shown in great detail in Ko's revealed trailer and at the very end he managed to kill Empress Reina and we're assuming the rest of the radiance fell as well once everything was good in his Universe KO left it and came to hours via teleporter on brace to make sure it never happens again even in another reality speaking of ko let's move on to the next entry on the list Ko's dog tags so as you can see KO wears a pair of dog tags around his neck with what looks like a bullet hole carved out on one of them well in the radiant Wars KO shared a deep bond with the brimstone of that timeline now from what KO says they were pretty much like brothers tragically though Empress Reyna killed that Brimstone and KO was left to pick up his body and mourn well it's safe to assume that to carry out the honor of that Brimstone KO chooses to wear his dog tags and with the Bullet Hole carved into them we're pretty much left to guess where that Brimstone got shot that ultimately killed him in that timeline the next thing on our list is the sylvanus creatures these scary looking creatures can be seen in the sylvanus bundle underneath the cabin featured in this skin thank you sign pro for finding this I would have never saw it and I hope your career at Riot games is doing really well there's still people debating if any of this skins at Valerie can contribute or mean anything to the lore I would be stoked if some of these skins were canon in the lower Valerian but also the same time I'm not sure I'd want the sylvanus bundle to be real because those things are terrifying speaking of Cosmetics let's take a look at a very disturbing player card on the next spot on our list the rituals as you can see on the player card here on the Reaver 1.0 bundle a horrific ritual is taking place with other members of this cult participating in the background I've talked about a lore Theory linking this to Omen in the past so if you want to see that video you can click that link on the screen right now after you're done watching this video but it's whatever this cult is it likely has something to do with the darkness behind Reaver either what we're seeing here is a sacrifice being made or an initiation of being done on a new member of the cult either way I would want to be there next on the list is the disaster of Haven not many people pay attention enough to realize that there are massive columns coming out of the ground on the map Haven behind Defender spawn as we now know Haven is the site of a kingdom storage facility of reaganite well these massive smoldering columns coming from the ground are likely due to a radio night related events that cause this to happen I can't imagine what the civilians of this once Great temple were thinking when out of nowhere they were forced to abandon their homes due to this disaster another thing I want to talk about on this list is the experiment X11 over on icebox there is a small screen by the ship on attack or spawn that shows us what experiment X11 looks like there seems to be an unfathomably massive Tower of presumably radio night in the player card version we see some wires hooked up to this Tower of presumably radio night something to note though is that it looks like it's cold where this experiment took place because the kingdom scientists look like they're in cold weather gear and it appears to be chunks of snow and ice at the base of the tower what are your thoughts on what the kingdom was trying to do here the next disturbing fact about Valerie on my list is going to be the Everett Lind research facility this is actually the facility on the map fracture that we play on it was a research lab run by Alpha and Omega Kingdoms in a group effort to create the large Radeon collider we see underneath the facility in the middle of the map things were actually going well with this Jordan operation Between Worlds things were still tense and they didn't really trust each other by letting very very few employees interact with others not from their worlds but things were still going well until chamber and his Omega double teamed up on a secret mission to destroy the lrc the scientists were working on they both shot the sniper rifles on opposite sides of the collider creating a chain reaction of Destruction many scientists and Personnel died due to the disaster and it's still not known why chain Raiders Omega double did what they did some time later killjoy visits the Everett Lind research facility and sends a depressive voicemail to Brimstone I'll show you part of it and yet yeah seeing the husk of the facility to the people all those people they weren't even soldiers they were scientists they didn't have a chance to sorry I I have to go call me back please Cipher knows what happened to Omen this next entry on our list is a malicious one and still gives me the question of why Cipher is doing this to him as we know Omen had a faulty experiment or tragedy that happened to him that turns him into the monster he is today after Sage did the best she can to revive him Omen has Amnesia of pretty much his entire past life before he turns into the shadow he is now he yearns to learn and remember of who he was and what he did before he died it's practically the main thing he wants to know and Cipher won't tell him Omen reached out to Cipher to desperately find out what Omen wants to know but Cipher won't hand that information over to him until Omen pays up a steep price for it like what he's a member of your team and is suffering at any given second in his new form like why wouldn't you just do away with the price and help him out because he's your friend here's the voice line Omen I have the information you asked for my price my price hasn't been paid yet on a lighter note though I do have a spot on this list that isn't as sad as the previous one but it is a little scary and funny at the same time non-rendered valoran agents this is a funny thing that happens when picking which agent you want to play when starting a match of Valor and for a few frames before the game can render all of the H's cosmetic details a horrific looking base model can be seen some of these are actually terrifying and likely would have haunted me in my dreams if I was still a young kid looking at this good thing I'm 25 now and nothing scares me apparently for people who don't have like the best PCS and they're kind of like slow or bad PCS they can see these Abominations for a couple seconds every match of valerian instead of only a few frames for me may God have mercy on your soul the next entry is Phoenix burns down his school if you've seen my Phoenix lore video then you already know about this one of Phoenix's personal player card shares a story with us of a time Phoenix burned down the performing arts school he attended before joining The Valor protocol it was deemed an accident and likely was due to Phoenix not yet getting a grasp on how to use his power safely and control them when he was younger we never got any confirmation if anyone died during this event but it's still pretty dark well on life Phoenix burning down his school this next entry the Venice incident in 2049 a lot of people died Lord nerds like me already know pretty much everything there is to know about this incident so I'll keep it short valor's storyline takes place not far in the future with the first light happening in the year 2039 with the first major radio night related disaster occurring 10 years later with the Venice incident of 2049. just like how I said in the previous entry of the shooting range floating so is the map Ascent which is in Venice Italy now normally cities just don't float in the air right well at least I hope they don't this happened in Venice due to the detonation of the spike in the Duelist cinematic between our Alpha Earth agent Phoenix and Omega Earth's Jet Jet got the best of Phoenix and planted the spike leading to his detonation but this Spike isn't a normal bomb it is actually a teleportation device that teleports radonite from one location to another dedicated location that's how Omega Earth steals rain tonight from our Earth and why the attackers attempt to plant spike in Balance gameplay so as an unfortunate side effect of a spike detonation a large area around the blast looks like it has its reality destabilized and sort of just suspends the matter in the air the next entry on the list is going to be breezes murals now to be fair guys I actually don't even really know what these drawings or murals even mean it was likely made by the inhabitants of the island that seems to have abandoned the island once the disaster happened over the Mansion off in the distance outside the map like I said though I'm not too sure what these murals actually mean but I did come up with a few possible interpretations of them in my Breeze lore video check that out if you're interested other than that though which story do you guys think the creators were trying to tell when painting these the next entry anti-kingdom is yet a other piece of evidence you can find scattered across the maps that a lot of the public really does hate the kingdom science can be found on some maps around and Valerie showing some anti-kingdom propaganda posted around by the public it's a stark contrast to Omega Earth's Kingdom Industries where there they are pretty much hailed as Heroes and pioneering multi-dimensional exploration speaking of Kingdom Industries here's the next entry on the list Omega Earth now Omega Earth are the main enemies in valorin's lore they are the ones that to our knowledge initiated the conflicts with stealing our Brady Knight and leaving Devastation in its path but did you know that Omega Earth has gone through World altering tragedies as well like how massive title waves and rising sea levels devastated the surface of the planet forcing most of the inhabitants into underwater biodomes when the sea levels get too high we know that sometimes they could open up the Dome when the water is seed enough to allow natural air and sunlight to pass through but whenever another tidal wave comes in or when the sea levels rise again they're forced to close the radiant infused Dome again these player cards tell the tale of the original Radiance of the valvert Legion saving and rescuing civilians from the massive Columns of water our next entry on the list is Lucia raina's little sister that was presumed dead the vast majority of the time Valentine was released until fairly recently when Fades dossier she made of Raina told us that no Lucia was alive later on this story opened up again when Viper left a voicemail to Brimstone talking about how Reyna needs to go on more missions to collect more souls of her Fallen enemies Viper is splitting these souls in half to try to not only feed Reyna but keep her little sister Lucia alive as well she is struggling greatly with this and loses one soul for everyone she splits basically needing a double amount to just barely have enough to keep both sisters alive it's getting to the point now where Lucia is barely alive and hanging on by a thread Viper also questions what Reina will do if Viper fails and is unable to keep her alive what's it like Raider exciting to keep his Last One Alive no trees tell me fill your heart Arena if you want results I need those Souls keeping the theme of lost loved ones Cipher family is dead is our next entry yeah as tragic as it sounds pretty much all of the family's Cypher cares about is dead including his wife and his kids as well when we don't know how they perish but we know a woman named Nora was extremely important to him Nora could have been his wife or perhaps a daughter but to be fair as far as I know we don't have any concrete evidence that Cipher ever had any kids but when he refers to his family he says then Cipher has even gone to question sages she can revive anyone without any constraints so Sage you can bring people back from the dead anyone no constraints interesting also anytime Cipher gets resurrected from Sage during battle it appears that in that short time of his death he sees his family again for a moment I saw them our next entry Omen hears his enemies is just yet another example of the constant suffering Omen goes through there is a Voice sign where he questions Reina that with his soul she consumes does she hear the voices of her enemies like Omen does as far as I know Reina hasn't answered Omen on this question yet but how sad must it be for Omen every enemy he kills he is constantly hearing their voices I can only imagine that after only a few kills his mind would be crowded with the noise of the Fallen Reina the souls you consume do you hear their voices as I do number 20 the last entry on today's list of Viper enjoys killing tops it off with the undeniable facts that Viper not only enjoys killing people but loves torturing them as she doesn't there are countless voice lines on viper talking about either how long victims have before they start begging for air or other ways she's tortured in the past she laughs about it and really does give off the Diabolical scientist vibe I wonder if these ones were big they all do after a while remember nobody's a hero when they're crying for air let me know what your favorite disturbing or horrifying Valor in fact was by leaving a comment down below if you enjoyed the video it would mean so much if you subscribed and left a like to help it out in the algorithm make sure to follow me on Twitch and Twitter and hit up the Discord server for lore discussions now with all that being said jippy out
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 154,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant lore, sir jeppy, valorant facts, valorant agent lore, valorant news, valorant new agent, 50 things about valorant, valorant things to know, things you didnt know about valorant, valorant moments, valorant lore explained, valorant lore cinematic in order, valorant lore cinematic, valorant lore in order, valorant lore omen, valorant lore voice lines, 20 Disturbing Facts About Valorant, facts of valorant, disturbing facts of valorant, valorant, valorant iceberg
Id: 4iinBNB81f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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