Valorant But the FLOOR IS LAVA... (this was IMPOSSIBLE)

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today we are doing valerant but the floor is lava now we've done this event in the past but before when we did it we allowed our brim stones to knife someone which means that the floor wasn't actually lava this time we're actually turning valorant into a fiery mess because our brim stones are only allowed to Molly and our one player will have basic abilities which means they're like any other player they don't have infinite abilities we're toning it down a bit we're doing it all the way from Iron to Immortal and we'll see which rank can actually clear this the first player of the day our iron player tgdt right oh OD Omen pick kind of cool but oh he does teleport on top he's going to look for kills here but remember he's going up against nine Diamond players oh that's the second TP that's the second TP oh but he can't think he does get one but the brimstone just need to wait it out remember the brim Stones they just need to wait for the plant here they don't have to do anything but they do get a mly on top oh they get a second mly on top he's one HP yo yo yo yo who are these brim Stones who the hell land on top of yellow that's crazy our one player does not have infinite abilities oh he's walking through he teleports on top so our Diamond should have oh I feel like they're a bit cocky against these players right now because you know they're they're iron oh almost hit them now they're trying to play high ground here but they are burning slowly they are not going to lie our brim stones are kind of cooking today our brim stones are kind of cooking I know I asked for higher ELO brim Stones because we needed them to land their mollies but I didn't expect them to land this easily look he can go up there but I don't know if he gets much off of this look he's already bur all right teleport don't think anything he's chasing one Brimstone here oh this this Brimstone is aing mad M oh three HP in the dream teleport teleport teleport teleport we're getting out does he though oh so close oh that M on oh he's dead he's dead no wait wait H oh he's out hey alen's actually a pretty good pick oh nice try Raina would be the best agent here but Raina has no Mobility how would Raina even get to sight okay okay the rims could just go somewhere else remember they're just Molly only they don't even have to take this but they're kind of disrespecting the iron here the iron player gets one they're trying to hit the iron player on top they do get the iron player on top oh my God look at that look at that oh oh geometry oh yo biggie is insane he has three kills what kind of Brimstone player is this nice try all right let's go this is the bronze why are they going Odin nobody knows imagine the bronze wins I think he can get one round he's playing on Pearl enway it's a pretty big map they should know that he's coming A off of this the moles are already coming out he's just running away from the mol's okay pops old already interesting noce that there's one mid here the mollies are coming out he's taking oh he's taking a bunch of damage from the mollies already he should be able to heal off of this but does he does he he he does get the heal he oh but he's walking into moles again oh oh the brim stones are coming to the tracks well he's just running through it why is he just knife out wait he's actually kind of smart because the brim Stones can't kill him he's just knife out wait bro is cooking I think I take it back I mean honestly he's just walking through it with which I thought was a pretty big brain Strat that's actually not too bad round two okay should have G yet interesting Strat the mollies are going down there are mollies that are flying through the sky right now the brook stones are going crazy with these these mollies aren't really hitting but they are doing their best pasta sauces walking through oh no one's here demon Demon's here though I think Demon's gone demon 69 he why is he why is he blinding For What what is the R Stone's going to do okay he does get one heals guys to get the plant out he might get the plant out oh oh oh the bronze player gets the plant down this should be one round for the bronze I take it back he's 18 HP he might be dying to the ball he's here he's stuck back side oh he's dead nice try the brimstone should be able to get this right right yo guys defuse okay he should get this e oh boy not the blind what's the blind get no way no way no way no way a brimstone got a kill before he got oh my oh my I can't I don't think the blind is doing something here guys I don't I oh my God it's Kim it's a [ __ ] meteor coming in from the sky oh H oh look at this disrespect wait but he should have a free sight here actually he almost had a free sight does he have a free sight okay does okay okay does get the B oh that should be free nope he's done brother shoot I would imagine that the ult would be popped and we would be shooting the gaming Gamers plant default for this one I know the lineup for every single plant spot on this oh my God just a heads up that there nine Brimstone players how do you guys like your steak right now any of you well done people the most you go is medium medium well if you want to push it you never go past medium well actually even medium is already pushed medium is the most you go I'm going just give you guys a heads up you go well done you're not eating the steak anymore it's a oh oh okay oh dear God there are 40 seconds left what is brother cooking where is bro oh he's oh he's oh nice try all right chat we move on to the silver player nand operator hey hey random question since we're on food what's the best fast food chat Chipotle oh are you going to have a good time at the toilet after Chipotle H oh okay oh this might be big he gets one no yes do T me up oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh he's alive he lives but he should be able to get this plat down pineapple pizza from Pizza ooh that is a controversial opinion my guy I don't know how many people will agree with you with pineapple on Pizza especially the Italians oh oh oh wait he might get around he's looking good Big Flash does he get the kill he does get the kill only four brim Stones left it's looking good I tried Pizza Hut in Beijing and they have like a ton of different oh my so I went to Pizza Hut in Beijing and they have like genin collabs and they have like this Pizza Rice which is like rice that's flavored like pizza an interesting combo bones are just not for me if I want a chicken I want it boneless I know people love like wings and [ __ ] but I I just I just prefer it to be already easy to eat oh he's dead oh 61 this should be free Port comes out he might be dead here he kind of Trapped himself in this corner he kind of Trapped himself in this corner but he looks so no he's gone wait what nice try the best thing though is like Korean Fried Chicken if you guys ever tried that it's like the flower on that is so good it's so crispy it's just amazing okay o I don't know about this one and I don't know about this one I think we should go see or something I don't think we should force it a we we see a bunch of people a here good TP going out he should bait this nobody's on his TP he can go for more kills here I I wait wait oh nice try is it ice box the best map for this challenge I feel like the iron was cooking not going to lie just hang on ropes and there's a lot of high places oh TP up oh but someone was capping his TP oh he's gone oh 38 HP 38 HP on the dream M are coming out sit he's gone uh-oh uh-oh uhoh oh oh nice shot ice cream with ranch is the best hello reported Ranch is even like bottom tier for like the dressings and the sauces and now you're putting it on ice cream nah this can't happen man this can't oh free blood no way no way he might get around n the man the myth the legend he does get one now all he has to do is survive and play post M the brimstone might even postplant themselves because nobody is trying to diffuse a spike right now n is oh he's being zoned out here he's being Z that what he get oh he's standing up it's not planted for him it's not planted he's trying to get the wall back but he yeah nice try oh my God this yoru is cooked have you guys like tried the fries with like truffle powder on top it's like really really good and the flavor is like pretty subtle it's like M that's a good that's what I like I'm not a ketchup guy you know yeah HP you know at this point I feel like neon would be a really good pick okay they can't plant yet why is he wait all right nice try nice try all right let's get our uh gold player all right let's watch the game first go lead fun go all right all the basic people are outing themselves oh two smokes okay remember they don't have to push this the brim Stones can go another side they're just oh these mollies are landing okay there's one guy let what's the plan man they're trying the geometry this ass oh they what TP oh he's one HP he's one they just need one more tick of fire damage nice try barbecue sauce and vanilla what the am I reading okay nice shot we're chilling why is he Odin okay TP out good TP he still has ult though gets a second might get third he's playing well okay wait this might be the round there's only five brim Stones left they're kind of throwing this no okay oh takes a bit of damage 70 HP but they are going to get the plant down here brim stones are running away is he going to teleport a he is teleporting a he's teleporting on top they do get the spike down but brim Stones might have infinite blind ups for this oh this looks rough oh oh that lands it doesn't land I take it back that's his final TP he has no more TPS anyway he's running main he's going to try to kill people M but he takes a bunch of nice try brother was cooking oh nice try switches out for the Odin oh oh he could have got three with the wall Bang there but what's he doing now oh my God the ball down is no one really going to pick neon I feel like you have such a big Advantage with neon because you're able to run and outrun the mes oh oh okay oh wow oh how did that even hit oh there's two there's two spawn he might get a run he's actually going to get run he has Spike does he know that he has Spike he knows this is around they don't know where he is he's just showing oh but the BR might get Spike here he misses Spike it's all up to demon 69 guys can he do it the last Brimstone 12 seconds there's no more time left and we do get one round the gold player getss one round oh my God now I feel like our brim stones are not going to take him as lightly anymore they're going to play a bit more properly all the people who bet for zero rounds all you not 98% of people lost this Gamba yo the people who bet on one round are are are oh my God they're earning they're no no way no way the brims are throwing like this right Molly the entrances oh my God they're setting up moles everywhere he can't pass through garage because the mes are just going down they are going to get the plant but he is going through main he is going through main he should be able to get one here oh but he's taking a bunch of damage from the fire there's one more dude behind him that he doesn't know there's a brimstone he's going to TP out does he die nice try see chamber would have won that chamber bro what's chamber going to do op and Odin oh he's burning oh we are running oh these mollies are landing on the roof Haven is son on fire this is tough this is tough but he does get one mid rocking up mid now go go go go go go go TP on top of vxus TP on top he's not tping on top he's going for the kills here first he's an absolute gigachad he doesn't care about the fire he's just walking through everything is he going to TP now he does TP now he makes it safe oh but they do have Molly for the top of the box tp's now where's he going he's going C I thought he would have went a this is a good TP though but oh he's being overwhelmed never mind I take it back he's chilling he's dodging all these mes like crazy holy sh he's going absolutely insane L pong the goat oh he might be dead he's not four brims left 11 HP oh my God he might get two rounds no the moment I said that he just all right o ooh o oh Oh my he did pick up an own and he stuck on the sheriff and up is he going for the knife he is going for the knife here nice try all right gg gg let's get our PL player in there all right I think Raina might be able to clear I think he'll get at least one for sure oh my God chat look at this the brim Stones look at how methodical they're playing it against the plat oh what the is that look at them go it's just silence and they're just trying to bait him out they're playing for the Post plant it just got infinitely harder against the flat player for some reason oh my God he's dude against the gold player they are playing like with balls and everything they're running at him but it gets his plot okay oh wow that just playing for B PL they're not even planting on a they fake the a plant look at these guys they're a I pray for the flat player oh my God they were traumatized by the previous player and now look at them now look at them look at what they're doing to the plot look at what they're doing oh my God this complete domination from our from our brims I think he cannot wait I think he just has to run straight to spawn off of this oh to shift walking the brims are playing a bit more aggressively this time but they are blocking off B how methodical of these players they have someone watching the flag so that they can't pass through now Raina has to go all the way around but they're also blocking off this what the happened did they get booster or something to igl someone IG with radiant CLS oh my God Raa go Raa go oh oh no oh oh no oh okay we're being toyed with Jesus Christ Christ this is also the downside to picking a a bigger map and this is also why Raina might be a problem cuz it's you'll have a hard time chasing down the burmes okay this time they go through the all mid strap oh my god oh two nice slowly thinning them out it's looking good but the brims are pushing up a the Raina is going B [Music] unfortunately oh oh oh oh oh no no we should have got at least one there okay wait it's looking good but they will plant on B this is a problem with ice box you get zoned out so much that's tough that's tough because even if you get these players down what are you going to do when there's still five brim Stones alive oh all using lineups from different [Music] spots that's looking tough [Music] oh hey um headphones that's what a real lightup player looks like chat line up players am I right light up players oh [Music] yeah nice try andt andt is that the map pick that screwed him over what happened or did the brims just turn it up it's the gun Choice yeah I feel like Vandal would be better here too actually I realized that everyone at the start of the challenge was complaining why KO is not banned and yet we haven't seen a single player pick KO not a single player I genuinely don't think Ko's that strong too in theory yes you stop the brims but then after knife and ult it's just there's nothing else okay one ult you can go in and plant and no one can stop you that's true but you have to pick a smaller map you could also ult for the Post plant wait Kale's actually a pretty good pick yeah you save all your util for the Post plant because they can't do anything unless these guys are good with lineup and sh [Music] okay oh my God look at this thing nice try I just realized that the brims have never actually killed the Raina but now they have to because they're on defense ELO adjustment is massive SMH Riot games fix your MMR this is insane the brimstone zones are all smurfing on the Rena oh we we have a little bit of a problem here just a little bit of a problem holy [ __ ] okay yeah it's over I have faith oh no no way ocean gets away okay okay okay oh no we have to reload we might get some plant here though oh nice nice we can still go B this might be the first round plant nice nice heal looking good looking good looking good looking good looking good looking great looking great this is a problem though oh nice try oh we might be stuck here though this is another problem do we get that yes we do oh he's on the spike he's on the spike W nice try he couldn't hear oh yeah that's true and entt all right let's get our di in there neon ons split okay interesting neon ult going to do work here all right here we go ooh okay oh we're being cornered here yeah nice oh we run through this he doesn't pop ult I'm surprised the ult isn't po but he's okay nice bro cooking bro cooking oh oh uh-oh uh-oh we're cornered oh 33 HP might be dead might be a [Music] g I think they're going to go for a b plant he does get spotted out mid though wait why isn't brother popping Al oh parkour oh battle this time oh what a kind soul he let him free okay heads up har you have yeah he does know see chat he does know I didn't even have to say it he does know here yep okay he's got this he's got this we're speed here I am speed I am speed I am speed speed they do get the pl plant on a now we have to clear this uhoh uh-oh do they know okay very much winable nice try I don't know why people are picking attack though I mean defense like it's just a very attack sided game mode because on defense the brims are just going to wait you out and they're they're going to go to the other side something changed chat something changed with the brim players it was a cannon event during the gold game that made the brim players like this they didn't used to be like this they used to Peak they used to try to do things but look at them now just playing extra extra coordinated look at them me you know I know you guys are playing properly but you you got to give us some spice guys you know I believe in you guys doesn't me like do something cool or something I don't know it's okay guys I I I I believe in these guys oh oh so now this is what they're doing now this is what they're doing will they still win though I think they will yep oh well well uh well well oh okay how broen to get the side oh oh brother Sushi is no fing way no [ __ ] way we got the plan no sushi is so good oh all this American [ __ ] take all food oh my god oh what a plant what do you mean Sushi is so bad dude Sushi is amazing I love Asian food it's just oh nice try how GG's ascendant let's go all right we go we have a KO player here he comes look you asked for a KO and the KO delivers oh he okay it's a free PL they can't do anything they're just standing right beside him he's walking out get one someone's out the defuse yes to wait yo brother is cooking brother is cooking what's up fishy thank you so much for the rate of 69 wait uh you you see see we have we have nine brim stones with Molly only Up Against One Singular player and um the man has figured out the way to to cheese the strap wait he's so smart because the brims are only on Molly they have no knife or anything the moment he gets the plant down he just plays post plant on rope because the mes can't hit rope wait I think it's [Music] over now surely they're going to early Molly this right yeah they are the KO might only get one round here they're already early M they're already moling this like crazy does he pop ult does he pop knife or anything no he's just running through now he pops Al the brim Stones need to stay a bit behind but KO is got oh KO has 34 HP he's going to plant the brim stones are just standing right in front because again they only oh but they're going to body block no they're not body blocking someone's on to diffuse the problem here is they can't let him plant he'll get another round oh good night Mr fishy that's two [Music] rounds he's so [Music] smart you guys need to prevent the plant when he ults you guys the lineups or some and uh I I don't know I believe just figure something out you got those you bullied all the rcks now I bully you look at this man the hero the Savior I have spawn lineups his ult has spawn I can't do anything oh he's going be he's going to get the plant down no he pops the ult is he planting on top but they can get this right where is he going to stay [Music] wa wait yo bro oh he got off oh he got off oh my God does he have a Molly light up no he gets it [Music] though oh nice try nice try I don't know why he went off maybe he got a bit too confident with that one and thought he could just win if he had the Molly he won that oh oh they know he's here they know he's here wait they're all dead They're All Dead pops the Y does the Y respawn he's planting on top this time dude they're all going to light up it's over it's over he's so smart oh but he does get damage when he's over there CH the challenge ends here the only problem is on defense can he do it interesting he's using the knife to fake them out oh my oh he's so smart now he's going to cut sound can they plant they can plant at 40 seconds when there 40 seconds left oh that's free oh it's not free plant go down they can play lineup sh they can can't play lineups I don't think that ult reaches lineups wait Brothers Brothers he's on Match Point hopefully the brims get something back they're waiting for the plant they're playing this very methodically I think they do know that he's a oh he did by armor okay there is no way where he wins this round right there are nine Brim st's alive there's just noing way [Music] right oh what oh yeah this round's gone he can pop ult and go for the diffuse unless they have lineups for this no he doesn't have time oh that is so open oh that that is so open the broomies get one back he did make a sound here so they do know he's here I think yep does get one they do know that he's a the real question here they need to keep track of where the Ko's going before they plant but not lose their lives in the process oh there's a little Gap in the mly here there's a little Gap oh no oh no oh no he's he's snowballing he's snowballing guys need to stay alive oh no it's not looking good for our brim Stones there's still 50 seconds left he's making a ton of noise they should know they should know the post PL here should be insane he's going back a that's the wrong side to go but he's going B he knows it's a b now the mollies are preventing him from going in he's just walking through the mollies like an absolute M does it pay off though 25 HP do they have mollies for post plan we should have Molly for post plant here that doesn't reach it does reach I think he got GG's Mr emo do you still want a game or are you all right all right let's go this has already been cleared by Zen but it doesn't seem like he's going to play K he's playing jet never mind I take him back he's not playing J he playing right now okay does get one okay going back a here that's the only problem though he's relying on the brim to nice oh he needs to get a kill here he needs to no nice try this is going to be a tough one oh what the they're just not running him they're just get running the rib Stones they're not even trying they're just running away these guys don't even want oh wow what a shot I I I didn't realize that that hit okay yep that's not an open plant oh there's no way to deal with this unless he body blocks the Molly no he has to go for kills here these guys they're just they're just running they're just covering their tracks oh CER should be dead he's not he's 4 HP in the dream no way now he's dead nice okay only three remaining oh that's tough no that's rough that is rough oh that is rough off and oh my God yo the brim souls are just pushing they have no fear okay uh-oh uh-oh nice nice I know he's doing well but I think this still looks really really tough I don't know if he can do this it's looking extra rough here the spike is just hiding and waiting yeah look look what is he doing is he AFK okay what bro we are getting one round for sure all the people who vote for zero rounds oh all right oh no he's miss that jump again oh unlucky yeah this time that should be free nice oh what a shot man is does he see the guy in spawn though I think he did what is that guy doing where's the brim Stone's doing crypto throw brother are they that confident no way right no no hello surely this is just like yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo we we played seriously right these are all struts right yeah yeah H we know what we're doing ch ch ch ch ch see you hear that chat they know what they're doing okay uhoh uhoh R ragy oh oh we're dead you know I think they kind of just threw it on attack a little bit oh h no way no way they get the blood down wait what the wait wait I thought bro was safe oh her head was touching the Molly match point for the brmes with the stemies tried to cheese but failed okay okay oh oh at least we didn't get shot okay good thing the shot missed [Music] yo oh oh he leavs oh he leavs wow parkour holy [ __ ] I am genuinely surprised parkour he's just under the mly now nice try Raina gets around back oh my got one got two oh Rena's looking clean three yo we're cleaning the house four five oh this Raina player proving that you don't need KO to win no [ __ ] way oh God get one oh does he check the rat he doesn't check the rat two it's over it's over it's actually over they did it with and without KO GG's all theing believers wow that bounced off his head oh that's bouncing off his head like crazy oh there it goes again Je G they won both the emo and the ascended one both use different agents kind of the same Strat but yeah good [ __ ] guys GG's GG's thanks for playing see you guys that was such a cheese STP it was but it is what it [Music] is
Channel: eggwick
Views: 250,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3VjonrE8ZIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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