The CRAZIEST Match of VCT Champions | DRX vs Furia | Pro VALORANT Breakdown

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in this video we're going to break down the most unbelievable legendary comeback match from the 2022 VCT Champions TRX vs Furia let's find out exactly how it happened but first I want to thank valentracker for sponsoring this portion of the video you know those animes where the main character has a companion weapon that grows with them during their Journey well let me tell you the Valor version of that is definitely valid tracker because while you're ranking up you can be sure that balance tracker is also leveling up with you yes the track Rap just had a giant update you now have access to your performance metrics based on each map the Live Match page has also been revamped my favorite part is that the real-time performance scoreboard just got explosively cooler you can now see clutches headshots and casts for every single player in your live match with all this information and more at the palm of your hands you now have the power to take your gameplay to the next level so download battle and tracker for free using my link in the description below feel your honored for bye but because they did so much damage to Derek's economy last round look at drx's weapon Loadout A specter a judge three rifles and only two players have full armor this is all DRX can afford a broken half by but they're down 40-11 two rounds away from Death they need to make this buy work firio opened with 4B Lobby in one top mid they look like they want to do a b split but is that their actual plan DRX opened with a one two two setup they have a crossfire setup in mid which is great at shutting down mid pushes also these two players mid have a very fast rotation to the B side so DRX are actually set up to receive a b split let's see how the round plays out the barriers drop Furious smokes have arches this smoke denies info from drx's mid players and threatens a cat hit from Furia not only that because the smoke placement is towards the defender side of the Arches this gives furio a lot of angles to peek out of if they want to push up mid this is a scary opening default smoke but Furious are moving they want to play slow they've got a killjoy alarm bot holding the a push a turret top mid and a smoke cartridge to maintain mid control and four players b Lobby grouped up as a firing squad Fury are just holding map control right now waiting to see if DRX make an aggressive push Arby throws a cross map Chao Knight that lands on the roof of the main the knife scans two failure players jetsy entry kills initiator these two agents are core to an execute and both were detected and be made DRX is thinking this really smells like a bee hit they want to confirm it stocks fail as we made it gets instantly broken is that silver recon's mid the Recon sees nothing with mid-clear for now zest shifts to look towards being Main and Buzz starts shifting towards a fear you know they've been spotted B and that zest's Recon saw nothing mid so they call to keep showing presence be made but end with an a hit completely reset still yet to see Buzz come online at all it's someone that we highlighted as revealing in basically one of the best players within this team he had a poor previous tournament but it looks like that hasn't gone like even going back over to the jet his comfort choice of Agents it hasn't fixed the issue on this defensive side Buzz jumps from CT and spots digits in Crossing mid towards cat Fury and all the jiggers up they need to speed up their ahead before DRX rotate they initiate their Ace split two can't 20 Main and zero late lurking there for the attack but look I have an excuse for the defense at Runway the guy hasn't got a lot of rounds to play with if they end up losing one or two it's already over Matco up close this judge hadn't been spotted it's going to be dated out of the corner he still gets one before going down a life for a life though trades go through it's a 3v2 numbers in favor of Furia but Khalil and quick are so low on health DRX have a chance Kalo starts a plan but zest was ready for and unleashesive so vote to deny the plan and ZR hears that he knows zest is focusing on melting this is the opening he's been waiting for he's trying to hunt him down both him and quick just need one hit from it but none land and then zest loses his life Stacks into 1v3 he knows both side players are low he can win this if he pushes his side players before nzr regroups eat it again Stacks came close earlier to having that first clutch for the tournament now placed into a 1v3 turn to one of the players desperately low the night falls gonna give away his position down to just one NCR and zero wall-bake Stacks to secure the round 12 to 4 match point for Furia DRX have their back against the wall they are one mistake away from losing this match and even if they do somehow find a win it's extremely unlikely that they'll be able to do it for eight rounds in a row but let's drop the copium look at the buys if you're on a full buy while DRX are completely broke three pistols one Specter and one rifle is all they can afford a huge weapons disadvantage for DRX and literally zero room for error this game is over but little do we know we are about to witness a miracle the stars aligning for history to be made Furia opened with a 113 a heavy default they want to passively hold map control be in mid while the majority of the team take a main control DRX have worse weapons they know they're guaranteed to lose if they let the round play out normally so they called a three-man push a main and double aggress b main aggression in the mains this is drx's final hope but bad luck befalls them because it's a 3v3 in a main the numbers are even the weapons are not let's see how this goes exactly when he gets hit realizing he's under winning the duel perfectly even still Fury again end up with a round and now they're up against pistols you got two huge kills trades actually go in favor of DRX because that's Recons sees nothing he knows no one is close he wants Furious rifles so he starts walking up but Fury also know that DRX want their guns so color and quick both with group a main looking to punish DRX for their greed Zesto gonna throw his drone out the Drone spots the last euphyria players stacks and Buzz immediately starts burning to make maximum use of his info DRX double up on nay Stacks playing containment and spawn Fury have zero info right now they're trapped in a lobby but they're saying to each other don't worry DRX didn't pick up our guns we still have the weapons Advantage this round is winnable so quick pops is killjoy out allowing inferior to get on the site Stacks activates and advances his flank he picks up a rifle as they get ever closer Theory knows there's a flanker now the pressure is on to play with at least shop darts coming up and over I done in quick oh he's actually slightly out of position for those perfect I wonder whether that was a an expected outcome either way they've gotten themselves the plan to now a 2v3 they win a lot of these and they've already seen cars on the site but nothing they can really do about that Khalil is left alone shut down and Against All Odds DRX find a Thrifty round win but they can't celebrate just yet the scoreline isn't even close and one mistake is all it takes for the game to end Theory are full-saving dear X have a full buy a little bit of breathing room for DRX but it doesn't change the fact that they have no room for error Furious start with two tiles two top mid and 1A Lobby digison has his Jed nice fear you'll want to make a play mid with it dear X start with a very standard spread 2B 1 mid one cat one day Buzz is playing batgate in mid it's a passive position that allows Buzz to fast rotate to either sites so drx's setup is weaker mid and heavier towards the sights while Furia is opening with four mid let's see what happens the Bears drop Furious Recon close arches open smoke CAD this is a standard mid control sequence for attackers the smoke denies info from Defenders playing cat allowing attackers to take space mid the silver Yukon scans close arches so attackers don't need to worry about the 50 50 angle and digison immediately Sprints amid by himself I never want Stacks to stop trash talking no matter no matter what happens sorry hold on printed up with a blade storm oh and he's caught by Buzz the buzz swings to the gate smoke like a maniac and backstabs ditches in and the rest of Fury are just chilling Furious playing with the large digits in the mid to make it seem like they're doing a fast B hit to bait theorex into pushing out Elsewhere on the map and when DRX do furio would be posted and ready for it but DRX calmly stood their ground and Buzz actually swings through the gate smoke to catch digison off guard God knows where Buzz got that confidence from like the man's literally 5 and 16 and he's making plays like that on the enemy's match point but this may be exactly what DRX needs to come back they need Buzz to come online while that was happening man Stack's fade Powers be made the parallel sees nothing this makes TRX think Fury were just making noise mid to hide their a hit so Buzz rotates towards a with digits and dying and no signs of DRX pushing the rest of Fury start walking up Furia is calling to regroup for an a-hit I'm so far in this game but Buzz has won the Battle of the Jets and countered out one of the best players on the server possibly in the tournament killed you towards in Maine if anything that was about to be the final round s and kill knife's deep tree DMX respond by smoking off a manual I can't see them using much of presence is shown amen and Cat Fury are confident that noise was enough to draw DRX rotations towards a so they take the spike and start walking up mid lastly reduce the purchase that's going to be coming in Asperia Walker mid the Omens milk Garden they want to keep the pressure up cat to conceal the real hit in Market close by to be able to help out it almost looks like they're trying to sell a little bit of a ruse into one day that definitely does but while Mazen was working three color and nzr start making a lot of noise market Marco doesn't see anything tree despite Garden being smoked so he tells bus to leave a and help out mid fear is thinking okay we just made a ton of noise mid we don't have much time let's actually end a so into your Silva joins a market to sell the fake while the rest of Furia was only 30 seconds left regrouped to hit a but Mako lasers down quick and Mazen color omitipi is across the garden away from mako's line of sight he's gonna get an insane flank on Buzz they're expected but Buzz was aware of it and he shoots the body a few times for the Boost and confidence he'll have no chance of that going undetected with so many players around with barely any time left enzier eventually dies to Stacks fear your call timeout fears coach is probably saying to the team yo guys what the hell are you doing you guys literally spend the whole round going ABAB until you ran out of time nobody to overthink it keep it simple and just shoot them remember we only need one round listen next round let's do Feria opened with a 113 default they know DRX might make an aggressive push somewhere so they want to starve slow and be on the lookout for that DRX opened with a double cat setup buzz by an Optus round so drx's game plan is to get the offset up mid with the two initiators in position to support the op but Fury have shown that they like to smoke either arches or cat under mid defaults if Buzz gets smoked off cat drx's mid-setup crumbles let's see what happens the berries drop Fierce smokes arches Derek's op is online and they are starting to find a little bit of a rhythm to it buzz you know if he went out of this map with zero kills gonna feel pretty bad gonna feel a lot of pressure in the next one but these last couple of rounds he's been figuring it out and that's the defensive beautiful Peak from digizen he noticed that Durex could afford a knop so instead of dry peeking and risk getting picked off he updrafts to safely get info mid and baits out Buzz's up shot figure now know exactly where drex's op is but Durex don't want to give a mid control just yet RB flashes mid is that silver recon's mid so he kind of wants to go out and take that extra Peak Buzz is back on the mid angle I was holding it but that Dash is about to disappear so too we'll buzz buzz is thinking okay I saw nothing mid on the regress Fury is probably trying to avoid the op so I think they might be regrouping B main for a b hit so Buzz rotates to pick a mid while zest chips on the B but right as Buzz rotates off if you're a walk out mid the timing could not be more perfect Fury don't see Buzz posted on cat so they have a read that but it's probably preemptively rotated to B so they called to end a and the read is spot on a is currently durex's weak site some amount to play with Hunter's Fury could potentially give them the opener but again we're just seeing Marco play deep within a long he's been having quite a bit of success from this position and just placing the stars and wants to try and set himself up digison is just gonna go past the utility though almost running and gunning the Drone delayed close so Marco's position hasn't been spotted RB however has taken a nasty tag oh they might have seen mako's Barrel just there maybe not that flash possibly blinded them just enough Mako a close is good for two huge play for Marco to isolate the aiming players to dismantle fear as a split but look at this wild situation two players of fear are on site one in a Lobby Marco is stuck alone in a main surrounded by furio but the rest of DRX also have Furious contained realizing now though he's in trouble they can come from either side he's gonna dunk himself into wine and hope his teammates can provide a little bit of cover a little bit of a distraction 20 seconds left and that Spike has to be retrieved the onus is on NCR Aris up close this fight could determine it all and the attackers are the ones to win it a quick flight from Stacks but is it quick enough 10 seconds on the clock the spike needs to be planted and he's got the angle Spike dropped time is so low they've got to put it down right now it's being planted in no denial they have just about gotten it the 1v1 as Buzz tries to keep DRX alive and he'll get it on the blade storm another Lifeline for DRX as they hit seven Furious on their save round and they know they've been playing it slow so far it's time to change up the pace catch DRX off guard all five players start B main furio wanna hit B fast but d-rex also have a hunch that fear want to do something fast so they open with two players on each side made completely open buzz off from Cat last round this round he's open B Maine right where the B hit is coming DRX are ready for furious B hit the berries drop Fury rushed forward the rushing bee smoke the choke smoke the choke quick pay set of your area they're already on the site well if they can deal with zest that is three players coming down the alley he's dropping off trying to find a safe haven towards the back of the side they're gonna waterfall but with just pistols they don't stand too much of a chance good kill but damage taken that makes it all too easy for macko quick the last man alive sheriff in hand two players to take down and not quite the Weaponry for it in DRX win during anti-equal round in just 27 seconds both teams are back on full Buzz Dr Rex is starting to pick up momentum but it doesn't change the fact that this is match point for Furia will furio finally close out the game or can DRX hold on to their momentum Feria open with a 3-2-0 default they want to start off slow to hold for any DRX pushes the RX open with the exact same setup as last round the difference is that Furia is now on a full buy let's see how this round plays out the berries drop Maz and Kao nice to be made Boston says both Dodge the knife Zess responds with a Recon B main Arby's cross map kale knife also lands at this exact time both initiated utility nothing in mid Furious smoke the D mid choke Mako is Jump spotting mid from Spawn and he comes to his team that he's been smoked off ends your silver recon's Pizza the Recon sees nothing but this doesn't tell Fury much since a mid player could easily hide from the Recon if they're playing gate or d-market but what the Recon does is establish for your presence day mid DRX feel the pressure they have no info on what fear you're up to so is this drones be made for mid-round info comes the drum through it's not going to find anything the drones is nothing this has to buzz inch 4 to get into an even more aggressive angle fear you know they've avoided the Drone and they also know that Direx could have walked up behind the Drone so they post a b main ready to punish any DRX aggression meanwhile his tax fade prowler's cat the power sees nothing if you're dear X you know that if B Main and Cat are clear the figure must be either heavily grouped up mid or a main and at this exact moment fear your drones obey main to clear it Derek's hear the Drone so RB flashes a main and it blinds the Drone no info given to Furia but the Drone presence was enough to cause DRX to shift towards a inferior seemed to know this too they're all regrouping for a b hit the timing was was on point for when that Dash was gonna disappear expecting a team theme parks at the start of the round for the short Peak and blush lines himself running away towards the back of the B side this time they're not on him quite as quickly but that's because they've got this lockdown to push them all the way back oh it's actually been caught out that was a Spam through the wall That's managed to clear Buzz he was maybe trying to stick around a little bit too long Khalil was going to clear the site and it is going to have to be that retake and look at digits and gold but he's gonna be punished this time a chance to play the 5v4 but maybe getting a little bit greedy here and as said there are some solid retake pieces of util to get back in here they've had success with those pieces of aggression before I can understand these isn't going for it but now the trouble having that one less player RB though makes up for it with Mazin down and off angle for quick but he doesn't find the kill again an opportunity for DRX to get back in here a four versus two good job pink what is Durex flies onto site and successfully retake oh what am I watching bro I want to jump everyone was jumping does everyone use Mouse wheel this is some sort of new strategy it may have looked like dear X were trolling but they were definitely fighting to win they fade out a national Outfitter retake engineer misses his op shot directs now note that Furious opting on sight of course they don't know that and zero actually dropped it out for a rifle DRX take down quick and be made it's now a 4v2 for DRX they split up two stairs two lane Mako jumps out to bait out the op shot and to throw off Furious cross replacement he dies but RB instantly gets a trade before also getting traded 2V1 same thing in Lane zest jumps out to break ncr's cross replacement and stack swings for the trade as chaotic as that was it started off as a 4v2 and it turned into a 1v1 at the end a lot closer than DRX would have liked it to be but they survived to see another round few years back on a save but they have enough credits to purchase two bulldogs digitizen also has his jet knives this round DRX need to stay alert Fury are stronger than they seem Furious start with three mid and 2A they know they have worse guns so they want to keep it simple and just execute a decisive a split Direx open with a heavy mid setup their op is starting mid this time instead of B Furious mid players need to be aware of this op the Bears drop colors smokes off arches perfect the smoke shuts down drx's op Buzz knows an ultra smoke means there's a high chance fear of maybe looking to hit a through cat so he instantly rotates towards a Mazen throws a kale knife cat The Knife Only skins RB Sophia no dear X's op isn't cat is that silver recon's mid for info it scans mozin and ditches and dashes forward but couldn't escape the Recon scan Dierks know at least two figure players are mid that's fine Furious says they call to continue with their game plan in split a but little do they know with Buzz already rotated over furio are about to run into drx's stacked site the execute begins inferior joins up a main color a smokes Garden but dishes and Peaks before the smoke booms and gets picked off by Buzz furio now have two cat two-way main Dirks have three players bunkered up on site players on the way through three angles being held by rifles and got the range Supremacy macko well he isn't a little bit of danger from wall Banks realistically he's got some utility coming his way as well it's holding strong for now and he knows Maine is covered by his teammates so that's never gonna be a worry at least one kill coming through but one enemy already anything to write home about again but I was able to shut them out remaining fire looks and push through and DRX cleanly take the round fear you call a timeout deer Rex just hit double digit rounds from copium to hopium is this comeback actually happening DRX just need two more rounds for a chance to win in overtime but this doesn't change the fact that fear only need one more round to end it all now look at the economy inferior loses round they're going to be completely broke next round giving DRX an actual High chance and bringing it into overtime this is the final gun round of the half the most important round in the game either furio wins the game right now or DRX wins this round crippling Furious economy going into overtime Point Fury open with all five players be Lobby their game plans to show a lot of presence mid make it seem like they're doing a heavy mid default this will draw drx's attention and resources towards mid and away from B inferior will catch the rx's B player off by surprise by all flooding in through being main but look at drx's opening setup they're starting three towards B Main and two towards a main mid and Cat are completely open dear X want to start the round by getting early in foreign so T-Rex want to get him safely set up on the B main angle what will happen when these two openings Clash let's find out the Bears drop Stacks Prowlers be made this clears be made and let's Buzz inch forward with a zop zest throws out his silver Recon and it lands up high in B Lobby fear actually whiffs on the Recon and scans two players no worries the rest of the team didn't get scanned so it's not the worst that could have happened meanwhile in mid Fury a jet small cat silver Yukon mid kale Flash and Kao knife Market in Omi smoke gate this is such a solid way to systematically clear get info and take control of mid the stage has been set mid presence established now Fury want to regroupy main they caution ping be main they're aware that Direx could be pushed up and Buzz is indeed pushed up posted on the aggressive angle with a zop relaxed they were loose they were having a good time and now they are stressed they're using up all their timeouts they've got two rounds to close this one out Buzz gets the first pick he repositions and posts up again NTR drones up to push buzz off the angle Stacks breaks a jump for Buzz and Prowlers up to get buzz back on the angle but Buzz doesn't want to be in a pre-fireable spot so he preps his Dash and starts shifting into enough English already activated the window wide open for him to dash back he picks off Mazin fear have lost a b main battle they cut their losses and rotate mid to look for an opening elsewhere the important thing here two players walk him in with a spike n0 starts working cat alone hoping to Make Some Noise to draw DRX rotates towards a they've lost their two Heroes as well the stars of the first half are gone all right these were the players that were absolutely decimating DRX not so long ago now trying to sell a fake into this age like the problem is it's just the Roses haven't been working at all but dear X don't budge and ziara is saying hey a is strangely quiet I think directs are stacked B kamehameh so Khalil starts bringing the spike towards a while Enzo is silently walks onto a looking to assassinate drax's I think that's dangerous maybe win this Jewel versus RB but even still look at where RB is currently watching towards I feel like there's an expectation there that there can be players in these sort of positions that he spotted The Gun Barrel RB takes down nzr the rest of Fury are now stuck in the middle of nowhere with only 20 seconds left in the round Stack's pushes be made to take space the quick flicks around and Snipes down Stacks with no time left in Inner 2v4 Fear your call to save their weapons that was very unlike Fury to get picked off remain like that their plays are getting sloppier cracks are starting to form with the pressure at an all-time high it seems like furio are officially tilted this is insane it's actually happening DRX is one round away from taking this game into overtime and it's looking mighty possible because Feria are on a force by DRX have won seven rounds in a row can they make it an eighth to Bear's job are being knives tiles Stacks Spade eyes beam in fear Dodges both the info utility at the same time inferior jet smokes cat oh my smoke arches silver Recon mid zest responds with his own Recon mid his Recon sees nothing mods and kill knife's tree his knife only skins RB meaning fear no direx's op isn't posted cat both teams are pumping out your toe off the bat neither team want to make a mistake in this crucial round because Furious showed so much presence mid Buzz immediately rotates towards a but fear will keep playing it slow they're waiting to catch the RX making a mistake Dereks have no info right now so is that Silva Jones up mid the drones is nothing Michael when we smoke say main this allows him to safely hold a main for earlier info Mako actually gets ambitious in positions in the nofingle fury want to find out if Dierks are using the smoke to aggressively hold a main control or if they're using the smoke for fake pressure to stack somewhere else so enzio creeps up and deploys the silver drone this forces Marco back and Mako responds with a deep Astro smoke this deep smoker naming lets Defenders lurk in and out of wine a main is not safe for Furia but Furious Keep Calm they call to cut all noise for a bit and then end in an a split but DRX are stacked towards a this could be a disaster for Furia or be killed knives they main his knife sees nothing mods and kyonev's Market Buzz is thinking our knife saw nothing a main inferior just snapped the market our B is weak and we have no one holding mid right now so Buzz rotates off a exactly what Furia wanted a gap has appeared in tree if furio can capitalize on this small window it's going to be lights out for DRX and they will for your recountry open blind Garden the execute begins to watch big you've only got your two-man hold on this site Hunter's Fury grab info and the timing is great for dijason winning that fight at long last but fears of 5v3 though he's putting up the hole the DRX need a 3v3 a 3v2 RB single-handedly keeping this Dave alive the ace almost at hand the Shorty's out to try it it's stolen as this half was DRX of it 24 and we're going to overtime I cannot believe it DRX actually brought it to overtime from 412 to 1212. DRX have done the impossible but the job's not done yet they've only just earned the chance at a comeback overtime is fair to all the first seem to take a two round lead will win the match let's Dive Right In dear X aren't an attack fury on defense DRX open with 3B Lobby and two top mid they want to start off with a slow default furio open with a standard spread two on each site jet upping mid they want to use their info utility towards a b side early on while having their uphold mid control drown starts figure KO knives tiles and silver Recons be made the KO knife scans three players of DRX in mid Furious smokes off top mid while digital and post on tiles with a zop in just the first five seconds Fury have gotten massive info on the B7 of the map and took all of mid control they were absolutely dominating the early game right now DRX keep playing it slow their top mid players call that they're smoked off so directs know that furio could technically be walked out mid after the suppression wears off zestro drones out mid Durex want to take back mid control RB kill knives Market digits and Dodge is a knife the early fight on Mid now they're drowning him out he's just hearing that now and it isn't also Dodges a drone directs have no idea he's opping mid at the same time Enzo counter joins in B main to figure out what Dereks are up to go the Drone catches two players of DRX with that info fear you'll make a calculated guess that directs are heavier towards the B side of the map so color and mozen both double up a main to aggressively push forward Furia are Relentless at taking map control they aren't giving DRX any space to breathe dear X smoking Recon close mid archers is clear Stacks fade problems gonna be made and it latches onto quick DRX no close mid is clear and they just showed presence be main so they call to use their mid smoke as cover to cross mid and execute a through cat the moment digits and cause that he's been smoked off mid fear you know that means TRX may be looking to do a cat hit so Kali a one-way smokes tree to delay the push fear you know the majority of DRX are probably still around B main or mid so they continue to carefully aggress a main they were hoping for and they've almost gone for the same aggression that Marco was playing off of them in the previous half it is going to be won by marzin huge pick by Mazin Fury had just cleared all of a main Mazda's knife also scan two cat The Jig Is up fear know exactly what dear X are doing dear X know that too so they call to speed up their he's gonna catch a couple of players they know they're pushing short well that may be true as well they're going right into teachers in his hands but he's only good for one the further aggression he thought that was the first guy and the others were behind the nade but no now they're behind them starting to make their way up and out of Heaven The Flash about to come through and khalil's been left unchecked they were looking at Maine they didn't think about under and they'll regret that for the rest of this round and it's not too long infuria take the first round of overtime theorex are reminded of the Iron Wall that is Furia this is the fury that dominated DRX in the first half of the game fear you call a timeout they know that they're just one round away from Glory they need to make this chance count their coach coming in to guide them on the winning adaptation in this most crucial moment Furious Style with 4B Lobby in one top mid they realized Mate control is the name of the game they want to open with a solid mid default jet small cat kale knife cat only smoke mid silver Recon arches then killed return B main get made control figure out where the op is and go from there that's Furious game plan but look at durex's opening four players hugging the Bears B Main and mid RB has his kale flash out the RX have stayed tamed the entire last half now with their back against the wall once again in this crucial round in overtime they finally decide to pull out a set play to get a dash forward no he is he's going up and in the flash is there and he's got your Maniac Buzz is still going another Dash online to work with he has the escape to play with and he doesn't even need it four for Buzz another phenomenal DRX round this defense is Unstoppable there it is this is what fear was scared of during their entire attack half dierks's famous aggressive set plays nzr in the 1v3 tries his best to retrieve the spike but eventually get taken down by direx's Crossfire setup DRX clawback forcing the game into double overtime DRX is back on attack fear you're on defense Furious defense have been constantly shutting down directs this entire match can DRX figure out a way to conquer this wall Drax open with everyone B lobby after that satisfying last round if they realize that they just need to lean into what they do best set plays they want to keep it simple and execute a decisive be hit to be main Fury opened with a 113 setup they haven't read that d-rex are going to do a fast a split so they have three stacked on a but as we can see they guessed wrong poor quick is about to get blown up by drx's fast B hit the Bears drop quick spams into b-man with his Odin and actually does some damage to Stacks in RB ends your silver Recon tiles the Recon sees nothing and Quick's killjoy sees nothing puking B main Sophia think that read was right that DRX are gonna hit a so dig isn't posted up Batman with his op while color and mods and double up tree but DRX is still sticking to their game plan Stacks prowsing to be main the prowler doesn't get immediately broken this tells DirectX that fear is op is not being made so they start walking up 50 in there at the start but they managed to sneak back around the corner and we need to see a little bit more Mazda wants more info so he throws his kale knife being made holy [ __ ] it scans all five players of DRX right as they're about to execute furio like children on Christmas instantly take as much map control as humanly possible mozin pushes spawn digits and pushes out mid color rotates the B to reinforce the sight Dereks are now all suppressed and contained in B main they know the dire situation they're in do they push forward and execute onto a stacked site or do they invest time and resources to work back the rest of the map to challenge Furia when they could be posted literally anywhere directs are confident in their executes they called it w key forward a little bit closer the players are starting to close up in the alleyway what can quick really do about this it's a tough fight to take on this and the dash out that causes more problems with a good off angle for NCR he's gonna hold it up that was perfect timing an RB follows up with the wall bang this round might just be in drx's hand they might just have broken the curse of the attacking side that we've seen all map long somehow directs managed to turn their dire situation around they're up in the 5v2 they're not giving Fury anything to work off of eventually when they're confident the fear they have no time to defuse they leave the side to hunt down the remaining two players first attacking round there's absolutely nothing the the remaining players could do about impact they don't even know what that's why I was just pad the stats a little bit hey [Music] and for the first time in this entire match DRX have the round lead ER X are finally ahead The Comeback is actually happening they just need one more round to complete the comeback can they pull it off fear you're open with everyone be Lobby they're doing the exact same thing directs did last round the call is a hard execute B they're like hey if dear X can win around by executing onto a stacked site after every single one of them got kale scanned then we can do it too dear X open with a 212 setup they have a read that Fury are gonna try something fast they don't know which ciphero will hit though and they don't feel like gambling so Buzz is starting and spawn this way he has the fastest rotate to either sites the Bears drop Fury begin their execution but after losing a map like this well let's see if it comes to that they're picking up the pace already Buzz as said the quietest man in the server in the first half has had a huge turn around the aggression of digison I'd love to know his first Blood stats since it went back to Joshua early I feel like they have changed drastically since the second half began fear you so much YouTube on that side hit and yet DRX successfully delayed them picking off digison while doing so furio quickly realized that DRX had three players on B already they call to work back the rest of the map since Fury had just cut noise the RX wanted to figure out what they're up to so zest drones be made for info so much utility expended in the early stages of the round Mazin is out of pretty much all of his utility paranoia used already all of sofa's utility used as well like there is basically nothing left they gambled everything on this B push and so far all they've done is get shot John only saw Mars and any man just to survive quickest worked up mid Furious Carter rehit Beer nzo Silver rebounds Market to clear it for quick Mars and kill knives close to clear switch and logs The Knife Only scans Buzz keep in mind the RX are still stacked on B how will this rehit go with only 40 seconds on the clock they need to make that move the push attempted Buzz damaged and forced back he gets right back up onto that angle though he's waiting fighting his time until they take contact with his teammates 30 seconds that's his chance little info for him there as they cross over let's get spammed through the CT smoke cautiously Fury approached I have so many players to deal with one-to-one trades are fantastic they've got sight they've got the plant and durex's B players get annihilated by Furia 3v2 in favor of Furia the last two Direx plays regroup CT for the retake they would commit back into the b-sides the other players are just so desperately far behind I think as though a lot of their defensive round came off of these clutches our beef just gonna get headshotted the second he throws out they both get spammed down through the smoke for your Strike Back keeping this game Alive Match Point Slips Away from DRX they call a timeout both teams are exhausted beyond belief but neither team will give up until they're the ones that take the victory the score is tied up 14-14 triple overtime Begins the Bears dropped direct start off slow for the first few seconds they want to work the map and figure out where Furious op is they smoke a knife cat the knife sees nothing zest Jones amid while Stacks fade Powers be made the Drone sees nothing mid the problem gets broken at the choke this tells DRX to admit is open and that Fury are most likely opting or playing heavier in the mains so DRX run up mid to take the space we've seen it again and again and this time he's pushed back somebody keeping him at Bay Buzz draws First Blood Dereks are in position to execute a b split enzio deploys his drone for info and you are being stuck in his drone is durex's cue to push forward the execute begins wants to Spur forward he's at least destroyed the Drone taking the info out of their hands and really neutering this beep to the side there he's missed the shot a rarity and another ringing up shot with no kill on the other side a disaster here for Furia as they lose all of their players on B in Durex run Furia over color in a 1v4 can he make a miracle happen same risks that we're paying off so massively when it came to regulation have just started to fail I think a lot of that is Buzz warming up into the series like not able to connect his shots initially but now he's at an impossible Crossfire it's not gonna happen and DRX pull ahead match point for DRX DRX are just one round away from closing this game out from 412 to match point and triple overtime can they finally complete this marathon of a comeback or will furio find a way to outplay DRX to keep their hopes alive let's find out feario opened with a wide default the B Lobby players are set up to counter dxsb Lobby pinch digison bought a knob and his posted be main quick is supporting him from CT with an alarm bot tiles they won't fall for the same said Strat twice in a row Fury want to start off by defaulting the mains and then decide what to do after the RX open with 3A main they want to catch fear off guard by aggressing a main wolf Furious default catches play before it's too late the Bears drop RB kill knives close the knife detects nothing earlier down on Mid DRX planned their whole defensive round on that mid push super solid from Furious pop flashes they main stopping directs in their tracks and their then silver recon's right as mazen's kale knife lands completely pushing DRX out of a main DRX manages to avoid the util but lose a main control in response Mako smokes the bay main forcing fear to have to re-clear Wine again if they want to hit a through a main meanwhile Carlos smokes arches zest just lost to all info and mid so he Recon submitted in response his Recons he's nothing DRX no fear could have dodged a Recon if they're close cat already so Buzz shifts the tree to pick up cat to recap Fury just showed a ton of present-day Main and smoked off arches they're really making this look like an a split since firio assumed directs are shifted towards a there'd be main players start working on B main quick kill your turrets be main the turret doesn't trigger saphiria no direx's op isn't posted be main this allows digizen to safely get posted on the angle with a zop fear you have the main control two players of furio rotate towards B they are calling to end B with silver faking a but stacks's Spidey senses are tingling he fade problems be made for info the prowler detects nothing plus quick just took his killjoy turret away making it seem like he left be main this is perfect furio are about to execute on durex's weak side kalalo Omi smokes tree ends your Silva Jones a main the fake begins four players of Feria Walker be main this is so good only one DRX player on site the other in CT players backed out towards spawn that reveal well it's actually drawn a couple of shots out of them don't test to 36. he's almost gone down but instead he stays alive to at least grab a kill maybe even a little bit more that's a solid start for DRX had mug play from NCR just holding the top of me and he manages to catch up Marco that's a lot of the utility gone but look at the rotation they're already within the site almost a little bit confused the spike is not the deck it's left now to digison and ncr's still rotating he hasn't made it to the site yet and they're just running out of time that 1v1 not working and NCR 15 seconds so many players still to find he needs an utter miracle and there is no hope TRX from 12-4 down they are going to be closing this one out there is nothing he can do they've done it directs complete the legendary comeback foreign [Music]
Channel: Airen
Views: 1,736,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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