Complete Recap of OFFICIAL Valorant Twitter Lore

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hey everybody jeff here and did you know that the official valerian twitter account had an agent takeover series not too long ago where they focused in and showcased various things on what the agents do while they're not at the valerian protocol headquarters each agent takeover told new stories about valor's agents whether it was with images artwork or even videos so today i'm going to recap every single post that was made in one video for you all to watch it would mean a lot if you subscribed as well if you do like my videos as this one took a long time to put together okay everyone let's start off with the first agent that was showcased in these takeovers and then go in order that they were shown and the first agent is neon so the first images we get of neon is some amazing cosplay that actually looks insanely cool from twitter user triichi one thing i want to say about these takeovers is sometimes riot makes their own images and videos while other times they team up with the community to showcase our favorite agents but back to this cosplay the costume is great and the effects alongside of it are top notch as well moving on we get some great pieces of artwork showing that neon loves eating some yummy food trust me this is a common thing with neon we'll see her eat some more great looking food later on in sage's asian takeover we also have an image of neon exploring around a volcano well back to neon's irresistible craving for good food we see her chilling out overlooking the city with some ice cream but not before earlier in the day chowing down on one of her favorite snacks quite quick don't know what that is never had it before but i'll try a piece but that's all we get for neon next up on the agent takeover list is a fan favorite rayna we first get a teaser image that i've covered in the past in a separate video but to summarize reina is trying to tell neon that the vp is putting a quote-unquote muzzle on her by having her suit limit her powers most likely in an attempt to persuade her the humans are oppressing radiance i also want to say guys as these asian takeovers are canon devalorant story so everything so far said about neon and then everything else later in this video is canon to valerian's story the vibes of reigns take over very much align with the empress reyna theme we get some truly amazing and highly detailed short videos of reina dressed in her finest dress likely in her house or apartment i see a piano in the background so it might be her apartment then we see reyna in a different outfit near some pillars or maybe a church or ruins of some sort the caption reads quote look at them they're disgustingly normal condemnation of a prey is his own ignorance end quote next reina looks like she's at a funeral to me it could be just a random area full of flowers but she honestly looks really sad to me and her outfit is a solid black which is what most people wear at funerals it's just a thought what do you guys think then something totally unexpected happened where we get a short video of rayna playing with butterflies and surprisingly enjoying herself it kind of blew me away to see reina doing something i totally wouldn't expect her doing like playing with butterflies for example and that's everything we got on reyna up next we have a really wholesome agent takeover which happens to be sobas first we see some great artwork of sova heading back home after being away for a long long time in fact the caption when translated into english from russian says he's been away for many years he gets reunited with his grandma again which is really nice to see who whipped him up some nice dinner rolls with a beautiful aurora borealis out the window i'm pretty sure i said that right right plus silva is looking mighty fine in that sweater if i do say so myself we also see silva enjoys being a photographer as well taking pictures of not only his man-made owl drone but a nice little birdie in the frozen forest as well this next one is so wholesome as soba says goodbye to his grandma with the caption reading quote what a pity that i can't stay duty calls me but i can't do it any other way never could thank you for the warmth dear end quote grandma packed him a suitcase full of clothes some food oddly enough a jar of pickles randomly and a note i thought it was pretty funny though how one of the shirts in the suitcase looks like a shirt kiljoy would wear with her colors then silva catches a train to the city and takes a look at a beautiful skyscraper downtown while it's snowing and that's a wrap on sofa's takeover next up is the mystery man himself chamber now chambers takeover is actually so so cool it really does show us how elegant and honestly rich he is the first image is a picture of a piano which honestly looks amazing with blueprints of his tour de force sniper rifle next is a sweet image of chambers living room an elegant chessboard is featured on the table with a very very expensive looking vase to the left along with a display of the famas the gun in the background then we see an amazing video of what a real life chamber would be like it starts off with a newspaper article talking about the kingdom i don't know what the translation says to be honest if anyone knows it please put that translation in the comments below again chamber is rich as he lives in an apartment near a canal extremely close to the freaking eiffel tower we see what a day in the life of chamber is like one thing i noticed is that he kind of looks lonely he gets up alone plays chess alone piano alone and eats an elegant dinner alone by himself i can't imagine he kind of prefers to live this way though later he gets suited up in his finest attire when an alarm sounds he summons his headhunter pistol and fires into the camera i mean correct me if i'm wrong guys but it looks like someone just broke into his apartment after that we get a quick video that i think has more meaning the more you look at it chambers playing a game of chess but all of the pieces are valorem protocol agents with a few pieces being the spike my interpretation of this is that chamber is playing a game with the agents and is more so using them as pawns for his overall goals and desires what do you guys think about that up next is breach unfortunately for all you breach fans he didn't get much of a takeover we see an image of bridge's garage with blueprints up on the wall and we can tell that reyes has been there with the graffiti of her name on the wall race and breach are really good friends then we see breech sit down by himself at his garage on a cold night eating some homemade dinner if we zoom in on the dartboard it looks like to me that he put up a picture of a kingdom building as a target which i thought was pretty funny there's a car suspended in the air with the jacks i can imagine this is a really cold place because if we look up at the top right we can see that a few windows are either open or broken and it looks freezing outside it also looks like it's a pretty dirty place to be honest with spider webs all around it i wonder if he's comfortable living like this or not up next is my boy cipher's takeover and just like breach we actually don't get too much with cipher as well the strategic game of chess is a common theme with valrant as cipher starts off with a honestly really sick looking chessboard all lit up with valerie's logo on it we see a badass picture of cipher overlooking this chessboard with the caption translated to quote the shah is dead end quote a shaw is what a king or emperor would be called in what used to be persia which is now modern day iran pretty cool to see next it looks like that one of these chess boards is being shipped from cipher to someone else in the vp the cash in translates to quote unfortunately phoenix wouldn't appreciate a gift like this but my sources let me know the name of someone who i'm sure will like can you guess who he is end quote so i'm gonna take a guess i'm guessing either silva or chamber soba because of the one voice line between him and phoenix talking about chess and chamber because of what we saw earlier in this video already that's all we got for cipher literally that's all we got the next twitter agent takeover is skye firstly we see skye chilling out with her hawk and wolf summons enjoying a nice cup of vietnamese iced coffee then she explores the vietnam landscape admiring the scenery then we have a sweet video showcasing skye and all her powers so starting off i'm confused because her dog or wolf summon whatever it is is running alongside a tiger does that mean i've been calling her someone a dog this whole time when in all reality it's supposed to be a tiger like is is it supposed to be a tiger well moving on in the video we get some flashes of sky being in so many different cities from literally all over the world her hawk summons burst into fireworks with an image of a bunch of cities all morphed together into one i'm guessing skye loves to travel and it's been to so many places then we get a little montage of skye walking around with families passing and a sick gaming pc setup where skye just won a match of valerian more cities pass by in the video ends closing out skye's agent takeover up next is everyone's favorite tech nerd killjoy killjoy is visiting berlin germany and we get to see all the fun things she's done on this vacation first she stops by at a cafe getting some fresh coffee and a really delicious looking pretzel with butter then killjoy hops onto a subway saying she's so excited to meet rey's later on as reis is going to teach her how to incline skate once they meet up reyes gets a quick picture of killjoy when she's getting the hang of it i don't know why but if you zoom in on her face right here it looks like she's absolutely terrified to me after skating around they sit down to a fun dinner of kebab never heard of that but i don't question food much and i'll likely down the entire thing looks pretty good to me then after dinner killjoy says that whenever she's looking for inspiration she'll visit the part in my pronunciation the soufflesburg at sunset look how happy she looks dancing with their turret and that's it for killjoy now it's everyone's favorite cocky brit phoenix's turn every one of phoenix's showcases are little videos so let's get right into them in the first one we check out his apartment which happens to be a renovated fire department station am i the only one that thinks it's honestly hilarious phoenix needs an oven mitt like he literally catches himself on fire why does he need an oven phoenix has a nice setup where i'm sure he records music gap yo phoenix when are we going to get your next album man i'm sure it's going to be fire okay moving on before i keep on embarrassing myself we can see the fire pole in the center of the room proving that this used to be a old fire station and no that is not a stripper pole also i love how phoenix has a painting on his wall with a crown on his head ending off this video we see phoenix has a massive tv nice then he's got another tv in the second video in the showcase which shows off his room more clearly this is his gaming area as he's got an off-brand nintendo switch on his bed and what looks like to be the brand new xbox series xl double d model 69 on his tv stand you gotta remember guys they're like 20 years in the future of us also phoenix loves to collect shoes he can skate and he's got a ton of the same jackets he always wears also above his shoes we see a sign that says welcome to pekkum which is a district of south london so now we know almost exactly where phoenix lives pretty cool the final video on phoenix's takeover is a closer look at his recording setup i want to point out a few things here one look at the picture of him and a girl up on the wall clearly this is an older picture as he looks fairly young in it but i wonder who this girl is is it his girlfriend long time childhood best friend what do you guys think also i love how he has his wanted picture up on the wall from the venice incident of 2049 you can see at the beginning of the duality cinematic with the news report looks like phoenix used to play football too or sagar for us americans now something really interesting and honestly cute is on his wall as well in the top there is a postcard there now if we zoom in really close to this postcard it almost looks like the words written on it are quote wish you were here it also looks like that it was signed by jet bro what like i swear jet and phoenix like each other or something like i've said this multiple times now again it is also really hard to make out what was written on it maybe i'm reading too far into it because i want that story to happen but come on how cute would that be all right everyone that's all i have to say about phoenix the next agent takeover is sage now sages is honestly really awesome to see because it showcases her breaking out of her comfort and trying out new things and styles with her good friends on the protocol jet and neon first though there's a picture of sage packing her suitcase for the girls trip she's got a couple outfits picked out and bringing along a camera also sage's room is just full of plants which really adds to the vibe of her room also look how happy and excited sage looks in the mirror they get to their vacation when neon and jet try to get sage to try on some more honestly i'm just gonna say it you're thinking it anyways badass clothing than what she typically wears neon is recording sage as she steps out of the fitting room and it looks like sage is feeling really confident now which is cool to see then they head out for the night and get some dinner neon takes a selfie with jed and sage in the background the funny thing about this picture is my god like how much food are they eating like i'm counting at least 30 dirty plates and bowls and they're still thinking about ordering more food like me and my three brothers couldn't even eat that much i'm guessing radiance metabolisms are like much faster than humans as they probably have to burn more energy for their powers then the three friends head out for a day at the beach but jett looks grumpy as it looks like she's got a major sunburn don't worry jet i burn super easy too at the beach i need like 16 layers of sunscreen too of course sage comes to the rescue healing jet skin from the pain of the burn while neon is building the most impressive sand castle i have ever seen of my life with some kids in the background then they all facetimed brim omen and kilroy back in the valera headquarters they're showing them all the cool things they bought and probably talking about how much fun they're having jets tan lines from her sunglasses are hilarious also something really funny is why does omen have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate like is he even able to eat also it looks like oman has been taking care of neon stuffed plush squish squish while she's been gone it ends off with an image of sage saying she's thankful that omen took care and watered the plants in sage's room while they were gone and hoping he remembered to water neon's plants as well in her room also she says she's excited to get back to work in the field when she gets back from her vacation up next is yoru's takeover now yoru's is actually so cool we only get two images of him in his rift dimension and one of him chilling on his insane motorcycle themed in his colors with both of them being titled my typical day but the coolest thing with uruz is this music video that's part of his takeover it's two minutes long and likely copyrighted so i can't play any of the audio or show the whole thing because it'll take too long so i encourage you to find it and watch it yourself because it's really cool but to summarize the video it starts off with some quick flashes of his knife collection then it shows him riding his awesome motorcycle through the city likely tokyo then it shows a massive fight breaking out in what looks to be like a park or something with your looking out over them then yora just goes full beast mode putting on his mask and absolutely smacking these fools around thinking they can stop him like he literally catches a bamboo sticks being swung at him and then proceeds to beat the dude who just tried hitting him some nearby people are amazed and call him a savior but yoru brushes it off saying he's no savior after dealing with all that he gets some dinner to fill up his tummy he says a little prayer before eating and says it's time to dig in just goes to show how cool your is up next is probably the coolest agent takeover in my opinion and that one is going to be vipers this one video from viper's takedown titled snake bite a viper's tail is just amazing it starts off with a poor little mousy about to get got from a literal viper stalking it in the trees we head to viper who is wide awake alone in her bed even before her alarm goes off i want to quickly say that do you guys think this is a hint on viper's sanity or what's going on through her head like it doesn't look like she sleeps very much which could not be good for her mentality she gets up and goes for a morning run overlooking the awakening city she makes a cup of hot coffee before heading into her life experimenting with new toxins then she gets dressed into her suit and enters probably the coolest room so far i've seen in literally all of our room with weapons and gadgets displayed all over the wall ready to go something really cool i want to point out right here is uh as she's about to reach for her mask underneath it you can see her shorty skin that you unlock by completing her contract thought that was a pretty cool little detail also you can see her poison orbs on the left and her snake bite gadgets on the right she then dons her iconic mask and her eyes glow a bright green as she opens them not sure if i can play the intense and amazing music that goes along with this video for copyright reasons but i encourage you to watch it for yourself because it just adds to the atmosphere so much after that though valence twitter just posted some quick images of the phantom and vandal on viper's wall and some images of her alarm clock in the morning we're starting to get near the end guys next up is going to be jets agent takeover now this one is kind of like yours too where we get an insane music video showing off stuff jet does on a day-to-day basis again i can't play any of the music but i'll sum up the video it starts off with jet doing jet things and falling down to earth with a wind suit on the city she's falling down to is seoul the capital of south korea once jet lands i saw an arcane billboard in the background on the right and a valerian billboard on the left pretty cool she changes outfits and is jamming out to some music on the top of the building then she gets ready for a fun run throughout the city while slapping these stickers on signs and buildings as she goes pretty funny on the left we see an ice cream store that says baskin bobbins i'm pretty sure that looks an awful lot like baskin robbins we see her run more throughout the city watching herself on the billboard now if we pause right here we can see this image i'm sure a ton of you guys have seen already a ton of speculation has been going around about this it's most likely tied to the undercity bundle for the skins in valor and shop but i've heard rumors now these are rumors that this is agent 20 but so far it's just a speculation what do you guys think about that jet then takes out all her knives and goes to work on these dummies standing there she then takes a hilarious selfie showing off her skills with her knives more running throughout the city with more images of the mysterious person in the background she then ends off her run and the video while graffitiing honestly a really cool mural of her name and a bunch of things about her on the side of a building and that's jets takeover let's get to the next agent and one of the best of my opinions reyes now race has another video of her jamming out the music while traveling around inner city it starts off with a nice breakfast with coffee overlooking the ocean real quick a cool little piece of info as reyes is walking down her stairs there's some newspapers regarding the kingdom on the floor i believe these might be like the same newspapers with the kingdom under fire after the venice incident i could be wrong because i honestly don't know how to translate it but yeah i thought that was pretty cool also her boombot is down there too cute as ray steps outside and is walking down the colorful stairs on the side of the building we can see a kingdom plaque crossed out showing the distrust and hatred a lot of the common public has for the kingdom she turns on her headphones and starts running around and dancing throughout the city look guys as paul employee of the year at the icebox facility if you know you know she dances some more moving around the city she starts drumming with the bantu and then starts dancing some more on a boardwalk by the ocean look guys rudy shack from breeze is chilling there also in the top left we can see a visit breeze billboard with the same images of the cover of the magazines we can find on some of the other maps she then gets the awesome idea to use her blast packs to get up on this super tall building but like dang isn't that like insanely dangerous like that building is really high up there on the hill she's not a radiant and has no way to break her fall if she misses it or if one of her blast backs like fails to detonate like she very well could have died right there well race gets up there to the top of the building and we can clearly see a kingdom logo crossed down with i'm guessing one of rey's paint spray bottles the video ends with her looking out to the beautiful water and that's the end of the takeover guys which one was your favorite mine was either sages or vipers takeover let me know what yours was in the comments below maybe
Channel: Sir Jeppy
Views: 225,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant lore, valorant story, valorant storyline, valorant lore explained, valorant moments, valorant update, valorant new agent, valorant origin, valorant agent lore, valorant lore story, valorant highlights, valorant agents, valorant lore origin, valorant lore videos, valorant lore video, valorant story explained, valorant character lore, sir jeppy, lore valorant, Complete Recap of OFFICIAL Valorant Twitter Lore, Valorant agent takeover, valorant twitter, valorant
Id: DtaDKgbZLpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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