When you never skip leg day

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where you literally have to use your head to break everything and kill everyone around you. It's Jump Girl. Yeah, I don't know what else to say. The entire purpose is to use your abilities, wait for it, [groans] to destroy as much stuff as you can. [shattered glass sound] Oh, yeah. And if you happen upon a person, you have to knock them out as well. Kick over the nightstand and [groans] ah, come on [laughs] and eventually get into whatever object is there in the end. Now, you can only hit your head on the ground so hard, but luckily, things like the soccer ball really help to break your fall. If you're really good, you can land on your back. [shattered glass sound] Not like that. That was directly on the face. And then that was a kick right to the skull of that man. Bust those. Okay, so right there is kind of the area where I really need to focus. I say, focus. I just need to not kill myself. I could have landed in that couch perfectly right then. And land on the oven, [shattered glass sound] land on the hot dogs, land on the innocent bystander. Oh, he's actually-- Nope, he's totally dead. Never mind. I thought I saved his life. Come on. Yeah. [laughs] I love how if your feet touch the water, it totally counts. [crickets sound] I can already see what that is over there and it's really concerning. Also, what am I jumping on top of? Obviously, as you can imagine, [thuds] just bottles of ketchup, the stuff getting stupider and stupider as time goes on. Man, I still can't break any of those bottles. Toothpaste. [laughs] [kids cheering on the background] Hold on, I gotta get them all. Yes. [laughs] Okay. Is it just me or does the creature from Huggy Wuggy looks like he's spanking someone? Anything inside of the safe are coins and [thuds] grab the key. Kill him. Now, there's three guys on the toilet, try to mind their own business. Will they survive? Of course, not. One, two, oh, no, the third one lived. No. I also broke my neck. I'm so distressed. I feel like I have to go back and do it again. Are those bags of flour? Also, is this like a clothes drying rack? Take out the flour. There we go. Just getting myself nice and dusted. If I- if I cannot kill that guy, I'm not happy. I'm not going-- there's a girl like doing yoga on a bed. If I can't kill him, I'm gonna restart until he dies. All right, one, come on, come on. [groans] Wait, hold on, I think I can kind of arc backward. There we go. -Nope. -Come on, come on, die. Die for Gray, die for Gray, die for Gray. Come on. [screams] No, the water spurted me up. [buzzer sound] All right, we're gonna do a light bounce. [thuds] There it is. Okay. Now, let's rest-- [groans] Okay. [groans] Just stay there. Ouch. There's no place for me to rest. Okay, perfect. Yeah, just, that looks highly unnatural but I mean, I guess the morning stretches are important, except for when they rip all of your hamstrings. This is the most realistic gamer desk I've ever seen. The only thing that's missing is a bunch of ramen noodles. And there we go. [thuds] No one gets out of this alive. The best part is I can sit here and take a moment, just kind of like rest in this girl's bed covered in flour and water and toothpaste. All right, now, you gotta get nice and painted. Boop, there we go. Oh. I wanted to see if I can get some green on there but I'm sure, there'll be plenty more opportunities. The irony that I'm murdering people in a- in a nurse's outfit is [groans] not lost on me. Give me the hot dogs and all the paints and then through the glass. [shattered glass sound] -Nope. -Ow. Is that man vomiting in the toilet? [laughs] Some of the scenes are really twisted. All right. Get all the keys, big headbutt right there. [shattered glass sound] Hot dogs, come on. [buzzer sound] [groans] Oh, man, it's that jump right there. I'm never going to continue. I will only accept doing this the first time. All right, I'm just gonna rest here for a minute. Here, hold my feet. Luckily, I'm a doctor, I can tell that her pulse is completely gone right now. Through the hot dogs and-- -Nope. [sighs] -Okay, I think I get three taps in order to move. [shattered glass sound] Yes, three. So if I just time this real well-- Oh, yeah, I can get a ton of height this way. Okay, that's two onto the toast machine. Otherwise, known as a toaster, kill this man on the toilet, and a big jump onto the trampoline, grab all the soccer balls, one, two, three, and now, I've got the pattern down. Best prize. It's a hat. That's the best prize. Okay. Coins, coins, coins. I'm terrible at this. All right, gotta bust the coconuts. Coconut number one, coconut number two. Actually, I guess I got all three. [groans] And you actually have to get into the tree. Nice. Use the tree for leverage on top of all the champagne, over the-the surfboards, into the garbage can. [laughs] Oh, there's a whole rave party going on over here of people to murder. Yes. All right, killed this girl, killed a football, killed a second girl. [buzzer sounds] [groans] Gee, could go have all the [groans] way, I'm pretty sure I hit that tree head first. Oh, yeah, that is perfect. I get to take a bath in champagne. That's when you know you're a true baller. Okay, onto here. I just gotta not hit my head. That's the only thing that matters. I kill this girl. Ooh, don't hit my head, don't hit my head. Yeah, I can hit her with and-- [groans] I got two out of five. Now, it may look like this shirt is red. It's not, it's actually just stained with blood and there we go. All right, we're gonna use the-the flippy- the flippy, uh, rods there. I forget what they're called and oh, I think this one moves us. Yeah, ready. [groans] Onto the- onto the coin area, off of the flotation devices, and murder at least three people on the way into the dance floor. I haven't murdered a pool table yet. [thuds] How soft is it? Not very soft. Can I legitimately like play pool here? Like, can I get- can I get one of the balls into the actual pool holes? Oh, makes the pool sounds. They actually flew off the pool table. Hold on. Oh, I'm gonna die. [screams] Big boost and yeah, no romantic evening for you two. Get wrecked. Oh, getting over this is actually kind of a pain. Here we go. Oh, and Squid Game guy with the rifle full tackle her corona from the top rope. Made me ask yourself, "Gray, does it hurt as your legs slowly split apart and your groin tears in half?" Yes, yes, it does. But that's the price you gotta pay to be a winner. [groans] And one, and this is gonna be at least three. Aargh, come on. Oh, that is a broken leg. I feel like being a maid in my line of work is really counterproductive because all I'm doing is cleaning up my own mess. There is a lot of coins on this board. Oh, I love bathing in the coins. Yes, they tasted delicious. Yum, yum, yum. Oh, it's a pyramid of coins. [kids cheering on the background] This dude is like, "I just wanted to play pool." I bet you never thought that you would go to the pool [thuds] just to get murdered. This is so bad for him because not only did I get to kill him once, I actually get to kill him [thuds] twice. All right, get spritzed upward. There we go. Onto the balance beams, perfect. And there's a couple of trees inside of the palm tree. You don't see that too often. Down to the ground. Get that one there. And then, oh, God, oh, almost died. Almost died right there. Oh, thank God. I-- [laughs] Oh, it still counts. [thuds] Aargh, yay. [laughs] I thought I was dead, but apparently, I was just resting on all of my money. Oh, no. This is the worst day of my life. I never thought I would have to murder watermelons. Uh, my best friends. That is a lot of liquor chilling out on the table. It'd be a shame if something happened to it. All right, Mr. Unicorn, I love you too. Oh, I broke my skull. Onto the oars and dive-bomb the-the unicorn. Get all the alcohol, there it is. -Yeah. -And the champagne with my face. -Woo. -Yeah. So if you rest your-- like the rest of your body on the sand, it's totally fine. The only thing that counts is your head which is kind of funny because in real life, there's nothing in there. [thuds] Boom. You and I are go-- you and I are in this together, sir. All right, and-- [buzzer sounds] Oh, God, no. All right, this is looking real good so far. Okay, it's looking less good now. No, never mind. Totally good again. Oh, number three. One, two, three, land it. Yeah. Best prize. You know what I'm not good at? Getting any prizes. Are those just corns? [kids cheering on the background] I love corn. I really do. And now I get to rest on it. Ugh. Oh, these boxes are mobile. Oh, there's so many watermelons. God. All the condiments. Where's the mayonnaise at? What's inside of these barrels? It better be something edible. It is not. Just Huggy Wuggy [thuds] chilling out over here. It wrecked and down onto a million tomatoes which are fantastic for you health-wise. Kill the pumpkins 'cause everyone likes Halloween. And this guy has to check me out, but the only thing he's gonna be checking out, it's a DDT for the top row. This game gets a hundred bonus points if when I land on this thing, it moves. I don't know if it will, but it would be great if it did. All right, through the boxes, grab the key. -Nope. -Hold on. Oh, no, doesn't matter, out the wines. I'm just tumbling across it. The shards of glass are going right up the rectum. It's not great. Red, white, and blue hot dogs, full of nitrates, and death. And the last two coins. And for my final trick, I will murder the cashier with just my thighs. -Wow. -And now I get to take his spot as a cashier. I'm actually trying this time to only land on my-- there it is, only land on my feet, like a true showing of-- Ow, that was my face. A true showing of skill. Look at that feet right there. Land on his head just with the feet. Well, everyone's having a good day working out, huh? Ho, ho, ho. I'm bringing tons of death and destruction. Welcome to a life of nonstop misfortune, everyone. Yeah, you happy? You bought those unicycles. Yeah, bomb it out your soul. That's what I like to see. Okay. And a good landing. Okay. Now, we're gonna rest here for a minute because I need to calculate exactly. Oh, oh, oh, okay. Hold on. There. I'm gonna rest here so I can calculate exactly how I wanna murder-- Ah, falling again. Will you stay in one spot for one second? Finally, she's gone like rigid. Look, I wanna do a head dive. What-what is this? Oh, I broke the game. [laughs] I actually can't do anything. I froze the character. All right. Let's try and do that without destroying the fabric of reality and nice and head-butt, very good, into the shopping carts, bounce over the shopping carts, onto the platform, through the soda machine. Perfect. This is where I lost my, like my will to live last time. That's the headbutt. It was the full headbutt. Top of the head. One of the hardest parts of the body. Don't take my word for it. Watch as I ruthlessly slay a human right there with nothing but my head. You like onions? Are those leaks? I don't know because it's so polygonal, looks like there's some dragon fruit over here. Some bananas. That one banana just shot off into the atmosphere. I don't know why. Oh, present. Is there anything in the presents? -Nope. -There's not. It's just there for me to ruin my life. All right. Now again, this is a perfect opportunity while I'm completely drenched in liquor to figure out how well I can-- That's the-- Man, I'm telling you. I am getting the headbutt every time. Will I get a prize? The answer is no. Oh, I actually have enough money to buy something. What do I get this? You know what? Sure. It looks totally appropriate considering it's negative a thousand degrees outside. This is the very antithesis of Florida. Can I kill the snowman? Yep. I can decapitate the actual snowman onto the fan. Whoop and oh, yeah. Oh, this hurts a lot more than it looks. Is that a dude inside of a hot tub? -Woo. -You think you can enjoy yourself without me? You must be crazy. First, let me kick both of these balls. And then onto these floats. This dude over here is like, "I'm telling you, man, this girl flew from the sky, killed three of my friends." And this guy's like, "Yeah, yeah." A non-believer, huh? [groans] And with nothing but my skull, I had killed everyone that lied before me. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoy this episode of Jump Girl. Until the next time, stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 544,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, funny, walkthrough, game, app, ios, simulation, mobile game, mobile games, bad choices, simulator games, gameplays, tapgameplay, android, 3d game, funny simulator, jump girl, jump girl game, tap gameplay, apk
Id: Fs9WuQ1Oxqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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