I found a 1000+ G force waterslide in GTA 5

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All right, we're checking out the only game where you can be exposed to so many g-forces that you turn into human gelatin. It's GTA. One thing I keep getting asked for is to have Alex add more g-forces to everything. I don't know why the torture must escalate so ridiculously. What Alex has built is three different slides that eventually go into-- Oh my God. [laughs] Oh God. [laughs] A whale in the air. [laughs] What I was trying to say before the flying superman whale tried to tackle me in the sky is Alex has built three different water slides from normal g-forces, 100 g-forces, and 1,000 g-forces. You can actually see the whales just shaking down there, it's like two in a dance. After we navigate-- Oh God! Oh no, I went over it. Oh, come on. [laughs] Then after we navigate the last ridiculous 1,000 thousand g-force water slide, there's a giant violent slide with even more ridiculousness that we have to go down to eventually get to the end. First-- Ow, my back. I can't make this. First things first I just have to get past the normal g-force slide. Now obviously he builds these slides in the most ridiculous way possible. Fortunately, it's like riding a bike, only I lose a lot more skin. Oh God, and that I remember how to fetal position properly. This is perfect. This is perfect. Oh yes. 100 g-force baby. Checkpoint. There we go, checkpoint. Just real quick, I wanted to show you guys before I went on to the next one because there's no way I could not do this. Are you ready? Hold on. Three, two, one, and bingo. [laughs] What is that behind me? What is that? I see this. This is the 100 g water slide. Go down and then-- Wait, this doesn't make any sense. I have no idea what direction I'm supposed to go. My problem is that. Do you see it over my left arm? All right let's -. Oh my God, oh God. Oh, 100 g's is bad. Oh, I can feel my organs starting to leave. [laughs] Come on. [laughs] My organs were going places that they're not supposed to go. I guess stay to the right and then go around there and then I don't know. I'm sure if we try enough times we'll figure it out. Oh, this is fine. It's just like riding a water slide normally. Oh God. It's just like tell-- Oh whoa. It's just 10 times faster. Man, how am I supposed to get that last jump in? By the power of Satan. Now you may be asking yourself how does this give you the power of Satan? The friction of this water slide is causing my body temperature to rise to 10 billion degrees. Oh, hey. There we go, and we have a checkpoint. I have to jump this. I hate my life. Jump this. I literally have to make sure that I'm almost glitching to the edge. There. Oh. [laughs] When you get the blood spray that's when you know you were close. All right, 1,000 g-force now, into the pipe of destiny. All right, now obviously the 1,000 g-force won. It's a simple slide and then you get-- Oh God. Now I see how this all comes together. I think what's really scary is it's not just a slide, it's more-- Whoa. [screams] What? Apparently, physics just don't matter anymore. [screams] [laughs] Oh my God. There's a wall here too. Oh, I see. Oh, come on. I got it. You have to jump and then you have to land on the moving platform and that's -. God. That starts you to this next insane challenge over here. I'm gonna miss it. I don't get a parachute either so I just have to-- I love how I go off the water slide so fast that I look like a-- Hey, I look like one of those badminton birdies. Look at that. It's totally looked like the thing in badminton. There's a car up here too. This next part I actually have some driving involved. [bawls] The sad part is that the 1,000 g-force here. This is obviously the final slide speed. Oh, God, this isn't the end. This is just the beginning. This is where the board truly begins. Let me have this. Okay, I got a lot of height there, this should be perfect as long as I lean backward. All right, so my plan is, I need to hit that platform head first. Yes, like this. All right well, with more head. I never thought I would have such a hard time giving myself brain damage. Okay, and-- Oh, man, it keeps moving. Stop being so annoying at moving. Yes-- no. I've lost so much dental work on this thing at this point, you have no idea. I'm single-handedly putting dentists through college. Please, don't move. [laughs] [Hallelujah by Händel playing] Yes. Okay, so now I've finally gotten to the edge of the 1,000 g-force. Well, the start of the 1,000 g-force area. Checkpoint. Okay, so this is like a reverse Plinko board. Ow. Now I guess, this simulates-- You have to wait in line and then-- God, that's the slide over there, by the way. This simulates standing in line waiting to actually climb the stairs so that you can use the slide. I think the best way to do this is this way. Oh, I was wrong. Actually, or was I? Well, you know what? We're doing it backwards, whatever. Oh well, never mind, we're doing it forward. Ow, ow. What is happening? No, no. [laughs] There has to be a way. I think if I go around the right-hand side and then I weave to the right and then to the left. The one above that is spinning really fast. Maybe the left is the way to go. Oh, both of these go the same direction. Okay, here we go. Ow. Hold on, this is still fine. Ow. This is still fine. I can still do-- ow. Okay, it's a lot less fine now. It's actually hurting a lot more than I previously anticipated. How are you supposed to do this? Do I just need to run this? Okay, so go up to the left, through the center-- I don't know how I'm going to do this right there. They're moving really fast. People still manage to find ways to torture me. There has to be limited torture methods. How could there still be so many? This is going to work, this is going to work. Left side, middle-- oh yes, oh yes, here we go. Here we go, okay. Okay, so now, left to right. Okay, we're going to go left to right, and then I don't know what to do, but we're going to do left to right, so left-- Oh God, don't-- no, no, no. Yes, yes, don't paddle me, not yet. [chuckles] No, no, no. Okay, and then-- Oh I hate [groans]-- Oh, no. Right to left, there you go, to right. Oh God. Oh, I messed up. Left, right, very fast. Okay, there we go. Now I just got to let it hit me. I just need to let it tap me and hope that I can get high enough. Maybe I can get enough speed. There's no way. Or is there? [laughs] Okay, so the right side is just ridiculous. That's stupid, I'll never make it through there, so we're going to do the left side. Left side, wait for it, now. [groans] Wait, what happened? Oh, I glitched over it. No, no, stop. Ow. [groans] Okay, I only got beaten halfway down, it's fine. I do need to approach this from the right-hand side though. [groans] Okay. Left, right, up. You know what? Screw it. Oh, I'm going to do it the right way, I don't care. I have been in line so long at the water slide that I almost don't want to go on it anymore. That's actually pretty realistic. This is a very, very good analogy for what it's like to go on the water slide. Okay, so now this one doesn't go all the way to the edge, and then this one's slow. We follow it, follow it. Oh yes, oh yes. Okay, just go. I don't know how far I have to jump, but just go. Yes. Oh, hold on let me get it. [chuckles] Checkpoint. Okay, so now we're on this slide, and all you have to-- Oh my God. What is this? What is this? What's with all the globes. Do they teleport you back to the beginning? Are you serious right now? It's fine. Oh, the blue ones teleport you back too. All right. You know what? We're not going to-- Oh my God. This is awful. There's anti-cheat measures on this side too. [groans] Ow, I got double-tapped. Maybe I can just roll my way down. Oh, yes. This is working. Oh. Oh God. [laughs] You want me to hate you, don't you? That's what this is about? Okay. Oh, yes. Here we go. Oh, wow. That came out of nowhere. Oh, no. Oh God, No. Oh. No, don't touch the blue. Do not touch the blue. Don't touch the green either. Actually, don't touch anything. Everything ruins my life. You know what? We're just going to fly down. We're going to fly down. It's fine. It's fine. It's okay. It actually shot me off the edge. How many g-forces is this slide? How many g-forces is it? I want to know because one of the things this slide likes to do is rip through the time-space continuum and move me from one place to the other. Around the right. Here we go. Oh, this looks clean over here to the right. Never mind, I was wrong. Yeet, and big save. Epic save as a matter of fact. Never mind, I'm screwed. The one thing I will say about this car is once you get going, this has no traction. I can cheat this, right? I can just cheat this there. There we go. This is what happens. This is why you should never put-- Oh, goes all the way to the end. YOLO. Ow. YOLO. [laughs] Whoa. Okay. All right. This is a-- All right. You know what? New plan. I'm just going to jump as much of it as possible. This is how we're doing this now. You didn't want-- Almost fell off. You didn't want me to do it this way? Should have put, stop sticks down. Boom. Yes. How you like that? Oh, God. Ow. Okay. No, no, no. Yes. No. Yes. [laughs] Oh God. No, they put me over the wall. [laughs] All right. You know what? Maybe the YOLO jump wasn't such a-- Why do I always hit this one? Maybe the YOLO jump wasn't such a good idea. We're just going to drive this down. Oh, double green, are you kidding me? Oh, not the blue. Not the blue. No, no. Yes. Okay. Here it is. Seriously. Yes. Oh my God. No, you got to be kidding me. You put boosts on the sides. Why would you do this? He's literally thought of everything. He's thought of everything. This is why Alex gives me nightmares, because just when I think maybe there's a different way I can circumvent part of the challenge, he figures out a way [laughs] to make it so that you have to do it. You have to basically 100% something. You have to 100% complete it. I can't get around it. I'm not even driving at this point, I'm just getting hit by windmills. All right. Well, never mind. I totally managed to-- Ow. I caught a lot of air here and watch this perfect landing boo. Got it. Oh, yes. Don't fear it. Okay. Have a lot of fear now. No, no, no. My car. No. Come back. You know what? Maybe I'll just do this myself. No, no, no. Just stop. Okay. We're fine. Everything's fine. Ow. Everything's fine. Stop it. Everything's fine. Get inside the car. We're right there. It's 30 feet away. There. Got it. Checkpoint. What is this? I told you that at 1,000 g's, the 1,000 g start, that's just the beginning of the board. Okay. The rest of it was a tutorial. This is okay. It's a flip and then a-- Ow. Oh, that's an actual full gap. We have a spiral into a jump. All right. I may need to point the nose downward. When I say downward, it's upward. Yes. Oh, okay. I know what to do. Okay, it's fine. Here watch. Never mind I did it wrong. I thought I could do this part slow, but you can't because you have to land it-- If you look the bottom is the part that's missing. I have to land it on the side and the problem is if I don't have enough speed then I won't be able to catch the wheels on this side. So here-- man, that windmill. Let me have this. That looks good. Well that was close but I have the right idea. How about this? [screams] You know what? Well, we're almost there. Okay, nice smooth yeet, to my death. A slightly less smooth yeet, to my death. I never thought that this jump would be so impossible. Hey, totally controlled roll. Totally controlled. All right so let me show you how you actually want to do this, you don't want to hit this straight, watch this. I'm going to go at an angle, see because the front of the car will actually catch the lip, the starting lip of this. It'll look like you can make it but you can't. All right, so now we have boosts into ridiculousness. Where does this go? It's very colorful and then-- Did that panel disappear? I'll figure it out when I get down there. I'm sure it'll be fine. All of the speed. Okay, this is-- Oh hey, a checkpoint. [laughs] Checkpoint. So what is this? Oh, all right this doesn't seem that bad. There's spikes, oh, the floor disappears, that's not great, ow. Are those surfboards? [chuckles] They are. Just random surfboards. It's like surfboard spikes. Oh, no. How come the green floors are always the one that disappears? [groans] [chuckles] Is there another disappearing one? Oh no the green one, okay. [screams] I should've just committed. Are you ready? I hope this appears. [laughs] Ow. We have a spikey area but this doesn't actually look that bad. It's the area that's just below me where it's a carousel of death spikes with boosts because why wouldn't it be? Oh, it's a double carousel, they actually alternate. This is not nice, this is evil. This is a level of evil that I don't know if I'm prepared for. How am I even supposed to enter this? There's not a lot of space between the holes man. All right, we're going to-- how? Okay, you know what? Yes, yes. We'll enter--- Oh God, oh, it's working. Oh, it's totally working. Oh, I did it. I did it. Okay, okay. Now, you do the-- What is this? We have to land on that? Is that what it says? Please. I just noticed my license plate says, "Please." [chuckles] Please what? Where am I supposed to go? This is a long drop, man. [screams] Come on. I'm not getting a lot of speed here. [screams] I'm so close, no. I've been at this again for a while. I want to show you something. Are you ready for something? Watch this. You ready for this? This whole time that I've been struggling off camera to beat that secondary carousel again, it's a giant troll. You don't actually have to do it. What you do is you just die, you just let yourself drop from that very first green area, watch this, and you can land on this part right here. All right so what we're going to do is get a little speed and then, watch this. Wait for it and we're going to hit it at the edge right here. That should do it. All right, this is perfect. There. Now, we're going to turn around, we're going to launch this and we're going to land it. We have take off in three, two, one, lift off and we have a winner. I'll go ahead and touch it real quick. What I learned if you want to make a human milkshake, all you need is more g-forces. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until the next time, stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,564,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto 5, graystillplays, gta, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 races, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v jump, gta v races, jump challenge, legend, pro, impossible, in gta 5, i found, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, caylus gta 5, water slide gta 5, waterslide gta 5, I found a 1000+ G force waterslide in GTA 5, I found a 1000+ G force waterslide
Id: 42YzO9P5H4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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