"F*ck It... I'm Going In" [HIGH RISK STORIES] (AskReddit)

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what situation were you and where the outcome was questionable / risky and you just decided and said [ __ ] it and went with the risky choice how did that turn out for you I went out for a hike and somehow along the way I had lost the keys to my car and it had started raining heavily and now I was stranded by my car with no way to get in and since this was several years ago I didn't have a cellphone I was weighing my options figuring out where I could warp to to find a payphone when someone asks if I needed a ride everything about the situation said I should say no I was alone no one knew where I was and hitching a ride with a stranger in an old beat-up pickup as a classic way to end up a missing person but I was cold and wet and not wanting to make a long hike in the hopes of finding a firm so I hopped him turns out he was just a nice guy willing to give a ride to my place and then back to my car and it gets better along the way he was telling me about the charity group he worked for and it really sparked my interest and seeing that my construction skills would fit in with what they were doing I decided to apply I ended up moving to Southern Africa where I would spend some of the best years of my life meeting my future wife making great friends et Cie the entire path of my life would be completely different if I had never gotten into that truck that said I'm not endorsing hitchhiking with random strangers I don't trust easily nor do I build relationships quickly but I went on a date with a guy and things went incredibly almost like in a movie we were so compatible and he had me laughing and smiling all through dinner he was courteous opened all the doors for me etc after dinner we went to my house and watched a movie and had a bottle of wine we were making jokes about the stupid movie scenes and having a great time I have never had first plate 6 because I viewed it as a risk both health-wise and emotionally because I bond a lot through sex I decided to do it though we had sex on our first date it's about a year and a half later now and we live together he sound asleep next to me in bed he makes me happier any man I've ever met I was working through an extremely demanding emergency in a university a department with a very capable co-worker we resolved it successfully against many difficulties the director of the department personally sought me out to offer congratulations and compliments I decided [ __ ] it I'm going to tell him the truth which was that I put in a lot of effort but the real person who deserved credit was my coworker not me he looked at me for a second and said son many people wouldn't have said that the way you did the next time we have management opening it's yours if you want fake a shinning in DC with some friends last year marriage Elena laws are shady F out there it's legal to smoke / @ / gift but not legal to sell it so we googled around and found an underground collective you had to text them and they would send you back an address so we get the address and call an uber we are 5 nerdy white guys in town for a protest the hero show to help you picture us well we noticed we are driving into the rather unsavory portion of DC like boarded up windows and bars / those that aren't boarded in graffity dark we decide we really don't want to get out here but are you the driver essentially kicks us out we immediately get swarmed by a group of 5 gang - looking people hitting us up for cigarettes and money we weasel our way away and start walking towards the address no car or transportation with pockets full of cash for some weed in the ghetto well we get to where we were supposed to go a boarded up shop front with a 6 feet for 300-pound guy with dreads waves us over we walk up to him and he apparently knew why we were there he takes us inside to a windowless lobby and tells us to get out our wallets immediately knew we were getting [ __ ] robbed and possibly worse I've seen the wire and knew what snoop did in buildings like this I hand him my wallet and he rolls his eyes and says get your it out fall he verifies we are all 21 and then opens a solid metal door it was like a [ __ ] movie he opens the door and Snoop Dogg is playing and there are 10 tables set up in a circle full of high quality bud and edibles and all sorts of things we make our rounds by a bunch of stickers and pens god-gifted our Associated weed gifts for making purchases got the [ __ ] out and got an uber back to our ahem and proceeded to smoke till we cold and move that was a rollercoaster of emotions going from being so sure I was about to die to my first legal weed experience I moved to another country to live with my then girlfriend it was always going to have risks and indeed we broke up nine months after moving in together it's now twelve months after the breakup and I have a new job which happens to be the highest paid job I've ever had we I I new friends a new partner I'm buying my first house and I'm the happiest I've ever been that risky choice led me to a dark place for a few months that I came back swinging short story two hundred percent worth it I flirted with a friend's ex gala who he treated like [ __ ] after he started dating a new girl girlby we got into a big fight over it but I started dating girl R anyways we got over our fight and he's now engaged to girl B and I'm engaged to girl a so I think it works out pretty well all things considering returning to rugby aft in my second ACL tear I absolutely love rugby it was the best part of my life at that point in time a year later I tore my ACL for the third time no one was surprised a couple of family members want some money based off the bets they made not on whether it would happen but how soon thanks guys I don't regret it in the slightest my knee was already [ __ ] it still [ __ ] but I got another season and a half of playing and I scored my first try in that time people love to say I told you so but I knew what I was getting into I didn't let it slow me down I agreed to marry a guy who would take me far far away from my abusive family I'd known him for just a couple years and didn't love him I'm sure he didn't love me either but he did take me far away from dangerous people we were married for ten years during that time I did everything I could to make him happy to thank him in any way that I could for saving my life but we had our share of problems he'd always like to drink but over the years he turned into an alcoholic when I was realized that I was no longer safe with him I left we still see each other almost every day and help each other out in our day to day lives we have one child together he stopped drinking and for a while we talked about canceling the divorce process but it's not going to happen I don't regret my decision to marry him one little bit we buy each other groceries share meals laugh watch movies together go on vacations do projects together help each other financially on the rare occasions when we need to etc I was in need of money to pay off a loan that was going to double if I didn't pay it by a certain date McDonald's pay enough to meet my deadline after debating with myself I decided to be a cam model and was one for two months I paid off the loan relatively quickly but continued camming it was easy money for the small amount of time I invested into it got hired to a new job one month in I get a call for another job better paid but longer trial period more stringent on retention since it's one of those you're here forever deals decided to kick my bird in the hand to the curb and give it a whirl with the new job I felt awful to be honest manager at the place our left was awesome but it had to be done even so I knew if I blew it at the new place there'd be no going back to the previous and I'd either have a weird gap on my resume or a hard to explain little blip in the middle thankfully it all worked out I was having a good conversation with a girl on tinder but was pretty nervous about actually meeting her ended up saying [ __ ] it and invited her to meet up for a pretty innocuous outdoor activity for the upcoming weekend to my surprise she said yes and so I was left with a week of debating whether I wanted to carry through with it or not I ended up saying [ __ ] it again and and up and went to the thing she ended up being awesome and we have a great first date we are married now I met up with a guy I met on tinder at a hotel we didn't even text much beforehand he just said lets me up here I did let my best friend know where I was going and shared my location but in retrospect and even in the moment I thought girls died from experiences and meetups like that I was going through a hedonism phase which is why I said [ __ ] it he actually became my boyfriend for like seven months and it was the best sex I've had so far so I guess it didn't turn out bad I don't think I'd do something that reckless again though we launched our helicopter from the back of our ship during a storm about 200 NM west of the PI we were very heavy and close to our maximum launch weight of the current down with a full extra internal fuel cylinder dying patient she needed emergency surgery and needed to get to a hospital as app it was an operational necessity to ever cepacia n't it was just getting dark when we launched around 100 NM from the ship and way outside the PI we lost comms a violent storm infrequent lightning strikes kept turning the cockpit blue we had no nav so we followed a roughly northeast track on the compass flying blind it's called dead reckoning for a reason I thought we were [ __ ] and would eventually splash in the Pacific Ocean and go swimming for a bit we kept making calls on God frequency and the blind to no response I was mentally going through the emergency touching and egress procedures and thinking about that moment when the hello to flip upside down and all violent motion comes to a stop and it starts sinking which is when we can egress safely we'll hate that feeling during our emergency procedures training in the pool which we do blindfolded was also wondering if we were going to get the packs off the aircraft the sea state was going to be pretty rough and making a controlled water landing was not likely during a storm like this so [ __ ] it let's see what happens we usually joke around a lot when flying not tonight we just kept a close watch on the instruments fuel state and wondered when something would break things frequently break on a hello especially when it's getting beat up by rough flying or bad weather the other pilot and I would occasionally look at one another with us so far so good let's see what happened sort of look amid gauges Green good gas xxx to splash checks the crewmen kept us informed on the aft station checks and patient status we were all thinking the same thing so it was time to be 100% on game about 50 nm or so outside of the pie we got comes with a checkerboard a for flying out of subject B that was doing night bounces soon we had full navin comes with the tower and received a precision approach direct to the runway piano keys where an ambulance was waiting we landed got our ship dock and patient on the ambulance and air taxi to the flight line to shut down do a turnaround inspection and refuel before long we were airborne on a beautiful starry night heading back to the ship where we recovered without incidents when we shut down a board ship we folded the blades and the bird was pushed back into the handguard no big deal the next day we debriefed and never really talked about it again that's what we get paid to do the best part is the patient did fine and she rejoined the ship about a month later the doc met us in Singapore a couple of days after the medevac flight good times the biggest one was leaving a comfortable job I did well sales management and training to a new one I wasn't so sure about computers I had a family that would be vastly affected if I failed but the pay was so much better and more stable I mean I could miss out on commissions but overall life felt it was better pay this was right before the dot-com boom in 1995 there were few assurances I now make six figures nearly six times my paychecks from back then and I love what I do I had a lot of dumb luck but luck favors the prepared some girl messaged me on a dating website three years ago she lived across the country we hit it off but she was wish she / washy and I immediately fell and committed to her a few months later I decided she was worth it the risk I left my family and my job and moved in with her and her parents in a new state and city 3k miles away from where I grew up and lived for my whole life three years and an engagement later I'm now freshly single not my choice in a state where I don't have close friends or family but hey I built a lot of memories and grew a lot as a person a month or so ago I was in Brooklyn meeting friends for a drink at a friend's sisters boyfriends bar awesome [ __ ] I was staying in Manhattan the friends I was meeting were in East Brooklyn I we met up had the most lovely time super drunk on a Monday night in New York and I get in my left chair to go back to Manhattan second passenger gets in and I say [ __ ] I forgot my bag in the final bar we went to told the lyft driver hey I'm just gonna walk back and get it I was leaving New York the next day and didn't have time to go back to get it in the morning even though I had less than 10% on my phone left and it was 30 degrees fern died got lost for an hour in residential Brooklyn didn't see another human soul until I stumble upon two women smoking it's 3 a.m. mind you and I'm drunk crying hello dead firm I'm like hey I'm so sorry to bother you I left my backpack in a bar at such-and-such intersection can you just point me towards it I'm lost and nobody knows in here why should you not one of the women was my lyft share passenger from an hour or two ago she's like honey I know I was in the lift that you got out of you could have just had us turned around and get it LEM coffee well if the bar is a mile that way calls me a lift I get to the bar before it closed plugged in my phone at the bar bartender gave me a free shot to help my drunk ass get drunker and celebrate not dying lifted back to Manhattan and told my friends the story in the morning I met my wife when I was on vacation five years ago in Florida I was walking down the street and heard a song by The Offspring playing at a bar so I walked across the street to check it out I met her at 3:00 a.m. and we spent the following three days together we fell madly in love almost instantly we clicked on every level she was living out of a hostel and had no family anywhere when I was flying back home my flight had an engine malfunction so I was stuck one more night she met me at the airport that evening and we took the flight the next day together back to my city a year later we were engaged a year followed that and we were married we had a baby almost a year after that our families were so incredibly happy for both of us we had something I don't think many people ever experienced in their lifetime I'm now very happily divorced single dad my son's favorite superhero is spider-man and we have tickets to The New Avengers movie coming out I also crush it on tinder when he visits his mom putting my voice out there I stream on Twitch for most of my income at the moment and I was never too impressed with myself I have a bad habit of starting things and never going anywhere with them since I started streaming I've made so many friends from all over the world they've all given me the confidence to start chasing one of my dreams voice acting and now my voice might have made it into a video game demo I'm also lined up to voice a character for a game mod all those small steps this is infinitely further than I ever thought I would go
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 125,726
Rating: 4.9202352 out of 5
Keywords: I'm going in, screw it, screw it let's do it, risky choice, risky, choice, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: pNqJ6XoKfKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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