100 myths BUSTED in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines now recently I did a community post where I asked you guys for your best myths in City skylines preferably engineering related ones so today we're gonna be busting some myths in City skylines now the first one we're gonna need a map with a bit of a river so I think this one will do wind build right so on this map we have a flowing river now the myth here is that water can't flow through tunnels uh that's quite an interesting one actually that could change my gameplay in this forever right so I'm gonna do I'm gonna pause the game then we're gonna come down to the landscaping tools and what we're gonna do we're gonna we're gonna take a little offshoot away from here so we're gonna come along here straight down and then cut back in I'm then gonna offend some tree lovers so apologies if you like trees boosh they've gone right so then we know that water is gonna flow down here it's gonna go all the way around now the question is if we plonked tunnels in will that still happens so I think in order to do this fill in all that land and let's select a big road a six Lane one-way road because I feel like that would give us the biggest tunnel now basically we're just gonna do a straight through tunnel down to there lovely so you can see clearly a tunnel down there so the question is will water come out this side uh once we let it down so I guess we just just hit play and then we watched the river come down this way I felt like a game show host like River come on down this is called a tunnel portal by the way if you've ever wondered what the opening of a tunnel is called it's a portal um oh my good oh no I forgot the water flowed back uphill oh Poo hang on slight technical difficulties let's just suck that water out quickly with the oh I'm an idiot I am an idiot right they seem to be sucking up the waters oh it wouldn't be an RC video if it went well with it what I'm gonna do this time I'm Gonna Leave the the end closed and just open this top end so there we go the water is coming back and let's see this time once the water reaches the tunnel portal will it come out the other side so water is entering the tunnel down there it's definitely gone in is it gonna come out waiting I'm waiting where are you water well back over this way it's there's definitely water definitely water this side definitely not so I feel like unfortunately that is that is myth busted but in order to make sure we we test absolutely everything I've deleted that tunnel we'll just make sure you delete the road underneath let's try this with railway tracks just to make sure so you can see I've just let the water through again we've got a couple of Railway tunnels here now these ones they actually look like a lot taller I'm gonna guess the same thing is probably gonna happen though so we'll watch the water enter the tunnel portals on the left will they come out this end no I've given it a few minutes like there's they're pretty they're pretty deep I'm pretty sure if water went through tunnels it would have come out now so well and truly busted tunnels do not allow water to flow through them right so for the next myth we're going to be testing forest fires and we're going to be seeing whether the wind winter next sorry this was ridiculous whether that fans the fire and makes it spread more oh dear Matt what are you doing with your life so I think what we need we need two identical forest fires or perhaps we could do like a forest fire race so if we head into tree we can just turn on the oak tree so I assume that's going to be a fairly flammable tree I mean what of course A flammable tree maybe a giant Redwood instead is that more flammable I feel like pine trees are more likely to be flammable aren't they anyway we're going to be doing a fire tug of war so let's just fill in all of this what type of tree did we end up I assume I've seen that's is that meant to be an oak tree that's definitely not a redwood definitely not a giant Redwood anyway we sort of need a test first to see what way the wind is blowing so I've planted this windmill down let's see okay so it is just blowing that direction okay in which case I'm gonna plant loads and loads of windmills as close as I can on this side and perhaps some on the end to sort of like blow it forward all right then we're gonna come to the natural disasters Tab and we've really she got forest fire so I'm going to select one to start up this end and I'm gonna set one down this end as well and then we can see oh my goodness is that that's actually working I mean look how fast that was going compared to on the right what windmills do actually do they no I can't I can't be right look how much faster this one spread I mean I want do they do they stop ever because this one's still spreading I'm sort of looking in that tree there is that gonna set a light anytime soon yeah okay still spreading then feel like this side has sort of it's burnt itself out but that went up so much faster than this one I'm gonna do one more test just because there is a cooldown on the forest fire thing so I did actually start this one a little bit sooner than this one so I'll just do an identical strip up here oh look the wind direction has changed say what would put all the windmills down this side this time I'm I'm pretty sure windmills don't have a direction well if anything the air comes out the back with these right because uh the wind is spinning them they're not creating wind right so we'll start the fire on the same as last time look you'll see so we got a cool down so if I press play the cooldown reduces and then I've started that one so there's only a few seconds different but let's see how the I mean I don't I don't see any fires maybe do I have to wait for this one to go out tell you what let's delete all of these burnt trees boosh that is one way to get rid of a forest fire all right then I guess we'll do this again so forest fire there forest fire there all right here we go fire raging on this side fire going oh it's going it's going quite a lot slower actually okay so looking at this it just looks like the first forest fire burns a lot quicker than the second one apparently despite already being like a couple of seconds difference between the cooldown I feel like there's definitely not a couple of seconds difference in these fires the left side is just I don't know a lot more flammable for some reason so thankfully myth busted otherwise I would be questioning my sanity uh where Mills do not fan forest fires and make them burn quicker myth busted alright so for this next myth we're back on the tsunami map yes my good old friend the mega tsunami um and we're gonna be we're gonna be creating a forest fire so first things first we need a forest so I've just done that and then we're gonna want a few forest fires the one in the middle one on the right and I won't be putting windmills down to Fan this to make it go faster we'll just we'll just let it spread on its own pace but the myth is will a forest fire be put out by a tsunami and looking at this it definitely looks like it oh you can see it's sizzling I mean if you watch my last tsunami video you'll know we sort of we did already figure this one out so this is just 100 confirmation forest fires are put out by tsunamis so this myth is confirmed so for this next myth you might remember the video where I literally drained an entire sea using like some Mega pumps uh so this is the map I've just laid up and this is the result so this was the beach and basically I I just did loads and loads and loads of pumps pushing the sea all the way back to this point so you can see this is where the sea enters from the edge of the map I've got pumps all the way around the edge and then it comes in here so this was just to like show that like I haven't just blocked the C off I was pumping them um but our next myth is can you replace the sea with poo now I've already got a City built over here you can see it was fairly efficient but things didn't go too well we've got we've got like fires we've got no one's got water or anything like that yeah it's seen better days but basically in order to create enough poo to fulfill the entire sea here we're gonna need a lot more cityage so first off we're gonna need like a mega City sort of thing um so I'm sort of thinking if I just I don't know do some sort of grid pattern yeah no grids if I just fill in a load of roads like this then since I've got the infinite demand mod on uh we've got very high demand for everything so basically if I do if I paint a load of residential and then some offices some shops some commercial then look everyone is everyone is building they're all moving in and stuff and then I think I can just use the move it mod so I can select like all of that and then I can just copy it like next to it then just start filling this place in with loads of buildings and stuff right now because I've copied I am going to have to fill in like everything sort of all over again with the demand tool and then in order for people to move in I'm gonna have to connect all of these together now this is gonna be this is going to be very messy it's going to be traffic everywhere but I'm not trying to build I'm not trying to build an efficient City I'm just trying to put one together as quickly as possible if I just connect like all four corners together then like all of these are going to be connected together yeah that seems like a good idea all right so they're all connected people are screaming out for water and electricity so we'll plate this up as quickly as we can which basically just involves zigzagging from side to side and up and down and we'll just connect these up to the pipe Network and that should mean everyone has water in order to give them electricity we're gonna need like a load of nuclear plants so let's just shove these in like wherever all right now Murray press play hopefully all the warnings should go oh man I didn't I didn't realize I was building cities quite that high in the look up precariously the buildings look oh the world's most dangerous construction jobs you know you just got to make sure these pumps have power so we'll just put a load of them around the edge connect up some power lines right then everyone's reasonably happy I think but they won't be for long because they currently have they have nowhere to poo yep there you go there's all the warning symbols they're all struggling to poo because their toilets aren't connected to anything now before we can replace the sea with poo we're gonna have to get rid of these pumps on the inside it will select all those press delete theme of those and then finally I do just need to close this off so we're not going to have an opening from the sea anymore okay let's just shut that up like that and shut this side up like that right so that should mean once we add power to all of these oh no oh no so adding power suddenly gave us another tidal wave now we don't want tidal waves we want turtle waves down here um so we're probably gonna have to oh dear we're probably gonna have to wait for that to settle I think basically when I turned all these pumps on by placing all the all the wind turbines which have now been destroyed by the blooming tsunami oh hang on a second yeah I think basically when they turned on it sort of it made made the sea behind very unhappy it made all turbulent and stuff hence we do have a mini tsunami heading towards our city uh which isn't in a good place they're they're quite desperate to fool now but don't worry we've got the infinite demand mod on remember so everyone can be replaced so it's fine right anyway we gotta we gotta start building all of our sewage Outlets we want the water drain pipe and we're basically just gonna place these all the way along the edge of the map now whilst I'm placing these it's probably worth connecting them up now I think I've got yeah I've got this one connected and he's he's actually outputs in quite a lot of poo water down there but essentially everyone's got to go through and connect all of these with the Fantastic sound effect which doesn't great your ears in the slightest of the minutes and hours and and days of doing this yeah basically the more Outlets I connect up as I build them the quicker this will actually fill in all right so that's all of those connected let's see the Poo water oh look at that that is a lot of poo coming out of there look at oh it's proper filling the sea already yeah essentially I just want to go around placing all of these all the way along the edge of the map now whilst I can copy a line of them like I just did they're not connected so I am gonna have to do that manually I'm sure some smart ass in the comments will say well Matt why didn't you just use this model why don't you just press this button you would have done it instantly no don't care don't want to make now we're sort of at the point where not all of these are actually outputting sewage look these ones along this Edge you can see at this end they are doing sewage but over this end they're they're running dry that basically means we we don't have enough people we've got to expand our city again all right so it's been expanded you can see most of them are running now there's the odd one not running you little naughty architect oh there you go you turn back on good lad um but then we're pretty much we're just gonna we're gonna leave this running and uh see if we can turn the C into poo essentially so I guess we'll leave our city we'll come over to here we'll look straight down yes there is there is water in the sea I'm hoping that's gonna get like diluted by the poo or undiluted uh but if I leave my game like that I'm gonna go I'm gonna go play with Paddy for a bit uh so hopefully you'll get a nice little time lapse of this happening whilst I am playing with my puppy so I'll see you guys in a bit right hang on what's that what's happening let's zoom in right so the sewage is coming down but it doesn't seem to be why isn't this brown yet feel like it might be leaking like out the map somehow like I sort of know that this should work because I mean I've built a poop volcano I am master of poop in engine Topia what what's going on here there's definitely some weird glitchy stuff going on right I guess if I just do terrain height at zero and then maybe I sort of oh God oh the game doesn't like this it's struggling frame rate is like zero that should give us some idea is the wall I feel like the water's just is it just leaking well actually actually that looks like it's filling up do I just have to go around and do that all right let's just check if this grass gets completely covered I think we should be good wait wait where's where are you going this sewage water is like tidal or Turtle I guess you could see oh but look the the actual the actual sewage it it stops does that mean there isn't sewage down here I'm so confused hey look the actual poo only only Falls to a certain a certain height is that what's happened have I made all of this too too low maybe right okay let's pick like that type then let's fill everything back in oh my goodness I got a knot I gotta not rush to the walls oh Matt what have you done stop all right I had the wrong brush selected I had like like the soft one and it it cut through everything I think now we're good if we select that brush make it a little bit bigger yeah see it's got hard edges now if we just go along this Edge making sure that sewage that should land on top right okay so if we press play on there what I'm hoping to see uh isn't that oh I think I've broken the map all right wait wait look over here there's a little poonami there is poonami happening and I would say that is actually that's actual poo isn't it that's filling up right what if we just try and do like this ledge all the way around I'm just trying to make sure the sewage water doesn't leak through the land the trouble is I'm not really sure what's causing it but does that look better I think it sort of does I mean frame rate really really not happy about this but since there's a lot of sewage on the green I think that means our puddles are actually getting bigger so maybe this is now working finally all right well let's keep going anyway worse it's gonna happen is I'm gonna waste another hour of my life building with poo on City skate I hate to see it but I think this might be this might be a myth I mean I've got one other one other thing I could try could literally just place these like on the beach up here so I've connected these up I mean it looks like the sewage just just goes straight into the ground I don't know if that's just because I've built too much stuff and the game just can't hack it maybe but I don't think that is working as intended I mean it's not working as it does in engine Topia with my beautiful pukino I mean when I load the original map I get this error so that could be something to do with it all right so I've just loaded the map before I built the city just just to see what's going on whether it's something funky or whether I don't know the game I don't think the game wants to give it to me so can you replace the C with two I think we're gonna have to say that myth is busted you can't I honestly thought you would be able to but I I can't I have tried I have like two hours of time lapse footage where nothing happens the myth is you can use buildings to create a dam so first off I think what I want to do I want to buy a few more tiles I'm sort of thinking if I just build like a little u-shaped thing like that I should probably delete all the railways and stuff so movement mode select all of that and it boost it out of existence so we've got a nice plain area here yeah and if I use this this will spawn us a load of water so if I just shove that like bearish you'll see there is water coming now obviously if I don't block this off water will just continue going but I'm gonna hit pause I'm gonna go into unique buildings and we're gonna select this one the high interest Tower it's basically a PS5 so we're gonna turn the building Anarchy on which means our blue bird our little Tweeter goes into uh it's not a phase heavy metal and a keyboard then we'll try and place building already exist oh no my Mod's turned off in a second let's just save this game build dayum basically I gotta quit back to desktop go into my content manager turn on not so unique buildings which means now I can plop plop you need buildings as many times as I want to and hopefully the game will still load I know there's been updates and mods don't really work anymore but the power of engineering doesn't wait for updates yes because usually we'd have to place them like that which you can see there's there's a gap between there water will definitely Escape however with building Anarchy on I'm sort of thinking if I do that sort of thing and then fill in the gaps as well then we literally have a dam made out of office buildings so let's press play and then let's see what happens when this water reaches it now what I'm hoping will happen is the water will go around this so actually can I do you think I can landscape that let's just see can I landscape over the build no I can't but anyway so yeah there are there are gaps around the edges so I'm expecting the water to escape around the edges but I'm hoping it won't go through the buildings there's only one way to find out and that is to watch so the water is hitting the back of the buildings is the myth gonna be busted or is it gonna be true oh actually actually it's completely dry on this side what oh wow that water's actually that's quite high now wow look okay so the water's coming around the outside but it definitely isn't coming through the middle which I think means this myth is true you can build a dam out of buildings what I was not expecting that that's really cool uh disclaimer damn may still leak around the edges because we can't quite fill in that Gap but yeah you can really you can really see the height difference now of the water so yep that is myth confirmed let's move on to the next one so for the next myth we're in our good old friend at the tsunami map I'm sure you're not sick of it by now right guys right but the myth on this is that a meteor strike can stop the mega tsunami so if we come down to here landscape and disasters and then we ignore all these tabs and we go to this one at the end the disasters tab we have all sorts of things to play with which I sort of forgot about yeah but this one on the end is a meteor strike and basically it gives me a little Crosshair so that I can aim my meteor now first off I'm gonna do a nice little seaside resort I think just so we can measure like where the shoreline is because obviously as we've seen before as the shoreline changes like as the water level goes up and down this grass and sound line does actually move so we've got people building their seaside resort now which gives us a nice little base point to see whether we can protect them from the tsunami with meteor strikes so first things first I guess we gotta we just gotta hit it with a few meteor strikes Now doesn't appear to be a cool down on these so I I guess I can just Spam them like all the way along it I don't know I don't know how long they take either I should probably do them a little bit earlier as well actually oh man the tsunami is really moving where's the meteors oh there it is there it is nope oh no we missed we missed in a big way all right there's another one oh we definitely we definitely missed oh God what's happening up there we've like we've made like a black hole oh the meteors are like missing the tsunami they're all hitting behind it oh no right there's a lot of meteors coming in right now and we can see they're actually they're making quite a splash impact back here they're still coming in now like boosh the camera's just Auto taking me all over the place I launched so many meteors I'm not gonna lie though I've I've completely missed all of these I think what we'll do we'll predict where it's going to be by the time it gets there so let's just do a load like about that that sort of range all right there's a meteor coming down that looks like that's actually a good one oh I know it missed it missed um I will say not looking very good from a city there the big swept away and the the tsunami's not even here yet right well where's the next wave of meteors right there comes one there comes two right there you go right in front of it that's actually perfect in terms of trying to disrupt the camera keeps moving me look at that look at that oh that is beautiful oh we can actually see that's done something not not a lot though um yeah not not really not really doing a lot those meteors even perfectly timed ones all right let's go again we're gonna have to get pretty close to the city here so come on meteors where are you oh come on meteors is getting pretty close now I don't like this I don't like this well the meteors were late so I think that means that is that is completely busted because can a meteor stop the mega tsunami no chance myth busted anyway for this next myth we're trying to find a map that doesn't actually have water does such a thing exist oh how about the Desert Oasis that sounds like the right sort of place right so we're in the Desert Oasis the first thing I want to do is click this button down here water now this lets me delete all the water sources on the map so you delete that one delete that one and basically with the more deleted we now have a finite amount of water here oh wow what was that it's a buffalo careful Buffalo mate there might be a croc in there yeah good choice good choice but yeah this myth is do you fire helicopters use up water so I'm going to assume in order to get fire helicopter people to actually man them am I gonna need like people to live like do I need a population or are they like are they like autonomous are they drones I don't know but first off let's just link that I know I know that's hideous that imagine driving down this Motorway and then just anyway I'm gonna shove some roads then and then I'm gonna shove down in the emergency services tab we have these the fire helicopter Depot now it looks like these need water and electricity to work but it doesn't really say anything about needing like people to man them so I guess first things first we're just gonna we're gonna shove a load of these down then I assume because there's yeah because there's multiple problems we probably can't spawn the helicopters until we give them electricity and water so we can give them water with a water tower and then if we put some wind turbines down that should power everything although they are complaining about poo is that a problem say what let's use the the sinkhole natural disaster we'll bring it over there so as you can see here there's a sinkhole forming so hopefully we can just use that as like a sewage pit for now and then hopefully sewage should come out of here or maybe just water hey that looks like sewage to me but that's going down the sinkhole which it is filling up a little bit oh that's filling up quite fast actually anyway now all of these are fine so I guess first things first assuming this is the Water Source the helicopters will use this is what we need to measure so we need to make sure that this level doesn't go down at all so we'll put trees right around the edge so we'll just go as close to the water line as we can thankfully these do disappear when they go in water but anyway lots and lots of palm trees later and we have an exact water level so that we should be able to see if the if the fire helicopters use that up and the next thing we need is obviously a fire now I feel like most sensible thing to do is probably completely cover this area in trees so if we grab a giant Redwood up the brush size oh there we go that that's a lot of trees and then we can use the forest fire natural disaster so I'm going to shove this probably over in this corner to start all right so we have we have a fire in order for them to spot this actually I just remembered we need some we need some watchtowers so we'll shove that sort of in the middle there another one over there all right and then if we head back over here yes look they're going the helicopters are taking off so what I'm hoping they do is hey where are they going where are they going oh you're not you're not you're actually not guys you weren't meant to take that water that's not water oh God that's disgusting that is disgusting okay we'll scrap the name of this myth this myth is actually can you use sewage to put out fires anyway back over to here I can literally feel the heat it is blaring uh don't worry the Cavalry is here though with with their poo water ready to drop on the forest fires so there there it goes that's gonna smell amazing I ought to be certain they're actually they're putting a bit of a dent in the fire and this is like this is an ingenious why don't why don't I just do this normally rather than like building pecanoes and stuff I should just be putting out forest fires I mean I can only assume this is like fertilizing the land as well I'm sure there's some like Bears or squirrels down here that probably massively disagree like covered in actual poo but yeah helicopters they sure do want to use the old sewage fair enough that's literally further away than this is as well alright well since this works I am I'm gonna build a few more helicopters I think where are the helicopters from these new ones actually all of these they only have two out of three in use is that because they don't think the fire's big enough I mean I'm not gonna lie I don't think you guys have it under control you could definitely use another helicopter or two anyway I feel like I wanna I wanna delete this Eco Water Outlet thing so boost yes you're deleted I then need to try and cover up this sewage water because we we've proven that sewage camper out of that but that's not the that's not the myth that's not the one I was meant to be testing right so there's no more sewage there helicopter there's no more no look I've I filled up oh no it's just come to the surface there's still oh they're still using it aha right now they're actually using the correct water source and although they're all they're all Landing now why are you all Landing hopefully it's not because there is a sewage problem here um I think it's just because we've put the fire out okay so let's start another forest fire yeah but this time bigger so we're gonna have one there I'm gonna have another one in the middle and one down that end as well so hopefully yes look yes they're all taking the water out of here so this is I think what we're gonna do we're gonna leave the camera looking at this 12 seconds later yeah I left it going for a few seconds and everyone everyone buggered off is that because I think it's because sewage is backing up oh God Is there a way to deal with sewage without oh yes this one this one so I think this one I can drain sewage without actually outputting it anywhere so that's all connected now so hopefully those symbols should go and yep there go the helicopters nice right so now back over oh my goodness look how many helicopters there are it's amazing so yeah we're just going to let this run and we're gonna see will this Lake drop in terms of the water level and I mean it sort of seems like they did although I think the fire's gone out can I just replant all these trees I may have to delete them all first so delete the trees plant the trees oh no blood it plotted them dead how did the game remember I tell you what let's buy some more land we'll purchase that we'll cover them all in trees plop some watchtowers about start a few forest fires right well I don't think it took long to confirm that helicopters do you actually use water up what a crazy detail that the dev added like there's no need to add that really especially because most like lakes and stuff in the game they have like a water spawner anyway so they can't actually reduce level like this and if you're wondering like Matt well what if what if it was just evaporation maybe it wasn't the helicopters well that's why I removed them from all the other water sources on the map so before we confirm this completely let's go find another one hang on hang on no this one's definitely gone down could the helicopters have snuck over here yes look you cheeky Robin bastard are you robbed water from the map right where else can we go right how about way up in the hills let's have a look at this one okay so that has that much water okay okay okay what we're gonna do we're gonna reload this map but like and we're gonna see where the rocks are oh no no they're sneaking over here anyway you no beds but yeah our original lake is completely dry now it's just question is was that evaporation or was it helicopters let's reload the map though we're back on the map oh man that was our original water source it was huge I feel like my tree one wasn't even that big does that prove straight away that there's evaporation well this is the one with the rocks and Matt you can't you can't even see the Rocks like I think there's one I tell you what I'm gonna try and put my mouth sort of where like the pointer of it is right on the water line like the highest points of it yeah then we'll leave it for 10 minutes so and I'll be back and we'll see if that water level has moved all right well I've left that for a good 10-15 minutes and if you look at my mouse nothing has changed uh so I think it's pretty confirmed that evaporation isn't a thing I mean I even saw like there's like a cheeky like little Buffalo thing that came along it was having a little a little Slurp in the old water that's not a buffalo that's a car cars don't drink water but yes so evaporation is ruled out which means the myth of do fire helicopters use up water it's confirmed I think well it's next myth we are back here the lovely engine Topia oh man I've I didn't realize how big this pokeable thing was that I made like when we zoom out it's literally like it's like the size of like the rest of endotopia if I combined it all but anyway what what is the myth that is in engine Topia well the myth is I real civil engineer cannot make a city that isn't all knobs yeah well I'll have you know there's plenty of things that aren't knobs like this is just a natural rock formation this is just an efficiently laid out industrial Zone efficient residential areas and another one with a stinky tip efficient Highway Junctions which I don't know where there's traffic on that should actually be really efficient this one which I haven't got around to finishing yet because the shop I mean the roads are taking ages they're a bit spaghetti okay you know what I'm starting I'm starting to see you guys points maybe maybe this is busted what about engine Lantus oh no no okay so can I make a city that isn't just knobs uh no no I can't mythbusted but there is another myth to bust a ninja Topia and it revolves around this the okay you know now if you have been watching my engine Topia series you'll know that everyone down there they all poo they can't help it that's just the way things are and when they do poo the Poo comes out of these little sewage Outlets here into this 2K you know now that's the island where the Architects live um and then we've got some hydroelectric dams and some cleaners in here so that all gets cleaned as it comes down and provides energy and then the water and let's suck it back up again so we've basically made infinite power here a feat of engineering however however we've got a myth that says turning the pecano into a poonami will destroy engine Topia so I guess there's only one thing to see hit pause we'll delete everything over there delete everything up there delete oh and then we're gonna do something sacrilege absolutely sacrilege we're gonna go into the Landscaping tool we're gonna select the level terrain tool and then we're literally gonna cut away at this wall oh oh this is not good this is really really not good um as you can see the walls have now gone oh no I I I'm so sorry guys anyone that's living down here my kid's about to go on the Merry-Go-Round um don't look up because that is a lot of poo about to be coming down your way oh man I'm just walking along the streets if you look up that is so big I never actually realized how much poo there was in there you guys sure poo a lot right anyway let's get a good angle on this because we're only gonna do it once um okay let's press play and let's see if the pukino will destroy engine Topia you can see the top level is dropping oh and actually where where's the water going oh look they might be safe they might actually be safe oh no now it now it's coming out now it's coming out the poo is coming out the hole oh dear that's quite a lot of food Wars I'm not sure it's going to create enough power to actually destroy buildings although that church probably disagrees with me it's completely buried kids kids oh God look at all the people oh look at oh oh no I think buildings are getting destroyed they're not being destroyed they're literally just evaporating whoa that is how much poo there is oh no there's some positive news I I feel like this is at least like half empty now or at least a third empty so I'm not sure if the entire area of engine Topia will be destroyed so that is as a hell of a lot of poo water coming this way look at all the debris I mean they're not it's not debris it's literally thousands of people being flung into the air and all their cars and stuff oh the buildings are just being deleted like they're just evaporating hey at least it's cleaning up all this traffic I told you it was an efficient design that's done a lot more destruction than I was expecting I'll tell you what let's let's speed this up a bit and let's watch this in a bit of a time lapse just so you can see exactly what happens I mean in real time it's pretty stuttery I I feel like each wave of evaporation is uh is destroying my CPU and the week behind the poonami is just it's just completely Barren land like we've destroyed everything um and weirdly if we zoom in people they've literally just been hit by a poonami and then they're building their buildings already you can see they're going up despite poo water still flowing through the city um I think that's because they got the infinite demand mod on let's disable that quickly right so the turtle wave has made it to the bridges I'm really really hoping the power of engineering will ensure all of these Bridges survive they're sort of like my like them they're my little babies my bridges I might have hundreds of them but I save her and love every single one of them and then we have the industrial Zone which actually it's not being destroyed by the Poo water I think the Poo water has displaced the river water so the river's popped out and is destroying all this industrial area and meanwhile the river has been replaced with poo interesting very interesting I feel like it makes this area a lot clearer what it was roads disgusting that disgusting so the myth saying the puke no will completely destroy engine Topia is confirmed um that was really really painful to do actually I hope I didn't save this I do what I'm gonna also fall out the game just to make sure and this time we're on we're at a nice level because I've got a bit of oh Bridge whoa that is a hell of a bridge is it too early to do a bridge review an elevated Suspension Bridge Crossing a huge River with one two three four five six bands of suspensioned bridge Madness taking a major highway from one side of the river to the other side allowing even the largest of boats to pass underneath I give this bridge a 7.8 out of 10 Bridge review right with that over that was that was quite a distraction sorry about that yeah we're doing we're doing a little test based on a previous myth so this myth is turbines in a forest fire will produce more energy so basically the idea is because there's like there's more hot air and stuff there's going to be like high and low pressures the wind's going to be flaring all over the place uh the turbine should spin quicker so we're gonna grab a turbine and we're gonna we're gonna need two types and now they've got to be on the same sort of land can you see this dark patch if I did one up there and like one over there and the one on here because it's higher because it's on this dark patch it'll spin faster and produce more energy so we're gonna we're gonna make sure we're on a flat area I think the best way to do that is literally just flatten everything out with this oh I did make I did make a very small little tsunami that night we're gonna come to tsunamis later not now not now so flat in the land I assume if I go back in oh no oh I did not know that if you flatten a hill you can still make more power I assume that is that is power right so if I do one there and one there I assume once they start spinning the one on the left will make more power what's that making eight megawatts with nine wind speed yeah oh I didn't know that I thought if I flattened it it would change that okay in which case maybe we can flunk one there and one there then we'll just check they're both the same so that's eight megawatt 10 wind speed oh God damn it right okay I think we're good we've got we've got seven megawatts with nine wind speed here and we've got seven megawatts and nine wind speed here so the theory is we surround one of these in a load of trees like that I guess we should probably check that doesn't have an effect first so that is oh it does oh that's now four and four let me just check this one six and seven okay so wind speed has dropped but it's dropped a lot more when there's trees about so I guess now's the perfect time to test if we come into the disasters tab we can literally start a forest fire so I've proper surrounded this in fire we're still on four the theory is the heat will make the blade spin quicker but um it just appears to be burning so it's still on four and four this one is still on six and seven I recom then that is myth busted fires do not make turbine spin quicker and produce more power on to the next one right so for this next one we're looking at ships specifically cruise ships the myth is cruise ships are Unsinkable in this game now if I come into this transport tab here when I'm in the ship one I can actually see their Roots meaning I can sort of plan how I'm gonna take them out and if I build one of these a harbor I can attract more boats well ships I should probably call them so let's shove that there connect it up with a road give it some Power and Water and all that kind of stuff and then be sure to start tracking some ships okay so what we're gonna try and do to sync this first off I reckon a meteor is probably a good shout now I'm gonna have to aim ahead so fast as it moving it's moving pretty fast what if we if we go for like that right it's getting closer it's getting closer I'm not seeing any meter at the moment okay we need to aim ahead quite a bit more than that hello meteor all right well that ship has long gone thankfully there is another one coming in right and now we're being hit with the meteor I wonder actually so the ship is now off the map it was there so if we think about that sort of length well actually this is going to be close to that one this is going to be close to that ship okay so we just need a direct hit on the cruise ship at least we can see our rough waves gonna deter our ship oh [Music] sure it's of course it's going to hit the bridge it's gonna hit the oh right well we definitely missed I might try and go for another shot all right so we have another ship there so what I'm thinking if I if we come over to this end if we just lace this area in meteors I'm literally just going to go absolutely mental and probability says surely we're gonna hit what oh no look it's on its way it's on its way how did you get here so far why are you stopping at my Harbor or it's off it's off you just missed it well here come the meteors I'll tell you what then I'm just gonna I'm just gonna keep lacing because eventually we're gonna get we're gonna get a boat come free right I mean we'll get to see how a cargo ship copes just whether we can get a direct hit oh oh that was close this is the flame so how is it how is it not capsizing oh it's just taking another Direct Hit oh wait it stopped it stopped has it sunk It's just taking another Direct Hit I think we've evaporated the sea with blooming meteor strikes oh no no you're still we're still going no way it's still floating right well cargo ship coping pretty well I still we still gotta test the cruise ship is that one right there's one on its weight there's one on its weight I'm just spamming meteors on the line oh no well we're hammering this area with meteors the bloody cruise ships got into the harbor over there is it coming back this way it might be coming back keep spamming keep spamming no it's going back the other direction oh I think though if we just do that like in the middle here then surely they're going to come past and they're going to get hit right there's still meters coming how many did oh really did I make it down here and why is that cruise ship reversing off the map go forward are you gonna go forward no it disappeared fair enough all right so I'm gonna aim I'm gonna aim like there ish I reckon just a case of waiting for our ship to spawn so let's speed up time right there's one is that a cruise ship yes okay okay right so from now we just start spamming meteors we are gonna hit this thing are you ready for this cruise ship look there it comes up there so it's gonna come down please hit please hit oh look at this it's beautiful it is beautiful I think we've missed all right so okay it's okay it's going to the harbor which means it should come back and then we should get a direct hit right it'll be interesting to know cam passengers still board Paul says tidal waves out of the four oh it seems like they can right where's it heading is it gonna head back this direction oh man look there's like there's no water in there that's just ground under there right so cruise ship is going in boosh right meteors does that count as sunk that must have sunk It's like it's in the middle of an atomic book I mean technically that ship is on the sea floor right now oh look it vanished I think then that's that's so the myth of cruise ships are Unsinkable is busted oh wow look at look at the water coming back in as well it's like we've actually we've made land yeah look at that we've made we've made a little rock formation Island thing decent oh look there's another ship coming as well you're sinkable gutted mate all right so this next one we're gonna try and bust the myth that water can flow across a bridge so I've loaded up a canyon map I got this from the Steam Workshop I'm gonna I'm gonna just delete all the trees there that could actually hurt my frame rate doing that ow all right and then I'm gonna make a bit of like a bit of a water park type thing so we're gonna grab the terrain tool and we're gonna just make a little bit of a platform over here and we're gonna grab down a level a little bit I'll be like there do the same on this side all right then we're just gonna sleep the terrain so it does something like that because water does in fact like to flow downhill but then plots and flood rules like that so hopefully water won't escape and then we're just gonna span this Canyon with Bridges well the height is too high apparently so actually first just raise that level up a bit all right now obviously we can't build bridges too close to each other because the game's like you can't just build a bridge in a bridge map that's Bridge section that's immature however if I turn my little Tweety Bird from a normal bird into a hardcore metal bird and uh that's Anarchy which means we can basically build wherever we want meaning I can just do a lot of this and then we've got a load of bridge and if we like we get like proper zoomed in you can sort of see there's there's no gaps anywhere like from underneath you're looking up you can't see the sky is Pitch Black now we just need to spawn water up here and that's quite easily done so if we come into this tab the water one we can literally we can place a water source so if we place that there then we just press play we should see yes water is being formed so what we should see is water flowing down this hill and hopefully if the myth is correct it should cross all these Bridges and get to this side what is this what also anyone with like OCD I'm really sorry about those uh those Bridge pins it was going so well so perfect and then just a few just they just let me down they're the architect Bridges anyway the water is nearly there what do we think is going to happen oh man that's actually quite a bit of water so it's hitting the bridge oh no wait is it actually I think it's going to cross I think it's gonna cross wait is it oh no no it was going underneath it's going underneath so looking from above you can see unfortunately I think that is going to be it's gonna be a false myth because this side is dry as you like so creating a water bridge in this game unless you do it how I did in a previous video look at that oh isn't that beautiful isn't that beautiful go watch the video If you haven't uh that is myth busted uh pretty cool though right this next myth is a tsunami myth you're joking not another one yep another tsunami myth so for this one we're gonna be testing tunnels can stop a tsunami now if you remember one of my previous MythBusters we busted the myth that water can flow through a tunnel because in the real world that's just called a box covert but no in this game it completely blocks water so I I'm sort of wondering if we had just loads and loads of tunnels all that stopped the tsunami I think first off let's delete everything in the middle and then I move the road up to here where it's flat because if you look there's sort of like a little there's a little slope going on there so my plan is to do like a layer of tunnels I don't know how high they are we were to go like that is that going to be easy to copy yes but I'm then gonna have to do the underground roads manually okay fair enough right and then we have a load of connected funnels like that then next up I sort of I think I just want to do like another layer on top if we go up like guess that height then how easy is it to get another tunnel in no that is definitely not what I wanted all right so we got all the entrances and exits on I've just gotta link them all up again so just do a bit of this this is going to be a little bit complicated trying not to click the tunnels beneath but it appears to be working alright so I reckon one more layer something like that oh no no I've ripped a hole in the space time continuum I can see I can see straight through that's not what I wanted to do there we go much better okay then I'm just going to connect all of these uh question how I was ever a highway engineer for 10 years of my life and then we just wait for the tsunami to hit and see whether any water will make it through our tunnels which we appear to have lost some of our upper level ones hang on now try to free them but it seems like we've lost the top row of tunnel anyway the tsunami is here let's see will any of the water come through because on the other side we have a city that we're trying to defend a very efficient City so here it goes the oh my goodness the water went straight over the top yeah we should be able to see pretty clearly though whether any made it through the tunnels and yeah it doesn't look like it did it's pretty much the same height everywhere so that is so that is myth confirmed tunnels do work as tsunami defense just don't try in real life well this next one we're back in engine Topia where the pukino is refilled yes thankfully I did back up my save before the last video because uh that was that was absolutely horrifying to see however this myth is just as terrifying the myth is you'll be protected from an asteroid strike by hiding under a bridge uh so you know what that means we need to we need to build a bridge over engine Topia so it will grab a pretty wide Road at the six lane road with median strip then I guess we'll see how best to do this I probably want to do a bit of level terraining I gotta be I gotta be higher than that so maybe if you like that sort of fight and if I do another one over here then hopefully can we uh no no we can't I was hoping I could just do a bridge over the top yeah annoyingly this seems to be demolishing every building underneath I don't really I don't really understand why it's doing that like what's wrong with living under bridges through this space why do I have no troll people in engine Topia oh yeah it looks like Bridges completely they delete everything underneath them so that's not gonna that's not gonna work for a test we're gonna have to delete this and make everyone happy right well I do have some other Bridges thankfully like I literally have a Golden Gate Bridge uh the only downside it doesn't actually have any road on it I've just placed some road on it but it's proper glitching out like it it disappears depending on what camera angle you use this this doesn't seem right in my opinion sorry let's just Spam these down and let's see let's see if it will actually protect the city oh wow I've literally I've literally put a roof over egyptopia look at that is that gonna I mean that could work I feel like an asteroid shouldn't get through there it's just whether it will uh so I guess do we do we throw an asteroid at this thing and see if it works so meteor strike let's Wang it on there right in the middle then I guess we just wait and see to see if this works I mean I'm not gonna lie I can't actually call what way this is gonna go maybe this bridge won't work but maybe other ones might do it's like from above there's there's definite gaps there's like squares everywhere but I feel like they're smaller than a meteor so it could slash should hit oh there it is there it is right so this is the zoomed in shot oh no it went straight through it went straight through oh no oh it actually oh my goodness no oh no oh well the Golden Gate isn't meteor proof uh City got destroyed and and bridges got destroyed uh that wasn't ideal rights this time we're gonna try the normal Bridges again which is this six Lane I've made I've made a much smaller stretch if I turn Anarchy back on there we go we can actually we can make these Bridges pretty easily so we're gonna do what I did on the Water Bridge myth and we'll just do that sort of thing because I think the trouble with using the modded bridges that I used before is they're in this electricity tab so I think essentially like all these Bridges they're not actually Bridges they're like they're like pylons and obviously with these pylons I don't think the actual the wire I don't think that's like an actual object whereas hopefully with this layout we should see that this works I mean unfortunately or the house underneath got destroyed so there's suddenly hundreds and hundreds of homeless people look there's a dog a dog just got in a sports car see that um but there is still a skate park because skate parks are always located under bridges so I guess we're going to see Can we protect that from another meteor strike boosh right time to see how this goes I'm actually more intrigued about this one because I feel like like that's a much more solid platform it's pretty much Darkness under there like I feel like if I was a meteor I would struggle to get through that it's been well engineered in my opinion oh look there it is in the sky so it's going to come down at that angle so let's see how this gets on Bush oh I went straight through and it destroyed them again no the skatepark is now just a giant skate Bowl actually I I technically made it more fun to skate on anyway unfortunately I think that means this myth is busted if there is a meteor strike do not stand under a bridge they will not protect you we're starting here and we're gonna be trying to bust the myth that you can use rocks as a cheap Dam now if you remember back to my last video I made a damn out of buildings however these buildings they're not cheap the high interest Tower they cost 125 Grand per building and we needed a good like eight or nine of them so knowing that they cost a million quid to build a building Dam what does an actual hydroelectric Dam cost the construction cost on that is 200 000. so whilst it does look cool I mean it's literally a dam that's what it's meant to do can we do the same thing but for less than 200 Grand so let's delete that and then let's get into the Landscaping thing and more specifically the Rocks tab which I don't think I've ever been in this there's so many rocks anyway there's loads and loads of different types I assume I'd probably want to go with like the tallest ones yeah there are they could work oh look they get little trees around them as well oh God we've like merged up The Cliff face why is there a Gap that look at that Gap anyway let's let's try and just shove these I think we can sort of build them inside each other now these cost a hundred quid each which is actually that's a lot of rock for your money consider you get trees as well I've just spawned one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 22 of them which means I've spent 2 200 quid so this is a hell of a lot cheaper than the 200 Grand it's 100 times cheaper so you could have a hundred dams if you wanted to um but before I call it damn I should probably press play and watch this water hit the back of it and see if it does actually work as a dam I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit concerned about that Gap there but we'll have to see how it gets on so water is hitting the back of it the trees the trees are actually okay I thought they wouldn't like the situation although they're they're going underwater okay the trees the trees have drowned up meanwhile out the front it's completely watertight what so you can't actually use rocks as cheap Dam that's really cool Fairplay I wonder then if I because obviously there's there's a water spawner there it's trying to keep the water at a certain level if that water level is like too high this dam is gonna flood and I don't think you can make the Rocks higher and with the actual Dam obviously that lets a bit of water out the front so let's just see if we were to like delete a couple of them so there's a gap well that let some water through yes yeah there it goes there it goes okay so that's cool so basically yeah that's exactly the same as a normal Dam it's laying a little bit of water out so you can use rocks as cheap dams that is myth confirmed so for this next myth I've loaded up the the water bridge map uh mainly just because I think it's cool and I want to show it off again um nothing to do with the actual myth but the actual myth is dried sewage makes forest fires worse I can't believe I'm testing this one so basically the idea is the sewage acts as fertilizer oh yeah the reason I've actually picked this map is because we've got some buildings and stuff so we should be able to do some like sewage because I can just get rid of this this is my like sewage plant so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna flatten an area like that by the way people that told me the terrain isn't broken look at that it looks like a blooming dinosaurs back we are basically I was told I was using like that one the the blob which has like sharp edges oh it's fair enough but they stress I use like a soft one so let's for example let's go with the softest brush there is and we'll do another line like up here and we'll see does it do the same thing yes yes it does oh look I've brought the tree to the surface and that's while looking straight down vertically as well and even with the brush strength at 0.5 if I put up to one still does the same thing you can't just do a smooth Mound anymore it's like so lumpy there's any modders that actually knows like what's going on is it the mod is it me is I don't know look at it last what is that right well I've made that I'm then gonna go and delete oh wait no you're an incineration plant where's the water treatment oh you're over here you're over here oh yeah that's dumping poo into the river we don't we don't want that we don't want that so we're getting rid of you boost and we're gonna want to dump some sewage down one side of this now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna plant trees all over the place first so there you go that's all painted in with trees lovely jubbly and they're gonna delete them from the middle because I don't want the fire to spread from one side to the other to basically do a bit of that press delete all right so that's good we got two pretty much identical strips the the thing you'll notice here I do actually have trees in the middle yeah that's because I would stay high enough so that sewage didn't leak from one side to the other but if I start the fire in the middle it should spread both ways equally so first off let's sewage up one of these sides that involves just giving them some power as well there we go we have poo and I've just realized like how big these freaking Outlets like look at the size of that pipe compared to the trees beneath what and we've got a good load of sewage coming out I'm just gonna speed it up and let that proper cause some Carnage so this side's gonna be nice and pooey I think it's time we can probably turn these off now so let's delete all of these because of course the myth was dried sewage it's not raw sewage I'm just gonna soften this terrain up here as well just so the fire will spread if I put it in the middle natural disasters let's select the forest fire and we're gonna shove it right in the middle up the top here boosh and then we're gonna press play and we're gonna watch it burn so the top is sewage the bottom is no sewage is the top gonna burn faster than the bottom it's not looking likely at the moment we're actually actually the top one is sort of drifting ahead a bit maybe there is some logic to this after all I wasn't expecting that I'm just thinking like maybe the more sewage like there's gonna be way more sewage down the bottom so maybe that is making it jump although check out the bottom one that's jumped a little bit as well all right let's just time lapse that till the end and we'll see how it it's looking well you can see in the end the top one actually went out before the bottom one um I feel like the bottom one's about to burn itself out anyway but I'm pretty sure we can say that myth is busted dried sewage does not make forest fires worse so if you're spilling sewage everywhere you don't need to worry about those forest fires getting out of hand anyway on to the next myth all right weaponed it what happened here but good my water Bridges flooded but cars are still using it what well if there was a myth that said cars won't drive through flooded tunnels I think we've just busted that one because uh it turns out they will how random anyway for this one we're moving away from the Water Bridge over to this now this is a mountain and if you're on Avid City Builder like myself you might actually rather than describing it as a mountain you might just describe it as this is in the way now thankfully I have unlimited money but if I didn't you'd know that terraforming the ground is very very expensive so I have a myth here that says natural disasters can be used to terraform for free so we all know that I could use the terraform to get rid of that mountain but what if we were to use perhaps a sinkhole on top let's see what a sinkhole on top of a mountain actually does all right so there it goes there is the sink I don't actually know how these work like is it just relative to the ground how much of a hole they make I'm gonna lie that's quite a small crater really isn't it compared to the mountain now there's two things you can do here someone actually told me yeah look we can slide this severity meter which I never knew I could do before if I shove another sinkhole well let's put it next to it so we can do a direct comparison so us severity rating of 5.5 this new one has a severity rating of 10. so I assume it's twice as deep or maybe it's twice as round oh twice as round is it twice as deep as well oh yes well that's quite a hole that is although when you zoom out it's not it's not really is it and perhaps we could try flinging meteors at it so let's just fling one into the middle just to work out what angle it's gonna come from right there it is it's coming into that thing go ready oh I destroyed the trees hey guys the cheap way of getting rid of trees as well um now I assume that actually made a dent and oh my goodness the mountain is on fire now but yeah remember these are free like it doesn't cost us to fling meteors at our city so if we were to for example just go a little bit crazy and uh yeah right here they come here they come it's gonna be pretty constant all they're coming in from all different angles it looks like yeah after about 10 minutes of doing this I'm interested to see how much of a dent this would have made in the mountain all right so there we go how was that oh man we have eaten a chunk of that mountain out uh there is there is a fire spreading which oh we've destroyed the road as well sorry guys sorry but yeah Mountain pretty much gone I mean if I had the patience I could definitely just keep flinging asteroids and uh that's completely free remember that cost us nothing to remove an entire mountain and some roads and trees and stuff so yeah overall I'd say that is myth confirmed anyway for this next one we are back in the Magnificent engine Topia oh engine Topia I've missed you I forgot about the Pokeball and by the way do you remember tremble Atlantis is under Underground when underground it's it's underwater it's meant to be just underground but it's underwater that's the sea level we plopped all these pumps down here and we just kept getting flooding yeah I assumed it was like coming out the damn hole but um what some of you clever guys in the comments said was Matt have you checked to see where the water source is for this Lake um and I'll say no no I haven't oh no way no way look it's there all right so I've moved the Water Source from there over to here which means hopefully NJ Atlantis should stop flooding and we can we can rebuild again finally but anyway let's get back into these myths so what I need to do I need to find like a small little area I'm going to build a new town I mean I could perhaps just do it down down this road let's change the name to Tiny weenie street so basically the myth is a one grid demand building can be used to build an entire city so what do I mean by that so if we come down to here this is our zoning tool and when we zoom out you can sort of see like the buildings are sort of made up of like four by four squares most of the time now obviously when roads get a bit more complicated you get sort of like little weird little shapes and things yeah but essentially this myth is saying rather than doing like a full square like that we literally just paint like one grid like that so if we do a low density house a higher density house some shops some high density shops some industrial and an office basically that's what we're building a city with now in order for this to work I don't think we can do adjacently because then that will build like two buildings maybe here we can do adjacent colors because they're not technically touching but if I were to do like a vat for example that's not what the myth was about because that's going to be like a single building and we'll just build this we'll see what happens it's working it's working I wasn't expecting this oh so we could build like a little micro City oh look they need water they need water oh look it's our petrol station Dino oil well how'd you how do you pay for it where's where's the building part of that oh man can you imagine if you had that house like you had all that space you had nice views at this I know he's got like two like tower blocks either side of him like looking out of his window he's got a window there it's like the smallest alley just straight into someone's brick wall oh look this is casting a shadow on him like well I mean to be fair the the puke knows casting a shadow over everyone have a look they're all going up Myrtle bio we've got we've got a testicle and oh man if only right okay sorry whoever owns this I've got to get rid of that I gotta swap it for one of these we gotta do some strong City layouts come on yes there we go oh man so not only can you build a micro City but you can build stupidly efficient micro cities it's so efficient and yeah I think tiny weenie street is a great addition to engine Topia so that myth is well and truly confirmed wow anyway now I'm gonna hit save on engine Topia because we have a more destructive myth to test uh so essentially the myth is skyscrapers Shield smaller buildings from meteors yeah so what I'm thinking if I get a load of small buildings in the middle let's grab a road from here and then we'll do that sort of thing then I just want to paint all of these up with like small buildings maybe some around this Edge as well so they're all small buildings now there's the thing with this is can we save this from a meteor strike by using skyscrapers now I'm gonna go into the unique building I'm going to use the one that I spotted earlier now the trouble with this is can you see it's a bit finicky it's like saying the building must be placed on roadside but there's like buildings in the way that will get demolished and stuff so you sort of know the drill I'm gonna I'm gonna take this lovely little adorable Bluebird and I'm going to turn it from that into the heavy metal and a keyboard which means I can now place these wherever I want so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna literally try and Surround all these small little buildings with these huge skyscrapers and we'll see will it protect them yeah the bottom is narrower than the top which is just like there's just no need to do that that's just architecture at its finest and but we've got those I'm thinking should I do like another another layer of tool building are there taller buildings in that oh yes what about the ps5s I think they will do actually so I'm gonna build these like sort of like [Music] oh dear right let's just head inside this is now their view it's like it's pitch black all the time if we now grab a meteor and I might I might lower this down to just a one severity but if I go like slap bang in the middle so if we just stay looking at this and we wait for a meteor to hit I imagine it should hit the buildings first and then we'll see whether these guys in the middle will be protected or not so what the hell there's a tornado Why is there a tornado I may have selected the wrong one did I really how am I that idiotic oh no well there comes down some buildings uh the inside of this is completely ruined by that's what it did so does skyscrapers protect small buildings from tornadoes that's busted right so everyone's rebuilt so these other buildings we're trying to protect I feel like actually I put like an ancient Oriental building in the middle so that's like a sacred Temple and we're gonna see can we can we protect it with all these buildings I mean you'd think so looking up there's no way a meteor can get in here surely I've also guaranteed I actually I did hit the meteor button this time so we are looking in the sky for a meteor there shouldn't be any tornadoes dotted around right there it comes here it comes so looking from the side boosh or I hit the building dead on um let's have a look down oh dear so it took the two buildings down oh oh that's um yeah that that it's destroyed everything uh so yeah if you ever look out the window and you see a meteor coming and you happen to be in a small building by a skyscraper don't just sit there and think you're gonna be okay I'd actually try and run away life advice from rce sorry sacred Temple that I destroyed so yeah sadly that is myth busted and oily look out look out we've got we got the fire brigade and they're dropping water on these buildings put the fires out and that brings us swiftly on to our next myth this next myth we're back on our favorite map the tsunami map first off we need to we need to do some tweaks to the water sources so water source there deleted there deleted then just check there's none in the sea okay there's none in the sea that's good I then want to get rid of the water so I'm just gonna fill that in I'm Gonna Fill This in down here fill in this entire River delete all these roads and train lines right and then we're good to do a test now this myth is gonna be a pretty a pretty huge one a momentum to one in terms of my time for you guys it's probably gonna be fine to watch but the myth is you can stop a tsunami with fire helicopters now as we learned before fire helicopters they do actually take water out of the water source before they drop it on a forest fire so what we're going to be doing we're going to do a small little test just to sort of work out how many helicopters we can get per like square meter of fire and then we're going to be filling this entire area with forest fires and firefighter helicopters and hopefully we'll have enough of them that they sort of take all the water out the sea I don't know that is the theory anyway so first off as we learned previously in order to get the fire helicopters to work you actually need roads so we put the roads in then we get the fire helicopters and shove them down so now we've got a load of helicopter stations blotted down gotta make sure they've got water and electricity so we'll do a load of this that's a load of water towers we can plot more down if we need them we need some electricity as well what are you doing Doug what are you doing so I've been rudely interrupted by Paddy hello boy what are you doing dog what have you got for me have you got a duck he's got a duck he's got a duck good boy everyone go check out Paddy's YouTube channel he's a YouTuber all right he's coming onto my lap so let's get back into the game buddy you get a bit big for this boy all right let's just shove some nuclear plants down all right so now we have a load of nuclear plants and water and oh they are they are being flooded a bit I forgot where where I raised the ground on the level the water has now reappeared I hopefully I'll be gone soon without any nuclear explosions I don't think power plants are meant to be fully submerged now I have to keep an eye on that anyway for now we've got all of these up and running which means we can test how many trees can a row of those put out in order to get all three helicopters in use because you can see each one of these buildings they have three helicopters and obviously we want to Max that out so let's do a strip of trees like that I guess in order to send them up when there's a fire we do need to add one more thing and that is these watch Towers because you can see that's all red at the moment but once we put in a few watch Towers yeah they're now all blue which means they're all in range um unfortunately a range is also the tsunami if ever approaching so we do need to do this fairly quickly so we're literally just going to click all the way along here you see fires are spreading we just need to make sure we actually have enough helicopters going out you can see helicopters are taking off I don't actually know if we're I don't think we're using that many helicopters actually that one's using zero that's using zero as well that's using two all right so now it looks like there's a lot more helicopters than you look down there oh this is what we wanted helicopters everywhere there are so many fire helicopters in use okay this is good this is good so most of these appear to be like three out of three now so that's probably the right amount I think we just need to make sure we do like enough actual fires so let's reload and let's do this properly and as I reload this there is still dog on lap by the way oh he's so silly that dog so what we're going to do we're going to select all of those then gonna hit copy we're gonna copy them up to there and then there and then there and there all right so now we've ended up with this loads and loads of trees loads and loads of fire helicopters and the tsunami still approaching so let's get the fire started oh no the camera's zooming in still we're on to the second row keep them going Matt keep them going I'm seeing helicopters everywhere I mean this could potentially crash the game there's going to be a lot going on here there's like trees burning as helicopters flying there's a tsunami on its way you remember so the question is is there going to be enough helicopters to get rid of the sea before the tsunami comes I don't think it's gonna happen and there's quite a lot of helicopters about actually yeah annoyingly though they appear to be taking the water from all this River flooding obviously I couldn't really get rid of that water Because by the time I drained the tsunami would be hitting I mean I really wish the blooming camera didn't keep jumping through each fire that I set but you can see just how many helicopters there are dotted about there's so many um however as we head along this way through the hordes and hordes of helicopter uh you'll see the tsunami is pretty much here we didn't really make a dent in the sea did we uh so if we just speed this up we'll probably see that this myth is likely to be busted I will say though they tried they definitely tried like look at the sky over there it's amazing so yeah whilst impressive looking I think we do have to say that that was a myth absolutely busted by a helicopters cannot defeat the tsunami no chance so the first one brings us to the tsunami map but we're gonna be busting the myth that a spiral wall will stop the mega tsunami now first off I'm gonna I'm gonna come down to Lake that level there I'm just gonna flatten this entire map because I just want to make sure there's like there's no lip so can you see the water should just go straight now so there's no uphill on this and next up we need like a tall wall so I guess we'll just pick like up there then we'll do the usual of just doing a line all the way along there all right so now we have a wall that should stop the tsunami but we have an opening here and this is where we're gonna do our spiral now I don't want to do this too large because I know sort of the tsunami it does reach the back but it takes quite a while so I guess I want to be like I want to give it some chance to do this so I'm gonna just slowly go over this direction and then we're gonna put something we're gonna put something like down in here that we want to protect all right so we've got those in there I mean they they were meant to be like testicles for like part of a strong shaped building but it looks more like my own McDonald's rip off like McDonald's anyway the theory here as the tsunami oh my goodness look at this boat it's doing a wall ride what how those cargo containers staying up that is impressive anyway the theory is as the tsunami enters here and sorts of wraps around I think because the game simulates it more like water yeah we don't actually get the curved motion so it's sort of it will fling forward and then it will like bounce off in a different direction it won't like it won't curve around so the theory is the first ever branch of mcmatts will be completely safe yes I realize I can't remember the name of my own fast food restaurant anyway so you can see the tsunami is now approaching you can actually you can see how tall I've done the walls actually this is a mega tsunami and uh it's completely dwarfed by those walls so let's see what happens as it enters so as expected either side the big walls the wave should get collected back yeah there it goes and then we've got the the test tsunami coming in and uh I guess if we if we watch this from above like time lapse we should be able to see like what I mean by the waves of light because you'd expect a wave coming in to sort of curve around the walls but it's sort of staying straight no actually it isn't it isn't it is curving around the walls I think oh oh I'm not sure this myth is going to be true then I think Matt Donald's might be screwed here I'd say the wave is definitely spinning around we've created a tsunami NATO so now we need a t-shirt coming soon anyway let's zoom in and see just how tall oh my goodness it's still quite big oh man yeah I think you're screwed me I think you're screwed right workers stuff all the burgers in your mouth you can it's gonna be the last thing you ever eat because that is a lot of water coming your way no McDonald's will never get to eat the famous burgers like the matte rib or the matte Mac all we've got now is a soggy bun anyway that is that as myth well and truly busted a spiral ball will not stop a mega tsunami which I guess technically makes my previous attempts more impressive right for this next one we need a level with absolutely no water in it so I mean I'm not even sure it's possible to have no water is it alright well let's try the Desert Oasis because I feel like that's less likely to have like a sea or river coming through right so here we are I don't see any c on this so this is good so the myth that we're busting this time fire helicopters can work with no water on the map now you might remember my last video where we sent an army of we sent an army of fire helicopters to try and stop the mega tsunami now they weren't the most successful but it proved that they do they definitely like water they got a taste for it if you like um but we need to remove all that from this map so we're gonna come to the water tab we're gonna come around and we're gonna delete all of these water sources so basically all those like blue cylinders that's where water spawns on the map and then I'm just gonna remove the Water by going to the super water pump oh it's out of City Limits hang on I should probably go and buy every map or actually if I turn this bird into a super metal heavy metal Bird yeah I can literally I can build anywhere so that means I can build outside the city limits so I'm just going to shove these pumps and I'm just going to surround like all the Lakes basically so they all pump up the water nice and quickly as soon as I press play you'll see the water oh yes it gets sucked up instantly and that's most the water gone just some of these bigger Lakes I will need an extra one I'll just shove that there give it some pipe and then that's that sorted all right and then I think that's all the water gun from the map we just do a quick scan yeah I think I think we're done right okay next up it's the it's the fire bit and as we learned before in order to get the the fire trucks we do need some like basic necessities so if we if we just do a basic Road along there but some power lines in over to there then we can build our fire helicopter up to Depots so it will just literally go push push push so we've got a load of those in you can see they're complaining about lack of water I mean obviously we've pumped all the water off the map but what we can do we can we can shove some of these down large water towers and then that's all those people happy they are gonna be they ought to be pooing so we need a bit of we need a treatment plant you can see they are complaining about pooing now but if we just connect that to the pipe Network everyone's poo will go into that building now we don't want to just just have like broad open sewage because as we learned before fire helicopters will pick up sewage to put out fires and they they even choose that over fresh water so yeah don't know what that says about them but anyway I think they're all operating normally now yep operating normally so uh time to make a fire and see how these guys get on now I've since learned that giant redwood trees although in this game they do actually burn in real life they're actually they've like evolved to not burn they're like sort of fire resistance so we probably don't want them we're gonna go with how about a sugar maple that sounds fiery but then up our brush size over here and then we'll just plop loads of trees down right so now we have a forest mountain over here I mean if we go back into the Fire tab you can see they're all red which sort of means like they're they're not in range it's like it's a fire risk but um basically these guys I don't think they'll do anything so what we've got to do first we've got to put these firewatch towers down right nice so if if we set us on fire now the fire trucks will see it and how are we gonna do that we're gonna come into the natural disasters we're gonna select the forest fire and we're literally just gonna oh man these Maples are very flammable look at that that burnt pretty quickly okay over here oh look they're out they're out where are they going so all the fire helicopters they have actually come out have I have I left water on the map somewhere where you guys go where are you going what are you doing there's no water there that's not water what are you all about they reckon they found water there hang on a sec hang on a sec let me pause this what are you doing because according to my records there is no water there what are you doing I tell you what just in case let's shove this down this will show you hopefully any water that is there will get pumped by this pumping station there's no water there what are you doing I can hear water sound effects they can't be we've got we've got we've gotten here now as well hang on let's let's actually go see look there is water they're dropping they're putting the fire out with water oh man so even if there's no water on the map there is actually water on the map uh so I guess that is myth confirmed fire helicopters can work with no water on the map because they can find water underground anywhere even when my pumping station can't still I don't think it was enough to put the fire out that's a fairly big fire unlucky guys all right on to the next myth and the next myth we will actually be staying on this map so what I'm what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna ignore that I'm gonna ignore that all the fires and stuff over there we're gonna come over this way okay we're gonna clear a nice big area so delete everything in here and we're then going to completely flatten it and why are you doing this Matt what is the purpose well we're gonna bust the next myth the myth that tornadoes help evaporate water so this time we're actually going to be we're going to be making our own Lakes uh we're just going to do two side by side so I reckon if I if I just go down a little bit and then I snap that level and then I literally just hold that's gonna make like a nice big area and then I can fill that with water and then I can do the same like next to it so do this other one over here right then we should have two identical Lakes well they're not Lakes yet we gotta fill them with water so we come down to this water tab this is a mod by the way in case you're wondering so we can place a water source and I'm gonna pause the game I'm gonna paste the Water Source there and then another one there exactly the same thing and then if we press address play we should see yet the water is rising on either side all right there we go although bloom in go away your knobs wait they're gonna ruin my test they're going to ruin my test hang on hang on all right sorry I'm deleting all of that boot you're gone you're all dead all right so I think they're pretty still I'm gonna pause time so that everything's exactly the same we're gonna come in there we're gonna delete each of those uh so now there's no water source so if these do evaporate uh the Water won't come back I'm then gonna come into the landscaping and disasters and I've never actually I've never used a tornado I know shock um I think we're gonna turn the tornado intensity up to 10 that may as well go all out here and then we're just gonna Target it on top now I'm not sure do tornadoes come from Lake aside or do they just appear like I don't want it to come from this side and like take out that water but uh let's shove that there and then I guess let's just play and see what happens so I guess the theory is this will make like a whirlpool and the water will all go into the air and then this this Lake will evaporate quicker than this one oh and it's raining it's blooming trading oh it's raining because the tornado's here okay so the tornado is coming whoa look at the tornado it's huge okay so it's coming from that side heading this direction I'm I'm hoping it will stop before it reaches this one otherwise this is not a fair test but yeah we just need the tornado to get to this Lake and then see if the water level goes down so I guess we'll see how look at that it's already that's really cool looking I need to I need to play with these more you can see it's getting close to the water now so I think we'll just zoom in a little bit and then see does anything happen with the water level uh it doesn't really look like the water's affected at all if I'm honestly maybe when the tornado goes fully in it might but right so there's the pest does this evaporate quicker than this that is the question oh there's lightning as well that looked cool anyway zooming in I can't actually see anything I can go I can go inside the tornado oh look I'm looking straight off with it whoa um in terms of evaporation though just looking at the two water levels I think they look pretty much identical oh wow you can see the tornado path as well that's proper rip to hold through everything I mean you can see it's not actually it's not going to affect that one as well so completely Fair test sort of and I think that is myth busted tornadoes will not help water evaporate no water spouts on this one sadly but yeah enjoyed that that was fun that was decent it sort of makes you wonder like what can and can't a tornado pick up maybe that's a myth for the future let me know in the comments what what you want to see all right so for this next myth I've loaded up engine Topia look with art with our lovely engelantis finally dry uh very pleased to fix that last time now you can see down here we've got a tiny weeny City growing oh it's quite cute down here actually but the reason we're here is pretty much because I already have the the infrastructure in place to test this next myth which is cars can travel up vertical roads and obviously like in my my spaghetti like we've got some pretty steep rootage there um cars they don't seem to mind driving up and down those but we do we do have somewhere we come to the top of the pukino we can whoa okay we can look down there that is a vertical road now we're just gonna have to convince Road users they want to travel up here um because at the moment there's only there's pretty much there's only architect Hill which I mean no one wants to do that if you want to see architecture or you just come on the boat ride don't you come on the boat tour so yeah how am I going to convince people to come up here tell you what I might just just temporarily let's just grab a road let's say come up here and go up in the air and head over to there and then I am just going to delete that and I'm gonna delete that so now everyone has to come up my new weight while they're all disappearing okay we've got cars we've got cars so let's just follow this road this is where they're gonna end up so let's just have a look here so you can see at the top of my screen there are cars coming the question is will they be able to drive up for this vertical road so it's oh are they oh my goodness here they come they made it how did they what the cars can indeed drive up vertical roads even if the game can't generate them from every angle but oh god oh goodness I just had to go like moving the node just to try and get it in the light and look at all the cars but yeah that's a bit of a better angle just but yeah that is that is myth confirmed anyway for this next myth we're on a brand new map never never been on this before it's quite nice and bright looking yeah and we're on we're on like a little a little island over here so essentially we're gonna come off here and we're just gonna build like a little residential area there we are that's got electricity and water plumbed in uh so people should be moving in there nicely now that is just residential so none of these people have jobs and of course they cannot survive without jobs they can't pay the bills all that sort of stuff so over this way let's see let's say here literally right next to it we're gonna make this industrial as well as commercial all different sorts of shops and we're gonna put offices as well so basically if anyone wants a job they've gotta they gotta get over to here now you'll notice there's no way to get to this currently it's completely on its own which allows us to do a little test because this myth is drivers will choose toll roads over a long scenic route so here is a two-way toll booth yes we're going to charge people to get back to their houses as well I'm going to plot that in there so basically if people want to get to work like look at all this lovely look at all these lovely jobs there's chimneys that need chimneying and ice creams that need serving yeah if they want to get over there they're going to have to pay the toll booth now I'm gonna I'm gonna wrang this way up gonna be two pound for a car four pounds for a truck it's gonna be pricey we can't actually increase it any more than that oh you might be saying well Matt that's pretty evil you're charging people just to just to survive so I am gonna put in a free different route so this is just gonna be literally just a normal road so we'll do we'll do a two-lane road so people can go either direction we come off next to it and people can literally they can decide do I want to go toll road or do I want to go long scenic route uh so yes we're just we're just gonna build this so now residents here if they want to get to work there are two options they can either come up here and they can pay an extortionate amount of money and then they can get straight to work doing their job earning some cash to pay the bills alternatively they can choose to go this way and then that will take them through this scenic route again leads to exactly the same place it's just a bit a bit of a quicker Journey so let's let's press play and then let's see what happens we need to we need to try and attract some people first right so we should see they'll come around here and they should come off the motorway into their new homes are you coming in yes they are oh look at that look at that car proper Hippie Mobile fair enough where where are they gonna live and oh look they've all got out and they oh they live they live in that one there we go cool right so now people are moving in I guess we've just gotta we just gotta look at these two roads so are people gonna pick paying a toll or taking the scenic route and being cheap we have the first person he's paying the tool he's paying the toll oh look there's another one there's another three that's four that's five people choosing to pay the toll over the scenic route oh wow I'm starting to think that road and the background may have been a waste of money uh yeah I mean everyone's everyone's taking the toll everyone's choosing to pay so I guess that is pretty much myth confirmed drivers will choose toll roads over a long scenic route uh surprising I guess I guess you've got to weigh up like that cost like what is it four dollars or two dollars if you're a car how much fuel will you save by by not driving through this contraption of Roads um kind of sad though Rodeo I wouldn't see if they would actually make it I wonder though what if we just made it a little bit a little bit longer rather than massively longer so so now you can see this is it's longer but not that much longer I mean surely you'd take that over paying a two dollar toll or four dollar if you're on if you're a truck like those all right we'll speed up all right we had one car go that way actually there you go okay we've got some cars going that direction um but it appears most people would prefer the shorter route even though it costs money interesting I feel like you could massively massively abuse that uh interesting but yeah okay so nice drivers will mostly take the shorter route depending on how much shorter is obviously is is How likely they are to take it but pretty much I think people nine times out of ten they're gonna take the toll road and pay the money to save a few seconds off their off their daily commute fair enough right so for this next myth we're back on the tsunami map and this one is rather interesting actually if I say so myself what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna flatten the terrain to like that level I think so we'll try and do this as efficiently as possible Right nice so now we have now we have tsunami incoming we've got like a a beach sort of thing we've got well a shoreline essentially uh because this myth it's all about creating power from the tsunami now because the myth we are busting on this one is you can power a city with a tsunami so essentially we're we're gonna try and put a hydroelectric Dam the entire way across here and see if where the tsunami hits the back of it whether that can create power for a city that we're gonna build as well so first off I sort of I need to work out what level the top of the water is so I reckon for a bit of safety let's select that level and then we're just gonna put like a pad in there and then we're gonna do one on the other side as well all right then with these and hopefully we can we can draw a Dam from this side to that side I'm not sure that might be too high for a dam actually we'll have to see what it says no it says fight too high so we are gonna have to lower it a bit so I brought that down a little bit we'll bring this side down as well right so I can build a dam that direction that is the wrong direction though I need the curve to go the other way annoyingly that says height too high I imagine it's to do with the with Contours going like that it means that it's sleeping perpendicular so down there's deeper over there shallower I don't really want to raise the sea level but perhaps that's what I have to do if I grab a level that is still underwater like that one maybe and then what if I just do like a curve so you see still clearly underwater it's just you can you can sort of see that shallower that is gonna that's gonna cause like a tsunami as it is I reckon when I press play oh there we go there we go okay so that goes in cost me two and a half million quid and the estimated engine production is 48 megawatts which isn't a lot for a dam that big but uh there you go the world's biggest dam you've ever seen oh oh oh dear that is that is Lumpy water so I think that's where I raised the sea level we've made we've made a little tsunami but yeah I guess it's nothing to worry about compared to the impending mega tsunami um anyway in order to I think in order to get us to work I might have to like get rid of some of the some of the water in front of it yeah you can see that's like that's like the bottom level at the front I think that because it's underwater maybe that's not working let's make a trench like way in front that should get rid of most of the water right yeah water level dropping into that trench which means there you go there's there's the the electricity maker currently producing zero megawatts well the tsunami is incoming so we'll have to see look at the size of the dam it's huge I mean this is a good test as well just to see like can a damn stop a tsunami I imagine it's not tall enough is it yeah not quite going to be tall enough but um let's click on that and then see if the power goes up at all as the water hits the back of it or 1600 megawatts what 60 1600 and then back down to zero well that was I think it was estimated at 48 megawatts I mean it's back down to zero straight away but like surely that could power a few kettles so people get some Cups of Tea on the go oh man they're probably drinking out of a architect's tears mug from my merch store go check it out if you if you wanted if you want your tea to taste better so overall I'm guessing this myth is sort of busted is it I mean you can power a city with a tsunami for like a split second and in terms of if you did have a city here I'm pretty sure it's safe to say the dam didn't really stop the tsunami so I think it'd be doomed anyway anyway that was that was pretty interesting that one I enjoyed that how big that dam is I've never seen a dam that big I will not lie anyway I'm on a brand new map it looks pretty cool I I sort of spotted something over here like I don't know what what are these they're like really weird oh that's like a pill box like a they're fending the sea from Pirate Architects right anyway so this first myth is tornadoes can put out forest fires so first things first let's select some trees let's plonk them down there then we'll select forest fire and we'll literally just select the middle booth that is now gonna sit on fire but I'm gonna come along with the tornado I'm also gonna put that in the middle so we can see there is now a forest fire in the middle it is spreading and the question is when the tornado comes will it extinguish the fire or will it turn into like a massive fire needle um I'm not actually sure I'm quite intrigued I won't lay I'm also a little bit concerned about how fast this forest fire is spreading we've nearly lost all of the trees uh hello tornado tornado where have you got to right well finally clouding over there is rain unfortunately the fires like mostly out I mean the middle is definitely out but I can hear oh there it is there is the tornado right so I guess we'll just keep an eye on where the tornado passes through does that actually put out the fire or even more spectacular maybe this whole thing will engulf in flame that'll be awesome all right so tornado is touching the Flames uh is it oh I think it is actually going out no it isn't it isn't no it it isn't and the tornado as beautiful as it is it isn't a fire nado um so sadly I think that's actually myth busted a tornado will not put out a forest fire anyway what's that's been going on I've been over here completely leveling this terrain for the next myth I'm still sort of waiting for this rain to go what is all the trees have gone did the tornado rip up all the tree stumps sort of looks like shiny oil right now anyway now that's gone we can focus on our next myth over this way now for this one I'm actually I'm gonna have to do this several times so first off I'm gonna hit save I'm gonna call this you can't find me if you can't see because this myth is all about watch Towers now remember these little guys so they allow your fire helicopters to actually go and fight forest fires and basically this myth is a fire Watchtower can see fire through a mountain so if we grab a fire watch tower you can see it's got like a pretty big area that it can see so if we were to shove that there then we'll do a load of trees over this week basically you can see if we've got the Watchtower there the trees are not in range if we were to put it like there now you can see those trees are in range so if we grab this via helicopter Depot and we shove it down here somewhere then we'll put a forest fire over here see that from a fire watch tower look he can clearly see there's a fire which means hopefully he can radio in to the helicopters and uh they're gonna have to come put it out and if we head back over to the helicopters look they have left they're picking of water from the river and then they're going to make the very long journey all the way over to the forest fire to hopefully put it out okay perhaps I could have put the fire closer but look you can see they're clearly pissing the fire out so now for the myth busting bit let's reload the save and then this time let's go into the Landscaping tool yeah I think we'll pick a level over here like up there and then from above so that's our Watchtower there that's the forest we're literally gonna do a trump we're gonna build a wall so now you can see there's literally zero way possible that this guy can see whether there's a fire on the other side of this mountain so I guess let's let's set a forest fire on this side so same place as before boosh then let's see what happens so the view from the fire service is well is is that so clearly he cannot see there's a fire I mean I'm not even sure he'd be able to smell it from here if I'm honest so let's head back and see have the fire helicopters taken up oh they haven't they haven't taken off oh I actually was expecting that okay let's go back over here then definitely a forest fire on this side I'll tell you what shall we have a little look in this view yeah look they're out of range they're out of range okay okay I wonder then is there like a Max height are you worth like take the level like there so it's definitely still higher but only just and then we make this wall a lot lower all right because that I feel like he could he can just about see there's something not right over there it looks sort of suss oh but no look still red in this view still red I mean I guess if you're way down at this level maybe I mean to be honest mate you probably should be looking a bit hard I feel that's pretty clear it's a forest fire anyway we'll go down again there we go that's all level so now at their level they can clearly see there is a forest fire there surely so if we go in that view it's still red it's still red they can't see it wait no look the Cavalry the cavalry's here okay the helicopters are actually on their way which presumably means that they can see over I mean it's still red but clearly the the helicopters they have arrived to try and put it out so yeah that is that is myth busted a fire watch tower cannot see through a mountain not quite surprised by that one I was expecting them to like just work in a radius like what sort of detail have the devs gone into here oh and actually whilst we're here I have another Watchtower myth now this one is via watchtowers are flammable well I guess that means we're gonna surround it by trees we're gonna do a forest fire in there and we're gonna this was already wrong we're gonna see if this Tower does set a light I'll tell you what at the moment it seems like we're not actually gonna We're not gonna go up in Flames I'll tell you what then there is another disaster we can do this one's literally just called fire so I can literally do that I think this does all buildings so there's a lot of flame going on but if you actually rotate you'll see the Watchtower is fine they're not flammable what I mean looking at them they look like they're made out of wood like wooden staircase wooden boards up there but yeah they're not it's not setting a light at all so the myth of fire watch towers are flammable is busted completely unscathed anyway on to the next myth for this myth we're back in the wonderful land of engine Topia man angiotopia's grown so much the most recent video we added this guy City with its own bridge and tram line it's not even connected to the land with anything you can only get here via plane it's awesome yeah and the reason we're over here is because this costs a big Shadow which leads us on to our next myth solar power plants don't produce energy in the shade now since I've made it so time has stood still it should mean we we can do like a side-by-side test we've got we got sunlight here we got shade light there so let's go into electricity let's select the solar power plant and you can see the power output it does actually vary so I don't know if that's based on time of day or is there time of year in this game or perhaps its location like in the shade or not so I guess to start we'll do a road right down the middle half in the shade half in the Sun so then we shove that one there we shove that one there and then we just take a second to admire a very efficient looking layout oh that could be accident but yeah place your bets now do you think the the one on the right will make more energy or the one on the left or will they be the same so let's have a look the one on the right makes a 160 6 megawatts oh it's actually got a sunshine intensity thing and that's at 100 presumably because it's in the Sun so the one in the shade oh well that's the surprise 166 megawatts Sunshine intensity a hundred percent even though that is clearly clearly in the shade interesting I mean those that have been watching this for a while now they'll know when I actually built my first ever solar plant I did actually intentionally build it in the shade and if you look at this one yeah 166 intensity 100 so I think that proves that the myth of solar power plants don't produce energy in the shade is busted and now whilst we're in engine Topia it wouldn't be it wouldn't well it just wouldn't be entitopia without some destruction right so this over here oh actually look how clean that is up there anyway this is our puke you know they're usually filled with 100 sewage but uh it's running quite cleanly today it's quite fresh but we literally we have a myth about the pukino all that Bloody play nearly at me in the end and the myth is a tornado will empty the poo keynote well I actually I do need this emptying like that's very full my over spill like look how full this is so I'll tell you what I think I'll probably bring it over this way the tornado so we'll do a 10 severity tornado we'll bang it in the center and we'll see will the Poo level go down or will it not all right you can see it's clouded over the rain has come which means there is a tornado there it is it's spawning right next to it it's heading towards the Overflow now a little bit annoying I feel like this road and probably the traffic is about to get mullered by that okay so let's just see oh look at the cars the cars oh don't get sucked up I didn't know that's what tornadoes did but yeah the real test is what happens as it goes oh it went up it went up the wall so is it now gonna jump inside the puke you know already it's getting closer it's getting closer it's t-sering on the edge here does it it might just stay at like surface level that plane does not care fair enough yeah how how's the water level oh the Poo levels I mean poo levels look pretty good I think hukino is indestructible to tornadoes uh that is quite a sight though I will not like off the edge oh how random I love that the helicopter tours are still going they're like we've got we got to make money here um would be nice if he could stop destroying my city now Tony oh no it's heading for the original puke no oh no I didn't want the pukedo to end like this if I Was An Architect leaving an architect Hill right now I'd be very concerned oh no it turned away as soon as I said the word architect it changed Direction perhaps The Architects have learned to harness the power of tornadoes anyway that's disappeared you lucky lucky Architects get to continue living surrounded by the fecal matter of yourselves and all the engineers that live beneath you bloody hell look at engine Topia look at all the skyscrapers and glass this place has been growing while I've been away fair play yeah the myth of a tornado will empty the pukino bastard right so we're back on this map the the one where we had like the fire thing going on earlier because we're going to be busting another forest fire myth now this one is fire spreads quicker going uphill rather than downhill now the theory here is obviously heat rises so it should catch trees above quicker rather than trying to go downhill yeah so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab the level terrain tool we're gonna we're gonna put some of those in then we're gonna do the same over here then we're gonna use the slope terrain tool and if I right click up there and then I do like a slope from down here I can literally do a line like that and I can fill all of this in and we have a nice wedge like that and then I can literally do the opposite over this side lovely next up we're gonna coat them in trees and then I'm gonna start two forest fires one at this end which is going to be the top one and one on that side which is the bottom one now they're gonna be slightly out of time because this one's gonna go first yeah but this should give us some idea of whether fire spreads quicker downhill or uphill right so we've sped this up so let's see is one going fast on the other it doesn't look like it to me yeah I think we're halfway through I think we can successfully say say that the myth of fire spreads quicker going uphill rather than downhill is busted but whilst we're here I have another quick myth to test as well because this fire is spreading along here so nicely and that would be the perfect opportunity to test this myth that a sinkhole can stop a forest fire so Landscaping disasters let's select the sinkhole and let's actually let's Wang the severity up to 10. we want a big hole here um and I guess I just shove it there on that edge so if we go back to watching here we should see the sinkhole right here it is here it is oh no yes we it took way too long hang on let me fire another one all right sinkhole 10 I think we've got to do it down the bottom and let's just try and save a couple of trees down here I'm not actually sure how this one's gonna work because we know that the tornado did not put forest fire out I feel like a sinkhole might they looking at that there's no trees down the bottom of it so ready there is the sinkhole Boot and yeah look the trees have gone I mean what if I just cover this in sinkholes because the myth is pursing out a forest fire right not just preventing it all right so that's bang on a bit of fire is that fire gonna be gone yeah it is it is look and here we got so many sinkholes down here it is eating the forest fire though I mean it's eating all the trees as well so whether it still counts I mean I guess technically it does right I mean yeah we've got like one or two trees burning but if we zoom out and look at the adjacent one that's still well on fire so I think the myth of a sinkhole can stop a forest fire it's confirmed it sort of looks like a slice of burnt cheese now as well with a bit of mold at the end anyway on to the next myth right so back in angiotopia I'm going over to like some of these I think we've got some Posh houses what is that what oh guys what have you done why are they building architecture ninja Topia what is that it looks like the like bottom bit of a guitar like where the strings come out oh that's hideous anyway I'm looking for a specific car that's easy to keep track of I mean I was actually hoping people might use their garages and stuff maybe or like use their drivers I mean that was on a drive I was only one person got a driveway in a hole of engine Topia I mean I guess that person sort of has a drive so anyway can you see this man and his dog he's just just got out the car he went in the building we're gonna be we're gonna be stalking this man we're basically gonna try and bust the myth that no one lives as a permanent address so the idea is we know that a man and his dog have gone in there that's probably like me and Paddy uh maybe he's making YouTube videos now in this well this is like a YouTube section anyway so he's at work in there we're gonna let's just head out of that let's just speed up times three and we're literally just gonna stalk this bloke we're gonna see if he does leave we're then gonna follow his car his sedan call it the padima bill instead yeah basically we're waiting for him to come out get in his car and then he's gonna go to work or school whatever he does and then we're gonna see Willie return to the same house right from the calculations he hasn't left his house in about three months I mean bottom left we're like Midway through October assume he's got to come out for Christmas right he's got to go see family and stuff right so another month has passed it's now December I feel like he's like wise to my tricks I feel like he's like in there like looking at his blinds actually did he just come out as an old man in there I don't know whether this guy just aged massively I mean actually they do have like that's Charles Hunter he's he's a highly educated senior who lives at the lakeside residence which is this house okay so then the owner of the Padma built Cedric Cooper he also lives at the lakeside resident he is a high school student he's at home oh so maybe everyone does live in their own house I mean as much as I want to stalk this guy and Paddy I feel like maybe I should have kept tabs on his dad because then I could have followed him to work unless is he in there no that's Albert oh there he is there he is Charles Hunter right saw this we're gonna keep an eye on Charles we're gonna see where he gets to so he's driving to the company I'm sort of wondering where the company I mean there's there's lots of offices around her I mean his commute was taken a good couple of weeks now it's about the 17th of December you're gonna miss Christmas mate means to be fair to him he is stuck in some like heavy traffic here and right now he's on the freeway making some time uh oh heading across a bridge love to see it uh he has missed Christmas now he's probably gonna miss new year as well oh he's over in the industrial Zone oh I see what you're doing Charles say oh and he works wait where did he go I think he worked in that General Store his car just disappeared where did the pickup go why is it there I mean that's Dexter's oh I can't believe it I've lost him I've actually lost him all right well I guess we just head back to the house all right so here we are the lake residents oh and what is going on what's going on police have arrived inspecting a crime scene what did I miss oh what why didn't I stay here there was a crime scene and look the car's gone The Paddy mobile has gone all right well I guess the only thing left to do is just fast forward time while stalking this place yeah we're just waiting for Charles and his pickup to return or the padimir bill to return no but I'm worried what that crime scene was it could have been murdered who's that who's that someone just came out Olivia Thompson hey go into the skate park seems that isn't the same last name as the other two that I was stalking was it oh oh yeah who's this who's this oh Finch what are you doing why are you parking outside our house with your crappy moped go park outside your own house he's a neighbor he parked here that's the spot for The Paddy mobile is reserved wait that's the pickup they live at the sick why are the neighbors parking outside our house constantly what's going on oh oh There are you serious yes Cedric Cooper and Paddy dog no Paddy Matt anyway yeah I guess people do actually have a permanent residence because here's Matt the well-educated young adult my dog my dog no not dog Paddy Matt Paddy nice uh we have lost the padima bill though um don't know where that's got to be honest I mean I'm I'm walking to the fashionable fashion shoppie where I'm probably buying some rce merch from real civil engineer dot store oh look how lovely and murchy it is such a lovely online fashion shoppie but anyway in terms of the myth no one lives at a permanent address that is bastard because Matt and Paddy they live at the lake residence and uh they they're living a very fulfilling life I believe Forest buyers won't spread on Snowy Maps now if we zoom in you can see the trees are covered in snow and of course the ground is covered in snow as well so I'm actually I don't know how this is going to go but we're gonna head into here we're gonna select the forest fire natural disaster and we're gonna I guess we'll just shove that in the middle oh it's out of City Limits hang on a second buy that like that okay now I've set a forest fire let's zoom in and see what actually happened oh they're on fire they are definitely on fire is the fire gonna spread or is it gonna go out though uh won't lie it looks like it's spreading I love how the trees they're still snowy like why isn't the snow melted oh look look the ground is going black in the middle so they're burning the trees are now stalked not not the bird like stalks not stalks and whilst we're in the middle of this I'm actually I'm going to press pause because although the myth of forest fires won't spread on story Maps is busted I actually I have another forest fire myth now you may remember last time we tested out these the fire watch tower uh basically we found out that they're completely inflammable so someone informed me of the myth a row of watchtowers will stop a forest fire now since that is our fire I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a row of watchtowers so we're gonna put them as close as possible to each other like that you'll notice as I'm placing these it is removing the trees from underneath so that's sort of a positive so there is a line of watchtowers there is our forest fire let's see will the fire spread from one side to the other the fire has met the watchtowers is it gonna spread well I think no way no way it has actually stopped wait has it has it what's happening in the middle there it has they've stopped the fight I was not expecting that at all hey if you zoom in it actually looks like some of these trees are they burnt it's actually burnt it might just be like black like covered in soot whoa that is impressive okay so a row of watchtowers will stop forest fire it's confirmed actually I wasn't expecting that anyway on to the next myth now we're back in The Greenery of a normal map for this next myth and the myth is tornadoes speed up wind turbines oh dear all right now I've picked a map where I've completely loved this so if we select a wind turbine you can see all the wind strength all the estimates production of this is eight megawatts but I feel like before I put one down I should probably spawn the tornado first because these like they come in from from a side so although it's got like a Crosshair we click that and then fast forward through time oh it's happy happy New Year everyone all right so we know your tornado will be spawning from somewhere so before it does I've got this one in the middle wind speed is 10 power output is 8 megawatts exactly as expected so let's see when the tornado comes will that go up all right first off we've got the warning top left you can see it's raining has that changed the speed at all wind speed still 10. right and then we have a massive tornado okay so has that changed the wind speed wind speed is still 10. and you can see the tornado is heading straight for it wind speed still 10. all right so now it's right in the middle at it's been destroyed I mean wind speed is still 10 but uh all right well let's just put this in the path so if we put it like there yeah wind speed still 10 it's getting eaten okay so tornadoes definitely don't have a wind speed which means the myth of tornadoes will speed up wind turbines is busted it will just collapse them into a pile of Steel and apparently lots of concrete anyway on to the next myth so for this next myth we are back in no other place than engine Topia this time with our brand new don't know what we call this the pit I think it's called the pit always makes me want a donut when I look at this thing anyway we are heading to the inside of this because if you saw the video in which we built this you will know that this is set at the lowest possible level uh we literally cannot dig any deeper hence all these all these guys they are well and truly trapped well except for the roads leading out and but I figured this was a good place to test this next myth which is a sinkhole inside a sinkhole will become infinitely deep so basically if you keep adding sinkholes your mind like to the pit of Hell and since this is where the architect is we're sort of already in a pit of Hell so first off we'll select the sinkhole we'll rang up the severity to turn and then where do I put I'm sort of I'm tempted to put this on the nuclear power plant um yeah okay let's see let's see how that goes now because we're already at the lowest point of the map I'm not actually sure if this will create a hole so this could literally go either way you can see or the building is getting destroyed goodbye nuclear power plant the sinkhole uh that's that's not much of a sinkhole that's that's not a sink anything that's yeah imagine that like I don't even understand how that would happen and the nuclear power plant has been eaten up by the grass I guess the building has definitely gone but it literally didn't go anywhere so yeah I guess a nice quick one because that is myth busted uh but we're not gonna stop there with sinkhoes because we we have another myth and for this one we're gonna leave the architect pit where we've built a nice fridge here and I'm gonna do I'm gonna do quite a few different types of bridge because I want to give this a fair test and the myth is a sinkhole under a bridge span will destroy the bridge so this time the severity is going to go right down to just a one we're gonna select the sinkhole I guess to start with we'll we'll try and go in the middle of the span of that bridge now obviously if there was to be a sinkhole down there like in real life that wouldn't affect the bridge at all the whole point of a bridge is to span over whatever is beneath it but the way it works in this game if you sort of hover over that you can see that is all selected so perhaps if a natural disaster occurs down there it will affect the structure above we will have to see all right so there is the sink coat you can see the bridge above is it going to be affected oh it's not it's actually not oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why did you collapse why did that pillar just collapse the one over this side is fight what the hell a bridge is actually still standing though which I guess sort of makes sense since there's all that metal there I'm not gonna lie unexpected I'm not sure what's happened there hence we've got all these other Bridges to see what happens with these so we'll do one in there one there one there one there and one there so I've called in a sinkhole to happen under the middle span of all these Bridges I guess we'll see if they if they will survive or I don't know maybe they'll take a bit of damage like this one I don't really understand what happened to this one I will not lie to you alright so the next one is happening oh oh that bridge has gone all that bridge is gone it's destroying all of them look all the spans are being destroyed yeah they've both gone they've both gone oh they've all gone oh well that sort of disappoints after the first one I thought we might actually be okay but um turns out we've been letting architect design these Bridges because if an engineer had built this I'll tell you what that would not have happened so I guess a sinkhole under a bridge span will destroy a bridge that is confirmed well unless unless you build that bridge perhaps we need the third type of myth that I always forget about perhaps it's plausible all right on to the next myth so for this next myth we're looking at tornadoes again the myth is combining two or more tornadoes will create a mega tornado and also I wanted to see this is just like purely of my own interest right there's a railway here if I if I were to take this build a few different types of train station next I'm all up then yes look we've got trains we have trains so it will select the tornado rang up the severity all the way to 10. then I'm gonna spawn as many of these as I can in the center here and we'll see will they turn into a mega tornado whereas what some might call the tornado needle yeah my little side quest I just want to know all like trains get picked up by 20 do anyway first tornado is here oh and the second one so I imagine they'll both come this direction so yes this train is just about escaping oh man they are huge this is terrifying all right train down here tornado literally right next to it got away safely though somehow and meanwhile over here it looks like all the tornadoes are converging are they gonna make a mega tornado I mean there's sort of two there getting it on first should we should we censor this I feel like we should censor this is get a bit intimate and but yeah is is that a mega need it looks incredible yeah sadly it has destroyed most the train tracks and Railways and looking I feel like they're still they're still definitely separate oh look they're about to run over the train okay so is the train gonna get mullered or is it gonna be okay oh did it just it just missed no are you lucky lucky train look the rail the railway in front of it has been destroyed actually the railway underneath it has been oh okay dream got obliterated out of existence um if we just zoom out you can see the mega Nido is split into multiple needles so I guess technically it never combined meaning this myth is busted still it was pretty fun to see like six needles combine and uh just obliterate the ground right on to the next one so if this myth we're in the suburbs of angiosopia We're not gonna be stalking someone like we did before um although I guess we will a little bit because at the moment we are stalking Amanda right now if we just press pause she resides at the Briar Rose resident so that is that house there so basically this myth is destroying a house will kill the residents so if I if I come down to here and I destroy old Amanda's house will Amanda cease to exist that is the question uh now there's a few ways I could I could destroy this house I could literally just delete it from existence with the bulldozer I know this is MythBusters we've got a we got some like TV production money to spend on this thing so we're gonna look at her house we're gonna put it in the middle of a Crosshair or a meteor strike boost and then we're just gonna press plate we're gonna see what she oh no looks like don't say she's going home okay she's not going home that's good I thought I was just going to drive to her health it does have to stay there she's driving to work she's an agent at the law firm well I think she just drove past the Paddy mobile drama Paddy and Matt from last time there are lots of theories in the comments about uh that little story that was happening there lots of uh conspiracy theorists saying Matt stole the Paddy mobile but yeah I do I do sort of want to see where she is just because I know the camera is probably gonna drag me back when the meteor hits It's currently stuck in traffic that is actually good because we've just had a warning in the top left and meteor is about to strike right there comes the meteor oh okay her house has been destroyed as well as a lot of other houses near there um thankfully she is still selected so if we head back over to her she's still in her car completely oblivious that her house has been destroyed that she's still alive so she hasn't been killed and if you actually if you look at this list so you can see she still works at the law firm she doesn't have a house so she is now homeless I guess well now I do want to stalk her and see what where she goes after work oh look she's moved house she resides at the anchor residence now is that so that oh she's moved from like a nice little suburb well into the city a flat in the sea uh well sorry Amanda but uh this is for science oh no she just disappeared she just disappeared out of existence oh no hang on look I've come to our house just to see how many people live there it says collapsed how has it collapsed are all the ones next door are absolutely fine but that building's collapsed I know if we zoom out I mean there's that meteor is very very imminent oh I've never actually I've never had a close-up of the meteor oh yes it's very meatery I wonder if it says collapsed because it knows it's about to be boost but then like the other ones they won't collapsed I mean now now they very much are I feel bad I destroyed Amanda's house she didn't even live there because she got deleted from existence before the meteor struck anyway the myth of destroying a house will kill the resident I think is busted uh they just move house until their luck does eventually run out and they just get wiped from existence all right so for the next myth got the Discovery Channel we'll see this and copyright stroke uh ignore that one on to the next bit alright so for this next myth I'm sort of building like a little a very small little city thing I'm gonna paint half of it in residential and then the other half I'm literally just gonna cover in trees and then at the end of these two roads up here I'm gonna be putting right in the middle a fire helicopter Depot and of course at the back a fire watch tower because this myth is fire helicopters care more about trees than buildings so basically we've got living people on this side you can see everyone is finally moving in then this other side there's also life there's tree life so the question is you've got three helicopters what will they choose to save first let's try and make this even fairer I am gonna do like a little probably oh that's quite big right in the middle a load of water so that the helicopters can go and get the Water by the way there's raging crime throughout this town so maybe we should just let it burn all right so in our natural disaster is we have a forest fire so now the game is paused I can say forest fire boost go on that side and then this one which is just a fire that should set the buildings on fire so if I do Boost that then when I press play they should simultaneously set on fire yep you can see it fires on both sides so the question is where will the helicopters go first do they care more about people burning or trees burning so the first helicopter is coming out it looks like it's the it's heading it's heading for the trees it's heading for the trees what about these people burning I mean are people more important than trees I guess I love that this person's still returning home like I was gonna park my car there go back to work a dog mate get out the fire what are you doing dog oh look so whilst there are still trees on fire this guy's decided to put a house out I wonder if the trees wear out for a split second to this one are you gonna go to any of the houses that are on fight no straight for the trees okay it looks like then fire helicopters definitely prioritize forest fires over building fires it's the story people that are stuck outside watching your house but you really should stand back a bit in my opinion it looks pretty toasty but the good news is they do actually put out buildings just not as a priority so again quite surprisingly I think fire helicopters care more about trees than buildings that myth is confirmed and a second now in a second I've just I've just set another fire at the other end just to confirm and look there's only one building on fire helicopters are going straight to the building and not the trees this time oh okay I'm chain I'm changing I'm changing that it's no longer confirmed it's plausible and I guess they just decide what they think is more important at that time I guess or perhaps it was because I wasn't completely symmetrical about the fires and it I don't know maybe it picks first either way I think plausible is the answer for this one on to the next one for this next one I have leveled out the terrain at a Terrain height of zero so as low as we can go and then I've put a wind turbine in the middle just so we can do a little test we can see wind speed is 10 we're producing 8 megawatts now the myth here is a buried wind turbine still produces power so if we pause the game there we remember the power output and wind speed and then we do a bit of terrain shifting so what I'm thinking if we we bring up all that ground you can see that has sprung up the wind turbine with it but we can put the brush size down to zero then looking straight down yeah you can see down here there is the wind turbine if we Zoom right out you can see it's down to that little square which I've somehow somehow done the strongest shape there that's complete accident I swear um and if we zoom out you can really get a taste of just how deep that wind turbine is yeah so the question is if we we click on that wind turbine and then press play wind speed oh wind speed zero not operating no way I tell from my voice to be a thing I wonder if that's because it's like actually buried oh and I want to know if I I were to just make this a little bit wider all right so looking down there there's definitely definitely space for it to move now so if we click on it now wind speed still zero oh man that's really cool I wasn't expecting that at all I don't know why that's so impressive but the myth of a buried wind turbine will still produce power is busted it will not there's no wind down deep holes and our first myth brings us over to the lovely injured Atlantis where one of you reckons dams can't be set on fire so since we have the world's longest dam here I I'm gonna try and set it on fire and very handily we have a natural disaster literally called fire so let's shove that I mean I guess anyway I feel like that bit is more likely to be flammable than not I mean I could just I don't know try and burn all of it see what happens uh there is also a forest fire natural disaster so I might try shoving those on like the ends Maybe can't imagine them doing much in the middle right so we got a tree on fight wait where's that wait what is that tree on fire I don't the camera just took me over to here and there's like a single tree on fire like the dams all the way over there yeah we have a few trees on that side oh look down here down here that building is on fire I was pooping the wall behind it might go up oh look look down here more building fires right next to the dam uh sadly though it doesn't look like the actual dam is flammable I mean I've just done a few more fires down here it looks like all the buildings next to it are on fight but like even the pumping stations they're inflammable like surely that fire should catch the pump look already helicopters are in the air it's ridiculous anyway the myth of dams can't be set on fire but that is confirmed on to the next myth now for this next myth we are heading over to where all these helicopters are look at all the helicopters uh helicopter tourism is one of the the main benefits of living in angiotopia if you want to see The Land by Sky this is the place to be anyway this myth is helicopters can survive a direct hit by a meteor so I guess we want to go back into here and if we go to the end we have a meteor I'm gonna Wang the the severity all the way up to 10. and then I sort of I think I want to find an area of helicopters Stood Still I have I just remember the shape of that now I'm just okay I feel like there's more of a cue on the left nut than the right nut so we'll head to the left nut and I mean maybe there's the best bit because it's like a bit of a I think helicopter's come down then go back out so I guess there's more likely to be Stood Still helicopters there so now we're just scanning the sky waiting for that meteor to come down oh there it is there it is right so you can see it is flying in so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try and pause it oh no I think we've missed I think we've missed yeah that's not that's not going to hit a helicopter I guess we can see if the impact will do anything whoa okay uh quite a big explosion they seem to be fine though I feel like although that was a good shot it depends what angle they come in at I'm going to try and go a little bit like to the side it may be there I mean I guess I could try another one like down there as well I may as well I may as well have a few goes right right so just like a fancy hotel I've booked in a few meteor strikes oh and I I hear one I hear one where is it where is it oh there it is right pause oh wow if that if that helicopter keeps moving oh look how close that was okay we didn't we didn't hit any with that one so that was that was a fail there is another one incoming though right this one no I've missed missed again well blooming now that one came in late that was another Miss oh this one could be a direct hit oh man that that was actually close you are lucky lucky helicopter I'll tell you that mate I mean I feel like it probably would be affected by that foreign but uh technically I missed this one no I think we missed again oh this actually looks spots on look all right let it get closer oh I think we actually missed we literally that was so close all right well sadly my aim was a little bit off and we destroyed a load of the helicopter tours I love that the helicopter's like still land there though and then just disappear into Oblivion because like right that's the tour down for today we'll just settle down here back where we started and uh and they're dead oh yeah three three zoom out because you can see I tried to hit all of them I didn't get a single director I'm pretty sure though I mean helicops aren't going to get hit by meteors the game doesn't work like that so that is myth confirmed meanwhile what can I destroy next I'll tell you what actually if we had free head over here this is this is the Posh suburbs Avengers Topia and we well we knocked down some of these buildings sorry if you lived there and we should have a fire station in there we're Road out opposite so we have a toll road there going out to the top now you know what why not three toll roads and then we wait for some buildings to spawn up there because this myth is emergency service vehicles have to pay tolls so what I'm thinking is I build buildings here set them on fire and then we see if if fire engines come out and if they actually have to pay tolls to get up there because then in the economy tab we can actually see how much money we've made from the toll roads why why is no one building here hello hello I'll tell you what can I set these buildings on fire what's a really architectural one oh yeah that's the one another one the theater of Wonders so it will shove that at the end and then we'll come to Fire and we'll say set the theater of Wonders on fire it deserves to go up I mean look at the roof look at this stupid roof it's a roof on top of a reef cantilevered from be angry anyway right we are at the fire station we are looking straight opposite we can can literally see it's on fire I can see the Flames now the thing is these these firemen they have been trained to ignore all forms of architecture so perhaps they won't actually end up hang on one second if I just if I just hit pause and go to the fire can they oh yeah they can definitely see it that is bright green that rude and I think we can confirm that building is definitely on fire uh still still no movement this end though I mean what I mean it literally says operating normally um I just shoved a firehouse down instead perhaps they might do something move fire engines in use if I give them all the pay raise oh hang on hang on wait wait what are you doing wait where did you come from all the way over I obviously didn't hit hard enough with my meteors right I need to delete all these because maybe it wasn't a fair test because only the fire helicopters bags either hang on hang on we got we got a fire engine over here he's literally coming from the other side of town right he's coming up this way right pause pause I mean it's literally too late the building isn't on fire anymore will he use the toll road he's going up this way he's going oh he is yeah she is wait you drove straight through you didn't stop you didn't stop all right so first off where did you come from Firehouse all the way over there still doesn't explain why these two didn't do anything yeah but seemed to have bypassed the the tolls let's have a look road tolls yeah he's gone through he didn't pay okay well that is it then the myth of Emergency Services have to pay tolls is busted they can they can drive straight through okay that's actually quite good um just be careful what buildings you set on fire because in angstopia we don't care for architecture anyway for our next myth quite an interesting one I don't know I really don't know what way this one's gonna go but this myth is children will drive themselves to elementary school so I guess first thing we can probably look at what schools do we have so oh man we've got elementary schools everywhere okay we're just gonna I'm just gonna keep an eye on this element 300 students go there blooming out there's 7 000 students in the city that has a lot of students they have another trouble with using this elementary schools can you see all the roads here they have they have arts on so people can walk to school if they want to that is no good so we're gonna look for an area that doesn't have very good schooling uh perhaps over in this area of the city and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab a road that doesn't have footpaths so I guess that would be a two-lane Highway then if we just destroy one of these buildings sorry yeah they go that road doesn't have footpaths so pedestrians cannot walk up there then up here I'm just gonna do a little stub Road Wang and Elementary School down and then do a highway back over here so people can now get to school if they want to they're gonna have to drive though here you can see pedestrian footpaths you cannot walk up there if there's not allowed you've got the sign saying it's it's a highway no pedestrians so now I guess we just sort of we just stay looking here probably speed up time and we wait and see if anyone is gonna go to school been waiting a long time now let me just oh there's no there's no water at the school someone's gonna go there hang on there we go operating normally it's got 230 students where are they it's like a ghost school that we literally have a car park here as well you can anyone that wants to come get educated get involved yep the school now has 300 students apparently uh are we are we sure about this game all right now in City skylones you can actually if you take a building I I literally can take any building so if we click on this one you can press that button there toggle traffic routes for you and you can literally see who is driving to and from that building so someone's going around the very efficient highway there however I've noticed if you do that with the elementary school there's just there's just no there's no routes at all what if I do it with this Elementary School over here that's in like a normal area no traffic another school here no traffic even though there's cars parked in there interesting yeah none of these have traffic okay well I guess the myth of children will drive themselves to elementary school is busted because no one drives to school apparently uh well I never knew that anyway for this next myth I need to find a roundabout Aha and I can see we have one here already so I'm just gonna hit pause and basically this myth is Vehicles will drive Forever on a looping road so essentially if I just go around and I delete all of these on and off roads so you can see that is now a looping road so if I if I now press play will these cars drive forever I mean it it's not looking like it they just they just disappear oh well that's another myth ticked off Vehicles will drive Forever on a leafing road busted now for this next one you're guessing a value for money we're going to be busting two myths in one so I'm gonna head sort of away from everything I think maybe over here and then I'm going to be spawning a tornado of severity Factor 10 and we'll just shove that in there and then we're gonna wait and see what direction it goes all right and there it is so I'm gonna hit pause and then we know we placed we place the marker there so it's going to be traveling from right to left now the two myths we're going to be busting are huge walls will stop a tornado so It Will Rain the train height up to the Max and then we'll just put a huge wall across there and then see if that will deflect our tornado now I'll hit pause again because the other myth we'll be busting is tornadoes damage underground infrastructure now if you look down here you'll see where the tornado has gone over this rally it's completely ruined yeah so what I want to do I want to take a railway off here and we'll go underground and then connect it back in over there then as we press play and watch us go over we'll see whether that tunnel gets damaged but for now let's see what this wall does to our tornado so there you go it's reaching the wall is it gonna phase through oh it's phasing through this oh my goodness there it goes uh so yeah that literally that literally just bunny hopped the wall so first myth huge walls will stop the tornado well and truly busted second myth if we head down here to see that rowi is destroyed but this one uh no symbols at all that is that is absolutely fine which means tornadoes damage underground infrastructure is also busted value for money all right next up we're gonna be oh look at all the grass has grown like in these creases now this is like a mountain range anyway we will whatever the tornadoes are still in the background we will be replacing these helicopter tours now with something I've never used before yeah and that is a blimp Depot so let's shove that down there and we want to grab a blimp pathway I'm gonna take this over here all right so I've added a blimp line down here so that we have blimps people who can travel in their blimp from there to over there um but the main the main thing is I want to get blimps from the blimp Depot so there is the blimp and this myth it should be a it should be a quick one it is limps can fly underwater now I've taken the first route through this and as you can see there is there is a lot of water under there so I think what happens Vehicles stay like a certain height above the ground so I'm sort of hoping we might head into the water and then we can confirm or bust this thing or is it gonna stay just above water level I mean oh goodness a bit turbo in there I think but yeah that is not heading underwater right now okay okay but that's fine that is fine for now we'll call this this myth plausible but I'm gonna I am gonna prove it proper and I think I'm gonna do that bye and just see where this blimp goes okay so it goes goes along here in the middle of my screen so let's cut down a big old trench and then we'll just make sure it's gonna be deep enough that the blimp would go underwater so we'll fill the water level up to that no man the blimps on its way I mean I didn't realize I didn't realize how slow the water would be hang on let's add a few more common water come on right anyway you can see the blimp sort of heading over let's just see as it goes over the top if it does drop down so I don't know if it keeps a constant height like above the ground and whether that ground includes water because it was flying pretty low over engine Atlantis so as it heads in look it's going down it's going down and there it goes so that is a blimp flying underwater or as it as it crashed it may have crashed like it rises it rises so that is myth confirmed and blimps can fly underwater yeah and while we're still thinking about the old water sources I have another one for you you can make a lake out of buildings now you may remember from before we used the big the high interest Tower the PS5 building and essentially if we just make sure they overlap then you'll remember before we made we made a dam out of these this takes that one step further in that we can see whether these actually store water I mean they're they're screaming for water they've all got the notification saying that we need water help us well okay guys I can give you water let's plunk that there and then let's raise that up to the top and then uh let's see what happens oh man it's actually it's working it is actually working yeah you can see that is clearly filling up with water there they are still asking for water though interesting I feel like this is something Architects would actually do I'd be like everyone wants to see view now you can have a sea view oh oh are we getting some spillage is that a bit of spillage out there that might be a bit of spillage you know oh oh dear it is leaking it is definitely leaking now it might just be because the water's roughly and it's sort of sort of skimming off the top yeah let's give it some time to settle and see oh man that's a lot of water we'll give it some time to settle though and see what it does I am just going to check that water level again I'm gonna lower it slightly because I think I think the lip there doesn't actually count as the building it's just the main bit on top so there you have it that is a leak made out of build I sort of want to do this with poo maybe an engine Topia that would be decent I mean I know I know I know we're in angiotopia by the way but yeah anyway the myth of you can make a lake out of buildings it's confirmed that is the lake made out of buildings uh it does it does leak slightly though ever so slightly right for our next myth we are heading to the city in the sky now if you remember this from before there should I mean why there oh there's so many cars up here okay so the only way to access this at the moment is via airport um I put in I put in a very awesome Tramway which has been very successful but apparently people they have still bought their own cars and they still drive them about quite annoying and but for this myth we will be focusing on the trams because I've been told trams can travel vertically so first things first for this one we're gonna turn our lovely little bluebird into a heavy metal it's definitely not a phase bird and then I will hit pause because what I'm gonna do I'm going to delete this Tramway there and then we're gonna take our tram and make it go right down like that and then straight back up like that so it's just a very small little detour [Music] down there now I can see it's not quite vertical but it's pretty much as close as we're gonna get and looking at this we already have our first volunteer so let's follow this guy so they're coming around there they're gonna head right off the edge oh my goodness so you can see there's a tremble the right doesn't seem face at all there's a tram on the left as well yeah they get to the bottom where the tram lines have literally evaporated into reality and then just head back up the same way so down or up doesn't really matter uh wait like that's actually that's quite impressive but yeah I guess that is myth confirmed grams can travel vertically right and for this next myth I've loaded up this you may you may recognize this this is city planner plays his very own Verde Beach but we are interested in this part away from the beach uh the cow Farm oh dear I gotta get slaughtered for this no pun intended but uh this next myth is tornadoes will pick up cows and I guess we'll we'll see if it also does with pigs so I might I might just do like a a little one a three and a half so it will stop that in there oh I'm so sorry I really like cows I like big dogs and by the way well well that's spawning let's have a little look around how how professional builds in this game I mean he's got a skate park on the seafront I mean not a fan not a fan of that fan mate I mean could have put a bit of a bigger radius on surely this path is way too curvy considering it's not going off a hill or anything yeah railway's sort of nice they're a little bit I mean look you've got to put a retaining wall in there that ain't cheap that ain't cheap meat and that is quite a lump for real still probably shouldn't judging too much because he'll probably come look at mine and uh yeah don't don't want to see that sort of abuse I have no sir if you go from above look at the very efficient underground resources you can see that I think that's probably oil or something now that will make you a fortune I tell you that much anyway the storm is coming in the tornado is on its way question is where is it gonna oh my goodness all right so in a word I am sorry cows but there is a massive tornado coming your way it looks like it's gonna it's gonna take the pigs first so let's head over this way and just see what happened oh no oh no oh the pigs all the pigs oh I honestly wasn't expecting that to happen no look at them okay cows oh dear it's a cow Nader and on that night I would say that is myth confirmed and I'll catch you guys next time peace love and cow day days bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 2,222,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, city skyline, airports dlc, airport dlc, atlantis
Id: kMK_n7_Ea84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 33sec (8853 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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