How am I meant to compete with this in Poly Bridge 3?!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly Bridge three now we have some very very good news after my constant pressuring to Christian the dev sorry about that by the way we have two new patches that are focused on the gallery so the good news is there's all these unticking things so we can have um breaking only finally but we can also sort by highest budgets really really easily and most importantly the gallery actually loads properly now so decent in the meantime we have three levels left of the hydraulic campaign we've done them all under budget and I'm breaking let's have a go at drawing oblique so what do we have here we have a monster truck the flag is behind it I assume over this side yeah there's a checkpoint that's a spin around I won so basically you've just got to meet this guy get over to there whilst avoiding that plane and that light bulb I have no idea what this is but these bits of Road can you see they're locked in place we cannot delete or move them so we are actually gonna have to do hydraulics or are we if we wanted to do this without Hydraulics I feel like I could just build a road over now knowingly if I just press play that bridge does actually break and if I want to do Unbreaking I'm gonna have to hydraulic get out the way which is annoying because I could have just done like a road over the top like that sort of thing and obviously over this side I could have got away he was just going shoving a truss over the top a truss over the top of this one and then we probably could have completed the level without using Hydraulics assuming my bridge was strong enough yeah so it could have worked it could have worked we're also like half budget as well but annoyingly that Flappy bit of Road means we did actually have braking so we need Hydraulics so annoyingly let's delete all of that up to that point now if we're gonna split the bridge at this point it means we're actually gonna need this this half to like hold itself up and so if I were to just trust over the top like that put a split joint in there then I don't know perhaps do like a little a little hydraulic under there then you'll see that this bridge just does not want to stand that's because you you see that is a hinge that is a hinge so basically this bridge about that point is trying to rotate like in a clockwise Direction so what we need to do is use this Foundation under here I assume haven't actually played with foundations yet but can I move this to the left and it yes it makes a wool brace so as long as we grab this node and go boost right into the wall then the weight of this bridge coming down will actually push against there so if I do something like that then less and less of this bridge is going to be trying to support itself in fact I might even try and build all of this underneath because then you can sort of see as the weight from this side is hanging down the bridge should be held up from this wall brace so starting off it does work is it strong enough to support the monster truck not quite if we watch with stress on we can see that bit oh it's really stressed let's try a little bit of Steel then is the next piece gonna get too stress yes it is so we steal that one as well surely the next one would be fine here it is okay that's good so then we got split joint that goes up then a little bit too high don't worry after doing a little bit of trigonometry I've got it to the right point so that it doesn't actually touch that anymore so that comes back down hopefully locked into place yes and then this guy drives back but we get a level failure now that is because the vehicle going left to the right doesn't put as much force on the bridge compared to going right to the left that's because it's going uphill so it's adding a little bit of additional pressure like on this bit of bridge so what actually broke you broke that's not ideal I think for now the easy thing to do is bring this wall brace down as low as we can which I'm not gonna lie isn't actually working very well I'm sort of thinking another thing I could do I mean ideally I want the force to go like diagonally down to this point so if I were to like bring my truss up there then the force will be acting down a bit more currently it's a bit too horizontal so basically what I want to do I think if we come under there then go on top then the sort of center of mass of this half of the bridge is a little bit higher so we end up with that which as you can see is a lot cheaper than on hydraulic solution and it doesn't break so that's good on the leaderboards we're in the top three percent 230th but I think we can do better now I feel like we probably need to remove this deal but we know this was a very weak part of the bridge so what I'm thinking if we add another wall brace then that will allow us to take even more support I'll tell you what it might be worth sticking underneath again as well so something like that oh it does break it breaks in a big weight do I want both of these boom wall braces or just the lower one well I'm getting more and more breaks so I feel like this is going to need a montage so I'll see you on the other side it doesn't count as engineering so you must stop I believe the budget has brought us here and we're just chasing the game now but we must stop I'm the one who calculates all the loads ensuring the strength of the road I tried to build a bridge that won't fall climb leaderboards there so tall so I try and hide it it's clear I hate glitches more than Architects uh the bridge that won't fall climb leaderboards there [Music] we'll try and hide it it's clear I hate glitches more than Architects all right so this is what I've come up with it's pretty damn I'm cheap you can see stressman right up to 96 there however I can actually make this cheaper because if you look at this side can you spot two pieces that we don't actually need well if we head very close in here look that piece there delete and that piece there they're not actually really doing anything so essentially I've just made like wooden cables so if we press play on this area now can you see like they're sort of their intention but they weren't actually adding that much stability to the bridge like it still it moves a little bit but it's just as strong as long as that doesn't go so high that it would like flop over that piece wasn't necessary so we're down to 17 747 quid you see I've made use of using road underneath rather than steel because it's cheaper over this side I used that little corner of the foundation and added a little wool brace over there just to get a shorter span so this could be nice and small I used some bits of rope where this was being like pulled apart because rape's quite good and tension tensions like where you're getting pieces pulled apart compared to compression which is like what this will be in this node on the left and this on the right that they're being like pushed together they're being compressed now the only part I potentially could lose is that piece but I'm pretty sure that's probably structural we'll see what happens here so whilst this piece it looks like it's just holding that there not really doing anything it does actually like share some Force so as the force comes down here because of the angle some of it will come back up to that anchor joint and therefore it is actually needed so I think that's probably where we're going to stop on this one so where did we get to on that leaderboard oh 37th that ain't bad but yeah the top people did it for like 12 Grand 13 Grand what all I can think is they must be very cheesy Solutions did we beat aliens rock yeah we did so let's have a look in our new Gallery at the G oh look at the cheapest option what is that what even is what what are those bits doing the road isn't even connected it's just hanging down what that makes no sense now also on the right side is all underneath bear play that's like that's like hardly any pieces this is 15 grand by the way we don't actually have the very very cheap ones in the gallery but we can have a look this one was very similar price to mine oh it's actually I mean it's almost it's almost identical good spine except for they've gone with just wood underneath they didn't have to use road to support anything now this one got a bit of cable stage in the middle so that's helping to hold up either side of that bridge particularly this right side this one here yeah they did it without Hydraulics like my first solution right let's sort by the highest budget we should probably include cheats because that's people that have done it with unlimited budget as well so this first one oh my goodness oh there's just like steel everywhere I feel bad for like they must have had so many issues with like pieces breaking they're like fine I'll just steal everything stupid game and I spit attention on the right though uh by the way if you're watching this after the gallery update has gone live you're probably gonna have to re-upload your replays because I think the gallery update did sort of delete the old ones so something to bear in mind oh is this the this must be the hunter guy who's got like loads of like big cat heads underneath and cow heads there was some RC propaganda at the start which hopefully you didn't miss um what is that on the oh look the entire Bridge moves up a little more try again look at this whoop just to get out the way the plane and back down all right this one I'm seeing hydraulic on the right but also on the left why why have you lifted that bit at me the the things over there he's not he's not driving down the middle of the lane he's on the left he's the left-hand Lane driver he's a Brit damn Brits and they're hover boots yeah this guy literally did the opposite he's like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lift this side of the bridge up I'm literally gonna build under there so no one can get underneath right and then this one oh actually that's quite a good way of doing it so they've built like a bridge in the background over that way which means you don't have to support this like entire Bridge like just from the one side it's no longer can't leave it actually quite clever could allow you to come up with a very cheap solution anyway let's go on to the next level swales and sales now swales in the UK at least they're a very shallow like grass ditch that you often see on like the side of the road uh not sure what they mean in this capacity though but uh looking at this one we've got a truck there we've got are they Viking ships that are going to come through damn Vikings ruining everything length but yeah there's a star in the middle and then we got to get the flag over that way so I think typically they want you to do something like that and then hydraulic out the way of those but uh we're we're not using Hydraulics this time I think it's probably going to be cheaper not to so let's turn on the grid initially and then just Mark out like where we want to be to get that start probably in the middle then if I do a road like that then I'm just trying to work out how we can get down to there so I feel like I need to be symmetrical here maybe I don't I don't know let's just go up to that point and then we'll come down and oh I can't quite reach let's just move everything to the right a bit we're not going symmetrical right so I feel like that's probably good for the road I won't actually know until this moves how fast does it go speed three meters a second acceleration just one okay so it should be slow moving so it shouldn't jump or anything it's just whether it's like gonna be able to get over that point easily it might get stuck don't it now on this side I probably just want a wall brace like that sort of thing down here we have anchor points down there so can I I can't quite muscle up to there because I could do that sort of thing but then is that going to be too many pieces I don't know it could work I could add that under there and then it's just what do I do in the middle here typically adding something like that is too many pieces probably good enough just to see whether this concept works for now so I've copied it to the other side we'll hit play and well bridges are standing that's that's a good sign for now you can see the star just poking through the road I'm not sure the truck's gonna be able to get through there but let's see what happens oh man it's a lot heavier than I thought it was going to be so I guess we'll bring this wall Breeze down a bit okay so lowering that has made it stronger oh this thing is flying oh it made oh I didn't make it I thought it made it for a second I feel like this it was a bit too much of a cadunk there so probably lowering these a bit should make this a bit smoother and I mean I may as well try and bring these as close to the as close to the boat as possible because the lower is the cheaper it's going to be and we'll turn the stress on as well just so we can see what's happening oh my goodness why did you break I think if I just move you out a little bit that should be fine all right okay could donk yes a lot smoother oh we didn't quite make it that side why did you break I think it's because on this side it was going uphill this side is coming downhill and there's probably a bit of a cadunk up there as well I guess for now we'll just deal it up and hope that's enough is it is it yes okay that's enough okay 21 129 quid oh wow we're in the top two percent already and I have a lot of ideas as how I can make this cheaper so first off since this thing has a lot of horsepower 12 is a big number I feel like that means it can probably go up steeper Hills which means I can probably lower these a bit make this right side a bit steeper which potentially means I can get to that using a single muscle like that so I've sort of Saved like a layer of a layer of trust if you like although looking at this is that actually cheaper than what I had initially because it looks like I still need the same amount of pieces let's just have a look so that's 3119 if I select the similar sort of thing on that side 2 900 oh wow my original original one was cheaper I wonder then what if I could remove like one of those and go up there and step no this is just way more expensive than my original way okay let's go back so if we keep the original layout but bring them lower then we're going to be using less wood because it's not going as high so that will be cheaper but the Donk is a lot more the bridge just evaporates into nothing so yeah may need to move these to the right slightly just so I can do like that maybe okay so that worked I don't think I've saved that much money but my other money saving sort of strategy is these are quite pricey I feel like in the past I've done this by just supporting like like one side so it becomes like a bit of a hinge in the middle now the trouble is we have this boot underneath so whilst that does hold the bridge up the the boat smashes it so without those supports I'm pretty sure it's going to be really really wobbly and then it's just gonna fail yeah although imagine if I could do it without supports that is cheap if I can just get that like rigid in a way that it doesn't move it could work so I feel like if I make that a bit more of a point by moving that to the left basically the smaller that angle is the more pointy this is the less chance it has to like Flex trouble is all that movement is putting force on the rest of the bridge and this is getting pricey to replace it with steel so I think whilst it was a fun idea I probably need some sort of support up here I'm just wondering could I delete that and go over the top like there I've got a lot of hinge going on there should be a lot of movement but it's going over the top better no isn't it what if I add like that in down there because these are the bits that are breaking now I think we're going back to the original design so just need a way to make this cheaper can I do right that does reach is that gonna be strong enough I don't think so if I'm honest potential there is potential I also quite like the over the top idea here like I could maybe yeah by going over the top I could move everything sort of that way like this is a lot cheaper I don't think it's gonna be as strong though because all these pieces are really long yeah just looking at the stress like you can see that's already yellow and there's no weight on the bridge at the moment so as this comes on that bit is oh oh it's gonna say yeah it's gonna pop nearly surprised me and it was actually this middle piece that broke so if I make that a little bit taller suddenly we have potential okay I can't believe that works time to do cost saving on this side so if I just copy that over to there what are we on twenty thousand two hundred that steel can probably be replaced with rude which is a lot cheaper then we can probably do some tweaks to get under 20 000. let's not get ahead of ourselves first though let's see it has changing the right hand side I'd ruin the rest of the bridge I mean stress looks pretty good things aren't too red oh wow okay okay we can get under 20 grand because this did not go very red at all so if we lift this right up all these pieces shorter look how much money we've saved oh and it worked that is beautiful we're 45th in the world it's getting the like top five we need to save another grand and a half what I mean I feel like I could probably shrink these down a bit and make these a bit smaller I can probably do a little bit of that a little bit of that a little bit of trying to make the road smaller because the road is the most expensive part at this end but then I don't think there's too much more we can do unless you try and delete some pieces and if we start deleting pieces we start allowing movement which I don't think is gonna go well let's have a look yeah there's just too many joints by removing that I mean I imagine the top Solutions will have done that and actually the other thing do we need these as muscles if we can rest on just one piece no well at least we tried at least we tried oh something else could I I can raise that middle piece well that's our solution where are we on the leaderboard now 35th I think I'll take that did we oh what how much 18 900 Oh I thought I was done with this level but I don't think I am I gotta beat aliens rock all right how can I make this cheaper I am honestly thinking maybe maybe Hydraulics will be cheaper let's just have a little look just to see I've just found out this map's not actually symmetrical look at that joint it's nowhere near the boat on this side it's touching the boat oh that's annoying okay so you may just have to move all these bits of road to the right but essentially I think I've done a bridge that works so we got this what are we on 23 000 let's just make sure it does work so they come down you can see the boats do not touch them so that is fine hopefully they go back up high enough that they lock in yes they do and then is it strong enough to actually take the truck yes and it gets the star okay this could should be a way of making this bridge cheaper something we can do if we lower the road we don't need to get the star that much the lower we are the less wood they'll be underneath uh the trouble is they can't really lose down at all so I'd probably have to start up this way making this side a bit steeper bringing all of these down so that saved a few hundred quid the the Hydraulics still work is the bridge still strong enough yes okay I feel like we can start trimming this then if we watch with the stress on look how over engineered this is I'm thinking we probably don't even want to use the anchor we can probably can we get away with something like that it supports itself will it support the truck oh yes it does or does the stress go up to it oh like nothing okay I can really really shrink these okay so original solution was 3413. you will brace nearly a grand cheaper so next up probably trying to fix these the drawbridge parts so so I can see that end is very stressed all the time right so I've got it to a point where we don't touch the the boats I just got rid of all the supports in here because they kept breaking um so this is a very rickety middle which potentially means as it goes back up it's not gonna lock back in um I haven't actually tested but uh let's see what happens it's very very cheap though so please lock please lock oh the left one does the right one doesn't oh no if that locked in that might actually be strong enough all right well I did a bit of tweaking and look we lock in we lock in both sides which means yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we did it we did it oh we're 13th in the world which I think means yeah we beat aliens rock on if I can save like 20 quid which I'm pretty sure we can do by deleting that then we're oh my goodness we're third in the world we're third of the world and I actually used two hydraulics in this level but like look how sketchy this is like the amount of movement in this bridge I don't know how it survives still considering how long the game's been out I will take a top three placement Podium Place let's go have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest solution so 18 696. it's basic oh so identical to my first solution yeah it turns out Hydraulics for the win did this person you yeah this person use Hydraulics uh there's a lot more expensive than mine also a lot more stable as well although their stress was 99 yeah this person also went down but their hydraulic went up oh wow they like really dodged the boat there and this one they bought oh they bought either side down like that interesting rather than doing it from the middle that does actually make sense although look how long those Hydraulics are they are expensive anyway highest budget what what is that it's like a giant windmill or something it's got RC propaganda though so I approved the next one is the Nifty sponsored solution with RC propaganda and Double Draw Bridges meaning this guy can make it to the shops to buy his purchase of nifty now this next one RC propaganda again cheers for that why is this so expensive what was that this oh look at the movement there oh look at the RC propaganda there yeah as these ships sell past look at the movement man why are people so good at Hydraulics oh this one oh look at the RC propaganda in blue and look at the movement of the bridge it like wraps around the boat ready for it to go back oh that's so cool I like that one Squilliam anyway what do we have oh my goodness the movement the movement how do people do this stuff hey what's this one oh man that's really cool because look this bit perfectly Gets Out The Way of the sale are man I am so pleased the gallery is back but let's move on with our top three placement on to the final hydraulic level switch flip okay so what's going on here we're given why are we Given Road to start with that I can delete done it uh we've got a car there and a car there let me just bridge this up real quick just so it works so what happens okay so Jeep goes first and obviously Jeep's got to get up there presumably there's okay yeah there's a hydraulic phase at the start got it so I just want to see to start with how steep of a hill can this Jeep climb up can it do I'll tell you what it's not far off it's actually not far off being able to get up there so it looks like that is sort of too steep that the front wheel like all the weights at the back so that damn spare tire but presumably if I copy that angle and go over to their ish I mean probably worth just doing three roads like from there I guess so you can it drive up that oh I can't quite get up that okay so it can get up there but then this guy's not gonna be able to get past what I'm thinking if I can make this like a cat flap so the Jeep gets up there and then as this guy comes through on the hydraulic controller if I say unlock that and make that a one that should flap down so that is flapping around so hopefully that can drive through okay that could work alternatively I could hydraulic this out the way but I prefer cat flap idea it's just for some reason it can't it doesn't have the power to get through all right so I came up with this as a concept this is probably like how you're meant to do it sort of maybe so essentially that hydraulic lifts up that road which makes a gap for the Jeep to come out of he's got a little bit of Road he can go up but then he just goes along that way straight up to the flag then when that triggers both the Hydraulics go which means the gaps just reversed and the green car makes it to the flag so that that's one of my worst possessions ever top 42 but I just pretty much use steel I could probably make it way cheaper but I feel like this isn't a cheap solution like even just swapping all of that with wood under here like yeah we've saved like 10 grand but it's not gonna be good at it oh top three percent I mean there's no top three but it is the top three percent let's just have a look at oh really which means this concept it's it's not right right let's just have a think and see if that was completely disconnected then I make the middle like a pivot point and shove a rope to like there so basically it rotates about the middle so that allows you to come out and then it goes back the Rope holds it in place we know the catch works that way but does it allow like do the holes allow this to get up to do oh it breaks annoyingly it looks like yeah wood just isn't strong enough for most of these jobs so whether all of that is cheaper than using a Hydra like I'm not sure in fact no it's nowhere near 25 Grand I've increased my budget by four grand so I guess for this one we just go back to that and we say that's a fail we are not beating Tyler this time let's have a look in The Gallery at the lowest budget oh that's why isn't it people have cheesed it damn cheeses on it they got a similar sort of catch thing I came up with how does the one on the right oh they just dropped the road out the way well that's very clever dropping the road but yeah that's nine grand I'm not luring myself to doing that I am not doing dangly oh look at all these uh this okay this one 15 grand oh it's all about dropping the road on the right and the left side just a simple hydraulic like that oh yes this one hydraulic on the left and on the right you can see you gotta drop the road map you've got to drop the road all right I'm gonna cheer myself up with some RC propaganda sponsored by Nifty again Nifty it's the injuries cup of tea I tell you what where's the toast I gone Tosca was all over this series at the start seems to have been overtaken by Nifty maybe Nifty bought him out all right what does this one say RC balls okay oh we have some clever Hydraulic Solutions though they make it look so simple we've got ones that don't use Hydraulics oh look at the size of the cat flaps on that I mean it is by yatta cat so they are gonna know how cat flaps work this one oh look at that it's all in the middle it's all they're almost like a crabby thing for some reason this one what is going on there oh there's a cat flap as well cat flap and hydraulics and this one all they love the arch I love the Arches but oh look at the movement in the middle that's so cool anyway now we've completed four worlds completely under budget and Unbreaking and next time we turn to Lava Lagoon or do we do vaulty towers for generic jumps they're both two sheep difficulty racing so I don't know let me know in the comments which would you prefer but for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 41,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: c9hdQdXH97I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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