Testing VIRAL highway layouts in Cities Skylines 2!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Utopia a city I've been building in City skylines 2 that's an Engineers Paradise now as you probably noticed from this series I'm pretty good at designing highways cuz remember I spent 10 years in real life designing these things and recently I came across this viral video of an interchange design that seems to be the perfect solution to everything at least that's what the video was sort of implying so here is a clip of it you can see it sort of like a roundabout but it's got loads of like U bits which seem a bit pointless in my opinion but what do I know and the main selling point of this the thing that made it viral is it's an in change that doesn't require traffic lights or anything but I thought to myself what better way to see what the traffic flows are actually like than doing this in City skylines 2 in my city that has it it has traffic issues I I won't lie I will not lie so what I was thinking I'll probably remove this thing this triangular interchange one of my first constructions here oh my God it's actually it does flow really nicely like there's no there's hardly any traffic on here but I think because there's only one way into my city that's why there's so much traffic down here if I were to do like an extra arm and maybe I don't know allow people way into my city like over over this side perhaps that will fix the traffic issues and also this is this is far too realistic this is probably something you'd see on my realistic patreon exclusive Series where I take the game very ser seriously but here in Utopia we prefer to make like poop Moes to to house our Architects and poop prisons called Al crap TR where our Architects can't escape yeah right first off then let's hit pause oh I can't believe I'm going to delete this this took so long to make but uh it's for the greater good we need to we need to see if this new interchange layout is revolutionary whether it deserves its viral views all right so basically I've just I've just deleted everything you can see cars are still there if we press play they oh oh what's happening to that one okay they've all disappeared good so I'll hit pause again with the Landscaping to I do think I want to make this sort of flat if I can what if I grab that level and bring it over this way is that going to cause issues not too much then do slope terrain tool for these all right so I've got that arm that arm that arm I just need one more arm which I want to go up this way so two lane One Way highways turn on at the parallel mode then put that up there right okay I think I'm going to have to slightly adjust these two just because I need these to be able to like cross if we do that then a bit of that then we can see exactly where we're going to meet in the middle okay sorted so first things first how does this actually work there's like a a one-way sort of square aboutabout thing in the middle and now annoyingly because I've done I've done left-handed travel and in the viral video it's right-handed travel I'm going to have to like mirror the original I think we want to go from there over to there and then from this outer Lane over to that outer Lane so that's sort of our straight through on those they just allow people from this end to go straight over up to that end we can then on these edges we've got to go from that lane and then wrap around like that so that's the that's the turn back and yourself movement which personally I think is complete nonsense like if you're if you're coming from over there there's no other Junctions like the only way you'd ever use that is if you like if you did miss your turning at the last Junction so I think that is just a massive waste of time AC but whatever whatever we'll leave the opinions till the end once we've actually tested traffic on this thing all right speak of which I think I've drawn these a little bit wonky so let's actually let's do this properly I don't want to be accused of cheating or trying to make it so that roundabouts are better so if we just go straight through those we can then just delete those middle bits okay cool cool so as you're coming down this road you you go left onto here but I think what I want to do here I want to up this to two lanes so we say upgrade like that so that's good but this right lane doesn't want to go around there that's the loop back Lane so what I need to do is go from there and loop back like that and then hopefully I can upgrade that little section there yes to be a single Lane all right so I think coming from this this left lane it's working as intended if you want to do a U-turn you take King Highway in fact let's rename that just so I know it's done so we call that U-turn and then if you want to go onto this one is there like a compass on this what ways North where's the Sun ah ah it's bright okay the sun's straight up that doesn't help but yeah I think the left side of this arm is is right so what I want to do next I want to actually turn this square into a roundabout cuz at the moment people that get onto this road they can only go down there to the city we want them to be able to spin around so I think what we do here we say wait you from there go over that way then if I just make this section a single Lane then I think that works out for them nice okay okay we got this we've got this going on right so this bottom left corner is all done let's see how it works coming from these arms so we've got the U-turn let's call that just U-turn again so you go in the right lane if you want a U-turn left lane if you want to go onto the roundabout but yeah this bit here needs to be two lanes so if we do that and you can see there's a dedicated left lane to go straight there's that one to go right then up here this is where they merge so if they want to go left they stay in the left lane if they want to go straight ahead they move to the right lane so I think what we want to do down here we got to make the little uturn thing so single Lane go from the left one over to there b and then we upgrade this little stubby to that do the same on that side then this stretch we up to a two laner like that all right and then you can see for some reason this kinks in and then out whereas this side it was straight ahead which is much nicer if I were to delete that can I just build a straight ahead single lane from that lane to that lane yes I can okay that's good that is good okay so I think that's all working as intended I don't know about anyone else but is anyone seeing strong efficient engineering here I know I sure am maybe there is something to this after all right so the final bits and Bobs is we make that two lanes like that we make this little stubby bit just one lane like that we put in the thing to make it around about and then we just make these little stubbies single roads like that nice okay can I can I delete that and make it a bit straighter I don't like how wonky it is yeah okay that's better that is a bit better I think I'm going to do the same for that one as well so just boost that out the way and do a bit of that nice okay that's way better sweet so if I just quickly rename all of these u-turns to uturn then everything else I'll name appropriately like that then I think you should hopefully be able to see how this works so basically if you're driving from any arm you have the option to either do a U-turn and come back the way you came from makes no sense in my opinion or we squeeze everyone onto one lane so that we can do a very sharp left hand turn and then as we're driving down this we can either go left onto that road or we can merge onto the right lane with people merging from this Lane trying to get into our lane going to be Carnage along here but we can get in here we can then go around this Edge and then we can either stay on there to to keep going round or if we want to go left there we can just merge into that lane trying not to get taken out by the people coming on from this Lane merging in anyway before we do anything we need to come down here and actually connect this send up uh so the question is do I just want to do that here or do I want to do it up that way I think whatever I do I'm going to have to move that radio M so let's spend a load of money moving that up there then we'll take this road which is next to my Technical university cuz we're engineers hereit and we shovel that together that is hideous so we just make it a round about I do need to fix these arms a bit I think what I might do as well just a cheeky little can I squeeze a road up there without destroying any buildings I can squeeze a little alley in yeah we'll do this as a little like a little Rat Run a Strawberry Lane that's a nice little name for that as well right okay so we press play now and then we've got our first few cars driving on this so if we go into photo mode and if I do that and then if the editor mirrors the image we should have exactly what that viral video showed us um and I'm I'm going to be intrigued to see how this works exactly I feel like it's going to be utter Carnage like look at that van look how much that van had to break to make that really sharp corner and then now he's got to try and M oh my they just crashed that bike just that bike just went literally through the van cuz that's the trouble you've got this like horrible Clash of people merging and diverging like along that bottom right arm like if you watch this Caravan coming around they want to cut across theyve just they just like smash into that yellow smart cart then you got a big truck thing I don't know if you saw the back of that that just went over the grass and police car nearly got sideswiped oh it's all it's all going off oh did you see that yellow car just got eaten en by a truck oh dear the game is not coping very well with this also what what is going on up there the coach they just realized they took a wrong turn so they just reversed oh no the the caravan's doing it as well oh everyone's in the wrong lane so yeah for whatever reason people aren't realizing they're in the wrong lane till it's too late I mean maybe it' be better if we had like some signs or something but basically I think what's happening if you're on a Motorway and you're in the right lane you probably expect to go like right so along that way you wouldn't expect for a dedicated right lane just a U-turn you it makes zero sense hence you get a situation like this where every single person is like oh blls them in the wrong lane and when you get a big coach doing it it's carage so yeah basically my thoughts on the original when I saw the the original viral video my thoughts were that's really dumb they've just made a roundabout but they've added u-turns and it it takes up loads of room and stuff and judging by the amount of traffic on this already remember my triangle version had pretty much zero traffic this proves it's absolutely Bonkers and whoever came up with it was probably an architect working for like the Middle East where they got loads of money to spend on people like Architects it takes up loads of room it it's really bad for traffic at least now we know because Common Sense isn't there to be common and sensible it's there to be tested or something anyway let's fix this with a proper roundabout so let's hit pause let's get rid of I mean honestly I could maybe just get rid of all the u-turns I feel like though roundabout middle of highway is not really what you want Oh My go look at that traffic that goes back miles yeah so I think I'm not I'm not going to keep any of this it was a good test but this is otopia this is an engineer's dream I can't go around keeping stuff I'm not happy with so I think what I might do once they will get back to where they need to go that's it go on just drive straight through each other there we go there we go I think I'm going to do my favorite type of interchange a turbine interchange now to start off what we want to do we just want to hang on let's turn parallel back on then let's just connect these up and then come up Cheeky little bridge over it's got to be cheeky though it's got to be cheeky then back down nice okay so now we've got a very simple little crossover we've just got to connect them all together now I've been through quite a few times why I don't like the Clover Leaf Junction now Clover Leafs basically just go like from there and they do that sort of thing in every single corner but again it makes the the merging and diverging happen over the same length so we don't like Clover leaves get rid of them what we do like is a turbine interchange so what we'll do we'll go from there and we basically just got to go across like Each corner sort of Mark out the the sort of diagonals that we're doing and then basically once you've got all your Corners in you go from the middle of one of these diagonals come off here and then you go up in a bridge then you just loop back down in like that so basically from every Road you have to turn off and then turn right so that you can go like right overall so with this diagonal arm done we'll just do the same from this one so we go halfway along head out that way head up and over this run in parallel with that other Bridge we just did then this one loops around so that's that one in we then go to the next one we basically just do the same thing every time so you end up with something like that Yes mine is a bit wonky but I'm going to blame City skylines not having the Anarchy mod yet or any mod in fact but if we press play on this one we should see that there's absolutely no sort of bottlenecks or anything everyone merges first and then wherever they diverge there's no merge just before it so as we leave this one running for a bit we should see absolutely no traffic jams uh should being the key word because we we have blocked up now that's probably because this highway goes straight to a roundabout and of course roundabouts aren't meant to be taken at 70 mph unlike this thing but it has completely proven my point wrong oh don't you love City skylines right what I might do actually I might delete let's delete that little Alleyway Strawberry Lane you're gone and I think what I'll do as well cuz we got two lanes coming down into one I add a three lane asymmetric road to here how do I get the three lanes on the other side want the three lanes coming in not going out come on game fine four lane road it is I'm going to have to move that radio M as well again right then after a bit po cre yes we've cleared it up again and you'll just have to take my word that that original Junction was useless I think you probably could see it was like clogged on the junction not like down at this roundabout but yeah turbine in change way better I mean roundabout better than whatever that thing was things that go viral baffles the mind sometimes all right so with that somewhat fixed there is another sort of viral design I've seen it's called a turbo roundabout now this is a typical layout for like a normal roundabout but the concept behind a turbo roundabout is you've sort of got like separate Lanes as you go around so rather than the one you see here where people can just like change lane at any time a turbo roundabout sort of gives you your own direct path I thought this roundabout might be a nice location to try and replace so if I delete that that is the Carnage of just Lanes but I think in order to do this in this game I'm going to have to sort of do like all the lanes manually okay right we've got our circular it's slowing clockwise cuz we're driving on the left hand side of the road and where we join I think I want that to not go left there I want it to go straight ahead to here cuz then on the inside of this I want another circulat Tre and then this ends up down there somewhere but I think first off I need to do this arm so let's just delete that we have Arm coming up like that but as the one opposite it's got to go straight over take a hard left and go around like that okay so we've got those in the middle so people driving in they go straight over up around here and then from this point they've got to cross back over the road and then end up down there like that likewise for these people they've got to go across that road and straight up to join in with that road okay the question is can I say like no no left turn there yes I can same on this side no left turn decent okay the trouble the trouble now is I need this road to go straight over and end up on this outer one so if I go from there across those Lanes game just says not I think what I need to do is delete like we definitely delete that bit and maybe delete that cuz then I can just go from there I say just like the game will actually let me oh it might do it might do I mean it's it's not pretty but hang on looking at this I think I should have done this on a on a flat bit of land oh hang on I'm going to spend like a couple of hours just trying to build this properly and then I'll show you how it works 6 and A2 hours later right okay a build built it I built it all I got to do now is put in the restrictions so basically from here we only want people to go straight ahead so no going left so we'll do that for every single arm so then as people join from down here they go straight over this Crossroad around here and then yeah at this point they can either go left or straight ahead so we've got that in ideally I'd like to like break up the lane so the left lane only goes left the right one only goes straight whatever whatever details and but then if we Carry On from that point we get around to this end and then that's where most people will go left but some people can go straight if they plann on like doing a reverse Loop so from that arm everything works let's do the same from this arm so you come on you go straight over if you want to go left you use that arm if you want to go to another arm you go straight up then you can go left or straight up and then left okay nice same from this arm you go straight over around there well we don't have arrows oh we don't just not have arrows we don't we don't have roads oh so I have cocked this up we do want to go left there yeah I shouldn't have put the no left restrictions cuz if you want to go left you do just you do take that road there see I BL just built one I still don't know how it works if I swap it for a single road then back to a double Road does it put the left turns I don't know how to put like the left turns back in like once you've done these Services how do you how do you undo them I'm not sure what I may need to do is delete that bit of Road and then put it back in so yeah do that yes we have our left Arrow again so I just need to do that for all the again my bad right and then we should be able to see how this works so this taxi they're not going left they're either going straight ahead or to the right so they've gone along this middle bit they should come around here yeah they're not going that way so they should be going up that one they should turn left here nice restriction I do want to put in though no looping here that's meant to be just the two roads linking together so right if we watch from above let's keep an eye on let's keep an eye on this delivery van so if they're going left they'll be in the left Lane nice so they should come off like their left so this turning decent okay so that one that that works there's another van over there an ambulance so they they're not going left here they should go oh no not meant to turn up there okay so that is a restriction we do need to put in no right turns off of these ones so boost you're meant to go straight ahead there so that would be the same from that little stub no right turns this semi truck you've gone there so you're either going like straight over up no he's just turn right you're not meant to turn right wait I just put a restriction in there you Noob okay well yeah as we found out during my MythBusters series cars do ignore road restrictions hence why that truck went down there basically you're not meant to be able to turn like right down that this little this little inner bit is only for people coming out there like the straight ah heads like this garbage truck oh no he wasn't Keen the taxi though they will go in the right way but yeah people turning right up that lane you're not meant to they're meant to carry on on on this road and like head all the way around there nice and smooth but yeah so this is called a turbo roundabout I guess cuz it sort of looks like turbo is it's meant to work more efficiently than roundabout obviously it takes up a lot more room but it does work in the same way so as you're driving along here you literally just give way to the right so just have a look right there's there's nothing coming so we can go straight ahead we come up around this way obviously no left turn down there cuz that's one way that's as people come on you're meant to give way to the people on here is there like a force giveway no there's force stop but I think that just applies it to the entire Junction yeah that makes everyone stop that's definitely not what I want I just want these people to give way cuz it's meant to be a roundabout now that is the one thing I sort of don't like about this design if we just go back into like this low view again so as you're coming from this arm if you want to go if you want to go left obviously you just go you just give way to the right and then drive down that lane over there to go left if you want to go straight ahead or or up that road to the right right then what you got to do you got to give way to those so we start going across but then you got to stop and then you got to give way to these again now that could form traffic back here which blocks up this road cuz like you got to you got to give way twice unless of course this is all this is all controlled by traffic lights and traffic lights just allow things to work smoother but presumably this is meant to work on a on like a giveway system like a normal roundabout I mean I guess I guess in real life this island like in the middle wouldn't be so wide it would be really narrow so like these roads would be like pretty much touching so you would just be giving away to both lanes before you go and but yeah that is that is Turbo roundabout and again that's another one that seems to be I don't know if like my social media and stuff it knows that I'm like well a highway nerd that start giving me like viral Highway things they're not really viral they're just viral in like my my nerdy engineering space but yeah that's two of them looked at today and hopefully you enjoyed that I think it's made Utopia a much nicer place so for now I'll say peace love and the Turbo interchange which is actually completely clogged up cuz there's why is there traffic lights down here a pedestrian Crossings damn pedestrians you're clogging everything up bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 589,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2, engitopia
Id: 7i1DXP1zm40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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