When sheep sit at tables

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holy name blessings holy name you may be seated in the presence of the lord i am i grateful law to report to you on tonight that yesterday God birthed a miracle right in our myths as you all know we've been praying for the Bahamas and last night we were able to pull out 56 young people and enrolled them they at Hampton University come on give God a hand clap of praise would you [Applause] [Music] we give higher commendation to JetBlue for partnering with our church to send a chartered plane over to the Bahamas and we're also grateful for Hampton University for being so gracious if I've got any Hampton alumni would you raise your hand for me Hampton alumni ratio they yes thank you so the two two of you and please hug everybody you know from Hampton and let them know new birth is appreciative for them I want to go straight to work this is gonna be a two-part series tonight I'm gonna begin it tonight and then put a ribbon around it on Sunday morning I've we've been talking about 235 for two months and I have not taught on the text yet and so I just realized Sunday is the rising climax and so I want us to go to Psalm 23 Psalm 23 media ministry of you'll indulge me I need if you back up to verse 1 if you're able to do it if not Allah I read by myself but Psalm 23 and I want us to look at verses 1 through 5 Psalm 23 one through five now because this is Bible study for the sake of our visitors sunday is for inspiration Tuesday is for information and so while we navigate through the text tonight I want you to keep your Bibles ajar there are some glaring things in the text that I want to or point out to you of and I think will serve you in your journey of christ-like discipleship Psalm 23 verses 1 through 5 come on family let's read it together everybody with uplifted voices the Lord is my shepherd you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup yes I want to teach tonight I want to teach tonight when sheep sit at tables when she sit at tables something amazing happens in our text tonight that we've been hopscotching around for the last six weeks is that verses one through five and if that's your Bible I invite you to highlight it so you'll be able to come come back to it verses one through five David is illuminating the Lord in the office of a shepherd in verse five the position of the Lord shifts from a shepherd to a host and I want us to look at for just a moment I'm going to set up the context before we get to our text which is in verse number five I ended amazing beginning at verse number one David speaks in the third person and says the Lord is my shepherd leads me by the quiet waters he restores my soul he is talking about his relationship with the Lord let me see the hands of those of you who have a relationship with the Lord he then goes on in verse number four and shifts from third person to second person instead of talking about the Lord he starts talking to the Lord even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil here it is for you are with me he's no longer talking to us he's talking to him says you're my rod you're my staff he makes it personal you comfort me and then he makes the transition from third person the second person because he starts verse number four and you only realize until you're halfway through it that it becomes a prior first two verses is a declaration second two versus three and four become a supplication the change of person is very critical because he talks about who the Lord is in general and then who the Lord is in particular it talks to the Lord and reminds at the Lord as to what his responsibilities are what his role in David's life is and how he expects God to operate now in verses 1 through 4 cast glance at your sacred text in verses 1 through 4 he's talking about the Lord in the Shepherd now if the Lord is his Shepherd David then is admitting confessing submitting himself I'm nothing more than a sheep now because I'm sheep that means here it is it's hard for me to take direction because I'm a sheep here it is I am absent of discipline because I'm sheep is very often I'm prone to get lost because I'm a sheep often I just followed the crowd when I don't know where I'm going so I gotta trust the shepherd cuz I know me I know the brokenness of me I know the vulnerability of me and I need God to keep me on the right path cuz I don't know how to do it for myself that's that's who he is the Lord is my shepherd now I'm gonna stop talking to the people so says David and I'm gonna start talking to God God you comfort me this what you do to me I tell my what my grandmother's saying I'm telling you are my rod and my staff now what is that I need the rod and the staff there's two different things the rod here it is is what it is that you seek the Shepherd walking with right what we call it a staff but it is the same tool is the same instrument at the end of that staff is a tip that makes it a spear so the Shepherd also has to be a javelin has to be able to throw a javelin why because the shepherd is always looking for wolves the Shepherd is always on the lookout knowing there is something out there trying to devour my sheep so when the Shepherd sees the wolf coming closer to the Sheep then the Shepherd has got to have the agility to be able to throw the rod what's this but at the end of the rod I told you is a spear but on the top is a crook you see the crook apostle long when he's consecrated a bishop came down and was presented a staff that operating in the apostolic authority of the staff why is a crook up at the top the crook at the top of the shepherd staff is to be able to pull the Sheep back in when he begins or she begins to stray off it is cooked watch this is not for round the body but the crook is to go around the head of the Sheep why because it's the mind that makes you drift off it is your thinking that gets you off the path it is what it is that you are processing from other people that makes you go astray so when the Shepherd sees that I'm not paying attention I've lost my focus well I'm going where it is my mind is telling me to go when it is opposite direction of width the Shepherd is going he's got to pull me back in before I lose my way Jesus used the parable what would happen if the Shepherd has that 99 sheep and loses one he loses the ninety-nine and goes after the one why because I'm that sheep that got lost I'm the one that lost my way I'm the one that got off the path now I need you to see a subtle shift that is so significant for all of us look at it don't take my word for it go to Psalm 23 now let's go to verse number five this is what it is that we've been reciting read in ruminating over for the last two months he prepares the table in the presence of my enemies in amazing all of the years that we've been in church Sunday school vacation bible school we know Psalm 23 verse number five and we know all the Psalm 23 we hear in funerals here in weddings he had him baptism here - in communion and never thought of the linguistic shift that takes place now verses 1 through 4 God operates a shepherd verse number five he morphs into a completely different personality because he is preparing a table watch David talk in the presence of my enemies now his was amazing y'all is you have never in all of your life in all of your life you have never seen a sheep sitting at a table are y'all still here you have never seen a sheep or lamb sitting at the table so God didn't change I changed and before he could let me sit at the table he had to process some stuff out of me so that I would have some table manners yeah so something has to get done inside of me before he prepares a table he's got to take me through some areas in my own life so I realized that he is worthy to be followed that he is deserving of my trusts it is only then that he starts preparing a table but now this is a common language that David uses I in Middle Eastern culture because David is mindful of the fact that a good hosts prepares a table for strangers prepares a table for strangers you've read the Old Testament you're mindful of an occasion where it is that there were strangers that came into town and it was an area in which they were sexually assaulting the me the men were banging on the door trying to get into the house and they pulled them in before they could be accosted and begin to set up hospitality for them when it is that somebody of influence sits up a table for stranger it means if I put you at my table the same respect you Accord to me you then give to them so by virtue of the Lord preparing a table for me he is setting a signal to my enemies they are off ground Henson touch not my anointed and do my servant no harm just by virtue of the fact that the table is said suggest I am preparing for you before you ever get to this place you remember the prodigal son he's like a sheep watch this the prodigal son he loses his way he spends all that he has on riotous living and then he thinks to himself let me go back to the Father I would do better off as a hired hand in my father's house and he begins walking back home the father according to Luke sees him from a long way off and what does the father do the father says bring me the fatted calf bring me the road bring me the ring hear this the prodigal son ain't even there yet but the father is preparing it before he ever gets there now you gotta understand that the son has not even apologized but because he's in route to restoration things are already being prepared the reason why you gotta give God glory yes he prepares stuff for me here's your shout before I'm even right he prepare stuff for me while I'm still out of order and pulling myself together so later miss me on that imma wait till I get myself together before I come back to church God says why you still in the Pigpen I am preparing a table for you so your enemies will see don't bring up their pass don't bring up their mistakes don't bring up their shortcomings don't bring up their failures because they are protected by me he anoints my head with oil we read from second samuel that you usually anoint people's heads with oil when it is that they are about to operate in kingship or in priesthood he anoints my head with oil but you have to understand that in the biblical hour of that time the anointing of heads of oil is for the Israelites as a sign of hospitality why because they're living in the desert because they're living in the desert you anoint somebody who's coming out of the desert here it is they here with oil so that their body temperature comes down because you've got a just that you are no longer in trauma your body has become so acclimated to what is taking place in the climate of the desert you don't even know how to adjust you are now inside there's something about the grace of God that he's got to anoint my head so my body feels the shift before my mind can tell it it has change so you know how you can get stressed out you worked up are you angry about stuff and then all of a sudden you get peace y'all ain't never been there you've been angry about something or somebody and then all of a sudden you're just alleviated from what you've been carrying and you don't even know what happened in one thing it wasn't a prayer partner it wasn't a book and sometimes it's four five of y'all I'm just laying in the bed and you know what yeah I'm over it because what happened God anointed my head so the stuff that used to be a trigger for stress and worry and anxiety no longer easily beset me because he has anointed me for the shift that's getting ready to happen in my body now you can do with that mentally or you can deal with that psychologically that I am anointed for psychological trauma you just missed it let me give it to you again I am anointed for psychological trauma so what I went through should have dried me up what what I went through should have helped me dehydrated what I went through should have forced me to collapse but even with all of the emotional and mental and psychological traumas that rest in my head my head is unordered so what do you mean by that pastor I can see the that offended me and there is no reaction I can be in the company of folks said I know playing my demise and it don't even bring the anger out of me I know my head is anointed with oil cuz the old me would have wanted to fight what I wanted to cuss what I wanted to have the last word but because my head is anointed I'm not even tripping over it you know it's my head with oil why because my environment is getting ready to change it is not going to be as daunting as it has been everything is getting ready to cool out for me because things have been too intense I'm tired of living on the wire and on the edge but my hair is now anointed with oil let's get to where it is that we've been trying to go for our campaign 235 look at campaign 235 is that we get to Klaus see our verse number 5 of Psalm 23 look at see watch what he says he says my cup runneth over my cup runneth over this is so profound it's so profound why pester because we don't even realize that this is the last transition for sheep at the table it's the last shift of transition for sheep at the table you know the the colloquial expression you don't throw your pearls to swine you you put lipstick on the pig and there still appear so you can you go go to the State Fair you can put a sheep or lamb at a table and they'll sit there for a minute they may not kick anything over won't cause any disruption the only way you realize that it is not acclimated to the new environment is when it's time for the Sheep to drink this this is the last vestige of sheep dung because why sheep just like I'm cross-pollinate the text to the prodigal son but sheep like pigs are used to drinking out of a trough right so she won't know what to do with a cup because they used to something that is limited God help me in here so this is smaller than what a sheep is used to and in a trough I can make all the mess that I want and nobody is disrupted here it is because this is the size that I'm used to so he says I know in following me y'all not gonna believe it in following me I have forced you to downsize you are used to drinking from something bigger but now I have put you in something smaller and told you to trust me but because I know you got psychological triggers of stress and anxiety I don't want you to think because of what I am forcing you to drink out of is smaller that it means is limited so you realize that when a sheep is drinking they never look up they just keeping their heads down to take in what they're consuming so when David says and my cup is running over he's saying i'ma keep pouring even when you don't even know where the supply came from i'ma keep on because you thought it was gonna be limited you thought you were gonna run out y'all ain't saying nothin to me she said i'ma keep pouring even in the areas where other people thought there was gonna be a drought here it is cuz I know you trippin cuz you ain't used to water cuz I just brought you out the desert but I gotta keep on to let you know your desert season is over don't even worry about how bad it's been or how tight it's been your drought season has come to an ear so I keep pouring hallelujah I keep pouring and I'm pourin why because nobody ever deals with the notion that I'm gonna posit to you tonight nobody ever deals with the notion what happens when God makes a mess okay cuz the Sheep did not knock over the cup the mess came from God Paul right have you have you ever considered that some of the stuff that splashed on you was not an accident huh hallelu he said the Sheep is consuming this water but here's here's what the intention of the mind of God is is I don't want the water just in you I need some of the water on you hallelujah I feel something right through here because some of you cuz you ain't been to Bible study in a minute you forgot I know you forgot you know it but you forgot that water is a metaphor for the Holy Ghost so he says when I'm pouring the water I don't want to just activate it on the inside but I need evidence on the outside so anybody that comes in contact with you is don't bump into that Holy Ghost that is on you what can wipe away my sin nothing but the blood okay so I'm gonna talk to you real quick about four things four things you get from the overflow four things you get from the overflow the first one I want you to write it down please that's gonna help you the first one that you get from the overflow is fish I know it sounds strange y'all stay with me don't look at me sideways yes stay with me I guess I bet there was a night where the disciples were out fishing disciples were out fishing and they caught nothing they caught on nothing and here's what I need you to know don't forget that by profession by trade and by training the disciples were professional fishermen but why not hear me very well were not successful in their field everything that they got in their training was no longer working so he says I need you Jesus says I need you to put your net on the other side hallelujah I need to put your net on the other side because I believe that you get ready to catch when you shift what side you want all right yes okay since you want you on the other side when when you're right-handed you operate L so your left brain yes okay so if you're right-handed you operate on your left brain in your left brain in your cerebral cortex operates out of logic out of rationale out of process thought when you are and when you're left-handed are you operating on your right side of your brain which is creativity and innovation right so when the fishermen were fishing all night he says switch what side the net is on okay he says now switch it over to the right side or the right side stay with me right side of your brain because what I'm getting ready to do puts a mandate on the area of you that is creative how you were doing it before was out of logic but I love logic and being rational it is not effective so switch the way you think and when you switch the way you think your creativity is gonna kick some stuff in that your degree can't get you your training can't get you your background can't get you but watch this I'm available for God that God says this season the last three months of the year I am getting ready to bless you in unconventional ways I'm I'm get ready to stretch your possibility of the innovation so when people see the streams of wealth their stock coming into your life anything from a nine-to-five job when they see the money that's getting better to hit you anyone from a shrewd investment when see the equity raised up in your house when they see you flipping property and having stuff all over town how did you do it you gotta tell them not by might not by power but by yes so I got a shift your level of thinking by changing how you think they start pulling in so much fish that their boats beginning to sink so they got a call in smaller boats and said take some of this I want you to lift up your hand I want to prophesy something to you hallelujah I feel the glory of God in here tonight hallelujah he said the last three months of the year brace yourself I'm gonna so bless you you gonna have to give stuff away god I can't hear nobody I I better say it again I said I said I'm a so bless you then if you are not a giver you gonna drown I'm a so bless you that you don't start sowing into other people's alive your boat ain't gonna stay afloat says I've got a so bless you here it is that you have the abundance of what you couldn't get before somebody write that down for me please god that's good you're gonna have a surplus of that which you could not get before you're going from not enough to more than enough from overlooked to overbooked god help me you gonna be booked and busy I can't hear nobody help out a person beside you tell them the fish are coming in the fish are coming in now here's what you gotta know in my time as quickly ah my times quickly elapsing in it amazing that when they go fishing this night they do not use fishing poles they don't use fishing poles and the reason why that's important for any consummate fishermen who are amongst us is that if they use nets that means they had no bait I don't have to do nothing to attract what I need god I can't hear nobody in here is something in me here's your shout that draws it to me my season of struggling is over you don't even understand I said my very presence is what pulls it to me so you may have overflow a fish second one medium mystery I got to get out of here is that there's gonna be a not too many you gonna respond to it is there's gonna be an overflow of forgiveness there was a man he was in mark chapter 2 and the Bible picturesquely describes for us that he's sick of the palsy and Jesus walked up to him and says your sins have forgiven you rise take up your bed and walk in it amazing that there is nothing wrong with his spinal cord unlike the gentleman that we met on Sunday Murphy Bashar he has not been dropped he is not lame in both of his feet what makes him handicapped is the lack of forgiveness of sin god help me this word for somebody you got to be careful because your sin can you I know we living in the age where we don't preach about sin anymore how but but but I'm telling you sin I will take the legs from under you and you're not able to move or to function hallelujah but God says when I forgive you I want you to pick up the thing that held you down and I want you to walk out with it now the reason why they're significant is that this man in my chapter two is not the only one at the pole and other people at the pool knew why he was there and how long he was there so he says I'm committed to have you walk in the presence of people that know your mess because none of them would help you none of them would support you so I'm getting ready to show you how to walk in front of them I'm still in Psalm 23 he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies see my enemies are not always the people that fight me sometimes my enemies are the ones who refuse to help me because if you are not my friend y'all ain't saying nothing you're my enemy how many of y'all believe you get ready to walk out of whatever it is that had you bad and overflow of forgiveness I don't know who this is for but I need you to just tap the person beside you and just tell them you are forgiven hallelujah Matthew chapter 15 let's go to number three you have overflow fish overflow of forgiveness and overflow of food Matthew chapter 15 is where I am verse 36 through 38 he took seven loaves and took fish he gave thanks he broke them gave them to his disciples and told the disciples give it to the multitude and then he sang jokers who are trying to send the people away realize that they had seven baskets left over they told the Master send the people away because we don't have enough to feed these five thousand people I need you to hear the language of faith of the disciples to feed five thousand people will take my year's wages you know missed it I'm gonna give it to you again for me to feed these five thousand people will equate to what I earn a year the only loss I want to be able to bless five thousand people but it have take my whole salary for the year need you to hear what God is doing and what he is saying and how he's responding so this is a lesson not for the multitudes here made because the multitudes never asked for food they never asked for food so this was a a message and a demonstration to the disciples he says what it would have taken you a year to do it's only me and you says we the only ones in here since I'm gonna give you the resources in a night [Applause] what otherwise would have taken you a year y'all are still slow God says I've got the authority to put your annual salary in one paycheck god I don't know what's wrong with Sheldon here he says everything you would have done in the whole fiscal year i'ma do it in one pay period why cuz you got a heart to bless people yeah I'm in the airport last night waiting for these students get off the plane from the Bahamas 56 746 I'm 102 we got the marching band they're got cheerleaders they're got the Hampton administration they're presses they're from all over town water virginia area all over richmond and they come out of customs headed towards me and they tune i'm cheering they dancing i'm dancing everybody excited the last girl to come off the plane last girl to get through customs walks up to me and hugs me and collapse in my chest and just start crying and I saw her hugging I called for one assist administrators from Hampton to come I minister to a women in woman in ministry they said come pray with her and she wouldn't go to them you remember for our Sunday Sunday I had 93 if you go to the bookstore go get new birth sweatshirts t-shirts we took them down so when the students are coming off we giving them new birth two shirts and she just keeps hugging me and she finally pulls herself together and opens up her backpack opens up her backpack and gives me a can of Gombe punch yes so soda that they sell I in the Bahamas Rick gives me a can a Gombe punch and said I just wanted to thank you for bringing me out of the store since she said I I lost everything in the storm and somebody told me you drink Gombe punch ain't even supposed to have soda on the plane I don't even know how it cleared customs y'all ain't saying nothing but I had to find a way to say thank you god I can't hear nobody in here every now and again you go through something that look like much saw the people but this all I got coming [Applause] my son I'll say I said this you only can she said yes it's my only can I want to give it to you I said no I want you to have it I want you to have it for when you get homesick god help me and he'll with when you stop thinking about what it is that God brought you out of I know it ain't wine I know it ain't grape juice but I'm I'm ordained in this town to be your communion God help me so when you in the dorm by yourself then and your roommate ain't been through no storms they didn't lose everything I need you to remember this was his blood shed for me you gotta fight him that the supply done run out see ever overwhelming supply a fish forgiveness food here's your last one then we raise enough out of you is an overflow of fulfillment overflow fulfillment I'm in John chapter 10 verse number 10 I finished this on Sunday John chapter 10 verse number 10 the thief comes but to steal to kill to destroy but I K that you might have life but this ain't no regular life I came that you might have life y'all might as well finish that thing more abundantly you ain't supposed to have no regular life you're supposed to have an overflow life that does everything connected to your life is supposed to be excessive and lavish your best compliment the best compliment that carnal people can give you is you doing too much I did y'all didn't hear what I just said yeah when twin condo tempered people tell you you doing too much tell him I get it from my daddy cuz he could have stopped pouring that cup when it was halfway full he couldn't stop pouring that cup where they got to the top but my daddy does too much he just keeps on for it and keeps on falling and capes on pour lift up that hand let me pray for you lift up that hand please sir please mail we sheep come to the table he had to keep porn so you would get confused so that you would be alright so that you wouldn't suffer from psychological triggers and think you still in the desert he prepared a table cuz he wants you to stop acting like an animal have some dignity about yourself some respect about yourself you know how to hold a fort you know how to hold a knife I prepared this table for you this this ain't no picnic table this is a dining table and I expect you to operate with all of the etiquette that you can muster cuz I prepared you for this you ain't impressed by nice stuff this way you supposed to be there is no room you can go in that will intimidate you cuz I was prepared for this table he prepared this table even in the presence of my enemies lift up that hand please I pray over every lifted hand [Music] hallelujah I pray over every lifted hand that God will give you too much to keep I gotta give you what you need to be a blessing to other people I pray that God will so overwhelm you with blessings that if you don't start getting rid of stuff you'll feel like you going down pray that God will anoint your head with oil so all of the residue of your desert experience will now be all for you those of you you believe by faith that your cup is getting ready to run over would you give God glory for it even now [Applause] [Music] come on I say give God glory for it [Music] I want you to embrace somebody around you and tell them get ready for the overflow get ready get ready for the overflow our friends that are watching online get ready for the overflow get ready for the overflow [Music] I don't open the doors of the church near me I'll open the doors of the church it would be a wonderful thing if eight people during the night they people got saying they people found Jesus Christ is the Lord of their life I don't know where you are but I really want you to get connected to us more than that I want you to be connected to God I want you to be in a bible-based church will you learn more about the Word of God and as a consequence you learn more about yourself I want you to be a part of a ministry that thinks about community I want you to be a part of a church that goes beyond their four walls whether you are in this placing and saying pastor you know what for real huh I think I make it as a shot may give it a try you know I'm talking to you I know you you trying to avoid eye contact with me right now it's okay I get a sheep never look up wherever it is that you off you're in this room you saying pastor I think I'm gonna join the church today I think I'm gonna get saved today they I'm gonna give my life over to God today I want you to circumnavigate yourself out of that row and get down to this altar wherever it is that you are come on quickly please if you here tonight you hear tonight [Applause] you hear tonight you hear tonight [Music] come on give God some praise [Music] come on they here tonight [Music] [Applause] they still come in they here tonight lessons name that's three hallelujah y'all help me they somewhere on your road they don't think you gonna come for now believe you don't really invited they'll thing you really want them in your church come on everybody moving talk to somebody ask him how they saved ask him do they have a church home ask him have they given their life over I want you to come somebody else a I need you to come please hallelujah hallelujah would you make some noise for these three yeah three that have come [Applause] stretch a right hand of faith repeat after me on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if you know bright come on give God some praise please bless the Lord as that you will follow us this way new birth make some noise they came as friends leave leave it as pamphlet [Music] let's uh morning I'm gonna challenge you tonight I wanna challenge you tonight cuz I know you're getting ready for our major sacrifice celebration Sunday I'm gonna challenge every person would you get your best gift as close to $23 as you can want you to do that I want to embody everything that's in Psalm 23 I'm believing is getting ready to take hold and manifest in my life get that best seed in your hand in your possession [Music] [Music] if you're giving electronically you're able to do through push pay text to give gibla fire up virtual worshippers I challenge you to do that give a seed tonight of $23 ask that you'll do that as your shared so with us a seed of $23 I believe in God is getting ready to sow bless you you gotta give something awake you need to tax write-off come on now [Music] get that seed in your hand get it in your possession [Music] you don't have 23 it's all right just give 50 we do not have change amen those of you who will not be with us on Sunday as that you will share your sacrificial seed tonight all of us are giving sacrificially on Sunday launched about two thirty five campaigns some of you are giving two thousand three hundred and fifty others are given fifteen hundred others are giving a thousand I was giving five hundred I was given two thirty-five hallelujah I want everybody on Sunday that we're all in lockstep if everybody honors their covenant commitment that they made before God and our church we're gonna be able to exceed our expectation on Sunday hallelujah that that's the kind of God that we serve I'm sick of just enough I want more than enough amen get that seed in your hand once you have it would you lift it above your head please [Music] lift it above your head [Music] repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen bless Lord our oceans are getting ready to come and move amongst you if if you would like to sow your seed for yourself you're able to do so at the altar after they would have passed your row [Music] bless his name [Music] [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands if you're ready for overflow I just uh just a couple of things my armor bears and took the announcements they don't think y'all need them thank you so very much tomorrow night I'll be in Detroit live on the word network I ask that you please two men give dawn a Handclap of praise at 8 o'clock 8 o'clock thank you so very much I'm honored to be able to represent new birth around the world I'm so ensta to please tune in tomorrow night I thank you all Newberg for standing up strong last week at the Dream Center y'all packed the place out thank you so so so very much 2:35 Sunday is this Sunday would you help me thank God for my mother reven see who stood in this morning amen I was in the air trying to come home I said my you got to do me a solid she held me down at 6:00 in the morning and I'm just appreciative to her as those of you you'll help me medium ministry if you have donations that you would like to make for our Bahamas initiative we can put on the screen a list of the things you can donate other than that monetary gifts our monetary gifts are always easier to sin but if you would like to ask that you will please bring these on Sunday and we'll have them shipped out on next week on Tuesday October 8th Tuesday October 8th s that you'll please mark your calendar we're having a family meeting it's a family meeting just four members of new birth just four members a new birth I've got to give a state of new birth address so that you know where we are as a church where we're going and how God is moving so October 8th I ask that you will please serve please ma'am govern yourself accordingly you're mindful that our Imaginarium is taking our place in October October 15th through the 17th October 15th through the 17th I cannot afford for you to miss one night on Tuesday night October 15th my brother Pastor John Hannah is gonna be here from Chicago Illinois it's gonna be amazing our Wednesday night my little sister Pastor Marissa Farrow is coming here all the way from Jamaica Queens New York and then Thursday night is our ordination service and apostle matthew stevens is going to be here from Chicago Illinois I need you need you need you here would you look at the person beside you say he talking to you he's talking he's talking to you make sure that you do that as well as I need you to register I need you to register for our intensive Imaginarium music and film festival we are drawing nigh to that date and we need every person to please make sure your present and accounted for people are coming literally from all over the world to be a part of it and we will be a poor host if we are not home when people get here amen is that you'll please register those of you are interested in filmmaking directing wardrobe sound acting whatever your skill set or passion is as that you'll please register so that you would be a part of it let me see the hands of all of our entrepreneurs all of our entrepreneurs lift up that hand are we doing something special look Black Friday weekend Black Friday weekend we're turning a Sampson's gym into Kwanzaa Plaza that whole weekend is not gonna be Samson gym is gonna be Kwanzaa Plaza will returning Samson gym minority-owned businesses Amen somebody give God a hand clap of praise it's gonna be very very important that you get this word out because I don't want just new birthday I want all of it land are there Amen just like they at the mall 6 o'clock in the morning I want them at Kwanzaa Plaza 9 o'clock in the morning cuz we will not be open at 6:00 so even get it out your head 10 will be the easiest that I told y'all this is black run it will be open late amen so please make sure that you all are a part of it that Thanksgiving weekend even if you're going away for the holiday I'll try to get back it's gonna be open Friday Saturday and Sunday and we want to put a booster shot into the morale of the businesses in our community give God a hand clap of praise for all of our vendors yes this coming on Friday minister Jonathan and Minister Tiffany are going to lead us in a night of worship and expectation we're coming just to give God glory in advance for what we believe God is gonna do on Sunday mornin but we've got different musical gifts coming to share with us but I'm telling you if you don't like the praise you gonna hate Friday night I'm telling you bring your your dancing shoes soft bottom shoes amen don't wear stilettos unless you know how to dance in them amen but I need you please please we gonna have a shouting good time and I want all of us to be a part of it would you stand to your feet please I'm appreciative of your presence and I'm mindful of your time and every person is standing every person is standing if nobody told you today at least one person loves you please know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see you get everything that God has for you as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and they'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me love God because they first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going I don't know who needs to hear this but the drought is over the drought is over you are coming out of the desert because the table has already been prepared for you get ready for the overflow overflow in every area of your life your season of not enough is over beginning tonight you are stepping into a season of more than enough and those of you who are ready to have everything in Psalm 23 and 5 give God glory like it's yours now god bless you have a great night in the Lord
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 25,151
Rating: 4.8373494 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, sheep, sit tables
Id: 27yNMxnj_hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 12sec (3612 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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