Cutting Off Goldilocks - Dr. Jamal Bryant & New Birth Live at The dReam Center ATL

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[Music] [Music] boy would you take your neighbor by the hand take your neighbor about the hair shooting out even across the aisles [Music] ever so gently squeeze that neighbors hand whoever's hand you just squeezed would you just tell them there's a blessing waiting for you [Music] [Applause] which somebody sending your hand we've worship tonight I want us to engage in the high velocity participation of intercession we have the grace to pray for somebody else we have his hand you're holding that's who you are assigned to God knew you were gonna be next to them tonight they need some of what you carry need you if you'll help me please for one minute one minute only you're gonna pray for the person whose hand you're holding you know pray for them alone that God will just bless them in every area of their life come on open up your mouth begin praying form right now [Music] and we declared that it is so in Jesus name loose that hand that give God glory would you do that come on you can shout better than that [Applause] come on you can clap better than that now shout for your own blessing for for your own breakthrough give somebody a high five and tell them you gonna have it before thirsty you got have it [Music] [Music] I said you gonna have it by Thursday [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the presence of the Lord I get joy when I think about what is done for me didn't have to let me live buddy dear for that I give Him glory give praise give him Thanksgiving if you're happy and you know it clap your hands [Applause] when all God's children get together what a time what a time what a time dream Santa we are glad to be rocking with you tonight [Applause] bless the Lord I just appreciate the fur the fever and the fire that is in this place it is absolutely contagious look at the person beside you tell them I'm just glad to be next to you tonight I'm just I cannot tell you how grateful how glad how appreciative I am to be with my covenant brother Bishop William Murphy [Applause] [Music] he's an amazing gift to my life I only have one biological sibling but I am are grateful to call Bishop Murphy and my brother we have a laugh cried and prayed through every cycle of life and I'm just appreciative to see how God's hand is just hovering over him grateful for not just healing but I thank God for his secret weapon which is pastor Dee [Applause] that's my girl amen I just thank God for her she's my sister-in-law is my work wife I'm just grateful for my adopted goddaughter Kayla and if you all never want a comedy show you just need to drop a microphone at our family dinners is mr. Cosby Show on crack cocaine is it's just nothing but left I just love these people he is my closest friend in this city and when God opened the door for me to come he was the first pastor in this city to call me and have prayer with me and to welcome me and I just thank God come on give God some praise phone [Applause] dream Santa yep and all the way up dream Center is turned all the way [Applause] but new birth every night we live now I'm telling you [Applause] amen I'm grateful to pester some amazing people and before I go another step further can you help me thank God for this combined choir but weren't they also absolutely amazing amazing new birth we are proud and privileged to partner with dreams that are in our Bahamas project and on the way on the way to church tonight I got a text message that 95 students in the Bahamas just got processed we'll be planned out Monday to Hampton University come on y'all gotta shout about it [Applause] I want to thank you for cold laboring with us if you have your Bibles would you go with me to Revelation chapter 3 revelations chapter 3 yes it you'll stand to your feet revelations 3 verse 14 through 16 what if I don't want to say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me you better not be from new birth revelations through you verse 4 14 through 16 to the Angel of the Church in Laodicea right these are the words of the Amen the faithful and true witness the ruler of God's creation I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot I wish you were one of the other so because you will lukewarm and neither hot nor cold I'm about to spit you out of my mouth you may be seated [Applause] i I want to preach tonight using as a subject cutting off goldilocks cutting off Goldilocks pass today it is amazing that in a day of hoverboards and drones it's hard to imagine what life was like before America was introduced to automobiles for thousands of years horses have been the primary source of transportation comparatively to our presentation and ERDs travel was not just slow but it was increasingly dangerous the fatality of horse-drawn carriages in Metropolis cities like Atlanta was seven times higher than car accidents today the promise of motorized passenger vehicles was that they could go faster and they could go farther without having to contend with manure I want you to lift your hands I want to speak something over your lives you're in this room tonight you're watching tonight because God wanted you to know your life is about to a celery [Applause] you are gonna go faster from September to December than you did January to August I do not want you to shout or make noise if it doesn't matter to you when you get your blessing but if you need God to do something fast I need you to shout like you need an accelerator [Applause] when America shifted when America shifted from horses to automobiles there was a mandate for a mind shift because this was completely different from what they were accustomed to it required a completely different skill set from driving riding a horse to driving a car you had to learn how to drive it how to maintain it and how to fix it please hear me for what you are getting ready to get into it is gonna require a different mindset I'm prophesying while I'm preaching everything you are getting ready to possess will require for you to operate at a different level of an or name then what you have had the last three years you will not go into reverse you're only going into overdrive whoever cannot ride with you is gonna get rolled on because there's too much that you've got to experience in this season of your life [Applause] when automobiles were introduced when they introduced into rural areas that you got outside of Atlanta the farmers refer to cars as Devils wagons they sold cars as Devils wagons why because they perceived them to be carriages without a horse horses that are already skittish begin to run at the sound of the motor I'm telling you that the sound that you unleashed tonight is gonna make everything not connected to you one in the opposite direction the authority in your holler is gonna make disease run dick run enemies run witchcraft run traps run why because there's a sound that the enemy can't handle Our Lady in 1899 in 1899 a clever inventor in an attempt at compromise introduced the horsie horseless the horsey horse list it involved taking a life-sized replica of a horse's head and attach it to the front of a buggy so that it would have the appearance of a horse-drawn vehicle he then lifted up the horse's head and that's the way you put the gas in it it didn't maintain what they were trying to do is they were trying to make people who are not ready for change comfortable so they were taking a piece of the past and attaching it to the vehicle of the future some people are not going to be able to shift for what you are getting ready to walk into and because they cannot handle your authentic selves they require you to be fake so you can make them comfortable but God says in this season of your life you are no longer going to pretend just because people can't handle what you represent there's too much gifting on you too much intelligence on you too much creativity with you there's too much unknown on your life for you to pretend like you will like your past I remember mmm when I was a child reading a story be going to before going to bed about Goldilocks and the three bears at their story of you look at it tonight through critical analysis is really a picture of white entitlement this presumably innocent child he's got blonde hair and blue eyes breaks into the house of three bears and never even rings the bell she is so comfortable in white privilege that she makes herself at home [Applause] she's broken into this house in sleeps in three different billions one is two solved one is too firm the one is just right and when she finds that one she decided to take a nap in somebody else's property she gets up from this nap goes downstairs sits at the table and begins to experiment with crema we [Applause] out of the first ball it takes out this phone digs into that and then is able to gauge that is too hot because around the table finds another ball the second Bowl is too cold she goes around the table again finds another Bowl and says that this one is just right this faithful has produced plays operas and movies and what most people don't realize is that their story is really a psychological demonstration it was written by a psychologist in an attempt to interpret the meaning of the expression the Goldilocks effect the Goldilocks effect argues that the human spirit has been conditioned to look for the thing that is the most comfortable if something is too novel or too unfamiliar then we don't want to be bothered and we can't get comfortable until it feels right and there are too many of you who are in this room go from dream and from new birth who have been shackled by the Goldilocks effect that God has given you an assignment but you keep waiting for the time to be right [Applause] and you keep telling yourself this stuff is either too hot or too cold but God said when I called you I didn't call you for stuff to be comfortable I called you to see how you would respond when things are inconvenient see the enemy got you wrong he thought because of what's happening in your life that you were not gonna pursue your call and your assignment I did not come tonight for revelation I came for confirmation God told me to tell you now is your time whatever you've been waiting to do God says this is your hour to do it you you don't need an open door all you need is a crack door and if the door is cracked down because the time you keep giving God a litany of excuses as to why you cannot pursue talking about I got a week to get married got a week to get my degree gotta wait until I save up more money gotta wait until I have more support god says I did not call you for that which is comfortable I have called you in an hour and in a season where you don't look like it's gonna work out because when I do this my intention is to embarrass the enemy he thought you and I don't get it but I declare over every worshiper you go get it with bad credit you go get it with no degree you don't get it with no family support you don't get it with no husband you don't get it with no ID if God be strong hello hallelu be seated please Goldilocks [Applause] I just need a hundred of you to shout out loud the time is right I can't hear you I said open up your goldilocks found the perfect bed Goldilocks found the perfect bed and found the perfect oatmeal but when the Bears returned she had to run away cuz if Jamal when you get to Dream Center please tell them the time is right but many of them are tied up in the Goldilocks effect and I can't bless them because they're like Goldilocks they're sleeping in the wrong bed y'all just got real quiet you are wasting what you carry sleeping in the bed of an animal y'all they say nothing for what is on your life you can not afford to compromise your destiny for somebody who is not in your life's prior total ox thought everything was right when she's sleeping in the wrong bed and eaten at the wrong table he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies I hope y'all - out about this he said I prepare at a table in the presence of your enemies I hope y'all know shout about it he never said your enemies were gonna eat he said imma make your enemies [Applause] [Music] says you keep you keep looking for stuff to be just right and it ain't gonna be just right in order for me to bless you I better say it again that's my thesis statement tonight it is not gonna be just right in order for God to bless you I was traveling now the week trying to get back home here to Atlanta and we were sitting on the runway for over and I want why because the pilot had reported to us our dream senator the pilot had reported to us that there's low disability low visibility and we we on the runway for over an hour and can't take off no thunderstorm no lightning no rain low visibility and we circling around because the pilot our claims he can't see low disability we've been on that runway so long we had wasted so much gas that finally the pilot came back on and said please can I have your attention the situation has not changed it's still low visibility but I feel like I can fly through it I think I've lost you right here yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death we we walk by faith so we took off even when the conditions were not right because the pilot had enough faith in enough sense to know if I just take off you know get clear on as I'm going some of y'all mr. revelation God said all I need you to do is start walking if you start walking whenever it is you need I'm gonna clear it up and help you to understand what I got you know in the book of in the Book of Revelations there's a text message it's a text message in the book of revelations chapter 3 where the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to the church at dream son of the church at Newbury look at Revelation chapter 3 verse number 14 this give me blow your mind he's talking to the church at dream sent in the church a new birth in Revelation chapter 3 verse number 14 and you can't get further than clause number B where you see where the spirit begins speaking to the church and watch what the Spirit says to the church Spirit says to the church in revelations 3 verse number 14 Clause B the Spirit says to the church amen look at it in your Bible Revelation chapter 3 verse number 14 the Spirit of the Lord says to the church amen now I I don't want you to miss this because we we were raised both bishop Murphy and I were raised by intercessors we were raised by intercessors to believe you only say Amen at the end of the prayer but in Revelation chapter 3 verse number 14 before he even starts he says Amen our prime Amen means it is so Amen means is already done y'all in handling Amen means it's on the way so before he says anything he says hey man now I gotta teach you before I preach it you say Amen at the end of the prayer and John the Revelator in Revelation chapter 3 opens up the prayer by saying Amen you only say Amen here this witness over you only say Amen when it's finished god y'all just missed it in other words God said don't everybody say it tonight but if you got enough crazy faith I'm coming if you got enough crazy faith to say Amen whatever you've been dealing with is hope she said if you shout out loud the warfare is over the poverty is over the struggling is over the crying is over be seated my time is up I need you to be seated please hallelujah feel Gloria coming now Thank You Holy Ghost I just got cleared for takeoff I needed a elbow your neighbors say you didn't hear what the preacher said it's over not you but every witch assigned to you every generational curse is Oh Bucky he said if you cry out loud all the drama in your family hallelujah please be seated please I only got two more times to tell you that please would you pcs seated he said Amen hallelujah somebody shout Amen he said now Church I'm tired of y'all cuz I can't figure you out you've been under satanic bondage of being in between some of y'all wanna be hot hallelujah while others are y'all are cold so some of us got our hands lifted and others of us got our arms cross Gaza tonight there's power in agreement there no spectators in here how would you look down your row and say if you ain't worshiping sit somewhere but as for me and my rose we shall serve the law I wonder how we appraise them tonight if you only got one minute to praise them how will you give him glory if you only got one minute source out [Applause] Hey I feel clover here I dare you to shake that neighbor saying don't you let their neighbors hand go a day to shake that neighbors head and say neighbor if you shouted here yes I can't hear nobody you ain't bouncing another check you ain't gotta ask nobody for nothing your heart ain't gonna be played with be seated please for the last time tonight be seated [Applause] [Laughter] Thank You Haleh god please would you be seated I'm coming my time is up I need you to be seated for just one moment hallelujah please he he says I need you to pick tonight which side you gonna be on is no more riding the fence you either with me or you against me look at the person beside you tell him I gotta find out tonight who's really in my corner I'm I'm too old to be playing games I've been through too much with you and me said I need you either hot or cold um dream senator y'all got a spirit of disobedience yet please I need you to be seated please I know that ain't new birth standing be seated turn he said if you can't figure out what you are hot or cold hallelujah I'm trying to pace myself cuz I already see where it's going he said I'm gonna spit you out of my mouth god help me I pray to God that you were sitting beside an authentic worshiper y'all ain't ready for that I hope you are near a Levite somewhere near I hope I hope there's a praise or sitting somewhere [Applause] he said if you are not hot or cold I don't do lukewarm I need you to decide tonight where you gonna be here it is or else I'm gonna spit you out of my mouth god help me dude do you know why the people around you are shouting tonight you don't know you got no idea well folks around you a holler in the night you you think it's over money cars clothes no no the reason why I'm screaming is because I just got confirmation give me my name is in the mouth of God and for the rest of this week God is gonna be speaking my name so it's easy I look at you you just missed it all the coal worshipers this ain't your night all the hot worshipers get ready to turn it up I can't kill nobody tell them the bank is about to know my name the mortgage company is about to know my name the school is about to know my name robbery is about because there is a name [Music] I don't use it like this give it I give it fries [Music] give him drawing John mani miss bein spoken give him glory he's a whisper your name he's away get up it's the winch up him shout your own name Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] lift up that hand and then amazing the Jesus never told the name of Martha he never called the name of Mary he only called the name of Lazarus god I can't even but he didn't speak his name until he was in an uncomfortable situation I can't hear nobody in here huh I'm talking to somebody who knows my life [Applause] I want you to lift up that hand both of you who had the alts I need you to just back up for me just a little bit please God gave me an unusual assignment tonight hallelujah I know you thought I was preaching to you but I'm not preaching to you I want you to know who I'm assigned to who I'm ordained to who I'm appointed to on this night I'm opening up this altars not for you to get saved not for you to join the church Bishop we'll do that in a moment but God burden my heart tonight for those of you who are in this room whether you're from new birth whether you're from dream Center those of you who are in the truth and you've been running from your call you keep waiting for the right time to accept it to walk in it maybe to tell your family wait to see what your friends are gonna think I said I've been calling your name and you've been actively ignoring me but tonight you gotta turn yourself in god I can't hear nobody huh I don't know where you are runaway evangelist I don't know where you are future pastor I don't know where you are prophet but I need you at this altar cuz he's calling your name hallelujah I don't want you to come cuz your friend is coming I need you to come could you know he's been reaching for you hallelujah feel this glory you've known it was something different on your life and you've been hiding it you've been suppressing it I need you to come [Music] hallelujah once you hit this altar need you to lift up that hand is five of you come on get down here how long you think you're gonna have this anointing and be regular how long you thought you were gonna have this oil on your life and you'd be able to assimilate I need you to meet me at this altar sir I don't care if you're 17 or 37 you know that God is calling you to do something I don't know what it is and for some of you you don't even know what it is but you know where you are is not where you're supposed to be there's something great on your life I need to lift up that hand it's not it's not a stick up it's a surrender I'm tired of running God I can't hear I thought you were shout louder than that I'm tired of running he's giving me too much evidence that the call of God is on my life can all God requires tonight as a yes you don't even know the walls been coming in on you just cuz he wanted your attention he he pulled the bottom from you only cuz he needed your Cyrill let's get ready to be a sound of worship in this place the tonight we submit ourselves to the will of God that whatever God is calling me to do not my will but his will be done but I can't be hot or cold lukewarm I gotta be on fire for God I need that hand lift it and I want you to lift that hand like you believe you're about to be elevated for one minute one minute omlette would you open up your mouth and just cry out uh now god I can't hear you [Music] I can't hear no matter Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] I give it [Music] I surrender [Music] [Applause] [Music] lift up that hand I want to say something to you dream center new birth I want to say something to you and I need you to hear me with clarity and intentionality I need you to hear me [Music] you're coming tonight is not a license for ministry you're coming tonight is not an ordination it is an acknowledgment of the call that is on your life whatever is the appropriate responsible track for your church you have to operate in decency and in order or y'all ain't saying nothing to meet home you can't be over something and you can't be submitted under something you you can't have that much only goes where you can I submit to Holy Ghost Authority and I want to say to you what the church really ever says you're coming tonight invites attack it ain't gonna get easier after this it's gonna be more intense it's gonna be more difficult but if you don't remember nothing I told you tonight God did not call you for something easy he called you for something that was gonna challenge you but you already anointed to handle it I need you to do me a favor please as you go back to your seats would you just embrace three people and tell them this is not gonna break you this is not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel the time in this room you're old enough supplementals you're in this room you're old enough to know the difference between somebody who likes you and somebody who's really interested in you smile who's really interested in you you don't have to negotiate for them to call you for them to check on you for them zealously wanting an opportunity to spend time with you because as I can tell how many of you are hot and how many of you all are lukewarm because when you look warm you only do that which is required when you're on fire for me you look for every opportunity to be able to be intimate in my presence our time is far spent Bishop I apologize but up I want to stretch the elasticity of your faith tonight I want those of you that can and will partner with me tonight I want you to get your best seed as close to 100 in your hand get your message you don't have a hundred I said get as close to it tonight 99 just will do holiday delayed obedience is disobedience tonight I want you to move at the speed of expectation as soon as you have that seed I want you to come leave it on this altar and when you leave it on the altar I want you to say one word that one word is amen is already done whether you're giving it electronically through gibla fire whether you able to do it through cash share whether you're doing it right in a check as soon as you have it would you come later on this altar and just declare outloud the Amen pastor what am i sowing into I'm sowing into my next season sowing into my next chapter I'm sawing into my new birth I'm sowing into my dream but I'm believing that God is gonna do it hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] those of you who are worshiping with us virtually a separate that we're giving we want you to give [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] silverware to me tonight [Music] all your families [Music] we even promptly [Music] crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what you're praying about [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody's standing already God did you get blessed tonight just looking somebody say a man thank you for coming tonight Moselle I'll see you mama thank y'all new bird for I love y'all so much thank you all for coming
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 70,126
Rating: 4.8128152 out of 5
Id: _2YSlRa9S8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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