HOT Teachers, Did Students Hit On You?

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attractive teachers over at it did you know which students had a crush on you and what is the strangest or most inappropriate thing you ever have said about you i was an average looking high school teacher that's really all it takes i had more than one student say i had a nice butt with an ear shot of me i was told by other students that so and so likes you and i'd only notice it after they mentioned it but then it was obvious i had one girl pull the i'll do anything for a higher grade i had one girl in a six-inch skirt lift her leg to my eye level i was sitting to show me her new shoes i was spanked on two separate occasions the list goes on kids sre crazy the strangest thing i ever ever heard about myself was while i was teaching at an all boys private high school one of them whispered to another she's so chill she never gets [ __ ] you can never tell when she's on her period as a student majoring in secondary ed it is my goal to be like you this isn't from a student but in my freshman year of high school i walked in on the entire baseball coaching staff discussing the various ways they wished to freak the spanish teacher yep throwaway account here i've had students spread their legs while wearing short skirts in front of me one girl even pulled her skirt so far up that from my view it looked like she was sitting there in her underwear of course being a new teacher i had absolutely no idea how to deal with this situation most common is girls that will seductively suck on their pens while staring into my soul even had one student put a hand on my upper thigh while asking me a question at my desk this all happened last year when i took over for a history class since the teacher was out for the entire year i was 23 years old teaching junior seniors it was freaking heck when i tried to tell the other teachers what was going on the female teachers would all just laugh and talk about how i really got thrown to the wolves while the older male teachers would just talk about how lucky i was i'd also be lying if i said i never had some perverted fantasies on lonely nights at home but i'm only freaking human i'm pretty dense so i don't always notice when people are checking me out however my students have to fill out evaluations at the end of the semester and those usually give me an insight into their thoughts q what did you like best about the tay hey i like that she was hot the worst part is that some student worker has to type up all those awkward responses the worst part is that some student worker has to type up all those awkward responses that worker student was probably laughing really hard i would have at my high school the hot art teacher that all the guys lusted after married the hot biology teacher that all the girls lusted after an entire school of broken hearts not a teacher but i have a friend who's one when i was out of work for a while i went to help her out in her grade one classroom i played the guitar and helped her out with the music segments of her class one day a little six-year-old came up to me and said do you have my phone number i said no i don't have it she said oh i have a trampoline you know i said that's awesome she said you could come and jump on it sometime if you wanted to innuendo aside it turned out i actually knew her mom from a few years back i went over we jumped on the trampoline then went to dairy queen for ice cream tl dr six year old asked me on a date it happened i'm a male in my twenties and was a teacher at a public middle school where the hormones are ranging and the social boundaries are completely non-existent i had 12 and 13 year old girls doing things as innocent as asking me to walk them to class or eat lunch in my classroom with me to more explicit weird like trying to touch my face or hair leaving me notes and pottery asking for my phone number on facebook and asking skinskinskinskinskinskinsk almostdaily it was mr c bear do you have a girlfriend i know someone who has a crush on you a lot of the students also had mothers close to my age so there was some attempted matchmaking by my students as well parent teacher conferences were weird it was oddly flattering though if only women in their 20s were so upfront and direct thankfully nothing negative came of it i loved my job and had full support of the other staff and administration who were aware of the attention i was getting unfortunately due to district budget cuts i found myself unemployed so i'm leaving in three weeks to teach in career not me my older brother used to propose to one of the cute english teachers at our high school every single day five years later when i got to her class she remembered him very fondly turns out she had been going through a terrible divorce that year and his daily proposals made her laugh i thought she was gonna say yes i had a girl sit at my desk to use my computer during lunch she announced to the other kids in the room i'm behind mr hughes desk usually i'm under it i hate typing on my phone i like people who tell the truth because there isn't a single sexual relationship in here and if i was going to lie on the internet i would definitely have had a raging orgy with four just turned 18 quadruplets i've taught in new zealand and now i'm teaching in the states it's very obvious when a kid has a crush on me or is just checking me out i'm constantly getting boobs stared and seeing smirks between boys overhearing comments the things i've just overheard dang she's a sex sexy bee yeah that's right walk away i love that view and things like that the most inappropriate that would be when a 16 year old yelled out hey miss i like your tea as i walked by his classroom coma hey miss i like your tea sounds like jonah from summer heights high was an english teacher in japan at a high school i had the foreign heart factor going for me plus i was 21 22 at the time so by far the youngest teacher at the school when i first started there was a comedian in one of my best classes genuinely funny even in english which is rare for a 16 year old learning a language i only taught him his first year but would see him around the hallways afterwards he regularly asked me what my favorite food was and if i would like to go get it with him i'd say maybe next time he eventually asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend in a film his class was making for a field trip of course i said yes and the scene involved him introducing me to his friends in class me linking arms with him smiling and saying hi i'm quite slitherth another time i had one freshman student run up to me dragging his friend and proceeded to try and tell my english his friend had a crush on me only he didn't know how to say it in english so it came out like my friend he grabs his friend in a headlock my friend b you then proceeded to ask the other students around how to say my friend has a crush on you in english i laughed pretended not to understand the friend was tomato red by then and said i had to get going and to have a nice day as an exchange student in japan i had the same thing s happened to me girls were literally all over my friends and i and i don't consider myself too handsome i'm certainly not george clooney as a student teacher i walked into our local high school to observe a special needs class one of the regular high school students told me i should come and observe him instead if you know what i mean i also had a sixth grade boy in the class where i did my long student teaching experience who was in love with me he'd sit in the front row propping up his head on his hand starting at me with his mouth hanging open all the kids teased him about it but he didn't care it was cute i used to babysit a little boy that would get dressed up for me whenever i came over he was really smooth about it though if he knew he was going to be babysat his mom said he would dress nice for the whole day to not arouse suspicion he would only play his video games and do really non-active things so he didn't get his clothes messed up his tail was that he combed his hair which he never did without being told he was the little brother of my best friend at the time so i knew what he was really like but it's like when i babysat him it was date night or something we would play board games and when i had him put his pjs on they would be the really nice two-piece button-up ones he never tried anything thankfully but i thought it was so dang cute i'm an english teacher in a foreign country so that alone probably has a lot to do with the attention i get from students about 90 of whom are male i'm a girl i'm also the youngest teacher in the school by far i currently have about 100 friend requests from students on facebook i get messages from at least a student or two every day to top it off my students think i don't understand their language at all so they often make comments thinking i can't understand them my first day i overheard one student ask his friend well what do you think of the new english teacher his friend looked me up and down smiled and responded oh yes i am very satisfied how i kept a straight face i'm really not sure had a teacher in high school who met up with students after they graduated and slept with them i heard he got fired and arrested this past year because he decided to take a chance on one of his current students and asked her out to coffee and back to his place unbeknownst to him she was lesbian and went and told the administration right away halfway to the bottom and we got us something good i teach in indonesia i have had many students ask me out after class show cleavage during class or keep their legs spread while sitting i don't think it's because i am overly attractive but because i am white can confirm i live in asia and white folk are all p magnets i guess it's like a pokemon the rarer something someone is the more appealing it seems ugly middle school teacher here with a hot wife a group of girls took a picture of me with my wife and put it on instagram with the caption how did he get her i ain't even mad though i'm not a teacher but a student at an alternative school where my math teacher is a straight 11 out of 10. but for reference see henry cavill aka a man of steel since it's mostly older people going back to finish high school in my class he gets shamelessly hit on and flirted with constantly one day the same usual group of girls were trying to flirt with him and asking him if he has kids a wife or a special lady when he says no the ringleader of the dumb group winks at him and says well then how about taking me for a spin to which he replies i don't think my boyfriend would like that very much he turned beat red and left him alone after that a couple weeks later i stayed after class to do some work for extra credit and we were chatting away about halloween and i asked him if he was going to do a dorky couple's costume with his boyfriend he looked at me laughed and said i'm actually straight i just wanted those girls to pay attention to the lesson and not my dashing good looks keep it between us okay i think he handled this pretty well except now there's a couple guys that hit on him that guy is genius yo miz can he especially mirror you look nice today yo ms kanye espe through mirror my 18th birthday is next month you don't understand ms kanyes bathroom mirror i got it bad for you yo and the all-time favorite hey ms kanye espe through mirror i had a dream about you last night yo ms kanyes bathroom mirror my 18th birthday is next month oh god i think my math teacher knew he was also the wrestling coach and he told us if we ever wanted girls to be attracted to us we should get a job as a teacher his quote was you could be freaking quasimodo and high school girls would still think you're cute i wish it had been like this when i was actually in high school i meant to say quasimodo but to the guy who got gold you're welcome for the mistake i don't consider myself a heart teacher but i constantly find students staring at my chest and some students have even stood beside me attempting to see cleavage i don't even wear revealing shirts consequently i consciously monitor the way i stand sit interact to avoid any issues never being in a classroom alone with a student avoiding conversations considered sexual etc should probably cut back on braless thursday teach weirdest thing said to me i want you to twerk on my face he got sent out of class for that one being a young attractive female secondary school teacher you learnt a perfect and not happening look although most sexual advances come from students who are intentionally trying to get a rise out of you and are doing it to be edgy and impress their peers the ones who have a genuine crush are harder to shoot down because they will take it much more personally i be gentle but firm tell them it's not happening and that there are wonderful people their own age they should consider instead honestly on my part the idea of thinking about a student sexually is just weird whilst their bodies are mature in the senior classes their minds need so much more growing they hold the sexual attraction of a tomato to me mmm them tomatoes i was teaching organic chemistry last year was 25 and i've come to realize that i'm quite attractive plus being a swimmer doesn't hurt anyways one female student would come to my office hours to shamelessly flirt with me under the pretense that she needed extra help turns out she did i told her that i would only continue meeting with her if she came prepared with all her work done in her handwriting so she did moved from near the bottom of the class to getting the second highest score on the final exam i flirted back every so often though very subtly i never told her that i was gay tldr student spent so much time flirting with me that she accidentally raised her grade through hard work student here who harassed a teacher for four years in high school i constantly told him he should leave his wife and we should run away together recently i sent him a facebook message apologizing because what's funny to a 15 18 year old girl is cruel and unusual punishment to a married 30-something biology teacher student teaching at a junior high 23 year old male and i guess i'm attractive the girls are flirty with me a few have asked for my number which i would not give out obviously some show cleavage when i am trying to help them with an assignment or do that little thing girls do where they hit a guy's shoulder and giggle main thing is i just have to watch how i interact with them they will take any act of kindness as an omg i think he likes any moment so i just have to be careful and remember that i am their teacher not their friend some of the boys will kind of defend me and call girls out on it i guess bro code has no generation gap they're probably just sick of you junior [ __ ] blocking them when i was in college i had my first field observation class for non-teachers it's not exactly student teaching but i'd go to the school two three times a week and observe help the teacher with grading making copies paperwork stuff and i think i had to do like five lessons over the course of the semester or whatever anyway i was a sophomore in college so around 19 years old i was placed in a class of 12th graders in their last nine weeks of school so 17 18 possibly 19 these kids were very close to my age one day a kid came up to me and said so how do you like it at your college i told him i liked it and he said you know i'm on campus like every weekend you should let me take you out sometime i was like um i don't think so and kind of ran away to do something else it was pretty awkward dealing with this kid for the rest of the semester but it gave me a fun story about the time a student asked me out another kind of funny story was from my first year of teaching high school i didn't have a classroom so i had to travel around to different classrooms during the epic traffic jam that is high school hallways at class change i look young i guess at least people tell me that all the time and one day when i was walking through the hall between bells i heard two girls talking behind me i overheard one girl say to the other hey is that girl a teacher the other one rudely and snarkily replied to her friend i don't know but she sure dresses like one and they giggled bitchily i didn't say anything but the thought that went through my head was did i just get bullied i think i just got bullied the b in me would probably say why yes i am and here's a detention shameless brag my wife is a hot x teacher she taught eighth grade english at a school with a rougher student body i am talking drug dogs in classrooms to make a long story short one day she turned around in class to see a kid jerking it openly at his desk with tissues and lotion sitting on his desk completely shamelessly today this is my second favorite story from her first year of teaching first story involves parents accusing a german shepherd of being racist when it found pot in their kid's pocket i'm not especially attractive or anything but when i was in career teaching esl i was the token white guy at a school in a small town called jianju the principal would actually lend me out to other schools so they could brag to the parents that they had a white guy on staff i went to this one school once a week and the kids would freak out whenever they saw me pushing and shoving each other to get closer and give me candies or whatever when i was sitting in the office they'd all be pressed at the window fighting to get a look at me once one of them played a joke on their friend and opened the office door and pushed her in there with me slamming the door behind her so it was just her and i in there and the crowd of kids laughing their asses off outside the kid was so embarrassed that she just started pounding on the door for them to let her back out it was like they'd pushed her into the gorilla's cage at the zoo gorilla's cage in a zoo i looled at that i just imagine her pounding the door and she turns around and you're standing there grinning like a maniac it is obvious which students like me they giggle and try to flirt they walk by my class and say so and so likes you some students i don't even know walk by me and say hi and giggle the mothers make it worse they tell their daughters how cute or hot i am which excites these teenage girls more one student told me she can't tell me what her mom said that it's embarrassing for her i have been asked to prom the worst was a student reaching into my pocket i wrote her up for attempting to steal from me i knew that she was trying to get a hold of my johnson her schedule was changed and she now has another teacher i seriously have thought about quitting it's uncomfortable when students or anybody keep making unwanted advances i teach at a high school casually reaches into your pocket there was a really hot teacher who taught french which made it so much worse and all the guys used to check her out constantly at the end of high school all the teachers put on a play jokingly ripping into the students and when she came on all the guys start wolf whistling like crazy one dude even shouted get your bats out how did you respond blew a kiss into the crowd so yeah she knew and she embraced it well my french teacher was an 80 year old nun my wife is a teacher and she's attractive i know i'm supposed to say that but it's true she has literally no idea just because the oldest kids are only 13 stroke 14 she believed herself to be safe i had to point out that 13 year old boys are practically obsessed with boobs and butts this all came about when she asked me if a dress she was wearing was too short and my response was it's fine by me but not to be surprised if the older boys are suddenly very interested in walking up the stairs behind her 13 stroke 14 is probably worse than hsh when it comes to boys i remember what i was like when i was that age commenting in an ask credit thread with 1 200 comments already is kind of pointless but why not if you're male between the ages of 22 and 35 and not completely unfortunate looking being in an authority position over high school girls guarantees that they'll throw themselves at you especially if you're a teacher that they work with for multiple years like band directors coaches etc i'm a band director a lot of my non-teacher friends usually react the same ways i see in this thread nixie or you ever get with one etc reactions like that are how you know they're not teachers getting advances from students like that it's super awkward and more than a little scary i have multiple colleagues that have had accusations leveled against them some of them i have no idea how to judge but two of them i know extremely well know the students involved and though with 100 certainty that there is not a chance anything happened like zero absolutely false one of those guys barely managed to escape with his career the other one didn't he was one of the best band directors i knew and now he's working in the business world and hasn't picked up an instrument in years absolutely freaking tragic so you make dang sure you're never in a position where there's no witnesses the office door is always open if a kid is talking to you if a student's parent is late picking them up and you would be the only one left with them you ask one of the parents who was there on time to wait with you it's like defensive driving except with frisky teenage girls instead of cars there are people far more qualified than me to speak to why girls make crap like that up i just know that they do and it scares the heck out of me i have zero interest in getting in a situation like that and do everything i can to avoid it if when a girl is really crushing on me i always notice but i have to pretend like it's not happening any acknowledgement is a potential problem on a more personal note i just don't find them attractive when i first started teaching at 22 some seniors caught my eye but i grew out of that super fast they just look young and holy crap do they act young women are hard enough to understand without adding the i'm discovering myself and don't know how to handle my sexuality layer it's not attractive at all also yuck morally repugnant not the point of this thread i know but i felt like sharing so you make dang sure you're never in a position where there's no witnesses that can't be stressed enough emo if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 9,514
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: hot teacher text messages, hot teacher teaching physics, hot teacher comedy, hot teacher zoom call, school, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: LtKfGnGirh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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