When Did Your SO Catch You Cheating On Them? (r/AskReddit)

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how did you catch your significant other cheating on you back when myspace survey quizzes were popular I was reading one that she posted a question on the quiz read who was the last person you kissed had sex with the answer was not my name hahaha I'm sorry bro but that's so crazy got a ridiculously irate phone call one morning from some woman asking why I kept texting her boyfriend and that I was ruining their family her boyfriend was my husband he had two SIM cards that he switched out of his phone and he worked nights she had two kids of her own and he was spending a couple nights a week at her house when he was taking vacation time from work eleven days ago he had still been signed into his gmail on my laptop when I went to Gmail it was his email I found lots of emails to lots of girls about cheating we've been together 80 years married for one and a half I still feel like I'm in shock and don't know what to do if I were you I would make a copy of the emails to use in your divorce hearing she wrote it in her diary and our bad a sitter snooped read it and told me her roommate was nice enough to tip me off and tell me to break up with her ASAP she was going to wait until after her birth be so she could still get a gift so goddamn manipulative my friend was this but the opposite didn't want to ruin this girl's birth deal with a breakup went through with all the birth to gifts and plans he made for her then broke up with her a week after she was having an argument with a housemate and they shouted at her with me in the room at least I'm not cheating on my fiance she moved out less than a week later Jesus dude I technically didn't catch him cheating because he came clean about it when he broke up with me I did however find out who he cheated with he told me it was with his friend Natalie who I had never heard of before except for the time maybe days earlier when he told me about his half black friend Natalie okay at the time I wasn't sure why he shared this detail this was ten years ago when we were all fresh out of high school so I don't remember exactly how the conversation went days go by and the cowork asks me if we're still together because she saw him kissing a girl and she shares her description as darker-skinned I tell her we broke up and that's probably the girl he cheated on me with it's okay days go by and my good friend Nora's older brother invites me to hang out totally out of the blue I take him up on it and we go to a park near his parents house lo we spot Nora's car we're walking through the park and there's Nora's parents dog running around off leash and they're on a gentle slope is Nora and my recent ex making out on the grass Nora and her brother are Egyptian and could easily be described as half black or darker skinned he miix made Nathalie up she called me from a party completely wasted to inform me that she had just sucked some guy's dong in the bathroom better than hiding it I guess but it certainly wasn't my favorite 3 a.m. phone call yeah that's crappy but at least she owned up to it she left her shoes at our place and they left the condom wrapper on the floor beside the bed I mean that's just plain lazy after we broke up literally five hours after we broke up he updated his facebook relationship status to engage to a girl who I thought he was just friends with she uploaded a photo showing off the ring with the caption he finally asked and I said yes he wasn't cheating on you with her he was cheating on her with you oh man I have a winner I had surgery on my testicles due to a possible tumor it wound up being benign so I'm recovering that evening in bed my girlfriend long-distance visited me to take care of me all is going great except for my balls hurting and my wearing of a diaper good hey I had just come back from Afghanistan so life was still pretty sweet my girlfriend offers to make me some food sweet so she asks me to look up a recipe on my phone I can't find my phone so she tosses me hers well let me tell you in the midst of me looking up a great chicken cordon bleu recipe a message from my friend Ryan flashes across the top of the screen I can't make it out but it looks an awful lot like a dong I'm like Oh Ryan what are you giving a hard time to my girlfriend about so I click the message if only to relay what I presumed was a joke to her well let me tell you joke was on me those two had been going to bone town USA while I was deployed they talked about me being gone as a 6k ssin my girlfriend asks if I found anything good I'm like Oh Hokkien now I show her the texts she denies anything happened which is well done so me being a man of dignity kick her out of the apartment and send her on her way to Georgia wearing adult diapers I kicked Abby out of my place honestly I just wish I had found out after I had eaten some cordon bleu people who cheat on their deployed SOS are scum of the earth my sister made the girl he had gotten pregnant and then told me about it what a bastard she told me her little cousin who is mentally handicapped swallowed something a battering I think and was in the hospital in NC and was flying down there later she went and took a nap I was on the computer clicked on the favorite place linked to Gmail and saw flight confirmation email to NY I realized it was her account and not mine i sat at the edge of the bed calm as could be and as soon as she woke up I asked her what she was doing in NY she tried to say she didn't know what I was talking about but I told her I saw the email if she then said she was going to visit some friends and I was like oh is that why you made love this big lie about your cousin phone dinged I checked it same phones no case both charging next to each other the text said I miss you too and was from a girl he was dating when we were separated fast forward a few months to when he deploys check his email because at this point I know something is up find emails so I contact the mistress she was very transparent with me and told me that basically they were dating before he even met me which means he courted me asked me to marry him married me then we had a child together all while he was still seeing her we separate for a year he dates her exclusively we get back together and he maintains a relationship with her all of this without me knowing I found this all out while I was a month away from birthing his second child and he's getting shot at in Afghanistan we decide to work through it but I never could get over the fact that he cheated on me for four years and had no problem hiding it from me and only came clean because I found out as in he had no intention of coming clean when he returned home he confessed to many other times with other people thank God I never got an STD after three subsequent years of him refusing to go to counseling so that we can actually deal with it he tells me he wants a divorce a month before we are supposed to pcs to Alaska moved back home with the kids filed for divorce and life is amazingly better now freak that guy though I am appreciative that he loves our kids at least you got out before Alaska it's expensive as Frick to move back CONUS without orders one we shared a family plan for phone service that I was the administrator of weird stuff has been happening so I did a little research so he was texting and calling the same number a lot so I asked phone carrier for transcripts and saw all the dirty stuff he had been texting to the other girl too friend sent me a screenshot of my then BS from tinder I check his phone and he didn't have the app so I downloaded tinder onto his phone to find out he had an active account and was actively engaged in messaging and meeting up with girls and he had just been deleting the app from his phone when he was hanging out with me my story is similar he had a habit of leaving his FB logged in and open on my laptop also I never wore bobby pins scrunchies or hair ties with metal clasps in my hair also he told me to text my friend on his phone to tell her we were late and had apparently forgotten that their previous messages were still right there when confronted he vomited I thought it was fairly obvious when she let her best guy friend stay at her house every weekend I called it quits when I drove up and she was washing his car for him while wearing a bikini I called her at work and their receptionist asked is this her boyfriend Dave no it's her fiance FSM 20,000 132 I'd had suspicions for a few months before that but this was the clincher all I can think is imagine being that receptionist sorry that happened to you though hope you're doing well first time the guy told me next time s-she told me he was in the basement of the house we had just bought together having phone sex with her not realizing that the sound would travel through the vents it sucked at the time but in hindsight he did me a huge favor my girlfriend started working with him talking about this girl and inviting the girl and her GF to go to dinner with us we went on a double date with this couple a few times over the course of three weeks and I noticed every time we were all for out my girlfriend would drink much more heavily than usual we were having them over for dinner one Sunday but had an adult sports game before which usually involved life drinking and she was acting super weird about making sure we were home on time and had dinner ready etc in that night after they left she passed out on the couch next to me her Apple watch buzzed and I glanced over and saw selfie of this girl which was enough to get me to look at her phone for the first time ever where I find texts with sexting and details about their hookup I took screenshots of all of it and sent it to my phone I got dressed texted a friend packed a backpack and woke her up by throwing her phone with those messages open at her and walking out the door she groggily sorted it all out and attempted to contact me all night and eventually texted the other girls gf those screenshots which I thought was pretty crappy sort of an if I'm going down you're going down with me my first gf I lost my virginity to bang some dude from high school that allowed her to wear his letterman jacket home since it was cold he came to her house to get it back and said it just felt right all while I was at work worst part was she told me on a I am when I got home oh the AI and breakups Frick he has a longtime friend of his who happened to be female who was staying the night she was sleeping in the basement bedroom and we were upstairs well he slipped out of bed in the middle of the night and woke me up when he noticed he told me he had to go to the bath I guess I already had my suspicions because I lay there and listen to him walk down the hall then past the bathroom and down the stairs so I followed and caught him in the basement getting ready to freak her oh I was not a happy puppy was stupid tried to salvage our engagement but I wasn't fun anymore and he left you dodged a bullet if he'll do that while y'all are still young and in love just wait till things die down a bit or you hit a rough patch find someone who knows you're worth being enough for them : ex worked a night shift and I work day shift so I'd wait for her to come home so kids wouldn't be sleeping alone and one night she just didn't show up pulled up Find My iPhone to find out she's at her XO house she came home a little later after texting calling her constantly with some extra news saying he got her pregnant what a wonderful day kick his butt sea bass found underwear that didn't belong to me despite him desperately trying to convince me that they were mine my ex-wife found random panties in my laundry once I guess they had been left in the dryer luckily she believed that I wasn't having an affair with somebody who wears XL granny panties I found out when I tested positive for chlamydia I had let her borrow my car while I took the bus to work my friend called me at work that my girl was making out with some guy in my car so I got a taxi over there and yacht there she was I knocked on the window guy jumped out I was going to start beating his butt but I just told him just leave this might not be your fault she started making excuses I just asked her to step out the car got my keys and drove away a mess she screwed me up for a long time she made me lose trust in women and flicked up my concept of relationship for a long time she told me in gratuitous detail the name body type and sex act she performed with like 10 different dudes ranging from making out to intercourse with only two dudes she thought I would forgive her and I TD bring us closer and like itd be good so we could talk about those experiences together after this she moved for an open relationship which it's all okay because she'd get to retroactively Li apply our open status I was young in love and heartbroken so I said yes because I was desperate to hang on to her but then she broke up with me when I hooked up with someone else after like four months of open status and her having like a primary FWB because I liked her too much yeah that was an abusive relationship frit people like that don't agree to that if you aren't willing to and don't cheat talk about it ahead of time I'm glad you got out of that train to heck Fricker turns out she was discarding her you know cards under the table she left how two-year relationships for this guy then I start getting messages from him and I was mad I take my love very seriously I guess law so I keep getting facebook messages and then I check his Facebook the account only has two friends no pictures and is four days old turns out he immediately left her when she left me for him but he wanted Emmy to crawl back to her so she made a fake account to make me jealous I legitimately stopped breathing from how hard I laughed ex-girlfriend woke up one morning and it was plastered all over her snapchat story of her making out with her ex had some Christmas party this was the day after a very intense romantic evening with her was a tough day to get through for sure she decided to completely drop contact with me after with no answers to what happened but thank Frick I'm out of that trainwreck now go one month on and I'm doing much better she cheated on me with a guy she claimed was like a brother to her she broke up with me after three years and I only found out once his ex-girlfriend told me that she broke up with him because he was cheating on her with my ex-girlfriend tell me you got with her I was gone for a week for work got back to my building after a flight home and had no ride she forgot to come pick me up I finally got a hold of her came to pick me up half drunk went back to her house I was unpacking and turned around and she had her hair and makeup done and just said I'm going out CR and left this was after I had been gone for a week the next day was Friday she had got home after I went to bed and left for work before me I got home and she was already gone and had texted me and said she was going to her friend's house to hang out for a house party for the weekend I didn't hear from her again for two days despite calling and texting her she got home late Sunday night and told me she lost her phone in the couch I told her this wasn't working and she needed to leave she packed a bag while I cracked a beer on the couch a couple days later my friend emailed me a boatload of pictures from the weekend she disappeared of her and the guy she was cheating on me with he had posted them on his myspace that Sunday evening she actually continued to Frick up things for me for quite a while after this financially mostly but eventually I got free of that disaster and moved on happily my ex wife and I went up to Big Bear to go snowboarding and spend some time together we were having issues and I thought t be fun to get away and do something fun together let's just say did not go well she said she grew up snowboarding but she never made it down the hill and had a terrible time so we went back to the cabin and she was pretty much just on her phone not talking to me we make it back and she says she needs to just shower and be alone for a bit she goes off and I just hang in the den she left her phone in her person - just kept buzzing so I checked it out because what if someone was trying to reach us or something I open it up to read a full conversation between her and this guy it wasn't good I read how that day's text started and they started really early in the morning hope you're doing a K up there we'll see doubt it he's trying too hard he should just know it really doesn't matter wish I was up here with you instead a pic of her just the worst stuff and that was before I even woke up I was pretty devastated and really didn't know what to do I knew I didn't want to fight because I realized she wasn't worth fighting for grabbed my bag and drove back to San Diego I took her phone with me so I could text him and tell him we're coming home early let's meet I ended up inviting him to a coffee shop and waited for him to show up when he walked through the door he saw me immediately and kind of stopped I waved him over and wasn't too far from the door so I told him we need to talk he comes over and already front loads with her it's not what you think bla bla bulls I told him that he wants her he can take his sorry butt to Big Bear and go get her because I was leaving and I were through see you when we signed the papers and I left second worst day of my life but I'm glad it happened met my lady three years later and have now been together for four years and now engaged I don't know if you asked this because you yourself are going through this and need comfort and to know what to do but I hope this is just a hypothetical question and if not there are better partners out there for us you just need to let life introduce you to them she kept deleting all her texts I got suspicious and told her I had a cool program on my PC that picks up all texts wirelessly dad confronted her saying I had seen them on my PC she admitted it without me seeing a thing I had accused him previously but over and over he turned it around and got upset that I didn't trust him finally after talking to the girl he cheated with on the phone we called him together and he came clean he couldn't lie to us both oh boy story time so I'd been with this girl for two years I was madly in love with her I was going to propose bought a ring went to pay her a surprise visit walked in because I had a key found her in bed with another man through the box with the ring at her walked out drove off never looked back I got about five miles away pulled over and broke down crying she left her diary laying around which is to say in her unguarded bookshelf I was hanging at her place while she was at class and I read a few of the most recent entries fully knowing I was opening a Pandora's box of secrets better closed as we had been growing more distant lately big surprise she wrote about falling for the other guy and how she didn't know how to leave me she then mentioned how the sex was much better with me and how he was sort of a dead fish which initially made me feel a bit better until I read that she had gone out shopping for Valentine's Day gifts and had apparently went all out on him but hit the clearance racks for me gifts aren't important to me but that leap for thought it took to make that sort of decision really irked me so I waited for her to get home and we had the most intense angry sex I've ever had in my life I knew it was going to be the last time I'd ever get to enjoy her body so I just went to town the tough bit being that she was certainly enjoying it more than me without a weight of impending heartache on her mind it got so intense someone knocked on the door to make sure everything was all right to which she breathlessly replied ooh yeah which is still a source of pride for me honestly however I'll never forget that feeling after staring up at the ceiling and listening to her breathing heavy still and just knowing an old best friend texted me and told me looking back all the red flags were there so I should have known but I was so thankful she let me know even though we hadn't spoken in quite some time what gave it away from me is when she said I cheated on you my story is something out of Black Mirror girlfriend of six years went out of town with a couple of her girlfriends for a weekend I decided to check her Facebook profile to see if she posted any new pics or whatever and noticed that this one guy liked almost every status she posted he never commented I was just curious who he was because she never mentioned him his profile was mostly private but he had a couple pictures and statuses that liked good view just figured he was a classmate or something she's in law school until I scrawled upon a picture that stood out it was a pic of his parked car that a hit-and-run driver smacked into overnight while Street parked I almost kept scrolling when something hit me the background of picture gave me a weird feeling his car was parked on the street that I recognized because of the brick roads that we have downtown upon closer inspection the reason I recognized it was because it was right outside my girlfriend's house when she got back I talked to her about it of course she at first came up with a Bulls story about house and friends from school crashed at her place because she lives near downtown and they couldn't drive I'm not an idiot though because I know she'd tell me if somebody hit her friend's car outside her house eventually she broke down and confessed she'd been cheating for a year it turned my life inside out we had plans to move in a week after I found out and I was going to propose on our anniversary a few weeks after that I nope the Frick out of the relationship even though she is still begging to this day for forgiveness it's just so weird because of the co incidence I came across this pic that the pic was even public and the fact that if the picture was taken a foot closer to the damage I'd have never known I just got such a weird feeling from the small amount details I could make out in the background TL DR black mirror stumbled across a picture of her friends damaged car recognized it was outside her house confront her and the truth comes out he got herpes and I didn't have em still don't I'm clean TBF herpes is usually spread when the person who has them is in the middle of an outbreak he could have had it way before you either way nice dodging my phone broke so she gave me her old one for some reason I didn't clear everything out when she did the factory reset found pictures and text messages from the last two years freaked me up pretty good the phone came through for you by not deleting everything it's got your back I've been cheated on three times twice by the same girl all when I was in the military the first time I was at my duty station maybe a month and I got a call from my girlfriend who said she was going to sleep over at a mutual friend's house I didn't buy it for a second and figured she was driving down to San Diego from Los Angeles to hang with an old crush who was in the Marine Corps funny enough the mutual friend told my ex and they really should go home because there was no way I believed her anyway after a few hours our mutual friend call but said she couldn't tell me and passed the phone off to some random girl who said I should call my girlfriend because they saw her in a room with a guy in his pants were down long story short my ex's mom ended up calling and vouching for my ex and since I knew the mutual friend had a crush on me I stayed with her since I didn't really have proof it not smart a few months later I was talking to another mutual friend who was really upset about a guy she liked that I was friends with while she was talking to me she said I just don't know how you're okay with it to which I asked for more details apparently the guy that she liked was always holding hands and cuddling kissing sleeping in the same bed as my ex but they told her that I was okay with it because we were all friends and they weren't having sex I broke up and never looked back years later while on her deployment I was with another girl at this time a buddy of mine went home for leave and noticed some guy driving my car my car was easily identifiable so he asked the guy if it was for sale to see what was up the guy said it was his girlfriend's car and my buddy remarked it looked like a dude's car especially with a window sticker I had about shooting bin Laden before he was killed the guy confessed that it was his girlfriend's ex-boyfriends car but the guy was a total [ __ ] who was in jail my buddy then asked if he was sure that the guy me Wilson deployed and he said the guy got really nervous which told him that he knew about me and was banging my girlfriend anyway he beat on him a little bit and then drove my car from Georgia to Los Angeles where I had family to take care of it before flying home i gifted him ten grand for his troubles especially since he took time away from his wife and kids obviously we broke up she got knocked up by the guy and he bailed so she quickly slept with another guy and pinned the pregnancy on him she got super fat too and I banged her best friend when I went home on leave because she felt guilty about introducing my ex to the guy she cheated on me with dude that's a freaking bro sorry a Marine was a Judy we had just upgraded phones I'm not even completely sure why but shortly after the iPod did some sort of sync or acknowledgement since we had a new device on the same account didn't think much of it but then all these new text messages load up wasn't expecting to see and read all that after dinner time I got this idea from the Monday morning podcast by Bill burr a few years back was in a long and troubled relationship which included sheeting soot oh and it's as smooth as possible giving that she was incredibly overdramatic I moved out when she went away on a trip to her parents weeks before she went I began to look for apartments and signed a lease when she went away my brother and I began moving everything out the apartment we shared let's just say two days later when she returned she wasn't too happy my ex moved out while I was at work one day we'd broken up so I knew he was going just wasn't expecting a ton of my stuff and everything in my bank accounts to go to he also trashed the place just for bonus points he moved from my place straight into hers got to love it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 13,698
Rating: 4.8742857 out of 5
Keywords: cheating, cheaters, cheater, caught cheating, catching cheaters, relationship, dating, relationship advice, dating advice, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: F3puX9UDzoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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