What Ridiculous Thing Did You Get in Trouble for at School?

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what's the most ridiculous thing you got in trouble for at school so i took this blow off class with my best friend in high school it was called personal and family development so you can get an idea of the difficulty level of the course i had enough credits to graduate but still had to have a full schedule we spent most of the time in amazement at how dumb our classmates were my friend literally had to bust out a calculator to prove to a girl that 4 stroke 5 was the same as 80 anyway one day our assignment was to draw a healthy balanced meal onto these paper plates she gave us with a giant box of random mostly broken crayons markers as our tools as usual we quickly did it and i brought mine up to my teacher on the other side of the room i was being a smartest and had drawn a silly meal steak toast pineapple with my left hand complete with backwards letteries she took one look at it yelled your steak looks too much like your toast and failed me all i remember was my friend erupting in laughter from the other side of the room this is the only one that made me laugh [Music] my algebra 2 teacher my senior year of high school was a psycho i wasn't the best kid ever kind of a complete butthole to teachers i didn't like but it was my last year of school and i didn't want to freak it up i lost a considerable amount of weight the summer before my senior year so my pants were a bit loose the first day of class she accuses me of sagging and sends me to the office i knew it was going to be bad when i returned to class and she had a video camera i crap you not on a tripod aimed at my desk she told me that she had heard about how bad i was and was going to make sure she could teach instead of having to watch me all the time every day i would hold a piece of paper up to the camera which read the punk adjuster 0-3 show starring and my friends would wave at the camera one by one it was really surreal anyway i was always quiet and tame in her class but the camera ended up serving me as one day after i finished my work i set my head down for the remainder of class suddenly a girl who nobody would ever describe as likable screams punky juice to zero three hit me in the head with a piece of paper psycho b teacher turns around red in the face screaming this is it you are in so much trouble i'm writing you up right now you're going to in school suspension for the rest of the year oh contra i argued let's review the tape she refused and continued her tirade as i left the office after telling the principal the story and having my parents called in she had to admit in front of the four of us that she a brought her personal video camera from home to tape me every day without any consent from myself or my parents or the school b couldn't review the tape to show my innocence because she never actually put a tape in the freaking thing i got everybody in the class to testify i was sleeping the teacher got in a frick ton of trouble from what i understand she was asked to leave after that semester and my parents were extremely p as you can imagine but really i was most bummed because my show and all of my clever cartoons and jokes i worked so hard getting ready for the camera were never recorded kinda like a bizarro truman show in college i had an electronics class with a lab component the lab manual was a word document and contained all of the necessary charts and forms to fill out to document each week's project i did the project filled out the data tables and submitted my lab report also as a word document i was called into the department shares office for plagiarism because i had included the tables that i had filled out with my results in my report you know the experiment data i put it in the lab report where that kind of thing typically goes i'd taken plenty of science classes before with lab reports and if you were given a form to fill out you filled it out and included it this class never specified anything beyond turn the reports in all of the class materials were being reused from a prior instructor who no longer had anything to do with the course so the current instructors couldn't even answer questions on how they had intended for students to submit it i'm still not sure if they expected us to redraw the data tables within word or what i couldn't even get a straight answer on that the labs were being graded by a set of tas with extremely limited english skills and they saw the chart and reported it because it was identical to the blank one in the manual aside from the data i'd filled in and at no point did anyone in the department think hey this is pretty freaking stupid i got a condescending lecture that completely ignored the facts of the incident and was threatened with expulsion that incident was one of several that led to me walking away from that department in that university i just wish i had done it sooner in seventh grade i was joking around with a not so bright friend of mine and dared him to stick his finger in the electrical socket sucker actually tried doing it and i got yelled for having poor judgment in friend making i gave a kid a rubber band on the bus who then shot people with it he did not get in trouble but apparently i was a high-class weapons dealer i got in trouble for taking a glue dot off the wall in gym class that was used about four months prior to hang up a poster for christmas in eighth grade my butthole of a best friend pants me in history class i was called down to the office the next day to explain what happened and i was given a choice to pick his punishment well since he was my best friend and i knew from the amount of sucking up to me he did he learned his lesson so i checked the box next to a phone call home or a written warning that should be signed by the parent the b of a dean then freaking scolded emmy and gave me a 20 minute lecture about how it's not okay to let your friend off be lived two streets down from me and about 20 other kids from my school her house was never cleaned from the amount of eggshell and toilet paper we threw my odd middle school only had seventh and eighth grade and the seventh grade on the lower level was separated into three teams in two hallways connected in the middle like the letter h teams alliance and [ __ ] feel good name were in one wing since they were smaller while off the [ __ ] feel good name was the largest and had their own hallway in the morning it was customary for all the kids to hang out for 20 minutes before school officially started now team alliance and [ __ ] feel good name would normally walk into off the [ __ ] feel good names hallway since they had the most people and held the majority of our friends but apparently that team's teachers along with our dean decided that if we wanted to all hang out then we could do it at lunch so we were banned from entering that hallway until school started this did not please any of us we would rush the hallway in about a pack of 10-15 kids so that way the [ __ ] teacher couldn't catch all of us and would never actually write us up but just send us back tl dr we weren't allowed to walk into a goddamn hallway to meet with our friends this same school also bans hats sunglasses large coats requires kids to wear their lanyard and is also trying to ban skinny jeans sweatshirts and yoga pants according to a former teacher of mine that i still occasionally talk to just because people feel it's inappropriate to be wearing yoga pants it's harmful to wear skinny jeans because it can cut off circulation and that people can smuggle in a gun or drugs in a sweatshirt this is a public school absolutely nothing really nothing we used to have these end of the month activities that our junior high would let us do it would be on the last friday of the month and they would have a dance or a free lunch party in the cafeteria the people that would get in trouble would get time off of end of the month activity and have to sit in detention for a period of time based on what they did or how often they did it apparently they got my name mixed up with someone else not even the same first name and i had to sit in for the entire activity i told my parents and my mom ended up calling and asking for some sort of explanation as to why i got the detention they then realized the mix-up and my principal literally said to her oh i'm so sorry the next time he gets in trouble he will get out of detention then i had never had a detention before or after that even either not only that had i been a [ __ ] at that age that would have basically given me free reign to do some stupid crap and get out of it then again this was a poor district with a highly unqualified principal when i was in middle school i got fricked over in the most wtf fashion imaginable i was in seventh grade i going through puberty along with every other guy in my grade our lunch conversations every day would be filled with nothing but swapping dirty jokes and good p sights we had found well i had overheard a particularly raunchy joke from my uncle and decided to share it with the guys but they all thought it was hilarious but obviously some didn't really get it and just laughed along with the rest of us well after lunch we all go back to class and are doing our worksheets or whatever and my friend is chatting up with our milf of a teacher he obviously had a crush on her and was trying to be funny when i heard him say hey i heard a funny joke today do you want to hear it the second those words came out of his mouth i knew the inevitable [ __ ] storm that was about to blow in was going to be at least a class 5 mrs milf says sure i love jokes then with the crap eating grin of a kid who has no idea what he is saying states proudly can i kiss your lips and work up to your belly button the room got dead quiet and the teacher turned the deepest shade of red i have ever seen and quickly walked out of the room when she left we told the kid what that joke actually meant and the realization of what he had done made him equal her hue of red a few minutes later the teacher returned with a male teacher who pulled the kid out of class we all laughed at how busted he was but when he came back a few minutes later i got called to the principal's office when i got there the principal told me that i was in major trouble for spreading inappropriate jokes i explained that i told the joke to a lunch table of six guys and that i would never actually tell that to a teacher but the principal put all the blame squarely on me i was too young to understand it at the time but it was obviously because he knew he couldn't punish the kid for telling a joke that he didn't understand since i was the one who started it i was the scapegoat and ended up with five days of out of school suspension tl dr told a dirty joke to a group of guys and got five days off bastard ratted you out when i first moved to my new town i was entering seventh grade at this time my mother wanted to send me to a catholic school i identified as an atheist then mostly due to what my father taught me and so on my school form i put that down on the second day of school i asked to sit in the back of the church during mass because i didn't want to participate due to my lack of faith they made me do so anyways i was then gone from school for a week and during this time because they knew i was an atheist and therefore didn't like me they went through all my crap they found a list of people who died in a story i had been writing they put the list of names through their school computer and found none of them matched students in their school system nor students in the public school system regardless of this fact the day i went back to school a cop showed up to take me to the police station for interrogation my parents were shocked and pay off i was read my rights at the station and the police officer and juvenile officer were basically like frick this it's a list of fictional characters after about one o two o minutes of questioning and after seeing the rough draft of what i had been working on at the time needless to say i didn't go back to catholic school go to love that zero tolerance pause by that logic 99 of literature ever produced would be inadmissible in schools because it involves someone dying i rage so hard every time i hear stories like these strangely in my entire high school career i was never actually sent to the office although plenty of teachers were complete dongs to me i do however have witnessed a few incidents the first one was in seventh grade math class when three korean girls were kicked out of class for talking in korean that teacher was a bee the second time was in eighth grade math class frick math man my friend paul was sitting quietly at his desk as he always does really quiet guy listening to our teacher go on and on about factoring out of nowhere the teacher yells paul do you think this is funny paul looked startled and defended but barely got out so much as i want before get out of my class now tl dr but told teachers why is it always math wearing a tank top with shoulder straps less than one inch wide apparently tank tops were fine to wear but not if the straps were less than one inch wide the rule had nothing to do with how low cause the shirts could be in the chest area nor how high cut they might be in the midriff area so it was perfectly fine apparently for the girl with huge tea to have them half bursting out of her tank top but the extra centimeter of shoulder that i was showing by not adhering to the one inch thick strap rule made my adornings obscene i found there to be so little sense to this rule that i refused to pay it any mind and was repeatedly sent to the principal's office where i would state my case adamantly about how completely nonsensical the policy was it was perfectly fine apparently for the girl with huge tea to have them half bursting out of her tank top fine by me in grade four or five i got called into the principal's office along with a friend of mine we were both good kids who were rarely if ever in trouble neither of us had an idea why were we being called in either when we got there there was a girl sitting there that we knew from class and lived in the same apartment complex as us turns out we were getting a talking to forgetting a snowball fight makes sense right throwing snowballs at a poor girl who had no snow of her own or something hold on though this snowball fight had taken place not only the day before but at home at home what i can't do my own crap on my own time hated that principle what a bee my principal once made me break up with my girlfriend of the year in his office because people said we had kissed at the movies i was so pi egged his cherry red corvette and he came to school the next day crying this was in middle school i was expelled from high school for writing in my blog so and so broke my new gorillaz cd i swear to god i'm gonna kill him cops showed up at my house and took me in for questioning the day after i posted it everybody who was ever mentioned in my blog was evacuated from the school the principal wouldn't believe me or the guy i was talking about when we both said that it was just a figure of speech and that was the end of that however i threatened to bring this to the newspapers i was almost valedictorian captain of the dance team and president of the culture club so it would have sent up a red flag somewhere so the principal sent me to post secondary education free college during your senior year to cover up the fact that i was expelled turns out that this teacher really hated me and always tried to get me into trouble with the administration this 60 year old woman apparently read my blog weekly to try and find out what illegal things i could be doing and she called the cops on me the b the entire fifth grade took a trip to the county transit headquarters this was the field trip that everyone looked forward to you seriously heard about this field trip in second grade that's how big it was the best part of the whole trip is when they let you pile into a bus that's in the garage and they'd lift the bus up on the hydraulic jack with you in it ten plus feet in the air my best friend jeremy and i were standing off to the side next to a chain-link rope cordoning off the stairs to the gas tanks below i mentioned to him can you imagine if we lit a match and threw it down towards the gas tanks immediately one of the teachers came over and scolded us for cussing jeremy and i had no idea what she was talking about but apparently it sounded like buttocks in the noisy garage what was the punishment we didn't get to go in that freaking bus the whole field trip always boiled down to getting on that bus everything else was moved compared to that frick you miss johnston i was in high school in the mid 90s and i began ditching gym class because my teacher was in butthole in class a student was getting picked on he was always getting picked on by the quintessential jock butthole after a few minutes of the jock kicking the legs of the other kid jock boy spats in his face blind p.i scream out at the jock prick and the teacher hears me then proceeds to send the other bullied kid to the corner of the gym to sit and think rest of the class has to run laps i run up to the kid in the corner to tell him not to worry about these buttholes when i hear the teacher yell out get away from it i walked out of gym and decided to never go back after a week of ditching i was told that i had in school suspension for a week or so that day after school i was talking to a few people who were one year behind me on girl told me that her friend another girl had been in the auditorium with three guys for 20 minutes she said she was worried i go in the auditorium and it is dark with the exception of the band pit i run to the band pit while yelling something and see the guys running out pulling up their pants to this day i am not sure why i just left after that about a week later my dean pulls me from a class telling me that i had to go see the principal she says any idea why i said because i ditched jim and ditched in school she told me that would have been for her to deal with not the principal so we walk from one building to the next neither knowing wth is going on get to the principal's office and i see the friend of the girl who asked for help get into the actual office and see two cops freak me i still do not know what i did the cops and principal wanted to know what happened that day after school i tell them they commend me saying that i stopped a debatery they call my dad who i had not spoken to in months and tell him i was a hero ro i feel great next day the principal says instead of suspension she will allow me to serve my now two weeks of in school i was to report directly to my guidance counselor i went to him and said that i would not serve that time and that was the end of high school for me tldr in high school i stopped a debatery and was told that i still needed to serve in school suspension for a class i ditched because the teacher was a bully when i was a freshman in high school i was put in an advanced math class which i had no interest in at all so during the final i blew through the 100 plus question test in about five minutes all my buddies were taking the test still so i got very bored for some stupid reason i wrote on a paper jesus loves you and i was quietly showing it to people in the class the teacher mr sendry noticed he was very known for writing referrals so of course he wrote me up for it the referral said something like he was continuously distracting the class during the final exam with holding up signed saying jesus loves you i'm pretty sure there was more to it but by the time he finished writing the referral the class period was almost over so i just walked around the campus for the remainder of the period finding people i knew showing off my referral back in high school in 2000 i hacked the school's network i just put random text file notes on all the computer desktops the reason i got caught was i was running a software company and the faculty knew me as that software kid so they pulled me aside knowing i was probably the only one that had the capacity do it i don't condone hacking it was more of a rebellious exploration thing kids do also in high school me and my two friends would buy gummy bears from the vending machine suck on them for a few seconds then fling them up onto the gymnasium ceiling during pee they would stick like glue there was this spotted rainbow pattern all over the ceiling at the end of the year the janitor was up there on a scissor lift scraping about 150 bags of gummy bears and gummy worms off i feel bad now but laughed at the time kids are mean i never got in trouble for that one just wanted to share it and there was this one time in middle school where i was pulled into the office at random and accused of putting pictures of my dong in girls lockers police were called and the principal even asked if i had a mole down there which i don't i was stuck in the office for the entire day being harassed and interrogated as if i was a murder suspect ends up some other kid did it i never got an apology from the school and i probably should have sued because they had no reason to accuse me other than some kids saying it was probably nick he is the school jokester i know the feeling anytime anything bad happened with computers in public school i got blamed fortunately the i.t staff at my hs were familiar with me and realized when it wasn't my fault so i was in the clear there though i did do a bit of poking around i never screwed with anything i'll invert the question with something i did that was really stupid and dangerous and didn't really get in trouble for even though someone got hurt in grade eight maybe nine i was being a prick to this girl sitting behind me in science glass the textbook had a hand graphic on it and i was poking between the fingers with a math compass like that prank bishop plays on hudson and aliens anyways the girl got pee off and told me to stop so being a [ __ ] i took one last final stab of course she reached for the book at the exact same time and i managed to stab her right in the middle of the hand with the compass there was blood everywhere fortunately i did no permanent damage i was so upset at what i'd done and embarrassed by my own stupidity that i really received nothing by way of punishment seriously i wasn't suspended or given detention or anything recently the girl and i reconnected on facebook and while the incident has yet to come up my memory of it was revived i'm still mightily embarrassed by the whole thing as for dumb crap i got in trouble for in third grade a teacher stood on my desk and cracked the top because i laughed she gave me detention she was a jerk apologize to her if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, trouble, getting in trouble, detention, school, school stories, teacher
Id: Jx9gf-ku0oI
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Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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