Using Grim Reaper POWERS To Destroy The World in Death Coming

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oh hey there I'm blitz welcome to a game called death coming it's the game about ending the lives of a whole bunch of different civilians in a level because the Grim Reaper wants me to or something strange like that oh there he is hey buddy let's go to town your job is to hasten the demise of those who've overstayed their welcome on earth use the Reapers eye to find your targets that try not to make a mess ah like like what kind of a mess like this this cop right here is is hot or something oh oh no what happens if I click on it oh oh whoa that is like no I run away and then he's gonna cross the road and we ready oh no I want it I want to want to stop okay that'll stop know people are built ready go go go go go go go this three people on the road oh we only got one no oh that's so sad I mean yeah they only got one person Oh what's this is this what I think it is and I almost feel bad for laughing why is this up here what is this oh can I click on it no what are these things why is there a person in the window Oh Oh what is that all about okay I don't understand what's happening here is it a peeping tom this is a little weird we'll try it oh I didn't know about that does this one work that same way okay um what else can we find oh there's another stoplight right here this will work and another manhole but we do have three targets that are very special high target value so green hair girl where are you you're right here then we got naked dude where's naked dude it's like Where's Waldo anyone remember where as well though oh this could be fun will this fall into the swimming pool oh there's only two in there though oh she's super scared now oh no oh I'm so sorry goodnight can i click on that can I explode this thing oh no is this that one no but I bet if you click on one of these I'm just trying to figure out where the people are cuz I need to get these guys right here and I'm not entirely sure oh I bet it's the lawnmower I bet it's the lawnmower yeah oh whoa hey that worked good oh you're running away now you're running did I scope you called in the coppers you called in two coppers and did it I got an achievement oh I lost sight of what's important okay did I did eight I got what are the three nice oh there's slime on the ground - that's weird is this guy naked dude they can do negative scares you got a six-pack this one doesn't come on where are you Oh beehive I wonder how you could do with these people does that do anything I got to click that beehive I bet okay we're gonna try the Beehive no this thing okay oh I got one that wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped see if I own okay they all got scared they're all running away where are they going now where are they going don't leave me come back here go across the road real quick it'll be fun I say no they're coming back are they gonna dance again what are you guys doing they're leaving they're just all grouping up right there man I could have done so much better oh hi everyone nice you stopped by got a dance party going on yes I mean no oh that's so sad Oh got him I like it all those bonus points we got okay I need to find I can't even find these guys oh this is this is the peeping tom huh oh you're over here okay I mean it oh whoa they saw the alien there's an alien inside they do exist as it died okay so what's the alien all about then I got two of them oh the aliens leaving now that's a little weird I don't understand that can I call him in again no can I call him it oh there we go we'll get aliens deathtrap spotted statue oh that was a good one I knew that would happen I'm guessing so there's there's oh we get we get other hints here okay what are the hints a tree um this giant thing a plant well there's got to be a plant - somewhere there's a sign on the side an umbrella oh I should use that one real quick okay the umbrella must do something yeah keeping it cool here's the tree must be the coconut on the tree but I still don't find this guy Oh maybe if I clicked on you okay that was easy enough I should have clicked on you to begin with oh you're gonna go take a dip oh he's going into the water shoot I can't kill you if you're in the water because they already use the thing are you gonna come out of the water are you all alright no you're still you're still there I don't think there's another way to get you but I know if I click on this thing oh oh that was so close oh you don't want to fall in right in the hole oh I can't reuse it though that's always nice I don't think I can get that guy because he's I already used the power line oh but I found these ready for this trick oh this could be good this could be really good let's make sure you go back into the water and when you're going through I'm gonna try oh what's that oh yeah I knew about that okay is our swimming friend in the water he is alright so what I want to do is I want to drop this on your head and then that's gonna drive and then light things on fire oh but it didn't kill our friend oh yeah that palm tree could definitely drop a coconut on someone are you ready so we're gonna walk by here and got him oh no I missed oh I had to click the top and oh I got him yes nice shot just gotta be patient and wait speaking of being patient and waiting oh oh wait what's this okay we can turn that over oh and then the aliens come whoa whoa they're abducting things they're abducting things the word that was cool can I do that again I got I got I did the thing I did the thing can Michigan fleet we're getting overtime a reward more experience but of course you can go to the next act any time there he is yeah I should give him a name what should his name be maybe Kevin hey Kevin's a good name for him but you know what this has got to be something too there it is I knew it I knew it we're gonna get lots of points here I need two people for ice cream what color ice cream would you like yellow red purple they don't have flavors they just have lots of like what color ice cream would you like would you like red that's how you get red ice cream oh no the poor worker he's got his oh I missed them gonna say he's got his mask on and everything trying to prevent viruses nope not with blitz around where's the other thing though there is one more thing like a sign could you go away Kevin not now is not the time I'm looking for this one I feel like it's a sigh oh it's that one right there shoot hardly any people go out of there I feel like I should go to the next level come on Kevin take me to the next act wow these guys are good I passed it nicest thing anyone's ever said to me love and peace click to start Oh what is this all about not all accidents are straightforward sometimes you got to get creative like this guy for example oh no you got to turn on the hot water to blast him in the face fine he was a surprisingly diligent at times this trap is under constant guard you have to take the guard out first oh all right oh this is like a oh so that falls down there and then this oh you click it to ring it and then you go a barbed bog got him and now I can click this yeah thank you Kevin go away and ready activate Oh bold boy I just nuked him dude so excited your unsettling good at this I have lots of practice don't worry we're good to go was that it oh that looks fun ok ok this is this is fine sneaky spies must some sneaky spies most sneaky things are used whoa Oh No Oh No Kim jong-eun down here he's like why did somebody throw a nuke down at my base there's a lot of Staff members welcome to the boom-boom room at this rate they'll never finish that missile methinks they need a gentle nudge also glorious leader is a creep he displeases me kill all his workers for I am vengeful death man I don't want you I get placed on a weird list now this isn't good being on list is not fun good place to go in the locker room okay how do I go in their locker room this is the locker room all right oh okay and a double bow oh no that was the worst so I'm gonna restart it all right we have to get thirty-nine forty five or fifty catastrophes that's not the right word what's the word calamities nope casualties there we go I knew it was one of those so there's the missile can I blow this area oh this doesn't sound good in this room they can only stay in there for ten seconds so let's just maybe bump that out of the way yeah I got him I could have probably got two in there I need to do better Oh can we throw somebody in this thing uh-huh it sure gets hot in here okay I need to find all of the exploding things high-pressure gas tank wait a minute with a welder dude there's Gloria's leader some boom booms a paint bucket that's the worst way to die 33 ways to go okay we got both of those oh I didn't want to click that if you click on people they squeak that's cute glorious leader never leaves his office unless something happens to his statue but I don't think I want glorious leader to leave oh we got to get the D monetization duck out when that metal bridge seems fun I bet if I click it again somebody I'll fall down into acid oh and there's some acid goop there this thing's got to go uh-huh I'm figuring it out I got 14 a 33 there's a giant truck somewhere - what is that truck for oh it's this one I think yeah load of goods nobody can move them under the guards watch doubt traps the green auras require a bit more coaxing see if you can figure it out and that's the one I got to get rid of these guys this this thing is it actually loading cuz that's not oh it is ha ha ha I've got a limited amount of time I might as well start doing it but I need to find a couple other things first blasted old Soviet machinery so I bet if I click on these it goes boom boom hmm nope weird alright I've started a plenty of times over it's time to have a little fun I'm gonna make this guy blow up to begin with I think this is a good place to start yes oh is that one of the targets anything's better than working here I think that might have been one of the targets I was supposed to take out it was wow I didn't even know that and now there's one of these guys were you at your that one how do I blow you up I bet if I ring the doorbell and drop something on his head uh-huh uh-huh get rekt get it that was awesome someone else must finish my work not if I have anything to say about it my dude and then you the scientist that's not a scientist that's totally not a scientist how do I destroy her life is she trapped in here she might be trapped what does this do who wanted to go indoor skydiving this guy does this guy okay does he die yeah he does nice one okay what is this all about I don't really know oh there's some death trap spotted we got goodies a lot of these are really strange yeah we'll get the water going because I know that this would fry this guy now are you guys come over here no that'll do it that'll do it nice now we got this box that falls I'm gonna drop around that one perfect now will you anyone gonna go over here to explore no I was hoping they would huh let's take care of these two all one of them alright I'll take one once a good start we have we have 24 traps and if we can get two guys loaded up here this could be good speaking of two guys we can take the ones in here like this Hey oh that was good okay we're gonna hit this one now Oh guarded by a tired worker how do I get rid of a tired worker if you go over here I can get rid of you oh thank you blasted what didn't work I bet this will work oh we need a second worker on here bum nice okay that didn't roll I was hoping to enroll but now I can do something interesting oh it blasted once it's gone though and whoop that was easy that was like the easiest one ever maybe almost as easy as this one oh that's not actually one so let's go back in here does a locker room and we'll fall oh no no I missed twice ah that was the worst day of my life or the best day of their life depending on how you look at it okay I'm gonna try the same thing here just scare these guys then maybe they'll run back this way uh-huh I didn't do it they didn't even care they they didn't even care one bit and you got him whoa the police are here what did I do ah see angels who invited them be on guard they're ready to bring the pain what you have to retreat if you're spotted three times so watch yourself whoo oh wait they see oh okay that's strange that's a little weird and fall oh oh wait for me my dear really well that deserves more de monetization duck oh you come back over here now what I couldn't even do anything you just you just keep going at it your monster there's literally nothing else I can do there huh unless something happens to the statue okay so if we let him out I can't do anything to the statue maybe I can guarded by a demoralized worker we need to find out what you do guy literally does nothing just stands around all day you're right oh I'm just a worker where are you going with that where are you going with that missile what are you doing dude where are you going Oh what is going on here it's got a missile in your pants that worked ok this guy's going over here what happens if I did the boom boom I need to kill this guy before the boom boom happens oh oh wait oh oh no oh no the dudes going in what happens oh well that was it as graphic as I thought it could be oh never mind it's still pretty rough yeah that's not not the best way to go where'd he go he disappeared you can't turn into fuel I touch these now oh I forgot about this one No Hey and in shoot nice those good and then if I can get two over here ready aim fire did it okay take a left and nope there you go nope take a left left turn got it nice what is this thing glorious leader outlaws privacy what happens if I double-click on this when people are over there there we go there Oh what happened is he gonna kill them no they're leaving oh that worked and then we have the dogs out here what's the dog gonna do yeah oh that was gross I'm getting close though that's that 28 now I get 11 more two off oh I were under arrest no I got I got notified oh hey so what are these happens what does that thing do I don't even know I'm gonna touch it though oh okay that was cool nice Oh Oh more of them more police I don't like this news ready Get Set and Acme hi missed him I missed that one - how did I miss him got him this time what what does this do Oh red paint on their own Oh glorious leader you're a statue has been vandalized okay so he left who ventilate it was me I did it oh it's her oh no finally left the room but I can't open this door don't worry I will this is awkward know what's gonna happen with glorious leader oh no oh this is super bad this is super not good okay let's see what happens what's glorious leader gonna do this time still peeping what a creeper get ready open there we go there we go wait for me oh no oh this is bad news this is really bad news Oh rest in pepperonis oh my word well we got all three of them still not exactly sure what to do with this one oh I just figured it out whoops yeah you're gonna run away now where you went in you went into the death chamber that wasn't a smart idea are you guys gonna start shoveling cuz I wouldn't mind doing that again well the fan is stuck Oh No maybe I should help you with that whoa you got sucked into the fan Oh No thanks for the hint okay I want to try I got this thing I don't know what it does Oh No after God both the green and shiny thing you ready let me do it again and double-click what what No okay Oh what happened did I get busted oh oh I lost anyway guys you'll have to let me know what you think of this interesting game let's see oh wow they got to the they got the start done first huh what are you cool concept let me know what you think bye you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 859,446
Rating: 4.8995476 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Death coming, death coming game, death coming gameplay, workplace accidents, grim reaper, may2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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