Accidentally DESTROYING Friendships On Purpose in Biped

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hey there humblets welcome to a game called bipen it's an adorably difficult little puzzle-solving game where you walk around as a bipedal robot trying to complete the different puzzles in the game it's by a developer called next studios and they reached out to me and have offered to sponsor this video it's a cool looking game so make sure you check out that link down below in the video description to purchase the game for yourself it's available on pc ps4 and on now on the nintendo switch as of july 2nd for about 15 from the switch store now this game does have very easy controls to learn basically it's the thumb sticks and as the thumbsticks move around your little robot moves around you can solve the different puzzles using that and as you complete the different levels in the game you can unlock different items in the store to purchase with the coins that you get but the challenges will challenge anybody and make you test your friendships and your relationships with your family members that you're playing with and since we're gonna be playing on nintendo switch today there's only offline co-op so there's no online co-op yet but we're gonna have some fun playing locally with intern and i we're to be joining in and having an adventure so let's begin space bud onion galactic survey unit did something but i couldn't read fast enough hey there we are look at us go okay so this is like an intergalactic space party happening i wonder if he got invited oh everyone got invited yeah they're just blasting the earth goodbye earth is that what is that the goal of the game just to destroy the earth i'm good at that my bed bet my best friend what is this flying it's us what are the are you the ones i'm the chosen one i'm the i'm the two actually you're the you're the pink one i'll be blue my heroes i knew you'd come after the storm the beacon went out here everything panicking blah blah blah glassy travelers must hurt a million times this is my duty to brief you anyway okay that's a lot of this is not brief this is let's brief you into stumbler help me pull this lever i'm good at that okay if i step on it is that pull oh nope there's a grab button okay can you do this me so talented okay you go oh wait you gotta go pink side and now go the blue side do these bridges fall away they look like they could no no no no no you can fall away the first challenge i already completed it successfully i'm just here trying man trying i keep walking backwards i think my guy's like meant to moonwalk i need my greens we need that character and the oranges i got a carrot now bring it this way yeah can i walk with it no probably not you got it can i throw it at you yeah do we can we grab it together mine drop it drop it ah you are the chosen one these bridges are not their friends ah don't go that way we go this way but monies i need to get paid there's money right here all right got it got it no no no everything's good okay what did we do you are here that guy's a genius look at him uh actually i'm over here he's where the money is how did you find money all right get up here and then sit can we jump is that uh-oh oh no one biped can't pass such a bridge oh i got i'm picking up what we're putting down okay now i go on it and when it changes pink you step blink and then i step and then you step point and we're gonna get it big steps big step big step big step big stonk snap big i got it oh no i'm free help [Laughter] hey we did it we're successful for the first times in our life and now i go back no don't do don't go that way we go this way because there's a happy face that we have to grab together i think it's a happy is that a happy face i don't know it look we made him happy what is this thing can i touch it can i break it can we break it it's good it's got a face like yours does i think so do i turn around i can't okay oh yeah i think it's my friend oh he's dancing he's happy to see you and run away oh this one looks like a challenge that's the challenge medallion right oh get up there i'm i'm blazing whoa i gotta i gotta make levers for you okay we need this one i believe in you look at the internet you fell down okay we barrel grab the barrel grab the barrel no don't push it off ye oh nice oh hey fix dunks okay now we need this one and i snip and then we need this one yeah nice step and then we need this one huh come on five seconds no no no no no no no no no no then you fell off too i don't know do it this time okay yeah circle step and then this one and then left side my left and rights are backwards triangles got it we did it yeah and now you have to get no no you have to do it i'll get the star first so now i do nope hey oh i thought i would go to your side okay i need circles first can i step on two at once no no no yep yep yep yep i'm stuck on a bear okay that was easy close nope i got it got it i did it so good i'm so good at this game there we go okay and then we step on what does that guy want oh carrot carrot i get the carrot you get there's another carrot i got dibs on the other carrot i'm gonna throw this carrot at you oh you go get the other one my left foot is stuck right foot that that foot that's it bring it to you i'm a helicopter what i didn't want that let go of it you hit me with a carrot okay there's step we did something whoa rocket man spin around whoa i got thrown you did uh no grab the thing yeah then do that and we'll open the gate yeah this looks promising oh i'll just i'll just give one at a time and then then you can get them got them cheating skills happening okay i gotta watch what i'm doing not what you're doing hey wait that one's moving oh challenge oh get on there oh oh no this is gonna be painful i think this next one is pink oh no it's blue now we stand very still you gotta step over oh branch how am i going to do this i can just step on it i get it it'll work i'll just wait here help help me did you see there's another bridge to the left was there once i'm incompetent oh no okay i'll just wait here for you just kidding i was right there we're good bro we got it oh yeah i forgot about the bridge all right you got it okay don't put that foot down i don't want to there you go i'm off and i'm off yeah is this a checkpoint i hope so oh no well we're about to find out hey checkpoint i think left and right is easy oh no oh no oh no i'll just wait on this branch again because i have the waiting technique oh yeah that would hurt real bad okay okay we're doing it oh i'm next me next [Music] did you just straight up walk off the edge you know i was getting a little bit impatient i don't think this game is teaching that right i guess that's why it's supposed to be like fringe breaking here we go okay step step oh i did it turn step i did it again i get the coins nice okay just don't hold free platform yes success hey that's you oh oh hey hello can we throw the barrels at him oh no barrel no no oh no whoa get up get up get up okay okay oh nice i don't ooh game doesn't like all these barrel fragments no it's i stuck on my legs that just threw me off oh we got to do that we got to do the it's like ddr right now ooh i've never been good at ddr neither have i okay and then oh and then and then this one and then you again okay left and and i'll do it right like that and then i step again hey guys and we go to the other side anyway oh my foots there we go my guy is just pro at moonwalking that's all he does my guy's not very good at much of anything hey there's a carrot i'm gonna eat it i'm gonna open this guy's face yeah money money hey this is my side hey this is my carrot my leg's stuck i'm gonna take it with me oh it's gliding with the carrot nope it's mine now no get me the carrot and i'll smack you with it get out of here this is what i have to do guys this is what working for blitz is like hey i'm a helicopter i miss the coins whoa wow i feel like i'm flying okay i got a carrot wait i don't have a carrot anymore i can have a barrel no that was mine no it's my barrel see this is what it's like having an intern who's abusive i'll just edit this out and no one will ever know mine okay what do we do now oh not this again ah oh no see it was blue this time if you step on the pink one it breaks you ah take that this carrot wants to come with us but we don't want it to hello mr bridge there you are okay i got it oh this is not good oh that's moving why is it moving ah it's okay it's okay i think i got it nice look at us go oh yes oh we didn't even fail that time twice stand on the foot censors we shall do it maybe there we go bacon activated kevin bacon bacon kevin his name's kevin it all comes together there it goes yeah look at that time we did it uh perfectly and we only died 30 30 times i don't know what do you mean it says perfect it says perfect we did we got a star gold star oh this cactus looks friendly go hug it it loves it okay can we just slide oh that was fun i'm gonna do that again i can just slide every oh i can't slide on these ah tater totter time i was never good at these oh there we go oh i can grab this one i can grab this one i'm gonna throw it to your side okay i think we might actually have to do something like that ah yeah i get it i think you just gotta come up yeah you had it okay oh i got i figured it out we to go this way and then i'll go down and then you can come up but there's a cactus there's a pickle on our way can you move the pickle please thank you don't throw it at me okay yeah and then okay i'll lift you up come towards oh yeah and then are you heavier than me or am i heavier than you yeah good job okay we got to switch sides though oh here's another pickle you want a pickle no i just get one i want to see if i can slide oh this is this that's a rolling [Music] we're so bad at this wait i wonder if one foot stays down if we just go can you go around in circles oh i thought we could oh star ah no no no no no no no no no no no no no i think this is a bit where one is better than two okay you do it you get the thing yeah get the thing and i'll pretend to be alive a bit more this way okay now run run run across go out going go go go nope nope nope oh just i got it everything's good oh if i step here can i no no no no no no no come back no i made it mine dibs oh you get two they didn't break this time the barrels are getting stronger okay helicopter maneuver yeah oh yeah [Music] that was good yeah and then we can go up the downslide how can we slide up a hill ah take that you deserved it hey i found a challenge oh i found a pickle off whoa i almost fell off oh dear did i do it did i did it all by myself oh gold coins oh another two ah well that one daughter is really far so so i'll stay here and then how do you get up that i think i just gotta be super fast okay and then oh i got it what is this oh it's a is that what we're supposed to use i don't maybe that would have flung me really high hey hey wait no no balls don't go down no no okay i'm gonna practice something really quick it'll be funny okay get on there okay you ready and then whoa nice one so cool he's dead look at him i want that gold star in your hat can i have that can i grab it i'm gonna just how does that smell helicopter's face yeah oh no not each other okay so we're supposed to both be on here at the same time and stuff i can't knock would you be nice to the npc oh oh dear oh it's a okay big brain time oh this is going to be very painful be slow and steady wins the stunks and down and down and down and safe a hundred percent we're so good oh no help come on i got it reach out to me i have a feeling you're the kind of guy who would just let me fall long live the king and now i will be the blitz ah yes knocked him out i pulled over him hey wait wait stay down there i'm gonna throw something at you okay don't worry you don't know how to climb up anyway never mind i can't click can i grab this one oh i can and then here he needs to borrow give give it just thank you no nope nope i wonder what he's going to bring to me hey oh it didn't work that was unfortunate and boink oh i just peeled it off whoa okay we're going around the corner and good landing no yes no yes no [Laughter] okay this is gonna be fun we're gonna have to left and right step and stuff challenge oh oh it's a double team oh it's a toddler teeter okay go go go go go go go okay no no no no no no no back yep nope nope nope yep nope i'm safe i'm still safe i am the victor now wait okay if i step on it yeah just grab it there you go like that and then i'll just teeter-totter my face over here hey big brain i want that oh you get oh okay we need the star do we need it here okay we got the checkpoint so lift me up up up you go hey my plan succeeded successfully oh no no ah hey that worked i broke the barrel with my butt you only have a face you're like uh mike wazowski but i have something mike wazowski doesn't robot a second eye whoa oh barrels no no pull can you just pull the pull it just grab thank you there you go and then i'll get the stunks and you i'll get the second barrel okay and i'll sit right here waiting to go in the jet machine there we go okay this thing again oh it's okay it's but it's got holes this time oh dear is it just me or were there coins down below i don't want to know i don't we don't need them that bad help oh we're stepping so fast touch it i touch i ah did it did we make it no oh okay i'll just stand here and tippy tap okay and you and me and you and me that that was me that time okay i did you did you did the time when it was the me i'm gonna have to go this way you got this and sprint across i'm making it come on don't let me down now come on don't let me down now oh you did it that was good that was that was excellent hey go in there oh i can rip off his uh bony parts nice why did you do that to me the songs are mine nice one perfect job [Music] now did i just knock a coconut out of the tree i i don't think that's a coconut tree blitz i i'm pretty sure that's coconut falling out of it oh maybe you're right i'm always right twice today ah take that what is this puzzle now this looks painful i don't get big money is it gonna be like a color teeter-totter sometime it do be like that oh it's just a oh easy there no easy there oh okay come on come down a little bit far a little bit farther a little bit farther there i'm getting serious thumb work out now okay we're gonna have to step together and step you take another one and i'll take one oh no go back go back reverse direction i got it i got it okay back to the middle where it's nice and safe and cozy and then step a little bit farther for you okay i'm making it your turn ah yes that was easy oh no oh yeah i got another one of these things whoop that star is mine um you know what i'm just gonna leave bye helicopter time okay got it left side left side oh and then oh beautiful oh don't go down there okay we're good hey wait wait grab the barrels and throw them down the hole oh wait we should make barrels collide in the air oh i'm not smart enough to know how to do that yes because you break them right away put yours in the hole oh that was pretty good except you threw it off the world just no i didn't okay just no no not me too not me too not okay this way throw it down the hole throw it in the hole i'll catch it yeah i'll catch you with my face no no no no no no don't go off the edge no why'd you push it that was big stunks what are we doing oh is it like one of the here walk to the left real quick oh oh oh oh we got oh hey oh this is going to be grab on grab on oh man oh we're going to break it i like this nice did we tip it over we crunched it we succeeded we did it in turn we said hey so that's gonna wrap it up for this video of biped i hope you've enjoyed our adventure today if you did make sure you click on that link down below in the video description to pick up the game on nintendo's switch for yourself it's also available for pc and ps4 if you were wondering as well and thanks again to next studios for sponsoring this video so we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 196,822
Rating: 4.9528346 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, biped, biped game, biped gameplay, coop game, nintendo switch, biped switch, biped nintedo switch, july2020
Id: AaruM8VGyJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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