Carnivore Rampage Vs. A Human Zoo! - Jurassic World Evolution Gameplay

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hey everybody Hamlet's welcome back to a new episode Jurassic world evolution you guys seem to really like the battle arena that we that we made up a couple of videos ago and I thought to myself I said self what would happen if we kind of change the way it worked where we put all the visitors on the inside and then let the dinosaurs into the visitors it sounds fun doesn't it so I'm gonna try to build something up try to get as many visitors inside of this thing as we can because there aren't really that many people here we do have some dinosaurs there's a couple Indo Raptors ooh should I make yes yes I should I should make Indo Raptors everywhere incubate incubate incubate up nope that's not interested thank you made all the Indo Raptors I think I'm gonna fill up all of these with Indo Raptors yes we do have a few dinosaurs inside we have the indoor Raptor we have a couple IKEA sources and kazmo source I don't know how to pronounce dinosaur names anyway we got those guys in now the question is how do we get people from outside here to the inside in there and I'm thinking I'm probably gonna have to remove some of this I'm gonna have to remove the feeders to get the dinosaurs out in the middle yay goodbye oh man that endo Raptor looks like he wants to have some fun is he gonna fight you can't fight you can't fight this guy they're totally gonna fight aren't they hey yes they are oh look look at the little like hairs on the back of feathers that's kind of cool oh man this is actually gonna be a decent fight no this guy's not comfortable at all I really should maybe make them comfortable for a little bit of time there it is oh right in the face except to kind of miss the face who's faster Oh another one no way I think he's gonna kill him get him buddy get him buddy you can do it I have a feeling like he's gonna win you're cops oh right in the face oh he's got 1% let's see the takedown now it's always a takedown her finishing move oh right in the head and he's down he's out Dino down that's a cool little death screen that looks like the Raptors a little bit okay so I kind of did something nobody had that issue with that corner but I think this should work we'll just combine all the corners around here we'll make like another octagon Oh we'll make another octagon inside maybe and then we'll put all of our people inside here got my white dinosaur we'll connect those up and then connect from here to here cool so it looks a little bit lopsided that's okay now that was electrified concrete fence so I think we're just gonna delete all of this that looks pretty good I have to bring power into it oh it doesn't quite work for power I guess if we it might we'll try that we'll just try it it will bring the power out okay oh it's online good so next thing I need to do is I really need to make some sort of tunnel the best way to make me do it is by just driving a tunnel into it okay that looks to be good on this one let's delete this right here and we're gonna make a large tunnel or a large path going in now let's see if we can just do this right oh that works pretty good yay we did it okay now I need to delete this fence aw come on delete the fence that worked and then we'll put in the path up into here okay and then we'll complete the path or the fence back again well make it so the dinosaurs can't get out all right so the people can go inside I did remove one of the hatcheries here but that's okay I like the way it turned out it looks really cool to me now in order to get people inside we have to put some of these in so let's turn that around it's gonna be good we're gonna get a lot of them in here now there's no better way to see the dinosaurs than directly inside the pen right right yeah that looks good it looks really good ah oh I tricked him oh so I did make it a little bit smaller just so I can get it to work a little better make it more even I guess the better term so now we need to run these things around here how best do I make a path in here oh shoot I want a bad diamond shape that looks good quiet I don't want any any people telling me of my own diamond shape it looks dumb cuz it looks great it's beautiful just like Albany power justjust like my mom said that I was beautiful okay and then we got one there and then we'll do another one over here just to get it all powered up like so we got a connector the dots let's connect the dots right here to here to here okay we have power that's awesome okay now the next thing we need to do I forgot to headship mirth so I thought it'd be fun to add in a few more just a few more hatcheries - we gotta have a couple dinosaurs in here right me and we should probably landscape it just a little bit add some water a ring throw some trees in back here right on the outside that could be cool some trees lots of trees oh this would be fantastic it'll be like the natural environment for dinosaurs except they're gonna be four people and let's put some shrubberies in shrubberies lots of shrubbery is for everyone yay okay they all have dinosaurs being cued up look at look at them all they're all checkmarks it's like a hodgepodge of Awesomeness in here I'm kind of looking forward to releasing you know because we have a lot of people that are coming in I think I'm gonna try to get some more guests ah doesn't quite work try to get some more guests by like attracting more near maybe with them I don't know let's do Oh fossils own that looks boring let's do the bar gotta have a bar in the side of the middle of our death chamber got it yes nailed the landing yes okay and a toy shop you gotta have a bar in a toy shop one for the kids one for the adults and it doesn't fit never mind they don't get it okay hopefully the people start coming in there pretty well we have to release a few more dinos because frankly there's nothing exciting in there so we have a we have a gig add to source gig Anto source we've got ooh what's ready here the indominus rex was through these of indominus he'll be he'll be nice and chipper yes hahaha you do you buddy you do you okay now if I open up this old man let's open the gate he's gonna be fine in there but we do have to hook up the rest of these gates to now it was a little bit of a mess trying to get everything hooked up but it kind of worked yeah the indominus is in he's roaming around he's looking pretty happy in there well no power really where my out of power that one why am I out of power over there I have a lot of power hmm requires path connection that's why I don't have power you got it powers on okay and we have a nice little pin all the way around so you have to put in gates now oh dude Indo Raptor is munching on people yeah the people love it too that's great except not as many people are coming in here as I wanted them to why does this be like an arena dome for the Raptors and stuff to eat okay now we need more dinos the thing let's get we needed power so we were to take a Brachiosaurus out - I just want to get I want to get the park riding up a little bit higher we only have one star right now so not many people are coming in wonder if I put a hotel or a couple of them are here just slop in hotel any old area that'll work great I think I figured out why no one's coming to the middle it's cuz I D connected this yes connection okay powers back on we need a lot of people back in the middle here mmm right have another fight brewing where's that Brachiosaurus at areas Brachiosaurus is out we got dead dinosaurs up the wazoo yeah those two I knew about those you might be hunting so I can release a couple of my rexes now and you guys are gonna love all the dinosaurs I got okay we're gonna do that we release both Rex's we could release our indoor app ders let's just open up the gate there's a lot of coverage in here we got the little oh the little ones yeah good lord the Rex I forget what these guys look like here he comes oh yeah he looks scary look that'll be good it's like a lean mean human eatin machine open that up good okay now people are starting to flock into here that's excellent look at all right we got three NAB stars now everything's ready to go whoo are you gonna eat him oh you did oh man all the keys grabbing on oh oh he killed it already Wow whoa okay well I think it's time just to let everything out right now open the gates open up all the stuff oh Edmontosaurus just add some heads some of these guys into Cory's coming in we've got the Camaro source we release him in this one oh we got some fights Thank You Soros you got the Indo Raptor and couple Indo Raptors that door is open too this one is more than these things for you what they're called okay open gate Indo Raptors we're gonna have so many in directors they're just gonna destroy all the humans I don't have anything there that might have been their exes I got a couple more Indo Raptors oh this is gonna be great and philosoraptor I wish there was a control that I could just open all the gates up I guess I could by deleting him oh we got fights happening this is good this is good this is where people are gonna come in like crazy oh they're coming in nicely let's can I get another operation thingy like one of these out here maybe your two they fit no it doesn't fit I can fit one here and we can put in a path I might be able to get another one somewhere cool maybe I can okay oh we got all sorts of fights happening Oh a key and oh into it what's this one whoa indominus what is it really oh oh my god so many fights about ready to happen this little dude is scrappy he's beating him up always gonna go in for the kill that's awesome okay well we got it I wish there was a pause button I got a really solid I know so there's another one happening okay nobody's in there oh you got the sores I've not seen this one yet oh he looks he's even he's got worse arms and there Rex does I have so many dinos coming out there's so many of them oh man I got all of the the carnivores I could just so they would eat both we got double the spy knows good it's in this one more endure Raptors I got a lot of endows and oh I had saddle sores these guys are kind of boring but I got them anyway now look at all the people oh yes oh yes my precious let's go just demolish mode well just take the fences out that sounds more fun nobody needs gates will just take defenses there we go come on out everyone out it's party time okay this is about to get really messy okay we got we got the people now the question is but why am i deleting these everyone's already dead look at all the people in here okay so I'm gonna delete there's a lot of people if I delete that well these guys turn around and go back inside and then eventually the goal is to get them all into the middle and then delete all of this stuff in here that's my plan anyway oh they are they're kind of zigzagging this is great oh we have so many fights happening in Doha Stratis Soros these guys go whoa there's so much bad news happening we gotta get Soros and a spy no oh there is so much happening there's so many fights they're just all squaring off bunch of mad dinos okay and now I just need you guys to get over here right over here and then we're gonna delete the order to put a fence on there and we're gonna delete all of the gates may I look at this mess there's 40 dead dinos maybe I shouldn't have made so many big dinos I don't know hmm maybe I should have made use velocity or endure Raptors get all the dead dinos Wow they went down so fast it's working it's working okay we're gonna I want those people in too Oh everything's dying [Music] meeting everything there's just so many fights have you look at these little dudes in Dover after in a dinette so many fights gay can I do it now can I do it I really want to do it I guess I can we can start removing some of these things we already have the people people don't know any better I don't think they disappear either perfect it's good it's time to go uh fence it off okay you guys have been freed and now everyone else is gonna die yes go team go team go hunt the people no dinos go hunt the people I feel like the people are gonna start like despawning I hope this works goodbye here eat the humans they don't know what to do with themselves like literally they're frozen in place we've done it I have made sandwiches for you dinos you're not you're not understanding what I did we need velociraptors a lot of them he's ever found people he yes yes come on spinal well where are they gonna go where the Dinah's gonna go oh oh oh oh oh just one little bite oh look at all these people they don't even know they don't even know what I did to him you can't escape you can't escape you know what we need to do now oh the indominus is Ephrem - oh no indominus into rex oh wow what are you guys doing in here we need to fight outside of this you have people to eat there's so many people for you to eat all these people are getting cornered it was fun while it lasted but all the trees need to be removed so I can remove the people oh they're so trapped in the corner it said I must make more dinosaurs there they go oh don't worry there's Raptors in that one they're gonna come out and eat you there's so many people there's so many people oh yes the big dinos have found him now oh the crowd mechanics are so fun Oh another one yes we got Raptors ready to come in oh all the big guy doesn't eat never the LPS right a source spine Oh Oh spine Oh an indoor Raptor fighting oh look at all these people here this will be great relations our Raptors don't even know what to do he has surprised he oh we docked two down three down as he was running out oh man we have so many fights happening between Rex's and into Raptors - what you stop fighting comfort we're just getting right behind him okay here we go Raptors Raptors we need the Raptors release the Raptors ok I think that's all of them I think that's all the Raptors maybe they're all over oh three guys at once they're eating everything here was the big guy knows it they're all fighting over here although little Raptors are just messing things up here comes the Rex it's a little injured oh are you gonna fight the Dinos you can't fight the dinos oh look at the little rappers it reminds me of the lost world the movie the address park lost world where the Raptors were in the little tall grass ooh speaking of in tall grass no why are the Indo Raptors fighting our indominus rex fighting the little raptors running around eaten everything i love it oh look at this are you doing a fight no we just need all the little Raptors eat everything I do it well cute little he's standing his ground I feel like one of these spy knows has eaten a lot of guests what are you Ed Oh comment in for me how many guests do you eat where is that number goats killed humans killed 700 he screams gobble gobble gobble oh this guy's just standing still he's gonna get eaten they're running around oh man these Raptors are quite dangerous a lot more dangerous than I thought they'd be oh these two is that guy really is Dave there dave is gonna live oh this Kevin's not though that Kevin's a weird name for a female that's fine I won't judge her poor Kevin pom-pom dumb dumb dumb dumb okay that was great oh yeah oh no another fight you two don't want to fight you got people to eat no Rex is just standing there spy toes not gonna make it too long I don't think Oh a spy no died goodbye spy no it was nice knowing you I did like you you killed you killed lots of people wow that's some good combat in for me you killed eight how many of you killed me your job is to kill people very Wow Wow look at that combat infamy gadzooks man what is it he's killed 13 dinos and no humans you guys start getting some humans buddy got it take some humans out there's your first one right there Steve coming Steve no you're just a lean mean dinosaur eating machine aren't you he's killed so many dinos oh we're gonna fight now oh here's a battle 88 Dominus man that's nut somebody's eating and these Raptors just keep going I guess he's not he's a raptor Titan not a Ruger Lee Raptor oh right away oh there's a good little fight little scrappy ones I like these these guys are pretty high-powered if I remember right well no blossom Raptors are fighting no man yeah this guy's gonna go deaf real quick man oh hang his head it's gonna go in for the killing blow now yeah nice that was a good one kind of surprised with this Rex what is he doing see your stats six whoa are you gonna fight yeah 233 it's not nearly as good he's only eaten four humans know this guy oh why do you need people so much or not eat people you love you to dinos look at that combat in for me that might be the highest I've ever gotten one he's eating 13 people look at all the Raptors over here hey all the Raptors have turned all these people are like dude you could crawl right through that fence they don't care they don't care at all uh-oh there goes another one I really wanted this indominus to start eating people where's he going oh another takedown okay so how many people are left oh there's a lot there's a lot of people left this will be fun you're at least the Dinos this will be good come on dinos you have now free ray or sorry I just let the people out here I got a better idea nobody's allowed to leave nobody's allowed to leave my Park can I delete that oh no they're not gonna be smart enough to know how to get out the Raptors don't even care oh this guy does open up they're gonna fight look they're all trying to leave but they don't know how to get out of here whoa what did they do I just got a glitched out okay I want that Rex to come over here now mr. Rex hmm well mr. Rex is about to die that Dominus heals up really quickly here comes mr. combat infamy himself look at look at this oh he's got down a little bit Wow cuz he's got he's got seriously bad problems for the welfare penalty hey that's okay oh my word doesn't even got a bite in no wonder he's so good hope there's a bite 74 one more chopper you're done you're done mr. Rex Oh dinosaur threat No and the people just walking around aimlessly that's awesome they're just squaring off a little Raptor comes it oh there it goes that's it right there go for the head bite go for the head fight he's gonna do it horseshoes come on the bossa Raptors are fighting Wow this - its combat infamy is just insane but as well prep Emily as bed look at that watch this go up again there it is 27:16 amazing I did want a few dinosaurs to come over here but it doesn't look like they want to too busy scoring off against each other and this lady must be Kevin so if I do want more dinos I actually have to build this to get out of the park and I can build some more Rex's maybe I think he just ate his first person how many people have you eaten one this'll be good oh do you smell another one where are you going now come on I just want you to go out of the park there it is there it is no no no keep going that way there's a lot of people to eat oh we got the first one that's escaped he's ready to go ah she screamed ah they got me screaming a little more for velociraptors after me or if I saw a giant indominus rex coming in oh she's gone rest oh man it's even strangling her okay whoa indominus is out in Damas don't get like let me out for you indominus is going this dude he's a bad or she is bad hombre and it doesn't want to eat people kind of a boring dinosaur Hey still eat everything else see if I can convince people to come back out here you can see dinosaurs it'll be really fun you know what he needs he needs food I think that's really what he's doing is trying to find food your comfort right cupper grassland forest social population Aysen forest land ok let's get you some forest in buddy there you go there's literally no forest in this map because they got rid of them all uh-oh what's happening over here they're staying away from the velociraptor we got a couple Raptors that have gotten out that's cool oh we got another one they're gonna heard the people dude go over there you need some it'd be great this one just does not want to eat anything just doesn't want to eat where's where's the Rex is Ed I thought it made rexis yeah seventy-seven percent okay they'll come out and play one little rap you're like down here loves to herd people around Oh Oh make some sounds make in Dessau yes nom nom nom nom nom nom oh there we go it's finally happening no don't eat the run don't eat the Raptor you guys are friends you're like cousins or something weird yeah you know now you figured it out maybe if I sell all the Raptors than this one I'll want to eat people oh it's going it's going it's seas one that dude who are you gonna eat are you gonna eat indominus man yes and now nom nom nom nom nom nom um oh man I love that so much this thing is that's like the coolest Dino for real this time no fences breaches 14 dinos killed 21 31 that's amazing oh here we go Rex time will send their exes out whoa now indominus is common humans now the indominus has found him yes there you go ahaha that's awesome that's so good okay so the Rex's have arrived what's gonna happen now the Rex is gonna go for things or is just ass in Dominus than the champion of all you're gonna do oh wow that was a weird little switch danger to guests yes oh no the Rex coming oh yes is it oh oh are they gonna fight you better not fight you better go oh the other Rex just got out you better go eat some people how many have you killed now comment if you me doesn't seem to go up interesting Oh gross there we go the Rex is now hurting people who do you wanna eat oh look how fast it is compared to the others oh stop oh just ran over a guy oh he's gonna eat a sandwich you're fit you have all these yummy little meat sandwiches running around and you just have to get that oh here we go this would be good mm-hmm this stop for a second what do you see are you gonna fight are you gonna invite our victor is that what you're gonna do you have no chance to survive dude I hope you know that oh there's that first bite yeah there's no chance that you not against the battle-hardened indominus it's killed 14 others he's still chopping around oh you still no hope either you win still no hope yeah oh good scars Oh Oh what's gonna happen now forgive those feet work he's just oh that's so scary bite him my time Gillett ready to kill dead yes there goes down to one we're gonna get the takedown here it goes and there's the bite the head shop and the shape I have to take down itself all right guys that's gonna end our little human rampage today this is kind of a fun episode to do hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 2,023,194
Rating: 4.8097048 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World Evolution Game, Jurassic World Evolution Gameplay, new jurassic world game, jurassic world the game, jurassic world evolution episode 1, jurassic world evolution ep 1, jurassic park gameplay, blitz, june2018, 2018, jurassic park, jurassic world, jurassic world gameplay, jurassic world game, dinosaur, jurassic world evolution trailer, jwe, dinosaurs, jurassic world evolution part 1, jwes01, dinosaur fight, dinosaur battle
Id: SqWt397qDdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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