- Welcome back, everybody. We are here and we're playing
one of our favorite games, "Anomia." You guys know how to play. If you don't, you can check out the video that has a link in the description below. Other than that, we're gonna get started. I will start. - [Shayne] Good luck. - I, anomia.
- Anomia to you. (Courtney grunts) - Funny sound?
- Oh, well, that's gonna be just easy. - [Damien] I hope someone gets it. - Type of doctor. (Angela and Damien giggle) - [Damien] Oh, nothing. - What? Okay. Fricking lame. - I don't know.
- Oh 'cause it has (beep) in the name?
- Are we ready? - [Courtney] Hitchcock going? - Funny sound, type of
doctor, Hitchcock film. (Damien giggles)
(Shayne stutter) - Yeah, yeah.
- I know, I'm doing fine. - [Arasha] Yeah, there's
always somebody's strategy. - [Damien] Everything's fine. (group gasps) - Advice columnist.
- Oh my God. Oh my God, I have this.
- Hello? - Advil communists?
- I don't even know. (group speaking over each other) - [Angela] I have such a good one. - You don't have to worry about it though. - Okay, I'm gonna flip this real fast. I'm not gonna look at
it first, here we go. Three, two, one, ready, go? Three, two, one, go! (gasps) - We still good? - Wow.
(Courtney shrieks) - Anti-metal boxy.
- Good first round. Good first round.
- Okay? - [Courtney] Always facing up? (Shayne and Arasha stuttering) - Fork! - Okay, I don't know an advice columnist! - Same! I would have never.
- So that's just not going to happen. - [Angela] Dude, I had such a good one. - I'm killing this!
- You're gonna hold onto that one.
- I'm doing great! - All right.
- Litowitz. - Oh, wild card! So now these two symbols can face off. - Yes. Okay. So then you can draw again.
- I get to pull again? - Yeah.
- Okay! - [Angela] Anomia. - (gasps) (beep).
- Uh, dog! (group laughing) - Dog!
- Keep going! 'Cause neither of those were true. - Bear! Bear! Bear!
- Dogs are mammals. - Dogs are mammals?
- Polar bear! - Dogs are mammals.
- Hold on. Let's pump the brakes on this. What did you say? - Dogs are mammals?
- Okay, yeah. Expand on that. - So you think it's a reptile, my love? - I did... I did, I thought? (clapping) Courtney gets the point! - (laughs) I don't.
- Oh my god. - No, I do.
- No, Angela gets the point. - (clapping) Angela gets the point. - My favorite Hitchcock film, (beep). (group laughs) - I've never seen a Hitchcock. - I am truly enlightened
today, that dogs are mammals. - If you had said "Side
(beep)", I would've taken it. - Wow.
- If you had to guess before knowing this information, and like everybody has some
little gaps here and there. (Shayne chortles)
But like... I'm being polite! If you had to guess before,
what did you think dogs were? - Well, I don't know. Pets? I thought like I would say
dolphin or whale as a mammal. I felt like those were
in the obvious category. - That works.
- I actually think those are the tricks. - Yeah, I think those are the tricks. - Those are the least common mammal vibes. - Listen, Texas education
has clearly not done me well. - That's fair.
- That's true. - Here I go. - Oh.
- Uh-oh. - [Courtney and Arasha] New wild card. - Okay. Oh, oh!
- Uh-oh! - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Bleh!
- "Sex in the City"! - I think Shane gets that point. - Oh, wow. - Bleh! - All right, losers. Okay, we're good. - What is that?
- Method of communication. - Method of communication, okay. Here we go, ready? - For some ready reason that
looks like a church symbol. - You ready? Here we go. Bam! World series winner. (laughs) I'm doing good over here!
- What? - The year the Yankees won.
(Shayne laughs) - All right, to be fair... - I'm sure I'm going
to match with Courtney. It's gonna be sick. - Whoa! - Campbell's!
- Oncologist! - I was thinking "oncologist".
- I said "Campbell's". - I said "oncologist", I
don't know who was faster. - I wanna say Courtney's
"Campbell's" finished sooner. - That's true.
- Yes and Damien's was louder, but I think a second off. - Campbell's!
- Oncologist! I don't think "louder" unfortunately helps me in this case.
- I do like that though. - I think that's a point for Courtney. - That's crazy you predicted that. - It's cray- hey, I'm back baby. Add it to the compilation six. - All right.
- Yup! - [Damien] Coming soon. (Courtney and Arasha stuttering) - Poop, poop!
- An oncologist! - You said "poop" and then you gave up! - You thought poo-poo forest? - Wait, I also think you said poop twice. - I'm gonna go with veterinarians, so that we don't have repeats. - I just love that you said-
I saw you go, "poop, poop." (group laughing)
And then you like waited! You literally answered- (Courtney speaking
indistinctly due to laughing) - [Arasha] Is poop? Are
we going to take poop? - Ooh, cell phone brand. - "Ratatouille"!
- Uh, what? (Shayne laughs)
Ugh, surprise. ♪ Rat-tat-toui-wee win, tat-toui-wee rat ♪ - I'll gladly give you the point, but I will say it was very... - Yeah, I was gonna say...
- I did not see it. - No, no, slap it down, get
your hand outta the way. - Get some slaps going. - Oh my gosh, you guys.
- I was miles away. My brain was in the poop forest. (Shayne and Courtney stuttering) - ABC!
- Sprint! You got it. - Yes!
- Frint? - Frit!
- Sprint frint. (Arasha hyperventilating)
- [Damien] Frimp! - Sorry.
- Can you hear me now? Frint. (group laughing) - Time for my revenge. - Uh-oh.
- I'm gonna say you're safe. Popular diet?
- Yeah, you'll see. - Oh, I got one.
- All right, I got one. T-Mobile!
- Air conditioning. (somber music) (Angela and Courtney stuttering) - Violin!
- ABC! Yeah. - I think ABC was first?
- No, no. - Wait, that's not a wind instrument! - [Damien] (laughs) No, it is not. - Capital records! - Ooh, that's one of 'em.
- That's good. - What did you answer for wind instrument? - Violin.
- I said violin. - That's a mammal.
- And then that card becomes in play.
(group laughs) - Violins do make me feel
like I'm blowing in the wind. - Yeah, it's a Zelda thing, I think. Yeah, yeah.
- I'm overthinking it now. - Uh-oh!
- New wild card. - New wild card, which means... - Danger, nothing.
- Okay. (Courtney grunts) - So far we're so good.
- 80's TV show. - [Arasha] Okay. Eighties? - This is either gonna be
our best video of all time, or it's no other option. - Hold on, what are eighties?
- Let's go, Shayne. - Oh!
- Nothing, nothing. - Wow, by some means. - Ready for this?
- Yes. - Um? Nothing.
- Nothing. - Deodorant brand is what
it say on the wavy thing. - I feel like all of our shoulders are up. - Yep. If up, then stuck, Ellis love heartbreak. - Nothing.
- Holy crap! - What is that?
- Noun of assemblage. - Okay?
- Like a noun? - So like, I'll take "a
murder of crows". A murder. - Oh wow. That's crazy.
- Okay, ready? - [Courtney and Arasha] New wild card. - So that's in the middle.
- Which means... - So like a group of losers? - Yeah. (Courtney grunts) (Shayne and Courtney stuttering) - Democrat! - Good, yeah.
- Sorry. I feel like when I go, "Ugh!" I'm like trying to
intimidate the other person into just shutting up.
(Damien gasps) - Ooh, Yankees! Yankees, that happened from before. - Oh, you didn't even see that match! - I don't even need glasses for that one. - Wow.
- Okay, my turn. - Your turn.
- All right. - Uh, Nike! - (stutters) Okay, but
see? And I knew- (groans) - A pack of Nikes.
- Hmm! - Uh, what?
- Okay, Shayne. - Okay, here we go.
- Draw one for me! Dude, let's match.
- You got it. - Hello?
- Oh, shit! - Oh, I'll throw that
under. It doesn't matter. - Spotted animal? Ha, I spot- - Good luck thinking about those. - Dog!
- Mammal! - Dolphin.
- Spotted mammal. (beep) Uh.
(Shayne laughs) - Some sort of like-
- Oh (beep)! Spotted (beep)!
- "Family Circus". - Shit! I actually couldn't think of one. - Thought "spotted
dick", and that's a food! - "Spotted" what? - Spotted (beep). It's a type of mammal
that's spotted. (chuckles) No, rooster with spots! Take it, I don't even care. - Yeah, "Family Circus"
I think got out before. - Oh, before "spotted (beep)"? Yeah. I think Shayne might get that point. - Well a (beep) is an animal.
- Yes. - I didn't even know
there was a comic strip called "Family Circus".
- If you're gonna declare it spotted.
- You would love "Family Circus".
- Super Christian. - Is it?
(group giggles) - Let's see.
- I assume they all are. - Oh, toes! - Okay.
- I read that as "food part". I was like, "brains"!
- I read that as "footpath", and I was like, uh, that's what it is. - Go, poop-poop. (group laughs)
- Oh, God. (Damien mutters) - Nothing. Famous criminal.
- Oh. (Shayne and Angela stuttering) - Dalmatian!
- Fuji! - What'd you say?
- Dalmatian. - I think Dalmatian came out first. - Oh, that was way louder than yours. - But that was good. (laughs)
- What'd you say? (Damien groans) - Uh, Machine Gun Kelly. (Damien laughs)
- Whoa. - Wow!
- That is actually a famous... - Okay, so then that one goes out there. - Machine Gun Kelly named
himself (indistinct). - Sounds like an old 20's gangster. - One for me and Shayne,
come on. Come on for me. - I love that one!
- Sandwich. - Sun-gwich.
- I love that one! - Oh shit, I'm so sorry. - Physical sandwich. (laughs) (Arasha mumbles) - Was that physical Ben? - If I stuck one under it, but just- - [Shayne and Damien] Physical sandwich. (Shayne and Damien laughing)
- All right. Listen, I'm trying to think of sandwiches. - [Shayne] You son of a bitch. (laughs) (group gasps) - What does this say? Newscaster. Why do they keep doing this? They're like news shows, newscaster. - But keep this in mind,
the wild card at play includes you though.
- Yeah. - Okay.
(Courtney humming) Oh, hot dog! - Uh, songwriting duo. Give me a break! - That's up for debate.
- This is impossible to read from beside you.
- I said "hot dog". Debate yourself.
- Okay, I think this is gonna divide a household.
- We need to call Doc. - You think-
- Okay, a cheeseburger. - Why are you saying-
- That's a burger, bro. - But Sonny and Cher
are a songwriting duo. - I said "hot dog"!
(Damien laughing) Hot dog is a sandwich! - You have to leave the room now. - A hot dog is a sandwich.
- It's not a sandwich. - Is nobody on my side here? - This "Mythical" shit out.
- Damien? - I'm middle of the road here. Because like, look, if connecting bread is the only thing that makes
it not a sandwich that's crazy. But also a taco is not a
sandwich, there's no way. So it's like, that's
a tale as old as time. Why couldn't you just
say a goddamn grinder? (Shayne laughing)
That's all. That's all I wanted you to say. - Guys! - Why didn't you say ham?
- Guys, listen. - Boop, boop, ham.
- I said hot dog. I said it first. There was a pause after. I feel like I knew what I was
saying and I put it out there. I feel like this was fine. - I feel like Arasha gets it.
- I think she deserves it. - I'll give it to her.
- You heard it here first, a hot dog is a sandwich!
- You guys, she gonna win! - No, because she also said "burger". I didn't answer anything.
- Oh, you didn't? - I didn't say a single thing.
- Yeah. - Everybody good? We good? - You could've said Bradley
Cooper and Lady Gaga. - Oh! - Tom Brokaw! - Hello?
- Oh, ours match. - Dang.
(Shayne laughs) - Nice, nice. That's great. - [Courtney] Okay, okay, okay. - I'm like over here like, huh? - We good? Okay. (Courtney gasps) Carrie Bradshaw.
- James Earl Jones. - I called it. - [Arasha] Carrie Bradshaw took it, nice. - You freaking did it, poop-poop. - I finally (beep) did it, poop-poop. - Add it to the win column.
- All right, Angie. - Shakespeare. Oh, wait, don't I? - Yeah! - Oh shit! - Oh God.
- I didn't even see that. ♪ And this is "Anomia" ♪ Cut that out. ♪ The only game you mix with
bleach to make mustard gas ♪ - [Angela] Here we go, ready? Yes. - Stinky poop!
- Poop! I said "poop".
- I know you're wrong. Deodorant brand, poop? No. You bad, me good. Give me. - You're poo-poo now! - I said "poop".
- I know you're wrong. - Yeah, (laughs) that's
not a deodorant brand. - Shit.
(group laughing) - Now you're poop-poop! - Unless it is, Angela. - You get it from the forest. - And that explains why
you smell like shit! - I wanna be really clear,
you're poop-poop, I'm- - [Angela and Courtney] Poop! - Can we get a search if
"poop" is a deodorant brand? - It's really not. - [Arasha] It definitely
could be out there. - [Damien] Battle of Russia, do it. - [Shayne] Smack! - (gasps) (beep) Sorry. - Nothing.
- Damn. Sports car, I'm (beep).
People know those things. - ABC News Nightly.
- Ham. You get it.
- I don't know. - Did you say "ham"?
- ABC News Nightly? Is that real?
- Yeah, it is. - Did you say "ham"?
- I said "ham". - It's fine. You guys battle, now. - You got ABC News, so that's fine. - Fiat!
- Saxophone! Fiat's not a sports car. - Is Fiat a sports car? - It's an Italian car with sport mode! - But that's also not a wind instrument. - Is saxophone not a wind instrument? - It's got sports mode,
it's gonna be a sports car. - Is flute a wind instrument? What is a wind instrument? - Wind instrument would be flute. - Damn.
- It's got a sports mode, I'm good with calling Fiat a sports car. - But a hot dog's a sandwich? - Does that go flip into your thing? So flute! - Fiat is a sports car...
- Hold up! - I know there's people that support it. - Shayne just said "flute", he gets it. Because you're battling again. - Oh shit. - We're doing too much over talk! - This is too much! - Beef!
- (beep)! What? (group laughing) (beep) Sorry, I didn't see what it said. I was hoping it would
work. Isn't that a song? - No.
- Look it up. - No, that's a one hit
wonder somewhere, (beep). - Oh my God.
- Somebody's one hit wonder. - Sorry, vanilla (beep). Vanilla ice! (group laughing)
- Beef! - Yes.
- Yeah. "That Thing You Do"!
- Mexico City. - Wow. That's pretty solid. - Oh wait, what did you say? - "That Thing You Do".
- Oh, okay. - Wait, what'd you say? - (laughs) That Arasha's
answer didn't work. You've done everything
like tangentially right. You're always like two degrees from right. Welcome to my life.
- That's crazy. Don't. - Ficus!
- Hoda! - What'd you say is first?
- Ficus was first. - That's very sweet.
- So nice. - Yeah.
- Oh! - Pick it up.
- Like, here, fetch! - Hey, hey, hey.
- Petty! - I'm sorry, I should have picked that up. - Sick baby.
- Petty. That was so petty. - Is Hoda a newscaster?
- Yeah, I count it. I mean, it's more of a talk show host, but like...
- But it's okay. - Yeah, like a hot dog, you know? - It's close enough.
- They do cast out the news. - It's a mammal. Get ready. Do it. Do it.
- Bam. (Shayne stuttering)
- Toronto. - Oh, yeah. I'm not gonna. - Barcelona! - Yeah.
- Barcelona now? - Yeah, we know. - And now you know. Now
you can use it against me. - A drill!
- The Hollow Notes. (beep) Sorry. (laughs) - A drill!
- Drill! - That was fast and quick girl. - Yeah.
- Thank you, thank you. - That's pretty good.
- Okay, here we go. - You guys, when we are playing
this at the work game night, Arasha's stack of points
was no joke this big. - You're very good at this.
- To be fair though, you guys are also good. And no hate to the group that
was at the game community, at that game night, but they were also just learning the game as well. So it, I'll give some love to them. - Nice.
- Yeah. - Shout out to the crew! You suck. (Angela laughs)
- Ready? - [Arasha] Love that crew.
(Courtney grunts) - Angela, let's battle. - Huh? Oh, okay. - Do it. Fight. Dammit. - Bam! Part of speech. - Noun. I do too. - [Shayne] Okay. - Uh, okay. Go for it.
- Still good. Battery brand? I don't believe it.
- You know, like a hot dog. High ripple top!
- Beach towel! - Angela got it for sure. - What did you say? - Harry Potter. - Oh, okay.
- Okay. - [Courtney] Wow. - [Arasha] Okay.
(Shayne laughs) Yes.
(Courtney grunts) Bird of prey? - Margot Robbie.
- I was gonna say Margot, yes! (group laughing)
Harley Quinn! - You know what? Give it to him. (group laughing) - [Arasha] Even though it
was not a battle at all. - Little Dickory Duck! (beep)
- AAA! - Oh, AAA.
- No, that's not a brand! "Hickory Dickory Dock"! AAA's not a brand. - You messed up.
- It's not! - It's a type!
- "Hickory Dickory Dock"! - Hey, it's a lifestyle.
- Yes! - Is "Hickory Dickory Dock"
the title of the nursery rhyme, or is that a verse in the nursery rhyme? ♪ The mouse ran up the clock,
the clock strikes twelve ♪ (group speaking over each other) - Bam! - Water! (beep)!
- Duracell! (laughs) (group laughing) You said "water"! - He said "water".
- Water? - (laughs) He said "water".
- It's cloud juice! Water is cloud juice. - [Courtney] Water? - I love how I hadn't said anything yet, and you already gave up. You're going "Water!
(beep)!" and you ran away. And I sat here and I was
like, "Oh, Duracell." (group laughing) - [Angela] That was so funny. - Yeah, it was pretty good. - Oh God.
- Water! - All right, Damien, redeem yourself. - I thought I just went?
- Get back in there. - Wait, no I didn't. Okay, here I go. - Camel!
- Alpaca! What! What?
- Oh, camel. - This is so hard!
- Oh no, buddy! - What did you say? - Alpaca, because it's
not a desert animal, but it's an animal, and I
didn't know Asian country. It's a bad idea.
- She's fast. - But it's not a desert mammal. - It is.
- It is? - Alpaca's a mammal. Mammal is, does it give milk to its young, and also they have hair. - Warm blooded. - But, water's fruit juice. - It is, from coconut water! Inside a coconut is
called water. I was right! - Okay, I'm gonna remember mammal milky. I stopped listening 10 minutes ago. And hot dogs are sandwiches! - [Damien] And a bird is a gun. ♪ Wild card ♪ - Oh, oh, oh, oh! - Dove!
- Hawk! What? - Oh, Dove. - And dove works for
bird to prey too. (beep)! - Whoa! - Beijing!
- Keto! - Beijing, I think he got it. - Wait, no, that's a city! (beep) China! - I said "keto" already! (yells) - Goddammit!
- Dang it, wow! (Courtney screams) - When will death come?
(Arasha hyperventilating) - Ready?
- Yes. (Courtney moans) - Okay.
- Still good. Still good?
- Basketball player? (chuckles) Good luck guys. (group laughs) - You ever heard of someone
called Michael Jordan? (beep) - I got fruit juice wrong. I think you're gonna do okay. - [Group] Water! - Screaming!
- Like, "Water! (beep)!" - Types of sweater? - Open your mind.
(crew laughs) - Open your eyes! - Poop-poop over here.
- All right. Michael Jordan.
- Chobani! - [Damien] I don't know who got it. (Damien stutters) (group mock stuttering) - There are different kinds of lizards? - Yes! - Those are reptiles.
- Did you? So Texas, no biology? (group laughs)
- Not quite. - No bio.
- Not quite. Okay. Knit!
- Whoa. Yeah. - Wow, I was say big sweater.
- Radio personality? - Ryan Seacrest. - Secret!
- But I did say Ryan Seacrest. - Oh, nice, nice.
- You were actually in the act of saying "Ryan Seacrest"! - [Shayne and Damien] Oh my God! - That was the sickest thing! (group laughs)
- That was good. - Now it's your turn.
- That was crazy! Wait, you're giving her
a run for her money! - No, this is good. No,
you guys also have a lot! - I think I can probably come back. - Everybody has a good amount.
- We're extremely talented. (Courtney moans) - China.
- The Vietnam War! - Uh, she said "China".
- She said "China". - [Damien] Yeah, she
said "China" pretty fast. - I'm sorry I'm slaying you.
- Which one did you say? - No, it's awesome. I said "Vietnam". - [Shayne] Ah, there you go. - But guys, beach accessory. - All right, you're not
going to have anymore. - I'm acting like I get points
if you say a beach accessory. World War II.
- Poo-poo Putin! - What'd you say?
- I said "poo-poo, Putin". - Oh yeah! - Is Putin a dictator? - Yeah, but it was kind of the same time. 'Cause I also heard... - Yeah, I think we literally
said them at the same time. - World War II? - I think I would take World
War II over poo-poo Putin. (group giggles)
- Poo-poo Putin! - Okay, then we have to
take each other's then. No, you have them.
- You heard it here on Smosh, we don't think he's a dictator. (laughs) - Secret!
- Well Putin for sure, I just don't know if poo-poo Putin is. - Oh, yep. - (snaps) Collapses are happening. - Wait, but this was a point I got? - Wait, really?
- That was my bad. - So it's this.
- But still! - Dove!
- Ugh, yeah. - [Shayne and Damien] Dove
is not a bird of prey! - You said it was a was!
- It was a joke! Because it is demonstrably not! - Okay, well, what's
a bird of prey? Eagle? - Chainsmokers.
- Yeah, she said "eagle" now. - Nice! - Let's stop giving
Chainsmokers that much praise. - Okay.
- There's two of them. - [Arasha and Courtney]
Birds of praise. (laughs) - Dawg, that was sick. (Courtney and Angela laughing)
- While they're distracted. - Ooh, wild card.
(Damien stuttering) - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
(Shayne laughs) Give me it! - Oh my God! - Jesus!
- All right! - J-j-j Buddha! - Yeah, pretty much.
- Here we go! Okay, here we go. Um, Mao, oh, Madrid.
- Ounces. - Madrid got you.
- I was like... (laughing) I was in dictator mode! I was like, "Mao. Madrid!"
(laughing continues) - Ounces was right there too. - [Arasha and Courtney] Ounces. - [Damien] That was pretty hot. Alright, you ready?
- Yes. - Three, two, one. (grunts) - The same symbol.
- Nothing. - Yes, same symbol different day. - [Shayne] Unit of liquid measurement. I'm doing great. - RiteAid! (beep) 7-Eleven! That works. - No, it doesn't. (laughs) - It does, they have gas at some of them. - No, no.
- Sinclair! Sinclair, Sinclair!
- Aristotle! - I said "Sinclair".
- You got Sinclair. - Oh my God.
- You said several bodegas. - 7-Eleven never has gas. - [Arasha] I think it does sometimes now. - I'm having real problems today. And I wanna apologize to
everyone at this table. I apologize to too.
- I think 7-Eleven does have some gas.
- I've never seen a 7-Eleven that has a gas station.
- Next to gas. - All right, freaks.
- Or us? - I'm so distracted. (laughs)
- (gasps) Another wild card. All right, switching it up now. - Okay!
- Well, well, well. (Courtney grunts) - Nothing.
- E6 sick trees. (Courtney laughs) - Lady Gaga and (stutters) Bradley Cooper. - Scandinavia? - They didn't write it. - Yes, they worked on the movie together! - What's a city in Scandinavia? (group speaking over each other) - Sweden!
- Okay, Dolly Parton and they worked on the movie!
- No it's a city. Any of the cities.
- No, it's fine, it's fine! We're giving it to her
'cause (stutter) yeah. I think that counts they did
actually write a song together. - [Arasha] I don't know
a Scandinavian city. - They literally worked
on the movie together. There's a BTS video!
- Sicily? - Okay, okay, okay.
- Yeah, sure. - Here we go. Uh, oof. - [Arasha] Nothing.
- [Angela] Oof! - Don't worry, I'll battle you. (gasps) Skis!
(Shayne flicks tongue) That's not Tom Bombadil.
- That was in the beginning. - Thank you.
(Shayne flicks tongue) - Okay, you called that again. - Thank you, yeah it's a
weird, weird little guy. (Courtney sucks teeth)
- Okay. - [Damien] Sick.
(Courtney grunts) - Tuna!
- I told you! - Sushi fish? I wish, I love sushi. - Sushi fish! - Didn't I say it again, Arasha? - You did.
- I said get ready for some sick battling.
- I did, I got ready. - I'm in the mode today.
- I got ready. - [Damien] Add it back in. - Turkey.
- Train station! - You did it!
- Country, country, country. - We'll count it because
we just need to count it. All right, here we go. - Get ready with a train station. Ooh!
- Oh, wow. - Shit storm! That would work.
- Dude! - Type of storm?
- Sand. - Darude sand.
- My asshole. - Dude, nice.
- That's (beep) awesome. - It's pretty sick.
- Nice. - Ready?
- Yes. - This is a big one.
There's not many left. Uh, Reykjavik! - Asshole. "My asshole" is what I said. I said it before, "my asshole." - I don't think you said it anywhere near before the thing I said.
- Did you say something? - [Damien] I sure did.
(group laughs) - Hitler! - Whoa!
- Everybody gets one! - Beach ball!
- Who wants one now? Great! Anybody else? (group laughs) - [Courtney] Oh wait,
that was mine. Oh shit. No?
- What? (Angela and Courtney stuttering) - Pie.
- What? - No?
- True. - Crab.
- Cool, give it to crab apple. - [Crew] Oh my God. - Get in there!
- Get it, get it, get it! - William (indistinct) Carter.
- You're an asshole! Asshole! - Okay, I'll give it to ya.
- Asshole, right? - Give it to "asshole" yeah?
- Yeah, I guess. - It's back in. It's back in! Okay, we're good.
- Wait, what? (Damien mumbling) - Do you wanna stay in this?
- All right, here we go. Last card! - Nothing.
- It's done. - So we're adding some more cards. - Like poop-poop said. - All right, we added more
cards, we're gonna keep going. - All right.
- That was eight years ago! - So I just drew, so now
it's Courtney's turn. - Okay. (grunts) (gasps) LAX.
- Pseudoephes. - What'd you say?
- Pseudoephes and LAX. - I think LAX was first.
- LAX finished first. - LAX is first, yeah. - [Angela] Good game!
- [Arasha] Good game. - Happy birthday.
- I'm so sorry. - Here we go.
- Yep, yep-yep-yep yep. - [Shayne] Exercise, "Lord
of the Rings" character. - Ooh. - I forgot about the circle. (giggles) - They've got a new season
coming out, I'm sure. (Arasha and Damien stuttering) Pushups!
- Paris? - Sorry.
- It's okay. - LAX!
- Paris! - Because LAX is a train
station. I think I got LAX first? - I don't know, is LAX a train station? - Union Station's train symbol is LAX, as somebody who takes the
train all the time, okay? - Okay.
- You take the train? - Paris!
- A flock! Okay.
- Paris finally. - I was waiting on that one.
- It's fine. I want "Lord of the Rings" back anyway. - That's fine.
- I want somebody to yell them at me.
- I don't know them anyway. - It's my thing.
- Y'all have such stacks. - Okay, okay, here we go. - Oh, an answer could
work for both of these! ♪ It could work for both of these ♪ - And it's water. - And it's Elmo.
- Okay, take more. - Big mushroom, Fly Amanita!
- Smeagol. - Sorry. - What did you say?
- I said "Smeagol". - Did that finish before
"Fly Amanita"? It might have. - No, it was like at the same time. But you were started saying
yours first so you can have it. - I was like big, big mushroom though. I said that first.
- Big, big mushroom. - I said "big, big mushroom."
- That's true. - Okay, Ang. Uh, "James Bond".
- "James Bond one". - "James Bond".
- But I said... - But it's your category. You're supposed to say what I have. - I know, and I do that all the time. - Say something, she
said, "James Bond one". That's not a movie.
- I just said "James Bond". - That's not a movie! No!
- Can that not count? - Big Bird, Big Bird.
- Yeah, there we go. - What are the names of the movie? - Skyfall.
- Moonraker. Skyfall. Goldfinger. - Octo-pussy! - I didn't grow up in America! - Dying another day. You grew up in Texas! - You just said you grew up in Texas. - That's aggressively American. - Also, James Bond's not even
a American movie franchise. - He's a book! - Yeah.
- And also dogs can look up. - Also, you guys are still in combat. - You guys are still in combat. - Skyfall. - There you go, that works.
- But that's so (beep), because that came from me! - That is actually insult and injury. - I know, it's messed up. You
should have to make your own. - All right. - I didn't know any other ones. - True. - Noun of assemblage. - Romantic comedy?
- Wow. I don't even know any of those. - [Courtney] I love romance. - [Damien] All right. - A paintbrush. - Yeah, I was gonna say like a pay brush. - Ooh, saucy. - (laughs) Here we go! - Wait, wait, was that a
wild card, you go again? - Oh, I go again? No, I didn't change that.
- No, you didn't do that one. - NyQuil.
- Texas barbecue. - What'd you say? - NyQuil.
- Taking the NyQuil, bro. - Oh my God!
- "The Proposal". - I just remembered something. - Wow! (Damien gasps)
- Careful. Careful! - It said "barbecue food" and
Allie, our CEO, said "ranch". - Yeah, it's a soup. It started as a soup at barbecues. - No, it did not!
- And then you dip your meat into it and then
someone dipped a Dorito into it, and they're like, "Let's
make a locos taco." - Liar!
- Let's make a locos taco. - You're insane.
- Get him while he is not paying attention.
- Yeah, get me. - Ready?
- Yeah. - Oh wow. - Oh, "The Greatest Showman"!
- Texas barbecue. - Texas barbecue.
- Those both work. - No, "The Greatest Showman" is the name. What's the guy's name? - He's a ring ringleader. But you said Texas barbecue. - I know, but Hugh
Jackman's playing a famous? - Yeah, what's his name? What's his name? - P.T. Barnum.
- Yes! P.T. Barnum. - I had a wild card, so
I pull another, right? - Yes. Oh, a new wild card.
- Ooh, again. - Reverse, reverse.
- Okay, pull it again. - [Courtney] It's like a party. - Lady Gaga! - Whoa! Okay, speed. - I didn't even know you knew her. - And she's also a
Sesame Street character! - Yeah!
- Whoa! - Dude, I live for the applause. - [Arasha] It goes to that point, yeah. - Okay. Fictional city town. (Damien grunts) (scoffs) Madrid. - Yeah. (chuckles) I'll believe in Spain when I see it. - You could say poop-poop. (group taking over each other) - You could make it up right now. - Yeah, any of the ones
from Sword AF, go on. - Okay.
(clock ticking) - All right.
- Ready? - Oh, bo-bo-bo! - "Welcome Back, Kotter".
- Gollum! - "Welcome Back, Kotter", I've
got my redemption arc here. Give me it, but now you two battle. Shayne?
- Shayne! (Shayne and Angela stuttering) - What's it say? Talking.
- Oppholigem. - You got talking.
- I love that for you. - We're still in this.
- "The Birds"! "The Birds", Hitchcock film. - Every one of my kids gets a card. - Thank you, mommy. Sorry for calling you mommy,
we'll talk about it in HR. - [Arasha] Oh God. - "Welcome Back, Kotter" I think was 90's. - Is it my turn, really? - [Arasha] Right, Shayne,
did you just pull? - Can everyone pay attention
to what Mr. Topp just said? - What'd you say? - We should Google when
"Welcome Back, Kotter" was on. - I think you should, should Google "how to shut the (beep) up",
because I will eat your family. - If we Googled poop
forest, we have to Google when the Kotters came out. - He did "Welcome Back,
Kotter" early on in his career. I think it was late seventies. - [Alex] '75!
(group laughs) - "Happy Days"! "Happy Days". - That's also 70's!
- Doesn't matter! - So we're going back on all of those? - So we get a rematch, and then you and I have to organically pull something. - All of those have to go back. - [Alex] Hold up, didn't
Angela say something? - Yes!
- Yeah, yeah. - So you get 80's TV show, I'm
going to keep Hitchcock film because that would've already gone away. - [Arasha] No, Hitchcock
film goes to Angela too, because it was underneath all that. - [Angela] Because then
you wouldn't have got it. - [Alex] 80's TV show is on top now. - So what did you say, or whatever? - Gollum.
- That works. - Yes. - He's really more of a
hobbit character, but, okay. - All right, now we're back.
- Phew! All right.
- You drew now, right? - I'm sorry man, I just was like we can't. - What's so funny is that
I'm gonna remember that. And we have so much to film later today, and I'm gonna remember that.
(Shayne laughs) So that's fine.
- Fernie is dying today. - Yeah, Fernie is gonna die.
- You just drew? - Yeah, yeah water. - [Angela] That's insane! (laughs) - P.T. Barnum.
- Christmas. - Wow.
♪ Christmas ♪ - That was very close. - You said Christmas at the
same time as P.T. Barnum. - No, she was slightly before me. - What are you trying to do here? - Are you okay? - I just think it's dirty to
use something you just learned. - But that, no, look... - (laughs) You made up a different music? - [Shayne] You can
question the morals of it. - Why? (laughs) - Look, I watched "Oppenheimer",
you can question morals. (group talking over each other) - But you can also engage in that. - I love you going, "what
are you trying to do here?" - What are you trying to pull? - Hey man, what the (beep)
was that back there? - Christmas!
- Pacific! - She did say, she got
"Christmas" out so fast. - Yeah, and you just learned about- - [Shayne and Damien] Christmas. - That's a little (beep) up, but whatever. - See, you just learned Christmas. - Angela. - Just learned Christmas
though, is that the thing. - Is this the sack or your points, right? - [Shayne] Damn. (Courtney hyperventilating) - Okay, here we go. - Puppy. Paris Hilton's little doggy. - What? (laughs)
- No! - A chow!
- Statue of Liberty! - You said "chow" you got it. - Chow's a little lap dog, you know- (group talking over each other) - Ahh, Paris Hilton's lap dog! - Dude, I was like "famous sculpture"? - I said Aristotle, and that's
not what I was thinking. - You got it, and you said
all sorts of crazy shit. (group talking over each other) - Wait, wait. Chow? Chow is not a lap dog. - It is if you put it on
your lap. My sister's... - I said "Statue of
Liberty", you said "chow". - My sister's chow sits on her lap. - No, a chow is not a lap dog.
- A chow is a large breed. They eat coyotes. - Please add my sister's
dog in a photo on her lap. - It's not a chow, it's a
miniature chow or a Pomeranian. - I said "Statue of Liberty." - [Arasha] Okay, so you've got that one. - But that's not a
sculpture, that's a statue. Can we also and also point out that I said we were gonna
battle, I did it again. (Shayne stuttering) - Iguana. - Nice! - I'm going to kill myself in the nude. (group laughing) First me, then you. - We broke Damian, guys.
- No, first him and then you. - No, I meant what I said.
- Okay. - We broke this man. - This is so awesome.
- This is great. - I was so excited to talk
about lizards. You have no idea. - I just sat there just
looking at it, dude. Just like, "uh".
- "Uh, uh, gecko." - For some reason Eddie
Izzard came to mind. And I was like, "Why
is my brain like this?" - He is an alien lizard. - Oh, here we go. Oh, I'm doing that. - All right, so you draw another one. (Courtney laughs) (Damien stutters) - Nothing. Okay. - Oh shit.
- Yeah. - Okay. - Quarterback, nice. - (laughs) Cool.
- Quarterback, cool. - We get it!
- Ready? (moans) - New wild card.
- Ooh, oh, oh. - That scared me for a second. - You can pick another one. - [Damien] Buoy knife. Bowie knife. - Travis Baker. - Give me it! Give me it. Nope. Give me it.
- This one is what he wants. (group laughs)
- I want it. (group talking over each other) - I don't know, I don't know!
- Okay. - Zebra.
- E-T-S, EST. - E-T-S?
- She got zebra out so fast. - We have no way of knowing
who said it at first. (group laughs) - It's ETA or E-T-S.
- E-T-S, Skyfall, E-T-S. - Here we go! While you're distracted. - [Shayne and Courtney] Oh! (Shayne stutters) - Oh, that's crazy.
- It's so sexy. - Hi, here we go. Bam. (group talking over each other) - Now it's getting real crazy in here. - Yep, you can draw another one. - That's you!
- All the wild cards. Bam. Okay. Wow.
- Nothing. - Oh, news magazines. It's crazy that magazines
kind of don't exist anymore. - Ozep paneer.
- Oh! Olympic gold medalist. - Wow, you got ozep paneer out fast. - And Angela just read the other
category out loud. (laughs) - I'm getting tired. ♪ You're getting tired ♪ Here we go! - Pacific. - Yeah.
- Nice, nice, nice. - But that's an ocean.
(group laughs) - That is true, can we Google Pacific? - Pacific Time Zone.
- Pacific Standard. (Courtney grunts) - Orion's Belt.
- "People". - Orion's belt is not
even a constellation. (group talking over each other) - Is "People" a news magazine? - Yeah, I would say so. - Oh yeah, they reported that
princess Diana and Charles were separating.
- (beep) spoiler dawg. - Yeah, seriously, not
all of us have read. - Yeah, some of us were based in Texas. - Last card!
- Last card, my guys. - It's anybody's game.
- This could mean the winning point.
- This does feel like it is anybody's game over there. - It is, yeah.
- Water. - Good luck. Thank you.
- You too! - [Shayne] Farts. - Pituitary gland! - Ew, like what's a? - Pituitary gland is responsible
for releasing on of you... - Oh, I was in the game! Oh. - So the cards have run out. We are now going to count our points. It really is anybody's game. - I need absolute silence.
- Okay. ("Jeopardy! - Think
Music" by KnightsBridge) - All right, let's start from this end. - Yes, the lowest. Nine. (giggles) - [Shayne] Wow. - 19. - 19!
(Damien gasps) - 15.
- Oh? - 14. - Ooh.
- Okay! - Wait, that was wild! - [Courtney] Crazy! - Wow, same head.
- The same head. - The same one. Guys, this was so much fun.
- I'm so sorry. - Let us know if you want
to see more games like this. If you wanna see us play this game again, we are happy to now that
we've clearly learned and solidified the rules. This was fun, did you
guys have a good time? - Yeah.
- My tummy hurt. - Or are we stressed? - No, we're good. And like the fact that
you see us say crazy words right off the top of our head, and no one has said anything problematic. That's how you know we're good people. - We're good people.
- I said (beep). - Until next time! - [Courtney and Arasha] Bye. - I know nomia! (Arasha giggles)