What's The Worst Thing Yo've Seen In Truth Or Dare? (r/AskReddit)

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nsw what is the worst thing you've ever seen or heard in a game of truth or dare when I was about 15 years old my HS soccer team had a carrot girls guys team spaghetti dinner that turned into a co-ed sleepover maybe about six guys and five girls we ended up taking a bottle of really cheap mr. Boston vodka from this kid's parents and all of us began drinking much faster than fifteen-year-old should I was begging to feel pretty nauseous but was determined to stay in the game of truth or dare that we had started I was them dared to kiss the bear ass cheek of one of the more cruise ships on the girls team as I pressed my lips to her cheek she thought it would be hilarious to grab the back of my head and rip ass right in my face the heat and smell were too much for my stomach to bear and as I pulled away I barked all over her back and ass I got dared to use a zipline that nobody had likely touched in decades so we climbed up a mountain while wasted in the middle of the night found that my friend was not bullshitting him that it actually did exist use our zip on it and sailed over a 1,500 featuring drop and then the thought occurred to me that I had no way of getting back and I had not even brought a flashlight with me and had absolutely no knowledge off part of the mountain I was on so I basically stood in place for seven hours or so I don't know if that was the worst but it was definitely the most stupid especially considering that the whole point of the game was to get with some girls who were no longer in a partying mood after I disappeared into the night one of my mates said he had his dong pierced and nobody believed him as he'd sometimes exaggerate make up stories to prove it he put a straw through the piercing and then another of my mates was dead to drink his drink through the dong straw it was hilarious and weird and both parties regretted it immediately was playing truth or dare with a few friends my best friend and my best friend's wife when they married they were both virgins by choice from a traditional household they having fun and it comes to my turn I asked my best friend's wife truth or dare she answers truth to my friend and I would always joke about our so's despising anal and being disgusted by it so I asked as a joke have you ever Laemmle yes she answers her husband turns bright red and says no we haven't the two leaves shortly after turns out she was the traditional virgin that had lost her anal virginity back in high school we didn't really talk after that our the old poop hole loophole a bit late but my friend answered at Ruth and told everyone and he has two buttholes long story short I've seen it and the guy has em when I was 17 I worked as a summer camp counselor the week of our orientation before the campers arrived all of the counselors were down by the lake when we started the game of truth or dare everybody was pretty normal except for this quiet girl that was a Disney freak everything doesn't he pajamas sleeping bag hair ties t-shirts all Disney all the time being 17 years olds up in the woods our truths and dares turned suggestive pretty quickly after finishing my dare I turned to her and asked truth or dare truth was the reply okay have you ever had intercourse I asked yes but only with one person my father it started when I was 12 game freaking over one day was to bake cookies whilst nude but then we were out of sugar soweth follow up they're required a second person going to the neighbor's door in underwear to ask for a cup of sugar it worked and the cookies were delicious grad student neighbors didn't even bat an eye fairly tame but seasonally timely in high school a group of friends were playing Todd drunk after a party at my house one of my friends had a crush on a girl and was trying hard to get with her so when it was her turn to ask him he suavely stated dare she told him to put one of the lights adorning the nearby Christmas tree into his dong hole he did she was disgusted and ended up loudly hooking up with another friend in an adjacent room like soul-crushing Lea loud while he sat on the couch nursing his burnt meatus tis the season I guess if sticking a hot light bulb in your dong hole is fairly time to you I don't want to know what you find crazy one time I was dared to kiss this girl and I passed because I was in a long going relationship with a girl I really loved three years and so I did this instead I poured really hard ROM on my hand and lit it I had to keep it lit for as long as I could once it got too hot to handle I had to put it out part of the day though was to put it out with the watermelon next to us so I proceeded to punch it open with my flaming fist and stick my hand in it for three long annoying sticky hours you punched a hole in a watermelon with fire that is amazingly badass I was at a truth-or-dare party in college everyone pays five dollars to get in and gets the same allotment of monopoly money you bet people to do things and accept bets and whoever has the most at the end of the night got to keep the door greatest party ever I just dared girls to make up with me all night until I ran out of money so I had to accept a couple dares someone dared the souther guy to eat a zebra cake off my ass and dared me to drop trow and allow him to I figured I'm not eating it no big deal it wasn't that terrible but it did get my ass all sticky I also felt like I couldn't really complain because of what the other guy had to do I wasn't participating but there was one weird night when one of my daughter's had a bunch of friends over my wife and I was sitting downstairs while they were up in her room apparently playing truth or dare over the course of a couple hours we experienced some pretty weird stuff two of my daughter's friends came running downstairs and started twerking before running off again my daughter came down and said mommy daddy I'm pregnant I'm pregnant because I'm a W later we heard a splash outside by the pool and a minute later a couple girls come running into the house wrapped in towels and dripping wet I had to go tell them to not jump out the window anymore and that pretty much stopped the shenanigans at age 18 well at a friend's house digging around looking for a lighter he finds an adult toy in his single dad it was one of those hot pink sparkly dogs with the rabbits thing on it something that didn't really seem like a guy toy and it was in the spare nightstand so we assumed maybe an old girlfriends or something fast-forward a few weeks later his dad is out of town there are a few of us over claimed truth or dare and I dare him to do something to his dad's plastic doll at first his face turned 10 shades of red embarrassed in front of everyone else but then he manned up grabbed it with a ziploc bag one like a glove then rubbed some cut open habanero peppers all over it this was a Friday night and his dad was supposed to be back Saturday Saturday nights rolls around and he our other friend and myself are all at his house quietly as the one sneaking in and I had been drinking this was roughly eight mesh as the other friend and I stood in the driveway we hear the most god-awful blood-curdling scream the type of scream that sounds like someone being murdered we - and just in time to meet our friend in the hallway as he flies into his dad's room his mom dad's ex-wife is in the floor bust naked curled up in a ball screaming her head off apparently his mom and dad had been screwing around behind the family's back a hospital trip followed and after spending the night in the air not knowing WTF happened they ended up coming out in the open getting back together and then remarried that was 12 years ago and they are still together for their wedding present I gave them the jar of habaneros that they still don't understand to this day a girl at a party I once went to God dared to sit on a small lava lamp as in sit on it if you get what I mean anyway this thing was on and hot poor girl sat for two seconds and jumped right back up turned out she gave herself burns on the inside of her lady parts my friends and I dared a kid to snort a bit of very hot hot sauce he snorted it like a champ then spent the rest of the night with blood pouring from his face a seventh grade what were we thinking I once witnessed a grown white man with a full beard swap clothes with a 16 year old Chinese girl we all lost a bit of pride that day it wasn't really a bear but a drunken friend said he'd show us how much all the man he was in quick succession he chugged about two hundred and fifty milliliters of Jack Daniels snorted a line of salt and poured vinegar into one eye and squeezed a lemon in the other everybody laughed at him because he had to run to the bathroom crying to wash his eyes I saw a prolapsed anus as proof for a truth that no one would believe it was not a pretty flower it's not that bad comparatively but it was still unpleasant in fourth grade we played truth or dare at my birthday party it was all dudes which made it kind of weird one friend had another friend to get nude which was really weird sir my pal begins a striptease as we all begged him to stop he got down to his stained briefs do did not let that dog drain all the way and was just beginning to lower them when we heard a scream my seven-year-old sister had just walked in the room to see a scrawny self-proclaimed street rapping gangster meteorologist busting out his hog he dove into his sleeping bag and didn't talk to anyone the rest of the night we decided video games were a lot more fun and immediately ended the game my friend denied anything ever happened the next day I got really drunk in a game with some workmates and I had to get out my testicles and touch them against one of the other guy's testicles went to a kinky elf party once for Christmas good mix saw the crowd until we all got crap faced some guy got dared to be blindfolded and get blown by some random girl guy at the party who had always denied being gay decided it would be funny to blow him that's how my friends Tom and Chad met and got married one of the popular girls in my high school admitted to regularly pooping in her hand she took truth and was asked to tell an embarrassing secret or something like that she said that she was always embarrassed whenever there was a splashing sound in the toilet when she went to book so she'd always poop in her hand and then slide it quietly into the water she went from being a popular girl to being the hand girl pretty quick funny she was embarrassed enough for pooping to do that but not embarrassed to tell it a friend of mine back in high school was asked where the weirdest place he had ever wanked was his answer was a train which really isn't too weird still pretty weird he'll even for whatever reason didn't stop there and told us where he put her mess afterwards when then train staff came through he frickin ate it again he just told that last part without anyone even asking an entire room of girls had to rub a 5 - 35 gel on their bags there was silence and then screams friend 1 never have I ever killed someone friend to go stone-faced friend 3 friends - shouldn't you drink friend to freak you and she chugged her drink and walked off that's how I found out about that story it was self-defense her best friend was assaulted and killed in front of her eyes she got his gun from him and shot him cops came busting in someone had called him due to the screaming she was freaked out because she was 15 and had just killed a man and thinking the cop was another attacker accidentally shoots him - I knew she had done something unspeakable and that she was on a very very long probation for it but whew heavy crap I watched my friend take a crap in the park then we threw rocks at it I miss being a teenager by the end of the game there were a bunch of naked people in a hot tub basically freaking each other it had evolved from a harmless game to a full-on orgy someone hits us with a flashlight and one girl says get that frickin light out of here you freaking piece of crap not the best thing to say to the cops I'll tell you when asked to present a deep secret about themselves one of the really hot girls this was high school straight-up admitted to using whipped cream to get her cat to lick her the awkwardness escalated exponentially like a nuke in the room seeping into the very core of every living being present well it was at one of those team shirts lock-ins where they have a bunch of games and activities and you can't leave till morning while I was sitting around with group of friends there I was about 13 yo it was past midnight and all events were finished so nothing really left but to shoot the crap there was seven of us four guys and three girls one of the girls suggested that we play truth or dare everyone agreed all excited and I was the last to speak up and said I am game that is when two other girls one was my crush said at the same time we kinda don't want you to play could you go away I was crushed I slowly got up and went over to the snares and looked through the box of games and found Zelda Link to the Past I popped it in and played the rest of the night till morning by myself what sucked was that it was in the same room as them so all night I got to hear all the laughs and giggles I got to watch them go off into the whole age time felt like a stab in the back so there's my sad story on how I was excluded in truth or dare I choose dare group huddle I dare you to go home and stay there when I was 16 I played truth or dare whilst really drunk bad mistake I got asked what the most humiliating thing I've ever done was well drunk me thought telling people about the time I had a wank and managed to none load so hard I covered my own face was a good idea never lived it down I once gave a friend to dares in a row one I dared him to drink 6 cups of water 2 then I dared him to not move from the couch for the rest of the game well my fourth-grade teacher was a couple months pregnant she would often leave the class for 15-20 minutes at a time to use a bathroom or something me and my classmates took this opportunity to play truth or dare it started with very simple things like saying a bad word out loud but then it evolved into us just taking off our pants and dancing for the girls every time the teacher left we never got caught we were teens high on hormones I dared Mick to put his pet gerbils down his boxers he did cause he had a crush on me one of them died of fright the pregnant female one it still haunts me if I could change one thing in my life it would be that I'm sorry but I just laughed so freaking hard at the ridiculousness of this situation I was dared to hunt this big tree in the front yard not that bad the problem was that I was wearing short shorts and I ran to the tree and jumped as high as I could I started humping but while doing that I slid down the tree with my bare legs both of my thighs were severely scratched up technically this is totally the best but my boyfriend was dead to swap underwear with me for a good half hour I was wearing a thong you have been visited by the magical duck you don't have to do anything he will simply give you a good day today if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 42,942
Rating: 4.8550105 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, game, truth or dare, worst thing, seen, heard, social game, kissing
Id: 3s-Zz7EVlH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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