The Time Your Truth Or Dare Game Went Too Far (r/AskReddit)

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what was the moment that your game of truth or dare got way out of control girl I had an interest in at the time knew I was into her and dared me to stop being attracted to her still hurts this upvote is merely a band-aid my friend's little brother 9 or 10 years old came in and dead one of the girls to slit her finger open put a paperclip into her finger then stick that paperclip into an electrical outlet while it was still in her finger after we told him no he offered a replacement there which was to go down the street and burn down the church you surely must have noticed his devil horns before the game started at a sleepover in junior high we dared our friend to strip down to his underwear you know homoerotic pubescent stuff he comes out from the other room completely naked him gyrating saying you got more than you bargained for this is definitely the funniest one played it with some friends at one of their apartments before the game we wrote down dares on slips of paper and on one of the slips I wrote down that you had to strip down to your underwear with your pants around your ankles wear a blue shirt as a cape exit the apartment and slowly waddle to the end of the long hallway and back all while repeatedly saying gotta go fast I thought it was bizarre and great I picked my own dare this girl asked her friend to dare someone to have unprotected sex with her when he received the Dare he literally just got up and walked out the house then the girl gets drunk tries it on with a few guys there to which they all rejected confessed her love to another guy there threatened to kill herself then fell asleep but this was a few years ago I saw her a few months back and she looked pretty normal to me that is pretty and normal but I will never forget a day that guy made the right call when a guy I didn't know was dead to jack off under a blanket and finish while everyone watched everyone watched when a guy I didn't know ha nice try at a party someone asked who gave you the best bj ever hoping to get a compliment instead we found out that the man had received a bj from every woman there and one of that started a long chain of wait Bob had sex with Sally when etc names changed feelings were hurt PS I was also at a party where people decided that truth or dare was too much effort so we played a strip game we had game components that said yes no depends you stripped on a yes and drew again long depends eventually everyone went streaking and there was sumo wrestling in the backyard there was a time we were playing truth or dare in a hot tub a girlfriend of ours had dared me to get hard in front of everyone so I get up out of the tub and start playing with myself then from around the corner of the house I get a flashlight in my face that was first the time I masturbated in front of a police officer the first time me truth my sister mom and dad never loved you me I don't think that's how the game works this is why nobody plays truth or dare with Azula friend got dead by his girlfriend to have sex with her in the other room and finish inside her no birth control he refused they broke up we found out it was a setup she had planned to get herself pretties and force him to marry her strange night row that's insane props to the guy for making a wise decision bet you can't jump that ditch 4 hours later the guy had dislocated one off shoulders the doctor told us during a game of truth or dare my wife picked truth and they asked her what was the nastiest thing she ever did in bed and she answered my husband to be fair it was a pretty suck burnin when I was 12 I was on the porch playing truth or dare at night we were told to stay on the porch so a dare came to run across the road to the streetlight and back so all three of us girls did it I was wearing a plain t-shirt and a ball cap hiding my hair in typical tomboy fashion as we hit the light post and began to run back to the porch a car come screeching round the corner to stop in the middle of the intersection man jumps out with a crowbar we freaking run for the house and he gives chase I was lost in the small herd and I have been told just as the crowbar is about to come down on me I screamed and he stopped the man yells were you throwing rocks at my frickin car no I cried as it's now full on fear tears but I'm still running he pivots around and leaves just as quickly as he showed up in his newest Camaro I assume he realized that I was not in fact a boy we're panicked freaking out his psyche almost killed me once the sound of his engine fades across the street two boys come out of the duct between two houses about our age one in a bull cap asking if we're okay yes they were the throwers of the rocks and hightailed it home after confirming I had not been bludgeoned to death for their childish vandalism no idea what happened to the man and our parents never called the cops if memory serves I'm not sure they believed us and when P we left the porch I'm 34 now and remember that run like it was yesterday I 24f was playing truth or dare with my roommates 24 M 25 M roommate number one des run mate number two to pee on me neither of us put up a fight roomie number one made us feel weird for being down for the dare probably 20 years old at the time GF her sister and girl cousin from Germany were in the car cousin says let's play and so we all said okay all fun and games till we pull over into a McDonald's parking lot and I get dared to walk in and order fries in my underwear they drove off and I had to borrow the phone to call my GF to make them come back for me so all that tea though so it was worth it me my brother and a group of friends were playing my brother got dared to run across the main road and back long story short he got hit by a car and had to spend the night in hospital not out of control but pretty hilarious junior year of college my three sophomore year roommates and I had moved off campus to a condo myself and one other had girlfriends who stayed there quite often one May 2 was too prude to have one roommate 3 Timmy was a butt and of course did not have one what he did have was the only couch in the condo during never have I ever roommate once girlfriend said never have I ever fooled around on Timmy's couch and she and roommate 1 proceeded to drink my girlfriend now wife and I both drank and two other couples who did not even live there drank Timmy of course did not drink and instead got really pee off when three of my friends all straight males wound up laying on the floor trying to see who could get a full raging boner first but one of their girlfriends walked in on the competition we don't play truth or dare anymore at my first job back when I was a teenager about six of us were playing this mid shift three girls three guys it was barely starting to get risque and one of the guys has asked have you ever masturbated to thoughts of a co-worker and he says yes this is as juicy as it's gotten so we latch onto it the next time around he is asked if he's masturbated to anyone else playing he says yes next round he's asked her name which other C's ejected too he looks at us one by one then says all of you the guys all got flustered as heck they'd never even realized they were on the roster I think my most exciting game of truth or dare was cut down in its prime when a guy dead his girlfriend to flash everyone and then broke down crying because now everyone had seen her bikini zone and he no longer felt special I was playing truth or dare with some friends during lunch in high school someone dared me for whatever reason to take my friend's inhaler and spray it in another friend's ear I was being stupid and without thoughts I actually did it one of the deans in my school was watching across the room and I nearly got suspended for assault they even had a police office come and talked to me about my actions I was actually scared crapless because that was my first time ever getting into huge trouble luckily the Vice Principals made me and didn't even notify my parents because she knew I was a good kid one of my friends put Tabasco in his eye it was either truth or dare or the result of a game of poker it's been 10 years or more ago we've got to take a tequila shot like a man take the shot snort the salt squeeze the Lyman and I I'm glad that phase of my life is over conservative Christian school truth or dare rap tusk dry-hump Allah person to your right for 30 seconds teacher was there needless to say the game ended quickly I was dead to touch a cow pie put a finger on it and the person who dared me shoved my entire hand in grabbed a handful and flung it at her when I was a kid we often had cow patty fights pretty much go out in a cow field and fling a cow patty like a frisbee or a discus I haven't thought about this for 20-some years but I just figured this is something all the country Hillbillies did they dared me to leave playing with some friends a long time ago it was a card based game like cards against humanity' where everyone had a pile of truth cards and Dare cards for each turn the victim would opt for a truth or a dare the question who would then pull the top card from the appropriate stack either a card with a question on it usually off-color or loaded with sexual innuendo or a card with a dare on it also semi sexual but suitable for adult parties we were two couples and so we took turns as couples that says each partner would take turns with the other partner of the couple the other couple was a pair of young newlyweds the woman asked her husband if he wanted a truth or a dare he replied truth she pulled the top card have you ever paid for sex his answer yes things got very chilly the rest of the night sometimes a truth screws you harder than a dare ever could we told her she had to kiss the dog we didn't think she was going to use tongue after that we just didn't want to play anymore me a cousin and a couple of buddies were at a youth conference in another town after the conference was over we got to chatting with a group of girls from the town we decided to hang out back at our hotel room we were all just chatting and listening to tunes when all of the sudden all four girls went to the bathroom together leaving us sitting there like chumps when they came out they were all grinning but we thought nothing of it a few minutes later one of them proposed a game of truth or dare but they insisted the girls would be the ones to make all the dares we agreed hoping for at least some scraps of action long story short every single one of us wound up getting laid one of the guys even did it on the floor and the other couple flicked in the bathroom turns out the girls had planned it all along they decided in advance which of them wanted each of us got their story straight and then proposed the game they've even brought their own condoms the only drawback was God did it stink like frickin that room when my uncle came strolling in to wake us up the next morning now that's incredibly civil of em when I was dared to jump off the roof with a blindfold with a lit firework in my pants did you I dared someone to fart on command she did wild night that was few are mad loads truth or dare with some cousins I think I was about 13 or something for others to male to female ranging from my age to about 16 can't remember the progression of it but I think it started out pretty innocent and got less so the end of the game the second-last there was my female cousin I think less than a year older than me dared me to let her watch me pee standing up apparently younger girls are curious about the mechanics of it understandable I guess and I didn't want to be the one that backed down from a challenge she came in the bathroom with me acted all grossed out but still watching intently now my turn so I turned it back on her and dared her to do the same she tells me she's not letting me watch her pee I told her I didn't want to watch her pee I wanted her to pee standing up I didn't need to watch she did it it didn't go well she really had terrible aim ended up all over the floor and her legs game ended because she needed to clean up herself in the bathroom floor when my best friend was dared to suck on my wife's boob he did it not my game last year in the middle of class there was a group of girls playing truth or dare all of a sudden I hear my name I look over and they start giggling one of the girls who I'm friends with walks over smiles at me and then tells me that this is just a one-time thing and she punches me in the dong once I was on a date with a football player and after dinner he offered to teach me how to drive standard shift after a few times of me scraping the heck out of the gears he leans over and says I dare you to drive home I flat-out refused and he replied either you have to drive home or you give me a kiss the date wasn't going well up until that point so I drove dude got rekt Tabasco up the butt it was like the shoots after wing night except it burned falar I longer got me really hard though so I guess there was a silver lining my late twenties cousin took me to his apartment when I was around 8 or 9 stripped down to his underwear and wanted to play truth or dare I dared him to put his pants back on unfortunately he complied and didn't proceed with the game any further he still freaked me the freak out dang props to eight-year-old you for daring him to put his pants back on though a guy stood right at the edge and shat into the swimming pool at the motel we were staying at he wasn't even dead he just did it when I had to reveal my true middle name but you have been visited by the money cat subscribed it up do friend it and get rich in 3.8 days if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit truth or dare, truth or dare, reddit truth, truth or dare game, reddit dares
Id: vj0KRi_1szA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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