Men, In What Ways Have You Experienced Sexism? (r/AskReddit)

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men offered it in what ways have you experienced sexism at my sister's house with my then 14 year old son he's a good-looking tall handsome young man bunch of my sisters 40-something female friends start on about how hot he is whistling and making comments he was visibly uncomfortable so I asked them to stop and got all kinds of crap I said can you imagine the heck that would come down if a roomful of 40 year old men were going on about a 14 year old girl disgusting behavior not me but my dad had an extremely hard time getting full custody of me and my little sister despite my mom having no place to live no job addicted to drugs and abused us all because kids need a mom a former female co-worker would oftentimes sit around talking about guys she had fricked and once showed me a dong pic that some guy sent her she thought it was funny I went to my supervisor and told her it made me uncomfortable and it felt really inappropriate she basically told me to just ignore her a couple months later I was fired because that same co-worker accused me of some sort of harassment I did absolutely nothing to her and they wouldn't tell me what she said I had done this is why you have to document everything in these situations both the behaviors and the reports the latter should always be done in writing rather than verbally my girlfriend at a time repeatedly hit me scratched me ripped my shirt and ripped the rear view mirror off my car while I was driving I drove her to her mother's while this was happening when we got there she refused to get out me and her younger sister who came out after we got there both had to physically pull her out of the car she kept trying to get back in I finally got her out and locked the doors and drove away when I got on the highway three cop cars were waiting for me they charged me with assault despite the fact that I was visibly batted with red marks scratches and a ripped shirt and the inside of my car was trashed their justification her face was red yeah her face was red she was having a mental breakdown and crying non-stop because I told her I was leaving her 700 lost because they towed my car I was also in the middle of applying for our CMP training at this time had nearly aced the aptitude test but couldn't continue because of the pending charge I also missed out on another job that I knew I was going to get when the criminal record check came back with the dismissed assault charge being assaulted and laughed at time to tell my story I'm 6 feet 4 inches 240 pounds and used to work as a bouncer I tried my best not to be aggressive or anything because I know sometimes alcohol leads people into making stupid decisions so I'd always approach everyone in a very polite non-threatening way usually that worked because it used to the rescue laid things and all one night this group of girls were starting to create trouble at the club I used to work when I came to know what was going on and possibly calmed things down like ID ways do one small intoxicated girl jumped me she was insane screaming cussing being loud and racist I'm Latino she was white I tried to calm her down but since that wasn't working I told her I was gonna escort her out I reached for my radio and called for backup she was with a big group 7-10 girls out of nowhere she started to bare at me trying to scratch my eyes slashing my neck in the process trying to kick me in the groin and crap other bouncers came and took her or thought me manager finally showed up police was called when they arrived and collect statements I came over to them saying I wanted to press changes due to the fact I was bleeding profusely in the neck and hands they laughed at me said they won't waste their time nothing will come out of it the girls were let go by the police and went their way laughing at me I went over to my manager complaining he was supposed to help us with something his response man-up clean myself up and get back to work I did clean myself up patched my injuries and quit on the spot freaked him and freaked those cops as well the fact that they even knew they weren't going to get repercussions is even worse this system is broken it doesn't affect me because I'm an adult but in Ireland if two underage teenagers hook up only the male is criminally liable the Supreme Court found that this was acceptable because women are at risk of getting pregnant as a result of underage intercourse so they shouldn't be liable it's genuinely the dumbest freaking ruling I've ever read it doesn't even begin to make sense it's the worst example of judges inventing a rule to suit their outlook odd one I don't think it is considered sexism but my male principal has made it very clear that he dislikes only the men at my school so myself along with the other four or five male teachers out of about thirty two staff members get awful evaluation scores and he Bullock wraps his reasoning why we think he just wants to pretend to be top dog makes it even sadder when even the female staff say things like I can do whatever I want since he likes me that is literally the definition of sexism slight sexism usually gives me a good chuckle people can't accept the fact that I'm the primary caregiver for our son examples at his pediatricians office for a checkup you probably have to ask your wife but do you know if he can jump stack four blocks et Cie they will also never call me to confirm appointments offer follow-up calls they always call my wife's number and leave a voicemail despite us asking several times to contact me first when out and about with my son out with dad today have that fun good luck dad cool mom clicks can also be a problem not usually overly welcoming but the worst is passively throwing shade toward my wife your wife makes you stay home huh or your wife decided she would rather work then stay home on behalf of my dad who doesn't have read it being a male primary school teacher is a challenge I have to be more careful about doing things like hugging kids being alone with them or even putting up decorations in my room that could obstruct the windows if I was a female teacher I wouldn't have to watch my every move in the same way honestly there's really no incentive if you're a man and want to become a teacher at the elementary junior or high school level too much red tape to begin with plus all added crap you'd have to deal with being a male teacher no thanks was refused domestic violence leave by my employer I'm a really big guy six feet six 270 lbs with a scruffy beard I work from home and generally have handled a lot of the kid time with our two kids I have had the cops called on me twice two separate incidents at the playground while playing with my kids once because my two-year-old son did not want to go home and take a nap so I had to carry a tantrum in toddler to the car and someone thought I was kidnapping him even though he was clearly yelling no daddy no one having a tantrum and another time because while playing with my kids on the cool giant playground in the park I noticed a little kid like 18 - 24 months old was about to fall off of the top of an eight feet tall platform and I ran over and caught the kid but managed to bang the kid's arm on the side of the structure during the catch and the kid's mother ran up from her perch on a bench 50 yards away screaming about how I assaulted her son I also do all the grocery shopping and cooking for my family and used to take my kids to the store with me every week as such I've had countless women from teenagers up to old ladies mention how nice it is that I'm babysitting and giving mommy a break that's kind of infuriating but whatever despite having my kids with me I've been accused of being a PR file or kidnapper at least three times for trying to help a lost kid find their parents because people think that I must want to freak any child not my own being a guy around kids is really fricked sometimes man years ago I was hired at a Denny's to wait tables I did my week of training including working a busy shift with my trainer just watching from across the room and keeping the $100 in tips I made before training could be finished I had to pass a rhythm test I took the test got 80% of the answers right and was told I had to pass with a 90 or above but I was told by the female also gay manager now that I had failed once I had to pass with 100% I was told by three female servers that they were told they passed the test with lower scores than I had and one never even had to take it everyone who worked there said the GM hated men and that's why she did that sorry you experienced that buddy I'm shaking my head over someone having a power trip at Denny's I didn't get a job at a company because the woman who would training me and I quote doesn't really like men and refuses to Train one I had signed the contract already and they ripped it up she was the only one who knew how to do the job so they had to give her what she wanted this sounds like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen I had a female manager falsely accused me of assault and I had no way to defend myself it was my word against hers she changed her story three times I proved innocence the first two times with emails and people who could overhear the conversation and vouch for me and the third time it was something totally new I touched her and physically intimidated her that I couldn't disprove because she called for a closed-door meeting with me and her she did it because she had not done any work in six months and needed to deflect responsibility for this but this along with a few other things gave me a lot of anxiety and depression I cried recalling this experience to my mother and she told me I was just afraid of strong women I made a terrible mistake I was a contributor to Google Maps for a few years before having kids and did something I really enjoyed after having kids I spent 90% of my free time with them and noticed that there weren't any good images of parks when I was looking for one age-appropriate for a two-year-old unwittingly I think cavernous discretion what a great opportunity to get some views and maybe and those socks I keep hearing about I grabbed a few wide shots of the entire area and a photo sphere in the middle of the few islands of playground and they came out great they were just what I was looking for to help hit parks for various age ranges naturally that concept collapsed as soon as the police arrived meanwhile there is some lady there with a telescopic lens taking all the pictures she wants shaking her head disapprovingly while I try to explain that I'm here with my son Hobby lost parental embarrassment for first exposure to the police for my kid from a parent's point of view I understand the optics but if you really don't want me have a picture of an entire playground structure that happens to have your kid in it come talk to me I'm not a terribly intimidating guy and I'd gladly delete it if you just talk to me calling the cops was a bit much considering how many cameras smartphones they're the shocking part to me isn't that there's a dumb busybody who called the cops it's that the cops actually showed up I guess it's an easy way to avoid working for 30 minutes the cops in my city won't even show up when the homeless light campfires on the sidewalk next to their tents downtown when I was abused publicly in a mall by my girlfriend no X no one did anything I bet if it was the other way around people would have thrown themselves on me I have very little access to my kid even though their mother is a drug addict and uses them as a weapon in arguments I have shown proof of this men at times about how unstable she is but since she is the mother she has God given rights to them very sad I'm a CNA in school to be an RN the amount of times I get asked to move other people's heavy patients for them is astonishing and God forbid I say no I already have bad back pain at age 22 the yard work is a man's job but the inside work is also my job because expecting a woman to do it is sexist just do all the chores this is exactly the boat I'm in I do mowing tree trimming trash house projects cats litter boxes et CET see all of the back-breaking work that's considered a man's job when I'm done all of that counted for nothing because then I end up having to do all of the cooking cleaning - I got kicked out of an underground bar because I was the only man and they felt it was much better if there wasn't a man present in the bar did you come on a ladies night or some bra a teacher told me that he would have given me an A grade for the year if I wasn't male as she only awarded a grades to girls as they had fewer academic advantages I think she may have had a few issues if that were to get out she would be fired at least I hope so the department for gender equality at my job only accepts women to run the department ironic I was at a summer camp with a bunch of other guys the girls and the guys were in the same dorm but both sides were closed off by a door that needed a keycard to enter to the other side the boys were blamed for stealing an iPhone charger which is literally not possible on the girls side a guy got his mattress put on a wall like off the frame and put up on the wall and he was upset about it we got held back from going to our designated sports time of course only the guys not the girls and all for nothing because it was the custodians cleaning after suspensions of bedbugs finally me and four other guys were brought into a room and accused of assaulting or harrassing girls I know for fact I did not harass or assault anyone the camp was a horrible three-week experience I work for a company that provides services for people with disabilities clients or their parents are able to fill in any age or gender preferences they have for providers and if there's preferences are hard or flexible age preferences are usually flexible but a good three strokes for of our clients have a hard preference for female providers only at one point a few months after I started I finally had a steady full-time schedule which takes time to build up I worked with five clients three were female the field manager at the time for whatever reason called me one day and said he was pulling me off of all female clients because he was no longer going to have male providers working with female clients across the board no explanation beyond that it insisted I had done nothing wrong it was just a change he was making for everyone this would have effectively cut me down to about 12 hours a week from 40 while trying to rebuild my schedule also he didn't have three new male clients for me available the same hours but he'd work on it he said one of my female clients who had the news said she was just going to drop the company completely if she had to have a different caregiver and cool to yell at the manager this was good since she was higher needs and made up about half my weekly hours another one of my female clients worked with a few female providers kept requesting new ones and ended up one of my regular clients again within a few months I ended up out ranking that manager anyway by the end of my time with the company so that worked out well when I was looking for a job my friend suggested applying at their store as they were hiring I went in with my resume and introduced myself to the manager the next day at school my friend tells me that her manager is a sexist B it turns out she found my resume in the bin when she questioned her manager about it she told her that they don't hire boys they distract customers she found a new job and quit that one out of anger on my behalf when a new ice cream place was opening in town I thought I would email my resume like the advertisement said to they had no physical location at this point I never heard anything no harm done I was just looking for a second job to fill time when it opened I noticed something strange all of the employees are young girls like just eligible to get a job young 15-16 years I personally wouldn't call this sexist but at my first job I was the first boy to work there none of the clients bothered to learn my name and just referred to me as the boy at my second job my manger also referred to the boiler boy to do that don't worry I've got two boy to deal with that my husband's hair has blocked him from promotions because of its length women can have any hairstyle they want short long whatever my husband has been told more than once he either will not be hired or promoted if he does not cut his hair first he has had long hair his whole life that sexism emo before I went bald genetics not choice I was threatened with the sack and Dean refused jobs because I had shoulder-length hair yet women had full hair to their waist doing the very same job and some jobs weren't even customer-facing I had a supervisor who would be a dog to all the guys on our team under the excuse of be a man meanwhile he gave so much slack to the girls on the team to where they almost never had to do much he needs sacking if you ask me still haven't seen a changing table in a public restroom for when I have my kids with me except for Walmart maybe if you live in the eastern United States the grocery store Wegmans stocks their men's rooms with a changing table and a bunch of free baby supplies diapers wipes etc in case you forgot to bring some I friggin love Wegmans we had a teacher back in high school that was absolutely sexist against men even the girl saw it it was so obvious your marks would reflect her biases that's for sure she treat men like trash in her classes always sucked for us because of it I had one of these two in high school but my teacher was a guy cut to tennis years later and he's arrested after touching a student on a field trip worked in a school district and for two different companies that provide behavior therapy for kids with autism there's a shocking amount of sexism towards men in that line of field so I have several offhand comments jokes about how men are blind to the emotions of others I tend to play it off as joking pretend to GT all offended and we usually have a laugh but it seems like that crap happens like once a month now an old company policy stated that men weren't allowed to be change a kid's darker and had to get a female manager coworker to do it for them WTF do you think all men little kids in the bathroom ytf would you even hire men if you assume that I remember a co-worker was a dad with two infant kids who changed diapers several times a day not being allowed to change a kid's diaper at work myself and a bunch of co-workers thought that was some BS so we filed a complaint and eventually the policy was changed me the only male in a group of four other female teachers aides were talking about hair and how thin dry hair is hard to work with I agreed with them I have thin dry hair and they asked if I had sisters I said yeah why and one said oh that's why you learned about hair from them then they all laughed and change topics I didn't say this but no Lisa maybe it's because I have thin dry hair you old hag I complain to my boss about a co-worker who was female and bullying me in various ways we were professional coaches for a professional team of youth athletes she had much less experience than me 15 years compared to two years and she felt that she should have the lead position instead of me I sense this and began to cover myself from behind went to HR and reported all of the bad stuff she says had witnesses even youth athletes came forward about her behavior direct rule infringement stuff like hanging with kids after practice alone the kind of crap I would be in jail for I continued to make my boss's boss aware but later I was fired and found out from a co-worker and my boss was not telling his boss cause he knew I would just get fired right away since she and my boss's boss are close friends I was eventually let go for telling a kid they can't smoke weed in the gyms parking lot and come to practice the parents didn't like me calling their kid out in front of her friends and complained of my boss's boss and he let me go I recently got an email from each other that the league or organization that runs the competitions banned my co-worker from coaching do not the gym I worked for bitter national organization considering suing the crap out of them I've been attacked are petted abused by several women in the past they often feel entitled to me sexually and it's at a point where some of them even invite themselves into my home under the premise of being drunk with nowhere to go and practically refuse to leave my complaints fall on deaf ears and the expectation is that I've got it good that these people want me people seem to neglect the fact that they're freaking terrible to me was isolated from a friend group for months when I finally cracked and blocked the one girl and it's left me afraid that if I do that to any of the others all end up entirely alone I remember back in high school I rejected a girl b/c I liked her friend better she straight-up slapped me across the face in school one day in front of a teacher and the teacher did nothing girl I shared one class with my freshman year of high school made up a story that I are ped her over the summer a week or two into sophomore year I was called into office almost arrested got my mum who worked in a law firm at a time and she brought a couple lawyer with her while waiting I said multiple times I didn't even know the girl let alone attend any party over the summer eventually went to court and showed that it would be impossible as I didn't know about said party didn't know the girl didn't have a car didn't have a license of any kind and had printed out my entire internet history for the night it allegedly happened female judge ruled me innocent as there was no way I could have done it girl then breaks down in court that she did this as a way to get revenge on one of my cousin's because my cousin kept getting positions or parts she wanted oh man where to begin repeatedly assaulted work by multiple women HR female when I told her said she's cute you really want to make an issue of it constantly assaulted in the bar with women rubbing grabbing my chest but groin when you tell people they just shrug being stopped and questioned by police security and number of times when my daughter was 1 - 9 years old learn to keep a lot of it on me when we went out had a woman physically separate me and my daughter six at the time when I took her to the playground screaming that I was a predator took a mother that I knew to tell the woman off just before I had to decide whether or not to physically take my daughter back I would never let someone separate my daughter from me there are very few things that will make me go ballistic and assault someone but taking my child buys you a major butt whipping literally got kicked out of the gender equality Club at my school for being a white male because of course that means I have much better chances in life than anyone else and can't advocate complete gender equality I feel like this probably saved you in the long run when I opened up and told someone I was depressed they said man up well my depressed female friend also opened up but that person actually talked to her about it this may be the worst of men being men man says I need help friend says man up that's not right and we have to hold each other accountable sorry you didn't have someone there to support you I took a children's lit class I was literally the only boy in the try-hard grad student really made sure to make an example out of me like ever chance she got for my kids they care my kid on daycare came up with a fever and he was throwing up they called my wife but I was closer and was able to leave everything and go when I'm on the front desk to pick up my sick kid they put up a fight this is a mommy situation and we would feel better if she picks him up I literally yelled to the nurse to give me my kid I think I got a bad reputation for that I work in childcare I've worked in multiple daycares and preschools lots of parents that I meet are really apprehensive of me because why would they want a male taking care of their kid some of the kids I meet are even scared of me at first and mind you I'm not a threatening looking person I'm 5 foot 8 130 pounds soaking wet with blond hair and blue eyes but some kids usually girls still cry when they see me because they're so used to having women take care of them and I'm different from them after parents get to know me and they see I can change diapers feed snacks clean up and engage a room of 15 plus two-year-olds better than the majority of my co-workers they warm up to me but those first few meetings can be a little awkward and it's only going to get worse as I get older and I'm no longer young and attractive worked at a well-known car rental place the manager had all the guys washing the cars doing the pickups and the grunt work while the females did whatever they wanted problem was everything was scored and determined your ability to get promotions after a couple of brutal weeks I brought this up to him when I was getting reprimanded for my bad scores and his reply was they are dressed nicer so they shouldn't have to wash cars and I should take advantage of every at-bat I transferred to another managers shop the next month can't volunteer for anything regarding children I did that when I was younger but as I was getting older I noticed people giving me dirty looks and parents complaining ultimately I just stopped volunteering with anything regarding children it's not worth the headache recently volunteered to go on my second grade daughter's field trip as a chap around had to fill out paperwork for a complete background check mentioned this to one of the moms going and she said she didn't have to get to background check turns out none of the six women were required to get a background but me and one other dad had to get one s mhm total BS you have been visited by the romantic jogger comment lovers maggots so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 343,004
Rating: 4.9355059 out of 5
Keywords: discrimination in the workplace, discrimination, men discrimination, sexist teachers, sexist interview, sexism, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: k6JlxzEgCu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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