What's a mistake or decision you made that completely altered your life?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar etic by planet reddit people have read it what's one mistake or decision you made that completely altered the course of your life forgot hamburger buns dad died depressed was without a job for over a year applied at a few different places and heard nothing back went to a BB queue with a friend's house and stopped at the store first we got everything we needed went out to the car started packing up and realized we forgot hamburger buns I go back in the store and walking down the frozen foods aisle and run into an old co-worker who happened to now be a manager at one of the places I apply that months ago chatted it up with him for a little bit and three days later I get a call out of the blue to comment for an interview with his company he worked at I've been with the company 18 years last month all because of the chance encounter in the frozen food aisle all because I forgot hamburger buns I read the first two sentences and thought how did your dad die because you bought hamburger buns I mean survivor's guilt and similar stuff is definitely a thing lol said yes to going to the pub I was on a backpacking trip around Europe at a hostel in Belfast this Australian guy who was in the same dorm as me asked if anyone wanted to join him for a drink we and a New Zealander tagged along we had an absolutely epic night in what was then still a city under martial law next day we all went in different directions but I kept in contact with the Australia at some stage months later he mentioned that I should come and visit him in Australia about six months later I did I had a fantastic time travelled around Australia and liked it so much that I applied for a residency permit 30 years later I'm still here it's been absolutely great but none of would have happened if I didn't say yes to a few beers all the way back in the 80s ngl you really had me in the first half most life altering stories that are tagged by the phrase saying yes to going to the pub do not end on a positive note I know right I got super nervous for the ending when he said yes to the pub I was expecting a romantic ending went to meet my bio mom eight years later a crippling disorder brain damage and some significant trauma later turns out there was a very good reason I was adopted I got to meet my sisters though and I'm the uncle to a whole herd of nieces and nephews and I wouldn't trade that for the world makes the damage worth it honestly the way their faces light up when they see me and how loved I feel with them is something you can't ever replace did she hit you or something or did you just find out you have genetic brain issues drug addict - physically mentally and emotionally abused me stalk me tried to kill me when I tried to leave and only stopped when a restraining order and 9-mil were brought into the picture I had a psychotic break from reality due to all of this spent about a year unable to well connect period mostly had to be drugged up so I wouldn't tear my own skin off it turns out it's surprisingly easy to break a break just throw in a few years of 24/7 of use gas lighting and drug use and then try to kill them when they leave she's not a good person and she did it to herself so I have no sympathy what she did to herself while on meth was bad enough what she did to me Jesus ucking Christ thank ik I wasn't raised by her oh my god jeez no way you could have predicted that sorry it turned out to be so horrible I'm glad you got away from her time's after my dad died when I was 21 I moved from Detroit to Portland for a change of scenery and to get out of the rut of drinking every night with my friends this was mid recession so unemployment was like 14% in Portland I got a job working 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. in a nightclub three nights a week and it soon rocked then I got laid off I was lost a college dropout no money no job and even the promise of a mild winter didn't happen Portland got their worst snowstorm in 30 years I found out a college buddy lived in Portland and we connected we went out on a Tuesday night and we ate mushrooms and in the moment of clarity that mushrooms give you as you are coming down I realized how much I hated living in Portland I texted one friend and said let's move to NYC and texted another and said let's move to Chicago I woke up and they had both said no I thought chuck it I'll move to Chicago anyway so I sold my car that Friday bought a train ticket and was on a train Monday cut to 12 years later I still live in Chicago I went back to school and got my degree I have a good job I just celebrated my first wedding anniversary albeit in quarantine rather than the Mexico trip we had scheduled we have an awesome dog and we're closing on a house next month all of this because I took mushrooms and decided to move to Chicago are you telling me I should do drugs I think you know the answer is yes remember that hallucinogens are transformative you might be better you might be worse but you'll definitely be different they gave me far-seeing eyes my wonderful two-year-old daughter was not planned but thanks to her I decided to have a vasectomy I had always had one slightly enlarged testicle due to a mountain biking accident ten years prior my urologist had it biopsied because it didn't look right turns out I had had testicular cancer for and impossible to determine period of time four rounds of chemo later and I'm perfectly fine I not had my daughter I would have probably had much worse results years later when it finally made its presence known via pain and had spread into my body sir my daughter technically saved my life which is knowledge I'm sure she'll use on with great plea during her teenage years when I'm trying to punish her years ago I was heading to Hawaii in February and I was pasty white so I decided to go to a tanning salon first to get base tan and not burn in high the bed was in a mirrored room and I noticed my left testicle was enlarged had surgery and radiation and I am fine so getting a tan saved me from dying of cancer your story is more heartwarming good you noticed it base tan is a dangerous myth perpetuated by tanning salons though nah dude you're probably safe from that as I doubt men a teenage girls will want to talk about their dad's balls a fan a thing you have the upper hand on her smoked synthetic cannabis mental breakdown antipsychotics complete change in my physique and personality 2030 was a blur I'm on very low doses of my meds with careful management from my shrink but I know I will need them for the rest of my life lost so many years and experiences that I'll never get back stay the hell away from spice k2 black mamba and the like if you value your mind not sure if I'm rude for asking or if even you're comfortable sharing but what did you experience while under the influence of spice obviously whatever it was it was crushing feel psyche totally understand if you'd rather not relive it by describing it here hope you're doing well nowadays buddy not open but spice was definitely the worst hi I've ever experienced I can recall one specific time where I smoked a bowl of flour before my body pulled out the sack of pineapple spice I should have known it wasn't anything to mess with as soon as I smelt it and it legit smelled like pilot I took one hit and before I could even look up I was gone it was like a movie where the camera zooms back from the character on screen to represent the distortion they're feeling it was almost exactly like that weed messes with your sense of time but spice will completely up with your sense of reality I can't really recall how it occurred but at some point I was laying on my friend's bed rocking back and forth saying this isn't real and after my friends got me to calm down I started shoving fist fulls of fruity pebbles in my face not in my mouth more like punching myself in the face and letting the cereal fall all around me I went on absurd rants I called my ex and just blurted our complete nonsense I'd completely lost my sense of self I woke up the next day with a blistering headache and the spice supplier yelling at the other guys hanging out in the house for stealing the spice in the middle of the night and smoking the rest of it spice tolerance is exponential being that it was my first time I couldn't take anything more than one hit whereas my friends were chasing what I was feeling all night my buddy who was supplying was buying ounces for 20 bucks and at 16 years old we really thought it was gonna be some godsend we always needed I smoked it maybe three or four more times and while I don't have the lasting effects Opie has I've had persistent closed eye hallucinations when I'm completely sober ever since I can cover my eyes and hallucinate almost some command I'll never know if it was from the spice but I bet into madness sounds like HP PD I have it - it gives you visual snow which is like a faint overlay of TV static on your vision it also causes colors to have a rainbow border around them especially colors that contrast with others a lot like black when I look at black I no longer see solid black it's weird in a darkroom I'll see purple green kaleidoscope patterns moving on the walls and from when I tripped NN wikipedia.org link when I moved and switched middle schools way I I back I threw out all my stuff except for my math textbook when I went to my new school the math class I was in was a little bit behind from where I was and I told them but they didn't believe me but I showed my old math textbook to show that I was way ahead of that class two of my classes were changed and in both of my new classes where a bunch of friends I made if I threw away that math textbook I wouldn't have any good friends right now they wouldn't let you test out all was this in middle high school this was middle school I should have specified that I liked to CPS when I was 13 I finished growing up with my dad instead of being taken away I knew what I was doing and looking back I wouldn't change it I've met some wonderful people and I don't think I would have met them if I had told the truth that day what happened with your dad why were they there et Cie if you mind answering it's okay if you don't I am just curious my dad let me play physical sports so that way he could beat me and the bruises wouldn't be suspicious while my coach noticed that the patterns of the bruises appearing didn't coincide with games scrimmage practice so he called CPS overall just a drunk old man abusing what power he had I know I would have gone into the system and perhaps one place I didn't want to be because I had met kids from foster homes and they always ended up moving away after about a year I've worked through a lot of it with a therapist but quite frankly I kind of don't want kids I'm scared to resemble my dad in any way shape or form I am so sorry you had to go through this hopefully you and possibly your dad are all in better places now three here is a quote I saw on reading the other day it is better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than in the middle of one you don't not sure who wrote it but it fits well with this post I saw this too not sure either but it's a great quote join our community discord link in description I went to school to get one specific job in urban areas you need a minimum of five years experience to even apply I decided that I only wanted this job and didn't care about geography so I started applying while still finishing my master's degree I was offered the exact role I wanted immediately permanent full-time full benefits defined benefit plan three weeks vacation and the exact same salary as urban areas but it was a low-cost off living area and it was in buttock nowhere I knew where it was on a map and that was about it so I accepted the job with the intention to get a little experience and get back to city as soon as possible well eleven years later I am still here I love this village my quality of life is amazing I found my partner here I have a two minute commute to work it is unbelievable how much of a difference no commuters for hobbies and work-life balance I am leaps and bounds ahead of my friends who steadfastly remained in urban areas some are still not in permanent jobs or getting a pension and whatnot I have been debt-free since a year after moving here and able to retire comfortably at 55 if I wanted to being simply open minded about geography changed my entire life it also makes going to the city feel like a fun trip away I guess we are simple folks here as someone who has been working from home a few months now I find I actually miss my commute do I miss the days when traffic sucks and I'm stop and go hell no but on normal days my 15 minutes drive to work would give me time to plan out my day and on my drive home I could plan out my evening I should point out that I've had one plus our commutes for other jobs those sucked it's all about moderation the greater good I met a guy online on AOL in 1994 fell in love move 2300 miles away from home to be with him could have been a disaster but 26 years later we are happily married and are still very much in love best decision I've ever made I'm similar in 2007 I began chatting with a guy on a book series web forum The Wheel of Time and met him in person in October of that year had a long-distance relationship with him for four years with flying back and forth every few months then in 2011 we got married and I moved 1,450 miles to be with him happily married since and for the foreseeable future yay happy 26 years together a buddy of mine called me up one day to tell me he and his toxic controlling girlfriend had broken up and he wanted to celebrate with a few drinks at the time I was living a very anti-social lifestyle and I almost said no but something that day told me I needed to get out of the house so I agreed turns out that was the night I'd meet my future wife when we were reminiscing about that night my wife said she too almost declined going out flying into Tulsa from San Diego in 1998 coming home on a three-week labor leave from the service after a 16 month deployment a few days before there had been a bad ice storm in the roads were still slick my wife insisted on picking me up from the airport after I suggested taking a cab home I didn't want her driving on those slick roads because there was an 8 mile stretch of country two-lane road from our house to town and it could get pretty treacherous due to minimal maintenance she refused to drive an old Cherokee chief that I had if a house and chose to drive her 2wd Ranger pickup she lost control of the truck and went down a 40 feet embankment losing her life in the process we had a one-year-old daughter and a three-year-old son at home that grew up without a mother and I've spent the last 22 years kicking myself from not simply pissing her off to the point that she wouldn't drive and I could just make up with her when I got home I should have argued harder with her or had one of her brothers come and pick me up I met my new daughter for the first time with her mother gone I was basically beating both my children for the first time as I had deployed when my son was my daughter's age neither knew me and both were absolutely terrified and confused the happy ending is that both children had a great childhood grew up smart well-adjusted and successful daughter is finishing her master's degree and my son is a successful electrician raising a young son on his there's always a struggle in my mind that I always deal with my wife wasn't going to ever move from Oklahoma and I planned on being a career marine so we would have ended up divorced no doubt and I wouldn't have the bond with my children that I do now I lost the love of my life but I gained a great relationship with my kids my children lost their mother but they didn't have to grow up with an absent father life is funny that is heavy Rowe sounds like you did what you had to do to get by and still manage to raise good kids I'm sorry you lost your love but amazed that you can see the silver lining oh my God thank you for this I have what I thought was a bruise under the nail of my big toe but hasn't gone away even after a few months with everything going on I've been putting off getting it looked at doctor appointment has been scheduled for later this week good luck brother slash sister I read the book I Claudius loved it so much I scheduled a trip to visit Italy while touring the sights randomly met an American guy who was an IT guy like me for an American school there a few weeks after coming back to the States I emailed him and he tells me he's getting married and moving back to the States and offered me his old physician three months later I was on a plane back to Italy lived there for four amazing years and made some great lifelong friends the fact that your life was made better by our ancient emperor is so incredible I love reading ancient books too dad wanna go to the gun range this weekend me sure sounds fun it would turn out to be aunty fun got shot by a stranger almost died now have permanent nerve damage and poor blood flow in my right leg edit for the story was at a gun range and a guy with her ak-47 accidentally negligently shot me point-blank in the groin I was talking to a random guy about a case and he told me he had one with a bad trigger I work on guns and trigger work is easy to do so we go over where he has two ak-47s in a hard drive full case no mags of them and we are just talking so he reaches down to what I thought to grab the handle and pulls the trigger with his thumb heard and dolf thought and it felt like someone kicked me in the right leg I was three inches from the end of the barrel adrenaline kicked in super hard and it hurt very little at first I was able to take a few steps and lay myself down with my leg blown apart it didn't start to hurt until halfway through the helicopter ride to the hospital the real pain happened after surgery and the next 12 that came after it I was on the highest dosage of IV drip dilaudid they could give and I would still pass out from pain in the intensive care unit the first time I was awake enough for them to show me how the meds button worked on my IV drip I pressed at 180 four times in 12 hours it had a built in four hours delay between hits so I didn't bode but it meds wasn't working I know was either my pain level is stupid high the skin graph 2 inches X 8 inches strip off my left leg I later got to patch the hole never hurt I was told it was going to be terrible by the doctors I can feel with my hand a large bullet fragment kind of close to my right butt cheek leg area but it doesn't bother me in good commlink just an x-ray nothing gross ouch how did the getting shot part happen I bet him doom with a bullet probably was a gun involved too taking videography as an elective in middle school instead of photo like my sister throughout high school I won numerous student filmmaking Awards made tons of friends I never would have had I not joined those classes developed a super useful skill and got paying jobs throughout high school because of my skill set I even got hired at my current job because of my video skills just arrived to basic in featuring Bennet they had us all in this room giving us like a welcome speech the drill Sgt left and I had to pee so I got up and went to the bathroom when I came back to the room nobody was there I walked around till I found a different drill Sgt and he said he had no time for my stupid and took me to a room with a whole different group of guys they were like a day ahead of me in the reception phrases so I was quickly caught up I didn't have to deal with a ton of the BS that others had in the group I was placed with became 11 B instead of 11 C that sent me to a unit that got an amazingly awesome mission in Afghanistan and led me to meeting some awesome people and getting crazy life stories so when you need to pee just go pee when you need to pee just me you slash knocked my tea after finishing pre university college me and a friend went to Australia on a working holiday visa in Sydney I worked for a few months saving money while my friend worked for accommodation in a hostel without pay we were supposed to go travel up the East Coast and she had no savings I waited for her for a few weeks got her a job she quit because she didn't like it then decided to go on my own while on that East Coast trip I met an English guy wouldn't have met him if I had gone when I was supposed to we ended up both living in Melbourne for five months got in a relationship etc it's been three years and he has now come to Canada twice I went to England and Wales twice we went to Eastern Europe together and in two months if all goes well mine going to study abroad for a year in England where he lives it'll be the first time we live together being a year since I saw him last so it's exciting is a life a never-ending string of side quests thanks for watching subscribe for 3 videos a day [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
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Keywords: ask reddit, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, reddit, updoot reddit, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, tz reddit, reddit watchers, r/askreddit, reddit best, reddit compilation, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, askreddit reading, askreddit scary, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question, planet reddit, mistake, decision, altered your life, decision changed life
Id: JJ7PV6iELhk
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Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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