What's The Most Embarrassing Thing You Witnessed In A Classroom?

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what is the most embarrassing classroom moment you've experienced witnessed I fell asleep at my desk during a really serious lecture I had one of those really severe sleep twitches and woke up spazzing so hard I flung everything on my desk often screamed at the top of my voice awkwardness ensued when I was a middle schooler some girl was eating a ton of those rice cake things in class I watched her scarf down like five well she proceeds to bolt up mid lecture and puke everywhere I'm talking on two people sitting in front of her on multiple kids backpacks and all over her clothes needless to say as cruel middle schoolers never let her forget about it I was in year five when this happened a kid asked to go to the toilet and the teacher said no the kid then asked again but the teacher still said no the kid then proceeded to pee himself as he buried his face into his hands and started to cry the teacher exclaimed that he should have just gotten up and gone to the toilet anyway but it was obviously redundant information now as the damage had been done that teacher was a butthole happened to em in first grade except I crapped myself glad I was an army brat and moved away shortly after that I've got two in elementary school there was this really obese girl she was always made fun of and talked about because she was big and children are jerks but one day mid lecture her cheap wooden desk decides to give out and completely collapses under her I'd like to say I didn't laugh but I was in tears the other time was something that happened to my friend during English class same school but in sixth grade the teacher was collecting homework and he hadn't done his so when asked where is your homework he replied I didn't did it which got a few giggles out of people and when she asked again he repeated I didn't did it and people began to laugh even harder and the teacher thought he was joking around but the guy was absolutely serious and didn't realize he was making a mistake after the fifth time the teacher corrected him and made everyone stay in for recess because they kept laughing and my friend got to go out and play the entire ordeal felt horribly awkward and embarrassing for him he told me and I just cringe thinking back on it some don't think it'd be like it is but it do in third grade we were required to have those Trapper Keeper type things to hold our pencils for some reason I wanted to be able to have that inside my binder but the binder holes were filled in with plastic having the best idea ever I decided to use my scissors to try to push the plastic filling out of the Trapper Keeper I start by just holding the scissors and pushing really hard through but this didn't work so then I decided to use one of the two scissor blades because it was sharper and push as hard as I can with my other hand holding the Trapper Keeper in an instant the scissors lived through the Trapper Keeper and right under my finger with as hard of a force as I could possibly push I must have hit an important vein or something because it started fountain in everywhere and got blood onto everyone in my circle a few people started screaming because there was so much blood to which I ran out of the class and to the office once in the office they got a call saying there was a profuse trail of blood all around the school in my freshman math class I tripped on the corner of the desk fell and laughed it off with everyone this wasn't so bad when the desk proceeded to tip over and land on my head I still thought everything was pretty funny it's hard for me to get in Bury sat easily however when I stood up noticed my head was gushing blood I ran out of the room and tripped on the wet floor hitting my head and making it bleed from another area and for some reason my giant douche off a class thought this was funny I was the girl who got her period in the middle of class I was wearing a skirt over my jeans that day and it soaked right through everything and onto the seat I was at the back of the class so if I walked up to ask the teacher to be excused everyone would see it I ended up waiting until school was out thankfully this was my last class and belting for the bathroom after everyone else had left I don't think anyone noticed it but I shudder to think of the blood stain I would have left behind not me I swear but during a class in high school a classmate sneezed and covered the front of his shirt in a massive amount of snot even the teacher laughed after he left to go clean his shirt bodily fluids the bane of schoolchildren everywhere this story didn't happen in a classroom but this happened during a school overnight camping trip when I woke up and got ready for the day the other girls were talking about what happened the night apparently one of the others was moaning during the night so I was curious on who it wasn't made it my duty to find out this girl when lights were off I spent the first half waiting for everyone to go to sleep waited for a while then gave up until the next morning one of the girls told me the next morning during breakfast that it was me directed by M night Shyamalan I went up to the front of the room to answer a question on the blackboard while I was waiting to get chalk I tried to be funny by doing stretches without a teacher looking I ripped my trousers for the whole class to see suffer more year of high school the teacher had a homework basket on her desk that she expected for us to turn in our homework before the class bell rang or else it was considered late one day a kid was just barely on time and he noticed he had about four seconds to turn his homework in he ran as fast as he could from his desk to put his paper in the basket somehow tripped probably over someone's backpack and fell flat on his face he got up and tried to put his HW in the basket but the Bell had already rung thankfully the teacher wasn't a horrible person and accepted his HW was on time a kid crapped his pants in the library while wearing boxers and shorts stomach flu there was a trail of poop piles leading out the door the whole school knew before the next class period this was before most kids carried phones so it was gossip at warp speed I think the kid ended up changing schools fall of the following happened in the same locker room in high school multiple kids got peed on when a mentally challenged child pulled his dog out and did the helicopter while peeing another time some buttholes stole the same kids clothes and hid them so the poor kid ran out of the locker room completely naked another kid got multiple lacerations in his head from having his head slammed into a locker why you ask did he have his head slammed into the locker he took another man's pokemon card the locker room was probably built on an Indian burial ground an old teacher of mine got her period in the middle of a lecture ran right down her leg she didn't even stop to go to the bathroom just acted like he didn't even happen and sat at her desk cross-leg daftar now that's a frickin professional in 4th grade a boy in my class peed himself during the Pledge of Allegiance didn't do anything about it until the pledge was over a true American I'm really short and our chalkboards were hung by giants I was tasked with writing a list of article suggestions for our newspaper class so I used a chair to start at the top of the board about four items in I lost my balance and completely ate at face first most of the class was pretty mature about it with only a few titters and a few people rushed over to make sure I was okay completely humiliating this one kid in fifth grade went into the bathroom wasn't there for a while and came out upset because when he was wiping himself he accidentally used his sleeve how does one do this this is a fear of mine it's why I pooped shirtless if I'm wearing a shirt with sleeves one time I fell asleep in class with my chin on my chest I started drooling and I had a gray shirt on I woke up to the entire class staring at me and a dark grey spot on my shirt about a foot wide from armpit to armpit down to my belly button very embarrassing till Bulldogs can use the interwebs about four maybe five years ago there was a teacher at a Northwestern Indiana High School who went off her meds or something and showed up to school in an untied robe bra underwear and slippers it took about 30 minutes off kids snickering and taking photos before another teacher noticed and called the school nurse and her husband to come pick her up I have zombie cafe on my iPod and I happen to have my iPod in class with me in the middle of a lecture my iPod decided to notify me that my hand burgers and flies had finished cooking now the notification is really loud whether you have your iPod totally silent or not so basically the entire class heard teacher blah blah blah history blah blah moment of silence my iPod Bradley ions the whole class burst into laughter and I will never forget the look my teacher gave me I just wanted to sink into the ground I was so embarrassed my professor used to wear a clip-on wireless microphone as we were in an auditorium sized classroom one day he randomly gave us a break which he never does and stormed out of the classroom turns out he had some explosive diarrhea how do I know this because he forgot to turn his mic off when he dropped his load in grade 10 we had shared gym class between grades 8 9 and 10 we all gathered in the science teachers room school didn't have a proper gym we were either outside or in the gym of a much larger school nearby to get prepped for class and the grade 8s were horsing around in the back one girl goes to pants another chick normally no big deal but she grabbed too much and dropped everything I'm not sure if a chick who's ginger was on display or the chick who forcibly exposed her best friend was more embarrassed but I'm pretty sure that's the worst I've seen I was an imaginative child so when tasked to color a picture of Santa with crayons I was a bit imaginative in my coloration among other things Santa had a bare foot that he was warming by the fire so I colored it blue this first grade teacher was so outraged by Mayan orthodoxy that she decided to show it to the class as an example of how not to color a picture making sure to point me out as the artist kinda reminded me of this time in third grade when we were coloring Santa's and everyone made their Santa's white while I made mine black I was the only one that didn't get a sticker farted at the SATs only I am the guy next to me laughed and did so for a while the instructor monitor in the room actually told me that if I continue laughing I'd be kicked out back in high school there were all these choir performances that were boring as heck but at least got you out of class for an hour I remember at one in particular there was a girl swaying on the top riser at the very end of her row in the audience a friend and I speculated if she was drunk or sick or just very tired she continued swaying through the performance amplitude slowly increasing until it was obvious she was going to topple over as she does my friend says there she goes it took a few seconds for the other choir singers to realize what just happened a couple jumped down to help her and a teacher did to the best part though they continued the choir performance while that poor girl occasionally led out moans of pain out of sight thanks to the wall around the choir pit we choir folk are trained never to stop we have had many many kids faint on stage classical or otherwise you are to let em down finish and check up on them heck we have a funny video on YouTube where our CD track stopped and everyone kept dancing and singing even did the dance oblique without music it's just what quad does fourth grade last week of school sitting in class my buddy is sitting next to the weird kid in our grade the weird kid is squirming around noticeably and I'm not sure why but my buddy doesn't pay attention the weird kid shoots himself and his poop runs down his shorts as he's squirming violently now and the Kratt falls on my buddy's leg right above his sock my buddy yells knew it when the whole class looks over and sees it the weird kid just sits there wide-eyed the weird kid didn't return to school the next year my buddy's nickname since that day until college has been craps tin at the beginning of the year my teacher had us fill out a paper with all kinds of personal information he assured us no one would be reading these papers but him I decided to fill the paper out with all kinds of truthful embarrassing information fast forward to the end of the year the teachers pulls out a stack of papers that look vaguely familiar he says okay everyone listen up remember those papers we filled out at the beginning of the year I am now going to proceed to read everyone's papers out loud and I want you to guess who it is in the class at this point I can't remember if I wrote anything particularly embarrassing but I did remember that he straight-up frickin lied everyone's else's answers were pretty normal until it got to my paper he read the questions as follows favorite food hot cereal favorite movie Pokemon the first movie in the teacher than paused no one could guess who it was yet it gets worse there was a section on the paper where it said write any personal problems you have that you would like to share with only the teacher guess what he proceeded to read it he said who a lot I remember this one this student says he is really embarrassed about his terrible handwriting due to his bad motor skills the students were finally able to guess that it was me I wanted to jump out the window during my freshman year of college it always stay out late despite having 8 a.m. classes I guess I fell asleep during my 8 a in psychology class and I was not the freak out like at a really deep sleep according to my friend who sat next to me I started snoring loudly the professor stopped talking and just kinda stared at me for a little bit and the entire class just sat there watching me sleep for a few minutes then I fell out of my chair landed on the floor and woke up to my entire class staring at me this happened in my AP government class sound asleep in the front row I have been told at my prof who had a sense of humor held up a $20.00 and said I could have it if I could read the President on the front woke up when he picked up my very heavy hardcover book and dropped it on the floor with a chorus of laughter from the class a kid I read on his seat and was too terrified to move until the teacher called him same thing happened to another kid except he peed himself this was his second time this is stupid it's in my ninth grade year a kid in my class had to read from the book in biology class instead of saying organism he said orgasm I didn't laugh because he turned instantly red and I felt bad for him but all of the immature goons laughed so hard my teacher sent them all out to the hallway I guess this worked out for the kid though he was in a room full of girls who felt bad for him he later in the year tore his ACL and had even more pity from girls when I was in elementary school I was a nose-picker I was picking my nose in class and flipped it it had landed on someone's head and the teacher knew and told me to apologize I would have apologized anyway I felt so guilty since then I had only picked my nose at home with a tissue back in junior high biology class we had finished dissecting a frog and the teacher told us that next week we would be the SEC ting a beef heart a girl in the front row of the class who was normally very quiet suddenly started laughing quiet loudly and then asked the teacher how did they catch it the teacher kind of confused replied it's removed from a dead cow to which the girl asked but how does it get in there to start with at this point we were all confused finally after a few more questions we figured out she thought the teacher said be fart eighth-grade science class friend was sitting on two stools because his lab partner was absent large girl comes to class late and says to my friend stop being fat and taking up all the stools science teacher immediately responds to the girl you're right he's not fat but you are take the stool sit down stop blocking the board and stop disturbing my class class went silent this was done by an old white prof in a class of over 300 students prof can I have a volunteer an Indian guy puts up his hand and walks down the aisle to the front of the class prof. and what's your name guy quietly says something prof ah very nice to meet you Suresh guy my name is Sam entire class laughs just have something similar happen me and an Asian friend were getting lunch at the dining Center Mexican joint my buddy orders a burrito and the employee starts making it the employee then turns around and looks at a different Asian kid next to my friend and asked him what he wanted on his burrito I don't think I've ever laughed that hard felt bad for the guy in tenth grade a dude in my history class came in and had apparently popped three or four squares of acid and by halfway through the period he was fried the Freak up real good at which point he just whipped out his special friend and started jerking the crap out of it right there in class but the teacher didn't notice but everyone else did and no one said a freaking thing we all just laughed and joked as discreetly as possible about it eventually he finished all over the goddamn desk and the floor in his hand and then he just fell into some kinda weird mumbling sleep immediately afterwards with I T still out and clutched sin his slimy frickin hands and he stayed like that for about five minutes until the teacher took notice of him slumped over asleep the teacher approached him to wake him up and that is when the teacher realized just what the heck had transpired and the rest of the story is just a lot of laughter as we were herded out of class while we waited for the janitor and the principal and security to come and figure out just what to make of the situation I can't think of a more embarrassing highschool scenario good on him for finishing a black guy in my auto shop class at Centennial and Scarborough banged on the window to get the attention of some girls outside waiting for a bus when they turned around to look he jumped up on a table pulled out his huge Wang and shook it at them rot I was sitting in my English class in high school just after lunch one day we had a Taco Bell on campus and as usual most of my friends would get something from there to eat on this one occasion one of my friends had an extra hot sauce packet after lunch I went to my next class and I opened my English book to catch up on a lesson or class started and my friend who sat in front of me turned around and put the sauce packet right in the middle of the book and closed it he just put it there to make it easy to save my place and to let me know that class hadn't started yet so I shouldn't have it open about a minute later another friend comes walking in from lunch and starts to tell me this story about some girls that were taunting him during lunch he got so angry just talking about it that he then slammed his fist onto my book which caused the packet to explode directly to my chest I was wearing a white shirt and now I had a nice tie dye effect of Taco Bell medium celsa all over it my friend apologized profusely he had no idea that packet was in there everyone in the class was laughing hysterically and what had just happened I didn't have a change of clothes so for the rest of the day I smelled like Taco Bell medium salsa kid crap his pants in a math class at my school best part his best friend was sent to check on him in the bathroom and when he comes back he says yep it smells like crap in there fine you a kid in first grade that crap his pants and grabbed it out of his pants and kept it's in his desk for more than a week until it smelled up the classroom for a bit of background amorta stick and while I am okay now it used to be really bad when I was young anyways one day during 2nd grade I got overly frustrated about something and proceeded to have a breakdown and cry in the middle of class instead of any of the reasonable things a teacher should do comfort me get a counselor anything really she sat me in the middle of the room and had all the other students circle around me then pointed at me and said that I was a bad child and an example of how they should never act , this didn't happen in a classroom but a girl went into labor in the cafeteria of my high school when I was in second grade I ran to the urinal after waiting for a whole class to finish it wasn't till after I was done I realized I peed myself then I had to wear the pants of the girl I liked they were way too small most miserable day ever well that's one way of getting in a girl's pants a girl stole a glass test tube and took it to the toilets to pleasure herself in the middle of a class during the act someone walked into the toilet block which startled the girl who tensed up just a little too much and broke the test tube inside her she was fine in the end but never returned to that school I was nine years old and in the fourth grade when this happened I a young girl started feeling some horrid stomach pains and felt like I was going to throw up I had just gone to the restroom so I knew the teacher wouldn't let me go again so I just sat in pain I looked down and I noticed a bit of blood on my car keys I jump up and yell something is wrong with me the teacher took one look at me and said to go to the nurse I went and all the while I was freaking out I got there and she simply handed me a pad I asked her what to do with it and she handed me the box and pointed me to the bathroom at 9 years old I had gotten my period and had no idea what was happening after I figured out what to do with it I came back out of the bathroom and she handed me a folded stapled note and a pair of sweatpants I went back to class and finished my day I went home and handed my dad a note he opened it and as his eyes got wide he handed it to my mom while not saying a word my mom took me to my room and explained briefly what was going on and said that she was sorry for not explaining sooner later that evening I read the note and it said that I had started my period but she wasn't allowed to explain it so the note was to ensure my parents knew that something happened and that I needed to know what was going on I was crouched on the ground tying my shoes in elementary school while I waited in line a kid doesn't see me in trips over me he proceeds to domino effect the whole line if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: school, school stories, most embarrassing, most embarrassing moments, most embarrassing moments in school, teacher, students, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: MYnX2_tQ4zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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