What's the Most Awkward s3x-Ed Question a Student Asked?

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nsw sex ed teachers of reddit what is the most awkward cringer worthy question you've had to answer in your class i was one of the pupils but this still sticks out in my mind not so much for being a funny question but for the stupid answer a boy asked what would happen if a woman put a tampon in the wrong way so the string didn't come out all we got was well it has to come out somehow we were left in suspense as the teacher a nurse moved on to the next question was it some medical emergency or not i guess the idea of telling ten-year-old boys about girls putting anything besides dongs and tampons into fannie is deviated too far from what was appropriate we weren't meant to know that fingers could go up there yet for any reason there was a similar question in my physical ed class the teacher told us to just use tongs to get it out i teach fifth grade this is the time for the big talk in indiana i was roughly about seven months pregnant i was unmarried but engaged my fiance was a pretty active participant in my classroom so all the kids knew him he came on the field trip due to not having a male teacher available to go to supervise the boys in indiana we still teach abstinence only in the middle of the lesson the instructor basically tells the kids that conception takes place after freaking which can only happen after marriage 30 seconds later eyes are on me and a hand shoots up one of my fabulous tiny humans blurts out that can't be true mrs isn't married and she is pregnant right now how did that happen then i'm pretty sure the instructor would have killed me in that moment had she been able to and this was my ted talk on how i ruined the abstinence education by being pregnant and unmarried i'm a teacher in year 6 10 plus 11 years old in the uk it's the first year that children really learn and talk about freaking in school we had arrived at the actual physical intercourse lesson where we focus on the science of conception one boy out his hand up and said that there were of course sounding worldly wise ways of freaking without getting pregnant i nodded approvingly as i thought we were going to start talking about contraception yes he says you can stick your dong between a woman's breasts and then cm on her chest i suppose he isn't wrong hard to get pregnant like that took me by surprise though bro we started in year three always changing always growing or something like that by year six we were made to watch a lady give birth and some poor lad fainted looking back that primary school was crap all around though so not surprised no need to mention the incident one of my favorite moments from my high school days we had health as part of our pay class and they always got the pay teachers to teach it and of course one week of it was physical ed we had this dumb football coach who basically read us the textbook for a week rather than actually deal with the subject not really because of any squeamishness but mostly because it wasn't related to football and that's all he cared about i didn't know it was possible to make freaking boring until i sat through that week off school all of us were dozing offer just daydreaming but the last day someone raised their hand and said hey coach how do you freak what's the process obviously they were messing with the guy the coach said um um well um okay so you got a doughnut and a banana and goes on to tell us about how that would work it was so bizarre during our physical education in the early 90s which amounted to one hour of dividing the boys and girls of each grade taking them into their respective classrooms and going over very broad topics we were allowed to anonymously ask additional questions we had by writing them on a flash card and passing them to the front i asked what would happen if a boy peed inside a girl i watched as my flash card was silently read by the teacher then unceremoniously thrown away without being answered to this day i still don't know madonna has entered the chat not a teacher but in grade 7 we had a box where you could anonymously submit questions one or two would be read at the end of class each day my teacher pulled a question that read what are [ __ ] you beat the whole class burst out laugh including our teacher and he just kinda threw away the piece of paper and said that we all clearly knew what [ __ ] shoot beads were but just in case they are adult toys we were very promptly dismissed after that i had a classmate who got a zero on a health assignment because he wrote [ __ ] shoot beads on his paper i teach 11 13 year olds all subjects i was explaining the functions of spontaneous erection to a group of 40 12 year old boys as you develop and even into your adulthood you will sometimes develop an erection at times that seem inappropriate just know that it's normal and while it can be embarrassing it does not necessarily mean that you are physically attracted to anything or anyone at that time boy in the front row with his hand up i have an erection right now is that normal either he was ignorantly telling the truth or the funniest kid out of a group of forty not a teacher but way back in grade six we had physical ed and the teacher had us write down questions on paper one day she told us not to put our names because the next day we will be drawing the questions out of a hat to read aloud and then the teacher would answer them so the next day and my turn comes up to draw a question i pull the paper out of the hat and begin reading can women masturbate with a pillow between their legs signed a female classmate's name whoops shouldn't have read that part i teach college level anatomy and physiology i had an older returning student ask where sperm is made in women this woman had to be pushing 50 and she has four kids she thought both men and women make sperm and that it intermingles to create an egg that then turns into an embryo the awkward thing about this situation is that every other student in the room was looking at her and then of me her then me i was looking at her then then and back and forth the other students wanted me to fix things and i didn't know what to say at first my brain truly was yelling wtf i'm legit curious what you said i wouldn't know what to say to someone that old that doesn't know and his kids i am not a teacher back in grade school one of my classmates asked the teacher during the physical education lessons about why his dad put fingers in his butthole then made him cry but still loves him the student disappeared the next day i only realized it years later wait so one the dad put the fingers in his own butthole two the kid was physically shamed by his father i'm sorry but what the fu so i am not a teacher yes yes as usual but i talked with my biology teacher and she talked about her physical education with her students they were all like 11 12 years old so in the frst physical ad lesson they were asked what they already know about fricking and made a mint map on the board they raised for hands and had to say anything related to fricking which was at the beginning normal stuff like condoms or pregnancy act at one point one student said fisting and a girl asked what that is and he just straight said you take your whole fist and frick her really hard with it in the butt needless to say the teacher had a talk with his parents about his peak on some lol this is what i was expecting very good very good i'm not a teacher but in eighth grade we finally had a health class at my private christian junior high the teacher was determined to do a correct and thorough job despite the obvious constraints put on her by the schools and the parents paying the tuition of course morals ideology she got to the last day so far so good we learned all the proper names for stuff how it works though it was an abstinence-only curriculum of course so no methods of birth control were officially discussed but she answered questions and we got correct info about what condoms do and do not offer in terms of protection and general confirmation that there are also other forms of birth control anyhow here's where it went sideways last day she says we can anonymously submit written questions to a box and she will answer them all truthfully we work through the box until she gets to one that makes her turn red she's not embarrassed but she sees the danger she tells us she's going to answer this question after the bell rings anyone who wants to know what the question is can stay and she'll read the question and answer it honestly i was kind of embarrassed at the whole subject i left when the bell rang but it didn't matter the whole school knew about it 20 seconds after she answered the question because the guys literally burst out of the room shouting the answer the question is it okay to masturbate she said it was natural she was fired that day tldr health teacher at a religious school says master bashan is natural gets fired immediately respect level went to 100 to that teacher when she did that and frick that school wow what an amazing integrity on that person i sure as frick could not risk that if my livelihood was on the line respect i co-taught a week-long physical aid unit at my middle school because the science teachers all older women wanted a male presence it was one of the best teaching experiences i ever had and i honestly think it was some of the best teaching i have ever seen not gloating i was a pretty crap teacher which is why i quit i did the put a question in the jar thing but i actually answered most of them especially if they had to do with coercion interpersonal communication or sexual assault the ones that i didn't answer i kept because they were all hilarious some of my favorites were a series of questions about the sensory qualities of fellatio like one kid wrote what does butthole taste like does it taste like the olive garden and then there were variations on that theme all naming different chain restaurants also sue many questions asking about [ __ ] it was excruciating for some of the kids who were sitting in on the physical ed class but in general i was so open with answering questions that by the end of the week i got really thoughtful and important ones besides kids who were name-checking things that had obviously already watched np there were very few offensive or trolling questions not a teacher but friends with the student who asked freshman year of high school i became friends with a girl who had been homeschooled by her super christian parents her entire life up until that year fort knox is less sheltered than this poor girl was we had health class together one semester and sure enough it came time for physical ed it was painful and awkward as to be expected but then the awkwardness scale was ratcheted up to nuclear levels one day i can't even remember exactly what the topic was but the teacher was talking about how the male will get an erection my friend was furiously taking notes like the studious innocent child she was until the word erection her pen stopped moving her head tilted to the side like a confused puppy her eyebrows furrowed oh my god she doesn't know what an erection is she shoots her arm up to get the titches attention i tried to get her to put her hand down whispering me please for the love of god don't do what you're about to do but i have a question m yes i know but i will explain everything outside of class i promise not to make it weird just don't do this h but what if someone else has the same question as me m i promise no one in the class has the same question you do the teacher saw her hand and called her name my efforts were in vain with the chippiness of a baby squirrel my friend gleefully and loudly asks what's an erection the teacher looked at her with a haha funny kid kind of look which quickly changed as she realized that this girl was not joking but was 100 completely serious dread slowly took over her face as she realized she was going to have to explain what an erection was to a class of 14 15 year olds she kinda stumbled her way through it as my friend happily took notes it's been 10 years she has since grown a lot and we often joke about her what i call puritan days this is always a fun story to revisit it's okay i feel for this girl i was not sheltered but i just didn't notice much regarding freaking in the world around me in one of my early physical aid classes a boy nearby got a boner poor thing and everyone exclaimed he has a boner i had no idea what the word boner meant and decided not to ask i used to be a social worker one of my stints was a case manager at a residential program for teenagers as part of that we got some grant money to teach a physical ed class that fell to me and my co-worker the other social worker i worked in the boys residential she and the girls we held some of the classes co-ed others separate i'm just going to share my most favorite quotes from kids sadly a couple of whom were freaking more than i was at the time you can tell if a guy has herpes his dong will be really really white f16 if you don't pop your cherry before you're 18 it goes bad like it will rot f15 so a t is basically like an ecosystem m14 and honestly that was the smartest comment we had he wasn't exactly far off i just want you to know i saw this and my fiance and i had a laugh no dumb question but had a dumb answer to the physical ed teacher she asked if we know where hair grows during puberty there were the usual answers of face genitals etc then we ran out of answers i thought back to an eminem lyric saying palms are too hairy to hide and answered the palms of your hands most awkward stares ever from the class and a quick response of no from the teacher i paused and thought well that makes sense since i've never seen anyone with hairy palms lesson learned think before speaking it said that masturbating gives you hairy palms and that's why eminem hasn't had a woman in yours also it's obviously bulls i know that we all know that but just in case when i was in eighth grade physical aid class our very buff female gym teacher was drawing boobs on the blackboard and showing us girls the boys were in their own class down the hall how to check for lumps combination of not eating breakfast and thinking about lumps in my boobs made me pass out literally face plant on my desk i woke up minutes later on the floor with our very buff female gym teacher straddling me and tapping my cheeks there were a lot of jokes at my expense for at least two months straddling me and tapping my cheeks i mean i understand what you're saying it's just the way you said it not a physical ed teacher sorry but got to experience probably the most awkward question ever during sex ed it was in the right in portion where you anonymously submit a question and it's answered in front of the class anyway it was at the height of the britney craze and there were four of them in this class so of course one asks why am i physically attracted to fluttershy will this led me to wanting to sleep with horses i've never heard such a unanimous collective ugg before we all knew which one of the british it was a dude that had a fluttershy backpack and fluttershy binder as if it wasn't obvious unfortunately the physical ed teacher had no idea who fluttershe was and immediately asked who is fluttershy when someone announced that she's a my little pony the completely dead look the teacher had was something that will be etched into my brain forever just complete silence from her for a good 10 seconds while her brain worked you could almost censor what is wrong with this generation combined with where other parents anyway she collected herself and said something along the lines of some people have strange fetishes and it's all right but sometimes it is a good idea to seek therapy if it is causing issues with your daily lives the poor kid got so much crap for the rest of the year even his fellow british kinda dropped him hopefully he didn't end up with horses i haven't heard anything about him since senior year when he was still rocking the fluttershy swag to me this sounds more like someone ripping on fluttershy dude than fluttershy dude actually wanting to freak a magical horse i'm sure many people experience the rumor that tampons were put in the butt none of us girls had gotten our periods yet and we never said something in front of our parents about it so everyone thought they went up the butt we were terrified by this and told all the boys in our grade that when we get older we start bleeding and have to put things called tampons up our butts this spread to the boys right before we started physical ed in fourth grade on our first day of physical ed we did the first day co-ed for some reason the teacher said she'd answer any questions relating to physical ed as an icebreaker one of the boys raised his hand immediately and asked the teacher mrs why do our butts start bleeding when we get older and how do tampons prevent it the teacher covered up a shocked expression and told the boy only the girls would have to worry about that and quickly projected a picture of a dog on the board to talk about the anatomy of male genitalia looking back it was a pretty funny situation there were a few situations where cringe-worthy question occurred but two were just phenomenal one one student asked me if there is a possibility of giving birth to a disabled child when a male person peed and come simultaneously during unprotected freaking two a male student asked me how anal intercourse functions and if i knew why and if people like it he didn't know about the sphincter muscle i explained the function and told him that there are people who enjoy riding back doors after i told him that he smiled at me and said i like it too oh my god not really physical ed related but definitely a result of the must never talk about genitals viewpoint here in my area of the bible belt where we didn't ever have any kind of physical lead my junior or senior year of high school 2013-ish i had a lot of online college credit classes in the library a girl who was the same age as me so 1618 was doing an online anatomy class her and the friends beside her in the same class are taking a test she says something along the lines of weight this can't be right there's a different hole and that was the day a near adult female learned she didn't pee from her tea i was flabbergasted schools need physical lead when i was in seventh grade our life skills class split girls and guys into separate rooms and the vice principal was charged with talking to the guys about freaking he was very awkward and quiet and just not comfortable with the situation he started the lesson by saying we were only allowed to use medical terms and no slang terms the next two minutes were just rapid fire slang terms for dongs you mean like dong what about dong etc it was capped off by the quiet kid bringing down the house with purple headed yogurt slinger i've never seen a teacher so uncomfortable in my life in eighth grade in the late 90s i attended a catholic school the teacher who was handling physical ed was an overweight very flamboyant man with maroon dyed spiked hair that was pretty thin but we all made assumptions about him but none of them could be true because he was catholic anyway they always preached abstinence before marriage one of the anonymous questions was this you are not married have you ever had fricked omg his reaction he looked like he was mad at the question then quickly answered that it was a very personal question that he would not answer i'm not a teacher but i did have some kid walk up to me at a park and ask an awkward question i was sitting on the swing set with my cousin who is like seven and this other kid comes over and is like are you in high school i answered yes and then he says are you a girl i also answered yes and was a little confused but thought it might be because of my short hair but then this kid asks do you have boobs and i answered yes and began to get mildly uncomfortable until it hits the boiling point where the kid asks what are they at this point i panic because why is a child asking me what boobs are so i just blurt the first thing that came to mind which was their like legs tldr told a kid boobs or legs boobs are just chest but not a teacher nor a question but something cringe happened to my friend on physical ed class we were playing match the way we played we needed to match a term with its definition my buddy grabbed a card that said name of the private part of a woman that is the main physical intercourse or something like that he knew what the term was but didn't knew where it was he made a guess and got the correct term who knew then he so exited he yelled yes i got a fanny everyone just stopped what they were doing and looked at our group my buddy realized what he did and sunk into his seat we never knew peace since then not a teacher but i was elected as our graduation speaker at a k-12 school we had an anonymous question box in our fifth grade physical aid class and our teacher gave me all those questions from our younger selves i ended up reading a few in my speech most of the audience found it hilarious but i was told that a few people got up and left they were all hilariously naive but the only one i remember was if two people are freaking in a pool can a woman who also happens to be skinny dipping in that same pool get pregnant not a physical ed class but somewhat related there was a kid in our class when we were doing our finals in seventh or eighth grade we had a sub overseeing the test taking and he asked what should you not do during a test and this kid i don't remember his name so let's call him jay jay responded to this question with jack off and the sub was freaking incredulous that this kid just said that to him and his response was just well i i mean yeah don't do that and spend the entire testing period sitting in the classroom with his eyes wide open repeatedly mumbling i can't believe he said that after switching from nursing school to education i took a job as a teacher's aide in a 6th grade class to make sure i wanted to be a teacher this was back in the late 90s and the kids had a bunch of questions about heaves i had done some basic research when i was in nursing school about protease inhibitors for my undergrad chem class the previous semester the teacher who was teaching the physical ed lesson asked if i had any info i could share with the class i talked to them about how hiv is transmitted blood semen and t fluid and breast milk and how scientists were working on combining drugs to stop the virus and stop it from mutating i gave myself a silent pat on the back for a decent explanation that was 6th grade appropriate then the teacher who was probably in her early 50s added a bit by saying back in the 70s gay men were freaking everywhere they made clubs just to go and fricken they would freak in movie theaters wherever they could and that's how all the aids spread i was shocked and didn't know what to say she was the teacher and i was just an aide and only 19 years old at that so i didn't feel like i could do anything but just say um well then if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 16,232
Rating: 4.9067359 out of 5
Keywords: awkward/cringeworthy question
Id: EFhfX2iB6P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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