What's My Pain Trying To Show Me? - Kyle Cease

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shame is now allowed to be seen that's a very vulnerable feeling that's what we want vulnerable means free because the opposite of vulnerable is stuck or hidden okay right the opposite of vulnerable is hidden so am i seeing tears right now you are yeah you're feeling vulnerable yeah something is freeing itself we want vulnerable [Music] thank you for being here with us and i'm first of all i'm just feeling compassion for you i'm sorry to hear you have chronic pain do you want to tell us about any of that um sure i went over a cliff about 24 years ago in a near-death car accident and it wrecked some stuff in my neck but now that i'm you know a much older well i've been having pain for years let's be honest but i'm also in a lot less pain than i used to be i used to suffer with severe endometriosis and i had a lifetime of trauma so i had a lot more emotional pain but i'm so much better from all the things like my recovery and my transformation over the last six even two years is unbelievably miraculous however the neck and shoulder pain and the lower back pain i literally wake up crying in the morning sometimes listen i go to chiropractic i use oils i do all the clean living things i get physical therapy massage acupuncture and every day i'm still battling with a level of pain that seems to be like it i have work to do i have people to help and i even have my work right in front of me and i can't get over it takes over and then i need to lay down and then i can't be productive is it happening right now um i have a more prominent pain right now because i injured my thumb so that's actually like the high i usually have a pain onion i know that sounds kind of morbid or weird but i have had levels and levels of pain for years and um under this pain is a headache and under that pain is neck tension and shoulder tension and under that pain is back pain when you think of the pain when you think about it there's a level where you have the pain but then i guarantee you i would feel like there's probably levels where you feel like i was saying like this is unfair or or unseen is there a word you would have for what like do you feel about it separate from the pain directly but like i'm so annoyed that like now it was the neck now it's my thumb right like do you have these kind of moment sorry sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you no no i'm i'm i'm freaking tired and frustrated because i've been trying all the meditation techniques and everything for years and i have not been able to surrender to it alchemize it transform it integrate it shine light on it love it hold space for it like i can't it's just literally like this thing that won't go away you think it might be part of it that you're trying to transform it like that would that would be very hard to do if you're trying to transform it i never thought about that yeah i never thought about that take a deep breath in so not amazing with this whole time you've never thought of that so there might be an opening for something here right now check this out my question for you was when you think about the pain do you feel unseen do you feel it's unfair do you have those moments in your body that feels fair for sure yeah so that's a thing you feel let's be there for that for a minute before we go to a solution and leave the unfair feeling that the inner child in you feels and escape to a solution there's an inner child that feels this is unfair yeah i just feel like i've done all the work when do i get a break so that i can serve all i want to do is serve but it's just the thing that's holding me back i know and your desire to serve is in the way of you feeling that right now it's unfair the tears are a fact right they're coming up to prove something there's an unseen girl who says this is unfair and every time she tries to tell you this is unfair you go into some motivational future and she's going no look at me this is unfair it is unfair let's be there for that let's not leave that what are you feeling right now i'm actually feeling hope because i see a i see a ray or a rope or like a thread that's different that's um it's like the feeling of neurogenesis or neuroplasticity you know there's an opening for a different thought pattern than i i've ever conceived of we're going to a consciousness that's much bigger than neuroplasticity i just want you to know i heard what you're saying and it's awesome and i just don't even want to minimize it to that right like i also honor it i'm not minimizing it but at the same time like there's an inner child that said this is unfair and has come out your eyes and we've never seen we've never seen you with that awareness that you just had like all the pain has been with an unfair feeling in your body that has not been seen so everything that happens from the next minute on will start to include a little bit more of an opening that you've never looked at there was a feeling of unfair would you have any other words for it unseen like when you think god i had my neck injury now i have a thumb thing and feet and you've been burying life is unfair and weirdly it keeps giving you more injuries to say yeah you think that's unfair and this is unfair and this isn't fair honor that to cry that out otherwise we'll give you another injury that you can say is unfair because it's a repressed feeling okay so what would be another word you feel right now do you or or you feel when you you have like if i take away your ability to go into the future or see yourself as i need to serve if i just take that away from it because you're serving right now just by being there for unfair serves right if i take that ability to go into a solution from you and you're just left with feelings and emotions and things that are coming up in your body what would you feel right now what would you feel if i take your will do this next to fix it i'm not sure how to determine my self-worth okay so you have a belief that your self-worth is only i know that i had said that in a different way earlier but also that was my growth in that way it sounds to me like your belief is being in service is needed and if i don't i don't know who i am and i don't know my self-worth so it's not necessarily only it might there's one level where it might be an expansive calling but it also is fear you're scared to not know who you are or what your worth is and in your childhood if you didn't know what you're worth was what happened well i i thought i knew what my worth was but other people didn't value me at all so it was i thought what i thought was valuable i was taught wasn't valuable and i lost my sense of self-worth because of that what you were taught was valuable you believed wasn't so you lost your self-worth yeah okay because whatever i said like hey my favorite color is black you're weird or hey i like black cats oh you're weird and it was just literally like no matter what i did or what music i liked or how i dressed i was always the one that was teased and beat up and outcast and all of that and my parents didn't like my choices you know i was an artist and an entertainer my parents are like you need to be a secretary or an astronaut and like nothing i did was the right thing so when you say self-worth you mean getting your parents approval you don't mean self-worth you mean your parents approval okay well all right okay i guess like you fitting into whatever mold your parents say has nothing to do with your self-worth that has to do with their approval and by the way let me just ask this if they didn't approve of you what happened they ignored you they command you they yelled at you hit you what happened shame shame so we're not even chasing approval we're running from shame okay right so we are needing to be in service so that we can avoid feeling shame okay right so it's not that you are scared that you won't be in service it's that you're scared that you'll feel shame and i'm like let's feel it how great would it be to feel shame so it could be fully felt and you could see that you're still alive when you feel it do you feel where do you can you feel it right now open your open your heart and take a deep breath in do you feel any shame you're held here you're loved here do you feel shame i do i do where do you feel it uh in my solar plexus okay take another deep breath right into your solar plexus and i want you to say to it out loud you are allowed to feel shame in my body you are allowed to feel shame in my body yes you're telling it you will take over as the parent and not let your parents unc massively conditional way of loving you be the truth anymore so shame is now allowed all of that's buried and it's going create some distracting injuries to get this out okay right so let's be there for shame because i understand there's intense neck pain and i know it's real and i know there's this stuff but we've never seen it without you being okay with feeling it's not fair and being okay with shame release like those are two giant emotions that have been buried in your body since what you were three four yeah right i think i've never known life without those things buried in your body isn't that crazy so we've been i get there's one level where there's the pain and there's no part of me making a claim that we'll get rid of it but i keep saying what would it be like if we stopped carrying the resistance to your childhood patterns what would happen would would that help i mean it wouldn't hurt i've never been able to i've never been able to see you know i've literally been asking myself for years you know like what is the you know deeper meaning of this and let's consult louise hayes book let's you know consult a shaman let's be the shaman let's you know figure out what these pains actually mean and i never have had that light shed on them the way that you just did so my my gratitude i'm kind of blown away and i'm just yeah i thank you i'm honored i'm honored to be with you and the reason for that is those kind of books at one point serve people like louise hay is amazing and i mean i'm with hay house i love them right and then there's all these things that serve a purpose right they they are your expansion they are your and and there's some people that never even knew that there's a awareness of themselves existing so a book like louise hay would be amazing and that it is i recommend her to everyone at the same time you're accessing a consciousness that's here now and isn't just going okay this book worked once 10 years ago so i need to keep using the same methods right life is so cool life is so cool it goes i need you to learn a totally different way like in third grade i learned cursive but if i learned it also in fourth and fifth and sixth grade i would never be going up the grades i'd just be learning third grade right so it goes i got new things for you and instead of us finding what this means what if we just are here for it and what if we just hold a space for shame is now allowed to be seen that's a very vulnerable feeling that's what we want vulnerable means free because the opposite of vulnerable is stuck or hidden okay right the opposite of vulnerable is hidden so am i seeing tears right now you are yeah you're feeling vulnerable yeah something is freeing itself we want vulnerable we want vulnerable come out from behind the cattle vulnerable you are welcome here hello vulnerable we love you right this is yeah for everyone watching if you feel that's a vulnerable thing i'm feeling thank god because the alternative is hidden right the alternative is hidden we don't want hidden we want vulnerable where do you see it right now because you're just offering light to it you're just offering it to god vulnerable means you're offering something to god by letting me see it you're you're letting you see it which means it's just stuff that was in your body that you were running from looking at yourself right and if you show it to the world and go i have this thing then i see it so you see what i see which means that energy which was in your body was dark and now it's light i'm getting this and i'm getting a deeper um understanding too of the work that i've been doing i've been sharing my story about my life and my journey to wellness on social media for almost two years and learning how to use social media to get positive messages out into the world and people in the beginning were telling me your story matters your journey matters and i'm like how how how can my pain or how i overcame this addiction or that like help anyone and i've realized that that sharing my story does help other people and so that that being seen it's all tying into the same thing that you're saying and i'm just having a like a gigantic wow moment about the path i'm already on and um i'm just feeling some big ass renewed hope over here yeah i would up that yes your story matters but not as much as you matter you know that like on the old on the old paradigm your story matters everyone needs to get you got to tell your story to the world we got to market it but also there's pain in your body that matters and we're sitting here saying screw you to this feeling so we can get our story out and then everyone's writing an independent book about their story while they're burying their shame [Laughter] i got to tell my story while this shit's buried in fact the more it's buried the more i gotta get my story out so i feel like i'm something because i don't being okay with myself actually will help me transcend all of that right okay okay okay and then everyone doesn't have to send me their book to my po box every week right because i can't read all those books they're also very very good but i just look at my p.o box and it's like i said i'm like i know but there's chronic pain [Laughter] so your story does matter but wait until you know your story after you know you okay do you feel that like that that was what we were isn't that amazing the shame and that it's not fair was right here yeah i gotta be in service over here right okay so what do you feel right and what do you feel right now i'm feeling a little bit um unsettled actually because i had my game plan on and you just kind of busted it up i know people work me or they have one-on-ones with me or whatever there's like an agenda and i'm like no well you'll you'll be happy to know that when i got on this call today it's my first call with you it's my first my first active month with your program although i've been watching you for years um and i told myself i looked in the mirror before i got on the call and i said i hope i screw this up that's what the point of that is you notice you had a plan to make sure you didn't screw it up because the world would be to feel shame and to feel unloved and to feel it's unfair so we've been burying that and going i gotta go help a bunch of people and if i'm not in service then i'm not enough and i would love to offer be in service but not out of the fear of not enoughness that was what i was talking about earlier when you're you're making an action out of a fear of a feeling right so so i want to offer this you said you feel unsettled could you take a deep breath and tell the energy this you are allowed to feel unsettled in my body you are allowed to feel unsettled in my body yeah and take a deep breath in and what does that feel like um that feels real comfortable that feels like my baseline you know that feels like my present zero point where i've i get to this point i and i'm getting in here more and more often just yeah i've got to declare a couple of big blocks that's you that's you that place that you call zero point is you and the more you go into zero point the more you go into you the more these patterns of shame that are just you've experienced something when you were a kid and it was too big for your little girl's body to handle this thing that's so big like when our parents yell at us and worth four and a giant monster is mad at us like our body doesn't know how to comprehend it so then we grow up and it goes do everything you can to avoid that again but it doesn't get i'm now not the four-year-old right and so so you're here creating this amazing space for all these patterns that no longer serve you to be purged what a gift thank you honestly mahalo know what else to say oh that's wonderful let me ask you this and you're welcome to say no but i think there's a ton of people who would love to hear this and i had so much fun on this that i'm considering making this a youtube video if that's okay with you oh of course oh my goodness i don't have two thank you so much that would that would be amazing yes i am just i'm more than i mean that see i'm serving now that that floats my boat yeah do you notice that service and magic comes to you in angles you weren't thinking of like when we're really real like weirdly the byproduct of you crying out the shame and the feelings of unfair is life goes we ought to fill that void with something so hey can we make a youtube video where thousands of people see it and some might go to your page and bring you more business because you just released the blockage of the receiving thank you right so what's your website so everyone can find you if they want to um well i i have i have i'm a multi-preneur so i have an eco-friendly glitter company which is mermaidmagicglitter.com and um livingartwellness is my instagram where i do all of my lifestyle education but there's no website affiliated with it no problem well now we it and then people can watch this video and many people like us and some chronic pain and i'm i'm not making any claims like this will get rid of the pain but i'm curious i'm really curious what would happen if those little feelings were released a little bit and replaced with energy in the moment i'm so curious what would happen and and i want you to know how in service you are to the world because watch this i'm going to turn the comments on now and let's see if the audience that watch that they're almost all still here even though we're past the time they're all still here that's how good it was and let's see i want you to read the comments with me about what people are getting out of it had a big cry look at that we're collectively releasing i love you you are beautiful that was so helpful you're so beautiful serena way to go thank you for your honesty deep serena you're amazing i can't even you're so vulnerable you're so open you have an amazing smile keep smiling i have no idea you have no idea how much you helped me you have no idea enjoy life my friend mahalo big shift thank you love you thank you both massive shifts in me shine your light brightly look accidentally you're helping everybody you're totally in service right now not the way you were planning and so it really is trying to happen in a bigger way beautiful work thank you so much love to you you are amazing so honest thank you thank you oh my god that was amazing that was yeah we loved it serena could have had this and by the way reading those comments i noticed tears what are you feeling right now i'm so grateful and i'm like really blown away that's a lot of love i mean i mean that was honestly i'm really blown i'm sorry i'm delirious now you're the best that was this was one of my favorite calls ever there i love them all that was really really kyle thank you i'm so glad and there's a great quote that says you can't see the label from inside the bottle which i i love to bring up and i just want to share with you from outside how open you are and it was just an awareness issue you just didn't know that thing so i just want to show you that like you're so wide open to anything seeking opening to what could be happening and it was just like oh i didn't see that that's just a two inch shift so if we're shifting from trying to find the answer to what do i feel right now you're gonna be free oh my god thank you wow thank you kyle honestly from my heart my soul my god this is crazy like i first saw your videos i don't know five years ago or something and you changed you changed my life then like it was right when i moved back to the island and i almost died and i just started my life over and i found you and you changed my life then and then you kind of flowed away and then i found you again my friend gifted me is a month to this and then i'm like well i guess i have to go back to kyle now it's time and then this i've just blown away who's your friend that gifted you this maya well we want to thank maya and and i just want to let maya know that might have been a really good gift because you could be changing everything with that little shift right yeah big time everything is changed and not could be is is is you're creating a different world right now so serena we love you thank you so much [Music] you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 24,824
Rating: 4.968277 out of 5
Keywords: Kyle Cease, Evolving Out Loud, How do I, How do you, Personal devlopment, Self development, Motivation, Inspiration, Motivational videos, Inspirational videos, Comedy, Funny videos, Comedian, Transformational Speaker, JP Sears, Biden, Trump, Election, Chronic Pain, Pain Management, Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality, Conscious
Id: IAV0yQq7-q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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