What's My Line? - Elizabeth Taylor (Nov 14, 1954)

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"Glah Dee Ay Tor!"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/crystalistwo 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2016 🗫︎ replies

I was never really a fan of older Liz but wow is she stunning and charming here!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2016 🗫︎ replies
I'm now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my line brought to you by Remington Rand makers of the world's number one electric shaver the Remington now let's all plate what my line now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in the New York Journal American and papers coast-to-coast miss Dorothy Kilgallen on my left it's a great pleasure to have again tonight one of the finest members of the show business profession a great comedian Fred Allen on my lap ladies and gentlemen a young lady who was not herself last Sunday night she looked like Frank Fran Allison from where I saw the show but tonight she's back as herself miss Colleen friends and on my left the distinguished publisher who doesn't have quite enough opportunity to express himself on this panel and so he's going to lecture at Town Hall on Wednesday night mr. Bennett sir if Wednesday morning is a matter of fact all right on my left our distinguished panel moderator the passion of every lady from Kalamazoo and New Rochelle lovable John Chow Daley thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line it's Sunday night and we're up to our old tricks we have some very fine guests with some very fine and we trust difficult occupations as far as the panel is concerned we'll also have a famous guest challenger before the panel a bit later but right now it's time for our experts to meet the first challenger whose job has to be spotted so would you sign in please sir hell hell gold right sir firm bold how is your nickname I guess it's just one of those names that's come in and such general use that's the only name you think of as having up front there where are you from sir New York City New York City well it's nice to have a neighbor with us and there are a lot of neighbors over there who would like to get a better look at you so would you take a hike in front of the panel oh that muscle real Wow all go but you're not glistering actually all right mr. Gowda if you'll come over here please sir and sit down with me at this point the panel as you may know gets one free guess as to what your line may be we'll begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallon we had a weightlifter recently but he looks like a weightlifter too mr. Allen I think mr. gold is the plumber that Professor Einstein would like to be I think he operates the pari-mutuel machine at Jamaica mister sir I think mr. Goh lifts automobiles in either hand balancing ha ha no I'm afraid not nobody has it right we let our viewers at home have a further look at mr. gold and at the same time we'll tell them in this particular instance tonight there's a further piece of information which we would like to let our viewers at home have so let's let them have an additional piece of information which the panel will be denied now Mr Gold I think we're all ready to go you know how we score this here operation yes does he have two jobs I mean the souther no questions no answers don't say a word just don't say a word all right mr. gold is salaried let's begin the general questioning with Miss Kilgallen well mr. gold is there anything at all physical about your work yes it does your splendid physique have anything to do with it yes I would say it helps Dorothy yes are you in some form of athletic or sporting words no one down and nine to go mr. Ellen is there a product involved what you do know two down and eight to go Miss Frances I could have found that in do you come into direct contact with people yes is that where your physique comes into its own um would you try to restrain them in any way sometimes I think they'd like it mr. go would you like to kill these over here doc do you by any chance work for a nonprofit organization yes is it some arm of the law that you asked for uh just what we have to have a small conference I thought I was doing so well can't fool with the law you know John can convince him what he does I did say yes good mr. Gould very generously considering that in the broader concept of his labors he might have some reason to exercise authority gave you an affirmative reply on consideration we feel it's only fair that since you got this affirmative reply we should now change it and make it no mr. Gould whatever you do am I correct in assuming that you will distinguish yourself and this in some special way within the past year or so I would say that mr. Gould and certainly in our term of reference has distinguished himself in a specific way I mean I thought this might be the special information as mr. Gould won some kind of an award or a medal or some kind of a certificate for something he's done really nope that's a very fine question though I want to congratulate you pour down and fix the go miss Kilgallon well mr. go do you work for a branch of a government yes is it federal no five down and five to go mr. Allen is it part of the city government yes do you wear a uniform yes do you from your ruddy complexion I would say that you spend a considerable time out of doors is it well in the considerable time I'd say that well he must go out to have lunch with his uniform unless he eats indoors changes for lunch oh I thought while in don't do you have any implements that go along with your function that you perform yes is it a machine of any sort yes you're not a motorcycle policeman by a know that six down and four to go miss Prentice do you work for one of the departments in New York City yes is it a department that is very necessary for the cleanliness of New York City no no I would make so seven down and they'd contribute you know anything I hope you go because I want mr. go to be a good clean living fella 57 batted free to go mr. cert mr. go might be a seaman a deal perform your services principally on land mr. yes might be a drive sailor do you could you have anything remotely to do with the fire department yes oh you do do you not one of those colors of drives the hook and ladder are you an officer in the fight of yes that's right and I think we would have to give on that one I think mr. gold will agree knee and the rather special character because on the morning of December 15th 1953 lieutenant Harold I gold put out a fire in the home of Miss Dorothy Kilgallen we didn't mean to be mean we just wanted to see if you'd remember but I didn't recognize him without his rubbers well I'll say this but uh he'll if I may said you know I'm a little bit worried about this because mrs. Kilgallon may remember some correspondence oh can I write down Hal instead of Harold and I said anything you wanted go no I was so excited at the time that I'm afraid I didn't pay any attention to his curly hair but they did a splendid job and they got there in three seconds flat oh the one who started the fire can we have a go with that we have $15 more gone now we can't it's a wonderful fire department and one of the big reasons why is because it's made of men like lieutenant Gold it doesn't set him I said him he puts them out fresh in 15 seconds well hi sir I hope you had as much fun as we had having you with the guests it was nice to have you that was the kind of a tricky one let's see what you can do with another challenger would you sign in please ma'am Jana Jana Stanley is that right San Antonio in Texas well that's great is it miss or mrs. mrs. mrs. Stanley from San Antonio Texas well over there in the panel is that old long horn air that mr. Fred Ellen and some free colleagues they'd like to get a little better look at you would you take a walk over there thank you have you heard anyone speak of me all right would you come over here mrs. Stanley and sit down next to me please and on the basis of this brief chance the panel is head to meet you see your handwriting and so forth we give them that free guest that they get me begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen I think she runs fiestas runs faster they're very big with fiestas in San Antonio I think that miss Stanley is a president of a Gabby Hayes fan club having miss Stanley is the professor of economics mr. Sirk I think miss Dana Stanley founded Zanesville Ohio hmm no I'm afraid not well let our viewers have a further look at mrs. Stanley at the same time we will tell them what her line is but the panel will have to be commissioned and I would like to start off by saying panel I'm glad that you're there and I'm here because this is a little bit tough I'm afraid you know how we score this one missus Tanner yeah all right fine we will then say that mrs. Stanley is salaried and let's begin the general questioning with Fred Ellen well I want a compliment miss Stanley before we start she's the only person I ever met from Texas who wasn't talking about it oh you will I hope you will well tell me Emma Stanley is there a product involved in what you do there is a product involved is this product available or is it used for both sexes yes is that is it a product that I would be familiar with I would say that you would be familiar with it probably reach an old age you know but I think probably you have run into this bride have run into it well is this a product that we're involved with here is it something that is found in the state of Texas your fight is with this elsewhere - I assume yes sir can be found elsewhere well is this stuff whatever it is I say stuff using the word product you sleep loosely rather is this responsible for the many millionaires who are in Texas you'll understand the immersive applause of the left or a bit later on but you get a no ending gasha from the audience 11.9 to go miss Frances is there it could this product be brought into the house yes would it be usually found in the house after it became a product that you had no no it wouldn't usually to dominate to go mr. sir miss Stanley does this product made in San Antonio can be is it also made in other cities yes sir is this product used about the person any person you mean with specific application to the person or is it just used by them well no would be worn or carried by a person to be worn or carried by a person yes it can could it be could it be worn by a person no no three down and seven to go mrs. Kilgallon but it could be carried by a person could I carry it you could would it be in any way humorous if I carried it along Fifth Avenue I wouldn't think so would you no I don't think you'll agree with us it wouldn't be humorous if you were carrying this ball down in six to go mr. Allen could it be carried in either hand yes I don't know I was off on the oil wells I'm eliminated those is it something that helps people if it's used I think we'd better say no we might have said a lot of things and we said yes upsetting me by just saying no sorry Fred five down and five to go mr. Edison is this product ever used internally no this doubt is more to golf I'm going to give you one more minute to get this it's a very tough one Fennell so don't feel bad if you don't get it mad at me was this product ever alive or is it alive when I music no never got in free to go miss Kilgallen is this made of more than one of the three things we always talk about animal vegetable and mineral no that makes it eight down and two to go mr. Allen I pass is it animal no my Donna one to go to is it mineral no damn God and no more to go it's vegetable and it's a fascinating occupation mrs. Stanley handles all the bad checks that come into the DA's office no oil wells Fred just bad chicks generally anxious I associated alright in just a moment we'll meet tonight's mystery to feature of a program the appearance of our mystery celebrity my colleagues and friends on the panel have blindfolds and they are all in place are they paddle yes sir good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please right panel as you know in the case of our mystery challenger we get right down to the general questioning which we will begin tonight with uh Bennett Cerf well the reception was accorded you makes me feel that your face is reasonably familiar to the public is that correct well I I would i think say yes that bennett as an impartial arbiter here am i correct that this is a lady who was at present talking through her nose is your name one that might be familiar on the pages of variety well yes times i'm sorry to say so and other times well it's alright I suppose in other words it appears in variety with some degree of frequency I guess so would you be a familiar sight among the big studios in Hollywood well one particular one I'm terribly fond of also a lady was shown her talents on the Broadway stage well thank you for calling me a lady and for saying I have talent but no that's what are you then primarily a screen star well I guess you would say so you're connected with a major studio well yes Andy might you be described as a glamour girl well that's not kind of you are the buyer and the answer to that mystery is yes I rather thought from the way the audience responded that it might be are you do you play leading lady's romantic leading lady's rather than just comedians oh I just love those romantic roles are you married uh-huh have you any children well yep I sure do is your husband in the profession uh-huh is your husband or has he ever been a British subject well he sure has not had no decline was he recently seen in a big 20th century-fox CinemaScope spectacle yes is it gonna be awesome I picked the wrong husband isn't it every but this way is your husband Michael Wilding are you sure then you must be beautiful Elizabeth Taylor that's right that was a wonderful performance thank you very much listen to that boys little wipeout whereby they did that something can happen well it offer nice to have you on What's My Line what brought you to New York well I came here for the premiere of the last film I was in the last time last time nice I've been meaning to take a big premiere that's because the capital is yeah well with your gracious presence I'm sure it's got to be a big and successful picture thank you very much anyway it's very nice could I ask you a question isn't that the scott Fitzgerald story isn't it yes it is Babylon rebirth today why did they renamed it the last time I saw what they thought maybe people would think it was biblical come on o Babylon we visited you know Paris is not biblical our thanks to you for being a wonderful gracious all right we got just about enough time to see if you can nail one of these real fast would you sign in please sir Tony Provenzano right Robin Jean oh and where are you from sir new kids in Pennsylvania New Kensington Pennsylvania now we don't have too much time so I think we'll dispense with the walk down panel will you take a good look at mr. provenzano it's a pleasure the pleasure will also dispense with the wild guesses mr. provenzano so if you'll come over and sit down next to me we'll have that much more time for the questioning what we will do however is give our folks at home a chance to get a further look at mr. provenzano and at the same time we will tell them what his line is but the panel has got should know that this is a tricky one and you have to work fast we don't have too much time mr. provenzano is salaried will begin the general questioning with our lien Francis I like the fact that you say this is the tricky one so the others were not is there a product connected with what you do mr. province honor is it something that we would find in the home yes would we find it on the first floor of a home yes would we find it in any particular room more than another yes would you find it in the kitchen yes could you eat this product no it wasn't on at 9:00 to go mr. sit mr. provenzano is this product made of animal or vegetable material no to Don a date to go miss Kilgallen you get a tough time with that mineral leave that out yes would it be used more by a housewife than by her husband yes is it part of the kitchen equipment yes uh does it ever get hot yes well is it something like a stove or a broiler or something that has to do with cooking yes it has one I think this that mr. Provenzano is willing we'll give you a qualified yes it has something to do with cooking on that issue an issue alone do you get two qualified yet thank you I haven't been doing very well you know oh you're doing great um is food put near or in or on this no uh sometimes near huh yeah we'll give you sometimes near well all paths I don't know where I'm going anyway what is it doing if it's what if it's what is it doing you forgot to give him the five dollars oh I'm sorry but you know how it is the man makes his money I often wonder that I want to get a lot of letters accusing me of just that tomorrow is it What's My Line and Russia going on now what they have to confess right away they're sponsored by a man who makes a detergent for brainwashing but I don't know if there's anything that's hot in the in the kitchen and and it's not useful and has no relationship to food I certainly he's not an inspector of pilot lights or anything like that so it doesn't affect pilot lights that's four down and six to go miss Frances does this product ever come into contact with water yes uh if it part is it always in contact with water yes and use it is yes in use it is does it uh salt and water I would have to say no that's five down and five to go we don't have time this huh there were types no it hasn't got to do with fights would give the full this was a tricky one but I think you'd have gotten it because she was certainly on the road although in specifics you might have had some trouble mister Provenzano tests the whistles on whistling teakettles at Alcoa aluminum thank you Miss Dorothy I suppose you're going back to Cleveland in the Sheppard case so once again next week this is John Daly saying good night and good reporting mister thank you John good night Fred I could thank you a good night good night good night friend testing good night I was just thinking mr. Provenzano sings whistle wild Provenzano word night to another Whistler child named goodness Bennett good night ladies and gentlemen thanks for being with us on what's my life this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production an association with a CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 303,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Fred Allen (Comedian), Elizabeth Taylor (Activist), What's My Line? (Award-Winning Work)
Id: mw8WK3AaRJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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