What's My Line? - Dorothy's Final Show - Joey Heatherton (Nov 7, 1965) [W/ COMMERCIALS]

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what's my line brought to you by fleischmann's margarine so light and delicate tasting because it's made from 100 corn oil and now let's all play what's my line and now from new york let's meet our what's my line panel first the popular columnist whose voice of broadway appears in papers coast to coast miss dorothy kilgallon thank you on my left a young man who's just returned from africa for making a picture called marrakech mr tony randall as ever it's a joy to introduce the liveliest girl on my block arlene francis and now a gentleman who has compiled one of the funniest books of the year something in it for everybody to laugh about and it's called last day and the man is bennett surf well here's that big big cheese from that famous prep school up in new hampshire known to his friends as a stilton from tilton john charles dave bennett i'll have a hard time living that down up at tilton school but still i'm going to return kindness for that unkind thrust we're proud of you because arlene has already noted that bennett's new book laugh day was published two weeks ago by double day but also this week on thursday he goes to william jewell college in liberty missouri where they're going to give him an honorary doctorate of letters and congratulations sir honorary doctorate of jokes they ought to have for you bennett i'll take that too of course we'll have to assume if he's getting an honorary doctorate of letters he's going to have to learn to write because i guess you have to write letters well that'll take care of that tony randall it's a delight to see you again on the panel and uh i think that you'll agree when it's all over that we've got an interesting night for you we're going to have our interesting occupations we'll also have a famous mystery guest before my friends on the panel a little bit later in the program but right now our first contestant will you enter and sign in please spoonie sing right sir you tell from your dress sir and your your uh turban that you are a sick am i right that's correct you are sick uh could you tell us where you're from now i'm from hollywood from hollywood right well nice to have you with us mr singh may i present our panel and now will you join me over here sir and we will let the audience in the theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line is all right panel we can tell you that mr singh is self-employed and he deals in a service and we'll begin things with uh arlene francis mr singh is your service one that i might enjoy i think so does it have anything whatsoever to do with food no it doesn't one down and nine to go mr surf mr singh since you're established in hollywood uh are your services used by the motion picture or television industries at any time sometimes but they can also be used by people who are not in those allied arts is that correct that's right does the service that you perform involve touching people in any way no it doesn't two down a date to go miss kilgallen do you speak to them not very often not as uh it isn't necessary mr mr singh is anti-social and it's very nice of him to admit it here but it's not germane to what he actually does the service he performs does not require that he's all right give me a no john 3 7 to go mr ren mr singh you're a remarkably robust man thank you does your does your powerful physique have anything to do with your services no it doesn't 46 to go miss francis when you perform these services are you indoors yes uh do people come to you for your service yes they do uh are they better off as a result of your service i like to think so we would have to agree that in a general sense this would be the natural expectation since they sought the service and having found it i'm quite sure uh satisfactory in every way they would carry away some sense of well-being is there anything physical about what happens to the people that come to you for your service no five down and five to go mr sir mr saying if there's nothing physical is there anything mental involved in contact between you and your customers uh i believe so there would be some interplay which we would would describe generally bennett as an appreciation of the service that was uh being bestowed mr saying there's anything involved involving anything like hypnotism or extrasensory perception mind reading no no that's six down and four to go miss kilgallen but mr singh you will agree that something does go on that makes these people come to you well we'll agree there's a good reason for the people to come and utilize the service which mr singh has to offer them and yet he is self-employed that's right so they're not coming to a judge or anything like that so they come do they come with their own volition yes they do uh are you dressed as you are now when you see them uh on some occasions yes but that doesn't play any part in your work may i assume that at some times it does uh well if you don't talk to them you can't teach them do you hand them anything i know i don't that's seven down and three to go mr randall is special training required for the performance of your service no eight down and two to go miss francis is there anything in any way entertaining about what you do i think so is music associated with what you do in any way yes yes we would agree that there is music in connection with this is not to suggest it but it is not that mr singh himself plays a musical instrument there's music in connection with it just as a matter of presentation uh when you do what you do uh do people watch you no that's a tough one uh this um raises an area of we will agree that in the total service involved there is a if you if you will permit this in the total service involved watching plays a a part looking place apart so you go on that basis is there something therapeutic in your work no therapeutics nine dollar one to go mr serve the same way we've left out animals have you anything whatever to do with animals oh no nothing to do with animals and the panel has been stumped mr singh owns and operates the hollywood wax museum this is the new york wax museum this is the new york museum right over here on my right but it's right on on hollywood boulevard that's right what do you feature in the hollywood do you is it mostly movie stars or do you oh about 60 of it is movie stars and then we've got religious figures uh world leaders and we've got a tremendous horror chamber that really appeals to the children that's a variety show that's about what it is a variety of showing ways they're very popular they've i guess madame tussauds in london is the most famous you would agree that's right yesterday one in washington we're going to have one here in new york mr singh has one in hollywood and i have one right here on the stage with me thank you very much we'll have another contestant in just a moment after this word let's visit standard brands world of fine foods and go to a sunny corn field from fields of sun ripened corn comes light delicious fleischmann's margarine fleischmann's lowest in saturated fat of the nation's leading margarines of these only fleischmann's is made from 100 corn oil with almost a cup of liquid corn oil in every pound and fleischmann's has the light delicate flavor you want remember only fleischmann's is lowest in saturated fat of the nation's leading margins here's a loaded question for men only who could we hire to talk your wife into serving chase and sanborn coffee a movie star a talking tiger a big brass band all she has to do is try us because if she hasn't tasted our coffee lately she doesn't know about the extra flavor and instant chase and sanborn a new heftier blend what's the heftier all about she'll find out and now our next contestant enter and sign in please catherine w stone all right is it miss or mrs though mrs stone and where are you from madisonville kentucky madisonville kentucky nice to have you with us mrs stone may i present the panel now if you'll join me over here we'll let the audience in the theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line is thank you all right we can tell you waxworks that uh mrs stone is salaried and deals in a product and i think we'll begin with tony randle mr stone is this a useful product yes sir is it a product that is found in the home no no one dot and nine to go with fences is it a product that is now or ever has been alive nope two down and eight to go mr sir mr stone is your product used by human beings rather than animals yes sir uh is it consumable yes sir is it eaten no no sir that's 307 to go miss kilgallen then when you say consumable you just mean worn out you were torn down or used up is it used up by human beings rather than animals is it found outside the home out of doors in the open air is it larger than a breadbox no i don't actually never it's not i wouldn't think so that's any bread box no not even a little tiny bread box that's four down and six to go mr red i i'm i'm afraid i i need a little clarification is this used by human beings right and used up by human beings in its consumption is it made of metal you mean metal specifically we would say no you were not asking in terms of animal vegetable mineral ures is it made specifically of metal no five down and five to go miss fences is it made of anything that grows well now i would say no wouldn't you no no 6 40 go mr sir mrs stone is there anything dangerous about the product that you make yes uh might it be considered some form of firearms no we couldn't call it firearms ben it's seven down and three to go but congratulations miss kilgall however mrs stone uh would it do a lot of damage and make a lot of noise it couldn't yes would it be in the dynamite family yeah it would be in the dynamite family this is dynamite yeah that's dynamite that's what we were talking about here that dynamite i don't know anybody else in the dynamite family what do you think mrs stone does with dynamite i think that mrs stone sells diamonds very nicely done better than you opened the door on that i knew we're finished because uh as attractive and lovely lady as mrs stone you would hardly ever think of being a dynamite salesman but mrs stone dynamite herself how do you sell it mrs she was door-to-door she's with the atlas powder company and she goes around uh goes around the coal mines and quarries and contractors and says uh how's the dynamite supply today fella huh and he says well i shot most of it off last week and says i'll let you have a bit more she's a polar dynamite man yeah really actually you you started in the road business and and learned about explosives there and now as a dynamite salesman that keeps you jumping there you go from dynamite tnt and then on up to nuclear fishing maybe hope not hope not we stay where we are well thank you very much man it's nice to have you you'll meet tonight's mystery guests in just a moment but first this message do you still think the nicest thing about supposed stockings is what they do for your legs well just wait till you see what suppose does for your ego new suppose sheerness new supposed colors do things for your spirits that shouldn't be kept waiting supposed stockings great for your ego and now the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery challenger for which my friends on the panel as you know are always blindfolded blindfolds in place panel yes sir good will you enter mystery challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery guest one question at a time intern moving clockwise and we will begin things with uh bennett surf well those wolf calls from the audience usually mean that the mystery guest is a young lady are you yes is your real first name norma no one down a nine to go mr randall are you one person i sure ms franson are you um in a picture that is about to open or has just opened on broadway no two down a date to go mr surf that's kind of a babyish voice uh i are you in the younger bracket by that i mean under 30. yep miss kilgallen do you play nightclubs no three down and seven to go mr randall are you uh are you best known for tv yes ms francis are you at the present time playing in a tv series no four down and six to go mr sir do you ever sing or dance as part of your work yes miss kilgallen do you make records yes mr randall sweetie but are you primarily a comedian um no 5.5 to go miss fences it could be yes are you therefore primarily a singer i'm not primarily that makes it six thousand four to go mr sir you go from a baby voice to a rather sophisticated one uh are you one of these rock and rollers no not primarily no well i think with your permission since this does play a part in your identification we will let that go as a qualified yes if it's all right with you all right fine ms kilgallen are you a folk singer no seven dot and three to go mr randall have you got a job at the present time oh that was really well yeah actually you didn't mean that as a real question i mean is she currently appearing anywhere that's what i meant i mean right at the moment engaged in a uh something we might see in this locale well well it's a hard question to answer because if you meant specifically in terms of tomorrow say rather than a week from tomorrow or yesterday instead of a week from yesterday we'd we'd have to answer one way if you mean uh appearing with some frequency then we would have to say yes right all right miss francis i don't know where you ended up i think she's about to open in the show that's what i feel is certain yes are you about to appear in a play a musical no eight down and two to go mr surf well charlie rock and roll my son has a great favorite and i'm gonna take a chance your first name sometimes used for a boy's name yeah there we have it all right i'd like to say thank my son chris for this yeah well i'm a friend of my father's i'll write write chris a note i'm a friend of your father's i know well a lot a lot of us um particularly if tony's yours and my years remember your dad who was one of the great pioneers and stars of radio and then in television ray heatherton and uh i particularly would like to note that this young lady went down to santa domingo with bob hope and she will be going with bob hope out to vietnam this christmas to entertain our uh soldiers overseas and that is that's great and may you have all the success and affection your good father has earned and uh may i say you never will travel under better auspices than those of robert hope he's great great great man as you know you're right thank you a splendid recovery panel so i'll have to give you some congratulations we'll have another contestant after this word hey meg ski lessons again this year i don't say i've gotten pretty stale ah a couple of days in the slopes you'll be fine the cigarettes are tasting pretty stale too oh i know sounds like you need a change cool only cigarette i smoked till you've come up with rich debacles cools white filter extra coolness too taste extra coolness as you smoke let cools come through for you now how's that more like it you'll be smoking come all the way up to cool and taste the most refreshing coolness you can get in any cigarette smoke cool filter kings all right now to meet our final contestant will you enter and sign in please eleanor kade right ma'am all right is it miss or mrs k miss kane where are you from new york city new york city all right miss kade may i present our panel and if you'll join me over here why we'll let the audience in the theater in the audience at home know exactly what your line is all right panel i will admit we're being tricky and we have uh perhaps three and a half minutes to see what you can do we'll tell you that miss kane is self-employed and deals in a service and we'll begin with dorothy kilgover could i use your service miss kay i think so i could mr randall yes you're quite sure about him aren't you reasonably well you may be miss kane uh if if we had need of your service would we go to you rather than ringing you up and summoning you uh you would have to take the initiative to utilize the service all right if we took the initiative would she come to us no specifically and in person no that's one down and nine to go mr red it would seem that the majority of your clients are men is that correct no no it would be hard to set an exact figure but i would say the purpose is that the interest would be both uh male and female ms francis it is a service equally useful to men and women and you are contacted for this service is that what we do you have to you have to take initiative to get the service in order to get the service if we got the service is it possible that you or somebody that is in your employ might come to our homes to uh deliver this service three down and seven to go mr sir does the service that you perform miss kane uh do people good either mentally or physically excuse me doesn't it people that are you are serving some good either mentally or physically i hope so yes here in the sense of again of if you will require a service and it's satisfactory you get a sense of well-being go ahead do you buy or advise you buy things for people or advise them in any way i would say no no i'd say no four down and six to go miss kilgowl uh is there anything entertaining about your work i would say yes you would and i would agree with you uh are you in the communications field yes are you in radio no five down and five to go mr randall are you an entertainer not in the senses it's you six down and four to go miss francis and you are not in television no and you are not in the theater no but you are in communications do you have anything to do with the is the telephone part of your job no no seven out of three to go mr transportation or tourism any part of it eight down and two to go well i've got to turn the cards over because you're jumping on what is it is she a writer yes right good but but more specifically there's easier from journalism with you ms kate is a football writer she writes two football columns one directed at women to explain football to them and then she writes for the football news which is uh a newspaper you should explain what it called the two new york professional team what was the matter with the giants well we i think we've been on balance we uh we really stumped them and congratulations for a unique occupation for a lovely young man once again tony it's nice to have you with us sir and uh good night dorothy kilgallen good night john good night tony please come again i will indeed thank you good night arlene wherever you are here i am good night bennett dear good night i i only have to say one thing about that pretty football rider she better dig up a field goal kicker for the new york giants or it's going to be two i thought you were going to say something about it good night good night bennett's going to be in bridgeport this week lock the house and uh thanks for being with us on what's my line watch my line of the cbs television network production in association with mark goodson and bill codman this is johnny olson speaking what's my line was brought to you by cool a cigarette with a taste of extra coolness that refreshing extra coolness you can taste when you come up to cool filter games
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 767,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Joey Heatherton (Film Actor), Tony Randall (Film Actor)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 4sec (1744 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 24 2014
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