What's My Line? - Lauren Bacall (Nov 8, 1953) [CORRECTED]

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now stop it the nation's leading spray deodorant and finesse the flowing cream shampoo bring you everybody's favorite guessing game What's My Line in cream shampoo bring you everybody's favorite guessing game what my line and now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in the New York Journal American and papers coast-to-coast miss Dorothy Kilgallen I left a charming young man who this Tuesday night is going to star on the program danger in a script which he wrote himself mr. Steve Allen unless I left the lovely lady whose new play late love moves to the booth theater in New York this week Arlene Francis and on my left the publisher of those exciting landmark books for America's boys and girls mr. Bennett surfer boy until my left the distinguished very distinguished news analyst panel moderator and the poof in our pudding John Charles David good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line once again tonight some very nice people have come to spend an evening with us and brought with them some occupations we trust that the occupations will give the panel a great deal of trouble so that our guests will have one a lot of fun and to carry home some prizes we'll also have a famous guest Challenger before the panel a bit later on but let's get the ball rolling down the aisle now it's time for the experts to meet our first guest whose line they have got to spot so would you sign in please ma'am Karen Karen Clarice is that right would you be good enough to tell us where you're from Jackson Heights New York Jackson Heights New York and is it miss or mrs. mrs. mrs. career mrs. Clarice there are four folks there four men happen it's not a long walk and they'd like to meet you so would you walk over and meet them I sneak answer may I see your head okay I want to see your palm you're going to sit next to a man by the name of John Daly in just a minute all right mr. Reyes would you come over here now please and join me and I think very probably that you know that at this point the panel gets one free guess as to what your line may be we always begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallon I think she operates a very chic finish bath a very chic finished bath mr. Allen I think she runs a modeling agency miss Frances I think mrs. Claire is is a golf pro for ladies only mr. sir I think this glorious is a very expensive interior decorator no I'm afraid nobody has it well let our viewers have a further look if mrs. Cloris and at the same time we will tell them what our line eight bananas glorious the panel is going to start trying to find out just what this is all about we hope that they'll trip along the line every time they trip I flip a card that's every no answer and twist five dollars the flipped n flips and you won the game mrs. Clara's is self-employed with that will begin the general questioning with Steve Allen do you deal in the product mrs. curry yeah could I put your product in my pocket to assume from the audience's reaction that there are more logical places for this product and if this can be worn 1v1 yeah could be worn by women yes uh one by women could get in my pockets am I correct in guessing that this is something that would not keep a lady warm during a long cold winter yes you're correct in guessing it wouldn't be for any warm in the long cold winter am I also correct in guessing that this would be something then that a woman might be more apt to keep in say a drawer or a box rather than hang it in the closet might a woman with a very wealthy husband have a collection of these is it something that the woman might wear to a formal party Paulo dinner or something yeah at this very moment maybe is Arlene wearing a bunch of these around their neck ladies not wearing a bunch of these around her neck one goddamn time to go Arlene present Miss Korea is is this something that you work on personally yourself this product yes is this product of inanimate it is if there is no life in this product no there hasn't been any live in this product has there ever been any light for this product to down late to go mr. Bennett sir mrs. glorious well you said nothing about poor male sex while it's golden going on could a male also wear this product or use this product yes just as likely to as a female plant ironstone if either a man or a woman wore the product would it be visible to the naked eye yes it would in other words the product would be used above the neck is that correct yes would it be something that might possibly be used around the mouth a small conference play no small mouth yeah mm-hmm yeah might it be inserted inside the mouth yes has it got anything though with the molars of any kind teeth yes false teeth yes well you you make Fawlty I've never been known to keep a lady warm in a long winter night well uh mrs. curious we hope you had a lot of fun small prize but it was very nice to have you as a guest we did give the pennies in trouble thanks for coming we can do with a second challenge you would you sign in please sir Logan a Logan a Galaga galaxy that's a fine bold handwriting you have there mr. Gallagher where are you from Hagerstown Maryland Hagerstown Maryland well that's nice country been down there several times myself actually let's see they have a my wife's mother comes from there we have almost almost relic would you go down and meet my friends in the battle down Lois Gallagher how are you sir hello dude all right mr. Gallagher now that you've crushed all their hands come on over here and sit down next to me will you and I think as you probably know at this point in the game we always let them have one free run as it were and we always begin the free runs with Miss Kilgallen well I think he's a captain on something seafaring maybe a tugboat I kept it on a tugboat mr. Allen that's peculiar I got the same sort of message he looks like an outdoor man to me as a sunburn this being national tuna week I changed it tuna fisherman all right miss Frances I think he's a backfield coach at some University mr. sir yes you realize hagas towns way inland I think mr. yeah but what a Baliga is a Detroit farmer a truck farmer mm-hmm that's not right others though we let our viewers at home have a further look at mr. Gallagher and at the same time we'll tell them what his line is at this point we give the panel one more bit of help we tell them whether you are celery - self-employed then they have to go to work nor you have to is to get no answers and every time you get a no answer I'll flip a card tender leaves and you've got it all sewed up okay all right mr. Gallagher is self-employed with that will begin the general questioning with miss Arlene Francis mr. Gallagher are you an outdoors man does your job keep you outdoor some of the time yes do you wear any kind of covering other than the sort of good-looking suit you have on now while you're working at your job the coveralls are no brawl or something like that you do do your work in the earth in some way you mean above it I well I did this is a very tricky question mr. Gallagher is inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and therefore to be somewhat more generous than I would be however I do not feel that it's my province to go against his wishes I can give you a yes I think your honor now back to mr. Gallagher and that'll be a relief mr. Gallagher you use tools in your job implements of some kind yes would you be inclined to do you grow anything in the soil no I'm done by the government the theory well I'll fall for mr. Daly's false lead mr. Gallagher do you possibly work below the surface of the earth at any time no that's too dotted eighth to go bees Kilgallen do you ever deal with living things yes are they ever people yeah would you say they were usually people almost of the exclusion of animals yes are these people of a specific class of society or do they all have something in common I would say these people all had something in common with in yeah are any of them where they are involuntarily mr. Gallagher no none of the meaning grandma mr. Alex is well they're really wrapping is not over there involuntarily there's three down and seven to go mr. Alan are you employed by the city no four down in six to go miss Frances you yourself employed are you not yes that correct Horace uh do you is there any end product involved in the job that you have no five down and five to go mister said mr. Gallagher you teach people anything yes what you teach these people have something to do with with farming in the general sense grow are no Welling st. Louis 6040 go to spill down would there be any activity going on where you are teaching the people of something any physical activity yes would it be anything in the line of games or sports yes outdoor games and sports yes is there something that young men play yes yes is it a game involving teens rather than individuals like such as track yes involves teams yes this is sport that ever played by colleges by colleges mm-hmm yes is it ever played by by others ever played professionally oh yes would it be more likely that men would play this than girls yes is it seasonal I think it can be no describe yes well now Arlene said something about football on the wild guess but she got nothing but a smile from John so is it something other than football yes is it in season now no seven doubted free to go mr. Allen one more minute is it a warm season sport yet you play it over here tonight is it baseball yes you're a baseball you will do something with baseball but you're self-employed do you do something other than actually participate in the game like you rub down baseball players or you asking is mr. Gallagher rubbed come baseball player ice at the time is a Lech and all this packing notes I will flip the card of the ball because mr. Gallagher manages an all-girl baseball mr. Gallagher is the manager of the Hagerstown Maryland Muller's the original boys or Molly's not Molly well mr. Gallagher you have one full prize and deservedly so and there are thanks for being a fine gift and What's My Line now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity whom our friends and the panel would recognize immediately so we've had to put some blindfolds on them are those blindfolds on in place panel yes yes good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we get right down to the general questioning which we will begin with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen are you in some form of the entertainment world we are you were judging from the applause what might be called a glamour girl yeah are you or have you ever been in motion pictures we is that your current form of employment we are you more famous from for your work in movies and on the stage hmm what's that that's her we never took peek that's yes oh excuse me uh have you ever done anything besides movie works oh we have you ever appeared in television small conference awfully sorry she wants to know if this counts we have you ever appeared on a regular program of your own on television did you ask the question that our guest ever appear in a regular television program of her own well let's say a regular television program I don't know I know how shady you are with definitions a regular weekly television program a regular week oh you mean a regular weekly television program that's one down and nine to go this rally was the program on which you appeared then someone else's show rather than your own yes yeah have you made a picture in the last year we uh are you married mm-hmm are you over 21 we miss you you'll do oh dear have you ever made a Technicolor motion picture we let's see boy was it a musical no to down a date to go miss Frances is this husband that you have admitted to also in pictures oui madame he's very well-known in pictures Oh oui and he very often has a mean right in pictures he's a strong man that means yes the lady got weak just thinking about do you have some the boxer dogs are yes we do ah are you here in New York because you have recently finished a picture there's going to tell all the women of the world how to marry a millionaire are you one of the most devastating young women in pictures Lauren Bacall actually I think it was worth a fortune to see Dorothy's face after the first question is be darzee new then one more win whisper of that husky would wasn't your debt was it oh yes it was wonderful thing about this telling all the young ladies in the world how to marry a millionaire is going to be in CinemaScope which means it's in three dimensions you learn how to you get a three millionaire that way leaving a primitive and you can practically get a hold of them that means that I'm also a big - no I don't think that you are I must say that from all the advance notices you enhance its glory which I'm sure will be considerable and then be very successful picture I must say that your visit with us has been very successful and been wonderful pleasure for me thanks very much for being our guest thank you thank you all right now with another challenger will you sign in please sir Howard Howard Harris I can tell you one thing paddle mr. Harris knows exactly what he wants out of life you should have seen that signature good eye mr. Harris our time is not too long so look at the panel will you tell us where you're from Los Angeles California now come with me really because we haven't got time for you to go down on that hike in front of the panel and we want them to have a good chance to guess what your occupation is which always in our ceremony begins with a free gift and Miss Dorothy Kilgallen always gets the first free gas I think he's a casting director a casting director mr. Allens like an executive of some sort I'd say in television miss Francis I think he makes I bless rims mr. Cerf he has a 10% gleam in his eye I think he's an agent no I'm afraid not well let our viewers have a further look at mr. Harris and at the same time we will tell them what his line is all right just a little time for the panel again at you know what the rules are we flip cards every time you give the know and ten of these flips and you're in mr. Harris is salaried with that we will begin the general question with Bennett Cerf mr. Harris do you work for a profit-making organization yeah yes anything surprising in the fact that this company makes a profit I didn't know till just now product involved in this no did you know there's no product as we use the term one Donna 9 to go mrs. Kilgallon then you deal in services correct I could both men and women avail themselves of your services do you require a considerable education or a high IQ no thing Diogenes was looking for this man that's two dollars eight to go mr. Allen are you anybody sports no three down and seven to go miss Francis you work in an enclosure not necessarily now later we got I will say this though it is likely to assume that the majority of your work would be done in an enclosure of some kind yes well he doesn't like to be and I do it I'd rather be outside an enclosure do people come to you yes are they glad to come to you I guess I may be happy after they have seen you I think so and you say there is no product at all involved in what you do they're not a product in out you know I see uh do you do any paperwork in your job yes do you have to have any knowledge of figures I mean numbers no no not specifically four out of six to go mister sir do the people who come to you come to get permission to do something or to get a license for something no five down and five to go miss Kilgallen are they usually grownups yes uh do they do anything physical when they get where you are before they get to where I am or after they they move around at all yes quite frequently stand up and sit down yes uh and you think it's fun okay I think that the majority is getting the Germans either but our time is running out so by default of time and that's the pencil spoke you get the full price and mr. Harris you're going to be very happy to hear is a television gag writer who you do this for now is this give me a clue Jackie great jacket all right injustice now until next week this is John Daly saying good night Dorothy nice Steve happy Tuesday night thanks can i boys a good night Arlene good night boys and girls good night better I'd like to say that our mystery guest tonight is really one of the swellest people in Hollywood tonight John and good night ladies and gentlemen and thanks for being with us on what my life this is venom mark Goodson bill Todman production in association with the CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 376,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Steve Allen (Person), Lauren Bacall (Author), Lauren Bacall (Film Actor)
Id: u78cAg041Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 14 2014
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