What's My Line? - Tony Curtis; Janet Leigh [panel] (Jan 9, 1955)

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time now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my live brought to you by Remington Rand makers of the world's number one electric shaver the Remington now let's all play what my life award-winning What's My Line panels first the popular columnist who's voice of Broadway appears in the New York Journal American and papers goes to ghost Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and on my left an old friend a charming comedian and best-seller writer the book being treadmill to oblivion mr. Fred Allen Thank You Dorothy not too old a friend I hope and on my left ladies and gentlemen the only Hollywood glamour girl who has made one Tony last for five years out there miss Janet Lee thank you when on my left a gentleman who has always been my idea but a successful book publisher should look like mr. Bennet sir must tell you Jonathan when I told my friends in Houston Thursday that you were going to be on the program tonight they got so excited they started throwing oil wells all over the place and that gentleman you see over to my left that's not a mirage that's our panel moderator and he was particularly happy night because he and his wife KITT are celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary unite John Charles David Dennett thank you ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line we have a lovely and I'm quite sure a most table new panelists with us tonight so we've gone out of our way to see we can test her skills and fred allen skills and Dorothy's and Bennett's with some very interesting occupations we have a famous guest Challenger a bit later on too but I think right now it's time for these experts to meet our first challenger whose line must be spotted so would you sign in please man Juliet Juliet Stefan it wasn't my 18th wedding anniversary I'd say don't we make a fine looking couple well MEP is it miss or mrs. mrs. Stephanie where are you from Fort Lauderdale Florida Fort Lauderdale Florida well that's that's real nice that accounts for that wonderful 10 you've got wish I had it too well over there is the panel they look somewhat formidable but don't be concerned they're real nice people and they would like to get a better look at you so will you take a hike down there for me please have you read my book would you come over here please sit up and as you may know the panel gets one free guess as to what your line may be we begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen I think she teaches the Mambo teaches the Mambo mr. Ellen I was going to say that Dorothy took it out of my mouth and it's unsanitary to do a thing like I was going to say that there she was a member consultant actually Miss Lee she models bathing suits mr. sir I think Juliet has all of Romeo is in Fort Lauderdale running after that this is probably for sure but it's not the answer we were looking for although you might have been interesting some of you will let our viewers at home have a further look at mrs. Stephan at the same time we will tell them water line in but the panel mr. Stefan do you know how we score this operation fine then I won't have to go through that sometimes I get letters saying why don't you stop telling every time how you score this thing so I won't do it this time all right all right mrs. Stefan is salaried and it's begin the general questioning with dogs Fred Ellen I miss Stefan do you deal in services yes I do in services do you really ah do you I do is there a product involved in what you do yes is this a useful product no it is useful is it could you construe this a product as being decorative too sometimes it is decorative sometimes sometimes is it about the size of is it something that if I were in the mood and could I lift it up and hold it in my hand is it something that could be used by both sexes yes is it conceivable that I sometime during my life would find the need of services of this nature do you do you have an office where you you indulge in these service or where this problem no it was going so well John I confuse my no I generally don't get this far the altitude brought on a mental nosebleed well tell me is this product something that might be found in the home yes would it be confined to one particular room in the home yes and no you have to that's a very fair answer on mrs. Stefan's part actually I think what she's intimating therefore it is that to the degree that it's not in use it might be confined to a general area in the home where is when it's in use it could you know be found elsewhere it was after met John I must caution you the the essence of comedy is its brevity and the plight of the and I'm further confused now actually is is this something that's made of this product is it something that's made of metal yes and you mean made in the in the main of metal we don't want in any other state at all if it's made of metal only no don't ridicule main is the only state with a bath you know it's the only I mean we want to be helpful do you mean is the the thing basically made of metal Robin is basically thanks very much that's one down nine to go meekly I knew it I would be onion product manufactured yes is it made of cloth yes is it does it come in contact with the body yes would it be wearing apparel of any kind oh yes would you find this in a department store yes if you woo if it used for a special event kind of no no I don't think you could say it was just a special event - Donna days ago mister sir mr. Stefan did did I understand correctly that this could be worn by either sex yes it can the general category is if it was worn by let's say somebody on this panel would it be visible in public no 107 to go Kilgallon you mean it wouldn't be visible even if we were standing up no what actually we're doing there is we're presuming that Bennett means if this were worn by a member of the panel would it be visible to the eye oh it would not in itself be visible this is not to gainsay that there might be some manifestations of its presence you know but not necessarily to make it up and this is worn by both sixes 10b is right can't be is it usually bought worn more by one sex than another that's right and does it improve the appearance in some way sometimes it is generally considered to do so yes well in the wearer hopeful that it will improve the appearance yes if I were wearing it I would wear it under my dress that right yeah is it worn next to the skin yes is it worn in general around the middle of the body or partially around the middle actually does it have any constricting force or would you buy it in a lingerie shop yes would you buy it from a courser chair yes is it something in the undergarment but usually with elastic or last texts family yeah would it be called a girdle yeah that's the funny that's very good wait a minute we made 50 luck yet what is it I realize this is not the end yeah what is she working in all that what was that what is this is Stefan have to do it well she said she worked in an office no it was asked if she worked in an office the question was withdrawn as matter clients are given well do you have something to do with the girdle after it is manufactured yes do sell it sell girdles know that for down hard or mr. Allen ah do you model girdles that's right that's why when you said model bathing suits ms lee i thought you were going to go running wild when we got to you but you didn't think you sure May I don't know if miss Li remembers but I met her or I didn't meet her but I saw her getting on the train in Chicago and getting off here in New York oh just goes to show small world small well always making aphorisms well we hope you enjoyed your visit with us is very nice having you like you to come to watch my all right what could you do with a second challenger would you sign in please sir Victor Victor Jackson right sir from Los Angeles Los Angeles well no we just hit somebody from Florida we get somebody from California it has a metal wall around here this is what would you let the panel get a closer look at you and take a walk down in front of the panel for me thank you a little smog on you I just saw it from the Rose Bowl idea would you come over here with that smarten and put out next to Pete all right now mr. Jackson is you probably know the panel gets one free guess as to what your line may be we begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen I think he's a tree sprayer a tree sprayer mr. Allen I think mr. Jackson is Carl Sandburg's barber miss lady I think he has something to do with law with law Mr seven I think possibly mr. Jackson looks after the budget on Miss Lee's motion picture no nobody has it well let our viewers have a further look at mr. Victor Jackson at the same time we'll tell them what is line is but battle exactly you know how we saw this operation do you there was a fine I don't have to give the explanation tonight I don't think mr. Jackson is salaried and let's begin the general questioning with Bennett Cerf mr. Jackson you're a gentleman of great dignity dignity if I may say so and I would want to guess that you're a college man are you a college graduate no one down do you work for a profit-making organization yes would you say you were a white collar man yes not at the moment got a blue shirt on gray shirt I get it for this mug here do you work indoors more than outdoors what you want is an answer yeah yes do you work indoors rather than outdoors yes do you ever work behind a desk or a counter no that's two down you need to go mr. Allen or do you deal in services of any nature yes you do you live in would you work in Los Angeles and live in Los Angeles yes the work in Los Angeles are you what you do does it require any special training or skill yes do you is it something that should be concerned with motion pictures no there's no this is not concerned with intensity don't beg pardon great I see she's proud of not being in motion picture no it is me here just it doesn't happen that are mr. Jackson's work is directly connected with motion pictures three down and seven to go Miss Lee may I ask something yes your conference yeah you got to speak up in the conference because I have to hear what said oh it was a product but yeah the service did we no no we didn't do it is there a product connected with your service is there a product connected with your services product yes uh is this product found in the home yes is it found in any particular room of the home yes usually um would that room be the living room yes good meeting if the product manufacturing is a product minute I guess do both men and women use it yes is it is it something movable as opposed to something that like a sofa just sit it usually kind of say I mean in this context is it movable in the context of something light enough to pick up and move around easily yeah that's fine it can be but if that context the answer would be no poured out and figures ago mr. mr. Jackson is this object ever used for either entertainment purposes or improving the conditions in the room in which is yes yes which one would this be used for any kind of entertainment purpose yes do any kind of sounds come out of it yes are do any kind of pictures ever shown no that's five dotted five to go mr. Gela what is it either a radio or a phonograph I beg your pardon is it either a radio or a phonograph radio or a phonograph no that victim Portico mr. Allen is used for entertaining purposes yes or so many things available to entertain people in Los Angeles this could almost be anything it'd almost be a metallic military el ative actually is it something that's a mechanically operated no it isn't huh it's seven nine and three to go miss Lee there is there is in some rare occasion I believe a record that this has been mechanically operated but the basic product itself is usually not mechanically operated mr. did we establish I mean we have a conference you have 10 seconds per conference I believe you won warm yes yeah do we establish the size of it anyway no it can't be carried around easily no to be pushed around I got it oh alright the ten seconds are up miss Lee um is this decorative sense in a sense wouldn't you say mr. Jackson is the difference is it decorative yes is it in the living room is an insight or is it is it insight insight I have to think I paid all right mister soon thirty Six's does this machine mr. Jackson reproduce something not of its no no it doesn't reproduce you know it's like a typewriter or something is sort no but I do that eight dot and two to go Miss Dorothy is it a musical instrument of any kind yes is it a musical instrument that's played by a person yes is it something other than a piano No regards the piano that actually mr. Jackson is a piano tuner and currently he is the gentleman who Tunes Liberace's piano I think the moment will meet tonight's miss now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity my friends and the panel have blindfolds for this part of the program are they all in place panel yes sir good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery challenges we get right down to the general question you're all ready to play good take off your masks huh I guess it's Tony Curtis and unhappily we were going to play some big jokes on you tonight and Tony was to be our mystery guest but somebody found out about it it was in a paper in the Midwest that Tony was nice enough to say he didn't feel it would be fair to play but he wanted to come and say hello anyway hi Sartori thanks very much for coming up to see us what quickly brings you and your lovely a she's doing great did you notice yeah doing wonderfully what brought you all to New York well this is kind of a vacation and also a little work I'm on my way to Boston for the opening of my latest picture six bridges to cross and that'll be opened in Boston January 19th and minty yes next week good thing you had your wife or me about the brink Marty yes it's the Brinks robbery well we're not supposed to really say that but it's there you didn't mate I like that from the right now it's about the Brinks robbery in Boston you bring the money back in the picture toward me sir you bring the money back we got a bridge to cross would you say hello to your bride in the other phone another special feature on tonight's show the appearance of a second mystery celebrity my friends and the panel please get your masks back on right away as quickly as you can get them on let me know when the blindfolds are all in place we have only about two feet of money way and I want to see if you can identify these beddit Janet get them on Anna you were never married before were you all set all right well our mystery Challenger come out and sign in please all right panel now you have a little over three minutes to see if you can guess our second mystery guest let's see let's begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen are you in some form of entertainment yes have you ever been in the motion pictures no one down a nine to go mr. Allen have you been in television no do down at 8 to go where be in working currently have you been on a Broadway stage no three died and seven to go mr. sir well have you been in radio no father Lord are you a sporty type fellow yes uh athlete that's why you're not bothering to disguise your voice are you are you part of a game which is played out of doors and indoors yes um is it something that two people can play and four people can play yes is it Kenneth yes whew Oh would you say something else say something else yes are you say something else um do you have are you besides being a player in an executive capacity yes are you American yes are you Billy Talbert well that's very good indeed I thought we'd give them a lot more so bad that man in the Middle West didn't guess billion we can have a third well Delhi tall but I'm I don't think I have to tell you because I think you know the whole country is ragingly proud of what you and your good colleagues did in Australia bringing the Davis cut back to these part and I know that and it's true I think in almost every human endeavor the man who is the tactician and strategist has a very great deal to do with who comes back with the bacon and as you all know built Albert was the non-playing captain of our team and he's the man who sat down the strategy and the tactics that brought home the bacon for us so I want to say thanks and say how proud I am to get a chance to shake your hand so soon after you got home thank you Judy it doesn't say that Vic and Tony didn't quite a job down there and deserve a great deal of credit oh they did that's played wonderful tennis you all freaking are they going to keep it next year certainly going to try when you go over and say hello to the panel and thank very much very quickly I want to remind what you say Fred it's a wonderful after all of the flying saucers we have the cup here back in this country good to try to be serious for a minute but I don't think I'd try not was friends hundred and seventeen pistols tonight so I just Saints been wonderful having Billy Talbot with us and I know the panel joins me and that will be back in just a anyt may I say that you played the game wonderfully tonight and I think Arlene Francis will be back next week we'll reveal that she has been very well represented thank you now until next week it's a John Daly saying good night gar good night red Thank You Dorothy good night and you and I better have our own panel now and if you know it you can be on make a palpable pairs good night Arlene John and good night ladies and gentlemen and thanks for being with us on what my life mr. Jackson was arranged through American Airlines the country's leading airline now serving the United States Mexico and Canada this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production in association with the CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 202,177
Rating: 4.8175235 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Fred Allen (Comedian), Janet Leigh (Author), Tony Curtis (Author), Tony Curtis (Film Actor), Janet Leigh (Film Actor), What's My Line? (Award-Winning Work)
Id: jXnKY_2sVKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2015
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