What's My Line? - Lee Meriwether; Alfred Hitchcock (Sep 12, 1954)

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time now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my line brought the vine view stop it America's leading spray deodorant now with its anti immunity factor who pair goes perspiration now let's all play what my line and now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first the popular columnist whose voice of Broadway appears in the New York Journal American and papers coast to coast Miss Dorothy Kilgallen welcome back an old friend who hasn't been on the program for about a year star of television on this very Network five days a week Robert Q Lewis to my left sits a young lady everyone says is one of the greatest gals in show business and you know something they're right and on my left gentleman who practically everybody knows is the publisher of Random House and who almost every Krabs buddy knows he's a national despair about the giant bench he's bellowed about it so much today but don't worry it'll be all right Bennett nationally great I'll have no responsibility well on my left is our pilis panel moderator who as some of you know helped crown the new Miss America Atlantic City last night and I understand was mistaken by a very nearsighted lady from Miss Colorado actually I think best Meyerson got the best joke on that she said I should show up in a bathing suit and say the show was watch my lines good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to what my line and panel will you get your masks on we have a first challenger tonight whom you might recognize you might see something about that would give you a identification so put on your masks right away please it's Sunday night we're up to our old tricks we've got some very nice people with some interesting very interesting occupations tonight the kind I think it'll give the panel a lot of trouble we certainly hope so we want our guests to have a lot of fun and carry home a small prize later on we'll have a famous guest Challenger before the panel but really I think it's time for the experts now to meet our first challenger whose job has to be spotted so will you come in please and sign in all right panel actually we're not going to have any three guesses tonight or and they saw they were going to go sort of right two things you know and I think what we ought to do is tell you that our guest is kind of self-employed and salaried they don't a confusion okay yeah you know kind of both and then I think maybe we ought to begin the general questioning with well maybe Arlene Francis well I heard the rustle of the skirt so I presume this is the very attractive lady are you do you have a job that puts you in front of the public at all yes Oh would you consider yourself a performer I'm gonna say a reformer sometimes John are we supposed to guess the occupation of our guests no actually this is more of a double kind of job mystery guest is an interesting occupation - all right you haven't been with John that lattic City have you yeah yeah oh maybe you were down to this weekend yeah I guess to the end of Atlantic City were you there for the Atlantic City beauty contest was that the purpose of your being there mmm well yeah in a way were you and you appeared on television hmm yeah yes I am now about have you have you appeared on television previous to this performance yes did you ever appear on television with anybody panel well now could it be possible that John Daly might have slipped a moment ago in mentioning that you made a very funny remark at the Atlantic City beauty contest if she says yeah yes again I'm gonna die well may I ask did you participate in any way in this beauty contest business in Atlantic City during the past week yes were you one of the contestants yeah were you one of the finalists yeah well we're now you're down now it's down to five well let's start at the top did you by any chance win it to Lee and Merriweather America and I might if I may offer now some other personal testimony I met Lee in Atlantic City presidencies of wonderful girls that great towns had the courage to do a bit from riders to the see her talent competition and did it beautifully we know you're going to have a wonderful year I want to do one other thing I came into that I said gee it's too bad you know I was romantic city from the thing we can't you know the panel all of you would figure that there'd be somebody up here from Atlantic City so we couldn't get that wonderful Miss America for you but it didn't work it's wonderful to have you with us and a wonderful year and a grand future for all the rest of your day all right now let's get on to our next challenge here and see what the panel can do with that would you sign in please sir all hot right Milwaukee that's all that's grand we haven't anybody from that part of the world for a long time on the panel has to get a kind of a close look at you get to know you a bit so would you take a hike down there from let them see you how do you do all right mr. Haas over here now if you will sit down next to me and the panel we'll get one free guess as to what your line may be just to make things a little more interesting we begin the free guesses with mr. Gallagher I think he owns all the hotdogs at the stadium there mr. Lewis I am sure after looking at mr. Haas that his occupation is something very very unusual I think he's the Hoff that made Milwaukee famous I think mr. Haas pulls Carson peppers out of hat but nobody has the right answer let our viewers have a further look at mr. Hassan at the same time we'll tell them what his line is but the panel has to be the hospital how we spoil this operation we flip a card every time you can give him that big fat no okay yes are you all set yes sir all right mr. Haas is salaried ah let's begin the general questioning with our Welcome panel guests tonight mr. Robert Lewis thank you sir mr. Haas well let me see who deal in services yes is this a service that you might possibly perform for me yes now I know what show I'm back on well now let me follow this along when you do your work is there any physical action involved what I mean is do you come in physical contact with the people that yes you do I see and of when you are performing this service I don't know quite how to put this all right what I'm trying to say is when you work with them are they wearing less clothing than I have on now yes you knew just how to put it back they're wearing less clothing yes embarrassing in them are any of the men with whom you come in contact do they ever indulge in sports or athletics yes they do uh-huh and is it part of your job perhaps to keep them in shape yes now I'm not so sure but I'm gonna follow it along you're from Milwaukee sir that's right well whatever you do do you do it for the Milwaukee Braves no that's what do you have did you say you were salaried I'm sorry yes you are salary and it is a profit-making organization that you work for and do you wear any kind that they cover all or uniform in your job other than the suit you might be wearing now no that's two down and eight to go mister sir mr. Hart you said you kept people in shape do you by any chance make some have something to do with some kind of a garment or apparatus that makes people look better when they have it on yes yeah I would it's some kind of a garment or apparatus it's a broad area we'll give you yes on that is there any is there any rubber or last X in this garment could be would it be any relative I'm not saying it is but it would be a relative of the belly band will Afghanistan that's a big family well John you don't even hold I'm gonna get a no we want to be as generous as we can or other mr. Haas does that's not my nature to be generous with the panel as you know but we'll give you a YES on that and we have to reach a bit I guess did you say that Bob Lewis could wear one of these things you did yes would it be a reducing sort of thing like a girdle possibly yes you're a big girl man from Milwaukee oh well it's not exactly right I mean you're in the right area we'll give you a qualified gear well there's something that is worn in near the middle of a person yes well I don't know how to put it any more than a girdle or a belly band I don't know any other technical day I will say that actually there's another technical name which I think I can supply without doing damage which is corset so that's the product but now what is mr. Haas have to do with it well I should think possibly he makes he makes them that three down and seven he auditioned to be when they come off the production line he's an inspector no really would test be the right word test them that's fine that's four dollars if you don't he's below it well now I should imagine there would be new styles and corsets every year that's right I imagine that not only does he style them but he parades in front of the prospective buyers five to go miss Francis does he buy them six down and four to go mr. su does he sell them seven down and three to go miss Kilgallon nothing I really don't know he wears one down two to go miss Francis he puts the stays in them the stain Nightside on one who drove it was there well any advertiser advertised I've been burned out and no more to go he we got him actually he fits men's course it's a good deal of it is medical you know there is just people who want to look slim now we come to another special feature on tonight's program the appearance of another mystery celebrity my friends in the panel are masked once again because they'd recognize our guest the masked all in place panel yes right will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right panel as you know in the case of our mystery celebrity we dispense with all lead preliminaries we get right down to the general questioning which we will begin with Bennett said I was kind of hoping Marilyn Monroe was coming out here tonight but I didn't hear any news and ours so I take it you're not Marilyn Monroe is that correct it is impossible I was just a way of trying to find out whether your voice was a male voice without asking usual question you are a gentleman is that correct sometimes with your general sphere be the entertainment industry he possibly years it's possible to also as I cracked to entertain is difficult you succeeded in in this difficult and endeavor have you ever performed this difficult endeavor in the environs of Hollywood always in other words you're a motion pictures picture star is that correct have you got a picture that is either currently on Broadway or within the week or two of opening on Broadway Oh guest appears yet is it playing at one of the big theaters on Broadway oui oui well the question is which picture it is is it is it a Technicolor picture week is it a picture that has no singing and dancing in it a little dancing possibly but actually I think the question is in in the in the area a visit of musical and that's a question that's the question the answer would be no I think then it's not a musical so you know would it be a spectacular picture about ancient times let's say in Egypt goodness poppy have you ever been in Harry's Bar and Venice in nineteen yeah you know yeah this picture that you appear in have you something other than the starring part the one that's on Broadway now or near Broadway we have you a much more important part than an acting part in connection with this picture all the actors a great deal indebted to you for the excellence of this picture Oh are you seen doing something with a clock in this picture actually it's a picture rear window yes and are you mr. Alfred Hitchcock to have you here because I with a lot of great many other thousands of people have enjoyed real window and last night in Atlantic City I met miss Grace Kelly who was one of your stars what did you do about it well it was very nice to meet her and said to mrs. Daley she's a very handsome girl what a pity I think it would be nice if either you or mr. Hitchcock explained that he always appeared in every picture that he makes well not yes I think that is generally know which is why I made the point of our guest appears I think if you've ever made a picture which you haven't appeared at one time or another the indignity of being a ham is thrust upon well I must say you carry it off with great savoir faire this is M I wish I had some of it and we do thank you very much for being our guest sir mr. Ghanim wanted to say so I just thought I ought to explain my first question yeah I was thinking of rear window and I thought first if you'll excuse me mr. Hitchcock of Jimmy and the last time that I saw him was in Harry's Bar in Venice so I want to eliminate him do it be Jimmy Stewart the other third sir thanks for being I guess would you say hello all right panel you were having a very good night let's see what you can do with another Challenger would you come in and sign in please man color color woman is that right miss where are you from this one California Los Angeles Oh wonderful nice to have somebody from way out the west coast and we're running a little short of time so you take a look at the panel will you yeah now you take a look at mrs. Foreman William fine now you come with me boy you sit right down here the panel had a very quick look at you in that basis we'll give them the one free guess that they get we begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen I think she's a choreographer a choreographer mr. Lewis I believe she owns Harry's Bar I think miss Foreman's a stunt performer in pictures mr. sir I think this woman's dramatic coach you think she's a demented coach that's very interesting answer vector it's a correct answer but now I tell you this this Foreman is another special type of dramatic coach and we have a particular reason for having here let's see a fun if you can figure out what the special reason is what area it is first beginning with with Bennett since you started things off why she's here the field well I would take it a reason was well I would guess that we've had Miss America who may need some dramatic coaching maybe that's what you're going to be doing oh that's fine Bennett that's one gallon well may we ask questions about it our job game work do you do your coaching in a particular place no no a note afloat gym you know that is a 2.8 to go mr. Lew let me see what we're to determine John we to determine why the lady is here and what we're announcing is there's a special reason why Miss Foreman is a dramatic coaches here there's a special area of interest uh now there was a very special area of interest that preceded Edna into New York this week it was a thing called Maryland could possibly this lovely lady has something to do with that lady Marilyn Monroe Oh yes well then I know that they're doing a picture here in town and you are coaching her perhaps in that particular part yeah sometimes sometimes no one is missing with tents yeah well that's why your face looks vaguely familiar to me and that's why I said dramatic coach I wasn't a fool not to put two and two together we were very proud of ourselves we thought we'd tie you into all kinds of nuts you know but we didn't tell you with only kinds of nuts at all the nicest time I've had here was when I saw the Egyptian at the Roxy theater beautiful okay did you like it I'm glad you liked our big fat city - and I'm only sorry we're gonna flip some cards anyway we need to flip any card sorry we didn't give him a rougher time but I hope you enjoyed your visit breezes it was always nice to have somebody on the coast with us good to see you mr. goodnight well it just goes to show you that the best laid plans of mice and men aft gang agley we thought that since I was in Atlantic City you've never guessed for a moment we'd have anybody from the beauty pageant here and we thought that would miss Forman we'd tie you into knots for good for the rest of it mr. Robert Q Lewis been nice to have you back with us thank you John and now until next week when What's My Line will do its first TV broadcast in color as well as in black and white this is John Daly saying good night Dorothy come back soon Thank You Dorothy and I don't have to wear that girdle good night hon good night Bob and good night Bennet good luck with your dramatic lift nice to have you back with us thank you gentlemen thanks for being with us on What's My Line this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production an association with the CBS television network you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 152,886
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Lee Meriwether (TV Actor), Robert Q. Lewis
Id: M7WX18IhR4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2013
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