What's My Line? - John Wayne; Joey Bishop [panel] (Nov 13, 1960)

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what my line brought to you by Kellogg's the folks who bring the best to you each morning a wide choice of cereals in the forms you like best yours from Kellogg's of battle free now let's all play what I live now let's meet our award-winning panel of What's My Line first the delightful star of stage and television miss Arlene Frances enough comic for us tonight on the panel mr. Joey bishop and all my left a young lady whose column the voice of Broadway has definitely made me a better dressed man Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and now our dynamic and talented and funny and darlings random house publishers Bennet sir here's a man who on Tuesday night election night was on the air for eleven and a half straight hours so tonight's little hair power session on what's my line is just a can of forum I sort of an Eddie Canon John Charles Dave good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to What's My Line and of course to some nice folks who brought some interesting occupations welcome to we think are the kind of occupations that will give the panel some trouble we'll also have a famous mystery guest a little bit later in the program and we'll meet our first challenger after this and now let's meet our first challenger will you enter and sign in please Albert Carville just is a part of calling back election night folks here in the audience those of you at home and our panel may I introduce the governor-elect of the great and sovereign state of Delaware the governor it's nice of you to join us tonight and I'll have to tell the panel now that we've told where you're from that the governor is of course here to be identified as other than the governor-elect of Delaware but we'll get to that in a moment would you join me over here please sir you know how we keep score governor yes I do all right then let's set the audience in the theater and the audience looking in at home know exactly what your line is battle we will tell you that governor-elect Carville is self-employed and he deals in a product and we begin the general questioning with Arlene Francis a governor is this a product that any of us on the panel might use is this a product that would be found outside of the home yes is it a product that was ever alive no one down and nine to go mr. Bishop is it a product that is manufactured yes do you manufacture this product yourself sir yes is it a product that would be classified in the category of attire of a tire no that do dominate to go mrs. Kilgallon even found outside the home and it's never live doesn't have any moving parts no read added them into government to serve governor I must say you're an awfully big man awfully big governor for such a little stake you know that does this product you say it's manufactured by you do you mean by you personally by my company by your company does this product I will get consumed and poured out and things to go be spread is it a product that would entertain or amuse no I don't know so that's $5 and five to go mr. Bishop I don't know what you do governor but as long as you're here I have a speeding ticket when I went through Delaware I'm not governor yet mr. Bishop 7-piece you'll have to see my super present government oh you're not the governor yes a pardon me I get a feeling that there is and I say this with tongue-in-cheek there is something slightly morbid or something about the product that you deal with am I correct in my assumption something more made about that there's not an unpleasant no I don't know you might want to argue the brief later but I don't believe we could say there's anything morbid or unpleasant about the product let's give you a no on that that's six down and four to go mrs. Kilgallon mr. Carville is this product useful rather than merely decorative yes could it be used by both men and women I would say that it could be but as I say if you're elected could it be would this be most likely used by men yes would it be purchased in a very large department store could it be could also be purchased from you directly I suppose could I hold this in both my hands is it very hard as opposed to sort of squishy wishy free to go mr. governor like cobble what this product of yours be used by a man who is in pursuit of some pleasurable or athletic activity is this product something that is used exclusively out of doors rather than indoors is it preferred to use out of doors you say exclusively and I would say no because it could be used a small amount indoors but actually I would say that miss Harding changes it preferred to be used in terms of quantity we would have to agree that it's preferred to be used outdoors and is it is it something that would be found on the ground out of doors yes is it something that if you wanted to you could sit on it now let's review the let's review the bidding governor I would say that under certain circumstances you could sit on yeah all right you have 30 seconds birth god first one thing I'd like - Delaware the DuPont corporation maybe you've got something over the dew point but it's funny there's no moving better powder or something but you said does it have any more but attraction and DuPont I mean gunpowder is reasonably morbid okay isn't it reasonably is there anything about this product that is destructive no no no 9.81 the government - bishop have you manufactured this product or are you gonna make it a product that you will manufacture after you have illuminated all our questions manufactured for 85 years and we have determined that if you are really pooped you can sit on it but a new manufacturer something that is found in only one room in the house actually actually this does not come as by way of the actual use the product but this is just a byproduct being able to sit on Joey I think that actually do you I'll throw the towel in because you're getting all around the edges what the compress is a very fine potash nitrogen and super phosphate fertilizer which would do great things for your lawns window boxes and any other growing things that you might have in mind to have grown higher we had to be a little careful about the department store because as I understand it governor most of your product is sold in Delaware and the Southern Maryland shore it goes directly to the farmer in large looks very small amount of smaller but we had a small lot for Dorothy to carry very thank you very much for coming to visit us and What's My Line in my tenure we're much honored tonight we have a governor-elect we also have the members of President Eisenhower's of Water Pollution Control Advisory Board and their staff in the the theater with us tonight and they're interested in such things as fertilizers the panel is interested in trying to get away from that ten down and no more to go let's get another Challenger in and see what happened you signed in their piece Margaret Valentine that right mr. or mrs. Vallon mrs. Valentine aware you promised is going to Edinburgh Scotland well this is an honor to have somebody from it and butter with it mrs. Gallin fine may I present to you the panel would you join me over here now coming all the way from Edinburgh do you know the scorekeeping system we use yes I think it's similar to that on What's My Line in Great Britain so I think you might know it from that in that event we'll let the audience in the theater and the folks at home know exactly what your line is panel we can tell you that mrs. ballantine is self-employed and deals in a service and let's begin the general questioning with mr. Bishop mrs. Valentine this is not a three-ring circus the man for valentine and you say she did I'm sorry John wasn't telling me what mrs. Valentine did I was preparing a joke what we members of the panel come to you for your particular services yeah you could with the ladies of the panel come more readily than the gentlemen nope one down and nine to go miss Kilgallen well then would the gentlemen come more readily who's at the edge against the world are you yeah I think that's a fair presumption Dorothy more gentlemen coming to you then ladies that would be a fair presumption yeah aha do you have your own establishment yeah and the people come to you for your services rather than you going to them yeah in most cases do you wear anything other than an ordinary street dress to do what you do do down a date to go mr. Cerf mrs. Valentine would you call your service a personal service yeah do you come into actual physical contact with the people form you're performing the service mm-hmm three down and seven to go miss Frances do you help them in some way mrs. Valentine now I must say I think mrs. Valentine is not a sanguine if she should be about this when you asked does mrs. Valentine help them in some way we would have to say under some circumstances the receivers of the service would consider they had been magnificently helped in other instances they might not so consider do you have would the establishment that you work in be on the ground floor as a rule no bow down and fix me go mr. Bishop would it be more of a mental service than than a physical service no no actually I don't see by here I've by your question I'm assuming that you wish us to infer that there is a mental development that is a precedent to action here those are my exact words Jonah but I would mislead you if we said yes so we say no that's five down in five to go mr. Galan completely misled I I didn't understand the question I don't understand the answer difficulty clarifying it before I had tried to clarify it you want me to mess it up right yeah the issue is whether it was more a mental than a physical service now there's certainly in any relationships between human beings there is a mental process by which they arrive at certain end results that end result can very often result in a physical transaction well in this degree you have this same relationship but the nicest thing about being on this show John with fewer gives you a feeling of going to night school or mrs. Valentine I am NOT being too outrageous if I assume that you do something physical wearing ordinary street clothes physical action involved in both the receipt in the giving of the service but it is not a paramount consideration in the determination of what the line may be well it would help me mrs. Valentine do you move from the waist up when your yes mrs. Valentine could move from the waist up and to the degree that the actions had any particular relationship to the service required we would agree that most actions would take place in any normal course of affairs above what might be then considered the locus of the waste do the people who are receiving this service also move from the waist up Valentine is in many ceremonial mixed up with the service that you perform no no sometimes some of the people who have had the service and didn't come out with a happy result go through some people are not always willing to accept or do with you is there any antagonism on the part of people that you might oh no no no that makes you take down into to go what you want to get one more shot Joey well I'll tell you John I've been listening to you all night and I would like to ask you how you feel so the orders could get a 10-minute health lecture you're not again you're skirting the edge but you don't quite find an avenue of approach mrs. Valentine is a horserace bookie in Scotland where this is all very and just in case you today forget to Edinboro the business name is Jay Marsh is that right do you think being a bookie is not more mental than physical you may go well I must say I wish that were true no I well we've had a lot of fun mrs. Valentine I hope you enjoyed visiting us and hope you have a good visit to the United States with loads of fun we'll meet tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first here is a word from our sponsor and now we come to the special feature of the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity for which my friends on the panel are always blindfolded the blindfolds are in place panel good will you come in mystery Challenger and sign in please all right and you know panel in the case of our mystery Challenger we go to a different form of questioning you asked one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we begin it all with Dorothy Kilgallen are you now or have you ever been in the top ten of the movie box office personalities yawol have you ever appeared in epic motion pictures great big epic yes miss Francine are you in a picture which has opened recently in New York yeah yes I'm afraid our audience helped us on that there aren't many people who'd get that much applause well thank you very much Dorothy and thank you and I think the other big fact is that I mentioned the biggest opening that New York has seen in many a munis is of your picture the the Alamo which is unique in its way actually this is one you've produced and did you direct it - yes directed and starred in it and it's one of the great epics I know that a lot of it came out of your own personal interest in the story we worked on it for about fourteen years before we really before you made the plan John you know but don't keep mr. Wayne too long his horse may be double-parked Kanon we're taking it to paris is rivaling himself this week now you have two pictures on board yes that's right how do how does it feel to be rivaling yourself we not allowed to do that in our blind I'm more worried about that I mean more interested let's say in the Ala more than I am in the north to Alaska but they're both pictures that I'm not ashamed of and I've made a lot of them that I ever got hung my head well the Alamo I'm sure is not going to be one of them because it's a big story and it's been done in a big way I was invited by happy to say to come to the opening I had to work because the elections were coming up and I couldn't make it but it's on my list of things to do it's a long run with an intermission and that's or not it's a big night's entertainment well we wish for you as I know you yourself for personal reasons outside of economic ones wish you much success for the picture because it's a great American epic it's a great American story and we open all right flip all the car through the dark I might at this juncture say just in case anybody misunderstood Joey arrived that we flipped the cards and John will tell us where he wants us to send the $50 and Dorothy was nice enough to say that the audience gave it away and I think that you did in a way but at the same time rather afraid you all read the lists of who's in town and John probably wouldn't have lasted too long anyway Dorothy's got something to say but before Doris you've just sent me to say I'm not having a good night that address should be New York 20 to New York now if that confuses you because there was nothing in front of it the full address is What's My Line CBS 485 Medicine Avenue New York 22 New York and now to make it possible for Dorothy to say something and this will confuse you good night Arlene good night John I won't say a word bye-bye Joey can i dot the you'll tell me when we're walking upstairs yes all I want I might see him at the Copacabana later there's nothing personal all I wanted to say John was that we seemed to puzzled you and although you like to puzzle the panel we don't want to puzzle you so we were laughing because we have new private jokes we've been on this show or the well at least the three of us and Joey's been on enough so that we buy that Dorothy we all have such a good time we forget their cameras that's why and we were just laughing as if we were at home that's what happened identity penis I'm more like John all the time John is the CBS television network productions in association with mark Goodson and bill Todman there are one and a quarter million people in this country who have diabetes and don't know it you may be one of them see your doctor take a diabetes test do it this week diabetes week
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 1,064,263
Rating: 4.7522693 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Joey Bishop, John Wayne (Activist), John Wayne
Id: fnSu4rO2eDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 06 2014
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