What's My Line? - Doris Day (Jun 20, 1954)

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time now for everybody's favorite guessing game what my line 45 you stop at America's leading spray deodorant now with its anti immunity factor whoo there goes perspiration now let's all play what my line and now let's meet our award-winning what's my line panel first our publisher panelist author and columnist Bennett Cerf thank you you know tonight is the opening of the New York summer festival and I don't think this city offers a brighter gayer or more beautiful sight than the young lady on my right is Arlene Thank You Bennet that's very sweet indeed and on my right one of televisions most admired and charming young humorous mr. Steve Allen thank you very much not my right the lovely lady who has just returned from a very happy two and a half weeks wasn't Dorothy so now if we trip in Europe Miss Dorothy Kilgallen and on my left across the stage are devastating and delightful moderator mr. Jon Daly thank you good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to What's My Line we're up to our usual tricks of a Sunday evening once again we've got some very nice people with some very interesting occupations who have come to pay us a brief visit we trust that the occupation will be so interesting that their visit right here beside me will be somewhat longer than the panel expects it to be we'll also have a famous guest challenger before the panel a bit later but now it's time for the experts to meet our first challenger whose job has to be spotted would you sign in please man Mildred Alki er is that right with miss or mrs. mrs. mrs. arcane where are you from San Diego California San Diego California let's lovely country but a very good friend down San Diego California poor white to Nepal oh great news man you all right I got like four friends over there actually they're your friends too they look a little bit rough but go on over let me look at you all right they'll tire if you come over here not sit down next to me I think you may know that we start proceedings here by giving the panel one free guess as to what your line may be and we always begin those free guesses with Miss Dorothy Kilgallen I think she's a dancing teacher a dancing teacher mr. Allen she has a little wishbone on her chest I think she raises chickens miss Franklin huh I think she has a little restaurant for the Navy down in San Diego mr. said she looks like an outdoor lady to me I think she trains animals or something that no I'm afraid nobody has it well let our viewers have another look at mrs. al tire at the same time we'll tell them it's now car you know how we do this the scoring device here which I flip around alrighty then now if you're all set to go I will just tell the panel that mrs. al Kyra is self-employed and we'll begin the general questioning with Dorothy Kilgallen she's that a wreck do you deal with both men and women uh impartially yes do you perform services yeah does what you do make people happier or better off yeah is there any product involved in what you do yeah is it useful yeah would it ever be found in the home yeah would it ever be found anywhere but in the home yeah is it smaller than a baby carriage yeah is it bigger than a birdbath no one loud a nine to go mr. Alan is it just slightly smaller you we are getting into comparative terms here that might lead us out of sheer prejudice in the issue to give you a misleading answer haha one run it again is this mineral in any of its makeup as distinguished from animal and vegetable yeah could that little Mittal could that mineral be metal-on-metal be lunar older do know that to dominate to go miss fancy does that mineral flow is it liquid liquid no Liana having to go mister said the missus Alki could this be some kind of jewelry or some stones from precious stone no let's go down and fix to go miss Kilgallon it's not Marilyn it's not precious stone I think I need a conference I'm not very may have fifteen seconds for a conference and what what is solid and it doesn't matter when it isn't it is no I thought well no no it's not metal and it's not a precious stone well you already is it solid well it is a solid it's solid and small yeah relatively uh could it ever be worn in any form no that's five down five to go mr. Allen is it you cheaply by human beings not in conjunction with any animal yeah uh does it benefit the person I mean that the physical being ah the physical big sense of restoring health etcetera and so forth would make it six down and four to go miss fancy would it be part of what goes into a house part of the decor in anyway yeah is it uh would it be considered a piece of furniture know when its fault now seven down and three to go mister well is it visible when visitors come to call at the house yeah can be yes it can be and it's very small well no we're not now don't look worse now no girl we can say very small we said it's smaller than a bird back does it come in various shapes and colors yes it does more countries Methos outlier wants to be very generous because there are instances where this product may change in form and color and yet it is not our intention to in any way mislead you we will give you an affirmative reply to the question which you posed at the same time hope that you will not in weighing it in the balance with the other questioning oh I come to an incorrect solution I do I do faced with your filibuster well uh would this be found more likely than not on the first floor of a two floor house yeah it would you do you think you might find it in the kitchen yeah good mine would that be used in any way in the preparation of meals my big but am I correct in assuming that it would not be eaten yeah might it be put on the table when people know you know too bad is it ago Vince Gill gala mrs. alcot would you mind telling me how big or showing me how big you think a birdbath is you were thinking of a hummingbird everything.you behind a little Canaries baby your Winky one teacher that's a canary well then does this does this product have any moving parts no nine down and one to go mr. Allen would it be used to prepare a meal to prepare a meal no all right thank you nah I think the way you asked the question Steve it has something to do sometimes with cooking of a meal because the product is a brick and mrs. al Kyra is a brick layer Oh and I think to be a very interesting Jetson What's My Line thanks for joining us nice to see alright let's clean the kitchen do with another challenge it when you sign in please sir Leon see otis that right there where you from the story's coming out Philadelphia yes sir well you're practically a neighbor and you have some neighbors and friends here so your courage should be high high enough to walk over there and let the panel gets a closer look at you will you yes hello mr. Otis Hey all right mr. Otis over here now if you will next to me and at this point the panel gets its free guess as to what your line may be based on your appearance say a handshake they've had your voice etc and we'll begin the free guesses with Miss Kilgallen prizefight manager a prizefight manager mr. Allen I think maybe he's the fella that snake that came mutiny plug into the army McCarthy hearings I think mr. Otis makes elevators his descent I think he has something to do with the Ladies Home Journal no no soap will let our viewers have a further look at mr. Leone Co just at the same time the panel will have to dig and mr. Otis - you familiar with the scoring procedure I am fun mr. Otis is self-employed with that let's begin the general questioning with Steve Allen is there a product connected with your work sir and read yes is it the kind of thing that might be used by both sexes yes trouble already here all right could it be used or ever found inside the house yes but it also be found outside the house yes hmm outside the house is it perhaps more often found outside yes mm-hmm I would say this in its application you'll be more likely to find it outside oh here's by both sexes outside the house could this be worn yes in this kind of weather I could party in this kind of weather that warm was uh does this cover you let me put it this way when this is worn does it leave a rather large portion of the anatomy exposed like you find one of these things at the beach yes would I be correct in guessing that Dorothea and Arlene wouldn't look better in theirs than I do in mine the question is would either be correct in assuming that Dorothy and Arlene would do better in theirs and he were doing is that goes for everything John look look better I I think not well now lemon you mean look better I would say and I think mr. Otis might agree that Dorothy and Arlene would look better in theirs and you'd look in your this by chance something that a human being would not ordinarily wear at all or at least Dorothy and Arlene would not or yes Arbuthnot erson wish I'd shut up after the first question I got two answers uh just something a woman would never wear let me put it that way yes what a human being never wear it would you repeat that place no John would you have that read back please what a human being never wear one of these ordinarily a human thing would never wear what good uh and a large portion of the anatomy is exposed is it a four-legged animal left is correct with this thing yes hmm domestic yes animal that usually is found inside the house yes well I can't get rid of this no matter what happens 20 minutes at one program is it a feline no one doubt Amanda go miss Benson if there's a dog line yeah this is some sort of a parent for a dog that a dog would wear is that correct it is something that a dog would wear yes uh would it touch the dog's neck yes Oh would it touch any part of the dog's face yeah and I think it's very rude if you think Dorothy and I would look better is what I'm thinking because I must say miss Harley the presumption is that you look better to begin with okay well I'm thinking of a muzzle does it have anything to do with a muzzle yes that's what it is what mom what didn't authorities have to do with a muzzle he certainly doesn't try them on for size that I'm sure I think perhaps he makes muggles he's a manufacturer may I say that I operate the leather craft company I was hoping that my prize might be like for as well I want to give it to the boys work fond of the optimist club of West Philadelphia look how it grows and now we come to the special feature of our program the appearance of our mystery celebrity my friends in the panel have blindfolds for this particular operation are those blindfolds all in place panel yes Lord would you come out mystery Challenger and sign in please all right ventilation all in the instance of our mystery celebrity we get right down to the general questioning which we will begin with miss Arlene Francis uh by presume from the applause that you're part of the entertainment industry very high scale - are you in pictures have you made a picture recently pretty ah have you made many pictures you haven't made many oh yeah oh that's yes uh I don't know a man that could get up that high that's a yes and a descending fit uh may I get that you are a lady are you feminine are you feminine mm-hmm bhaiyyaji feminine uh have you made a picture that may be released soon something yes and with that yes I think we give you a no on that one that's one down and nine to go mister sir would you try and make a yeses and you know we sound a little bit different uh have you ever appeared on the Broadway stage that's the no that sounds different I understood dude out of eight the government's Kilgallen do you do anything besides act I mean do you sing or dance or play a musical instrument King have you ever made any records have you had a picture that was out recently if you haven't got one that's going to be out soon um might you be described as a glamour girl rather than a terribly serious actress uh-huh are you drew Nick that's three thousand seven to go mr. Alan I think I was heading the same direction you were there Dorothy well well there and you must be there a blonde or a redhead because the plant is out this year you know are you blonde or redhead are you a blonde blue eyes what are you doing after the show get in line boy forgive me let me see uh are you married hmm well that settles that to the show see now have you ever danced is your husband in show business lady in the audience said no I don't know about you we give you a yes on that day I see I gather my debt that he's connected with it but it's not a performer is that true boy have you ever worked in television that makes it fall down in sixth ago miss Frances I want to remember to Dorothy discover whether the our guest is a singer or a dancer did you sing she sing I'm so stressed your singing and your blond and she likes it that way we may be killing a career off here you don't get it pretty um are you very young are you very new in the theatrical world what give us a comparative ah well in the as new stage a theatrical world you know the even younger than Jeanne Crain I would say the shorter I think that what you're getting at we could answer this that you're in the proper area perhaps yes I'm in the proper area hmm very nice it is - uh I'm gonna have to pass - Bennett I really can't think of this fearing death this is it well have you ever made any pictures for MGM then I'll write down in five to go mrs. Kilgallon uh have you ever entertained the troops in any foreign encampment six Davenport ago mr. Allen have the troops ever entertained you and in the air here here dear um have you ever worked with Bob Hope I'm just gonna take a stab in the dark because it's getting darker all the time are you a Marilyn Maxwell vitami buddy more literally Oh Nami Frida Govan Frances Marilyn Maxwell um is your name alliterative watch your language I don't think whether our guest went to school and Matt's got anything to do with it no answer is yet mm for Marilyn Maxwell it is alliterative yeah have you appeared on radio ah is there a comedian that has the same last name you have what are you Darth day accountably through you panel was the answer to the question you ever been on television and Miss Doris said no because this is literally her first TV appearance and we're real pleased about I got something else rather Pleasant that I have the opportunity to do tonight I don't think he remembered miss Doris but must be about four years ago I stopped by a table in the restaurant here in New York and sat down for a little while just about the time you were going out to Hollywood it's a little Club yep now it was Lou in our mouths actually you were sitting down with another gala I came in sat with you for a little while I didn't expect you to remember though but I do remember then that you had climbed up in the top of your profession as a singer now you've gone out to Hollywood knock down pinnacles over but I've got something here that makes it crystal clear you're still way up on top of the pinnacles and the singing department because Columbia Records is presenting to Doris Day the one millionth recording of secret love this is the gold records it's guys really really it's a wonderful thing to have and I'd give it to you to carry off but I'm afraid you're not quite big enough a girl for this if you let me got it until the show's over I guarantee you deliver to your hands is that Alright fine and thanks that I'm certainly enjoyed your picture young at heart more than that we've enjoyed the honor of your first appearance on TV thanks for being our gift and for almost stumped on those characters over there John I haven't made younger Heidi I'm going to me tried to make young at heart with Frank Sinatra Oh wonderful did you don't eat a broken-down baritone do you we could use you well thank you man thanks for Johnny defense would you say goodbye to the panel on the way up and now until next week but with the preface mystery that it's wonderful to have you back home with us this is John to anything good night Dorothy thank you John's wonderful to be back good night Sookie Dorothy can I boys get in early oh boy okay good night Bennet good night John in that secret love next to you there buta and we make a wonderful couple yeah good night ladies and gentlemen and thanks for being with us on what my life this has been a mark Goodson bill Todman production association CBS television network cars they appeared to the courtesy of Warner you
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 325,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen, Steve Allen (Person), Doris Day (Author)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2013
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