Four Primarchs! Four Players! Team Chaos vs Team Imperium Warhammer 40k in 40m

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as a follow-on to Primark V Primark we present to you now Primark the Primark V Prime arc V Prime Arc that's right four-way battle with two Imperial primarks two chaos primarks a Smackdown for the ages this is 40k in 40 minutes four-way Primark battle greetings 40K fans your host JT here and boy howdy do we have a match for you mini War gaming Dave and Tanny the war mistress are in studio with mubin and Tycho to throw down in an epic four-way Primark battle I'm Tanya otherwise known as the warmestress and I'm here to play my second game ever of 10th edition Warhammer 40K hey everyone mubin back again I am actually bringing ultramarines today heading the Dark Angels Tanya the war mistress brings the lion asriel with some blade guard a chaplain with some blade guard and a brutalis Dreadnought to team up with robote golemen calgar and some victrix guard fire strike Servo turrets ballistus dread flame storm aggressors boy oh boy that's a heck of an Imperium list I'm not scared of anything however I do feel like if we don't get the charges off on our own terms that probably angron is going to be coming for us so this is my first time playing with the ballistus Dreadnought I've been on the receiving end now to see if he'll do as much damage to my opponents as he's done to me many working very good collaboration ever it's chaos teen chaos is headed by the child of chaos and Chaos incarnate mini War gaming Dave he's got angron Karn with some Berserkers more Berserkers a baller fiend this is super super exciting for me because I actually get to field him in a four-way battle and he is going to devastate there's this conversion by obsessive converter painted by Dr rhino look at this conversion I am Taiko the child of chaos I am so proud to be here with mini War gaming Dave playing chaos all the chaos Tycho has mortarion typhus and foxwalkers two fitted blow drones and a plague Birds crawler this is gonna be a battle for the ages we get the face off against two primarks and two chapter Masters asking me quite a bit but luckily we brought two primarks two chapter Masters ourselves having to go against Taiko and Dave today that's that's a lot of heresy on that side of the table and chaos and energy and Madness so I feel like Tycho plus Dave equals the most chaos that I've ever experienced at one time come along Sons if you dare towards schools well let's go today's mission is Purge the foe players will get four points for holding an objective four points for holding more than their opponents four points for killing a unit and a bonus four for killing more than their opponents special rules today as well command rerolls and new orders are gonna cost two command points so even though the players are sharing command points those really important roles are gonna cost more this episode is brought to you by our friends at deadly Prince Studios makers of all things battle effect related deadly print has everything you need to add that extra oomph to your army whether you want pre-printed or pre-supported stl's deadly print Studios has you covered in fact they've got specific Leviathan explosions and effects that you can add to your box set today make sure to check them out at the link in the description below now back to live action foreign I think we need to see who gets to deploy first I'll roll a die it's a half a corner I rolled a five that's more than enough for the first unit so we will take Defender and deploy first you want to play first sure typhus and the boys the two Servo turrets first and I think I'm gonna drop them right back Berserkers okay I'm gonna make a little wall for you here oh the ballistus I will meet the brother on the other side let's go pew pew calgar and his posse [Applause] you can have all the goodness he actually has to go back here because otherwise he doesn't get loan operative I'll hide behind from from laser camera yes laser cannons yes I've deployed my units in such a way that my heaviest hitter which is the lion is positioned centrally this means that he can bully multiple objectives just by being in the center of the table hi Hey Brother Hey I will collect more skulls than you oh probably but Philly it's time to see who goes first I really really really want to go second it forces Taiko and Dave to move out and just again walk into those firing lands I need you guys to go first let's go first curses good job what happened we go first yes yay okay dice I see how it is we get to go second this is good we are gonna go up to four command points we both generate one each and then we both have a chapter master that also gives us an additional command Point each as well we have two galliman chooses his oath of moment targets now he does have author of the Codex which means if one oath Target goes down they will benefit from oath on a second so he's chosen anger on and the molar Fiend The Lion gets to pick something as well oh the lion has chosen all secrets revealed so he's gonna mess with your stratagems the blessings of core start of every round world leaders need to roll Their Blessings of corn and Dave gets rage fueled invigoration he's gonna get plus two to move and wrathful the motion a six-up feel no pain that could come in clutch mortarion got any fancy stuff happening cover lots of cover miasma of pestilence dryer tactical missions all right secondary draw Imperium draw storm hustle objective and Behind Enemy Lines they're gonna redraw that one for two command points into assassination I think it's time for us to get in the movement phase okay I really don't want to move too aggressively up the middle now because I want to make sure that I can get counter charges in I'm still going to go after that objective on the flank though because I really feel like maybe by splitting the forces and taking some of the forces onto the flank we can still secure one half of the board plus the middle and then on to my movement Mode's moved up fairly centrally and even the fire strike server charts Shuffle forward they're going to provide some well needed OverWatch as guaranteed chaos is coming this entire Squad is just going to roll up into cover because they can okay I believe that is it for movement I think it's time to do some shooting opening up for Dallas into the Drone drone responds with cloud of flies for one command Point that's gonna give that drone stealth minus one to be hit enranged hitting on fours six but it's twinlaned so fours and then sixes and this is also twin night so one six that is minus one okay so two shots sitting on fours nothing I escaped unscathed for now for now Gilman himself he's just gonna take two pot shots down at those Berserkers staring across from him it's got 36 inch range on those things 30 inch range now you have to do something really fun he's dead take him away but you can move D6 inches towards him I will yeah you might as well I will go with the lift this Dreadnought next delicious now to the mother fiend and it's tanking like a boss that's fine catch the missile but you're not catching the laser bullets just is gonna shoot he's gonna try and take down that Muller feeding just stop it in his tracks before it even gets up the board again D6 plus one I feel like the blessings of corn Are Gonna Save Us here four of six field no pains my word so I think this guy what 10 moons left he should have felt pain Dave you should have felt pain the fire strike Servo turrets are both going to empty their guns into the England threes yep I am down to seven remaining I believe that's the end of our turn well that was a pretty quick and easy turn nothing in it no kills onto chaos turn one on to chaos turn one ah they pull deploy homers and engage in all fronts actions stopping at objectives who needs that I'm gonna start moving things [Applause] demon primarks closing in moven responds with fire strike turret OverWatch down to three command points but has managed three wounds take three you're down to 13 really all right now moving these Berserkers eight yeah I'm going to advance mother fiend moves I see lunch move move move advancing of the plague drone alrighty Khan is within six inches of the center of the battlefield so he's gonna deploy some homers I'm gonna shoot things oh I've heard of this so we're gonna do mortarion first all right I will go for the blade guard veterans in the middle there garage wind D6 plus three Pentagon twos a for a pinball I save one one damage each into the aggressors with the mortar and the entropy cannons are gonna fire at your Brew Talus so here comes the Slugger into the blade guard veterans standing on the objective over here oh the death guard are shooting real well those blade guard are getting boned the entropy cannons into Mr brutalis two wounds a minus three on your brutalis Dreadnought so fives oh yeah nine damage she's got three left so I'm gonna shoot at your aggressors yep that's total of seven hang on fours go play glass that is a total of two hits they're okay in my shooting phase I can select one enemy unit with an 18 inches invisible to my typhus I don't like them he rolls a five which means you suffer D6 mortal wounds do you hate it [Laughter] have nothing to stop that dude I don't think so Josh charge face I think he's too far away from things so you have to make a leadership test Berserkers are far too out of Engagement range and Karen does not like it swings his mighty ax around and down goes a model this I believe her nine inch charge God Here Comes Buzz Buzz saw he makes it they're gonna tank this and you'll be fine Agron charges hey growing charges let's do it all snake eyes look at this lunches here brother the blade guard choose Shield of the Imperium they're gonna reroll invulnerable saves of one re-rolling the head do we need it we don't need it smacking things six moons of minus four anger on Smacks that brutalis back into the warp I feel like Tycho and Dave are sort of picking on me a little bit on this flank they said both of their primarks up to deal with my Dreadnought my poor Dreadnought what the heck Rizal is Dreadnought killed skull collected so we are going to interrupt Imperium players responding with counter offensive for two command points Dental One remaining what a waste of two command points that was rough [Music] the hugs are coming here comes lots of hugs oh it's not very many hugs looking for four UPS re-rolling ones nope and then the chaplain is also got four UPS two of those apparently not they're down s in a row I can't I can't four up and fly ing that's good that happens to me all the time every battle round at the end of the battle round each player scores four victory points if one or more units were destroyed that battle round and an extra if more enemy units were slain so you actually get eight points from that our secondaries are pretty good uh hopefully we can actually think about them more in the second turn uh so that we can actually score more than just one of them but we did score by Karn doing an action how hilarious is that oh what a great start for team chaos 11 to nothing as we head into turn two what's the Imperium gonna do to respond we need this table at the start of this turn that inevitable wave of chaos is definitely headed to us all right start of our Command phase we're gonna get four command players bringing us up to five so we go five two blessing of corn yup what does corn want Total Carnage because we make it so we kill stuff even when we're killed gullman's using anger on and mortarion as oath targets and mubin has chosen to move into Devastator Doctrine that's going to let him advance and shoot as if all of his weapons were assault moving and I we have a plan we're gonna do Oath a moment on anger on to give my boys free re-rolls we think that we can take him down the lion chooses martial Exemplar any astartes within range of six of him are gonna get plus one a hit in melee uh mortarians go in cover again and around's gonna do his plus one ahead and we will score four points for primary because we are holding one objective but that is it it's the move-in phase it's a move-in phase it's a move-in phase the lion looks to be closing on Agron oh yes the lion comes ballistus advance so he's gonna just hop over to that side aggressor Squad and Friends they're going to advance you want to get three all right Dylan's gonna advance one a whole one all right on to shooting well I'm gonna start with the ballistas first oh targeting the Drone with the ballistics taikos fan is a command point on cloudflies again wounding on threes D6 damage and then the ballista's last Cannon threes both wound down goes the Drone anyway boom bolus just did exactly what I needed to do he Advanced he shot he took the objective away and he scored a storm hostile objective perfect I will avenge your brother offend you the three aggressors going for D6 plus one shot each into Karn and Friends and then you're also gonna take four shots from the gauntlets of Ultramar his other buddy dies two it's better than one feels very tally and because he can alright so he is in rapid fire range he's just gonna take four shots into angron clink off a few wounds here maybe ap2 two damage each still put him out of three so he's okay all right so I'm gonna shoot you the lion is gonna go oh so two invulnerable says okay one one goes through three damage down to ten two damage down to eleven so Ezreal into angron two's re-rolling all hit come on sixes two more little wins I believe that's it for shooting I believe it's time for some charges that's my face this is my face so let's see what happens with the roll here we go so for our re-roll I think I should get the lion in perfect what is it corn ones the lion and friends are in so my boy makes it in we're gonna have the slap fight because ingrown needs to go he's too dangerous to just leave on this table and the lion wants the glory of taking him out team chaos spends two command points here to heroically intervene the Muller fiend goes after the ballistis the blade guards are going to pick Shields of the Imperium again so twos oh I really wasn't prepared for just how much output the lion has oh anger on goes down but fights on death on a four up but Total Carnage we can attack back is there Total Carnage looking for threes team Imperium down to three command points with a command re-roll and the lion lives it saves his life but he's only got three wounds remaining oh the lion just took out Agron I think we need a word about that yeah I'm so happy you're a dick you know what it wasn't on to be taken down by the lion yes we came for Food Lion meat but the lion ate tonight do you know what this also means now that angron's dead yeah oath of moment is now on mortarion but would the Waller fiend like to try and do something to the little ballistus I love the way you phrase that if I say yes I agree to him trying and that is a weak way of looking at it as it is five of them he has 12 wounds I believe that means the only other fighting that's left is the ballistis kicking you in The Shins looking for threes fives only strength seven no damage end of our ternary but you know what that means Tanya but that we scored assassination what a slap back from Team Imperium all their secondaries primaries and killmores they're up to 18 to 11 as we head into Chaos's turn two chaos turn two command points [Music] whoops Behind Enemy Lines come over here hold on a second I'm gonna spend a command Point Karn is moving into flamer range the flame storm aggressors OverWatch team Imperium overwatching again for a command Point Karn may be in trouble here he's down to two wounds what's with the OverWatch and the moving up of the places we're just responding to the invitation to meet you halfway in the middle is this how you treat your guests at play on [Music] circus popping shots and they kill a couple of aggressors yup it's always a bolt pistol that kills that dude are we gonna superchargeable the Plasma Pistol go for it right there that's a hit oh yeah there we go that's a minus whatever oh does it get explode so close so the one in the lead has one wound left and now rolling for the bull pistols there you go two wounds two wounds three UPS I believe yeah I get some shootings now as far as I understand Lionel is a loan operative right now but he's within a foot so I can shoot him all right two hits go go go so three up involved their command re-rolling for two command points they're down to two but he's still dead he killed him in shooting can you believe it he didn't even have the the strength of will to come in and get him in the fight phase what a coward uh mortal wounds I believe one haha you killed the wounded one I will fire the engine fire strike turrets both lists three hopes yes I'm looking for a tall uh I only feel one four wounds left I think it's now it's time for you oh finally they go there they go there already there yes yes card first ten we collect skulls charge phase here come the circus oh corn monster corn wants it he's in this is the best place I want typhus to give it a go tyvis and friends are gonna re-roll their charge they're out of command points now they're in this is the fastest box Walker in the universe you [Music] okay just kill him in zerkers into galliman I don't know why Davis doing this Dave why are you charging Berserkers into dilemen of all people why him he's going to murder you Mr mower drone mortarion in the Drone are in oh this could be a big turn the blade guard veterans are going to still try to re-roll their saves of one who fights first card eight attacks but plus one because of charging one looking for threes they all take two that's not bad now there is an eviscerator four attacks that's uh that many oh wow the Berserkers failed to do any appreciable damage to the aggressors team Imperium spending their last command points interrupt with Azrael the blade guard and the Box Walkers are paced just typhus left she does it Tanya wipes the pox Walkers so good that's another kill for us for that primary Mission Trading Spaces this one's mine threes that's actually not bad ap2 three damage a piece first one is gonna go into the aggressor that's left five nope he's dead death and then first victrix card looking for Force yes he's okay he's all right he's okay all right he's okay he's okay he's okay what just happened what was that very sad he missed once blade guard are doing some tanking of their own did the Lion's death spur the Imperium rolls here because luck seems to have changed apparently the emperor protects but only after he kills the favored son three moons through I kill one blade guard sure I'll play with surface why not he gets five attacks too Pentagon twos okay so fours first one so I've taken two wounds on him okay next one he's gone okay and then so he's down to five so they charge in there's five people so I'm gonna be hitting you on threes prisoner could chain blades three is the wound oh oh no one's dead so that's gonna be one and the other one is down to two wounds I'm gonna go with calgar first bodyguard's gonna go into the Berserkers that just fought us all right so we'll make a save and then that is a fail and it's just a dead Berserker one dead bazooka no more bodyguard for Karn that's all right didn't need it didn't even notice it was there in the first place to be honest right accidentally killed a dude used his head for an objective it's all good and then the twin linked gauntlets of Ultramar into Karn oh wow Martius calgar has punched out Karn it kind of reminds me of like the Hulkbuster a little bit you know smaller themes six attacks with the fist hitting on threes the Muller feed smacks down the ballistics but it's still up so he'll go down to Five Wounds left okay Lasher tendrils freeze to hits that's so slightly better here we go with the fives and getting one getting one three and that's a fail because it just works that way it just works that way now you're down too one damage down to four he is actually bracketed just for that he's gonna kick you in the Shins do you promise whoa whoa Gilman comes in sweeps that Emperor's sword and just takes all their heads in one clean sweep that's five for his kill tally and you know what because he can and he's in range and it's perfect he can actually Pile in and base this unit of Berserkers that is all the combat that was a bloody turn that was a bloodbath of Epic Proportions I approve so the end of your turn yes eight points we're gonna actually score an additional four points right because we killed more than you wowie wow what a tight game we have 22-19 in favor of Team Imperium as we head into team imperium's turn three this is a Slaughter corn loves it and remember folks you can't spell slaughter without laughter turn three the turning point of most Warhammer games this is going to take a lot of work if we move the right pieces in the right places we have a chance and we can pull ahead and secure our victory for the Imperium start of the round I believe you have some blessing roles to make sir new turn new blessings sustained and lethal hits nice oh the moment again Muller fiend and mortarion getting picked out this time and moving heads to the Tactical Doctrine he'll be able to fall back and still shoot and charge back in we need secondaries but bring it down and deploy teleport homer so we need to go to the middle and do an action and then we also need to get someone into the middle and stay there so they can put down a beacon probably going to be asriel because he's like I need more Dark Angels We Will score four for holding one we do not hold more movement phase you want to move your One Singular model first I do Tanya spreading a command point on intractable that's going to let that unit fall back and be normal they're down to three left I spend my command point and I fall asriel back so that he can get in range to make the charge into the Berserkers so hopefully that's going to clear them out that's going to get us an objective and set us up so that we can hopefully do a secondary in the next term the Imperium falls back do they well you know what that's a site where we get popcorn because corn watched that for my moves I'm going to actually fall back with the full assist because I'm in the Tactical Doctrine corn actually doesn't want that he would prefer that they don't fall back and they meet in glorious melee to get around and get away more than six inches away from you so if you decide to go boom you don't hurt me cow Garden friends he's just gonna go there so he's six inches away are you leaving combat I am dude they're ultramarines we're ultramarines we're gonna leave combat shoot you and then charge you yeah we're tactical that's friendly those are not friendlies okay I do believe that is all the movements I wanted to make time to shoot things but let's just fires the Muller fiend I believe you're right uh hit with one or wound with one so far only one we're gonna 2cp that to keep them alive just to make all that effort in vain team chaos spending command points at a reroll and it saves while the fiend's still up oh Dave's spending the 2cp to try and save the smaller Fiend I just need it to go down Dave and then the two shots from the last Cannon yes wounding on fives uh threes okay because there we go six plus one five still alive down to the three end of dominion into typhus it just works looking for fours uh looks like I'm standing around in the middle of nowhere looking for food look staring you down oh galliman strips typhus down to two wounds Servo turrets with their six shots into typhus looking for twos hits with everything good job turrets rerolling tonight hey all six AP one three damage each come on three oh look there's awesome failures Titus goes they finish him the roadblock is clear to martarian I I certainly don't have any more shooting I'm pretty much done too so that means it's time to charge charge calgar starting off the party into the smaller fiend he ain't scared wait oh that's a good nine calgar charges the baller fiend and everybody comes along with him killerman into mortarion yes yes let's see it I believe a six yeah use your other hand as we're all into friends hell yeah six will do it Go Azrael nobody shot didn't he did you want to go with the Azrael first yeah because he's probably the least likely to survive right yeah oh asriel drops the Berserkers he really just doesn't like the cut of those berserker's jibs and just wipes them all off the table as real he's got a cool name he's got that going for him so he's allowed to slaughter Berserkers it's permissible Matthew of course I'm happy about it don't and you know what you can do now you can actually consolidate into that objective into the building itself completely because now it's time for me to do all my stabby things we are going to start with calgar starting with the victrix card I get to re-roll all hits and all wounds because he's still owe the moment toughness ten yes that is correct sixes rerolling sixes all the moment you'll get two I got one oh you're okay you're okay and then the six from calgar himself the fist of ultimar looking for twos then fives re-rolling thank you you killed two of them thank you explode this one's for you Nick that didn't happen the way I would follow the Envision so close calgar Pops that molar fiend calgar punches out the Muller feed go Fists the epic boss fight and because he's now the oath of moment Target galliman and Morty we've seen this fight before what happens this time like you got to admit okay when you see the two brothers clashing it is pretty epic this is what you want in battles like this is primarks the world shakes the hand of dominion right how many attacks do you get with your fist seven that's ridiculous that's the number of nurgles they are lethal hits two hits yeah there's a couple ones in there and a lethal hit and then now for the threes re-rolling let's re-rolls now to 11 with puts me down to 11 wounds remaining yeah that's it alrighty fighting back I'll just try and hack you down with the big ones here we go kill the girl away he's okay oh turn three summary and we're looking at 30 to 19 in favor of Team Imperium sorry three command points we have five oh and you guys would have scored four points for primary at the beginning of the turn because you held but you did not hold more knock us down the command point I'm gonna fire OverWatch cool Imperium OverWatch is now as the team chaos moves up they're down to four command points that OverWatch has really come in handy with those fire strikes turbo turrets it didn't move that I think this is happening so it's time I mean this is quite appropriate no he takes damage three all right down to five you want to shoot the same person yes okay this is us interacting with each other still yeah all right so we should eat everything that's miss one more that's a hit Ah that's actually automatically okay so my four update yay nope I should let you roll these six plus one that's five he didn't make your saves I got no more models left moving you're carrying us on your shoulders but I faith in you you have Gilman still you've got this uh chargings drone Into the Fire strike several turrets because blessings of corn roll I know three UPS one turret goes down one lives one of the servo turrets lives yep so you do steal that away and I can go clock it's mine yup clunk now Gilman will fight of course you will yep I'm gonna go for the sweep attack okay mortarion using disgusting resilience here to make him minus one incoming damage such a smart play by Tycho spending those two command points on disgustingly resilient it frustrates me but at the same time well played sir well played uh looking for fives though like the corn he doesn't even know it two saves to make okay and then six devastating moves it's the emperor's sword seven ignores to make but still gullumin takes him down to Five Wounds remaining gonna be the the big four big Whopper converter you're supposed to make me proud yeah that's gonna be four wheels four open voltage I need one still got 12 damage right now if you re-rolled one it's still dead but you know what happens on a three up I stand back up anyways on a three up just kill him and stand back up he does I got the three up Gilman stands back up he's still in this fight but I do believe that ends your turn what a turn and turn three 34-23 in favor of Imperium but chaos is in tight here let's see if Agron comes back yes yes let's come on down well as far as Shenanigans are concerned in the command phase yes we do need a card first in your shooting phase you can select one or more units from your army that are not battle shocked and eligible to shoot till the end of your turn the units you selected are not eligible to shoot or declare a charge at the end of your turn each objective marker that is not within your deployment Zone that you control that has one or more of these selected units within range is cleansed by your army we're gonna get calgar to just sit there because the blow system has other things he needs to do and for oath of moment I'm going to use the author of the Codex again I'm going to start with the first Target being the Drone secondary Target being mortarion malicious fails as battle shock they've got to spend insane Brewery on it because they need to hold that objective because they need the points it's too close to give him up uh and we will only score four victory points for primary because we are holding that we're gonna go into the movement phase on and calgar is going to be doing the action so he doesn't have to do anything and golden is actually more than happy where he's standing right now and then shooting do you want to shoot something no I'm gonna start with the servo turret it's three shots firestrike Servo targets firing now Tyga responds with cloud of flies again seems to be a favorite and I gotta admit giving a unit stealth is kind of a nice bonus three saves ep 1 into the Drone I take one and then the bullies just start with the crack missile first it's once hits twice winning on threes because you're a T9 oath of moment for one down to three for this okay don't even have to re-roll there four damage yeah boom are you happy Nick this is what you wanted Golem is just gonna unload the hand of dominion into mortarium unload the hand gallman shoots Morty right in the face a little bit of pain into church space I only have one charge to make good lemon go choosing to OverWatch the plague burst crawler interesting choice gotta slow him down somehow he's okay well I can run all the way around so I'm just gonna do the car of the Imperium thing and stab you in the back just gonna finish him we're going with the fist no uh and then winning on threes because strength 14. he only has to save 17 of these 17 partner oh the Fist Punch Morty down good he gone mortarion's down the objective is mine yes well Terry and why and then consolidate because he can actually tag and get there yay so you know what Dave it's not all up to you now it's all up to me now yeah you got to finish him with so this is the end of our turn so we are going to score cleanse so we get three victory points for cleansing that objective for team Imperium 41-23 lead as we head into Chaos's turn over to you guys we're gonna go up to God nine command points so you've got two yes but not more but not more if you don't kill me in shooting you always just charge me I'm gonna go right there yeah and then you can just charge me shoot away because that's all you have to do now cannons yup sounds more right okay you got to catch him with your hand in a minute one uh that would be a one that's gonna be a re-roll on one of them so you're gonna spend two command points three roll got it that's two hits yay two moves two wounds four open balls so I'm gonna spend two command points here don't yeah you have also moment the whole game don't you dare hey only one all right you could still potentially kill five or six he's still there only three more in the order okay that's logger in the mortar Slugger wounding okay this is D6 plus three for the mortar oh all right amount of hits so I got three UPS here one goes through that was damaged it's two damage you're down to one wound you know what this means do you know why this happened Dave she can charge himself do it the corn wave glorious combat [Applause] yeah okay George double one that actually might still make it all right Dave enough double ones you get six dice you need to roll one damn five don't roll anything would you kindly roll none okay would you kindly roll none damn it moving I'm Gonna Roll one damn five okay You're Gonna Roll none nine none [Applause] oh wow tank shot gallimans run over he squished it with a tank and wouldn't you know it corn wanted it he actually died from the charging that's the best thing ever to take shock that's not actually the best thing ever moving you ran him over ran him over Gilman just got run over by a plague burst crawler so that happened however that ends your turn because there's no more compact to be had 45-31 at the end of turn four as we go into turn five and here comes World eater Yahtzee time start of shot around five blessings of corn I know you want to if Dave rolls triple sixes for these blessings we're in trouble you know it was looking really really good for us but you know I think that there is a way that they can pull this off yeah so pretty you want to come home again yes I do sorry about the show that's really not what I thought anger on sound like but apparently so I want to come back see one there's three the no look the no look triple six oh wow corn is watching angron is happy I don't know what's going on this is nuts do they still have a mathematical chance here he goes into reserves immediately so you're gonna spend these three immediately if I'm not mistaken yes so bring it back definitely Marshall X so sustained hits yeah and bringing envelope and run back angry rotten is coming back so if I'm not mistaken he goes into your reserves he's reserving over here he's in reserves he's in reserves angron is going to be the moment Target how can he be it's not on the table doesn't matter he's part of your army calgar is gonna move and run towards the center of objective need a six go kalgar rerolls his Advance that's not enough to get to the center it's just easy that way well the only shooting I've got is this little boy here and he's just gonna take his three shots into the flicker scholar firestrike turret wounds that plague versus crawler that was quick but that's all they got no kills no joy does angry Ron make the difference this this could be big sitting at 45 23 as we head into turn five for chaos secondaries they've pulled bring it down and they've pulled storm hostile objective okay this this could work if they kill the Dreadnought and the fire strike turret they'll actually score six on bring it down that will also give them a kill and a kill more which is going to give them eight and it'll give them a hold and hold more that's going to give them another eight combine that with five for storm hostile objective that takes their 23 points to 50 points and they would win the game by five but they have to kill that fire strike turret and anger on has to get in you're basically gonna have to kill him and then hop onto there yeah okay so I'll do that right end of movement phase because I chose this for a reason ballistus is going to OverWatch into good old angron four command point so looking for sixes rerolling with the pistol launcher nope nope okay missile launcher does nothing okay the last cannon that is the Canon I got one yes I got two threes two saves involve four UPS go in both saves make one make one fail one D6 plus one for two okay setups nope feels well that is three damage you step yeah he does not he just disappears so now they're gonna hold more at the end of the game they've set up the potential hold more but it's gonna come down to anger on getting in the charging fees you have two command points to reroll this charge if he fails I just need to fail I just need him to fail this charge just just fail to charge Dave is that what you want to have yes I want him to trip and fall on his face he's tripped and fall on his face that's why you have the two command points this is it if angron reaches he should be able to pick up the malicious and this will win team chaos the game no oh no he failed to reach oh man oh man what a nail biter and grow must be real tired from just like floating around in the warp while he's waiting to re-materialize because he failed that charge not once but twice with the re-roll it was a good game it was a worthy effort congratulations everyone had me terrified came back I was just like oh no it's over they're still gonna score three points on their secondary they're still gonna score eight points on their primary they're gonna make it respectable but we're gonna end the game 55-44 in favor of Team Imperium okay this is perfect it's perfect and the reason why is because it's so indicative of engron never getting his due get the short end of the stick every time that was an absolute nail biter and yes Dave kind of typical of angron he never does seem to get his dude doesn't he maybe that's why he's so angry maybe he just needs hugs want to thank all four of our players Tycho Dave Tanya and mubin you guys did a fantastic job and we love watching the four of you throw down and smack primarks at each other also want to take this opportunity to thank you for watching if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and of course access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around thanks again to our friends at deadly Prince Studios for sponsoring this episode whether it's pre-printed or pre-supported stls you need deadly Prince Studios has you covered if you check them out at the link below you can find the Leviathan specific effects that we use in this battle and recreate this battle at home that's it for us folks on behalf of everybody here in the play on Studios this is your host JT saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on oh well first person of two sets of these I'll be honest the models we had left on the table were not the models I expected to be alive it's so much fun coming to play it play on tabletop and it got to stand across the table from my friends Taiko and Dave but it was such a blast to actually finally get to the table to play with move-in but I hope next time I get to play against to move in and fighting with the child of chaos well that's an easy guess we could not pull this one out the Imperium one excellent play by both mubin and Tanya me and Dave will have to get back together and figure it out for the next go we figure it out to the next go yeah laughs
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 329,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: BfEBeGUGyho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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