How did the Imperium React to Guilliman's Resurrection? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal you're probably thinking one of two things right now either gee whiz made you kill what a super awesome interesting video idea also your hair looks great today and I'd love for you to ravage me or major kill your demented drongo didn't you already make this video a while ago kind of I made a video that was the broad Strokes of how the Galaxy reacted to gilyman's Resurrection and while I did glaze over the imperium's response I missed out on some of the most interesting reactions many of which were actually negative not everyone was happy that the Lord of Ultramar was here to save the day there were purges conflicts and even mini Civil Wars the ecclesiakian gillymen also have this weird relationship with G-Man despising them but realizing their value whilst the ecclesiaki tries to gargle his prime balls the point I'm making is that they were very nuanced interesting and unexpected reactions within the various Imperial factions that deserve a deeper look after all gilliman's Resurrection has been the girthiest piece of law we've gotten in years and it's worth playing around with but before we get started there are about 50 major kill merch hoodies left of both colors and I really want to move on from these and start planning something new and awesome so if you buy a magical hoodie you'll get not one but two T-shirts free t-shirts come in the same size as the hoodie and are of different colors after this week the remaining hoodies and t-shirts are getting binned so I thought why not just give you guys some delicious value get the hoodies in the hands of more people and prevent some rubbish from ending up in the landfill in terms of pure quality it just doesn't get much better the hoodies are soft warm and durable I've run this through the washer and dryer many times it hasn't shrunk or lost its you know hoodiness nor have the designs or anything faded at all I also specifically requested these types of t-shirts that were a great cut meaning if you work out and wear one it's noticeable however if you don't then it's not basically by making it hug around the chest and then baggy around the stomach you'll look good no matter what your physique is actually like Link in description let's get these boys to a good home today we'll go deep into the lore of each Imperial sub-faction's reaction to giliman's Resurrection ranging from unhappy space Marines to the custodies that considered murdering giliman all the way to the Imperial Navy we have some harsh opinions of their own ah let's get into it despite a bit of controversy that we'll dive into today the overall reaction to giliman's return was overwhelmingly positive he was the son of the imperium's god returned to them at the hour of need it literally was the most jesus-esque Messiah [ __ ] ever that did nothing but confirm and Elevate their beliefs the ultramarines were ecstatic and instantly more or less reformed their Legion under his Banner without question helping giliman to reach Terror Imperial forces on terror were more than friendly to G-Man with the sisters of Silence helping him to defeat Magnus and then the custodian guard fighting alongside him at the Lion's gate during a very random cornite invasion of Terror all in all a very good first impression that went a long way to affirming Gillian's return as a genuine Boon for the Loyalists and not just some cheeky schemey [ __ ] by tits niche in saying that though the custodies did not trust gilliman the primarks had ruined their Lord's dream and doomed mankind to a slow Decay but they also really didn't give a [ __ ] they were literally like boohoo Mr mathematics has returned with these big space book The custodies know the truth of the Imperium what occurred during the Horus heresy and what the primarks were like they honestly just didn't really give much of a [ __ ] they were happy for gillymen to take leadership of the Imperium as that still didn't give him Authority or command over the custodian guard it was only when giliman met with his father and then the emperor gave the custodians the order to help giliman via his emissaries which are special custodians who can speak to the emperor in their dreams did they step up to the plate and actually begin working with him at this point they were well and truly team G-Man with a number of them even actually been inspired by him and admiring him they never totally trusted him though many of the custodies with him theorized how many of them it would take to kill him and they had numerous contingencies in case the Lord of Ultramar went rogue the sisters of Silence were in a similar boat to the custodies although a lot less expressive I'll tie the reaction of the sisters of battle to that of the ecclesiarchy the sisters of battle haven't had much screen time with G-Man however their panties have been destroyed by the female ejaculate equivalent of Niagara Falls they are hyper-religious so seeing giliman return his life like the [ __ ] best I mean the sisters literally [ __ ] the bed whenever they see a custodian guard so imagine how they feel about gillymen not to mention he was resurrected with the help of Saint Celestine and fought alongside her in his opening years as she is the sister of all sisters kiliman had all the endorsements he ever needed however the ecclesiaki Wasn't So Clean Cut see the sisters of battle had a purpose they killed bad guys with extreme prejudice and Effectiveness the ecclesiaki killed innocent people and fiddled the Kittle's diddles gilliman was enraged they even existed as it was the complete opposite of what his father wanted and his initial reaction was the desire to tear it all down however he stopped when he realized how destructive that would be and how Faith was one of the only things keeping the Imperium together he had a priest a representative of the ecclesiaki accompanying him who wanted to suck his Ultra [ __ ] the priest would occasionally say [ __ ] that would piss kill him in off G-Man would get angry and I [ __ ] you not the priest got religiously turned on by the thought of him getting killed by giliman after G-Man had assess the situation and dispose of a few bad actors within the upper echelon of the ecclesiaki he concluded that whilst this wasn't ideal the faith of the ecclesiarchy and its influence could be a powerful tool for good so he basically said what he needed to say to get them on side often debating with a few of the priests but overall indulging their religious fantasies I mean giliman himself has started questioning if the emperor is a god since the cow's gods are clearly real overall it's very interesting watching such a practical dude deal with [ __ ] such as faith and religion gilliman's experience with the highlights of Terror however didn't go as cleanly when he returned he more or less instantly took control of the Imperium ordering a planet-wide purge of hidden xenos mutants cows Cults and many many corrupt officials Millions were killed within weeks he also heavily curved the power of the high Lords as a loyalty test most of them passed however a few were forced to retire or felt as if they lost too much power hence they attempted a coup that involved custodian guards fighting Minotaur Space Marines before the coup was crushed and its members killed the head of the Navigator houses once one of the most powerful people in the Galaxy tried to extort giliman and get more wealth to allow G-Man to use his Navigators gilliman responded by having him flogged and dragged through the streets needless to say Gilman got his Navigators without paying a single dollar over what they had agreed on either through diplomacy execution or humiliation Gmail was able to get each and every High Lord on side in record time making them very focused and competent while he went off to pursue his legendarian Dominus Crusade speaking of the indominus Crusade how about the Imperial Navy how did they react well whilst they also fell in line a lot of them weren't super stoked the Navy isn't the most religious organization it's full of proud practical men and women who think very highly of themselves and who honor tradition so giliman returning wasn't this holy [ __ ] goddess back type of vibe G-Man is a micromanager that doesn't give a [ __ ] about people's Traditions or Pride to him worships are pieces on a chessboard their value is what they can do for him and the Imperium he will always choose the best ship to lead in the most optimal engagements he doesn't give a [ __ ] if one ship has more honors or a better pedigree the Navy on the other hand does there was a battle group commander who after railing a bunch of space Coke went on a massive rant about gillymen and how the primarks institutions didn't rename her battle group correctly after they had merged with one another she was very unhappy about it upset that her glorious Battleship wasn't the new name of her merch battle group due to technicalities giliman also felt a similar way about the Imperial Navy hating their desire for Glory and Honor which they seem to put ahead of actually decent battle strategies whenever he senses one of them putting Pride ahead of practicality he immediately removes them from command in one such engagement he even gave command to the mechanicus fleet accompanying them because they had the best plan to deal with an enemy stronghold for context giliman has never really given a [ __ ] about battlefleet honor preferring to use a swarm of smaller ships to give the enemy a death by a thousand carts as well as provide himself with a lot of tactical options rather than having these [ __ ] off massive warships that just bum each other's tits off until the one with the thickest Shields and bigger guns wins and he was right he was able to take out the word bearer's Flagship and also nearly claimed the world eat his Flagship in one engagement using a ragtag makeshift Fleet of smaller ships overall though despite their grievances no Imperial ship Commander is disobeying giliman or turning to chaos purely because he's got a bit of an overbearing boss that doesn't care about tradition it's more so you know just Petty ranting I know I know you want to know how the Space Marines reacted well 95 of it was similar to the ultramarines [ __ ] yeah a loyalist Primark is back let's get this bread however the five percent were very very interesting and kind of embarrassing as mentioned the minotaurs helped a few of the ex-high Lords with their coup attempt against giliman and were only called off at the last minute this wasn't really them reacting as much as it was them being completely loyal to specific individuals the blood angels were saved by Gilman's arrival during the devastation of Bal hence they were honored to see him and gratefully took the primary reinforcement he offered well you know other than Gabriel Seth he wasn't too happy about it the Imperial fists were also happy being one of the first chapters to greet giliman due to their role as the praetorians of Terror the Dark Angels acted like [ __ ] morons which was disappointing as they are one of my favorite chapters basically they thought gillymen was coming to them in person because he found out about the Fallen they were like [ __ ] he's gonna murder our asses maybe we should block his ship and kill him then try cover it up yeah they literally thought that fortunately that moment of retardation passed and they spoke with G-Man and are now firmly on his side when they realize he just wanted to give them fancy new Space Marine Warriors the meeting with the black Templars was spicy helbrecht is a staunch honorable man who doesn't get talked down to ever he debated and even beefed with giliman G-Man wanted him to help the wider Imperium hellbrecht wanted to keep chasing gazcal eventually G-Man convinced him to abandon his selfish crusade in favor of helping the Imperium but it was probably the most grief G-Man had gotten so far to make matters worse a sub-faction within the black Templars rejected their primary reinforcements and started killing them creating a mini Civil War the custodies themselves had to get involved in just goes to show that weaponized autism is a double-edged blade we haven't seen many of the other original chapters reactions to giliman however since pretty much everyone has taken up the primarus and happily uses them it's safe to say that their reactions have been very positive across the board the inquisition's reaction to giliman is a hard one to pinpoint as there are so many conflicting sub-factions within it some would be stoked some would be cautious some are probably plotting his assassination some are probably plotting to stop the plots of his assassination we haven't had much in the way of in-law examples however the high Lord representative of the Inquisition is on g-man's side for now so we can assume most of them are as well the mechanicus is also pretty pro-g-man and reacted positively after all belsarius core was instrumental in giliman's Resurrection and he is one of the mechanicus's top dogs it is an all sunshine and rainbows though many of the cult mechanicus are scared of invention and Innovation something that gillymen has now authorized and encouraged whilst others like Cole love that [ __ ] and have been very happy with the New Order either way giliman is a much more effective and efficient leader of the Imperium two things that get attack priest cogs all nice and oily while the initial reactions were a bit all over the place everyone has fallen in line one way or another this is why the indominus Crusade was so successful and the Imperium United and Purge of corruption pulling its resources into a common goal is an Imperium that's going to be pretty hard to stop just goes to show that mankind has always been capable of winning 40K they just had to get out of their own way if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the hoodie buy one get two T-shirts freeze a pretty moist deal hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more reactful content join the description memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 427,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 84mL_vkGd8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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