Lion El’ Jonson vs Roboute Guilliman - BEST Primarch to Lead Imperium?

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in the Warhammer 40 000 Universe we now have two prominent leaders Lionel Johnson and Roberti galliman but which one would be better in charge Lionel Johnson is known for his tactical genius Charisma and combat skills making him a great choice for leadership in times of War however his secretive nature and history of conflict with other leaders can make it difficult to build trust and alliances on the other hand robuti Gilman is an exceptionable organizer and Diplomat with a strong sense of justice as the Lord Commander he has experience leading the Imperium however his dogmatic approach and focus on order May create tensions and hinder adaptability the best choice for leadership depends on the situation if you need a charismatic leader and master tactician Lionel Johnson is your guy but for organizing Empires and navigating Politics the booty gullible is a better fit in the end the ideal leader will excel at striking a balance between his strengths to overcome any challenge but who would you put in charge
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 103,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qfBw_wFzpJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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