What Weird Thing Did You Catch Someone Doing That They Thought Was Normal?

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what strange thing did you find out about someone else that they thought was perfectly normal my husband had no idea he was lactose-intolerant he thought everyone had diarrhea every day he's 26 and found out last year how'd he find out his mom told him she's known his whole life my sister said to me once hey what dream did you choose last night I was so confused but she explained that every night she goes into a dream room and picks what she wants to dream about I got super jealous that would be the best you can do some exercises that are supposed to help you have more control over your dreams but it's never worked for me my boyfriend of almost 8 years thought lines were boys and tigers were girl lines kind of like bulls and cows my friend can't recognize faces I only figured it out for sure when he almost got into a stranger's truck because he thought it was me because she had red hair I've known him for like six years he seemed surprised when I said that wasn't normal face blindness this one is about me in my early 20s I started having a lot of pain in my upper left jaw my dentist said there was nothing wrong with my teeth and that I should go see a sinus specialist again to the oral ear nose and throat doctor and they comment on how stuffed up I must be I'm slightly baffled and say that I'm actually breathing much easier that devan usual and that was the day I found out that most people can breathe through their noses most of the time and not just on special occasions turns out I'm allergic to dust mites ooh no how have you not had anaphylaxis and died way and had been experiencing an allergy attack for 23 straight years the doctor's visit legitimately changed my life I no longer had to choose between breathing and eating my best friend recently told me that when he was little he thought the only way to clean his butthole was to jam the soap as far up as he could get it finally figure he was probably doing it wrong when he heard his mother scream at his dad Seth the soap smells like crap did you shove IT up your butt or something I still tease him about that to this day I had a sleepover with a friend in middle school one weekend I went to shower and she gave me a towel it had a weird smell to it but I couldn't find any other towels inside the bathroom so I used it by patting myself barely and just air drying turns out her whole family shares a towel to prevent having to use new ones every time I told her how weird that was and she was shocked to find out that my family has their own towels to use but we put them in the wash every two or so uses I didn't sleep over there again in college a bunch of friends and I was sitting around talking about things we did as a kid one of the guys and the group said didn't you hate when you got a cold and your mom would give you an enema he soon found out that he was the only one what senior year study hall I'm sitting with a dude I knew I don't remember the context but we were talking about growing up and he says he was around that time when milk started coming out of my nipples and I'm like what and he's like you know when milk starts to come out and I'm like dude that's not normal the face he made when he realized the reality of the situation was memorable he goes that that didn't happen to you and I'm like number than he asks the rest of the guys in study hall did any of y'all have milk come out your nips during puberty they said no honestly if I squeezed my nipples hard enough in my teenage years something resembling milk would exude out I remember when I did this my friends were all like WTF and then it became a joke I couldn't do it all the time and would have to wait a couple of days for it to recharge I am 23 now but I'm going to go home soon and see if I can still do it in grade five our teacher was running a discussion about words and why it's important to choose the right words to express yourself during writing assignments he asked what some of our favorite least favorite words and why so we could expand our vocabularies we're all taking turns until it gets to be my friend pages turn she gives her favorite word and explains it's a favorite because of how sweet it is we all just assumed she meant how nice it was she then gives her least favorite word explaining she hates how sour it is at this point the class is looking at each other going she just said sour right turns out she has a type of synesthesia which is a rare condition that causes a person to taste certain tastes when speaking or even thinking certain words she had lived her whole life thinking it was completely normal to taste words because it's such a unique and strange thing that nobody would ever talk about it being a condition she had tests done later that year and there were actual chemical changes in her brain and saliva when setting words were said pretty fascinating for people who are curious as to what her favorite least favorite words were I contacted her to ask she believes her favorite word at the time was cradle as she found still finds it very sweet her least favorite word was definitely harmonica as it is so sour she can feel her tongue cramping in the back of her mouth since then she's discovered her love of the word chakras which is the cover she said it's a rich chocolatey vanilla almost like a Linda chocolate she didn't realize until she tried wine in high school that she was tasting wine every time she said Guinea but only when she's referring to the animal and she said her least favorite word is definitely still harmonica but funnily she also never liked her own name as she would compare the taste to care or some other dry bitter lettuce I had to explain to one of my friends in high school and not everyone's whole family has physical relations with them this girl was 17 and was freaking both her brothers in their 20s her dad her uncle and her grandfather I told the school counselor and she was taken out of that house and basically her entire family was arrested for either freaking a minor debauchery child abuse and a whole heap of other charges she just thought that's what families do this is one of the saddest things I've read I'm so glad she had a friend like you and hope she'll be able to get past that this is a story about me actually my mom has been a drug addict my whole life when I was little I was attached to her hip I went everywhere with her when we'd go to other people's houses she'd go through their cabinets drawers etc she just say she was being nosy what she was actually doing was looking for medications to steal fast forward a few years I'm at my best friend's house she went out of her room for a few minutes and I got curious so I started going through one of her drawers she came back and asked me what I was doing I remember saying nothing and just being nosy she then explained to me that it is not okay to go through other people's belongings I honestly just thought it was something everyone does I told my dad this story a couple of years ago and he was so angry he had no idea knew a dude who pee in an empty shampoo bottle in the shower and then he'd dump it on his feet he also zip-tied his pants shut when he slept so he wouldn't beat his meat in his sleep apparently it happened a few times anyway weirdest dude I ever met glad I'm not really acquainted with him anymore not going to condone his actions but urine contains uric acid which is a very effective treatment for athlete's foot this was me until about two years ago I thought that Kiwis made everyone's mouth itchy like it was just part of the fruit experience I also thought mangos were hot for everyone well my wife informed me that I probably allergic to those fruits into mangoes aren't supposed to burn your mouth and Kiwis shouldn't make your mouth itch I truly didn't believe her months later I'm choking on mango I can't breath my face is getting red I couldn't even get the word put to tell her I couldn't breath eep-eep N and in a visit later I'm allergic to mangoes and Kiwis and a host of other tropical fruit no fruit should make your mouth burn aside from the Jalopy no and peppers and no fruit should make your mouth itch or lips swell apparently that's called analogy oops you really need to listen to your wife more so this was actually me but growing up my mom would always tell me to grab doughnuts from the Walmart bakery area and eat it while we walked around a store we lived in the country so we only went to the store every two weeks it for a long time this proceeded until it was common practice and eventually I just did it without even telling her around early middle school a girl who has a crush on me sees me eating a doughnuts in Walmart and asks me if I just take those I respond of course she proceeds to take one and eat it with me to prove she's as cool as me but I just don't understand I then relay to my mom how this silly girl had no idea Walmart had free doughnuts and that's when she told me she had been paying for them for years but I had not asked her permission for a long time so there is no telling how many doughnuts I unknowingly stole from Walmart it's not very often you get to find something strange out about yourself that you thought was perfectly normal stop right there criminal scum not a friend but something I didn't find out until my wife pointed it out I thought it was completely normal for your eyes to done focused naturally when you're tired seven-year-old me remembers reading late into the night and having to cover one eye and then switch eyes in order to keep reading fast-forward to being married my wife offhandedly mentioned sometimes she doesn't know which eye to look at while talking to each other it turns out by our killer diplopia is a thing and the fix for it is to cut your eye muscles up and stitch them back on in a better alignment so a lot of people have said isn't this normal if it happens only late at night you're fine if it happens during the day or all the time or you've gotten used to seeing double and just letting one eye wander off and do whatever they do make glasses to battle realign each eye so the dominant eye doesn't have to work as hard and you'll regain a lot of your depth perception apparently I am not the only one talk to your eye doctor about this folks and ask them to test for amblyopia all strabismus prism glasses or surgery might be able to help you all of these responses have convinced me to get prism glasses once my HSA refills unless you'll know someone that does them cheap what the Frick this happens to me my optometrist said it's super normal for eyes to go out of focus when you're incredibly tired it's a biological way to force yourself to go to sleep as since you can't focus you're unable to do things leaving you with one thing left to do sleep my ex didn't think you needed to wash cutting boards I was doing his dishes and started to wash it and he got upset I thought that was a common-sense thing that someone in med school should know I lived with a girl that would eat baby powder that she had stashed in the drawer of the bathroom she would walk by the bathroom and did quick shakes of the bottle right in her mouth she would also buy whole frozen fish from Walmart and take them out of the freezer bag and slap them hard against the brick kitchen floor before cooking them in a stew that's up that's a which my roommate in college thought you washed clothes on every single cycle on the washing machine our machine had a delicate cycle a cotton cycle a solo rinse cycle a permanent press cycle etc he always complained about the washer taking forever it's because he was washing his clothes for five times every time he did laundry good lord water bills for days my friend thought that everyone was regularly taking worming tablets to stop getting worms it wasn't until she got married and told her husband she was going to go pick up their worming tablets that she found out it wasn't normal depends where in the world you live and how sanitary your surroundings are I guess my family has always had pets and we live in Africa so my mom would guide you almost twice a year and you own the pets at the same time if I travel to any tropical countries I usually do on my return as I eat street food a family member thought that hallucinations were something everyone dealt with they thought that monsters under the bed and other cultural tales of ghosts were real things which were further confirmed by their experience it this led to later diagnosis of schizophrenia once they couldn't cope well enough to deal with the symptoms and it became evident to family members I know a guy for whom it started with a picture of Mona Lisa talking to him she would tell him all sorts of terrible things only when he got completely sober and it persisted he went to see a doctor got diagnosed and all but never got rid of the picture at that point he got used to her plus her threats were terrifying a kill worker mid-twenties Midwest born and raised sat down with spaghetti one day for lunch after twiddling the noodles around with the fork for a while he looked in me and asked how do you eat this thinking it was a joke I laughed at him and kept eating he looked at me with a straight face and said I've never had spaghetti life is amazing our job had a cafeteria with different options this co-worker normally got the same thing every day burger and fries and I didn't think anything of it I'm actually impressed that he just asked you and didn't shy away from it good on him my friend started talking about how he'd just sometimes randomly lactate like it was the most casual topic of conversation one of my friends genuinely cannot taste basil he always thought that basil was some tasteless leaf that people like to put on pizza he once ate bowl of basil leaves like a salad OMG not kidding I did not know Brazil has a taste to it I have eaten that stuff like your friend I just put dressing on it and eat it a randomly paired sweet meat my sophomore year of college he took the bus from wherever he lives I never talked to him he was a really weird kid and I guess on the way from his house he forgot to grab his bags off one of the buses in said bags were an assortment of things including his towels now any normal person would simply go get more towels right not this guy he found it perfectly natural to get out of the shower while still soaking wet he would on his boxer briefs get into his bed and let himself air dry he did this every day he was there and when he moved out the rest of us walked over to his the mattress and sure enough there was a large green human sized circle from where he had been laying all year I knew a guy who dripped dried he seemed to think it was normal he would immediately get dressed after showering then just be damp until he wasn't so so gross my ex-husband has reflux really bad once I saw him chewing something while we were out shopping and so I asked for a piece of what I thought - his gum no it was food that we had eaten about an hour earlier he told me his food would always come back up all the time and he would just reach it and swallow it back down I was like WTF n-o-o-o so you married a cow it's spelled n-o-o-o not n-o-o-o i have a friend who has lost an immense amount of weight yet eats and drinks like crap all the time it had been revealed to me by him that he often feels so full sometimes that he just makes himself puke to feel better this has been going on for quite a few years now he's straight up your limit can thinks it's just a neat little way to get rid of all the bad foods and drinks he gorges himself with he's gotten so good at making himself puke it's almost silent no gagging sounds no messy puke splatter just a stream of chewed up food and beers I'm quite sure that even his wife is oblivious to this that's horrible to hear you should really consider trying to get your friend to see a therapist who specializes in eating disorders I can only eat apples with both hands I never noticed or thought anything of it until some co-workers pointed it out I'm a big guy so apparently I look like a squirrel eating an acorn I still find it awkward to eat an apple with only one hand my friend last night was like you know when you think you're starting to get sick and you're super tired your nose is runny and your throat is Flemmi and we are all like yeah and she says and then your hands go completely numb and we're all like nope that's definitely just you she might be not oxygenating very well when she's sick if I have a panic attack I don't breathe right into my hands feet and face go numb I had a friend whose parents would buy a gallon of whole milk and pour half the gallon in another jug then mix water into both to dilute it she always just thought that other people got a different brand of milk because drinking milk at a friend's house always tasted different her grandparents did it to really weirded me out when I saw her her mom just pour milk into an empty jug and mixing water with it i 100% guarantee you that their grandparents learned that in the Great Depression my wife and I went down an Internet rabbit hole and ended up listening to recordings of lopata mein the French flatulent I said something like it would be cool to be able to suck air up your bus and just fart on command and she was like you can't do that turns out she can relax everything and like breathe into one out of her butt she said when she was a kid and had trouble sleeping she'd just lay face down butt up and do it to relax anyway seemed weird to me friend of mine will absent-mindedly start putting more and more offer shirt into her mouth until she chokes gags she enjoys the feeling and does it while doing things like browsing reddit or sitting on the toilet for a long time a lot of people seem to think this is a chewing issue I assure you it's a gagging thing was kind of odd the first time I saw her do it so casually and she thought I was weird from not liking the feeling of almost puking my twin used to shove a whole cotton tea towel into her mouth when she was going to sleep don't know if she still does it have not seen her for years this happened to me growing up I was conditioned by my mother to not only use soap on my body while showering but to use it in my hair - doing this made my hair feel insanely rough and dry but I kept at it thinking it was the right thing to do on a trip to California to meet some friends I took a shower and they didn't have a bar of soap I confronted my friend about it asking what they used in their hair as a substitute for soap everyone in the room gave me a strange look and told me that soap wasn't supposed to be used for hair I was around 18 years old when I found this out my dad did this because like being fast I'll blame it on a military life we finally convinced him to use shampoo and conditioner he's in love with how his hair feels goofy man now if I can convince him to stop brushing out his curls one of my friends in college would clip his nails when he was out in public one time he took the Clippers out in a restaurant and the rest of us were like WTF saw an old dude clipping his nails during a wedding ceremony while they were saying their vows and all you could hear was them pledging their love to each other and a faint click click click my dad's parents never told him to brush his teeth and he told me that he used to eat a whole can of condensed milk every day as a kid he still thinks it's perfectly normal I don't know and he just wondered why one day his teeth fell out only when he was in his 20s someone told him that brushing helps they carry the pizza box sideways under their arm row I'm so glad it made other people as uneasy as it made me it was a neighbor at a neighborhood pizza party that was kind of strange already every time someone talks about him I'm like I knew he was strange since the pizza box incident pizza shop employee here people do this with some regularity and it is never not disturbing my ex and her entire family share a toothbrush she argued it like they were all sharing a hairbrush glad that ended I had a friend with an extra tight foreskin he couldn't expose his head and when girls tried to pull it back he thought it was because they weren't used to uncircumcised dongs that's a medical condition called phimosis I can't go to sleep unless the back of my left ankle is wedged between my right big toe and the second toe I was 30 before someone asked about it oh my god I'm not the only one my friend was dating a guy who casually started talking about his dad doing stuff to him from a young age asking if her parents were the same she called the police the dad spent 8 years in prison oh god that's so sad good for your friend for helping him my family was raised saying sweep the floor when referencing vacuuming my husband was very confused when I asked him to sweep the floor like the kitchen no the living room the carpet do you mean vacuum I still say it because I grew up saying it now he's sarcastic about it my college roommate thought it wasn't fricking if they didn't see em inside of you we were 18 in college and when I told her frickin was actually penetration she got this horrified look on her face and I was so uncomfortable I had to leave the dorm room so for more background the reason we had this discussion was I had been telling her I was a virgin she was like cool so am i which made me raise my eyebrows because the previous weekend she had brought a guy back to now a very small dorm room and while I was three feet away from them had what sounded like frickin so I questioned her about it like um what about last weekend she said oh that wasn't fricking he didn't finish inside of me I really think her look of horror was because she truly thought she was a virgin but it all became very clear to her in that moment she was mistaken we remained friendly for the rest of our freshman year and she made a few jokes about it but for the most part we didn't talk about our love lives ever again my guest should have said frickin includes penetration not fricking his penetration it was in 2001 so I'm not exactly sure what I said but it was along those lines a friend of mine didn't know that after you insert a tampon you pull out the applicator found this out in college after being dumbfounded why everyone preferred tampons over pads she was walking around with that terrible piece of plastic up there all this time I feel like that would really negatively affect their effectiveness this is why you need to read instructions people whenever I clean out my ears with q-tips it makes my throat tickle and feel like I have to cough no I don't shove it in super far I thought this was completely normal until one day my sister was in the room with me while I was doing it and I mentioned how I hated cleaning out my ears because it makes my throat tickle and she was like WTH are you talking about turns out there is this nerve in the face called the Arnold nerve that has no effect on the majority of the population but in rare cases can feel sensitive and cause a coughing sensation if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 127,403
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Keywords: strange things, thinks that it is normal, not normal, strange people, strangest, strangest people, awkward, socially, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 9Hyq1uYLrOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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