What's Something Disturbing You Did As A Kid And DIdn't Really Realize It?

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what is something you did in your youth that if you turned out to be a mentally ill psychopath serial killer people would look back and say I should have seen it then when I was around 12 or 13 my favorite pet rabbit died we had quite a few and somehow in her death throes she had managed to wrap her teeth around two links in the bottom of her cage so now rigor mortis has set in and she's completely stuck with her teeth set around the bottom of the cage I try to pull her off good no lock so I go back into the house and tell my mom that cinnamon buns is dead and I need a screwdriver as my mom cries in the kitchen I head back after the barn with my screwdriver to Jimmy her mouth open enough to get her off the bottom of the cage the whole time all I'm thinking is what if I use too much force into her head rips in half pig didn't but I think my mom was genuinely concerned about the fact that I felt zero emotion about the whole thing I just put the corpse in a bag and told her I'd deal with it when I got home from school washed my hands had breakfast and went on about my day r.i.p cinnamon buns glad your head didn't rip in half I wrote 666 on the bathroom wall with my poop when I was like six or seven off of something I saw on TV freaked my mom out and my dad just sorta stood there your dad was probably just too proud to express himself played morg with my friends Barbies by stripping them naked covering them with napkins and putting them in drawers I don't think I knew the word morgue but I knew what I was doing I thought you said friends babies foreign moment and was very alarmed when I was five my best friend's mom was pregnant she asked me if I would like to have a little sister too I replied that if my mom had another baby I would throw it out the window in about second grade I started watching scary movies and loved them in my notebook I would draw characters and scenes from these scary movies one day my teacher had a notebook check and was worried about my drawings so she spoke to my mom and me about it I didn't really understand at a time I remember I was upset that she didn't like my in middle school I bought a used copy of Fangoria from someone for a dollar our gym teacher saw me with it and snatched it from my hand then he proceeded to tell the whole class how pricked up horror movies were and how I only people with serious issues would be into stuff like that I knew even back then that he was wrong I attempted to strangle a classmate because he was continuously yelling that break time was over also when I was younger I would go around asking people if they would rather a quick death or a slow death man flick that guy though for real he deserves it I put a metal pen lid on a heater in class when I was 11 and then put it on a girl's arm which burnt her because I fancied her marking your territory in third grade every day the teacher would start to sentence to a story and we have 30 minutes to make up whatever we wanted after almost all of my stories involved something messed up with one death usually happening some examples include the puppy fell under and I proceeded to write a story about a puppy that fell into a bottomless pit or love it's probable thoughts and said it fell so long it eventually died while still falling those were some awkward parent-teacher conferences I'm sure the puppy felon with a miscreant gang off drug abusing how spits his drug addled corpse was found stuff in a birdcage under an i 87 overpass citizens are advised to be on the lookout for a green parrot approximately 16 inches in height with a large scar on his left wing known aliases include buzzsaw angel droppings and Polly want a cracker Ock I used to perform experiments on grasshoppers what that means is I would freeze them try and resuscitate them drown them by sticking blue tack on their legs and put them on ants nests if it helps I am petrified of them now some sort of self induced fear I also didn't kill anyone yet should I be worried or relieved that I'm not the only one convinced a girl to put her finger in a pencil sharpener then turned the crank bonus hypothetical serial killer me kills people with a wood chipper in picturing that scene from Fargo only a massive pencil sharpener with someone's leg sticking out when I was 4 or 5 I bit my friends finger hard enough to require a band-aid because she found a penny Amira cut that was laying around and I wanted it for myself good job smegal I had a bully in fourth grade and he would not let up one day he took my drawing and tore it up in half so I chased him down the hall with a pencil threatening to stab him with it I tackled him down and had my arm drawn back when they pulled me off of him I turned out perfectly fine I'd say my bully went to prison about seven years ago for car theft and aggravated assault also can be noted that Aaron Hernandez was also in our class and we all know how that turned out when I was 13 or 14 and first started playing the Sims I made a serial killer he would put his victims in a 4 X 1 cell with a fridge enough to keep them alive but no more he would sit and watch them in misery for hours and get off to it he fell in love with a woman who scorned him she ended up there as well most of the neighborhood ended up buried in his backyard so if I ended up as a serial killer I don't think people would be even remotely surprised I've been playing The Sims a lot lately and I have a really hard time even making two sims be enemies I'm tempted to try this and see how long I can handle it before I feel too guilty and start a nice game with a chef a painter a painter a painter a painter a painter a paint I threw half-eaten apples on her jogs they would stick on their backs poor hedgehogs so I started this account earlier today and this was my first ever comment on reddit all I can say is holy crap that's a lot of responses guess me and my psycho stories from my childhood will do good here this was in Sweden bTW I made pit traps for my dolls and one time I accidentally broke a GI Joe doll because a tribe of Amazon women was stone dishonouring my skipper doll I wasn't a psycho I just read a lot mythology fantasy everything but it used to worry my mom sometimes she puts the lotion in a bucket she puts the lotion on the skin I took a kitchen knife to school when I was six and one of the other kids ratted me out the teachers kept yelling at me asking me why I brought it I didn't know I was freaking six I thought it was cool if I had done that nowadays I'd have been expelled and probably taken away from my parents due to zero-tolerance can't tell you how many knives I've been shown in schools before I graduated you get one or two math school killings and all of a sudden every dangerous tool is a deadly weapon sheesh when I was a kid probably five or six I joined the Cub Scouts when they asked me why I told them it was because I wanted to hunt and kill small animals that's amazing I bet they were a little concerned though in high school I had just listened to the offspring during lunch one song being genocide right before English class we were then asked in class what is a word that you like the sound off my arm sir genocide I really like the song violent pornography by System of a Down one time I tried googling the song name but didn't put the band I got a much different set of results than I was expecting when I was a kid I used to pour hot wax from candles onto my hands it hurt like heck but I thought it was worth it to have cool wax shapes with my fingerprints in them definite serial killer material I'm about to be 23 and I still do this it hurts so good though I used to run through my backyard naked in the jerk-off on a really big stone in an open field my backyard was a big forest I'd like to put those days behind me though what I set fire to the living room curtains when I was seven and I set fire to an old chair in an old outbuilding when I was eight and maybe something else when I was 13 that I'm not telling you about because I don't know what the statute of limitations is in my area for arson don't worry no one was hurt but after that particular incident which is not an admission of guilt thank you very much I kind of gave up the whole Firebug thing fire fire fire eieio fire one time in the game black and white got simulator game I made everyone into one disciple breeder and I started killing everyone in my village there were very efficient ways to kill people however I didn't use those I simply tried to skip the villagers on the water hour after hour until everyone was dead which took a while since people were doing everything they could to grow the conversation I really liked throwing the children or throwing everyone in a family except for the father then wait for him to remarry and have another 2.5 kids then kill them all and have him try again have another 2.5 kids rot well I used to voice my thoughts when I was alone while I was walking to school and got caught a few times not talking to myself just a weird habit of saying crap I was thinking aloud I still do that not me but my younger brother always had this thing for ropes pork ropes specifically they are the thick elastic bands with hooks at either end used for tying down stuff in trucks et Cie from the age of four ate all the wanted to do was hog-tie his stuffed animals and hang them around the house his favorite one to tie up was the stuffed Woody from Toy Story every day in the summer my parents would come home to find woody and his Teletubby friends hanging from uses suspended from the stairs or the cabinet handles etc this was the only thing he wanted to do and he only ever asked for hook ropes at holidays he would get soapy if you took them down and he would just sit there humming to himself while he tied and hung his toys one by one I am 10 years older and was always terrified he'd kill me in the night or some crap when I was 6 ish and fished with my grandparent brother my brother and I would slit open multiple Minos chests and pop their lungs heart stomach and liver with fishing hooks not sure how to break this to your buddy my brother and I used to make paper planes and have contests to see who could make one that flew the best all went the farthest all landed most correctly there were also a lot of small lizards around where we lived so we eventually devised a way to judge the landing of our planes by taping a lizard in the crease at the front of the plane with his head sticking out the front then we'd throw our plane and if it landed correctly with a nose up attitude the lizard would come through relatively unscathed however if it landed virtually any other way the outcome for the lizard was usually much worse I was pretty quick to get angry as a kid but it was all of the stuff kids usually get angry at video games getting made fun of little brother doing something to annoy me my parents and older sisters used to tell me all the time that if I didn't learn to control my anger I would wind up killing somebody and going to prison I remember thinking at the time that that was a horrible thing to say to a kid and I still do all the same if I had turned into a serial killer I'm sure I would have heard them in the courtroom saying yup I knew he would turn out like this since the day he threw the Super Nintendo controller on the ground because he couldn't be that one boss in mario probably flooding and south of there and holes and then lighting them on fire with a barbecue lighter by the that or killing a squirrel by waiting for it to come below my deck and crushing its head with a large rock yeah looking back I was a pretty Frick - child crushing its head with a large rock D I lit my mother's bed on fire while she was laying in it my mom told me she'd take me to the arcade but she wanted to finish watching a soap opera I was just being a bored little kid looking for stuff to play with under her bed and I found a lighter the boxspring was old in that paper cloth material had rips in it that were hanging down in strands I looked at the lighter and looked at the Strand you know on Looney Tunes how they light a piece of dynamite and the fuse goes out just before it explodes that's what my young mind thought would happen so I lit it immediately the fire spread in both directions towards the head and foot of the bed again I draw back on my Looney Tunes expertise and think I can just blow it out not a chance in a matter of ten seconds fire engulfed an outer ring of the bed that's when my mom noticed it and jumped out screaming we lived in my grandparents basement at the time my Nana heard and came running down in the heat of the moment and possibly thinking that liquid will put out a fire my Nana grabs a gallon of bleach to try to put out the blaze that was probably a bad idea they eventually got it under control and my grandparents house didn't burn down luckily my father had a pair of sweatpants on the bed which got bleach stains all over them and he wears them to this day over 20 years later I'm sure you're wondering yes I did still get to go to the arcade and got my butt handed to me in street fighter Doug everyone knows fire loves liquid I had night terrors my mom said that the worst part was always finding me standing in the corner of a random room covering my eyes with my hands screaming nonsensical gibberish so obviously I had the ability to transport to another world a terror filled world and witnessed horrible atrocities which will influence my psychotic behavior in the near future I have again with my friends whenever a new person is introduced to our group we make him play the story game the principle is simple the person has to guess a story the other created in five minutes beforehand make the player leave the room when he comes back he can only ask yes/no questions the point is that there is no story if the question ends with a vowel answer yes else answer no that way the player makes his own story you must wonder why is that relevant to the thread it's easy some people will make some crazy but stories by asking crazy but questions we once had a guy who ended up talking about violation and murder on a different planet funny game that's a genius way to judge people had it be too much fun - sexina frog in the seventh grade I just really wanted to see muscles and things that teacher didn't talk about so I kinda cut some legs to see for myself I don't think that's sociopathic as much as it's just a natural scientific curiosity I was stunned with my friend on Easter when I was 15 saw a rabbit an abortion threw a brick at it to scare it out briquette rabbit rabbit died I killed the frickin Easter Bunny and my reaction was uncontrollable laughter you stone me Easter Bunny lol Oh God this just came back to me I always had the reputation of being a really sweet quiet nice kid I would share well not cause trouble etc and I would play huge games with my Star Wars Lego Playmobil I would create massive plot lines and big worlds as a lot of kids do however I would always leave toys on strings dangling from door knobs fair enough except that they would be tied around the necks as little nooses so dotted around the house from door handles and banisters would be strings with lots of toy all dangling from uses my mama still claims I wasn't killing all my toys they were just there for storage and I have no memory why I would do it bill yeah there may be some seed of darkness lurking back there well I suppose I may as well confess this I am a killer my first murder and I do think of it as such now after all the therapy I've had himself analysis that I've done was an accident though I've tried to rationalize it by claiming that I just wasn't careful enough or that I wasn't paying attention the simple truth of the matter is that there was an element of intent to my actions I was curious about how it would feel about what would happen like those times when you stand at the edge of a cliff and think just for a moment what it would be like to jump the only difference was that my life wasn't at risk but that of another being I can still remember the wet sickening crunch the feeling haunted me for a while after that but perhaps more disturbing was the sense of satisfied empowered superiority that I experienced I knew that killing was wrong but in a strange way I didn't care in fact I'd go as far as to say that knowing it was such a horrific act made it all the more appealing I didn't have any plans to repeat it but I wanted to just under a month later I killed again put yourself in my shoes imagine seeing a lone innocent walking along the street at night you might very well have missed were in not for the glow of the street lamp and the dancing shadow of their movement you glanced around and see that other than them you're completely alone if you wanted to you could end their life you could be the final thing that they saw before the light in their eyes dimmed forever you could be the only one to ever claim that you killed them it would make you special it would make you the equivalent of a god sometimes I wonder if my second victim even knew that I was coming that was all it took I gave myself over entirely to those murderous urges I killed again and again all the while convincing myself that I was somehow red in the world of Filth each time it was an act of opportunity a crime of passion executed by the cold unfeeling entity that I became in those moments to date I've likely had dozens if not hundreds of victims and though I learned to feel remorse for my actions the motivation for those killings is still with me I really hate spiders TL DR I have killed I will likely kill again people keep missing that last line before the TL DR last year I'm in high school still my friend asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up and I told him I wanted to be a pathologist for those of you who don't know pathologists are responsible for preforming autopsies he asked me why Albert ologist and I said well it has all the benefits of being a serial killer but without having to actually go out and kill people he didn't react the way I thought he would I had all of these elaborate plans to kill my little sister that were constantly thwarted by my parents and the babba sitter notable attempts included bringing her to the deep end of the swimming pool and removing her water wings and calling a taxi to take me to the gun shop so I could get a weapon with which to eliminate the one who took all the attention away from me I was six my sister and I are best friends now but I totally wanted her dead when I was a child I'm going to answer with pretending to be someone else Phil no apparent reason whenever I get the opportunity just because I enjoy casually lying to people I still do this I've said several times in my religion class that the best solution to all of the world's problems is to exterminate humanity might be seen as a red flag if I ever put it into practice though I used to draw lots of gruesome corpses and severed heads and crap I remember a sunday-school type class in which we were supposed to draw our favorite Bible story and I drew David standing over the bloody corpse of Goliath holding his giant head up by the hair with both hands in my defense everybody thinks violence is cool how come kids are expected to draw puppies and crap I buried kittens alive in a five-gallon bucket covered them in dirt my brother freaked out and went and told my mom she came running outside and under the bucket out a few kittens were already dead she asked me why I did it and I told her that the kittens needed to be covered up I was like three or four maybe I didn't remember it happening but my whole family says I did what the frig in first grade I stabbed a girl with my pencil because she wouldn't admit mine was the sharpest it was the sharpest let me first explain I grew up in the country in the south in East Texas very poor little boys running around woods and trailer parks with guns alike packs off Rouge dogs we also had firecrackers m-80s and various homemade explosives and in case anyone doesn't know cats are abundant in trailer parks and rural areas a lot of people consider them pests we had free license by the people county and state of Texas to do as we pleased with them metaphorically speaking also lizards I learned to sew at a very young age and I'd cut the heads off of my stuffed animals and sew them on to other ones I pretended my Barbies were vampires and murdered innocent civilians when I got mad at my brothers I'd put their action figures in front of the space heater so they'd melt I picked up all the dead animals my cat brought me roadkill and locust shells and tried to keep them to no avail thanks mom I'd Spile my neighbor's almost daily after school and kept track of their daily routines dead things have always fascinated me but it must I've been really creepy for my parents I guess I used to put sticks stones and mud through people's letter boxes on my own not with friends when I was 8 I wrote a story about two children who went into a murder house and found the body parts hidden around the place I never actually finished writing that story I fantasized about leading an army of casts if my mother tried to talk to me while I was enjoying this daydream I would tell her to be quiet also I used to talk to her mop I used to microwave gummy bears standing up so that they would melt down to just bare heads I would arrange them in various patterns some lying down some sitting and mute them to their grisly fate it was my version of a nuclear holocaust for those little gummy bears if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 57,436
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Keywords: when i was young, thing you did, the past, in the past, crazy things, crazy, psychopath, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: C0mD3xvKlXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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