What Was Your "Welcome To College" Moment?

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rajat what was your welcome to college moment on my first day of school it had just turned to dusk my friends well really only hallmates at this point were coming back from some freshman event as we are walking along a man pops out of the bushes wrapped only in a yellow sheet and yells my metamorphosis is complete I am a beautiful butterfly he then threw the sheet on the ground reveling the fact that he was completely naked underneath and ran off into the night I walked into my first class i sat down it was silent no one was talking someone in the corner was playing music but I could only hear it because of the dead silence in the room no cliques full of girls screaming at each other about last night's party no packs off pretty boys calling each other bro no one cared about each other I almost started sobbing with relief this is the only post that has me genuinely excited to start college in a few weeks in college I lived in a dorm as a freshman but moved off campus into an apartment the next year one night after getting completely obliterated and blacking out I walked back to my old dorm room I assumed thinking that was where I still lived climbed up onto the top bunk of a bunk and went to sleep I woke up the next morning trying to figure out what happened and why I wasn't in my own bed looked around and saw a guy sitting at his computer where am i I asked he just turned and looked at me with a big smile on his face and said college man College that sounds awesome mine happened very quickly it was the third day of orientation and I got up early that morning I decided since I was up I might as well go do something and I left my dorm and wandered over to the nearby shopping street I went to a Starbucks there and bought a cup of coffee then I walked back to my dorm and sat down in one of the easy chairs in the common room just sipping my coffee and waiting for everybody to get up I don't know why but this all struck me as really awesome I yes until then I'd been used to having my life controlled by other things my parents school etc in a weird way this was the first action I'd ever made completely on my own and it was amazing still one of the happiest moments I can remember as someone who's going off to college next month I like this story a lot better than the drunken shenanigans tales I guess it was when I just left midday to hop on a train and go an hour away to another city for a BB q I mean I had done that sort of thing before in HS but I didn't have to tell anyone I was leaving I just walk to the station and was gone for the day complete 100% freedom that freedom was so liberating I know it's childish but I always hated when the parents showed up I felt like an adult my freshman year like I was making my own way I guess it helped that I didn't have any financial help from my own parents either but w/e probably the night we discovered that Pam and synthetic institutional carpet and duct tape equals into a slip-n-slide much awesome fun was had by all and a few socks were sacrificed in the process even better was the campus policeman who told us to wait until he got off shift around 2:00 a.m. turns out he is a tuba player in band and had a crap ton of valve oil we had an exceptionally long corridor in the basement that was linoleum and much slipping and sliding occurred we even had the foresight to put the wet signs down after we were done also rolling down the hall to my dorm room because I was too drunk to stand up and walk ended up sleeping hunched over my lofted bed because I couldn't get in it that's why every circle of friends needs a token tuba Corp my first weekend of college living in the dorms pretty much everyone went out and got super wasted a lot of people particularly girls hadn't really been drunk before and couldn't handle their liquor at all so everyone begins coming back to the dorms later that night and trying to seem normal as they walk through the lobby so they won't get in trouble this hot girl in a super miniskirt begins pooping diarrhea down her leg as she walks through lobby in front of everyone the diarrhea is hitting the floor and leaving a trail behind her she proceeds to get into the elevator and the poop continues to get all over the elevator somehow it got on the walls in the floor the poop trail leads all the way back to her room I never saw her again and I'm pretty sure she dropped out of college the next day in embarrassment it was a Saturday night and I just been in my room for the most part it's around 2:00 a.m. one of my friends called me up and we decided to go hang out in another building I go downstairs and I see a body covered with a blanket on the floor of the lobby right in front of the security desk security guards need to check our it before letting us into the dorms there was also some kind of liquid most staining the carpet near him I'm a little freaked out at this point thinking that someone had died and they had just covered the body a nope turns out the kid had stumbled into the lobby after a night of heavy drinking then fell over and threw up while trying to give the guard his it card this had literally happened in the last five minutes so the guard just threw a blanket over the kid while waiting for help good guy guard walked into my kitchen and one of my new flatmates was cooking ketamine in a frying pan wearing only y-fronts and a pink glittery cowboy hat it was an interesting first year all my chemistry 101 exam scores were between 60% and 80% at first time it happened I was shocked second time time I knuckle down and really studied for the third exam and the third exam I barely broke 80% I was convinced I would have to retake it I passed the class with a solid a feels good man this wasn't my welcome to college moment but when my best friend and I woke up one Saturday morning we decided to start drinking Red Bull vodkas straight out of bed then we decided to go and blow our paychecks at the adults shop in town we got a friend of ours to be our driver and we continued to drink by the time we got there we were a bit tipsy and my friend found a blow-up doll that wraps her legs and arms around you he purchased it and couldn't wait to get it inflated so he blew it up in the car he put her on his back and walked around as she clung on to him it was hilarious then we stopped into the beer store and picked up a 48 pack and decided to head back to the dorm but I was wasted by this time the car pulls into the parking lot and I stumbled out of the car and my friend and his new girlfriend exit' behind me with the beer the first people we ran into were a girl checking out the residence with both her parents as I walked by I tried to get myself together and shot em a smile as my friend walked by the parents with the blow-up doll strapped to him and holding a case of beer he smiled at them and said your daughter is gonna love it here welcome to college it was our first night out and the accommodation hall had organized loads of things for each night this night was a bar crawl there was a lot of drinking involved I wake up the next morning having no clue what had happened still in a bit of a daze I leave my room to go to the loo on my way I see a girl who's from one of the rooms upstairs row you were pretty drunk last night she tells me wasn't everyone else I asked a number not really I then realized how much fun that year was going to be after I alienated myself on the first night out I didn't really enjoy that place I go to college in a foreign country American in Hong Kong my plane landed around 9:30 p.m. and by 11 p.m. I was moved in I meet some of the older students and they tell me get dressed you've got 15 minutes less than an hour later we are all doing shots in clubs and dancing on top of bars with people whose names I can't remember the more time I spent here the more I hate the US drinking age first week of my freshman year I walked into the lounge and some girl I'd never seen before flashed me and said hey I'm Kate my first semester at university I was living on campus in a suite style dorm the one of my suitor mats decided she didn't like the university housing and she wanted to move out into private residence how did she get out of her housing contract with the university she married a guy she known for two weeks apparently there was a loophole in the contract that made marriage a legitimate way to get out when I bombed my first midterm realized all the girls weren't in fact pleasure-seeking women of loose morals and that you should in fact have a good idea of what we want to do where you won't graduate on time my parents were moving me into my dorm freshman year the week before classes start the dorm was a coed freshman dorm eight floors high and located in a residential area of town that was mainly populated by students to the house facing the front of the dorm directly across the street had five guys living in it as we are moving my stuff to my room the five gentlemen who lived across the street displayed a banner that they had fashioned from an old white bed sheet then filled it and hung it from the roof of their front porch it read father's thank you for your daughters that's when I knew I was in college going to a party run into my rah he's smoking from the bomb turns to me and asks wanna hit it later that night we ended up riding the elevator up together making very high contact in just kind of nodding both of us had girls with us too thanks Rob bro my freshman year our was pretty awesome too his only rules were to not get caught and not sevilla hurt anyone he'd let everyone on our Hall drink smoke ray sneaking across campus and even introduced us to upperclassmen girls when he graduated most of our Hall threw him a wild party and he was hired for his dream job shortly after nicest guy I've ever met I was playing basketball for a d1 school and I had come from a tiny high school I was six feet four and NHS that normally made me one of the three or four tallest guys on the court sometimes when we played small teams I was literally taller than the other team center even though I was a point our first open run was in August I was shorter than everyone on the team except two guys the first time I took a ball to the basket it was like the dang sky closed up and slapped the ball right back into my face I had a feeling my ceiling at that level might be limited at that point I'm 18 I can do a shot of Jim Beam for every year I am old I was wrong my hair is in a toilet welcome to college you're actually lucky you didn't end up in the hospital when I started college we went to have a camping trip as an introduction nobody of the 150 people knew each other including me off course the weather from the first day on was bad so bad that after the second day only five of the 150 tents stood upright but it was great it was helping to be helped we suddenly became a family because of our common enemy the weather we helped each other holding temps finding lost stuff and drinking after two years all of us 150 are still like a big family the first college house party I ever attended during the first week of freshman year my friends and I turned the corner to see hundreds of people spilling out of this gigantic house people on the roof the lawn hanging out of windows the works a SWAT helicopter circling the house with it's like flying all over the place and party like a rockstar blasting so loud I'm sure the guys in the helicopter could hear it holy crap College walking down the hall to my dorm a girl I never met before says I like your sideburns we ended up freaking all night never got each other's numbers never ran into each other again college life sideburns equals insta puss got it Thanks came to college with an anti drug anti cigarette anti drinking mentality first day met my sweet mate who was a drug dealer my roommate who was an alcoholic and all five of my suite mates had smoked cigarettes needless to say every value had been desecrated on move-in day freshman year I ate some mescaline right after my parents left I watched TV for a while and got situated after a few hours I felt the nausea getting strong and ran to the bathroom to purge now for those who don't know a purge on mescaline peyote consists of twenty minutes to an hour of constant violent vomiting after which you immediately start tripping your freaking balls off anyway so as I was puking my ever-loving guts out my room mate his parents and his younger brother showed up to move his stuff in his mother started panicking after I had been vomiting ceaselessly for to her knowledge at least 15 minutes said was really closer to 30 at that point she insisted on calling an ambulance or one of the rowers but her husband talked her out of it long enough for me to finish up the purge I left the bathroom and went to brush my teeth our sinks were in a small hallway connecting to dorm rooms to a shared bathroom but I got distracted by the bristles on my toothbrush for a minute my roommates mum tapped me on the shoulder and kept asking if I was okay I turned around eyes completely dilated and said yeah I'm Gullu it she didn't say anything to me after that she just walked into the dorm room and said to her husband oh he's more than fine he's on cloud frickin nine right now night before first day of class I went out drinking without a plan on how to get home I got incredibly drunk to the point of not being allowed into a cab I passed out on some random persons couch near sunrise woke up at 6:00 in the morning and cabbed it back to my house I barely had enough time to grab my bag and make it back for my first class at 8:30 I attended all five of my classes despite being very hungover and tired that was fun mine wasn't some raging party or walking in on a roommates threesome or anything it was more author Epiphany the second I was dropped off by the parents some critical background I came from a military boarding school I went from the extreme supervision Tablas with a summer in-between my parents dropped me off at 11th and High st. right next to the panarin at the Ohio State University we moved in already just ate and done all the admin type crap you do on the first day I was truly being released I grew up in a relatively strict family my parents lived in Chicago so they were leaving for home right after this I gave them the epic last time being under your wing hug my mom cried with deep passion dad and I hugged chatted fist bumps and that was it many many times I have reflected on the feeling inside me as I sorted the one stroke eight to one stroke four mile to my dorm by myself for the first time I made eye tea this is I tea this is college looking around these are my peers and future friends this is gonna be frickin Asuma it was a picturesque day 70 to 75 degrees no clouds such vibrancy about and so much ahead of me I've written a handful of songs and poems about it I finally had the freedom I had been yearning and painstakingly sticking it out for as I reflects on it now the smile on my face is as wide as can possibly stretch so fond that feel bro no military HS for me my dads are Colonel ders so you get the picture getting released like that is the greatest feeling ever it's like breathing your own air worst freshman year coming back late on a Sunday after visiting family only to find all the dining halls closed so I made Bagel Bites in my microwave alone long maid went off to sleep with her so crying because I missed my mom and realized nobody would care for me the way she does best went to a house party that had a waterslide live music mud pit and alcohol abounding wrestled in the mud with my friends and shot liquor into each other's mouths with many squirt guns epic dance battle commenced realized I would never be able to experience such reckless abandonment outside of college I went to the day one concept provided by my college for some reason one of the many ska bands performing decided to have a drinking competition two students were selected and began chugging one gallon of raspberry juice one guy dropped out after a few chugs and the other slammed the whole thing in a matter of seconds shortly thereafter he managed to launch the whole gallon of juice from his stomach at least 10 feet from the stage pour front row Pete didn't even have a chance to run on the first night we got called in to one of the higher flats to play King's Cup after every single person had whited out the window except me actually because I'm Irish one of the lads wondered if the scissors were sharp cut his arm open and an ambulance was called while I held the muscle-up he went to the club once his fifteen stitches were sorted pulled a girl from the building who punched him in the face breaking his nose the following night he's pretty much the best story guy ever my first or second night on campus my boyfriend was walking me back to my dorm there was a drunk half-naked man passed out in the bushes outside the building a few weeks later we went to a friend's dorm to drink we were in the elevator and another drunk dude got on with us he looked at us and asks yo you mind if I pee right now and he did bit every single night spent in that friend's dorm something stereotypically College happened heading out to go dancing went to hot girls walked up to my friend and I in academic Plaza apparently the whole girls swim team was playing capture the flag and wondered if we wanted to play now that's a good welcome to college during hurricane is a ball a bunch of guys and girls from my dorm decided to streak the quad normally there's some ambient light or moonlight but it was stormy and the power was out also the quad has these sudden sloped four foot drops every couple hundred feet sure enough they ran as a group of about 50 and the first guy doesn't see the drop huge naked piled up I went to a small liberal arts college needless to say the place was infested with children of rich people we like to call those pseudo hippies trustafarians I'm standing in the smoking area my first week of college listening to a chick talk about how chicken nuggets give you cancer while she was smoking an American spirit welcome to hypocrisy the first time I got drunk went out with my friends I was like Roe I don't have to like check in with my parents this is freaking awesome one no parents to sleep anywhere the best thought I didn't need to study for anything like high school got an A in high school biology when I was a sophomore get to college where all the professor's have PhDs and teach all of the introductory classes to tells us to study really hard so we'll succeed I figured that I'm smart enough 68% hello college when I moved to Humboldt State University and our house made through a pound of weed on the table and said it was for the house to all use my dang near died of happiness moved into the party dorm on my campus the first day of frosh week as I pull up there are guys on the front lawn doing via funnels I had never even been in the residence before but I had heard stories I walk into the building to find my room and meet my roommate as I walk in the front door in handed a cup of beer I find my room on the third floor and my roommate was already passed out 3:30 p.m. on the floor in nothing but his underwear my welcome to university moment has to be when during lunch myself and a few friends went to a pub got mildly drunk then spent 20 minutes filling coke bottles with cider from the university bar so we can continue drinking during class that was a good first year of university I was in the first wave of freshmen to move into dorms the first night I went out to a party slept in some random guy's room on the floor lame the next morning I got lost trying to find my dorm it started to rain and I was in a white shirt also other freshmen and their parents were moving into their dorms I finally found my dorm and puked in a trash can in front of a bunch of people and parents pay its college a colleague of my dad recalls his first day in a high tier university his first class was physics so he sits down with the other students in the lecture hall waits a few minutes while the professor writes some points on the board in the professor turns to the class the professor starts talking hello class he says dryly this is your first day of college some of you might think you're special you might be a valedictorian of your high school or had honors awards or got perfect safe scores look around you there are 100 kids in this hall just like you you're not special welcome to college and then he started the lecture my roommate was insulin-dependent water pump and everything one night she drank so much he had to go to the hospital because her pump had stopped working and she was too drunk to notice got peed on by a drunk frat guy punched him directly in the dong and watched him cry while his girlfriend yelled at me for being mean never laughed that hard in my life later on said frat guy and I became friends even though his scene wasn't my scene diversity my rug got completely wasted the first weekend came back to the dorm and threw up all over himself in the hallway he then proceeded to spray his entire thrown up on shirt with spray fixative and leaves it to dry on the balcony off the hall confused I'll explain it was an art school I was in college two weeks before losing my virginity and then I woke up next to a different girl the next weekend and so on yeah I was sort of a man W my freshman year also the first time me and my roomie met our our was the week before classes started so we had nothing to do really it was the middle of the afternoon we were drunk and walking around inside of the building with a wild pigeon my roommate somehow caught with his bare hands when we bumped into her was given my alpha code told that the first and last word out of my mouth from that point on would be Sal mom got my head shaved and had to memorize Reef points the Naval Academy is the gayest thing I've ever seen if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: school, school stories, college, welcome to college, college stories, students, student, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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