What College Course Was Unexpectedly Difficult? (r/AskReddit)

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what college course did he walk into thinking you would ace but in the end was a big old slice of humble pie I needed two elective credits to graduate from my senior year I decided to take legal psychology as one of them as I was a criminal justice major and thought it sounded intrusting holy crap I almost didn't graduate because of that class as a criminal justice major I hated all of my law themed courses took a class called movement and it ended up being like an advanced neuroanatomy class wine appreciation the course offered three wines every class to sample which is why I took it it also offered a big Frick you crash course in viticulture it was an elective that took up all my time just to scrape by but I now know what the Bordeaux region is so there's that came here to say this I loved it but it was a full on botany and chemistry class mixed with geography hard I'm so glad I took it pass/fail so I could pass with a C it has served me well though geography won no.1 it was supposed to be an easy a to boost my GPA but it was insanity about the geopolitics of borders and other things that weren't what is this River I got my a that it was no joke geography helps explain in some ways the geopolitics of Nations it's critical for industry and supply chain field and in international relations accounting I kept hearing all you got to know other terms turns out there are a lot of terms and a lot of rules you have to understand I still don't fully understand and it's been four years accounting and Finance are butt kickers for sure the math doesn't get more complicated than very basic calculus for valuing derivative securities it's that the processes you have to follow her extensive and often not intuitive color theory I thought we just learned about the color wheel number oh no I was horribly wrong history of vampires sounded like the easiest hey I'd ever get turned out to be the intense history of vampires famous vampires vampire otters vampire inspiration Eastern European culture and societies vampire trays within specific regions etc knowing the exact dates of hard to pronounce Eastern European towns and vampires was much harder than a class on Dracula that that actually sounds interesting survey of art history III my professor had the insane idea to apply a bell curve to the grading within each class after the first test most people dropped his course like a chunk of plutonium so there were seven of us left only one of whom could earn an A and one of whom would get an F for a godless of their actual scores I had to put in more work and fight harder for a B in that class than I did for as in graduate level Honors English courses in my minor the coursework itself was very interesting though too fast-paced and under too much grade pressure for me to learn it well years later I only remember that trauma the teacher of my survey I was a much more effective teacher her class was hard but we did have enough time to actually absorb the information and committed to lasting memory seems like another crappy professor philosophy 230 introduction to ethics didn't think it would be difficult at all but it ends up being about 1,500 pages of reading reading Confucius Aristotle Plato is tough reading for me I liked it but it's slow-going reading that kind of material then having to read modern essays on ethics and relate them to these ethical and moral theories all while taking an online class and having no professor feedback because he is a philosopher type who likes to sit back and see what happens it's in quotes because it was in his introduction to the class that he wouldn't really be a participant cool class and I learned a lot but I spent about 4 X hours on this class than I did in my calculus class that also had a professor with the hands-off approach you needed more Chile macroeconomics it seemed like all my classmates who were sailing through but even the most basic concepts made no sense to me I could not understand anything music theory wasn't as straightforward as I thought I took an elective and college cool death and dying it was once a week and very depressing so I started to skip it and the tests became like medical examiner's reports not what I signed up for manner of death shakin baby cause of death broken neck real happy stuff totally bonded I remember having to take that class and our final was to write an essay and talk about a personal loss in front of the classroom that we've experienced crap was hella depressing and awkward classical Greek I loved learning languages but this was ridiculously hard canoeing yes like with water we were required to have one aquatic physical sport I live near a big slow River how could this go wrong a dumb boss partner be Kernan's our heavy sea canoeing requires some skill apparently at least they had water took a sailing course at my college once and we had to do that crap on land one old guy every class has one was really struggling with it at one point we had to abandon him when he went overboard it was a crazy course for Ganic chemistry up to that point I had seen nothing but an A in a chemistry related course high school or university I got a 35% average on that frickin course the first time quite the shock organic chemistry is quite a change in pace compared to other chemistry courses everything goes from quantitative ting almost strictly qualitative and there are so many reactions to keep track of I don't think I ever got a single synthesis question fully correct on an exam into European folktales had to check off the lit requirement figured a fun English class about children's stories and such would be a cakewalk needless to say some of those folktales are more complicated than Shakespeare [Music] post-colonial literature I'm personally hilum bass and walked in thinking it would basically be American Lit from after the colonial period and would be easier to ace because sure I'll read more Twain Fitzgerald and Faulkner I was super wrong and so was 80% of the class apparently because they dropped after the first day I stuck it out though and I'm really glad I did because I got to read and discuss a lot of stuff I had never heard of and it really helped expand my literary world for some reason I chose to take post-colonial actor criticism and my god I don't know why ended up reading some good books but it was a lot more than I was expecting speech writing I think what flicked me up was having already been through law school and taking very nuanced positions on issues that doesn't make for good speech is where you need lots of rah rah eras and things simplified to the point of falsehood so I guess you aren't interested in a career in politics science fiction and fantasy this was a two-hour elective at my school and the course catalog even specified that it couldn't be applied as one of the literature courses English majors needed to take so that means everyone who signed up for this class was taking it because they were just interested in the subject we read 12 - 13 books in that class books mind you not short stories some were short like the island of dr. Moreau out of the silent planet left hand of darkness but we also read une and fellowship of the ring there were also a couple that started off in Russian and had been translated to French then English those were fun classmate Monday and Wednesday semesters always started on Wednesday and he expected the first book pretty short one read by the following Monday midterm and final were hand written essays included questions like compare and contrast characters from the following seven books I took this course my junior year working on a degree in comp and math every moment I wasn't working on a core class I had my nose in a book physics electricity and magnetism yikes nutrition oh my god my nutrition class was such a joke our professor seriously made it seem like she wanted us to suffer basic level human rights did you know that civil rights inalienable rights and human rights are all different because I didn't but I do now glad I took it I took a class called dinosaurs I was told a bunch of football players and athletes took it as an easy science requirement so I assumed it was a class where we got to watch Jurassic Park or something instead it was an intensive class about the evolutionary trade-off dinosaurs with very specific names trays and timelines I got a c-plus in it which lowered my GPA from sumer CM lord to magnus en lord i had to tell my parents my GPA got taken out by frickin dinosaurs I thought I would ace intro to sociology I didn't logic went in expecting some sort of writing based philosophy class in my last semester of undergrad it was actually a class full of formulas and proofs logic is super fun but it is not easy microeconomics my first semester at college thought how bad could it be if it's just a call cried a lot got an a though microeconomics was heck cried a lot got a D still got my credits never touching econ again intro to logic not computer logic but philosophy type logic I had taken a couple of philosophy classes and liked them and this was an intro class so I figured it would be no problem as it turned out the guy teaching it was a practicing attorney with a PhD in philosopher who taught on the side he was a very tough grader and would just destroy our logical argument quantum theory I thought I'd love it cutting-edge physics how cool is this gonna be day one prof. says leave your common sense at the door it will only get you in trouble in here turns out I'm more of an engineering type and theoretical physics type that course was nuts it was like four months of having to memorize someone's acid trip took a psychology class called something like drugs and behavior thinking it was going to be a fun class about drugs it was about how drugs actually work in the brain like blocking receptors and crap it was still really interesting and I did fine in the class but I had to put a lot more work into it than I expected anatomy and fist to hundred and thirty-four I had been through nursing school worked as an EMT surgical technician and set so I figured it was going to be cake even though lots of people warned me it would not be being a 200 level class second year college I figure they were just idiots they were not idiots it was hard to the point of being ridiculous this should have been a 400 level med school class this was a class with six cadaver ik bodies and an instructor that thought we all needed MD level A&P knowledge this one class was a full-time job I had two days a week off my regular job and spent the 1215 hours a day on my days off flat out studying for this one class forget my other classes on the first exam highest score was a 30% I got a 29% which was the high point for the curve but now I know the name of every hole in the skull the name origin insertion and innovation of every muscle in the body the name of every bone the 200 plus joints and a multitude of information I will never likely need to know I am studying to be a funeral director and had the same experience ended up being a weed out class for people wanting to be surgeons I had to drop another course so I could get a C or better for that one because I couldn't afford to pay the lab fee again I ended up with a B and a healthy respect for doctors there is no way I could make it through Medical School status tool mechanics and thermodynamics my senior year I had the brilliant idea to get a physics major to go with my engineering degree after a month I dropped that class and the extra major like a bundle of hot potatoes well Mayo I remember that class got a four stroke ten on a midterm and gotta be a seven stroke ten was an a 15 minutes multiple choice and no partial credit how many degrees of freedom are in the gas molecule haggis I took a creative writing class in Community College after racing ap Comp and lit and being the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper in high school I thought I would do great I sucked but I was terrible and the girl that sat next to me had this artistic journal with all these great doodles and poetry that should have been made into some kind of spoken word movie I hadn't felt that dumb and untalented in a while I had to just shut up and get my credit and get out I had gone from being in the basic classes to being moved to AP and then becoming a star pupil in high school the AP kids who had been taking AP courses since middle school started respecting me in my senior year because I had never taken them and was doing freaking awesome then I went to Community College not even like a university and was handed my butt yet big piece of humble pie for me astronomy I thought we'd just be looking through telescopes it was a lot of math and I had to work my butt off for it be our astronomy class was pretty basic and we just had to remember basic facts it was nicknamed star sort odds geography 201 didn't know I could fail the study of mountains and landmarks music-appreciation took it in the summer thinking it would be an easy a to counter my probable C in organic chemistry the tests consisted of the professor playing 25 classical songs on his CD player and we had to name the composer name of song etc all that stuff sounds the same to me ended up making a cien music appreciation and an A in organic chemistry intro to phonetics really did not know what I was getting into but nope the freak out when we started having to translate speech into the phonetic alphabet genetics said no one ever seriously don't freak with genetics it's just difficult logic puzzles where you have to know some specific rules that only apply to certain situations especially heck if your professor is one of those I make everything hard type of people I took 400 level inorganic chemistry and it was absolutely nowhere near the level of difficulty as genetics 200 I went into my first accounting class thinking I had a leg up because I was working as a bookkeeper I was wrong intro art studio class oh you just show up to class and draw nope he has 12 hours of homework a week folk and fairy tales it's was a 200 LVL comte elite class and I was doing Abed second ish Maj at the time I attended all the lectures took fantastic notes wrote my first essay for the class see with the comment of this is a classic example of a good thesis topic wasted on a bad essay I was a little put off because my essays we usually B+ at worst turns out my essay had been one of the ones marked by the taihu was brutal to everyone so the Prophet read to remark all done by them most people's grade moved up a couple like C+ to be mine stayed at a/c crushed astronomy 101 I figured we would learn about the planets and solar systems and stars and kinder and intro as the name intro to astronomy would suggest it was more math than any math class I ever took intro level statistics not so much a course but a semester my first semester in law school I was older than a traditional student and had always been one of the smartest guys in the room and I was going to treat law school like a job since I hadn't had jobs before and none of these smartest kids had so I'm going to ace this crap I spent a considerable amount of time wondering how much time Law Review would take in my second year and whether I'd have a more realistic shot at Magna or soma in my third year the first clue I had that I was delusional was our initial reading assignment for torts it was about 25-30 pages I was always a quick reader so I figured an hour probably much less on Saturday afternoon should do it several hours later I gave up I didn't finish I gave up I had a scholarship that required I keep a 3.0 GPA I finished that first semester below that line trigonometry don't get me wrong I'm decent at math and I basically took this class in high school my professor was hard all homework was done on paper and you had to space everything out writing a fractions and squeeze them in to save some line paper you got dr. point didn't rewrite the question docked points circled your answer docked points I also had a small mental breakdown that semester bad a got a B in that class control system shudders I thought taking a college-level ceramics course was a giant joke turns out it was a really challenging class and I totally fell in love with being in the studio making things influenced a lot of my life after that point I even met my wife in one of the later ceramics courses I took in college like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: college stories, college storytime, college courses, hardest college course, hardest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: qaowirrbk4g
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Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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