What College Majors Should You Avoid? (r/AskReddit)

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reddit what are some college majors that should definitely be avoided if your journalism major getting involved in student publications media is way more important than classes journalists and hired based off of their degree with how well acclimated they are to newsrooms deadlines etc you can't learn the trade in the classroom only in the field classes ought to just help you refine your skills and the little things oh absolutely I started hanging out in the newsroom of my school the first week of my freshman year it boggles my mind how there were journalism majors who just didn't want to get involved but was still convinced their degree would get them by standalone language majors how you student learning a language in four years going to compete with a bilingual speaker who also has skills for the workforce you must pair it with something else if you want a major in the language you double major going through college undecided then just picking whatever you have the credits to graduate with in your senior year general studies just pick a major being undecided all four years won't look great on your first resume unless you leave undergrad with some amazing experience that translates into an immediate position my associates is in general studies I change my major so many times that my advisor just pulled my credits together and told me to show up in May for graduation foreign languages if you plan on moving to the country you are majoring in at least double major so you can do something there I can't tell you how many people I knew majoring in French that wanted to move to France and work there my double majored and so far it has worked out for me but not so much for the people who plan to move abroad with no other degree or plan I was a history major twice fun but no money now I'm a zoo keeping major tons more fun and even less money I'm just here to check if my major is listed me too so far it's not if you don't plan on getting at least a master's degree avoid psychology I've known several servers bartenders and receptionists that have their degree in psychology even a few that have ended up in retail not that I look down on those jobs just that they clearly don't require a psychology degree to get a job in the field you pretty much need to have a master's at least wish I could have figured this out when I was 18 art history my current roommate out of college now was an art history major she doesn't do any art herself just really likes art spends a lot of her weekends going to museums and galleries can't find a job in what she wants to do has an entry-level position as an office administrator and she hates it can't really move up much in her company because she doesn't have the knowledge of the industry sin she went to a private university for it and will be paying off loans for a long time it's such a shame that this is the reality because if I could have majored in anything without worrying about money it would have definitely been art history I managed to get a few classes in while I was in college and they were definitely my favorite oh boy the weekly ask reddit that gives me an existential crisis neat I'm happy to help unless you're ten million percent certain you're going to be a priest preacher rabbi mom whatever don't waste your time getting a degree in theology religion et Cie kinesiology is popular but has a very very very limited job pool at least where I live be careful when studying music most universities offer music performance and music education getting a basilis in music education means you're certified to teach at a school and therefore has more potential of getting you a job music performance just means you got really good at playing your instrument you still have job options such as giving lessons starting your own studio joining a professional symphony or just being a freelance musician but those all have varying levels of difficulty and instability for example to get into a symphony you have to be the best of the best at least four top tier symphonies so your probability of being higher depends solely on your audition and to be a freelance musician means that there may be periods where you're unemployed and even when you are hired by someone you will go most of the time without insurance or a retirement fund and then you have to factor in the location your him if you're in an area that's musically dry you won't be finding any pain gigs unless your teacher there may be plenty of people wanting your services like churches community bands and musical pedo orchestras but you probably won't get paid non-accredited majors even if it sounds like a good degree mechanical engineering for example it might not be accredited meaning it doesn't hold anywhere near the value major in something practical minor in something fun major in what will make you money minor in what you love that's what my dad always taught me I never control left so hard in my life don't have to control F when my major is the top comment biology unless you want to go to med farm vet school or graduate school a BS in biology won't get you very far and you'll max out in earning potential early on a lot of bio majors go back for their MS or PhD because they're stuck at a low pay scale if you already know that's what you want to do you're fine make sure you do a BS and not a BA though I'm starting to think that most degrees are like this now it's like a bachelor's is a new HS diploma so many people have bachelor's degrees these days that they're not worth what they used to be I haven't seen it posted but I'm curious is an environmental science degree worth anything it's what I'm going for and I was looking at getting a job working in national forests don't do something you dislike because you think it's a good career path work is going to be a major part of your life so aiming for something that you can't stand doing is a bad idea I'm fighting with that sort of I decided to major in something I love but I hate it now because it's becoming a career instead of a hobby the career I want is generally lower pay but I'd rather major in that because I'd actually be happy my last job was at a gas station Shane and I met at least three early gas station managers who are at biology master's degrees blew my mind that they were attempting to pay down one hundred and twenty K dollars worth of loans on $20 HR criminal-justice it seems to be the new default major for people who don't actually know what they want to do now that psychology is out of vogue I work at a courthouse and I never graduated college most of the new people are trying to get in with criminal justice degrees because it will look good on their resume and there are a ton of people applying with that major very competitive it's not always just about the major but what else you do in school I got my degree in anthropology which has a bachelor's doesn't mean much in itself but I managed to get into courses where I did actual research and got my name co-published in a couple professional journals that was something I've been able to market to employers as much if not more than the degree same goes for something often bad-mouthed like women's studies I have two close friends who went that route and both are employed in careers women's studies not STEM prepared them to go on to get Social Work degrees which is where they now make their living agreed College is the epitome of why mnv and in-demand major helps but doesn't mean jack if you don't put in the work to network and intern a crappy degree held by someone who did internships for at least the latter half of their education will be looked at better than a good degree holder with no experience so incoming college goers intern network schmooze it really depends on what your goals are for your education your career and your life in general German polka history well looks like I'm tricked because I majored in Latin a comprehensive history of German beer steins is a bachelor's in psychology and mistake what can I do with it social worker got it but haven't needed for a job just stayed a massage therapist because I like it any good Plan B are options for me I went back and got my master's in computer science after that I worked at Starbucks for a year after undergrad and couldn't find a job with my psych degree though I don't think it's impossible it's just fairly tough working as a developer now I'm digging it unless you eat sleep and breathe architecture do not even consider it as a major you will spend more money more sleepless nights and more of your sanity than any other student unless you have the passion necessary to make those sacrifices forget it learn from my mistakes I just finished 2gl master's in architecture and urban design everything you said 100% except now that I'm out and working there was indeed light at the end of the tunnel to avoid all college majors I feel bad talking crap about my degree but biomedical engineering maybe not avoid it but make sure you have an idea of what you like at the beginning or early as possible and tell your work experience classes training etc to that specialty for example if you like prosthetics have things that show you are ready to compete with mechanical and electrical engineers over the same position and that your biology Anatomy knowledge gives you an edge over them all other engineer's have obvious fields they can go into bio mate is simply just not as fleshed out and employees may just pick grads with majors they fully understand in my undergrad I went more off the bioinformatics route and did a lot of coding so I load up my resume with that stuff and had two internships that furthered my coding ability but would it have been easier if I just did Computer Engineering possibly it's just about every major as someone who can't do crap with STEM related stuff and has no real talents I've just kinda accepted I'm Rowley freaked criminal-justice I'm about two months away from having my a and CJ but every law enforcement professional I met said don't waste your time getting your bachelor's in CGA get it in something practical like business or engineering so if goodness forbid something happens to you then you have a degree and something else to fall back on I want to be a police officer bTW if you're not gonna get a masters and attend an accredited school don't do architecture don't do a business major if even the smallest amount of math freaks you out even in things that haunt accounting finance you will still have to do a little bit in most entry-level positions any major starting with pre pre-law pre-med etc I know several people who became doctors with degrees in chemistry biology or engineering I also know someone who finished pre-med went to med school realized he didn't want to be a doctor and was freaked he ended up spending four years getting a second bachelor's degree likewise you can easily get a law degree and become a lawyer with degrees in all sorts of things you can't do anything else with a pre-law degree graphic design the market is oversaturated with designers design is very subjective no matter what jargon Pro designers may throw at you about color theory and the golden ratio when it comes down to you finding a job it's all about if the employer likes what they see the current industry is being devalued by sites like Fiverr and 99designs where companies will pay pennies to get a logo or a flyer made and this make companies not valuable needed house designers design agencies are very stuck up and the culture is almost always cutthroat the pay sucks depending on your city the entry-level pay can fluctuate but you will be making nowhere near the money you could be with other forms of Education you most likely will not be doing what you love unless you get lucky if you become an in-house designer be prepared to only design stuff related to whatever your company specializes in for the rest of your employment there if you're hired at an agency you will have more opportunities to work on different grants but may not be the brands you're interested in also the degree seems to not mean much by itself I have hired a handful of graphic designers and have never once asked if they have a degree I only care about their portfolio and work ethic first of all almost every major is useless if you can't show employers what you learned with it that is internships applications research papers projects beyond what is expected of a college assignment Act also you may have the risk of making your degree useless if you want to stay in a certain area in doing so you are limiting your job prospects in that industry for example you major in art history but there is only one art museum in the state and you don't want to leave the state second most majors themselves have some degree of usefulness supposedly useless majors such as philosophy history SiC can be great prep for an advanced grad school degree like pre-law or other intensive writing research degrees others like English classics journalism show that you can write well which is always valuable and can lead to jobs in copywriting editing Act that being said there are some degrees I would not recommend getting sports management coming from someone that worked at the highest levels of athletics a sports management degree is useless while there are jobs in sports they just require you to grind and they are really competitive to get I know for a fact that hiring managers don't give a crap what degree you have except for like athletic training they just care about your experience so sports management itself doesn't get you hired and it eliminates career options if a career in sports doesn't work out it's also getting a rep that it is an easy major in which I agree is the case with about 98% of sports management programs again going to what I said earlier using the art history example probably isn't a good idea to major in sports management if you attend a small private nya School in the middle of Iowa other useless majors include dance ballet if you have a bad knee or back and african-american studies from North Carolina Google and academic scandal if you don't like crap ton of physics or if you are not at least somewhat good and it don't go into lucrative engineering fields because there's a very high chance you will switch out if you're in it only for the money there's a big wake up call heading for you the one where your entry-level salary will be more than what you owe total and student loans that's what my loan officer told me in the late-1990s your major is what is going to help you make money throughout your life keep your hobbies out of it or make it a minor I've seen a lot of foreign language unless you double major nobody has yet mentioned that Japanese isn't a happy life period there is literally thousands of other Westerners pining for that English teaching job in Japan and they treat you like dirt when you get there in the UK if you can afford not to don't do law many law firms I stumbled across prefer non law rigorous degrees linguistics maths hard science and a conversion to law if you get good enough grades you might be able to get your degrees for free because some firm or in earth court will pay for it if you want to do IP law just do science whatever area of science you graduate from is the area that you can do patents also you can work in the patents office if you don't want to do law you will always get asked the question as to why you studied law and you are not trying to work in law as I got when trying to get a job in PR finally if you want to be a solicitor forget the LPC a new super exam is coming out in 2020 and you won't need to spend 10 pounds 20 K on the LPC to qualify you will however still need two years work experience so get that now don't go to college unless you know what you want to do with being looking at is all wrong start with where you want to be in 10-15 years and then work backwards what's between you and that place if college is one of those things then go to college looking at it the wrong way is how we've ended up with one trillion dollars in student loan debt don't just go to college for the sake of going to college it would literally be cheaper to travel around the world and you'd learn more gender studies like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: college, school stories, college majors, college majors explained, college majors to avoid, top majors in college, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 8c0tXIMbTsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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