What Was Your "I"m Fired, Aren't I?" Moment?

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what was the i'm fired anti moment you experienced or witnessed was one of the victims in a 40 reduction of the workforce at a small company 150 employees at the time we were all just getting settled in for the day when suddenly one lady came to her cubicle crying and started angrily throwing her crap in a box it was obvious that she was no longer an employee there but we just figured she had been fired for something tried to ignore it and stared at our computers while she finished packing and left we were just starting to whisper amongst ourselves wondering what that was about when the second person came back and did the same thing it was then that we knew it was something bigger that is layoffs i just kept doing my work and it was about an hour later when the division had walked by and said hey i waldron 500 miles can you come with me for a minute he had the same color folder in his hand that all the other victims had received so that was the i'm being let go aren't i moment went to a conference room where the hr gal was waiting and he said we're restructuring your position has been eliminated not a reflection of your work the etc etc walked me through the paperwork told me to bring my laptop to it and that she was sorry she really did feel bad she was crying through the entire thing i felt worse for her than i did for myself on the way home i was kind of in autopilot shock mode when it suddenly hit me i really did not like the work i was doing there the people were great in the company actually had decent benefits but the work was boring and suddenly all the crap i had looming on the horizon was done gone not my problem it was a really nice fall day so i grabbed rmt dew and then went for a walk in a nature preserve along the river there was only one other person out there and when we passed each other he said nice day isn't it i responded that it truly was a nice day indeed signed the paperwork for the small severance they were going to give me went to the unemployment office and filed for unemployment benefits and started reaching out to old contacts and friends looking for work i was working at a new place 29 days later and fortunately making about seven dollars came up a year and now six years later i'm making almost 20 k more than i was when i got let go so it all worked out in the end one of the help desk team that worked for me was sending obscene texts to his wife andrea when he sent a very graphic descriptive text explaining exactly what he was going to do to her when he got home unfortunately he sent it to andrew one of our biggest clients andrew's name was next to andreas and this guy's contacts on his phone he came rushing into my office the second he'd sent it and i had to ring andrew to limit the damage andrew was fine about it he said he thought my guy seemed really friendly no one got sacked but there was much p taking this happened in 2000-ish when the nokia 3310 was around no smartphones or anything like that also pisstaking or taking the p means making fun of it's a british and apparently australian term i had no idea it would confuse americans andrew sounds like a fun guy two stories my first job was with honey baked ham for giggles i thought it'd be funny to answer the phone and say thank you for calling hbh where our meat is always tender and voice there was a brief moment of silence and then i heard my manager on the other end say excuse me worked at a daycare in college had twin boys in my class that were very rambunctious we had a football that i would throw to the kids a lot especially the boys because they seem to really enjoy it this was the chain of events on my last day twin one steps really close to me and holds his arm back like he's going to chunk the ball at me point blank i said don't throw that at me so he of course does and runs off i picked the ball up and threw it at him and as the ball was in mid-air he turns around and the ball hits him right between the legs he literally drops to his knees and screams the teacher in the room next to me knew it was an accident and takes him inside to get him some water and butter him up twin two approaches you hit my brother he goes to throw the ball at me as hard as he can and i put my foot up to kick it and i end up kicking him right in the nuts he drops to the ground and screams at this very moment the after-school director walks out with the previous twin and now sees the second one on the ground holding his crotch she says omg you hit another one and all i could think to say was he hit me first i knew right then i was done i always felt a little guilty about the whole nut shot thing with the kids even though it was an accident but for the platinum i can't get over anything picturing this play out is like watching a sitcom i love it i was just having friendly chit chat with a guy at my new job with a work messaging app mostly talked about food and how he was always hungry just water cooler stuff and then apparently his jealous gf read the messages and decided we were flirting it eventually led to the both of them writing an email and sending it to my boss accusing me of being inappropriate and using work tools to be inappropriate i have barely worked here a month so i thought i was going to get fired thankfully my boss realized how crazy dude and his gf is and i'm still here kinda turned off on being friendly to anyone else though this is from a slightly different perspective but what the heck in this case it was the boss who thought he was going to fire me i started working at a target and at the end of the first day my manager is walking with me up to the front of the store just after i've clocked out he's telling me he thinks i'm going to fit in and work out well my mom is there to pick me up and she's just leaning against the wall near cosmetics where we'll have to walk right past her as we approach her i make a comment about these lazy customers who just come in and lounge about the place not buying anything and i ball up my hoodie and hurl it at her the manager has no idea we're related and was just about to tell me to get out and never come back when i introduced her to him the manager took it well he found it hilarious once he realized i messed with him quite a bit mum thought it was funny too i probably got my sense of humor from her just happened last night actually surprisingly he hasn't been fired yet the company christmas party was yesterday afternoon basically the office closes and there's an open bar in one of the big presentation rooms i'm surprised they still do open bar on company property newer guy took full advantage of this and had too many in the couple hours that this party lasts he goes back up to the bar and try his luck with the bartender orders and nob creek neat bartender hands it over he makes a presumably terrible joke about the name of the liquor as she hands it over and she looks disgusted the place was packed and way too loud so i couldn't hear exactly what he said walk away i asked what he said ehh was just a joke you realize that vps daughter right [ __ ] i walked into the prep area of the yogurt shop i managed to find an employee humping the ice machine he was just goofing off but i had a sudden evil urge to play a crazy serious i said michael that ice machine is company property and deserves your respect i'm afraid i'm going to have to take disciplinary action he literally hung his head and asked will my parents find out it took me 10 minutes to convince the poor guy that i was just kidding and he wasn't in trouble it was my first management job and i didn't fully understand that my authority came with a responsibility not to scare the employees the first time a customer complained about me i was like 16 and for sure thought i was gonna lose my job my boss walked over and said that lady is a freaking idiot don't worry sounds like a good boss company i worked for was losing money fast and their employees checks were bouncing this was right around halloween so as a joke i went to work as a bounced chick the ceo got wind of an employee wearing a bounce check he walked around the camper looking for me and found me in the warehouse chatting with some guys three days later i was pulled into hr and my position was eliminated 10 stroke 10 would do again a plus handful of friends and i worked at a golf course through high school the golf course was bank owned due to financial hardship and was largely ignored by the institution they had a guy who would occasionally stop in for 20-30 minutes but beyond that we pretty much ran the joint the course had a good amount of traffic and frankly the course ran smoother than a lot of places full of power trippy starters and over congested tee sheets the fact that we were a bunch of 16 18 year old kids who kept the place in order was quite remarkable anyways after a few years of this the course was purchased by a semi-local golf course investor he comes in his first day and goes on a rant about how he doesn't believe that anyone under the age of 30 should be handling the cash register he talks about theft and how he doesn't trust kids etc then and surprisingly he fired all of us kids and hired a bunch of old guys to take over our duties the court ended up going under a few years later the old guys struggled to keep up with things like booking tea times on the computer while answering phones and handling purchases it was honestly pretty sweet to see it all end that way even though i miss the court itself dilly he doesn't believe that anyone under the age of 30 should be handling the cash register so he's never walked into a fast food joint in his life i work in a company that is owned by a really large company we have quite a few sister companies big industry thing got an email from a guy in a sister company that was meant to be sent to just a few people at his workplace but he blasted it out to everyone in the corporate directory literally everyone thousands of people it was this sectarian joke that i can't even remember clearly but something equating black kids to monkeys in the classroom nearly immediately after that he sent out another email apologizing for it but i heard through the grapevine he was fired immediately along with one or two of the other people on the email i appreciate the quotes around joke sounds like that fella got what he had come into him i have to one just started new job like a month beforehand has an awesome policy during summer where employees can leave at noon on fridays if they've finished their work salaried so we still get paid i'm working late to 3 p.m log off to use restroom try to log back in i get this message that account is no longer valid i freak out it's common knowledge that anyone let go is let go first thing monday mornings did they fill out the paperwork and the it just fit the switch early also i'm new no idea who to call or talk to the place is a ghost town i eventually found someone from the ad group they handle user accounts and he to login and pull some file down that had somehow gotten corrupted i was backing and working in like 10 minutes he'd never seen that error before and i haven't had any problems since two still working the same place have a newish boss that says in our morning group meeting someone says i need to talk to you directly after this meeting privately come to my office oh crap what did i do meeting ends she goes to another meeting i ping her awkwardly hey you wanted to see me oh yay we'll talk later so she reschedules our talk four times that day and at four pm six hours of sweating bullets i go in there you're getting a raise here's the paperwork my mind took like five minutes to process that it was good news it's only good news for you if it keeps getting rescheduled if you had been getting let go they would have held firm to a set meeting time i've been on the receiving end of that terrified look i used to work support desk and our vp of finance came in complaining his laptop was behaving weirdly i start doing basic trigger it felt virus y from the start and go into the downloads folder to see if anything looked obviously suspicious sure enough 14 gb of the most boringly titled vanilla hot teen sucks donkey i like the vp he's always done right by me when i've interacted with him and genuinely a nice guy i ask him to stop by my desk before he heads back to the hotel for the night so i'm not sure how to tell you this but you should just leave things that are meant to stay on the internet on the internet what are you talking about the only people who've used this machine are me and my wife the wife is six months pregnant there's videos on the computer that you probably don't want to save to your machine dan's eyes go wide the color drains from his face and almost immediately he spouts i told her to use the chromebook for that apparently his pregnant wife was crazy frisky and would download crap on the company laptop having met his wife at a company dinner i knew he wasn't making crap up i laughed so goddamn hard i fixed his machine deleted the videos and told no one i'm not getting someone fired three weeks before christmas i worked as a facility engineer maintenance manager for a little over two years when i first got promoted to the role it was time to clean up after the previous guy we had a few other managers shifted to other roles buildings or out of the company so i had a lot questions without people to answer them this place was a very high-end workout club with a salon massage clinic and restaurant i was trying to clean out some neglected spaces in the massage areas but i needed a shopvac lucky for me i remembered one living in the back of the kitchen i went to get it it was way too heavy maybe 55 pounds if only their wheels worked properly and one went missing i could wheel this thing away to empty it clean it and use it that would have saved me from the heck i ended up dealing with i called my manager to identify what was in shovak it was orange foamy spotted with black and green dots and had the worst smell i've ever known i'll save you the suspense it was all removed from the grease trap but then left in the shop vac for over a year it was very bad for those who have worked in restaurants imagine your grease trap smelling pretty okay compared to this we struggled to get it out of the kitchen and into the hallway shared with the yoga studio which was very full much like the shopvac we pushed all the shoes and bags to make an aisle for me to push this putrid scum bucket through to the exit doors there was an unfortunately tall lip in the floor for those exit doors and me being the strapping young man i was decided to pick up the shop vac and walk it outside it was so close you know i grabbed the handles and lifted it up to about my chest that's when the bucket fell from the lid the lid that i was holding by the handles while i watched hack get unleashed on the shoes and bags of the 50 people in the yoga studio also all over myself that's was the fun part the smell was intensified when released from the bucket and splattered all over everything we were getting smell complaints working seconds from all over the 75 000 sqft building and i was in the middle of it all we managed to make it into a very manageable situation with great teamwork my manager later shared with me how intense my i just lost my new job face was she likes to bring it up every so often even now that we have both moved on from that place if anyone deserved to get fired it was whoever in the kitchen was using the shop vac to clean the grease trap and never disposing of the grease even if you did get that thing emptied out that shop vac was probably ruined when i cut into the wrong fluid line during a demolition the line i cut into carried concentrated sulfuric acid to a cooling tower i don't know the specifics but the line would be active for say five minutes and then off for 20 minutes i cut into it during and off period still i had remnants drip onto my arm plus side was a cold november day and i was wrapped up in at least three layers of clothing we called it in immediately and i got a change of clothes from my car when acid comes into contact with clothing there isn't a hiss no smoke just a wet spot like it was water after a short time a minute maybe my outer layer a jean jacket was fraying like old jeans would do i got all my clothing off that had come into contact with it and they were all fraying in the same manner it had just reached my base layer of clothing as i was removing it i knew immediately when i cut into that line that something was wrong and that i would likely be let go an hour later i'm sitting in a trailer uncontrollably shaking knowing that if i discarded that clothing 10 minutes later my arm would have been amputated in a best-case scenario we had been given protective gear for when we were supposed to cut into the acid line but that was scheduled for a different day hence i just had normal denim on i lost a scanner that cost around 1 000 at work these scanners weighed a couple pounds and were bulky to carry around so usually we would leave them in the cart that we were using to keep trash from stocking items our manager said this wasn't allowed so i requested the clip to keep it on my belt for over two months because i knew a less than ten dollars clip was in the budget my manager kept rejecting that request so i continued to leave the scanner in my cart which was less than 10 feet from me 95 of the time my manager decided to take the scanner from me one day and not tell me i panicked and thought i would have to pay for a new one and would be fired it turns out that the manager went around that day and picked up all of the scanners she could find in the store that weren't attached to a clip my grandma who has worked at the store 20 years longer than the manager and is known to be the hardest worker there yelled at the manager to either get me a clip or apologize to me the manager apologized to me for freaking me out and i apologized for not keeping better track of the scanner i also requested the clip again but never got one before i stopped working there requires a clip doesn't provide clip that's a setup for failure i used to work in a call center for a supplemental insurance firm one day i was making enrollment calls to employees of one of our clients making sure to leave voicemails if they did not pick up so they can call back one of these calls kept cutting me off mid voicemail and prompting to press one to leave a voicemail i assumed their voicemail wasn't actually recording as to why it kept cutting me off after several attempts on leaving a voicemail i just exclaimed son of a bee and hung up an hour goes by and the president of my company calls me into his office with the call center manager turns out that person's voicemail was recording the entire time and had all of the audio even worse it was the voicemail boxer the ceo of our client company that i was calling he literally played the audio in front of us it was hard to explain my way out of that one holy crap i just had to deal with this last week i was a customer not a worker so i don't have anything to worry about but some weird butt voicemail that says leave a detailed message in 15 seconds and repeat the message but if you press one to record it just continues reading the message i tried three times and swore and hung up whoops the video of nintendo of russia's ceo swearing while not realizing he was on live video he walked up behind two people playing the royal cut and somehow managed to miss the fact that they were playing the royal cut competitively that there was a camera pointed at them and that multiple people pointed out that they were on live video so this mirror could live a stream has the ceo in the background cursing out his employees for being incompetent in addition he's apparently really really bad at economics and lost the company a lot of money by refusing to stock a game and running out of units to sell along with being accused of gender biased harassment i have no idea if he was actually fired though he hasn't been fired but nintendo is doing an investigation i would not be surprised if they do fire him though co-worker while being caught not preforming count procedures at a prison all that was required of the officer was to walk past 84 cells and confirm breathing bodies rank comes down to see where count was finds co-worker sleeping in supply closet attempts to wake [ __ ] having already failed rank then finds the officer's already completed count sheet in his lap meaning it was filled out in advance which is grounds to be immediately fired a co-worker just hangs his head and starts grabbing his belongings before bringing escorted out when i was working day shift behind the bar in an irish bar restaurant in france a waitress brought a table of two their food they were having different burgers and the waitress never verified who was having what before putting the plates down she went off to take another order and the first table called her back to say that she put the wrong plates in front of them and she needed to switch them she stared at them for a moment i could see the wheels and her head turning and she just grabbled the burgers not the plates and switched them looked the customer dead in the eye and said bon appetit and walked off the place was and remains an absolute [ __ ] chow as far as treatment of staff goes everyone was constantly stressed and on their toes and the running joke was to tell new stuff that if they did something wrong they would be held accountable and punished and if they didn't do anything wrong well they would be punished anyway all that to say when she came over to the bar again all i could think to say to her was that was freaking funny but you know you're fired right i was working as a manager for a parking garage at a hospital in my early 20s supervising the valet crew was part of my job a lot of the valley guys were either 20 somethings without much direction or 60 plus guys working a job in semi-retirement one of the older fellas mistook the gas pedal for the break while trying to drive a heavily modified transport bus modified with lifts gurney strapping points etc he totaled six cars before the bus finally came to a stop i ran towards it thinking he was probably hurt before i got there he hopped out of the bus shook his head and looked at me sue i'm probably fired right i don't remember what the final total was on the insurance claim but yes he was fired i really want to see a video of this i don't think my imagination is doing it justice at all i spoke out in a clearing meeting it's a safe space about all the upper level hiring and blatant lack of promotions coming from a consultant who is hand picking all these new hires i was fired a couple weeks later for unclear reasons eater dong gopro at the time my job was testing the front end of a large billing database manager told me to test on beta at the time i thought of beta as a staging environment with mock data not an alternative front end to our production database which it never should have been when i test i always use obviously fake numbers so here i am in a production db making bills and anyway the next week a real life customer wanted to know why he had a bill for 420 and 69 cents surprisingly i didn't get fired at that point if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 21,557
Rating: 4.8747697 out of 5
Keywords: im fired arent i, fired, fired from job, fired from my job, moskaut awkward moments, job, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: VBbMZ1wvWoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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