Prison Guards, What's the Worst Incident You've Had to Deal With?

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nsw prison guards of reddit what's the most disturbing thing you've dealt with oh boy here we go my first fight i responded to was a stabbing trying to contain that situation with nothing more than oocy spray and gloves was a pretty grim welcoming to corrections i try not to look at their charges because i find it hard to treat them the same after i find out that they are violent diddlers almost every time an inmate is polite and seems like a decent enough person i end up hearing their case in the news and it is nine stroke 10 physical violation charges i saw the guy who slipped in the bathroom have his hip come completely out of his socket and his leg came out at a ridiculous angle trying to have a conversation with someone and descaler them when you can hardly see them because so much fesses has been spread over the window during a strip search an inmate used his hands to make his butt cheek say excuse me sir but do you have a breath mint but by far the most disturbing thing is the complete lack of accountability 90 of these guys have convinced themselves that they are the victims and have done no wrong never accountable for anything and have a sense of entitlement that is more frustrating than anything to deal with than any other aspect of my job becoming accustomed to being threatened is a pretty strange phenomenon i didn't realize i had become desensitized to it until i was threatened by an inmate telling me i am going to murder you and violate your wife i told my family that it happened a few weeks later just as a row by the way sort of thing and they were mortified whereas i had almost forgotten it happened an inmate who was infamous for packing drugs in his rectum came in and completed his dry cell stint in segregation other inmates didn't believe him when he told them he didn't have any drugs on him this time so they decided to check for themselves they accomplished this with the darsani water bottle enema the host of medical conditions you see during strip searches is alarming at first the list contains testicles the size of mangoes genital warts larger that their dongs aid lesions always make me gag and of course dong amputations always catch you off guard i have two one ceo friend at a city lock-up knew an inmate who everyone called the gingerbread man he would get naked and cover himself head-to-toe in poop he was trying to get insanity but his crimes were drug-dealing related he was beaten rather badly a number of times by the three or five guys he shared a cell with he stopped eventually then went to real prison another ceo i know knew a guy who was kept solo because he kept trying to give people his hiv filling plastic pen tubes with blood he would try to stab people and then blow into the tube he died one night when my co friend wasn't there when he broke a light in the infirmary instead slashing himself up and threatening to give anyone who came in hiv they locked the door and told him to wash up under the shower he wouldn't and he bled out hours later some cos jit reprimands and demerits or whatever but nobody lost a job because the investigator could understand not wanting to be given hiv from a bleeding psycho armed with long shards of broken glass i just asked and the guy with hiv didn't die he passed out from blood loss and was revived now i wasn't a prison guard but quickly hear me out i worked in the emergency mental health unit of my city's hospital for about two years the patients i was responsible for were the ones that were placed on something called a form most patients were on a form one which meant they had recently tried to harm themselves generally trying to commit suicide these patients were not allowed to leave the hospital and were essentially prisoners of the hospital if they just made a bee line for the door to run police would be called and they'd be arrested so anyways on with the story one man came in kind of imagine a biker looking fellow big beard leather jacket ripped jeans big boots etc so he came into the hospital complaining about his leg and that it was in pain so the one nurse examined him and ended up sending him to me and placed on a form he told me he was just in because his leg hurt so i was a little confused anyways my first job on a form is to get the patient to change into a hospital gown collect their belongings and lock them in a locker for them to get later these patients obviously can't have anything like strings or hard objects that could be used to harm themselves or someone else so he took off his jacket and i saw his arms they were covered in what looked like paintballing welds imagine bumps and bruises that raised maybe half an inch off the skin they were all scabbed with dry blood all over them so he proceeded to take off his shirt and same thing on his torso there literally was not a one-inch gap between the welts this guy had so many so i asked him and he says oh that's where the bugs come out of so i was like okay does the doctor know about this and he said he mentioned it to the nurse and she sent him over here so he took off his jeans and of course same deal on his legs i took his jeans and felt something heavy in the pocket and pulled out a huge hunting knife so i went over to the doctor told him and he came over and i sway his jaw almost hit the floor he closed the door and talked to the guy for about 20 minutes came back out and told me the patient had thought bugs were crawling out of his skin and he was using the hunting knife to essentially pluck them out it turns out he was a room addict and actually had bed bugs in his apartment tldr m not even once not me but my uncle he has been a prison guard for 10 years he has seen countless of things but there was one thing that has always stuck with his mind a little back information my uncle is a chill guy he is a kind of dude that would give inmates more minutes on the phone to call with their wife provide them with a little extra comfort when they had it dire think solitary confinement and was overall a human among imprisoned humans this of course made him gain respect from the inmates as he treated them like humans however in his last year he substituted for one of his colleagues one night and that was when crap went crazy five inmates had very carefully planned out a breakout which required a hostage as they had some respect for my uncle they didn't want to do it to him and therefore specifically chose a day that he wouldn't be there but yeah they wanted to break out anyway and if you set something in motion you know you can't stop a roller coaster when it has already started going down so they took him hostage and one of the inmates said while holding a gun to my uncle's head you aren't supposed to be here why the frick are you here my uncle was shocked quite logical if you ask me and the other inmates made a run for it however two of them the hostage taker were shot in the knee and that is when the inmate stopped the escape uncle made it out alive had two paid weeks of and went on a deep traumatizing holiday with wife tl dr uncle was at wrong time wrong place i think two weeks is a tad short i worked at death row prison in tien we housed death row ultra max to minimum security inmates we had a special kind of inmate who was always in and out of ultra max and the special needs prison down the road there was four all within a ten minute drive i will never forget this inmate in meiji he was always self-harming and causing problems to us and other inmates one very busy short staffed day i was assigned the ultra max unit i dreaded walking in that unit as i normally worked unit 5 which was medium security so it wasn't a big hassle anyways we are busting our recess off getting showers done and getting the inmates to the rec yard on top of delivering trays one at a time only one pie flap open at a time and inmate g is up to his usual banging on the door and screaming he wasn't getting his meal fast enough he decides to set a small fire by making a stinger paper clip or even notebook wire folded over to plug into the socket and have one end stick out to get hot this is how they make their ramen noodles and lights paper on fire the ultra max unit is set up so often a thing is plugged in an outlet that sells power gets tripped i go and put the fire out in front of his cell and write up a disciplinary report on him at the whole unit is banging on doors and screaming because inmates g has no power water still works and the other inmates are trying to get him to shut up so with me having the most tenure i get volunteered to go stop it everyone stops but inmate g i radio in for someone else to assist as two officers must handle an inmate in this unit at a time as i am waiting and standing in front of the door ready to subdue inmates g and take him to the discipline board to go over his extra charges he decides to look me in the eyes and take apart a pen he takes the spring out of the pen and starts unwinding it and scraping at his wrists and throat i call the medical code over the radio and the prisons elected responders come as well as the medical staff within the two-minute period for everyone to get to meet inmates g takes the spring and slowly inserts it into his dong there is inmate g with a spring in his donghol and blood everywhere we finally get him out of the cell and had to send him to the special needs medical prison down the road that was almost an every week thing with him tl dr i watched hindi mate try to commit suicide and shove a spring in his donghul my wife works a social worker in a juvenile detention center here in brazil at first she often told me about the youngs that she attend to and told me two cases that made my insides frozen first is the case of a kid he was kidnapped by tribal natives that was in war against some minors near amazon the natives murdered his father in front of him and took him to the tribe where everyone there violated him daily for about six months he was six seven years then later after rescued he was never the same started with drugs with eight nine years and turned to prostitution with 10 11 to pay for it he was jailed because he and some companions robbed a car from a client that died he wasn't involved directly in the murder she told me the kid was very effeminate with 14 years old and very sweet you can't start to imagine his life there inside the detention center he was also violated another case was from another kid 14 years old if i remember the murdered his family with an axe while they slept brother seven y grandfather and grandmother he told because it was to get their money my wife was very afraid to be with him alone in the room this one was crazy more recently i can link you a history where more than 60 inmates was killed in a rebellion in manaus capital of amazonia in brazil most of them was decapitated dismembered dissembled and burned they trowed their heads and hearts above the walls to the police that was outside this was last week or the other after the new year that first story is so incredibly sad i'm not but my friend used to be he left it got too much he worked in the highest category prison where there were debaters murderers kiddie fiddlers the worst of the worst he told loads of stories but the one that sticks with me was the timer inmate who was in prison for child physical shaming called for help to see a doctor they guards asked why and he wouldn't say so they said no he kept on calling and asking and they kept on asking why and he wouldn't answer so they kept saying no until he got real desperate he didn't say anything he was just curled up on his bed when he lifted the sheets up and there was blood everywhere he'd been physically shamed with some sort of instrument and they tried to cut his dong off brutal he also said that freaking between the male inmates is not viewed as gay which i thought was interesting [Music] i've worked as a police officer and corrections officer combined career time is about 12 years anyway i don't know what i would consider the worst thing i've seen is after a while you kind of get desensitized to a lot of things many of the inmates that i have seen do some disturbing things were either suffering from mental health issues drug-related mania or both but some of the things i've seen were inmates in a medical segregation cell eating pieces of his forearm until the underlying muscle and flesh was visible we had to chair him inmates in a mental health segregation cell punching his mattress yelling at it then fricking it inmate taking a dump grabbing it examining it then eating it like a snickers bar inmates walking up the steps to the second tier climbing over the railing then jumping head first into the concrete the most disturbing thing about this wasn't the scene but the sound of his head slamming and cracking open inmate taking a dump smearing it on the wall masturbating smearing semen on the wall mixing everything together like finger paint then licking the wall i've witnessed a few suicide attempts but only two hangings i'm not sure if they would count as disturbing there is probably a lot more that i haven't thought of but yeah it does get interesting i had a conversation with a co-worker a few years ago about how the crap we see doesn't faze us but would really mess up someone from the public seo here the very worst part about the entire job is how eventually nothing phases you anymore my family always wants stories from the jail but i can never come up with any because nothing is shocking to me anymore like the guy who tried to kill himself by cutting his wrists and just making a blood ocean in the bottom of his cell it's amazing how much blood a human can lose and still put up a fight against those who come in to save him or the guy who enjoyed shoving pencils up his dong hole he was kept in permanent psyche pc because the weirdo would just go to gen pop shove a pencil up his dong let it sit there for a few days end up in the health center and while in sega on psyche pc he wasn't allowed any items in his cell well of course except paper to write his attorney and what do you need with paper that's right his favorite a pencil each time he asked for a pencil we just sighed knowing we would have to give it to him and he was just gonna shove it up his dong hole or the guy who asked to use a bathroom while in wreck well there isn't a bathroom in wreck so you have to hold it 10 minutes later he comes walking up to me holding a glove full of pee i'm incredibly lucky he didn't throw it at me none of these things are shocking to me anymore this is a texas max prison hazing is a big thing in texas the new guy always gets picked on i was a newer officer to administrative segregation an area of the prison where people are locked in their cell 23 hours a day so naturally all the hazing happened to me on this particular day i was at the control picket where the switch to all the cell doors are and i kept hearing a loud yell that went like oh oh oh oh e e e e and a thud thud fudd over and over it was the strangest sound i looked at my co-workers and they didn't seem concerned about it so naturally i asked them guys what the heck is that my co-workers told me dude that guy might be having a stroke or something go check on him i was kind of panicked i ran over there to make sure the guy was okay big mistake there was a guy in his cell with his leg hyped up on his metal shelf shoving a plastic spoon a big one in and out his butt while he masturbated with a ripped up strip of his mattress sheet tied tightly around his dong and balls all while he was banging his dong on the metal shelf the uawa e sound was him moaning while he did it and the thud sound was his dong banging against the shelf he was absolutely abusing his junk it was freaking disturbing i've never seen anything quite like it my co-workers knew about it he did it on a regular basis and they thought it would be funny for me to see him doing it every time i worked on that wing and heard a wee thud thud thud i knew to stay the heck away from the cell worst part about the whole situation was i did the same thing my co-workers did to me to another rookie about a year later well six months go on and it was time for an institutional shakedown we do a cell search on every cell this guy's cell happens to come up no master bash noises cool so i go by his cell and notice this foul smell i pull him out and lock him another spot i go in his cell and his sink has got this rotten disgusting liquid inside of it filled all the way up with his butt toy of a spoon next to his sink his entire cell smelled horrible later on come to find out all his food he was served to him since he's insane his trays are brought to him he dumped in his sink filled it up with water and let it ferment that's what he ate rotten soup and use the spoon he shoved up his butt for master bashing to eat it with and the ingredients were rotten disgusting old food i could probably think of some more if more people show interest i'm a correctional officer of just over four years lieutenant nothing surprises me anymore i think a lot of us are that way kinda numb from daily exposure to a society that works nothing like the one i live in outside of work i'll share a couple stories strip searching an inmate to be put into lock-up he was engaging in freaking other prisoners and when he pulled his underwear off i saw that he had attempted his own gender reassignment surgery it was all healed and scarred but man it was a freaking mess down there i felt the blood rush out of my head and felt a little queasy i still had to have him turn squat and cough i don't know exactly how to describe it but the way he turned and looked at me as he spread himself apart was disturbing and obscene one time i was putting leg irons on a guy and i smelled what i thought was a fart as i sarcastically thanked him for crop dusting me i pulled his left hand leg up to secure the other part of a restraint device a turd fell right on my hand it takes a second to process the fact that someone literally just crap on you lots of crazy people in prison lots of drug abuse i've caught guys with needles hanging out of their arms completely out of their mind on k2 spice etc one instance that sticks with me is when i walked into a unit and caught a dude smoking k2 as soon as i saw him he started seizing out and fell and cracked his head on the concrete floor that sound it runs a chill down my spine just remembering the dull crack followed by blood and vomit a couple months ago one of my friends at another facility killed himself self-inflicted gunshot he always seemed so happy coping mechanism i'm sure i never even knew he was suffering i would have been there for him any way i could have a couple days ago one of my officers died on the job i wasn't working shift his partner worked to revive him for 15 minutes until emts arrived we're still reeling from this one having to run a facility while grieving a dude who should be there is a strange feeling he was constantly freaking with me and i loved it and hated it lol i almost feel like this is some crazy joke and he's gonna pop back into central and call me a dumb mother for falling for it he was my brother r.i.p jenkins we love you i'll see you wednesday if you can read this please don't show jesus my search history i used to work as an emt before the job became too stressful i used to respond all the time to the local women's high security prison it was weird getting patients who seemed like nice people and after a job i'd look them up on google and find out exactly just how violent the atrocities they committed were they ranged for murders to kidnapping fire bugs etc but the worst thing i've ever seen was not an act committed by an inmate we respond to a call for a heart attack charlie which means we have to respond quickly our call was not five minutes away from the prison so we got our driver a crew member and i as the emt at the time respond there is a lot of protocol that you have to deal with when you enter a prison your rig gets checked so do your rides and there are multiple gates you have to go through of course knowing the nature of the call we asked for them to help us move more quickly through the checkpoints the guards neither cared nor did they seem like they even listened to us granted i can understand it's your job but when you have a patient in a life or death situation sometimes greasing the wheel can be beneficial anyway to make a long story shorter cause nobody really reads long ones anyway it took us 40 minutes to get to the patient they gave us the wrong flaw that she had been on and they seemed indifferent the women ended up being down for over 30 minutes without a response so i knew then that the chances of resuscitating the patient was not good the anger i felt at the staff still gets me fired up today that women might have been saved if we had gotten there sooner plus when we arrived at the patient the guards who had been there doing cpr before us had placed the leads from the eid on wrong and didn't shave the patient feel bad for saying this but the patient was really hairy and i know that when it comes to women you don't necessarily think of a hairy chest but you need to shave it if you see something this is one of the reasons i'm not working as an emt anymore that and mcdonald's employees make more than me i'm not a co but my brother is working at the state pen and my father is retired from there there was a time i was in eighth grade so that would have been 2011 where a man by the name of ron rj johnson picked up a shift that someone else was supposed to take and because of his good deed he was killed little did anyone know there was an escape plan for that very day rj noticed a couple of inmates in a place where they weren't supposed to be he then confronted them i'm getting choked up just writing this they wrapped his head in saran wrap and beat him to death with a pipe rj was a bigger guy and the two inmates were skinny men one of the men took rj's uniform and put it on and tried to leave there was a particularly astute ceo who noticed that the individual wearing the uni was definitely not the person who should be wearing the uni and they were both apprehended i just remember leaving school that day and my mother picked me up which was weird because usually my friend's mom picked me up she was acting all weird at this time no one outside of the facility knew what was going on my mom was in touch with my father who was a lieutenant there and he was telling here everything that was happening i remember my friend's mom calling my mom when she heard that a worker had been killed and just checking in to make sure my father was okay it's a very sad story rj has a memorial outside of the penitentiary and from what i gathered from my father he was an extraordinary man if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Id: cJJdOFGNdjc
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Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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