What Aspect of the Emperor does each Primarch Represent? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal love him or hate him the emperor is a pretty complicated bloke with a variety of aspects to his being makes sense after all if you decided you wanted to solo conquer the galaxy by shoving warp gods into demigod primark bodies then manipulate the entire cult of mars by beating up a space dragon before then taking on the four gods of hell then you gotta be a somewhat interesting fella the primarks despite their many issues are also pretty interesting after all they are a genetic marvel combined with soul magic as a part of venice children each primark embodies and represents a different aspect of the emperor for some primarks this aspect is pretty obvious for others more subtle some primarks seem to contain multiple aspects of the emperor which elevates them above their brothers before we get started it's really important to me that brands that sponsor my channel are brands that i genuinely find relevant considering xebiotics today's sponsor is a pre-alcohol probiotic 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we'll go over each aspect of the emperor that is represented by each primark obviously there isn't like a [ __ ] manual or color in book that says exactly what is what but through my extensive and virgin-like knowledge of warhammer 40k law i reckon i'll be able to nail it down pretty well let's get into it [Music] our first primark and best primark in my humble expert opinion is lionel johnson the lion is considered to be one of the most emperor-like of the primarks with his primark aura being noticeably more present and powerful than his brothers for example astartes from other legions who have never felt like kneeling before their own primark get the urge to kneel before the lion as such the main aspect of the emperor within the lion is his commanding presence and unbreakable reliability the emperor saw the first legion as utterly loyal dependable and even gave them forbidden weaponry and technology that the other legions were banned from using it's likely the emperor felt a lot of kinship with the lion and knew he could be trusted a secondary aspect of the emperor within the lion would be his nobility however as the lion grew up as a techno space knight that aspect probably didn't come entirely from the emperor the second primax aspect of the emperor is his ability to play hide and seek so great is this power that even corvus struggles to compete with him maybe it's because he's dead and buried with his name struck from the annals of history rather than any particular emperor given gift fulgrim's aspect of the emperor was one of the big things that led to his downfall that aspect was his pursuit of perfection whilst the emperor also had this aspect i mean just look at the custodies god [ __ ] damn that makes me hard it was counterbalanced by these numerous other aspects fulgrim didn't have this uh diversity of character traits hence flinish was able to exploit him a secondary aspect of the emperor within fulgrim was his theatrics the armor of the emperor's children was sublime as was their martial prowess the emperor crafted the custodies to be unreplicatable works of art same goes for their weapons and armor ironically the emperor's children and the custody's aesthetic are very similar showing the aspect of the emperor within full groom perturbo did get [ __ ] on a lot but he also inherited an impressive aspect of the emperor that being the emperor's technological genius and near omnipresent craftsmanship perturbo could look at a complex machine and instantly know its purpose how it was made and how to improve it the emperor had a similar gift which is why the mechanicus was happy to accept him as their omnisia after all if the emperor wasn't the smartest scientist in the galaxy then mars wouldn't have accepted him as their god purtarabbo also received another unexpected aspect of the emperor the constant knowledge of chaos purdy could see the eye of terror no matter where he went something that obviously made him paranoid as [ __ ] the emperor also carried this burden the khan represented a number of nuanced yet important aspects of the big e first and foremost was his common sense the khan always made the most logical decisions he knew that the emperor and the imperium was kind of [ __ ] up but he saw its merits and the fact that refusal to join would be a bad idea he also saw that chaos was way more [ __ ] up than the imperium so he refused to join chaos another aspect of the emperor within khan is his unknowability the khan kept his strengths and weaknesses to himself he did not boast or advertise his legion's prowess hence nobody was able to develop strategies to deal with the white scars no one not even the emperor could predict jagday's goals targets or ambitions which is why nobody knew which side of the heresy he would join the emperor was actually pleasantly surprised that he remained loyalist whilst russ and the emperor might seem like two very different dudes there is a reason why the emperor held him in such high regard and trusted him with the most vicious gruelling tasks that's because russ inherited the emperor's ruthless fury the fury of russ was legendary allowing him to best magnus in combat despite magnus being a literal wizard and it even allowed him to beat horus in a duel despite horus getting sucked off by the ruinous powers the only thing that tempered this fury was the secondary aspect from the emperor his humanity rust was very human hanging out with these warriors as if they were brothers even before they became astartes he drank joked laughed and partied he felt despair at having to cast down magnus and he hesitated before killing horus after beating him the lesson he tried to teach angron was a direct result of his humanity it's that human aspect of the emperor within rus that makes him such an interesting primark fortunately for dorne we have some in-law quotes that establish what aspect of the emperor he represented giliman says dawn was the emperor's capacity for strategy and contingency planning more specifically his legendary building skills whilst dawn mostly used those building skills for war it was a lot more than that he had built one of the largest empires out of all the primarks before the emperor found him and he always longed for the day the crusade would end so we could build works of marvel and art for mankind conrad inherited two key aspects of the emperor the first was his foresight able to accurately see the future in great detail which is a gift that the emperor also had however the most prominent aspect was his extremely strong sense of justice conrad's sense of justice despite being ruthless and may be misguided was absolute and incorruptible he was able to turn the most crime-ridden world in the galaxy into a completely lawful and crimeless planet sure he had to skin thousands of people to do it and it all came crashing down when he left but it was a very solid effort for example suicide was illegal so when someone tried to do it he would stop them and then brutally execute them for breaking the law sanguinea shared the emperor's foresight with conrad except sanguinises didn't drive him bat [ __ ] insane see what i did there other than that sanguinis was one of those emperor-like primarks that were elevated above his brothers his martial fury was a big aspect of the emperor within him but so was his desire to save mankind and see the best in people he was universally beloved and seen as the spiritual successor to the emperor ferris represented the emperor's lack of brains about certain decisions however for ferris it was much more literal in seriousness ferris was the emperor's strength he would never back down from a fight and he believed that the strong would save humanity as such he sought to make humanity as strong and powerful as possible just like the emperor did when he created his demigod primarks and their demi-demigod legions primark 11 was a shining example of the emperor's ability to blend in with humanity undetected for 30 000 years this is shown by the fact that nobody has a clue who the [ __ ] primark 11 is it's not very clear which aspect of the emperor angron represented as the butcher's nails completely stripped away angron's personality abilities and purpose to replace it with a very very angry man with enough veins pulsating on his face to make him look like an abused [ __ ] ironically based on angron's empath abilities and honor he had before he got nails in his [ __ ] brain he likely contained the aspect of the emperor's morality empathy and honor how far angeron fell giliman is another easy one by his own admission he represents the emperor's statement ship more specifically his obscenely impressive administrative skills despite how boring that sounds it actually makes gilliam in one of if not the most effective primark in existence after all what is better for war a primark who can eat a nuke to the face and smack [ __ ] with a big ass warhammer or a primark that can simultaneously coordinate one million troops across three war zones with obscene effectiveness and efficiency there's a reason why gilman is saving mankind right now and it's not because of the big ass flaming sword he carries around mortarion represents the emperor's resilience his tenacity and overwhelming drive to overcome all obstacles this is why he was so salty when the emperor killed his adoptive father instead of letting him do it it was his ultimate obstacle that he was never able to overcome and his chance to do so was forever taken from him this resilience wasn't just the personality trait morty was tanky as [ __ ] able to shrug off wounds that would put other primax on their ass morty also shared the emperor's caution at the warp however this was mostly due to his adoptive father being an evil [ __ ] necromancer rather than an inherited aspect magnus shares the emperor's psychic prowess and fascination with the warp while this aspect would make him extremely powerful it also drove him to damnation as he didn't have the emperor's other grounding aspects to ensure he was cautious when dealing with space magic this psychic power combined with his secondary aspect of the emperor that being his hunger for knowledge drove him to unintentionally do mankind whoops horus embodies many aspects of the emperor before he decided to suck that chaotic dick and go full jihad on the imperium foremost was his charisma and diplomacy two aspects the emperor valued highly and used to unite terror and bring mars under his command ironically horus did not like war preferring to use words and diplomacy to bring worlds into compliance rather than destruction he was actually a super swell guide before the heresy which is why people were so shocked when it began imagine the nicest most reasonable and charismatic person you know one day turning around and being like hey bro you want to go finger blast and then murder that orphanage it's jarring stuff lorga's aspect of the emperor is very ironic his zeal inspiring presence and desire for truth was supposed to make him the perfect herald of the imperial truth the primark who would convert even the most hardcore choirboy fiddlers into secular atheists as things played out these emperor-given qualities would have the opposite effect his zealous passion and ability to inspire being used to create and convert religion rather than dispel it a funny note is that logo was said to look the most like the emperor out of all the primarks vulcan inherited two key aspects from his father firstly was his status as a perpetual meaning he could regenerate from nearly any wound just as the emperor could second was his kindness something the emperor loved about him he even said that vulcan was his greatest creation because he was a genuinely kind person a human amongst gods vulcan also inherited some of his father's technological genius and craftsmanship able to create weapons and devices that even perturbo would struggle with corvus korax represented his father's subtlety and stealth after all the emperor has walked hidden amongst humanity for dozens of thousands of years subtly influencing and striking out to achieve his results beyond that corvus and the emperor were pretty different with corvus hating tyrants and oppressors whilst the emperor was one himself they did hold a lot of mutual respect for each other despite this alfario so megan held two aspects of the emperor the obvious one was their talent for subterfuge misdirection and manipulation something that has made the alpha legion so powerful and effective however more so than any of his brothers alvares inherited the emperor's arrogance the arrogance that resulted in the emperor being turned into the universe's most powerful lithium battery alfarius thought he knew everything could control anyone and get away with it this is why he turned against the emperor he thought he knew the emperor's will better than the emperor did this was also why rogueldorn was able to murder the [ __ ] out of him he thought he could manipulate rogel and even beat him in a jewel it goes to show that not every aspect of the emperor was a positive one if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be really wonderful up a month give you access to a boatload of battle mace 40 million hentai hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more [ __ ] content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 352,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 7Qq33d803UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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